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File 1 of 1 : Ticket
pragma solidity 0.5.7; interface AddrMInterface { function getAddr(string calldata name_) external view returns(address); } interface ERC20 { function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function ticketGet() external ; function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); } interface mPoolInterface{ function setAmbFlag(address ply_) external; } contract Ticket{ //address manager AddrMInterface public addrM; bool public fristTime; address public owner; ERC20 tokenADC; // change rule mapping(uint8 => uint256) private changeRatio; mapping(uint8 => uint256) public RemainAmount; // changeAmount - this lava cost uint256 public totalCheckOut; // already check out ADC acount uint8 public curentLevel; // constant set uint256 constant public totalBalance = 153000000*10**18; uint256 constant public minInPay = 5*10**16;// 1 * 5% eth uint256 constant public OutPay = 1*10**17;// 1 * 10% eth address payable constant public teamAddr = address(0x1d13502CfB73FCa360d1af7703cD3F47abA809b5);// constructor(address AddrManager_) public{ owner = msg.sender; addrM = AddrMInterface(AddrManager_); tokenADC = ERC20(addrM.getAddr("ADC")); fristTime = false; curentLevel = 1; totalCheckOut = 0; RemainAmount[1] = 1000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[2] = 2000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[3] = 3000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[4] = 4000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[5] = 5000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[6] = 6000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[7] = 7000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[8] = 8000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[9] = 9000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[10] = 10000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[11] = 11000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[12] = 12000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[13] = 13000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[14] = 14000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[15] = 15000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[16] = 16000000000000000000000000; RemainAmount[17] = 17000000000000000000000000; changeRatio[1] = 7000000000000000000000; changeRatio[2] = 6000000000000000000000; changeRatio[3] = 5000000000000000000000; changeRatio[4] = 4000000000000000000000; changeRatio[5] = 3000000000000000000000; changeRatio[6] = 2000000000000000000000; changeRatio[7] = 1000000000000000000000; changeRatio[8] = 500000000000000000000; changeRatio[9] = 250000000000000000000; changeRatio[10] = 125000000000000000000; changeRatio[11] = 60000000000000000000; changeRatio[12] = 30000000000000000000; changeRatio[13] = 15000000000000000000; changeRatio[14] = 8000000000000000000; changeRatio[15] = 4000000000000000000; changeRatio[16] = 2000000000000000000; changeRatio[17] = 1000000000000000000; } function buyADC() public payable{ uint256 msgValue = msg.value; uint256 adcAmount; uint256 saleADC; if(!fristTime){ tokenADC.ticketGet(); fristTime = true; } require(msgValue >= minInPay," value to smail buyADC"); require((totalBalance-totalCheckOut) == tokenADC.balanceOf(address(this)),"balance not right"); saleADC = (msgValue* changeRatio[curentLevel])/10**18; //msgValue.div(10**18).mul(changeRatio[curentLevel]); teamAddr.transfer(msgValue); adcAmount = CrossLevel(saleADC,msgValue); tokenADC.transfer(msg.sender,adcAmount); if(msgValue >= 100*10**18){ mPoolInterface(addrM.getAddr("MAINPOOL")).setAmbFlag(msg.sender); } totalCheckOut += adcAmount; } function calDeductionADC(uint256 _value,bool isIn_) public view returns(uint256 disADC_){ uint256 ticketValue ; uint256 tempAdc; disADC_ = 0; if(isIn_){ ticketValue = _value * 5 /100; }else{ ticketValue = _value * 5 /100; } //require(_value >= 1*10**17,"_value to smail calDeductionADC"); tempAdc = (ticketValue*changeRatio[curentLevel])/10**18; disADC_ = calcDistroy(tempAdc,ticketValue); } function getTickeInfo() public view returns(uint256 curLevel_,uint256 distroyADCAmount_){ curLevel_ = curentLevel; distroyADCAmount_ = totalCheckOut; } function CrossLevel(uint256 saleADC_,uint256 buyValue_) internal returns(uint256 disAdc){ if(RemainAmount[curentLevel] > saleADC_){ RemainAmount[curentLevel] -=saleADC_; disAdc = saleADC_; return disAdc; }else{ disAdc = RemainAmount[curentLevel]; uint256 newLevelRemian; uint256 value = buyValue_; uint256 subValue; for(uint8 i=curentLevel+1; i<17; i++){ curentLevel = i; subValue = (RemainAmount[i-1]*10**18)/changeRatio[i-1]; newLevelRemian = ((value- subValue)*changeRatio[i])/10**18; if(newLevelRemian < RemainAmount[i]){ disAdc += newLevelRemian; RemainAmount[i] -= newLevelRemian; return disAdc; } disAdc += RemainAmount[i]; value -= subValue; } } } function calcDistroy(uint256 saleADC_,uint256 buyValue_) internal view returns(uint256 disAdc){ if(RemainAmount[curentLevel] > saleADC_){ disAdc = saleADC_; return disAdc; }else{ disAdc = RemainAmount[curentLevel]; uint256 newLevelRemian; uint256 value = buyValue_; uint256 subValue; for(uint8 i=curentLevel+1; i<17; i++){ subValue = (RemainAmount[i-1]*10**18)/changeRatio[i-1]; newLevelRemian = ((value- subValue)*changeRatio[i])/10**18; if(newLevelRemian < RemainAmount[i]){ disAdc += newLevelRemian; return disAdc; } disAdc += RemainAmount[i]; value -= subValue; } } } }
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