Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : StormCrowdsale
pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
contract IERC20Token {
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply);
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {}
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {}
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
contract IToken {
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply);
function mintTokens(address _to, uint256 _amount) {}
contract Owned {
address public owner;
address public newOwner;
function Owned() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner {
assert(msg.sender == owner);
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
require(_newOwner != owner);
newOwner = _newOwner;
function acceptOwnership() public {
require(msg.sender == newOwner);
OwnerUpdate(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
newOwner = 0x0;
event OwnerUpdate(address _prevOwner, address _newOwner);
contract ReentrancyHandling {
bool locked;
modifier noReentrancy() {
locked = true;
locked = false;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
contract Crowdsale is ReentrancyHandling, Owned {
using SafeMath for uint256;
struct ContributorData {
bool isWhiteListed;
bool isCommunityRoundApproved;
uint256 contributionAmount;
uint256 tokensIssued;
mapping(address => ContributorData) public contributorList;
enum state { pendingStart, communityRound, crowdsaleStarted, crowdsaleEnded }
state crowdsaleState;
uint public communityRoundStartDate;
uint public crowdsaleStartDate;
uint public crowdsaleEndDate;
event CommunityRoundStarted(uint timestamp);
event CrowdsaleStarted(uint timestamp);
event CrowdsaleEnded(uint timestamp);
IToken token = IToken(0x0);
uint ethToTokenConversion;
uint256 maxCrowdsaleCap;
uint256 maxCommunityCap;
uint256 maxCommunityWithoutBonusCap;
uint256 maxContribution;
uint256 tokenSold = 0;
uint256 communityTokenSold = 0;
uint256 communityTokenWithoutBonusSold = 0;
uint256 crowdsaleTokenSold = 0;
uint256 public ethRaisedWithoutCompany = 0;
address companyAddress; // company wallet address in cold/hardware storage
uint maxTokenSupply;
uint companyTokens;
bool treasuryLocked = false;
bool ownerHasClaimedTokens = false;
bool ownerHasClaimedCompanyTokens = false;
// validates sender is whitelisted
modifier onlyWhiteListUser {
require(contributorList[msg.sender].isWhiteListed == true);
// limit gas price to 50 Gwei (about 5-10x the normal amount)
modifier onlyLowGasPrice {
require(tx.gasprice <= 50*10**9 wei);
// Unnamed function that runs when eth is sent to the contract
function() public noReentrancy onlyWhiteListUser onlyLowGasPrice payable {
require(msg.value != 0); // Throw if value is 0
require(companyAddress != 0x0);
require(token != IToken(0x0));
checkCrowdsaleState(); // Calibrate crowdsale state
assert((crowdsaleState == state.communityRound && contributorList[msg.sender].isCommunityRoundApproved) ||
crowdsaleState == state.crowdsaleStarted);
processTransaction(msg.sender, msg.value); // Process transaction and issue tokens
checkCrowdsaleState(); // Calibrate crowdsale state
// return state of smart contract
function getState() public constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint) {
uint currentState = 0;
if (crowdsaleState == state.pendingStart) {
currentState = 1;
else if (crowdsaleState == state.communityRound) {
currentState = 2;
else if (crowdsaleState == state.crowdsaleStarted) {
currentState = 3;
else if (crowdsaleState == state.crowdsaleEnded) {
currentState = 4;
return (tokenSold, communityTokenSold, currentState);
// Check crowdsale state and calibrate it
function checkCrowdsaleState() internal {
if (now > crowdsaleEndDate || tokenSold >= maxTokenSupply) { // end crowdsale once all tokens are sold or run out of time
if (crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleEnded) {
crowdsaleState = state.crowdsaleEnded;
else if (now > crowdsaleStartDate) { // move into crowdsale round
if (crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleStarted) {
uint256 communityTokenRemaining = maxCommunityCap.sub(communityTokenSold); // apply any remaining tokens from community round to crowdsale round
maxCrowdsaleCap = maxCrowdsaleCap.add(communityTokenRemaining);
crowdsaleState = state.crowdsaleStarted; // change state
else if (now > communityRoundStartDate) {
if (communityTokenSold < maxCommunityCap) {
if (crowdsaleState != state.communityRound) {
crowdsaleState = state.communityRound;
else { // automatically start crowdsale when all community round tokens are sold out
if (crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleStarted) {
crowdsaleState = state.crowdsaleStarted;
// Issue tokens and return if there is overflow
function calculateCommunity(address _contributor, uint256 _newContribution) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 communityEthAmount = 0;
uint256 communityTokenAmount = 0;
uint previousContribution = contributorList[_contributor].contributionAmount; // retrieve previous contributions
// community round ONLY
if (crowdsaleState == state.communityRound &&
contributorList[_contributor].isCommunityRoundApproved &&
previousContribution < maxContribution) {
communityEthAmount = _newContribution;
uint256 availableEthAmount = maxContribution.sub(previousContribution);
// limit the contribution ETH amount to the maximum allowed for the community round
if (communityEthAmount > availableEthAmount) {
communityEthAmount = availableEthAmount;
// compute community tokens without bonus
communityTokenAmount = communityEthAmount.mul(ethToTokenConversion);
uint256 availableTokenAmount = maxCommunityWithoutBonusCap.sub(communityTokenWithoutBonusSold);
// verify community tokens do not go over the max cap for community round
if (communityTokenAmount > availableTokenAmount) {
// cap the tokens to the max allowed for the community round
communityTokenAmount = availableTokenAmount;
// recalculate the corresponding ETH amount
communityEthAmount = communityTokenAmount.div(ethToTokenConversion);
// track tokens sold during community round
communityTokenWithoutBonusSold = communityTokenWithoutBonusSold.add(communityTokenAmount);
// compute bonus tokens
uint256 bonusTokenAmount = communityTokenAmount.mul(15);
bonusTokenAmount = bonusTokenAmount.div(100);
// add bonus to community tokens
communityTokenAmount = communityTokenAmount.add(bonusTokenAmount);
// track tokens sold during community round
communityTokenSold = communityTokenSold.add(communityTokenAmount);
return (communityTokenAmount, communityEthAmount);
// Issue tokens and return if there is overflow
function calculateCrowdsale(uint256 _remainingContribution) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 crowdsaleEthAmount = _remainingContribution;
// compute crowdsale tokens
uint256 crowdsaleTokenAmount = crowdsaleEthAmount.mul(ethToTokenConversion);
// determine crowdsale tokens remaining
uint256 availableTokenAmount = maxCrowdsaleCap.sub(crowdsaleTokenSold);
// verify crowdsale tokens do not go over the max cap for crowdsale round
if (crowdsaleTokenAmount > availableTokenAmount) {
// cap the tokens to the max allowed for the crowdsale round
crowdsaleTokenAmount = availableTokenAmount;
// recalculate the corresponding ETH amount
crowdsaleEthAmount = crowdsaleTokenAmount.div(ethToTokenConversion);
// track tokens sold during crowdsale round
crowdsaleTokenSold = crowdsaleTokenSold.add(crowdsaleTokenAmount);
return (crowdsaleTokenAmount, crowdsaleEthAmount);
// Issue tokens and return if there is overflow
function processTransaction(address _contributor, uint256 _amount) internal {
uint256 newContribution = _amount;
var (communityTokenAmount, communityEthAmount) = calculateCommunity(_contributor, newContribution);
// compute remaining ETH amount available for purchasing crowdsale tokens
var (crowdsaleTokenAmount, crowdsaleEthAmount) = calculateCrowdsale(newContribution.sub(communityEthAmount));
// add up crowdsale + community tokens
uint256 tokenAmount = crowdsaleTokenAmount.add(communityTokenAmount);
assert(tokenAmount > 0);
// Issue new tokens
token.mintTokens(_contributor, tokenAmount);
// log token issuance
contributorList[_contributor].tokensIssued = contributorList[_contributor].tokensIssued.add(tokenAmount);
// Add contribution amount to existing contributor
newContribution = crowdsaleEthAmount.add(communityEthAmount);
contributorList[_contributor].contributionAmount = contributorList[_contributor].contributionAmount.add(newContribution);
ethRaisedWithoutCompany = ethRaisedWithoutCompany.add(newContribution); // Add contribution amount to ETH raised
tokenSold = tokenSold.add(tokenAmount); // track how many tokens are sold
// compute any refund if applicable
uint256 refundAmount = _amount.sub(newContribution);
if (refundAmount > 0) {
_contributor.transfer(refundAmount); // refund contributor amount behind the maximum ETH cap
companyAddress.transfer(newContribution); // send ETH to company
// whitelist validated participants.
function WhiteListContributors(address[] _contributorAddresses, bool[] _contributorCommunityRoundApproved) public onlyOwner {
require(_contributorAddresses.length == _contributorCommunityRoundApproved.length); // Check if input data is correct
for (uint cnt = 0; cnt < _contributorAddresses.length; cnt++) {
contributorList[_contributorAddresses[cnt]].isWhiteListed = true;
contributorList[_contributorAddresses[cnt]].isCommunityRoundApproved = _contributorCommunityRoundApproved[cnt];
// Method is needed for recovering tokens accidentally sent to token address
function salvageTokensFromContract(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner {
IERC20Token(_tokenAddress).transfer(_to, _amount);
// Owner can set multisig address for crowdsale
function setCompanyAddress(address _newAddress) public onlyOwner {
require(!treasuryLocked); // Check if owner has already claimed tokens
companyAddress = _newAddress;
treasuryLocked = true;
// Owner can set token address where mints will happen
function setToken(address _newAddress) public onlyOwner {
token = IToken(_newAddress);
function getToken() public constant returns (address) {
return address(token);
// Claims company tokens
function claimCompanyTokens() public onlyOwner {
require(!ownerHasClaimedCompanyTokens); // Check if owner has already claimed tokens
require(companyAddress != 0x0);
tokenSold = tokenSold.add(companyTokens);
token.mintTokens(companyAddress, companyTokens); // Issue company tokens
ownerHasClaimedCompanyTokens = true; // Block further mints from this method
// Claim remaining tokens when crowdsale ends
function claimRemainingTokens() public onlyOwner {
checkCrowdsaleState(); // Calibrate crowdsale state
require(crowdsaleState == state.crowdsaleEnded); // Check crowdsale has ended
require(!ownerHasClaimedTokens); // Check if owner has already claimed tokens
require(companyAddress != 0x0);
uint256 remainingTokens = maxTokenSupply.sub(token.totalSupply());
token.mintTokens(companyAddress, remainingTokens); // Issue tokens to company
ownerHasClaimedTokens = true; // Block further mints from this method
contract StormCrowdsale is Crowdsale {
string public officialWebsite;
string public officialFacebook;
string public officialTelegram;
string public officialEmail;
function StormCrowdsale() public {
officialWebsite = "";
officialFacebook = "";
officialTelegram = "";
officialEmail = "[email protected]";
communityRoundStartDate = 1510063200; // Nov 7, 2017 @ 6am PST
crowdsaleStartDate = communityRoundStartDate + 24 hours; // 24 hours later
crowdsaleEndDate = communityRoundStartDate + 30 days + 12 hours; // 30 days + 12 hours later: Dec 7th, 2017 @ 6pm PST [1512698400]
crowdsaleState = state.pendingStart;
ethToTokenConversion = 26950; // 1 ETH == 26,950 STORM tokens
maxTokenSupply = 10000000000 ether; // 10,000,000,000
companyTokens = 8124766171 ether; // allocation for company pool, private presale, user pool
// 2,325,649,071 tokens from the company pool are voluntarily locked for 2 years
maxCommunityWithoutBonusCap = 945000000 ether;
maxCommunityCap = 1086750000 ether; // 945,000,000 with 15% bonus of 141,750,000
maxCrowdsaleCap = 788483829 ether; // tokens allocated to crowdsale
maxContribution = 100 ether; // maximum contribution during community round