Contract Source Code:
// contracts/CustoMoose.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./IToken.sol";
import "./Library.sol";
import "./TraitLibrary.sol";
import "./BytesLib.sol";
contract Customoose is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable {
using BytesLib for bytes;
using SafeMath for uint256;
using Library for uint8;
mapping(uint256 => string) internal tokenIdToConfig;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal tokenIdToStoredTrax;
uint256 MAX_SUPPLY = 10000;
uint256 MINTS_PER_TIER = 1000;
uint256 MINT_START = 1639418400;
uint256 MINT_START_ETH = MINT_START.add(86400);
uint256 MINT_DELAY = 43200;
uint256 START_PRICE = 70000000000000000;
uint256 MIN_PRICE = 20000000000000000;
uint256 PRICE_DIFF = 5000000000000000;
uint256 START_PRICE_TRAX = 10000000000000000000;
uint256 PRICE_DIFF_TRAX = 10000000000000000000;
address public mooseAddress;
address public traxAddress;
address public libraryAddress;
address _owner;
constructor(address _mooseAddress, address _traxAddress, address _libraryAddress) ERC721("Frame", "FRAME") {
_owner = msg.sender;
// test mint
__ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _| |_(_)_ _ __ _ | __| _ _ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _ ___
| |\/| | | ' \ _| | ' \/ _` | | _| || | ' \/ _| _| / _ \ ' \(_-<
|_| |_|_|_||_\__|_|_||_\__, | |_| \_,_|_||_\__|\__|_\___/_||_/__/
* @dev Generates an 8 digit config
function config() internal pure returns (string memory) {
// This will generate an 9 character string.
// All of them will start as 0
string memory currentConfig = "000000000";
return currentConfig;
* @dev Mint internal, this is to avoid code duplication.
function mintInternal() internal returns (uint256 tokenId) {
uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply();
require(_totalSupply < MAX_SUPPLY);
uint256 thisTokenId = _totalSupply;
tokenIdToConfig[thisTokenId] = config();
tokenIdToStoredTrax[thisTokenId] = 0;
_mint(msg.sender, thisTokenId);
return thisTokenId;
* @dev Mints new frame using TRAX
function mintFrameWithTrax(uint8 _times) public {
require(block.timestamp >= MINT_START, "Minting has not started");
uint256 allowance = IToken(traxAddress).allowance(msg.sender, address(this));
require(allowance >= _times * getMintPriceTrax(), "Check the token allowance");
IToken(traxAddress).burnFrom(msg.sender, _times * getMintPriceTrax());
for(uint256 i=0; i< _times; i++){
* @dev Mints new frame using ETH
function mintFrameWithEth(uint8 _times) public payable {
require(block.timestamp >= MINT_START_ETH, "Minting for ETH has not started");
require((_times > 0 && _times <= 20));
require(msg.value >= _times * getMintPriceEth());
for(uint256 i=0; i< _times; i++){
* @dev Mints new frame with customizations using ETH
function mintCustomooseWithEth(string memory tokenConfig) public payable {
require(block.timestamp >= MINT_START_ETH, "Minting for ETH has not started");
require(msg.value >= getMintPriceEth(), "Not enough ETH");
uint256 tokenId = mintInternal();
setTokenConfig(tokenId, tokenConfig);
* @dev Mints new frame with customizations using TRAX
function mintCustomooseWithTrax(string memory tokenConfig) public payable {
require(block.timestamp >= MINT_START, "Minting has not started");
uint256 allowance = IToken(traxAddress).allowance(msg.sender, address(this));
require(allowance >= getMintPriceTrax(), "Check the token allowance");
IToken(traxAddress).burnFrom(msg.sender, getMintPriceTrax());
uint256 tokenId = mintInternal();
setTokenConfig(tokenId, tokenConfig);
* @dev Burns a frame and returns TRAX
function burnFrameForTrax(uint256 _tokenId) public {
require(ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
//Burn token
//Return the TRAX
* @dev Sets a trait for a token
function setTokenTrait(uint256 _tokenId, uint8 _traitIndex, uint8 _traitValue) public onlyOwner {
string memory tokenConfig = tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId];
string memory newTokenConfig = Library.stringReplace(tokenConfig, _traitIndex, Library.toString(_traitValue));
tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId] = newTokenConfig;
* @dev Sets the config for a token
function setTokenConfig(uint256 _tokenId, string memory _newConfig) public {
require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId])) !=
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_newConfig)), "Config must be different");
uint256 allowance = IToken(traxAddress).allowance(msg.sender, address(this));
(uint256 price, uint256 valueDiff, bool valueIncreased) = getCustomizationPrice(_tokenId, _newConfig);
uint256 balance = IToken(traxAddress).balanceOf(msg.sender);
require(allowance >= price, "Check the token allowance");
require(balance >= price, "You need more TRAX");
if(valueDiff >= 0 && valueIncreased) {
IToken(traxAddress).burnFrom(msg.sender, price.sub(valueDiff));
tokenIdToStoredTrax[_tokenId] += valueDiff;
} else if(valueDiff >= 0 && !valueIncreased) {
tokenIdToStoredTrax[_tokenId] -= valueDiff;
tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId] = _newConfig;
* @dev Takes an array of trait changes and gets the new config
function getNewTokenConfig(uint256 _tokenId, uint8[2][] calldata _newTraits)
returns (string memory)
string memory tokenConfig = tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId];
string memory newTokenConfig = tokenConfig;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < _newTraits.length; i++) {
string memory newTraitValue = Library.toString(_newTraits[i][1]);
newTokenConfig = Library.stringReplace(newTokenConfig, _newTraits[i][0], newTraitValue);
return (newTokenConfig);
* @dev Gets the price of a newly minted frame
function getMintCustomizationPrice(string memory _newConfig)
returns (uint256 price)
price = 0;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint8 traitValue = convertInt(bytes(_newConfig).slice(i, 1).toUint8(0));
uint256 traitPrice = TraitLibrary(libraryAddress).getPrice(i, traitValue);
price = price.add(traitPrice);
price = price.mul(10**16);
return price;
* @dev Gets the price given a tokenId and new config
function getCustomizationPrice(uint256 _tokenId, string memory _newConfig)
returns (uint256 price, uint256 valueDiff, bool increased)
string memory tokenConfig = tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId];
uint256 currentValue = tokenIdToStoredTrax[_tokenId];
price = 0;
uint256 futureValue = 0;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint8 traitValue = convertInt(bytes(_newConfig).slice(i, 1).toUint8(0));
uint256 traitPrice = TraitLibrary(libraryAddress).getPrice(i, traitValue);
bool isChanged = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes(tokenConfig).slice(i, 1))) !=
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes(_newConfig).slice(i, 1)));
futureValue = futureValue.add(traitPrice);
if(isChanged) {
price = price.add(traitPrice);
price = price.mul(10**16);
futureValue = futureValue.mul(10**16).div(100).mul(80);
if(futureValue == currentValue) {
valueDiff = 0;
increased = true;
} else if(futureValue > currentValue) {
valueDiff = futureValue.sub(currentValue);
increased = true;
} else {
valueDiff = currentValue.sub(futureValue);
increased = false;
return (price, valueDiff, increased);
* @dev Gets the price of a specified trait
function getTraitPrice(uint256 typeIndex, uint256 nameIndex)
returns (uint256 traitPrice)
traitPrice = TraitLibrary(libraryAddress).getPrice(typeIndex, nameIndex);
return traitPrice;
* @dev Gets the current mint price in ETH for a new frame
function getMintPriceEth()
returns (uint256 price)
if(block.timestamp < MINT_START_ETH) {
uint256 _mintTiersComplete = block.timestamp.sub(MINT_START_ETH).div(MINT_DELAY);
if(PRICE_DIFF.mul(_mintTiersComplete) >= START_PRICE.sub(MIN_PRICE)) {
return MIN_PRICE;
} else {
return START_PRICE - (PRICE_DIFF * _mintTiersComplete);
* @dev Gets the current mint price in TRAX for a new frame
function getMintPriceTrax()
returns (uint256 price)
uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply();
if(_totalSupply == 0) return START_PRICE_TRAX;
uint256 _mintTiersComplete = _totalSupply.div(MINTS_PER_TIER);
price = START_PRICE_TRAX.add(_mintTiersComplete.mul(PRICE_DIFF_TRAX));
return price;
____ ___ ____ ___ _____ __ __ ____ __ ______ ____ ___ ____ _____
| \ / _] / || \ | || | || \ / ] || |/ \ | \ / ___/
| D ) / [_ | o || \ | __|| | || _ | / /| | | || || _ ( \_
| / | _]| || D | | |_ | | || | |/ / |_| |_| | || O || | |\__ |
| \ | [_ | _ || | | _] | : || | / \_ | | | || || | |/ \ |
| . \| || | || | | | | || | \ | | | | || || | |\ |
|__|\_||_____||__|__||_____| |__| \__,_||__|__|\____| |__| |____|\___/ |__|__| \___|
* @dev Convert a raw assembly int value to a pixel location
function convertInt(uint8 _inputInt)
returns (uint8)
if (
(_inputInt >= 48) &&
(_inputInt <= 57)
) {
_inputInt -= 48;
return _inputInt;
} else {
_inputInt -= 87;
return _inputInt;
* @dev Config to SVG function
function configToSVG(string memory _config)
returns (string memory)
string memory svgString;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint8 thisTraitIndex = convertInt(bytes(_config).slice(i, 1).toUint8(0));
bytes memory traitRects = TraitLibrary(libraryAddress).getRects(i, thisTraitIndex);
if(bytes(traitRects).length == 0) continue;
bool isRow = traitRects.slice(0, 1).equal(bytes("r"));
uint16 j = 1;
string memory thisColor = "";
bool newColor = true;
while(j < bytes(traitRects).length)
if(newColor) {
// get the color
thisColor = string(traitRects.slice(j, 3));
j += 3;
newColor = false;
} else {
// if pipe, new color
if (
traitRects.slice(j, 1).equal(bytes("|"))
) {
newColor = true;
j += 1;
} else {
// else add rects
bytes memory thisRect = traitRects.slice(j, 3);
uint8 x = convertInt(thisRect.slice(0, 1).toUint8(0));
uint8 y = convertInt(thisRect.slice(1, 1).toUint8(0));
uint8 length = convertInt(thisRect.slice(2, 1).toUint8(0)) + 1;
if(isRow) {
svgString = string(
"<rect class='c",
"' x='",
"' y='",
"' width='",
"px' height='1px'",
j += 3;
} else {
svgString = string(
"<rect class='c",
"' x='",
"' y='",
"' height='",
"px' width='1px'",
j += 3;
svgString = string(
'<svg id="moose-svg" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 32 32">',
"<style>{width:32px;height:32px;} #moose-svg{shape-rendering: crispedges;}",
return svgString;
* @dev Config to metadata function
function configToMetadata(string memory _config)
returns (string memory)
string memory metadataString;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint8 thisTraitIndex = convertInt(bytes(_config).slice(i, 1).toUint8(0));
(string memory traitName, string memory traitType) = TraitLibrary(libraryAddress).getTraitInfo(i, thisTraitIndex);
metadataString = string(
if (i != 8)
metadataString = string(abi.encodePacked(metadataString, ","));
return string(abi.encodePacked("[", metadataString, "]"));
* @dev Returns the SVG and metadata for a token Id
* @param _tokenId The tokenId to return the SVG and metadata for.
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (string memory)
string memory tokenConfig = _tokenIdToConfig(_tokenId);
'{"name": "FRAME Edition 0, Token #',
'", "description": "FRAME tokens are fully customizable on-chain pixel art. Edition 0 is a collection of 32x32 Moose avatars.", "image": "data:image/svg+xml;base64,',
* @dev Returns a config for a given tokenId
* @param _tokenId The tokenId to return the config for.
function _tokenIdToConfig(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (string memory)
string memory tokenConfig = tokenIdToConfig[_tokenId];
return tokenConfig;
* @dev Returns the current amount of TRAX stored for a given tokenId
* @param _tokenId The tokenId to look up.
function _tokenIdToStoredTrax(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (uint256)
uint256 storedTrax = tokenIdToStoredTrax[_tokenId];
return storedTrax;
* @dev Returns the wallet of a given wallet. Mainly for ease for frontend devs.
* @param _wallet The wallet to get the tokens of.
function walletOfOwner(address _wallet)
returns (uint256[] memory)
uint256 tokenCount = balanceOf(_wallet);
uint256[] memory tokensId = new uint256[](tokenCount);
for (uint256 i; i < tokenCount; i++) {
tokensId[i] = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_wallet, i);
return tokensId;
___ __ __ ____ ___ ____ _____ __ __ ____ __ ______ ____ ___ ____ _____
/ \ | |__| || \ / _]| \ | || | || \ / ] || |/ \ | \ / ___/
| || | | || _ | / [_ | D ) | __|| | || _ | / /| | | || || _ ( \_
| O || | | || | || _]| / | |_ | | || | |/ / |_| |_| | || O || | |\__ |
| || ` ' || | || [_ | \ | _] | : || | / \_ | | | || || | |/ \ |
| | \ / | | || || . \ | | | || | \ | | | | || || | |\ |
\___/ \_/\_/ |__|__||_____||__|\_| |__| \__,_||__|__|\____| |__| |____|\___/ |__|__| \___|
* @dev Sets the ERC721 token address
* @param _mooseAddress The NFT address
function setMooseAddress(address _mooseAddress) public onlyOwner {
mooseAddress = _mooseAddress;
* @dev Sets the ERC20 token address
* @param _traxAddress The token address
function setTraxAddress(address _traxAddress) public onlyOwner {
traxAddress = _traxAddress;
* @dev Sets the trait library address
* @param _libraryAddress The token address
function setLibraryAddress(address _libraryAddress) public onlyOwner {
libraryAddress = _libraryAddress;
* @dev Withdraw ETH to owner
function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./Library.sol";
contract TraitLibrary is Ownable {
using Library for uint16;
struct Trait {
string traitName;
string traitType;
string rects;
uint32 price;
address _owner;
//uint arrays
uint32[][9] PRICES;
//byte arrays
bytes[9] TYPES;
bytes[][9] NAMES;
bytes[][9] RECTS;
bytes COLORS;
constructor() {
_owner = msg.sender;
// Declare initial values
PRICES[0] = [0];
PRICES[1] = [0];
PRICES[2] = [0];
PRICES[3] = [0];
PRICES[4] = [0];
PRICES[5] = [0];
PRICES[6] = [0];
PRICES[7] = [0];
PRICES[8] = [0];
NAMES[0] = [
NAMES[1] = [
NAMES[2] = [
NAMES[3] = [
NAMES[4] = [
NAMES[5] = [
NAMES[6] = [
NAMES[7] = [
NAMES[8] = [
RECTS[0] = [
RECTS[1] = [
RECTS[2] = [
RECTS[3] = [
RECTS[4] = [
RECTS[5] = [
RECTS[6] = [
RECTS[7] = [
RECTS[8] = [
* @dev Gets the rects a trait from storage
* @param traitIndex The trait type index
* @param traitValue The location within the array
function getRects(uint256 traitIndex, uint256 traitValue)
returns (bytes memory rects)
// return string(abi.encodePacked(RECTS[traitIndex][traitValue]));
return RECTS[traitIndex][traitValue];
* @dev Gets a trait from storage
* @param traitIndex The trait type index
* @param traitValue The location within the array
function getTraitInfo(uint256 traitIndex, uint256 traitValue)
returns (string memory traitName, string memory traitType)
return (
* @dev Gets the price of a trait from storage
* @param traitIndex The trait type index
* @param traitValue The location within the array
function getPrice(uint256 traitIndex, uint256 traitValue)
returns (uint32 price)
return PRICES[traitIndex][traitValue];
* @dev Adds entries to trait metadata
* @param _traitTypeIndex The trait type index
* @param traits Array of traits to add
function addTraits(uint256 _traitTypeIndex, Trait[] memory traits)
for (uint256 i = 0; i < traits.length; i++) {
* @dev Clear entries to trait metadata
* @param _traitTypeIndex The trait type index
function clearTrait(uint256 _traitTypeIndex)
PRICES[_traitTypeIndex] = [0];
NAMES[_traitTypeIndex] = [bytes("")];
RECTS[_traitTypeIndex] = [bytes("")];
* @dev Gets the color string
function getColors()
returns (string memory colors)
return ".c000{fill:#000000}.c001{fill:#000008}.c002{fill:#00000a}.c003{fill:#00000b}.c004{fill:#000101}.c005{fill:#000202}.c006{fill:#001efd}.c007{fill:#001eff}.c008{fill:#002259}.c009{fill:#005189}.c010{fill:#006bff}.c011{fill:#008544}.c012{fill:#00881d}.c013{fill:#00aa0c}.c014{fill:#00b09e}.c015{fill:#00b4ff}.c016{fill:#00c7f1}.c017{fill:#00eaff}.c018{fill:#010000}.c019{fill:#010001}.c020{fill:#010101}.c021{fill:#017db1}.c022{fill:#020100}.c023{fill:#020202}.c024{fill:#022d00}.c025{fill:#024d01}.c026{fill:#02b4da}.c027{fill:#030202}.c028{fill:#030303}.c029{fill:#035223}.c030{fill:#040303}.c031{fill:#040309}.c032{fill:#0456c7}.c033{fill:#050505}.c034{fill:#051429}.c035{fill:#051c3e}.c036{fill:#060405}.c037{fill:#060605}.c038{fill:#070404}.c039{fill:#070707}.c040{fill:#080500}.c041{fill:#080604}.c042{fill:#080808}.c043{fill:#0879df}.c044{fill:#0904eb}.c045{fill:#090500}.c046{fill:#09897b}.c047{fill:#09f200}.c048{fill:#0a0a0a}.c049{fill:#0a0e13}.c050{fill:#0ad200}.c051{fill:#0b0907}.c052{fill:#0b0a09}.c053{fill:#0b0b0b}.c054{fill:#0b7b08}.c055{fill:#0b87f7}.c056{fill:#0b8f08}.c057{fill:#0d031e}.c058{fill:#0d0c0d}.c059{fill:#0d0d0d}.c060{fill:#0e0603}.c061{fill:#0e09c5}.c062{fill:#0e0d0d}.c063{fill:#0e0e0e}.c064{fill:#0f0602}.c065{fill:#0f095e}.c066{fill:#0f09f9}.c067{fill:#100603}.c068{fill:#101010}.c069{fill:#104b01}.c070{fill:#106ae7}.c071{fill:#107a46}.c072{fill:#1098b8}.c073{fill:#110502}.c074{fill:#110968}.c075{fill:#121111}.c076{fill:#131313}.c077{fill:#141414}.c078{fill:#141515}.c079{fill:#146b00}.c080{fill:#150f2d}.c081{fill:#156103}.c082{fill:#161616}.c083{fill:#17f4dd}.c084{fill:#18120a}.c085{fill:#182257}.c086{fill:#18371e}.c087{fill:#1a0db0}.c088{fill:#1a0eac}.c089{fill:#1c31c9}.c090{fill:#1d0ed1}.c091{fill:#1e1300}.c092{fill:#1e1b1c}.c093{fill:#1e1d1c}.c094{fill:#1f170d}.c095{fill:#2110ec}.c096{fill:#212121}.c097{fill:#215a36}.c098{fill:#231e1e}.c099{fill:#232222}.c100{fill:#252627}.c101{fill:#25b5f8}.c102{fill:#262929}.c103{fill:#272321}.c104{fill:#27ec0d}.c105{fill:#281900}.c106{fill:#29050a}.c107{fill:#299b01}.c108{fill:#2b3635}.c109{fill:#2c2729}.c110{fill:#2c27f3}.c111{fill:#2c2a28}.c112{fill:#2d130c}.c113{fill:#2e2113}.c114{fill:#2e260d}.c115{fill:#2e47ff}.c116{fill:#2e6a4b}.c117{fill:#2e9e40}.c118{fill:#2f0041}.c119{fill:#313021}.c120{fill:#323333}.c121{fill:#332eec}.c122{fill:#333a02}.c123{fill:#349d92}.c124{fill:#353537}.c125{fill:#364643}.c126{fill:#372014}.c127{fill:#372501}.c128{fill:#3a4703}.c129{fill:#3c2402}.c130{fill:#3d1005}.c131{fill:#3d301d}.c132{fill:#3d320e}.c133{fill:#3e383a}.c134{fill:#3e3e3e}.c135{fill:#3f3fed}.c136{fill:#3f4c03}.c137{fill:#410000}.c138{fill:#412ce5}.c139{fill:#422de5}.c140{fill:#424244}.c141{fill:#425c5a}.c142{fill:#435303}.c143{fill:#436060}.c144{fill:#448f61}.c145{fill:#44d0e6}.c146{fill:#451a08}.c147{fill:#464b64}.c148{fill:#473f42}.c149{fill:#47ffee}.c150{fill:#482e20}.c151{fill:#484a4a}.c152{fill:#494334}.c153{fill:#4a443f}.c154{fill:#4a4aff}.c155{fill:#4b1e0b}.c156{fill:#4b4545}.c157{fill:#4b4643}.c158{fill:#4b4a05}.c159{fill:#4c4c4c}.c160{fill:#4c8020}.c161{fill:#4d3b4d}.c162{fill:#4d4c48}.c163{fill:#4d5466}.c164{fill:#4f3533}.c165{fill:#4f4f51}.c166{fill:#4f5049}.c167{fill:#503820}.c168{fill:#504c47}.c169{fill:#513222}.c170{fill:#516d63}.c171{fill:#518d3c}.c172{fill:#520169}.c173{fill:#534016}.c174{fill:#535254}.c175{fill:#535556}.c176{fill:#535e9c}.c177{fill:#54ccff}.c178{fill:#554c4f}.c179{fill:#55aa48}.c180{fill:#564c4e}.c181{fill:#580002}.c182{fill:#582f19}.c183{fill:#585341}.c184{fill:#585858}.c185{fill:#595a5a}.c186{fill:#5a3200}.c187{fill:#5a5a5b}.c188{fill:#5a5a5c}.c189{fill:#5a9346}.c190{fill:#5c311a}.c191{fill:#5c5115}.c192{fill:#5c5a5b}.c193{fill:#5c8e8c}.c194{fill:#5d1d0c}.c195{fill:#5e341f}.c196{fill:#5e3700}.c197{fill:#5e5e5e}.c198{fill:#5fa551}.c199{fill:#604b31}.c200{fill:#614327}.c201{fill:#615c3c}.c202{fill:#624c3f}.c203{fill:#625e40}.c204{fill:#626262}.c205{fill:#632b1c}.c206{fill:#63564a}.c207{fill:#63605c}.c208{fill:#654f21}.c209{fill:#6574a4}.c210{fill:#6593eb}.c211{fill:#676767}.c212{fill:#684a11}.c213{fill:#686868}.c214{fill:#69ac0f}.c215{fill:#69bf9c}.c216{fill:#6a0500}.c217{fill:#6b3d02}.c218{fill:#6ba6db}.c219{fill:#6c0104}.c220{fill:#6d6949}.c221{fill:#6da25a}.c222{fill:#6e3421}.c223{fill:#6e6d6d}.c224{fill:#6f0809}.c225{fill:#700b00}.c226{fill:#707070}.c227{fill:#70c4ce}.c228{fill:#716e70}.c229{fill:#725e15}.c230{fill:#727877}.c231{fill:#72daff}.c232{fill:#737373}.c233{fill:#73b95a}.c234{fill:#73cd46}.c235{fill:#74bf2d}.c236{fill:#757575}.c237{fill:#75daf2}.c238{fill:#774000}.c239{fill:#775e07}.c240{fill:#776d6d}.c241{fill:#787e91}.c242{fill:#7b6c48}.c243{fill:#7d0600}.c244{fill:#7e0310}.c245{fill:#7e4002}.c246{fill:#7f4121}.c247{fill:#7f5203}.c248{fill:#807f7f}.c249{fill:#816f6f}.c250{fill:#824903}.c251{fill:#82682f}.c252{fill:#830316}.c253{fill:#83eceb}.c254{fill:#840915}.c255{fill:#848484}.c256{fill:#848999}.c257{fill:#850500}.c258{fill:#850915}.c259{fill:#858585}.c260{fill:#85db67}.c261{fill:#868787}.c262{fill:#87b037}.c263{fill:#880198}.c264{fill:#8ae586}.c265{fill:#8b4b00}.c266{fill:#8c170c}.c267{fill:#8c898b}.c268{fill:#8cbb2f}.c269{fill:#8d0015}.c270{fill:#8e23f2}.c271{fill:#8e5345}.c272{fill:#8e5900}.c273{fill:#8e5c00}.c274{fill:#8e7a16}.c275{fill:#8f6948}.c276{fill:#915e3c}.c277{fill:#916302}.c278{fill:#919191}.c279{fill:#920505}.c280{fill:#929192}.c281{fill:#930900}.c282{fill:#94910c}.c283{fill:#952318}.c284{fill:#95d8f5}.c285{fill:#96a3b1}.c286{fill:#974c0e}.c287{fill:#977730}.c288{fill:#989898}.c289{fill:#99ceec}.c290{fill:#9b0413}.c291{fill:#9b0993}.c292{fill:#9b3e00}.c293{fill:#9b8301}.c294{fill:#9c5582}.c295{fill:#9c8a22}.c296{fill:#9d7b10}.c297{fill:#9d8664}.c298{fill:#9eaecd}.c299{fill:#9ecfbe}.c300{fill:#9f0206}.c301{fill:#9f4c85}.c302{fill:#9fdcf7}.c303{fill:#a0a0a2}.c304{fill:#a0e066}.c305{fill:#a163a0}.c306{fill:#a17a01}.c307{fill:#a25201}.c308{fill:#a26adc}.c309{fill:#a27f08}.c310{fill:#a29da0}.c311{fill:#a37909}.c312{fill:#a3a3a3}.c313{fill:#a50001}.c314{fill:#a50311}.c315{fill:#a50f10}.c316{fill:#a642b6}.c317{fill:#a67b0d}.c318{fill:#a6d5c5}.c319{fill:#a7a3a6}.c320{fill:#a8895d}.c321{fill:#a8b1a8}.c322{fill:#aa7d54}.c323{fill:#abaaa6}.c324{fill:#ae8f6b}.c325{fill:#af0101}.c326{fill:#af5803}.c327{fill:#af8719}.c328{fill:#afe3fa}.c329{fill:#b00101}.c330{fill:#b0acac}.c331{fill:#b0acaf}.c332{fill:#b1b1b1}.c333{fill:#b20000}.c334{fill:#b2272b}.c335{fill:#b3362a}.c336{fill:#b40909}.c337{fill:#b4b0aa}.c338{fill:#b51f17}.c339{fill:#b58f6d}.c340{fill:#b69012}.c341{fill:#b6b6b7}.c342{fill:#b6eaff}.c343{fill:#b709be}.c344{fill:#b7875c}.c345{fill:#b7905a}.c346{fill:#b8b9b9}.c347{fill:#b9263d}.c348{fill:#ba0010}.c349{fill:#ba9a04}.c350{fill:#bc1622}.c351{fill:#bc2e2e}.c352{fill:#bea101}.c353{fill:#c06c00}.c354{fill:#c0834d}.c355{fill:#c1bcbc}.c356{fill:#c20417}.c357{fill:#c29f01}.c358{fill:#c32a1c}.c359{fill:#c3762a}.c360{fill:#c3a812}.c361{fill:#c4b299}.c362{fill:#c504a9}.c363{fill:#c5c8c9}.c364{fill:#c80409}.c365{fill:#c900cb}.c366{fill:#cad0c9}.c367{fill:#cc3443}.c368{fill:#cccccc}.c369{fill:#ccced1}.c370{fill:#cd7079}.c371{fill:#cda601}.c372{fill:#cda65d}.c373{fill:#cdc3c3}.c374{fill:#cdcfd2}.c375{fill:#cdd0d2}.c376{fill:#cebd22}.c377{fill:#cfcfcf}.c378{fill:#cfd0d0}.c379{fill:#d08507}.c380{fill:#d095f5}.c381{fill:#d15b2b}.c382{fill:#d20000}.c383{fill:#d22121}.c384{fill:#d27935}.c385{fill:#d27dd4}.c386{fill:#d2b52a}.c387{fill:#d31017}.c388{fill:#d4a0f7}.c389{fill:#d4cd16}.c390{fill:#d59702}.c391{fill:#d5d5d5}.c392{fill:#d5ff84}.c393{fill:#d6b19f}.c394{fill:#d6d6d6}.c395{fill:#d70101}.c396{fill:#d7b2a0}.c397{fill:#d7b943}.c398{fill:#d8d85c}.c399{fill:#d8d8d8}.c400{fill:#d9b3fa}.c401{fill:#d9c6ab}.c402{fill:#db0d0d}.c403{fill:#db5c0f}.c404{fill:#dbb348}.c405{fill:#dbecf2}.c406{fill:#dd2a2a}.c407{fill:#dd3ea3}.c408{fill:#dd4638}.c409{fill:#dedede}.c410{fill:#dfba39}.c411{fill:#e08811}.c412{fill:#e1ebff}.c413{fill:#e25245}.c414{fill:#e26012}.c415{fill:#e27a04}.c416{fill:#e3c0b4}.c417{fill:#e3e3e3}.c418{fill:#e3edff}.c419{fill:#e3f1ff}.c420{fill:#e45526}.c421{fill:#e4c6bc}.c422{fill:#e4d954}.c423{fill:#e4effe}.c424{fill:#e504e7}.c425{fill:#e5b53b}.c426{fill:#e5c688}.c427{fill:#e5e5e5}.c428{fill:#e60e0e}.c429{fill:#e6de04}.c430{fill:#e812f5}.c431{fill:#e870d2}.c432{fill:#e92828}.c433{fill:#e936a8}.c434{fill:#e9392d}.c435{fill:#e9fadf}.c436{fill:#ea8700}.c437{fill:#eb362d}.c438{fill:#eba3ba}.c439{fill:#ebacc0}.c440{fill:#ebf4f7}.c441{fill:#ec2eab}.c442{fill:#ece401}.c443{fill:#ed6dd1}.c444{fill:#edd2b7}.c445{fill:#ee5c07}.c446{fill:#eec06e}.c447{fill:#eeca00}.c448{fill:#eeeeee}.c449{fill:#ef402c}.c450{fill:#efcb00}.c451{fill:#efeb89}.c452{fill:#efeded}.c453{fill:#f08306}.c454{fill:#f0d74d}.c455{fill:#f0e110}.c456{fill:#f19949}.c457{fill:#f1f1f1}.c458{fill:#f23289}.c459{fill:#f2584a}.c460{fill:#f2f0f0}.c461{fill:#f327ae}.c462{fill:#f33a84}.c463{fill:#f34080}.c464{fill:#f3c87b}.c465{fill:#f3f0f0}.c466{fill:#f4ab3a}.c467{fill:#f4f0f0}.c468{fill:#f4f1f1}.c469{fill:#f5596e}.c470{fill:#f5735d}.c471{fill:#f57859}.c472{fill:#f6f2f2}.c473{fill:#f7d81e}.c474{fill:#f7f4f4}.c475{fill:#f7f6f6}.c476{fill:#f8f6f6}.c477{fill:#f8f8f8}.c478{fill:#f90808}.c479{fill:#f9ce6b}.c480{fill:#f9dc3b}.c481{fill:#f9e784}.c482{fill:#f9ec76}.c483{fill:#fa1a02}.c484{fill:#faf569}.c485{fill:#faf6f6}.c486{fill:#fbdd4b}.c487{fill:#fbf6f6}.c488{fill:#fc0000}.c489{fill:#fc00ff}.c490{fill:#fcf301}.c491{fill:#fdde60}.c492{fill:#fde80c}.c493{fill:#fde85e}.c494{fill:#febc0e}.c495{fill:#fec02a}.c496{fill:#fec901}.c497{fill:#fee85d}.c498{fill:#feed84}.c499{fill:#fef601}.c500{fill:#ff0000}.c501{fill:#ff002a}.c502{fill:#ff00f6}.c503{fill:#ff2626}.c504{fill:#ff2a2f}.c505{fill:#ff7200}.c506{fill:#ff9000}.c507{fill:#ffb400}.c508{fill:#ffd627}.c509{fill:#ffd800}.c510{fill:#ffe646}.c511{fill:#fff201}.c512{fill:#fff383}.c513{fill:#fff600}.c514{fill:#ffffff}";
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
library Library {
string internal constant TABLE =
function encode(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (data.length == 0) return "";
// load the table into memory
string memory table = TABLE;
// multiply by 4/3 rounded up
uint256 encodedLen = 4 * ((data.length + 2) / 3);
// add some extra buffer at the end required for the writing
string memory result = new string(encodedLen + 32);
assembly {
// set the actual output length
mstore(result, encodedLen)
// prepare the lookup table
let tablePtr := add(table, 1)
// input ptr
let dataPtr := data
let endPtr := add(dataPtr, mload(data))
// result ptr, jump over length
let resultPtr := add(result, 32)
// run over the input, 3 bytes at a time
for {
} lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {
} {
dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 3)
// read 3 bytes
let input := mload(dataPtr)
// write 4 characters
shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(6, input), 0x3F))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(input, 0x3F))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
// padding with '='
switch mod(mload(data), 3)
case 1 {
mstore(sub(resultPtr, 2), shl(240, 0x3d3d))
case 2 {
mstore(sub(resultPtr, 1), shl(248, 0x3d))
return result;
* @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.
function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (value == 0) {
return "0";
uint256 temp = value;
uint256 digits;
while (temp != 0) {
temp /= 10;
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);
while (value != 0) {
digits -= 1;
buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
value /= 10;
return string(buffer);
function parseInt(string memory _a)
returns (uint8 _parsedInt)
bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a);
uint8 mint = 0;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < bresult.length; i++) {
if (
(uint8(uint8(bresult[i])) >= 48) &&
(uint8(uint8(bresult[i])) <= 57)
) {
mint *= 10;
mint += uint8(bresult[i]) - 48;
return mint;
function substring(
string memory str,
uint256 startIndex,
uint256 endIndex
) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory strBytes = bytes(str);
bytes memory result = new bytes(endIndex - startIndex);
for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
result[i - startIndex] = strBytes[i];
return string(result);
function stringReplace(string memory _string, uint256 _pos, string memory _letter) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory _stringBytes = bytes(_string);
bytes memory result = new bytes(_stringBytes.length);
for(uint i = 0; i < _stringBytes.length; i++) {
result[i] = _stringBytes[i];
return string(result);
function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
// This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
// construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
// constructor execution.
uint256 size;
assembly {
size := extcodesize(account)
return size > 0;
// contracts/IToken.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
interface IToken is IERC20 {
function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
* @title Solidity Bytes Arrays Utils
* @author Gonçalo Sá <[email protected]>
* @dev Bytes tightly packed arrays utility library for ethereum contracts written in Solidity.
* The library lets you concatenate, slice and type cast bytes arrays both in memory and storage.
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;
library BytesLib {
function concat(
bytes memory _preBytes,
bytes memory _postBytes
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory tempBytes;
assembly {
// Get a location of some free memory and store it in tempBytes as
// Solidity does for memory variables.
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
// Store the length of the first bytes array at the beginning of
// the memory for tempBytes.
let length := mload(_preBytes)
mstore(tempBytes, length)
// Maintain a memory counter for the current write location in the
// temp bytes array by adding the 32 bytes for the array length to
// the starting location.
let mc := add(tempBytes, 0x20)
// Stop copying when the memory counter reaches the length of the
// first bytes array.
let end := add(mc, length)
for {
// Initialize a copy counter to the start of the _preBytes data,
// 32 bytes into its memory.
let cc := add(_preBytes, 0x20)
} lt(mc, end) {
// Increase both counters by 32 bytes each iteration.
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
// Write the _preBytes data into the tempBytes memory 32 bytes
// at a time.
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
// Add the length of _postBytes to the current length of tempBytes
// and store it as the new length in the first 32 bytes of the
// tempBytes memory.
length := mload(_postBytes)
mstore(tempBytes, add(length, mload(tempBytes)))
// Move the memory counter back from a multiple of 0x20 to the
// actual end of the _preBytes data.
mc := end
// Stop copying when the memory counter reaches the new combined
// length of the arrays.
end := add(mc, length)
for {
let cc := add(_postBytes, 0x20)
} lt(mc, end) {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
// Update the free-memory pointer by padding our last write location
// to 32 bytes: add 31 bytes to the end of tempBytes to move to the
// next 32 byte block, then round down to the nearest multiple of
// 32. If the sum of the length of the two arrays is zero then add
// one before rounding down to leave a blank 32 bytes (the length block with 0).
mstore(0x40, and(
add(add(end, iszero(add(length, mload(_preBytes)))), 31),
not(31) // Round down to the nearest 32 bytes.
return tempBytes;
function concatStorage(bytes storage _preBytes, bytes memory _postBytes) internal {
assembly {
// Read the first 32 bytes of _preBytes storage, which is the length
// of the array. (We don't need to use the offset into the slot
// because arrays use the entire slot.)
let fslot := sload(_preBytes.slot)
// Arrays of 31 bytes or less have an even value in their slot,
// while longer arrays have an odd value. The actual length is
// the slot divided by two for odd values, and the lowest order
// byte divided by two for even values.
// If the slot is even, bitwise and the slot with 255 and divide by
// two to get the length. If the slot is odd, bitwise and the slot
// with -1 and divide by two.
let slength := div(and(fslot, sub(mul(0x100, iszero(and(fslot, 1))), 1)), 2)
let mlength := mload(_postBytes)
let newlength := add(slength, mlength)
// slength can contain both the length and contents of the array
// if length < 32 bytes so let's prepare for that
// v.
switch add(lt(slength, 32), lt(newlength, 32))
case 2 {
// Since the new array still fits in the slot, we just need to
// update the contents of the slot.
// uint256(bytes_storage) = uint256(bytes_storage) + uint256(bytes_memory) + new_length
// all the modifications to the slot are inside this
// next block
// we can just add to the slot contents because the
// bytes we want to change are the LSBs
// load the bytes from memory
mload(add(_postBytes, 0x20)),
// zero all bytes to the right
exp(0x100, sub(32, mlength))
// and now shift left the number of bytes to
// leave space for the length in the slot
exp(0x100, sub(32, newlength))
// increase length by the double of the memory
// bytes length
mul(mlength, 2)
case 1 {
// The stored value fits in the slot, but the combined value
// will exceed it.
// get the keccak hash to get the contents of the array
mstore(0x0, _preBytes.slot)
let sc := add(keccak256(0x0, 0x20), div(slength, 32))
// save new length
sstore(_preBytes.slot, add(mul(newlength, 2), 1))
// The contents of the _postBytes array start 32 bytes into
// the structure. Our first read should obtain the `submod`
// bytes that can fit into the unused space in the last word
// of the stored array. To get this, we read 32 bytes starting
// from `submod`, so the data we read overlaps with the array
// contents by `submod` bytes. Masking the lowest-order
// `submod` bytes allows us to add that value directly to the
// stored value.
let submod := sub(32, slength)
let mc := add(_postBytes, submod)
let end := add(_postBytes, mlength)
let mask := sub(exp(0x100, submod), 1)
and(mload(mc), mask)
for {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
sc := add(sc, 1)
} lt(mc, end) {
sc := add(sc, 1)
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
} {
sstore(sc, mload(mc))
mask := exp(0x100, sub(mc, end))
sstore(sc, mul(div(mload(mc), mask), mask))
default {
// get the keccak hash to get the contents of the array
mstore(0x0, _preBytes.slot)
// Start copying to the last used word of the stored array.
let sc := add(keccak256(0x0, 0x20), div(slength, 32))
// save new length
sstore(_preBytes.slot, add(mul(newlength, 2), 1))
// Copy over the first `submod` bytes of the new data as in
// case 1 above.
let slengthmod := mod(slength, 32)
let mlengthmod := mod(mlength, 32)
let submod := sub(32, slengthmod)
let mc := add(_postBytes, submod)
let end := add(_postBytes, mlength)
let mask := sub(exp(0x100, submod), 1)
sstore(sc, add(sload(sc), and(mload(mc), mask)))
for {
sc := add(sc, 1)
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
} lt(mc, end) {
sc := add(sc, 1)
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
} {
sstore(sc, mload(mc))
mask := exp(0x100, sub(mc, end))
sstore(sc, mul(div(mload(mc), mask), mask))
function slice(
bytes memory _bytes,
uint256 _start,
uint256 _length
returns (bytes memory)
require(_length + 31 >= _length, "slice_overflow");
require(_bytes.length >= _start + _length, "slice_outOfBounds");
bytes memory tempBytes;
assembly {
switch iszero(_length)
case 0 {
// Get a location of some free memory and store it in tempBytes as
// Solidity does for memory variables.
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
// The first word of the slice result is potentially a partial
// word read from the original array. To read it, we calculate
// the length of that partial word and start copying that many
// bytes into the array. The first word we copy will start with
// data we don't care about, but the last `lengthmod` bytes will
// land at the beginning of the contents of the new array. When
// we're done copying, we overwrite the full first word with
// the actual length of the slice.
let lengthmod := and(_length, 31)
// The multiplication in the next line is necessary
// because when slicing multiples of 32 bytes (lengthmod == 0)
// the following copy loop was copying the origin's length
// and then ending prematurely not copying everything it should.
let mc := add(add(tempBytes, lengthmod), mul(0x20, iszero(lengthmod)))
let end := add(mc, _length)
for {
// The multiplication in the next line has the same exact purpose
// as the one above.
let cc := add(add(add(_bytes, lengthmod), mul(0x20, iszero(lengthmod))), _start)
} lt(mc, end) {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
mstore(tempBytes, _length)
//update free-memory pointer
//allocating the array padded to 32 bytes like the compiler does now
mstore(0x40, and(add(mc, 31), not(31)))
//if we want a zero-length slice let's just return a zero-length array
default {
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
//zero out the 32 bytes slice we are about to return
//we need to do it because Solidity does not garbage collect
mstore(tempBytes, 0)
mstore(0x40, add(tempBytes, 0x20))
return tempBytes;
function toAddress(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (address) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 20, "toAddress_outOfBounds");
address tempAddress;
assembly {
tempAddress := div(mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _start)), 0x1000000000000000000000000)
return tempAddress;
function toUint8(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint8) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 1 , "toUint8_outOfBounds");
uint8 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x1), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint16(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint16) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 2, "toUint16_outOfBounds");
uint16 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x2), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint32) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 4, "toUint32_outOfBounds");
uint32 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x4), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint64(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint64) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 8, "toUint64_outOfBounds");
uint64 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x8), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint96(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint96) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 12, "toUint96_outOfBounds");
uint96 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0xc), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint128(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint128) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 16, "toUint128_outOfBounds");
uint128 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x10), _start))
return tempUint;
function toUint256(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 32, "toUint256_outOfBounds");
uint256 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _start))
return tempUint;
function toBytes32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 32, "toBytes32_outOfBounds");
bytes32 tempBytes32;
assembly {
tempBytes32 := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _start))
return tempBytes32;
function equal(bytes memory _preBytes, bytes memory _postBytes) internal pure returns (bool) {
bool success = true;
assembly {
let length := mload(_preBytes)
// if lengths don't match the arrays are not equal
switch eq(length, mload(_postBytes))
case 1 {
// cb is a circuit breaker in the for loop since there's
// no said feature for inline assembly loops
// cb = 1 - don't breaker
// cb = 0 - break
let cb := 1
let mc := add(_preBytes, 0x20)
let end := add(mc, length)
for {
let cc := add(_postBytes, 0x20)
// the next line is the loop condition:
// while(uint256(mc < end) + cb == 2)
} eq(add(lt(mc, end), cb), 2) {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
// if any of these checks fails then arrays are not equal
if iszero(eq(mload(mc), mload(cc))) {
// unsuccess:
success := 0
cb := 0
default {
// unsuccess:
success := 0
return success;
function equalStorage(
bytes storage _preBytes,
bytes memory _postBytes
returns (bool)
bool success = true;
assembly {
// we know _preBytes_offset is 0
let fslot := sload(_preBytes.slot)
// Decode the length of the stored array like in concatStorage().
let slength := div(and(fslot, sub(mul(0x100, iszero(and(fslot, 1))), 1)), 2)
let mlength := mload(_postBytes)
// if lengths don't match the arrays are not equal
switch eq(slength, mlength)
case 1 {
// slength can contain both the length and contents of the array
// if length < 32 bytes so let's prepare for that
// v.
if iszero(iszero(slength)) {
switch lt(slength, 32)
case 1 {
// blank the last byte which is the length
fslot := mul(div(fslot, 0x100), 0x100)
if iszero(eq(fslot, mload(add(_postBytes, 0x20)))) {
// unsuccess:
success := 0
default {
// cb is a circuit breaker in the for loop since there's
// no said feature for inline assembly loops
// cb = 1 - don't breaker
// cb = 0 - break
let cb := 1
// get the keccak hash to get the contents of the array
mstore(0x0, _preBytes.slot)
let sc := keccak256(0x0, 0x20)
let mc := add(_postBytes, 0x20)
let end := add(mc, mlength)
// the next line is the loop condition:
// while(uint256(mc < end) + cb == 2)
for {} eq(add(lt(mc, end), cb), 2) {
sc := add(sc, 1)
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
} {
if iszero(eq(sload(sc), mload(mc))) {
// unsuccess:
success := 0
cb := 0
default {
// unsuccess:
success := 0
return success;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// This version of SafeMath should only be used with Solidity 0.8 or later,
// because it relies on the compiler's built in overflow checks.
* @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations.
* NOTE: `SafeMath` is no longer needed starting with Solidity 0.8. The compiler
* now has built in overflow checking.
library SafeMath {
* @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
uint256 c = a + b;
if (c < a) return (false, 0);
return (true, c);
* @dev Returns the substraction of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function trySub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b > a) return (false, 0);
return (true, a - b);
* @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) return (true, 0);
uint256 c = a * b;
if (c / a != b) return (false, 0);
return (true, c);
* @dev Returns the division of two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
return (true, a / b);
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryMod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
return (true, a % b);
* @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Addition cannot overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a + b;
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow (when the result is negative).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Subtraction cannot overflow.
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a - b;
* @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Multiplication cannot overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a * b;
* @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator.
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a / b;
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverting when dividing by zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
* opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
* invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a % b;
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
* overflow (when the result is negative).
* CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
* message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {trySub}.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Subtraction cannot overflow.
function sub(
uint256 a,
uint256 b,
string memory errorMessage
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b <= a, errorMessage);
return a - b;
* @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
* division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
* `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
* uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function div(
uint256 a,
uint256 b,
string memory errorMessage
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b > 0, errorMessage);
return a / b;
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverting with custom message when dividing by zero.
* CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
* message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {tryMod}.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
* opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
* invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function mod(
uint256 a,
uint256 b,
string memory errorMessage
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b > 0, errorMessage);
return a % b;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
* Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
* queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
* For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
* @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
* `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
*[EIP section]
* to learn more about how these ids are created.
* This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IERC165.sol";
* @dev Implementation of the {IERC165} interface.
* Contracts that want to implement ERC165 should inherit from this contract and override {supportsInterface} to check
* for the additional interface id that will be supported. For example:
* ```solidity
* function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
* return interfaceId == type(MyInterface).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
* }
* ```
* Alternatively, {ERC165Storage} provides an easier to use but more expensive implementation.
abstract contract ERC165 is IERC165 {
* @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
return interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev String operations.
library Strings {
bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = "0123456789abcdef";
* @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.
function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
// Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence
if (value == 0) {
return "0";
uint256 temp = value;
uint256 digits;
while (temp != 0) {
temp /= 10;
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);
while (value != 0) {
digits -= 1;
buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
value /= 10;
return string(buffer);
* @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.
function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (value == 0) {
return "0x00";
uint256 temp = value;
uint256 length = 0;
while (temp != 0) {
temp >>= 8;
return toHexString(value, length);
* @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.
function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);
buffer[0] = "0";
buffer[1] = "x";
for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {
buffer[i] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];
value >>= 4;
require(value == 0, "Strings: hex length insufficient");
return string(buffer);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
* sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
* via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
* manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
* paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
* is concerned).
* This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Collection of functions related to the address type
library Address {
* @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.
* ====
* It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns
* false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.
* Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following
* types of addresses:
* - an externally-owned account
* - a contract in construction
* - an address where a contract will be created
* - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed
* ====
function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
// This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
// construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
// constructor execution.
uint256 size;
assembly {
size := extcodesize(account)
return size > 0;
* @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to
* `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.
*[EIP1884] increases the gas cost
* of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit
* imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via
* `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.
*[Learn more].
* IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be
* taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using
* {ReentrancyGuard} or the
*[checks-effects-interactions pattern].
function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance");
(bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted");
* @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A
* plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this
* function instead.
* If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this
* function (like regular Solidity function calls).
* Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,
* use[`abi.decode`].
* Requirements:
* - `target` must be a contract.
* - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with
* `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.
* Requirements:
* - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.
* - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCallWithValue(
address target,
bytes memory data,
uint256 value
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but
* with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCallWithValue(
address target,
bytes memory data,
uint256 value,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call");
require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data);
return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a static call.
* _Available since v3.3._
function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a static call.
* _Available since v3.3._
function functionStaticCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
require(isContract(target), "Address: static call to non-contract");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);
return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a delegate call.
* _Available since v3.4._
function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a delegate call.
* _Available since v3.4._
function functionDelegateCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
require(isContract(target), "Address: delegate call to non-contract");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);
return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Tool to verifies that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the
* revert reason using the provided one.
* _Available since v4.3._
function verifyCallResult(
bool success,
bytes memory returndata,
string memory errorMessage
) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
if (success) {
return returndata;
} else {
// Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present
if (returndata.length > 0) {
// The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly
assembly {
let returndata_size := mload(returndata)
revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)
} else {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../IERC721.sol";
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension
* @dev See
interface IERC721Metadata is IERC721 {
* @dev Returns the token collection name.
function name() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the token collection symbol.
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for `tokenId` token.
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string memory);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../IERC721.sol";
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional enumeration extension
* @dev See
interface IERC721Enumerable is IERC721 {
* @dev Returns the total amount of tokens stored by the contract.
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns a token ID owned by `owner` at a given `index` of its token list.
* Use along with {balanceOf} to enumerate all of ``owner``'s tokens.
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address owner, uint256 index) external view returns (uint256 tokenId);
* @dev Returns a token ID at a given `index` of all the tokens stored by the contract.
* Use along with {totalSupply} to enumerate all tokens.
function tokenByIndex(uint256 index) external view returns (uint256);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../ERC721.sol";
import "./IERC721Enumerable.sol";
* @dev This implements an optional extension of {ERC721} defined in the EIP that adds
* enumerability of all the token ids in the contract as well as all token ids owned by each
* account.
abstract contract ERC721Enumerable is ERC721, IERC721Enumerable {
// Mapping from owner to list of owned token IDs
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private _ownedTokens;
// Mapping from token ID to index of the owner tokens list
mapping(uint256 => uint256) private _ownedTokensIndex;
// Array with all token ids, used for enumeration
uint256[] private _allTokens;
// Mapping from token id to position in the allTokens array
mapping(uint256 => uint256) private _allTokensIndex;
* @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(IERC165, ERC721) returns (bool) {
return interfaceId == type(IERC721Enumerable).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
* @dev See {IERC721Enumerable-tokenOfOwnerByIndex}.
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address owner, uint256 index) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
require(index < ERC721.balanceOf(owner), "ERC721Enumerable: owner index out of bounds");
return _ownedTokens[owner][index];
* @dev See {IERC721Enumerable-totalSupply}.
function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
return _allTokens.length;
* @dev See {IERC721Enumerable-tokenByIndex}.
function tokenByIndex(uint256 index) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
require(index < ERC721Enumerable.totalSupply(), "ERC721Enumerable: global index out of bounds");
return _allTokens[index];
* @dev Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes minting
* and burning.
* Calling conditions:
* - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, ``from``'s `tokenId` will be
* transferred to `to`.
* - When `from` is zero, `tokenId` will be minted for `to`.
* - When `to` is zero, ``from``'s `tokenId` will be burned.
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
function _beforeTokenTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) internal virtual override {
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);
if (from == address(0)) {
} else if (from != to) {
_removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, tokenId);
if (to == address(0)) {
} else if (to != from) {
_addTokenToOwnerEnumeration(to, tokenId);
* @dev Private function to add a token to this extension's ownership-tracking data structures.
* @param to address representing the new owner of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be added to the tokens list of the given address
function _addTokenToOwnerEnumeration(address to, uint256 tokenId) private {
uint256 length = ERC721.balanceOf(to);
_ownedTokens[to][length] = tokenId;
_ownedTokensIndex[tokenId] = length;
* @dev Private function to add a token to this extension's token tracking data structures.
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be added to the tokens list
function _addTokenToAllTokensEnumeration(uint256 tokenId) private {
_allTokensIndex[tokenId] = _allTokens.length;
* @dev Private function to remove a token from this extension's ownership-tracking data structures. Note that
* while the token is not assigned a new owner, the `_ownedTokensIndex` mapping is _not_ updated: this allows for
* gas optimizations e.g. when performing a transfer operation (avoiding double writes).
* This has O(1) time complexity, but alters the order of the _ownedTokens array.
* @param from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be removed from the tokens list of the given address
function _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(address from, uint256 tokenId) private {
// To prevent a gap in from's tokens array, we store the last token in the index of the token to delete, and
// then delete the last slot (swap and pop).
uint256 lastTokenIndex = ERC721.balanceOf(from) - 1;
uint256 tokenIndex = _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];
// When the token to delete is the last token, the swap operation is unnecessary
if (tokenIndex != lastTokenIndex) {
uint256 lastTokenId = _ownedTokens[from][lastTokenIndex];
_ownedTokens[from][tokenIndex] = lastTokenId; // Move the last token to the slot of the to-delete token
_ownedTokensIndex[lastTokenId] = tokenIndex; // Update the moved token's index
// This also deletes the contents at the last position of the array
delete _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];
delete _ownedTokens[from][lastTokenIndex];
* @dev Private function to remove a token from this extension's token tracking data structures.
* This has O(1) time complexity, but alters the order of the _allTokens array.
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be removed from the tokens list
function _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(uint256 tokenId) private {
// To prevent a gap in the tokens array, we store the last token in the index of the token to delete, and
// then delete the last slot (swap and pop).
uint256 lastTokenIndex = _allTokens.length - 1;
uint256 tokenIndex = _allTokensIndex[tokenId];
// When the token to delete is the last token, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs so
// rarely (when the last minted token is burnt) that we still do the swap here to avoid the gas cost of adding
// an 'if' statement (like in _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration)
uint256 lastTokenId = _allTokens[lastTokenIndex];
_allTokens[tokenIndex] = lastTokenId; // Move the last token to the slot of the to-delete token
_allTokensIndex[lastTokenId] = tokenIndex; // Update the moved token's index
// This also deletes the contents at the last position of the array
delete _allTokensIndex[tokenId];
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @title ERC721 token receiver interface
* @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
* from ERC721 asset contracts.
interface IERC721Receiver {
* @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
* by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
* It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
* If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be reverted.
* The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721.onERC721Received.selector`.
function onERC721Received(
address operator,
address from,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes calldata data
) external returns (bytes4);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";
* @dev Required interface of an ERC721 compliant contract.
interface IERC721 is IERC165 {
* @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`.
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
* @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
* @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets.
event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);
* @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account.
function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
* @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token.
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must exist.
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner);
* @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients
* are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked.
* Requirements:
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
* - If the caller is not `from`, it must be have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) external;
* @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
* WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use {safeTransferFrom} whenever possible.
* Requirements:
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`.
* - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) external;
* @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account.
* The approval is cleared when the token is transferred.
* Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals.
* Requirements:
* - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator.
* - `tokenId` must exist.
* Emits an {Approval} event.
function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external;
* @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token.
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must exist.
function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator);
* @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller.
* Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller.
* Requirements:
* - The `operator` cannot be the caller.
* Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) external;
* @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`.
* See {setApprovalForAll}
function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool);
* @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
* Requirements:
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
* - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes calldata data
) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IERC721.sol";
import "./IERC721Receiver.sol";
import "./extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol";
import "../../utils/Address.sol";
import "../../utils/Context.sol";
import "../../utils/Strings.sol";
import "../../utils/introspection/ERC165.sol";
* @dev Implementation of[ERC721] Non-Fungible Token Standard, including
* the Metadata extension, but not including the Enumerable extension, which is available separately as
* {ERC721Enumerable}.
contract ERC721 is Context, ERC165, IERC721, IERC721Metadata {
using Address for address;
using Strings for uint256;
// Token name
string private _name;
// Token symbol
string private _symbol;
// Mapping from token ID to owner address
mapping(uint256 => address) private _owners;
// Mapping owner address to token count
mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;
// Mapping from token ID to approved address
mapping(uint256 => address) private _tokenApprovals;
// Mapping from owner to operator approvals
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) private _operatorApprovals;
* @dev Initializes the contract by setting a `name` and a `symbol` to the token collection.
constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) {
_name = name_;
_symbol = symbol_;
* @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(ERC165, IERC165) returns (bool) {
interfaceId == type(IERC721).interfaceId ||
interfaceId == type(IERC721Metadata).interfaceId ||
* @dev See {IERC721-balanceOf}.
function balanceOf(address owner) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
require(owner != address(0), "ERC721: balance query for the zero address");
return _balances[owner];
* @dev See {IERC721-ownerOf}.
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) public view virtual override returns (address) {
address owner = _owners[tokenId];
require(owner != address(0), "ERC721: owner query for nonexistent token");
return owner;
* @dev See {IERC721Metadata-name}.
function name() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return _name;
* @dev See {IERC721Metadata-symbol}.
function symbol() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return _symbol;
* @dev See {IERC721Metadata-tokenURI}.
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC721Metadata: URI query for nonexistent token");
string memory baseURI = _baseURI();
return bytes(baseURI).length > 0 ? string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI, tokenId.toString())) : "";
* @dev Base URI for computing {tokenURI}. If set, the resulting URI for each
* token will be the concatenation of the `baseURI` and the `tokenId`. Empty
* by default, can be overriden in child contracts.
function _baseURI() internal view virtual returns (string memory) {
return "";
* @dev See {IERC721-approve}.
function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) public virtual override {
address owner = ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId);
require(to != owner, "ERC721: approval to current owner");
_msgSender() == owner || isApprovedForAll(owner, _msgSender()),
"ERC721: approve caller is not owner nor approved for all"
_approve(to, tokenId);
* @dev See {IERC721-getApproved}.
function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) public view virtual override returns (address) {
require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC721: approved query for nonexistent token");
return _tokenApprovals[tokenId];
* @dev See {IERC721-setApprovalForAll}.
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) public virtual override {
require(operator != _msgSender(), "ERC721: approve to caller");
_operatorApprovals[_msgSender()][operator] = approved;
emit ApprovalForAll(_msgSender(), operator, approved);
* @dev See {IERC721-isApprovedForAll}.
function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
return _operatorApprovals[owner][operator];
* @dev See {IERC721-transferFrom}.
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) public virtual override {
//solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length
require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_msgSender(), tokenId), "ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved");
_transfer(from, to, tokenId);
* @dev See {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) public virtual override {
safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, "");
* @dev See {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes memory _data
) public virtual override {
require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_msgSender(), tokenId), "ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved");
_safeTransfer(from, to, tokenId, _data);
* @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients
* are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked.
* `_data` is additional data, it has no specified format and it is sent in call to `to`.
* This internal function is equivalent to {safeTransferFrom}, and can be used to e.g.
* implement alternative mechanisms to perform token transfer, such as signature-based.
* Requirements:
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _safeTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes memory _data
) internal virtual {
_transfer(from, to, tokenId);
require(_checkOnERC721Received(from, to, tokenId, _data), "ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer");
* @dev Returns whether `tokenId` exists.
* Tokens can be managed by their owner or approved accounts via {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
* Tokens start existing when they are minted (`_mint`),
* and stop existing when they are burned (`_burn`).
function _exists(uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual returns (bool) {
return _owners[tokenId] != address(0);
* @dev Returns whether `spender` is allowed to manage `tokenId`.
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must exist.
function _isApprovedOrOwner(address spender, uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual returns (bool) {
require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC721: operator query for nonexistent token");
address owner = ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId);
return (spender == owner || getApproved(tokenId) == spender || isApprovedForAll(owner, spender));
* @dev Safely mints `tokenId` and transfers it to `to`.
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must not exist.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _safeMint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {
_safeMint(to, tokenId, "");
* @dev Same as {xref-ERC721-_safeMint-address-uint256-}[`_safeMint`], with an additional `data` parameter which is
* forwarded in {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received} to contract recipients.
function _safeMint(
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes memory _data
) internal virtual {
_mint(to, tokenId);
_checkOnERC721Received(address(0), to, tokenId, _data),
"ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer"
* @dev Mints `tokenId` and transfers it to `to`.
* WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use {_safeMint} whenever possible
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must not exist.
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {
require(to != address(0), "ERC721: mint to the zero address");
require(!_exists(tokenId), "ERC721: token already minted");
_beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), to, tokenId);
_balances[to] += 1;
_owners[tokenId] = to;
emit Transfer(address(0), to, tokenId);
* @dev Destroys `tokenId`.
* The approval is cleared when the token is burned.
* Requirements:
* - `tokenId` must exist.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {
address owner = ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId);
_beforeTokenTransfer(owner, address(0), tokenId);
// Clear approvals
_approve(address(0), tokenId);
_balances[owner] -= 1;
delete _owners[tokenId];
emit Transfer(owner, address(0), tokenId);
* @dev Transfers `tokenId` from `from` to `to`.
* As opposed to {transferFrom}, this imposes no restrictions on msg.sender.
* Requirements:
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function _transfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) internal virtual {
require(ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId) == from, "ERC721: transfer of token that is not own");
require(to != address(0), "ERC721: transfer to the zero address");
_beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);
// Clear approvals from the previous owner
_approve(address(0), tokenId);
_balances[from] -= 1;
_balances[to] += 1;
_owners[tokenId] = to;
emit Transfer(from, to, tokenId);
* @dev Approve `to` to operate on `tokenId`
* Emits a {Approval} event.
function _approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {
_tokenApprovals[tokenId] = to;
emit Approval(ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId), to, tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to invoke {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received} on a target address.
* The call is not executed if the target address is not a contract.
* @param from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param to target address that will receive the tokens
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @param _data bytes optional data to send along with the call
* @return bool whether the call correctly returned the expected magic value
function _checkOnERC721Received(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes memory _data
) private returns (bool) {
if (to.isContract()) {
try IERC721Receiver(to).onERC721Received(_msgSender(), from, tokenId, _data) returns (bytes4 retval) {
return retval == IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector;
} catch (bytes memory reason) {
if (reason.length == 0) {
revert("ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer");
} else {
assembly {
revert(add(32, reason), mload(reason))
} else {
return true;
* @dev Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes minting
* and burning.
* Calling conditions:
* - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, ``from``'s `tokenId` will be
* transferred to `to`.
* - When `from` is zero, `tokenId` will be minted for `to`.
* - When `to` is zero, ``from``'s `tokenId` will be burned.
* - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
* To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
function _beforeTokenTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 tokenId
) internal virtual {}
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
* @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
* @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
* allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
* zero by default.
* This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
* that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
* transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
* condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
* desired value afterwards:
* Emits an {Approval} event.
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
* @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the
* allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
* allowance.
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
* Emits a {Transfer} event.
function transferFrom(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) external returns (bool);
* @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
* another (`to`).
* Note that `value` may be zero.
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
* @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
* a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../utils/Context.sol";
* @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
* there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to
* specific functions.
* By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This
* can later be changed with {transferOwnership}.
* This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier
* `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to
* the owner.
abstract contract Ownable is Context {
address private _owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.
constructor() {
* @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {
return _owner;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(owner() == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
* @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
* `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.
* NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
* thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
* Can only be called by the current owner.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");
function _setOwner(address newOwner) private {
address oldOwner = _owner;
_owner = newOwner;
emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);