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Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : UserWallet
pragma solidity ^0.4.10; // Copyright 2017 Bittrex contract AbstractSweeper { function sweep(address token, uint amount) returns (bool); function () { throw; } Controller controller; function AbstractSweeper(address _controller) { controller = Controller(_controller); } modifier canSweep() { if (msg.sender != controller.authorizedCaller() && msg.sender != controller.owner()) throw; if (controller.halted()) throw; _; } } contract Token { function balanceOf(address a) returns (uint) { (a); return 0; } function transfer(address a, uint val) returns (bool) { (a); (val); return false; } } contract DefaultSweeper is AbstractSweeper { function DefaultSweeper(address controller) AbstractSweeper(controller) {} function sweep(address _token, uint _amount) canSweep returns (bool) { bool success = false; address destination = controller.destination(); if (_token != address(0)) { Token token = Token(_token); uint amount = _amount; if (amount > token.balanceOf(this)) { return false; } success = token.transfer(destination, amount); } else { uint amountInWei = _amount; if (amountInWei > this.balance) { return false; } success = destination.send(amountInWei); } if (success) { controller.logSweep(this, destination, _token, _amount); } return success; } } contract UserWallet { AbstractSweeperList sweeperList; function UserWallet(address _sweeperlist) { sweeperList = AbstractSweeperList(_sweeperlist); } function () public payable { } function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) { (_from); (_value); (_data); } function sweep(address _token, uint _amount) returns (bool) { (_amount); return sweeperList.sweeperOf(_token).delegatecall(; } } contract AbstractSweeperList { function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address); } contract Controller is AbstractSweeperList { address public owner; address public authorizedCaller; address public destination; bool public halted; event LogNewWallet(address receiver); event LogSweep(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed token, uint amount); modifier onlyOwner() { if (msg.sender != owner) throw; _; } modifier onlyAuthorizedCaller() { if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller) throw; _; } modifier onlyAdmins() { if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller && msg.sender != owner) throw; _; } function Controller() { owner = msg.sender; destination = msg.sender; authorizedCaller = msg.sender; } function changeAuthorizedCaller(address _newCaller) onlyOwner { authorizedCaller = _newCaller; } function changeDestination(address _dest) onlyOwner { destination = _dest; } function changeOwner(address _owner) onlyOwner { owner = _owner; } function makeWallet() onlyAdmins returns (address wallet) { wallet = address(new UserWallet(this)); LogNewWallet(wallet); } function halt() onlyAdmins { halted = true; } function start() onlyOwner { halted = false; } address public defaultSweeper = address(new DefaultSweeper(this)); mapping (address => address) sweepers; function addSweeper(address _token, address _sweeper) onlyOwner { sweepers[_token] = _sweeper; } function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address) { address sweeper = sweepers[_token]; if (sweeper == 0) sweeper = defaultSweeper; return sweeper; } function logSweep(address from, address to, address token, uint amount) { LogSweep(from, to, token, amount); } }
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