ETH Price: $3,208.57 (-3.67%)
Blue Sky & Smoke
Blue Sky & Smoke
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Ashira Fox

Rarity: 100.0%

Polaroid Transfer

Rarity: 100.0%

21 years later & where are we? Is there a marker called time, or is it just the memory of— that smell lasting forever branded to the back of my nose thru the wet bandana that protected me from nothing. Cabs didn’t honk for days after that & people clutched flags for safety. -------------------- This is a Polaroid transfer, on watercolor paper, of the only photo I shot on 9/11/2001. This image shows the Manhattan skyline from the rooftop of the building I lived in at the time in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. When I shot this photo, I didn't know exactly what had happened yet. But, I knew that whatever it was - it was bad. I created this Polaroid transfer sometime in the early 2000's & kept it in an envelope that I recently found in a box of memorabilia. The pigment of the Polaroid transfer survived this long only because it remained in the dark of the envelope, away from any light. -------------------- 8300x5340 px

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