Properties (4)
Soul 0Xc81ac6383d49d908bc8c5085a6091e13de43b8f6
Name Marutti.Soul
:Soul 0Xc81ac6383d49d908bc8c5085a6091e13de43b8f6 P:Hold :Name Marutti.Soul .
.Soul ([Relation Profile Name]( is your unique identifier used in all Relation Protocol. Having a Relation Profile Name not only means you obtain ownership control over content data (including generated S-SBTs) but also means that you benefit from worldwide encryption protection and data control while creating valuable digital assets with global users that enhance your influence and worth. Additionally, holding a .Soul also serves as a Relation airdrop entry ticket.
The NFT page displays details such as properties and trading history for a specific token ID in an NFT contract. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.