Properties (2)
Ets da Grumpls!! Dees speshul littel bebies stik arownd cuz we keeep em heppy an fed. An dey maek us heppy tuu! Aldo we dunt reely kno why... maebe ets da farts, butt we nevur tink about et tuu hard. Dey cum en all shaps an sizes, sumtims ef dey eat totuuo mush dey git a lil crezi, butt we luv dem aneeway. Wontim a Grumpl tol me eet needed a komputer ta peemale sumbodee butt we dunt kno wat a komputer es.
The NFT page displays details such as properties and trading history for a specific token ID in an NFT contract. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.