ETH Price: $3,318.22 (-1.63%)
The Madoff NFT 893/999
The Madoff NFT 893/999
Min Price (24H)

Last Sale (Item)
0.0055 ETH ($18.25)

Last Sale (Contract)
0.004 ETH ($13.27)
On-Chain (Base64)
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Your greed wants me to manage your money. You don't care how I do it. You just want the returns. You are just as culpable as I am. Collateral damage means nothing to you. People lose in order for you to win. But you just want the alpha. You are just as culpable as I am. Remember that next time your shitcoin pumps. As the greed consumes your entire existence. As you feel the rush of euphoria pumping through your veins. You are just culpable as I am. FREE MINT! **Open Edition Collection of 999.** **FREE to mint. 8% royalty. Max 5 per wallet**

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