ETH Price: $3,397.80 (-1.12%)
Gas: 2 Gwei
MetaHero Universe: Neptune DAO Token
MetaHero Universe: Neptune DAO Token
Min Price (24H)
0.005 ETH ($16.99)

Last Sale (Item)
0.008 WETH ($27.18)

Last Sale (Contract)
0.005 ETH ($16.99)
Token ID:
Token Standard:

# ***"The Habitation Spheres were one of the greatest inventions that allowed us to colonize something as uninhabitable as Neptune. Have you spent any time in one? They bring new meaning to the term 'social network.'" — Oricle™, Home Artillect*** ### **1 / 24764 Neptune DAO Tokens** This token represents proportional ownership over Neptune. Together with other Neptune DAO Token holders, its owner is able to actively build and govern the planet into its own unique environment. *Neptune represents 3.1% of the total voting power for MetaHero Universe's United Planets DAO.* *[ Token Design by: TheVirtunaut, Odious, Raw & Rendered | Joey Camacho ]*

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