Properties (4)
Hope All Goes W
Savings And Secret Luck
七福PIMUは、精霊のPIMUが七色になり、運気をアップさせるために登場しました。 どの色のPIMUが出るか。お楽しみに。 白:スタート運・浄化運 /赤:仕事・勝負・成功/黄:金運・財運/黒:貯蓄・秘密運 紫:名誉運・援助運/緑:健康・美容運/ピンク:恋愛・出会い運 The 179 colored spirit PIMUs! Your luck will be improved. Which color PIMU will appear? Please look forward to it. White: luck of starting and purification / Red: work, victory and success / Yellow: luck of money and fortune / Black: luck of savings and treasured possessions Purple: Honor and assistance / Green. Health and beauty / Pink: Love and dating
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