ETH Price: $2,337.76 (-0.45%)

Ethereum Token Approval

Review and revoke your token approvals for any dApp. For more information, check out our Knowledge Base article.

$0.00 at risk

Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender Original Allowance
2020-12-26 04:58:50 2,524.440725 USDC
2020-12-26 04:58:09 38,803.509237818777847594 DAI
2020-12-26 04:26:03 79,228,162,514.264337593543950335 UNI
2020-12-26 04:22:40 UnlimitedBASE
2020-12-26 04:20:44 UnlimitedWBTC
2020-12-26 04:15:32 UnlimitedPICKLE
2020-12-26 04:12:31 UnlimitedBAC
2020-12-26 04:04:24 UnlimitedBAS
2020-12-26 03:43:51 UnlimitedSUSHI
2020-12-26 03:40:50 101.331199094876914457 SLP
2020-12-26 03:39:17 0.000121851049549013 SLP
2020-12-26 03:38:40 156.298316030588955559 SLP
2020-12-26 03:37:55 0.000000422849369407 SLP
2020-12-26 03:35:25 170.475387975709140993 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 03:25:07 3,036.313063379579902626 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 03:11:58 0.000008454086310134 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 03:08:17 0.00004877189586188 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 03:05:26 9.418470012408842946 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 03:02:41 UnlimitedRBASE
2020-12-26 02:59:52 0.000007572303693455 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 02:59:35 0.001958761201518751 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 02:58:14 34.773618608880374574 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 02:55:44 0.000072913494765846 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 02:54:44 22.098710826550820917 UNI-V2
2020-12-26 02:53:13 21.250035328904181019 UNI-V2
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender

The Token Approvals page lists contracts that have been approved to spend an address’s tokens. The at risk amount shows what is vulnerable if the contracts were hacked. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.