ETH Price: $4,059.98 (+4.02%)

Ethereum Token Approval

Review and revoke your token approvals for any dApp. For more information, check out our Knowledge Base article.

$0.00 at risk

Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender Original Allowance
2024-03-11 04:13:59 4.59284 WETH
2024-03-11 04:06:35 4.59284 WETH
2023-05-15 10:45:11 2,581.461059280739905656 DEXTF
2022-09-05 08:16:45 UnlimitedWETH
2022-01-30 09:25:12 402.347174875072292318 UNI-V2
2021-11-24 11:35:58 UnlimitedDEXTF
2021-11-17 02:39:27 UnlimitedXTF2XXXXTF
2021-11-17 02:36:05 1,720.163373718315319131 UNI-V2
2021-10-20 01:05:43 UnlimitedLCX
2021-07-16 02:09:42 171.591066792793929228 UNI-V2
2021-07-16 02:06:57 472.451949709042896341 UNI-V2
2021-07-16 02:05:42 575.991174179397632157 UNI-V2
2021-05-07 04:28:01 UnlimitedBNT
2021-05-07 04:20:09 UnlimitedZRX
2021-05-07 04:08:37 UnlimitedSNX
2021-05-07 04:01:26 79,228,162,514.264337593543950335 UNI
2021-05-07 03:49:31 UnlimitedKNC
2021-05-06 16:09:41 UnlimitedUNI-V2
2021-05-05 15:47:47 UnlimitedUSDC
2021-05-05 01:54:12 UnlimitedXTF.XXXXTF
2021-05-05 01:47:41 0.036 WBTC
2021-05-05 01:44:36 0.6909844710334 WETH
2021-05-05 01:30:44 UnlimitedXTF.XXXSAD
2021-05-03 04:00:51 UnlimitedWBTC
2021-05-03 03:13:57 UnlimitedWETH
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender

The Token Approvals page lists contracts that have been approved to spend an address’s tokens. The at risk amount shows what is vulnerable if the contracts were hacked. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.