ETH Price: $2,414.44 (+0.14%)

Ethereum Token Approval

Review and revoke your token approvals for any dApp. For more information, check out our Knowledge Base article.

$0.00 at risk

Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender Original Allowance
2024-08-08 03:24:35 508,204.647670465 STEVE
2024-07-22 02:11:23 5,000 USDT
2024-05-07 03:55:23 3,366,606,598.510662338 CONAN
2024-04-26 15:15:11 6.410210301382498144 WETH
2024-04-05 04:09:11 48,764.474541 USDT
2024-03-23 01:04:11 75,204.052292339725104234 YOURAI
2024-03-22 23:59:23 2.151859737012434943 WETH
2024-03-22 23:47:59 5,341.684038 USDT
2024-03-22 23:41:59 2.241515134425678682 WETH
2024-03-22 23:21:59 175,204.052292339725104234 YOURAI
2024-03-19 22:46:59 20,400,000,000 BOBO
2023-10-21 23:50:35 200.000688957694498414 VERI
2023-10-19 03:42:11 9,581.373407 USDT
2023-10-17 02:04:35 UnlimitedUSDC
2023-10-02 02:05:23 48,718.759767 USDC
2023-06-26 21:02:35 398,837.363480742692813232 EVERMOON
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender
Transaction Hash Last Updated (UTC) Assets Approved Spender

The Token Approvals page lists contracts that have been approved to spend an address’s tokens. The at risk amount shows what is vulnerable if the contracts were hacked. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.