ETH Price: $2,287.12 (-3.37%)
Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (47)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.147696192047769962$2,287.12 (1 ETH) 3.37%$337.80 (0.147696 ETH)
INJ400.001070733290071...$16.24192 (0.007101 ETH) 2.98%$6,496.79 (2.840597 ETH)
TRUMP1506.304171177$2.95 (0.001290 ETH)--$4,443.60 (1.942879 ETH)
OTACON655419.173975059264...$0.002197 (0.000001 ETH) 5.03%$1,440.24 (0.629717 ETH)
AGRS1065.22294873$1.12 (0.000490 ETH) 0.77%$1,193.05 (0.521638 ETH)
Mog623073865.655682426...$0.000001 (0.000000 ETH) 2.11%$495.09 (0.216469 ETH)
AIUS15.6498825710089872...$27.23986 (0.011910 ETH) 6.52%$426.30 (0.186392 ETH)
0KN1118305.67511152877...$0.000321 (0.000000 ETH) 1.09%$359.00 (0.156965 ETH)
USDC237.646592$1.00 (0.000437 ETH) 0.07%$237.65 (0.103906 ETH)
DAI150.000108406154552...$1.001 (0.000438 ETH) 0.06%$150.15 (0.065650 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.