ETH Price: $2,285.62 (-3.44%)
Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (85)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.000924534596420568$2,285.62 (1 ETH) 3.44%$2.11 (0.000925 ETH)
DMTR222222.253442697692...$0.059916 (0.000026 ETH) 4.4%$13,314.66 (5.825405 ETH)
GLQ274999.676827871807...$0.042659 (0.000019 ETH) 4.25%$11,731.08 (5.132560 ETH)
AGIX18244.24247099$0.471354 (0.000206 ETH) 0.85%$8,599.50 (3.762437 ETH)
LCX67249.6412334890584...$0.115242 (0.000050 ETH) 3.55%$7,749.98 (3.390759 ETH)
AXGT63178.5535201987964...$0.106317 (0.000047 ETH) 5.88%$6,716.95 (2.938790 ETH)
SMT16754.8061443344550...$0.27333 (0.000120 ETH) 4.44%$4,579.59 (2.003655 ETH)
NXRA118884.642325299085...$0.031352 (0.000014 ETH) 5.76%$3,727.26 (1.630745 ETH)
ORAI699.841801846095970...$5.24 (0.002293 ETH) 0.36%$3,667.17 (1.604454 ETH)
NAO224177.523076905165...$0.016007 (0.000007 ETH) 9.82%$3,588.39 (1.569986 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.