ETH Price: $2,358.22 (+0.73%)

Token Holdings

Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (159)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.002206175611510652$2,358.22 (1 ETH) 0.73%$5.20 (0.002206 ETH)
CLV2664.76847405501992...$0.041932 (0.000018 ETH) 1.11%$111.74 (0.047383 ETH)
Metis0.105264255097445311$30.47 (0.012921 ETH) 2.75%$3.21 (0.001360 ETH)
cAAVE0.98367295$3.04 (0.001289 ETH) 1.47%$2.99 (0.001268 ETH)
aWETH0.001019674821168982$2,357.29 (0.999608 ETH) 0.61%$2.40 (0.001019 ETH)
cETH0.04980975$47.38 (0.020091 ETH) 0.61%$2.36 (0.001001 ETH)
cCOMP0.97969659$2.21 (0.000937 ETH)--$2.17 (0.000918 ETH)
AAVE0.014560921046461816$147.50 (0.062547 ETH) 1.02%$2.15 (0.000911 ETH)
BUSD1.7407278083671606$0.996474 (0.000423 ETH) 2.46%$1.73 (0.000736 ETH)
YFI0.000269393744458686$4,893.11 (2.074921 ETH) 0.74%$1.32 (0.000559 ETH)

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.