ETH Price: $2,399.92 (-4.16%)
Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (18)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-14.3077015025713751...$2,399.92 (1 ETH) 4.16%$34,337.40 (14.307702 ETH)
pufETH2.417$2,426.28 (1.010982 ETH) 3.99%$5,864.32 (2.443543 ETH)
SSV29.99080348$18.42 (0.007675 ETH) 6.31%$552.43 (0.230187 ETH)
ZK10.35040956$1.17 (0.000488 ETH) 0.33%$12.11 (0.005046 ETH)
LQTY15.45173823192593107$0.699958 (0.000292 ETH) 2.69%$10.82 (0.004507 ETH)
cvxCRV0.000065104352840969$0.253054 (0.000105 ETH) 2.4%≈$0.00 (0.000000 ETH)
eETH0.000000000000000001$2,396.21 (0.998452 ETH) 4.15%≈$0.00 (0.000000 ETH)
stETH0.000000000000000001$2,395.17 (0.998019 ETH) 4.29%≈$0.00 (0.000000 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.