ETH Price: $2,567.35 (+0.53%)
Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (7)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.011411221391269177$2,567.35 (1 ETH) 0.53%$29.30 (0.011411 ETH)
cbETH1.76706643793136239$2,765.21 (1.077070 ETH) 1%$4,886.31 (1.903254 ETH)
AXGT1544.04763559638074...$0.227965 (0.000089 ETH) 5.6%$351.99 (0.137102 ETH)
ORAI47.4899781028004185...$5.91 (0.002302 ETH) 2.17%$280.67 (0.109321 ETH)
CSWAP6218.63897511376383...$0.030801 (0.000012 ETH) 1.3%$191.54 (0.074607 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.