ETH Price: $2,441.03 (+4.75%)

Token Holdings

Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (103)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.704075253159493824$2,441.03 (1 ETH) 4.75%$1,718.67 (0.704075 ETH)
ynETH5.01$2,294.68 (0.940044 ETH)--$11,496.35 (4.709620 ETH)
agETH0.610929120545500528$2,398.5342 (0.982589 ETH) 0.45%$1,465.33 (0.600292 ETH)
LINK87.4007084409960456...$11.15 (0.004568 ETH) 5.26%$974.52 (0.399223 ETH)
ETHFI509.290244$1.47 (0.000602 ETH) 7.35%$748.66 (0.306696 ETH)
stETH0.252991366157520266$2,436.20 (0.998019 ETH) 4.7%$616.34 (0.252490 ETH)
SMT2154.1959$0.268653 (0.000110 ETH) 6.5%$578.73 (0.237084 ETH)
ML1265.23734871418389...$0.17927 (0.000073 ETH) 4.71%$226.82 (0.092919 ETH)
KYL17201.284164943936$0.01016 (0.000004 ETH) 2.53%$174.76 (0.071593 ETH)
stkAAV...1.002$146.68 (0.060089 ETH) 6.73%$146.97 (0.060209 ETH)

NFT Assets (62)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.