ETH Price: $2,270.72 (-0.02%)

Token Holdings

Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (11)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-0.018805584100881425$2,270.72 (1 ETH) 0.02%$42.70 (0.018806 ETH)
UNI1$6.34 (0.002792 ETH) 1.7%$6.34 (0.002792 ETH)
DPI0.01315743378339194$67.94 (0.029920 ETH) 1.24%$0.89 (0.000394 ETH)
ACX1.13832794546184283$0.277818 (0.000122 ETH) 1.54%$0.32 (0.000139 ETH)
NATION0.01$28.88 (0.012718 ETH)--$0.29 (0.000127 ETH)
ORDER1.17378564$0.143975 (0.000063 ETH) 0.63%$0.17 (0.000074 ETH)
DAI0.133967826776625738$1.00 (0.000440 ETH) 0.03%$0.13 (0.000059 ETH)
USDC0.00672$1.00 (0.000440 ETH)--$0.01 (0.000003 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (0)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.