Transaction Hash:
5349800 at Mar-30-2018 04:08:33 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00466218 ETH
Gas Used:
103,604 Gas / 45 Gwei
Emitted Events:
8 |
District0xNetworkToken.Transfer( _from=[Receiver] EtherDelta, _to=[Sender] 0xdf98942f8c7ca1523be26e7d2f254b4636a570eb, _amount=1070354105962185317066 )
9 |
EtherDelta.Withdraw( token=District0xNetworkToken, user=[Sender] 0xdf98942f8c7ca1523be26e7d2f254b4636a570eb, amount=1070354105962185317066, balance=0 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x0AbdAce7...b945604ea | |||||
| (Nanopool) | 5,007.998667235679043079 Eth | 5,008.003329415679043079 Eth | 0.00466218 | |
0x8d12A197...2A5CC6819 | (EtherDelta 2) | ||||
0xdf98942f...636a570Eb |
0.00699512 Eth
Nonce: 5
0.00233294 Eth
Nonce: 6
| 0.00466218 |
Execution Trace
EtherDelta.withdrawToken( token=0x0AbdAce70D3790235af448C88547603b945604ea, amount=1070354105962185317066 )
District0xNetworkToken.transfer( _to=0xdf98942f8C7cA1523be26e7D2F254b4636a570Eb, _value=1070354105962185317066 ) => ( True )
District0xContribution.onTransfer( _from=0x8d12A197cB00D4747a1fe03395095ce2A5CC6819, _to=0xdf98942f8C7cA1523be26e7D2F254b4636a570Eb, _amount=1070354105962185317066 ) => ( True )
withdrawToken[EtherDelta (ln:234)]
safeSub[EtherDelta (ln:237)]
transfer[EtherDelta (ln:238)]
Withdraw[EtherDelta (ln:239)]
File 1 of 3: EtherDelta
File 2 of 3: District0xNetworkToken
File 3 of 3: District0xContribution
pragma solidity ^0.4.9; contract SafeMath { function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; assert(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c>=a && c>=b); return c; } function assert(bool assertion) internal { if (!assertion) throw; } } contract Token { /// @return total amount of tokens function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply) {} /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {} /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {} /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {} /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_addr` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of wei to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {} /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {} event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); uint public decimals; string public name; } contract StandardToken is Token { function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) { //Default assumes totalSupply can't be over max (2^256 - 1). //If your token leaves out totalSupply and can issue more tokens as time goes on, you need to check if it doesn't wrap. //Replace the if with this one instead. if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) { //if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) { balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; } else { return false; } } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) { //same as above. Replace this line with the following if you want to protect against wrapping uints. if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) { //if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) { balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true; } else { return false; } } function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } mapping(address => uint256) balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed; uint256 public totalSupply; } contract ReserveToken is StandardToken, SafeMath { address public minter; function ReserveToken() { minter = msg.sender; } function create(address account, uint amount) { if (msg.sender != minter) throw; balances[account] = safeAdd(balances[account], amount); totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, amount); } function destroy(address account, uint amount) { if (msg.sender != minter) throw; if (balances[account] < amount) throw; balances[account] = safeSub(balances[account], amount); totalSupply = safeSub(totalSupply, amount); } } contract AccountLevels { //given a user, returns an account level //0 = regular user (pays take fee and make fee) //1 = market maker silver (pays take fee, no make fee, gets rebate) //2 = market maker gold (pays take fee, no make fee, gets entire counterparty's take fee as rebate) function accountLevel(address user) constant returns(uint) {} } contract AccountLevelsTest is AccountLevels { mapping (address => uint) public accountLevels; function setAccountLevel(address user, uint level) { accountLevels[user] = level; } function accountLevel(address user) constant returns(uint) { return accountLevels[user]; } } contract EtherDelta is SafeMath { address public admin; //the admin address address public feeAccount; //the account that will receive fees address public accountLevelsAddr; //the address of the AccountLevels contract uint public feeMake; //percentage times (1 ether) uint public feeTake; //percentage times (1 ether) uint public feeRebate; //percentage times (1 ether) mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public tokens; //mapping of token addresses to mapping of account balances (token=0 means Ether) mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => bool)) public orders; //mapping of user accounts to mapping of order hashes to booleans (true = submitted by user, equivalent to offchain signature) mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => uint)) public orderFills; //mapping of user accounts to mapping of order hashes to uints (amount of order that has been filled) event Order(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user); event Cancel(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s); event Trade(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, address get, address give); event Deposit(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); event Withdraw(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); function EtherDelta(address admin_, address feeAccount_, address accountLevelsAddr_, uint feeMake_, uint feeTake_, uint feeRebate_) { admin = admin_; feeAccount = feeAccount_; accountLevelsAddr = accountLevelsAddr_; feeMake = feeMake_; feeTake = feeTake_; feeRebate = feeRebate_; } function() { throw; } function changeAdmin(address admin_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; admin = admin_; } function changeAccountLevelsAddr(address accountLevelsAddr_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; accountLevelsAddr = accountLevelsAddr_; } function changeFeeAccount(address feeAccount_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; feeAccount = feeAccount_; } function changeFeeMake(uint feeMake_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; if (feeMake_ > feeMake) throw; feeMake = feeMake_; } function changeFeeTake(uint feeTake_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; if (feeTake_ > feeTake || feeTake_ < feeRebate) throw; feeTake = feeTake_; } function changeFeeRebate(uint feeRebate_) { if (msg.sender != admin) throw; if (feeRebate_ < feeRebate || feeRebate_ > feeTake) throw; feeRebate = feeRebate_; } function deposit() payable { tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[0][msg.sender], msg.value); Deposit(0, msg.sender, msg.value, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint amount) { if (tokens[0][msg.sender] < amount) throw; tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[0][msg.sender], amount); if (! throw; Withdraw(0, msg.sender, amount, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function depositToken(address token, uint amount) { //remember to call Token(address).approve(this, amount) or this contract will not be able to do the transfer on your behalf. if (token==0) throw; if (!Token(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, amount)) throw; tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount); Deposit(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]); } function withdrawToken(address token, uint amount) { if (token==0) throw; if (tokens[token][msg.sender] < amount) throw; tokens[token][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[token][msg.sender], amount); if (!Token(token).transfer(msg.sender, amount)) throw; Withdraw(token, msg.sender, amount, tokens[token][msg.sender]); } function balanceOf(address token, address user) constant returns (uint) { return tokens[token][user]; } function order(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce); orders[msg.sender][hash] = true; Order(tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce, msg.sender); } function trade(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint amount) { //amount is in amountGet terms bytes32 hash = sha256(this, tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce); if (!( (orders[user][hash] || ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash),v,r,s) == user) && block.number <= expires && safeAdd(orderFills[user][hash], amount) <= amountGet )) throw; tradeBalances(tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, user, amount); orderFills[user][hash] = safeAdd(orderFills[user][hash], amount); Trade(tokenGet, amount, tokenGive, amountGive * amount / amountGet, user, msg.sender); } function tradeBalances(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, address user, uint amount) private { uint feeMakeXfer = safeMul(amount, feeMake) / (1 ether); uint feeTakeXfer = safeMul(amount, feeTake) / (1 ether); uint feeRebateXfer = 0; if (accountLevelsAddr != 0x0) { uint accountLevel = AccountLevels(accountLevelsAddr).accountLevel(user); if (accountLevel==1) feeRebateXfer = safeMul(amount, feeRebate) / (1 ether); if (accountLevel==2) feeRebateXfer = feeTakeXfer; } tokens[tokenGet][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[tokenGet][msg.sender], safeAdd(amount, feeTakeXfer)); tokens[tokenGet][user] = safeAdd(tokens[tokenGet][user], safeSub(safeAdd(amount, feeRebateXfer), feeMakeXfer)); tokens[tokenGet][feeAccount] = safeAdd(tokens[tokenGet][feeAccount], safeSub(safeAdd(feeMakeXfer, feeTakeXfer), feeRebateXfer)); tokens[tokenGive][user] = safeSub(tokens[tokenGive][user], safeMul(amountGive, amount) / amountGet); tokens[tokenGive][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[tokenGive][msg.sender], safeMul(amountGive, amount) / amountGet); } function testTrade(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint amount, address sender) constant returns(bool) { if (!( tokens[tokenGet][sender] >= amount && availableVolume(tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce, user, v, r, s) >= amount )) return false; return true; } function availableVolume(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce); if (!( (orders[user][hash] || ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash),v,r,s) == user) && block.number <= expires )) return 0; uint available1 = safeSub(amountGet, orderFills[user][hash]); uint available2 = safeMul(tokens[tokenGive][user], amountGet) / amountGive; if (available1<available2) return available1; return available2; } function amountFilled(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce); return orderFills[user][hash]; } function cancelOrder(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce); if (!(orders[msg.sender][hash] || ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash),v,r,s) == msg.sender)) throw; orderFills[msg.sender][hash] = amountGet; Cancel(tokenGet, amountGet, tokenGive, amountGive, expires, nonce, msg.sender, v, r, s); } }
File 2 of 3: District0xNetworkToken
pragma solidity ^0.4.11; library SafeMath { function mul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; assert(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function div(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function sub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function add(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function assert(bool assertion) internal { if (!assertion) { throw; } } } contract Ownable { /// @dev `owner` is the only address that can call a function with this /// modifier modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } address public owner; /// @notice The Constructor assigns the message sender to be `owner` function Ownable() { owner = msg.sender; } address public newOwner; /// @notice `owner` can step down and assign some other address to this role /// @param _newOwner The address of the new owner. function changeOwner(address _newOwner) onlyOwner { newOwner = _newOwner; } function acceptOwnership() { if (msg.sender == newOwner) { owner = newOwner; } } } contract Pausable is Ownable { bool public stopped; event onEmergencyChanged(bool isStopped); modifier stopInEmergency { if (stopped) { throw; } _; } modifier onlyInEmergency { if (!stopped) { throw; } _; } // called by the owner on emergency, triggers stopped state function emergencyStop() external onlyOwner { stopped = true; onEmergencyChanged(stopped); } // called by the owner on end of emergency, returns to normal state function release() external onlyOwner onlyInEmergency { stopped = false; onEmergencyChanged(stopped); } } contract ERC20Basic { function totalSupply() constant returns (uint); function balanceOf(address who) constant returns (uint); function transfer(address to, uint value) returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); } contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic { mapping(address => uint) balances; function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint value) returns (bool); function approveAndCall(address spender, uint256 value, bytes extraData) returns (bool); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); function doTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) internal returns(bool); } contract GrantsControlled { modifier onlyGrantsController { if (msg.sender != grantsController) throw; _; } address public grantsController; function GrantsControlled() { grantsController = msg.sender;} function changeGrantsController(address _newController) onlyGrantsController { grantsController = _newController; } } contract LimitedTransferToken is ERC20 { // Checks whether it can transfer or otherwise throws. modifier canTransfer(address _sender, uint _value) { if (_value > transferableTokens(_sender, uint64(now))) throw; _; } // Checks modifier and allows transfer if tokens are not locked. function transfer(address _to, uint _value) canTransfer(msg.sender, _value) returns (bool) { return super.transfer(_to, _value); } // Checks modifier and allows transfer if tokens are not locked. function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) canTransfer(_from, _value) returns (bool) { return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value); } // Default transferable tokens function returns all tokens for a holder (no limit). function transferableTokens(address holder, uint64 time) constant public returns (uint256) { return balanceOf(holder); } } contract Controlled { /// @notice The address of the controller is the only address that can call /// a function with this modifier modifier onlyController { if (msg.sender != controller) throw; _; } address public controller; function Controlled() { controller = msg.sender;} /// @notice Changes the controller of the contract /// @param _newController The new controller of the contract function changeController(address _newController) onlyController { controller = _newController; } } contract MiniMeToken is ERC20, Controlled { using SafeMath for uint; string public name; //The Token's name: e.g. DigixDAO Tokens uint8 public decimals; //Number of decimals of the smallest unit string public symbol; //An identifier: e.g. REP string public version = 'MMT_0.1'; //An arbitrary versioning scheme /// @dev `Checkpoint` is the structure that attaches a block number to a /// given value, the block number attached is the one that last changed the /// value struct Checkpoint { // `fromBlock` is the block number that the value was generated from uint128 fromBlock; // `value` is the amount of tokens at a specific block number uint128 value; } // `parentToken` is the Token address that was cloned to produce this token; // it will be 0x0 for a token that was not cloned MiniMeToken public parentToken; // `parentSnapShotBlock` is the block number from the Parent Token that was // used to determine the initial distribution of the Clone Token uint public parentSnapShotBlock; // `creationBlock` is the block number that the Clone Token was created uint public creationBlock; // `balances` is the map that tracks the balance of each address, in this // contract when the balance changes the block number that the change // occurred is also included in the map mapping (address => Checkpoint[]) balances; // `allowed` tracks any extra transfer rights as in all ERC20 tokens mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed; // Tracks the history of the `totalSupply` of the token Checkpoint[] totalSupplyHistory; // Flag that determines if the token is transferable or not. bool public transfersEnabled; // The factory used to create new clone tokens MiniMeTokenFactory public tokenFactory; //////////////// // Constructor //////////////// /// @notice Constructor to create a MiniMeToken /// @param _tokenFactory The address of the MiniMeTokenFactory contract that /// will create the Clone token contracts, the token factory needs to be /// deployed first /// @param _parentToken Address of the parent token, set to 0x0 if it is a /// new token /// @param _parentSnapShotBlock Block of the parent token that will /// determine the initial distribution of the clone token, set to 0 if it /// is a new token /// @param _tokenName Name of the new token /// @param _decimalUnits Number of decimals of the new token /// @param _tokenSymbol Token Symbol for the new token /// @param _transfersEnabled If true, tokens will be able to be transferred function MiniMeToken( address _tokenFactory, address _parentToken, uint _parentSnapShotBlock, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol, bool _transfersEnabled ) { tokenFactory = MiniMeTokenFactory(_tokenFactory); name = _tokenName; // Set the name decimals = _decimalUnits; // Set the decimals symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol parentToken = MiniMeToken(_parentToken); parentSnapShotBlock = _parentSnapShotBlock; transfersEnabled = _transfersEnabled; creationBlock = block.number; } /////////////////// // ERC20 Methods /////////////////// /// @notice Send `_amount` tokens to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; return doTransfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount); } /// @notice Send `_amount` tokens to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it /// is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return True if the transfer was successful function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount ) returns (bool success) { // The controller of this contract can move tokens around at will, // this is important to recognize! Confirm that you trust the // controller of this contract, which in most situations should be // another open source smart contract or 0x0 if (msg.sender != controller) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; // The standard ERC 20 transferFrom functionality if (allowed[_from][msg.sender] < _amount) return false; allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_amount); } return doTransfer(_from, _to, _amount); } /// @dev This is the actual transfer function in the token contract, it can /// only be called by other functions in this contract. /// @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return True if the transfer was successful function doTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount ) internal returns(bool) { if (_amount == 0) { return true; } if (parentSnapShotBlock >= block.number) throw; // Do not allow transfer to 0x0 or the token contract itself if ((_to == 0) || (_to == address(this))) throw; // If the amount being transfered is more than the balance of the // account the transfer returns false var previousBalanceFrom = balanceOfAt(_from, block.number); if (previousBalanceFrom < _amount) { return false; } // Alerts the token controller of the transfer if (isContract(controller)) { if (!TokenController(controller).onTransfer(_from, _to, _amount)) throw; } // First update the balance array with the new value for the address // sending the tokens updateValueAtNow(balances[_from], previousBalanceFrom.sub(_amount)); // Then update the balance array with the new value for the address // receiving the tokens var previousBalanceTo = balanceOfAt(_to, block.number); updateValueAtNow(balances[_to], previousBalanceTo.add(_amount)); // An event to make the transfer easy to find on the blockchain Transfer(_from, _to, _amount); return true; } /// @param _owner The address that's balance is being requested /// @return The balance of `_owner` at the current block function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) { return balanceOfAt(_owner, block.number); } /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_amount` tokens on /// its behalf. This is a modified version of the ERC20 approve function /// to be a little bit safer /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return True if the approval was successful function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; // To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses` // allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender,0)` if it is not // already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here: // if ((_amount!=0) && (allowed[msg.sender][_spender] !=0)) throw; // Alerts the token controller of the approve function call if (isContract(controller)) { if (!TokenController(controller).onApprove(msg.sender, _spender, _amount)) throw; } allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount; Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount); return true; } /// @dev This function makes it easy to read the `allowed[]` map /// @param _owner The address of the account that owns the token /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens of _owner that _spender is allowed /// to spend function allowance(address _owner, address _spender ) constant returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to send `_amount` tokens on /// its behalf, and then a function is triggered in the contract that is /// being approved, `_spender`. This allows users to use their tokens to /// interact with contracts in one function call instead of two /// @param _spender The address of the contract able to transfer the tokens /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return True if the function call was successful function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _amount, bytes _extraData ) returns (bool success) { if (!approve(_spender, _amount)) throw; ApproveAndCallFallBack(_spender).receiveApproval( msg.sender, _amount, this, _extraData ); return true; } /// @dev This function makes it easy to get the total number of tokens /// @return The total number of tokens function totalSupply() constant returns (uint) { return totalSupplyAt(block.number); } //////////////// // Query balance and totalSupply in History //////////////// /// @dev Queries the balance of `_owner` at a specific `_blockNumber` /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @param _blockNumber The block number when the balance is queried /// @return The balance at `_blockNumber` function balanceOfAt(address _owner, uint _blockNumber) constant returns (uint) { // These next few lines are used when the balance of the token is // requested before a check point was ever created for this token, it // requires that the `parentToken.balanceOfAt` be queried at the // genesis block for that token as this contains initial balance of // this token if ((balances[_owner].length == 0) || (balances[_owner][0].fromBlock > _blockNumber)) { if (address(parentToken) != 0) { return parentToken.balanceOfAt(_owner, min(_blockNumber, parentSnapShotBlock)); } else { // Has no parent return 0; } // This will return the expected balance during normal situations } else { return getValueAt(balances[_owner], _blockNumber); } } /// @notice Total amount of tokens at a specific `_blockNumber`. /// @param _blockNumber The block number when the totalSupply is queried /// @return The total amount of tokens at `_blockNumber` function totalSupplyAt(uint _blockNumber) constant returns(uint) { // These next few lines are used when the totalSupply of the token is // requested before a check point was ever created for this token, it // requires that the `parentToken.totalSupplyAt` be queried at the // genesis block for this token as that contains totalSupply of this // token at this block number. if ((totalSupplyHistory.length == 0) || (totalSupplyHistory[0].fromBlock > _blockNumber)) { if (address(parentToken) != 0) { return parentToken.totalSupplyAt(min(_blockNumber, parentSnapShotBlock)); } else { return 0; } // This will return the expected totalSupply during normal situations } else { return getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, _blockNumber); } } //////////////// // Clone Token Method //////////////// /// @notice Creates a new clone token with the initial distribution being /// this token at `_snapshotBlock` /// @param _cloneTokenName Name of the clone token /// @param _cloneDecimalUnits Number of decimals of the smallest unit /// @param _cloneTokenSymbol Symbol of the clone token /// @param _snapshotBlock Block when the distribution of the parent token is /// copied to set the initial distribution of the new clone token; /// if the block is zero than the actual block, the current block is used /// @param _transfersEnabled True if transfers are allowed in the clone /// @return The address of the new MiniMeToken Contract function createCloneToken( string _cloneTokenName, uint8 _cloneDecimalUnits, string _cloneTokenSymbol, uint _snapshotBlock, bool _transfersEnabled ) returns(address) { if (_snapshotBlock == 0) _snapshotBlock = block.number; MiniMeToken cloneToken = tokenFactory.createCloneToken( this, _snapshotBlock, _cloneTokenName, _cloneDecimalUnits, _cloneTokenSymbol, _transfersEnabled ); cloneToken.changeController(msg.sender); // An event to make the token easy to find on the blockchain NewCloneToken(address(cloneToken), _snapshotBlock); return address(cloneToken); } //////////////// // Generate and destroy tokens //////////////// /// @notice Generates `_amount` tokens that are assigned to `_owner` /// @param _owner The address that will be assigned the new tokens /// @param _amount The quantity of tokens generated /// @return True if the tokens are generated correctly function generateTokens(address _owner, uint _amount ) onlyController returns (bool) { uint curTotalSupply = getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, block.number); updateValueAtNow(totalSupplyHistory, curTotalSupply.add(_amount)); var previousBalanceTo = balanceOf(_owner); updateValueAtNow(balances[_owner], previousBalanceTo.add(_amount)); Transfer(0, _owner, _amount); return true; } /// @notice Burns `_amount` tokens from `_owner` /// @param _owner The address that will lose the tokens /// @param _amount The quantity of tokens to burn /// @return True if the tokens are burned correctly function destroyTokens(address _owner, uint _amount ) onlyController returns (bool) { uint curTotalSupply = getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, block.number); if (curTotalSupply < _amount) throw; updateValueAtNow(totalSupplyHistory, curTotalSupply.sub(_amount)); var previousBalanceFrom = balanceOf(_owner); if (previousBalanceFrom < _amount) throw; updateValueAtNow(balances[_owner], previousBalanceFrom.sub(_amount)); Transfer(_owner, 0, _amount); return true; } //////////////// // Enable tokens transfers //////////////// /// @notice Enables token holders to transfer their tokens freely if true /// @param _transfersEnabled True if transfers are allowed in the clone function enableTransfers(bool _transfersEnabled) onlyController { transfersEnabled = _transfersEnabled; } //////////////// // Internal helper functions to query and set a value in a snapshot array //////////////// /// @dev `getValueAt` retrieves the number of tokens at a given block number /// @param checkpoints The history of values being queried /// @param _block The block number to retrieve the value at /// @return The number of tokens being queried function getValueAt(Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _block ) constant internal returns (uint) { if (checkpoints.length == 0) return 0; // Shortcut for the actual value if (_block >= checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].fromBlock) return checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].value; if (_block < checkpoints[0].fromBlock) return 0; // Binary search of the value in the array uint min = 0; uint max = checkpoints.length-1; while (max > min) { uint mid = (max + min + 1)/ 2; if (checkpoints[mid].fromBlock<=_block) { min = mid; } else { max = mid-1; } } return checkpoints[min].value; } /// @dev `updateValueAtNow` used to update the `balances` map and the /// `totalSupplyHistory` /// @param checkpoints The history of data being updated /// @param _value The new number of tokens function updateValueAtNow(Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _value ) internal { if ((checkpoints.length == 0) || (checkpoints[checkpoints.length -1].fromBlock < block.number)) { Checkpoint newCheckPoint = checkpoints[ checkpoints.length++ ]; newCheckPoint.fromBlock = uint128(block.number); newCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value); } else { Checkpoint oldCheckPoint = checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1]; oldCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value); } } /// @dev Internal function to determine if an address is a contract /// @param _addr The address being queried /// @return True if `_addr` is a contract function isContract(address _addr) constant internal returns(bool) { uint size; if (_addr == 0) return false; assembly { size := extcodesize(_addr) } return size>0; } /// @dev Helper function to return a min betwen the two uints function min(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { return a < b ? a : b; } /// @notice The fallback function: If the contract's controller has not been /// set to 0, then the `proxyPayment` method is called which relays the /// ether and creates tokens as described in the token controller contract function () payable { if (isContract(controller)) { if (! TokenController(controller).proxyPayment.value(msg.value)(msg.sender)) throw; } else { throw; } } ////////// // Safety Methods ////////// /// @notice This method can be used by the controller to extract mistakenly /// sent tokens to this contract. /// @param _token The address of the token contract that you want to recover /// set to 0 in case you want to extract ether. /// @param _claimer Address that tokens will be send to function claimTokens(address _token, address _claimer) onlyController { if (_token == 0x0) { _claimer.transfer(this.balance); return; } ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(_token); uint balance = token.balanceOf(this); token.transfer(_claimer, balance); ClaimedTokens(_token, _claimer, balance); } //////////////// // Events //////////////// event ClaimedTokens(address indexed _token, address indexed _claimer, uint _amount); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _amount); event NewCloneToken(address indexed _cloneToken, uint _snapshotBlock); event Approval( address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _amount ); } //////////////// // MiniMeTokenFactory //////////////// /// @dev This contract is used to generate clone contracts from a contract. /// In solidity this is the way to create a contract from a contract of the /// same class contract MiniMeTokenFactory { /// @notice Update the DApp by creating a new token with new functionalities /// the msg.sender becomes the controller of this clone token /// @param _parentToken Address of the token being cloned /// @param _snapshotBlock Block of the parent token that will /// determine the initial distribution of the clone token /// @param _tokenName Name of the new token /// @param _decimalUnits Number of decimals of the new token /// @param _tokenSymbol Token Symbol for the new token /// @param _transfersEnabled If true, tokens will be able to be transferred /// @return The address of the new token contract function createCloneToken( address _parentToken, uint _snapshotBlock, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol, bool _transfersEnabled ) returns (MiniMeToken) { MiniMeToken newToken = new MiniMeToken( this, _parentToken, _snapshotBlock, _tokenName, _decimalUnits, _tokenSymbol, _transfersEnabled ); newToken.changeController(msg.sender); return newToken; } } contract VestedToken is LimitedTransferToken, GrantsControlled { using SafeMath for uint; uint256 MAX_GRANTS_PER_ADDRESS = 20; struct TokenGrant { address granter; // 20 bytes uint256 value; // 32 bytes uint64 cliff; uint64 vesting; uint64 start; // 3 * 8 = 24 bytes bool revokable; bool burnsOnRevoke; // 2 * 1 = 2 bits? or 2 bytes? } // total 78 bytes = 3 sstore per operation (32 per sstore) mapping (address => TokenGrant[]) public grants; event NewTokenGrant(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value, uint256 grantId); /** * @dev Grant tokens to a specified address * @param _to address The address which the tokens will be granted to. * @param _value uint256 The amount of tokens to be granted. * @param _start uint64 Time of the beginning of the grant. * @param _cliff uint64 Time of the cliff period. * @param _vesting uint64 The vesting period. */ function grantVestedTokens( address _to, uint256 _value, uint64 _start, uint64 _cliff, uint64 _vesting, bool _revokable, bool _burnsOnRevoke ) onlyGrantsController public { // Check for date inconsistencies that may cause unexpected behavior if (_cliff < _start || _vesting < _cliff) { throw; } if (tokenGrantsCount(_to) > MAX_GRANTS_PER_ADDRESS) throw; // To prevent a user being spammed and have his balance locked (out of gas attack when calculating vesting). uint count = grants[_to].push( TokenGrant( _revokable ? msg.sender : 0, // avoid storing an extra 20 bytes when it is non-revokable _value, _cliff, _vesting, _start, _revokable, _burnsOnRevoke ) ); transfer(_to, _value); NewTokenGrant(msg.sender, _to, _value, count - 1); } /** * @dev Revoke the grant of tokens of a specifed address. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. * @param _grantId The id of the token grant. */ function revokeTokenGrant(address _holder, uint _grantId) public { TokenGrant grant = grants[_holder][_grantId]; if (!grant.revokable) { // Check if grant was revokable throw; } if (grant.granter != msg.sender) { // Only granter can revoke it throw; } address receiver = grant.burnsOnRevoke ? 0xdead : msg.sender; uint256 nonVested = nonVestedTokens(grant, uint64(now)); // remove grant from array delete grants[_holder][_grantId]; grants[_holder][_grantId] = grants[_holder][grants[_holder].length.sub(1)]; grants[_holder].length -= 1; // This will call MiniMe's doTransfer method, so token is transferred according to // MiniMe Token logic doTransfer(_holder, receiver, nonVested); Transfer(_holder, receiver, nonVested); } /** * @dev Revoke all grants of tokens of a specifed address. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. */ function revokeAllTokenGrants(address _holder) { var grandsCount = tokenGrantsCount(_holder); for (uint i = 0; i < grandsCount; i++) { revokeTokenGrant(_holder, 0); } } /** * @dev Calculate the total amount of transferable tokens of a holder at a given time * @param holder address The address of the holder * @param time uint64 The specific time. * @return An uint representing a holder's total amount of transferable tokens. */ function transferableTokens(address holder, uint64 time) constant public returns (uint256) { uint256 grantIndex = tokenGrantsCount(holder); if (grantIndex == 0) return balanceOf(holder); // shortcut for holder without grants // Iterate through all the grants the holder has, and add all non-vested tokens uint256 nonVested = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < grantIndex; i++) { nonVested = SafeMath.add(nonVested, nonVestedTokens(grants[holder][i], time)); } // Balance - totalNonVested is the amount of tokens a holder can transfer at any given time uint256 vestedTransferable = SafeMath.sub(balanceOf(holder), nonVested); // Return the minimum of how many vested can transfer and other value // in case there are other limiting transferability factors (default is balanceOf) return SafeMath.min256(vestedTransferable, super.transferableTokens(holder, time)); } /** * @dev Check the amount of grants that an address has. * @param _holder The holder of the grants. * @return A uint representing the total amount of grants. */ function tokenGrantsCount(address _holder) constant returns (uint index) { return grants[_holder].length; } /** * @dev Calculate amount of vested tokens at a specifc time. * @param tokens uint256 The amount of tokens grantted. * @param time uint64 The time to be checked * @param start uint64 A time representing the begining of the grant * @param cliff uint64 The cliff period. * @param vesting uint64 The vesting period. * @return An uint representing the amount of vested tokensof a specif grant. * transferableTokens * | _/-------- vestedTokens rect * | _/ * | _/ * | _/ * | _/ * | / * | .| * | . | * | . | * | . | * | . | * | . | * +===+===========+---------+----------> time * Start Clift Vesting */ function calculateVestedTokens( uint256 tokens, uint256 time, uint256 start, uint256 cliff, uint256 vesting) constant returns (uint256) { // Shortcuts for before cliff and after vesting cases. if (time < cliff) return 0; if (time >= vesting) return tokens; // Interpolate all vested tokens. // As before cliff the shortcut returns 0, we can use just calculate a value // in the vesting rect (as shown in above's figure) // vestedTokens = tokens * (time - start) / (vesting - start) uint256 vestedTokens = SafeMath.div( SafeMath.mul( tokens, SafeMath.sub(time, start) ), SafeMath.sub(vesting, start) ); return vestedTokens; } /** * @dev Get all information about a specifc grant. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. * @param _grantId The id of the token grant. * @return Returns all the values that represent a TokenGrant(address, value, start, cliff, * revokability, burnsOnRevoke, and vesting) plus the vested value at the current time. */ function tokenGrant(address _holder, uint _grantId) constant returns (address granter, uint256 value, uint256 vested, uint64 start, uint64 cliff, uint64 vesting, bool revokable, bool burnsOnRevoke) { TokenGrant grant = grants[_holder][_grantId]; granter = grant.granter; value = grant.value; start = grant.start; cliff = grant.cliff; vesting = grant.vesting; revokable = grant.revokable; burnsOnRevoke = grant.burnsOnRevoke; vested = vestedTokens(grant, uint64(now)); } /** * @dev Get the amount of vested tokens at a specific time. * @param grant TokenGrant The grant to be checked. * @param time The time to be checked * @return An uint representing the amount of vested tokens of a specific grant at a specific time. */ function vestedTokens(TokenGrant grant, uint64 time) private constant returns (uint256) { return calculateVestedTokens( grant.value, uint256(time), uint256(grant.start), uint256(grant.cliff), uint256(grant.vesting) ); } /** * @dev Calculate the amount of non vested tokens at a specific time. * @param grant TokenGrant The grant to be checked. * @param time uint64 The time to be checked * @return An uint representing the amount of non vested tokens of a specifc grant on the * passed time frame. */ function nonVestedTokens(TokenGrant grant, uint64 time) private constant returns (uint256) { return grant.value.sub(vestedTokens(grant, time)); } /** * @dev Calculate the date when the holder can trasfer all its tokens * @param holder address The address of the holder * @return An uint representing the date of the last transferable tokens. */ function lastTokenIsTransferableDate(address holder) constant public returns (uint64 date) { date = uint64(now); uint256 grantIndex = grants[holder].length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < grantIndex; i++) { date = SafeMath.max64(grants[holder][i].vesting, date); } } } contract ApproveAndCallFallBack { function receiveApproval(address from, uint256 _amount, address _token, bytes _data); } contract TokenController { /// @notice Called when `_owner` sends ether to the MiniMe Token contract /// @param _owner The address that sent the ether to create tokens /// @return True if the ether is accepted, false if it throws function proxyPayment(address _owner) payable returns(bool); /// @notice Notifies the controller about a token transfer allowing the /// controller to react if desired /// @param _from The origin of the transfer /// @param _to The destination of the transfer /// @param _amount The amount of the transfer /// @return False if the controller does not authorize the transfer function onTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) returns(bool); /// @notice Notifies the controller about an approval allowing the /// controller to react if desired /// @param _owner The address that calls `approve()` /// @param _spender The spender in the `approve()` call /// @param _amount The amount in the `approve()` call /// @return False if the controller does not authorize the approval function onApprove(address _owner, address _spender, uint _amount) returns(bool); } contract District0xNetworkToken is MiniMeToken, VestedToken { function District0xNetworkToken(address _controller, address _tokenFactory) MiniMeToken( _tokenFactory, 0x0, // no parent token 0, // no snapshot block number from parent "district0x Network Token", // Token name 18, // Decimals "DNT", // Symbol true // Enable transfers ) { changeController(_controller); changeGrantsController(_controller); } } contract HasNoTokens is Ownable { District0xNetworkToken public district0xNetworkToken; /** * @dev Reject all ERC23 compatible tokens * @param from_ address The address that is transferring the tokens * @param value_ uint256 the amount of the specified token * @param data_ Bytes The data passed from the caller. */ function tokenFallback(address from_, uint256 value_, bytes data_) external { throw; } function isTokenSaleToken(address tokenAddr) returns(bool); /** * @dev Reclaim all ERC20Basic compatible tokens * @param tokenAddr address The address of the token contract */ function reclaimToken(address tokenAddr) external onlyOwner { require(!isTokenSaleToken(tokenAddr)); ERC20Basic tokenInst = ERC20Basic(tokenAddr); uint256 balance = tokenInst.balanceOf(this); tokenInst.transfer(msg.sender, balance); } } contract District0xContribution is Pausable, HasNoTokens, TokenController { using SafeMath for uint; District0xNetworkToken public district0xNetworkToken; address public multisigWallet; // Wallet that receives all sale funds address public founder1; // Wallet of founder 1 address public founder2; // Wallet of founder 2 address public earlySponsor; // Wallet of early sponsor address[] public advisers; // 4 Wallets of advisors uint public constant FOUNDER1_STAKE = 119000000 ether; // 119M DNT uint public constant FOUNDER2_STAKE = 79000000 ether; // 79M DNT uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant ADVISER_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant ADVISER_STAKE2 = 1000000 ether; // 1M DNT uint public constant COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE = 600000000 ether; // 600M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD2_STAKE = 140000000 ether; // 140M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD3_STAKE = 40000000 ether; // 40M DNT uint public minContribAmount = 0.01 ether; // 0.01 ether uint public maxGasPrice = 50000000000; // 50 GWei uint public constant TEAM_VESTING_CLIFF = 24 weeks; // 6 months vesting cliff for founders and advisors, except community advisors uint public constant TEAM_VESTING_PERIOD = 96 weeks; // 2 years vesting period for founders and advisors, except community advisors uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_CLIFF = 12 weeks; // 3 months vesting cliff for early sponsor uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_PERIOD = 24 weeks; // 6 months vesting cliff for early sponsor bool public tokenTransfersEnabled = false; // DNT token transfers will be enabled manually // after first contribution period // Can't be disabled back struct Contributor { uint amount; // Amount of ETH contributed by an address in given contribution period bool isCompensated; // Whether this contributor received DNT token for ETH contribution uint amountCompensated; // Amount of DNT received. Not really needed to store, // but stored for accounting and security purposes } uint public softCapAmount; // Soft cap of contribution period in wei uint public afterSoftCapDuration; // Number of seconds to the end of sale from the moment of reaching soft cap (unless reaching hardcap) uint public hardCapAmount; // When reached this amount of wei, the contribution will end instantly uint public startTime; // Start time of contribution period in UNIX time uint public endTime; // End time of contribution period in UNIX time bool public isEnabled; // If contribution period was enabled by multisignature bool public softCapReached; // If soft cap was reached bool public hardCapReached; // If hard cap was reached uint public totalContributed; // Total amount of ETH contributed in given period address[] public contributorsKeys; // Addresses of all contributors in given contribution period mapping (address => Contributor) public contributors; event onContribution(uint totalContributed, address indexed contributor, uint amount, uint contributorsCount); event onSoftCapReached(uint endTime); event onHardCapReached(uint endTime); event onCompensated(address indexed contributor, uint amount); modifier onlyMultisig() { require(multisigWallet == msg.sender); _; } function District0xContribution( address _multisigWallet, address _founder1, address _founder2, address _earlySponsor, address[] _advisers ) { require(_advisers.length == 5); multisigWallet = _multisigWallet; founder1 = _founder1; founder2 = _founder2; earlySponsor = _earlySponsor; advisers = _advisers; } // @notice Returns true if contribution period is currently running function isContribPeriodRunning() constant returns (bool) { return !hardCapReached && isEnabled && startTime <= now && endTime > now; } function contribute() payable stopInEmergency { contributeWithAddress(msg.sender); } // @notice Function to participate in contribution period // Amounts from the same address should be added up // If soft or hard cap is reached, end time should be modified // Funds should be transferred into multisig wallet // @param contributor Address that will receive DNT token function contributeWithAddress(address contributor) payable stopInEmergency { require(tx.gasprice <= maxGasPrice); require(msg.value >= minContribAmount); require(isContribPeriodRunning()); uint contribValue = msg.value; uint excessContribValue = 0; uint oldTotalContributed = totalContributed; totalContributed = oldTotalContributed.add(contribValue); uint newTotalContributed = totalContributed; // Soft cap was reached if (newTotalContributed >= softCapAmount && oldTotalContributed < softCapAmount) { softCapReached = true; endTime = afterSoftCapDuration.add(now); onSoftCapReached(endTime); } // Hard cap was reached if (newTotalContributed >= hardCapAmount && oldTotalContributed < hardCapAmount) { hardCapReached = true; endTime = now; onHardCapReached(endTime); // Everything above hard cap will be sent back to contributor excessContribValue = newTotalContributed.sub(hardCapAmount); contribValue = contribValue.sub(excessContribValue); totalContributed = hardCapAmount; } if (contributors[contributor].amount == 0) { contributorsKeys.push(contributor); } contributors[contributor].amount = contributors[contributor].amount.add(contribValue); multisigWallet.transfer(contribValue); if (excessContribValue > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(excessContribValue); } onContribution(newTotalContributed, contributor, contribValue, contributorsKeys.length); } // @notice This method is called by owner after contribution period ends, to distribute DNT in proportional manner // Each contributor should receive DNT just once even if this method is called multiple times // In case of many contributors must be able to compensate contributors in paginational way, otherwise might // run out of gas if wanted to compensate all on one method call. Therefore parameters offset and limit // @param periodIndex Index of contribution period (0-2) // @param offset Number of first contributors to skip. // @param limit Max number of contributors compensated on this call function compensateContributors(uint offset, uint limit) onlyOwner { require(isEnabled); require(endTime < now); uint i = offset; uint compensatedCount = 0; uint contributorsCount = contributorsKeys.length; uint ratio = CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE .mul(1000000000000000000) .div(totalContributed); while (i < contributorsCount && compensatedCount < limit) { address contributorAddress = contributorsKeys[i]; if (!contributors[contributorAddress].isCompensated) { uint amountContributed = contributors[contributorAddress].amount; contributors[contributorAddress].isCompensated = true; contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated = amountContributed.mul(ratio).div(1000000000000000000); district0xNetworkToken.transfer(contributorAddress, contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated); onCompensated(contributorAddress, contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated); compensatedCount++; } i++; } } // @notice Method for setting up contribution period // Only owner should be able to execute // Setting first contribution period sets up vesting for founders & advisors // Contribution period should still not be enabled after calling this method // @param softCapAmount Soft Cap in wei // @param afterSoftCapDuration Number of seconds till the end of sale in the moment of reaching soft cap (unless reaching hard cap) // @param hardCapAmount Hard Cap in wei // @param startTime Contribution start time in UNIX time // @param endTime Contribution end time in UNIX time function setContribPeriod( uint _softCapAmount, uint _afterSoftCapDuration, uint _hardCapAmount, uint _startTime, uint _endTime ) onlyOwner { require(_softCapAmount > 0); require(_hardCapAmount > _softCapAmount); require(_afterSoftCapDuration > 0); require(_startTime > now); require(_endTime > _startTime); require(!isEnabled); softCapAmount = _softCapAmount; afterSoftCapDuration = _afterSoftCapDuration; hardCapAmount = _hardCapAmount; startTime = _startTime; endTime = _endTime; district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(founder1); district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(founder2); district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(earlySponsor); for (uint j = 0; j < advisers.length; j++) { district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(advisers[j]); } uint64 vestingDate = uint64(startTime.add(TEAM_VESTING_PERIOD)); uint64 cliffDate = uint64(startTime.add(TEAM_VESTING_CLIFF)); uint64 earlyContribVestingDate = uint64(startTime.add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_PERIOD)); uint64 earlyContribCliffDate = uint64(startTime.add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_CLIFF)); uint64 startDate = uint64(startTime); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(founder1, FOUNDER1_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(founder2, FOUNDER2_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(earlySponsor, EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE, startDate, earlyContribCliffDate, earlyContribVestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[0], ADVISER_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[1], ADVISER_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[2], ADVISER_STAKE2, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[3], ADVISER_STAKE2, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); // Community advisors stake has no vesting, but we set it up this way, so we can revoke it in case of // re-setting up contribution period district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[4], COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE, startDate, startDate, startDate, true, false); } // @notice Enables contribution period // Must be executed by multisignature function enableContribPeriod() onlyMultisig { require(startTime > now); isEnabled = true; } // @notice Sets new min. contribution amount // Only owner can execute // Cannot be executed while contribution period is running // @param _minContribAmount new min. amount function setMinContribAmount(uint _minContribAmount) onlyOwner { require(_minContribAmount > 0); require(startTime > now); minContribAmount = _minContribAmount; } // @notice Sets new max gas price for contribution // Only owner can execute // Cannot be executed while contribution period is running // @param _minContribAmount new min. amount function setMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice > 0); require(startTime > now); maxGasPrice = _maxGasPrice; } // @notice Sets District0xNetworkToken contract // Generates all DNT tokens and assigns them to this contract // If token contract has already generated tokens, do not generate again // @param _district0xNetworkToken District0xNetworkToken address function setDistrict0xNetworkToken(address _district0xNetworkToken) onlyOwner { require(_district0xNetworkToken != 0x0); require(!isEnabled); district0xNetworkToken = District0xNetworkToken(_district0xNetworkToken); if (district0xNetworkToken.totalSupply() == 0) { district0xNetworkToken.generateTokens(this, FOUNDER1_STAKE .add(FOUNDER2_STAKE) .add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE) .add(ADVISER_STAKE.mul(2)) .add(ADVISER_STAKE2.mul(2)) .add(COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE) .add(CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE)); district0xNetworkToken.generateTokens(multisigWallet, CONTRIB_PERIOD2_STAKE .add(CONTRIB_PERIOD3_STAKE)); } } // @notice Enables transfers of DNT // Will be executed after first contribution period by owner function enableDistrict0xNetworkTokenTransfers() onlyOwner { require(endTime < now); tokenTransfersEnabled = true; } // @notice Method to claim tokens accidentally sent to a DNT contract // Only multisig wallet can execute // @param _token Address of claimed ERC20 Token function claimTokensFromTokenDistrict0xNetworkToken(address _token) onlyMultisig { district0xNetworkToken.claimTokens(_token, multisigWallet); } // @notice Kill method should not really be needed, but just in case function kill(address _to) onlyMultisig external { suicide(_to); } function() payable stopInEmergency { contributeWithAddress(msg.sender); } // MiniMe Controller default settings for allowing token transfers. function proxyPayment(address _owner) payable public returns (bool) { throw; } // Before transfers are enabled for everyone, only this contract is allowed to distribute DNT function onTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) public returns (bool) { return tokenTransfersEnabled || _from == address(this) || _to == address(this); } function onApprove(address _owner, address _spender, uint _amount) public returns (bool) { return tokenTransfersEnabled; } function isTokenSaleToken(address tokenAddr) returns(bool) { return district0xNetworkToken == tokenAddr; } /* Following constant methods are used for tests and contribution web app They don't impact logic of contribution contract, therefor DOES NOT NEED TO BE AUDITED */ // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contribution period properties function getContribPeriod() constant returns (bool[3] boolValues, uint[8] uintValues) { boolValues[0] = isEnabled; boolValues[1] = softCapReached; boolValues[2] = hardCapReached; uintValues[0] = softCapAmount; uintValues[1] = afterSoftCapDuration; uintValues[2] = hardCapAmount; uintValues[3] = startTime; uintValues[4] = endTime; uintValues[5] = totalContributed; uintValues[6] = contributorsKeys.length; uintValues[7] = CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE; return (boolValues, uintValues); } // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contribution contract properties function getConfiguration() constant returns (bool, address, address, address, address, address[] _advisers, bool, uint) { _advisers = new address[](advisers.length); for (uint i = 0; i < advisers.length; i++) { _advisers[i] = advisers[i]; } return (stopped, multisigWallet, founder1, founder2, earlySponsor, _advisers, tokenTransfersEnabled, maxGasPrice); } // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contributor's properties function getContributor(address contributorAddress) constant returns(uint, bool, uint) { Contributor contributor = contributors[contributorAddress]; return (contributor.amount, contributor.isCompensated, contributor.amountCompensated); } // Function to verify if all contributors were compensated function getUncompensatedContributors(uint offset, uint limit) constant returns (uint[] contributorIndexes) { uint contributorsCount = contributorsKeys.length; if (limit == 0) { limit = contributorsCount; } uint i = offset; uint resultsCount = 0; uint[] memory _contributorIndexes = new uint[](limit); while (i < contributorsCount && resultsCount < limit) { if (!contributors[contributorsKeys[i]].isCompensated) { _contributorIndexes[resultsCount] = i; resultsCount++; } i++; } contributorIndexes = new uint[](resultsCount); for (i = 0; i < resultsCount; i++) { contributorIndexes[i] = _contributorIndexes[i]; } return contributorIndexes; } function getNow() constant returns(uint) { return now; } }
File 3 of 3: District0xContribution
pragma solidity ^0.4.11; library SafeMath { function mul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; assert(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function div(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function sub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function add(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function assert(bool assertion) internal { if (!assertion) { throw; } } } contract Ownable { /// @dev `owner` is the only address that can call a function with this /// modifier modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } address public owner; /// @notice The Constructor assigns the message sender to be `owner` function Ownable() { owner = msg.sender; } address public newOwner; /// @notice `owner` can step down and assign some other address to this role /// @param _newOwner The address of the new owner. function changeOwner(address _newOwner) onlyOwner { newOwner = _newOwner; } function acceptOwnership() { if (msg.sender == newOwner) { owner = newOwner; } } } contract Pausable is Ownable { bool public stopped; event onEmergencyChanged(bool isStopped); modifier stopInEmergency { if (stopped) { throw; } _; } modifier onlyInEmergency { if (!stopped) { throw; } _; } // called by the owner on emergency, triggers stopped state function emergencyStop() external onlyOwner { stopped = true; onEmergencyChanged(stopped); } // called by the owner on end of emergency, returns to normal state function release() external onlyOwner onlyInEmergency { stopped = false; onEmergencyChanged(stopped); } } contract ERC20Basic { function totalSupply() constant returns (uint); function balanceOf(address who) constant returns (uint); function transfer(address to, uint value) returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); } contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic { mapping(address => uint) balances; function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint value) returns (bool); function approveAndCall(address spender, uint256 value, bytes extraData) returns (bool); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); function doTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) internal returns(bool); } contract GrantsControlled { modifier onlyGrantsController { if (msg.sender != grantsController) throw; _; } address public grantsController; function GrantsControlled() { grantsController = msg.sender;} function changeGrantsController(address _newController) onlyGrantsController { grantsController = _newController; } } contract LimitedTransferToken is ERC20 { // Checks whether it can transfer or otherwise throws. modifier canTransfer(address _sender, uint _value) { if (_value > transferableTokens(_sender, uint64(now))) throw; _; } // Checks modifier and allows transfer if tokens are not locked. function transfer(address _to, uint _value) canTransfer(msg.sender, _value) returns (bool) { return super.transfer(_to, _value); } // Checks modifier and allows transfer if tokens are not locked. function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) canTransfer(_from, _value) returns (bool) { return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value); } // Default transferable tokens function returns all tokens for a holder (no limit). function transferableTokens(address holder, uint64 time) constant public returns (uint256) { return balanceOf(holder); } } contract Controlled { /// @notice The address of the controller is the only address that can call /// a function with this modifier modifier onlyController { if (msg.sender != controller) throw; _; } address public controller; function Controlled() { controller = msg.sender;} /// @notice Changes the controller of the contract /// @param _newController The new controller of the contract function changeController(address _newController) onlyController { controller = _newController; } } contract MiniMeToken is ERC20, Controlled { using SafeMath for uint; string public name; //The Token's name: e.g. DigixDAO Tokens uint8 public decimals; //Number of decimals of the smallest unit string public symbol; //An identifier: e.g. REP string public version = 'MMT_0.1'; //An arbitrary versioning scheme /// @dev `Checkpoint` is the structure that attaches a block number to a /// given value, the block number attached is the one that last changed the /// value struct Checkpoint { // `fromBlock` is the block number that the value was generated from uint128 fromBlock; // `value` is the amount of tokens at a specific block number uint128 value; } // `parentToken` is the Token address that was cloned to produce this token; // it will be 0x0 for a token that was not cloned MiniMeToken public parentToken; // `parentSnapShotBlock` is the block number from the Parent Token that was // used to determine the initial distribution of the Clone Token uint public parentSnapShotBlock; // `creationBlock` is the block number that the Clone Token was created uint public creationBlock; // `balances` is the map that tracks the balance of each address, in this // contract when the balance changes the block number that the change // occurred is also included in the map mapping (address => Checkpoint[]) balances; // `allowed` tracks any extra transfer rights as in all ERC20 tokens mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed; // Tracks the history of the `totalSupply` of the token Checkpoint[] totalSupplyHistory; // Flag that determines if the token is transferable or not. bool public transfersEnabled; // The factory used to create new clone tokens MiniMeTokenFactory public tokenFactory; //////////////// // Constructor //////////////// /// @notice Constructor to create a MiniMeToken /// @param _tokenFactory The address of the MiniMeTokenFactory contract that /// will create the Clone token contracts, the token factory needs to be /// deployed first /// @param _parentToken Address of the parent token, set to 0x0 if it is a /// new token /// @param _parentSnapShotBlock Block of the parent token that will /// determine the initial distribution of the clone token, set to 0 if it /// is a new token /// @param _tokenName Name of the new token /// @param _decimalUnits Number of decimals of the new token /// @param _tokenSymbol Token Symbol for the new token /// @param _transfersEnabled If true, tokens will be able to be transferred function MiniMeToken( address _tokenFactory, address _parentToken, uint _parentSnapShotBlock, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol, bool _transfersEnabled ) { tokenFactory = MiniMeTokenFactory(_tokenFactory); name = _tokenName; // Set the name decimals = _decimalUnits; // Set the decimals symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol parentToken = MiniMeToken(_parentToken); parentSnapShotBlock = _parentSnapShotBlock; transfersEnabled = _transfersEnabled; creationBlock = block.number; } /////////////////// // ERC20 Methods /////////////////// /// @notice Send `_amount` tokens to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; return doTransfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount); } /// @notice Send `_amount` tokens to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it /// is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return True if the transfer was successful function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount ) returns (bool success) { // The controller of this contract can move tokens around at will, // this is important to recognize! Confirm that you trust the // controller of this contract, which in most situations should be // another open source smart contract or 0x0 if (msg.sender != controller) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; // The standard ERC 20 transferFrom functionality if (allowed[_from][msg.sender] < _amount) return false; allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_amount); } return doTransfer(_from, _to, _amount); } /// @dev This is the actual transfer function in the token contract, it can /// only be called by other functions in this contract. /// @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred /// @return True if the transfer was successful function doTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount ) internal returns(bool) { if (_amount == 0) { return true; } if (parentSnapShotBlock >= block.number) throw; // Do not allow transfer to 0x0 or the token contract itself if ((_to == 0) || (_to == address(this))) throw; // If the amount being transfered is more than the balance of the // account the transfer returns false var previousBalanceFrom = balanceOfAt(_from, block.number); if (previousBalanceFrom < _amount) { return false; } // Alerts the token controller of the transfer if (isContract(controller)) { if (!TokenController(controller).onTransfer(_from, _to, _amount)) throw; } // First update the balance array with the new value for the address // sending the tokens updateValueAtNow(balances[_from], previousBalanceFrom.sub(_amount)); // Then update the balance array with the new value for the address // receiving the tokens var previousBalanceTo = balanceOfAt(_to, block.number); updateValueAtNow(balances[_to], previousBalanceTo.add(_amount)); // An event to make the transfer easy to find on the blockchain Transfer(_from, _to, _amount); return true; } /// @param _owner The address that's balance is being requested /// @return The balance of `_owner` at the current block function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) { return balanceOfAt(_owner, block.number); } /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_amount` tokens on /// its behalf. This is a modified version of the ERC20 approve function /// to be a little bit safer /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return True if the approval was successful function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) { if (!transfersEnabled) throw; // To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses` // allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender,0)` if it is not // already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here: // if ((_amount!=0) && (allowed[msg.sender][_spender] !=0)) throw; // Alerts the token controller of the approve function call if (isContract(controller)) { if (!TokenController(controller).onApprove(msg.sender, _spender, _amount)) throw; } allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount; Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount); return true; } /// @dev This function makes it easy to read the `allowed[]` map /// @param _owner The address of the account that owns the token /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens of _owner that _spender is allowed /// to spend function allowance(address _owner, address _spender ) constant returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to send `_amount` tokens on /// its behalf, and then a function is triggered in the contract that is /// being approved, `_spender`. This allows users to use their tokens to /// interact with contracts in one function call instead of two /// @param _spender The address of the contract able to transfer the tokens /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return True if the function call was successful function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _amount, bytes _extraData ) returns (bool success) { if (!approve(_spender, _amount)) throw; ApproveAndCallFallBack(_spender).receiveApproval( msg.sender, _amount, this, _extraData ); return true; } /// @dev This function makes it easy to get the total number of tokens /// @return The total number of tokens function totalSupply() constant returns (uint) { return totalSupplyAt(block.number); } //////////////// // Query balance and totalSupply in History //////////////// /// @dev Queries the balance of `_owner` at a specific `_blockNumber` /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @param _blockNumber The block number when the balance is queried /// @return The balance at `_blockNumber` function balanceOfAt(address _owner, uint _blockNumber) constant returns (uint) { // These next few lines are used when the balance of the token is // requested before a check point was ever created for this token, it // requires that the `parentToken.balanceOfAt` be queried at the // genesis block for that token as this contains initial balance of // this token if ((balances[_owner].length == 0) || (balances[_owner][0].fromBlock > _blockNumber)) { if (address(parentToken) != 0) { return parentToken.balanceOfAt(_owner, min(_blockNumber, parentSnapShotBlock)); } else { // Has no parent return 0; } // This will return the expected balance during normal situations } else { return getValueAt(balances[_owner], _blockNumber); } } /// @notice Total amount of tokens at a specific `_blockNumber`. /// @param _blockNumber The block number when the totalSupply is queried /// @return The total amount of tokens at `_blockNumber` function totalSupplyAt(uint _blockNumber) constant returns(uint) { // These next few lines are used when the totalSupply of the token is // requested before a check point was ever created for this token, it // requires that the `parentToken.totalSupplyAt` be queried at the // genesis block for this token as that contains totalSupply of this // token at this block number. if ((totalSupplyHistory.length == 0) || (totalSupplyHistory[0].fromBlock > _blockNumber)) { if (address(parentToken) != 0) { return parentToken.totalSupplyAt(min(_blockNumber, parentSnapShotBlock)); } else { return 0; } // This will return the expected totalSupply during normal situations } else { return getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, _blockNumber); } } //////////////// // Clone Token Method //////////////// /// @notice Creates a new clone token with the initial distribution being /// this token at `_snapshotBlock` /// @param _cloneTokenName Name of the clone token /// @param _cloneDecimalUnits Number of decimals of the smallest unit /// @param _cloneTokenSymbol Symbol of the clone token /// @param _snapshotBlock Block when the distribution of the parent token is /// copied to set the initial distribution of the new clone token; /// if the block is zero than the actual block, the current block is used /// @param _transfersEnabled True if transfers are allowed in the clone /// @return The address of the new MiniMeToken Contract function createCloneToken( string _cloneTokenName, uint8 _cloneDecimalUnits, string _cloneTokenSymbol, uint _snapshotBlock, bool _transfersEnabled ) returns(address) { if (_snapshotBlock == 0) _snapshotBlock = block.number; MiniMeToken cloneToken = tokenFactory.createCloneToken( this, _snapshotBlock, _cloneTokenName, _cloneDecimalUnits, _cloneTokenSymbol, _transfersEnabled ); cloneToken.changeController(msg.sender); // An event to make the token easy to find on the blockchain NewCloneToken(address(cloneToken), _snapshotBlock); return address(cloneToken); } //////////////// // Generate and destroy tokens //////////////// /// @notice Generates `_amount` tokens that are assigned to `_owner` /// @param _owner The address that will be assigned the new tokens /// @param _amount The quantity of tokens generated /// @return True if the tokens are generated correctly function generateTokens(address _owner, uint _amount ) onlyController returns (bool) { uint curTotalSupply = getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, block.number); updateValueAtNow(totalSupplyHistory, curTotalSupply.add(_amount)); var previousBalanceTo = balanceOf(_owner); updateValueAtNow(balances[_owner], previousBalanceTo.add(_amount)); Transfer(0, _owner, _amount); return true; } /// @notice Burns `_amount` tokens from `_owner` /// @param _owner The address that will lose the tokens /// @param _amount The quantity of tokens to burn /// @return True if the tokens are burned correctly function destroyTokens(address _owner, uint _amount ) onlyController returns (bool) { uint curTotalSupply = getValueAt(totalSupplyHistory, block.number); if (curTotalSupply < _amount) throw; updateValueAtNow(totalSupplyHistory, curTotalSupply.sub(_amount)); var previousBalanceFrom = balanceOf(_owner); if (previousBalanceFrom < _amount) throw; updateValueAtNow(balances[_owner], previousBalanceFrom.sub(_amount)); Transfer(_owner, 0, _amount); return true; } //////////////// // Enable tokens transfers //////////////// /// @notice Enables token holders to transfer their tokens freely if true /// @param _transfersEnabled True if transfers are allowed in the clone function enableTransfers(bool _transfersEnabled) onlyController { transfersEnabled = _transfersEnabled; } //////////////// // Internal helper functions to query and set a value in a snapshot array //////////////// /// @dev `getValueAt` retrieves the number of tokens at a given block number /// @param checkpoints The history of values being queried /// @param _block The block number to retrieve the value at /// @return The number of tokens being queried function getValueAt(Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _block ) constant internal returns (uint) { if (checkpoints.length == 0) return 0; // Shortcut for the actual value if (_block >= checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].fromBlock) return checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].value; if (_block < checkpoints[0].fromBlock) return 0; // Binary search of the value in the array uint min = 0; uint max = checkpoints.length-1; while (max > min) { uint mid = (max + min + 1)/ 2; if (checkpoints[mid].fromBlock<=_block) { min = mid; } else { max = mid-1; } } return checkpoints[min].value; } /// @dev `updateValueAtNow` used to update the `balances` map and the /// `totalSupplyHistory` /// @param checkpoints The history of data being updated /// @param _value The new number of tokens function updateValueAtNow(Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _value ) internal { if ((checkpoints.length == 0) || (checkpoints[checkpoints.length -1].fromBlock < block.number)) { Checkpoint newCheckPoint = checkpoints[ checkpoints.length++ ]; newCheckPoint.fromBlock = uint128(block.number); newCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value); } else { Checkpoint oldCheckPoint = checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1]; oldCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value); } } /// @dev Internal function to determine if an address is a contract /// @param _addr The address being queried /// @return True if `_addr` is a contract function isContract(address _addr) constant internal returns(bool) { uint size; if (_addr == 0) return false; assembly { size := extcodesize(_addr) } return size>0; } /// @dev Helper function to return a min betwen the two uints function min(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { return a < b ? a : b; } /// @notice The fallback function: If the contract's controller has not been /// set to 0, then the `proxyPayment` method is called which relays the /// ether and creates tokens as described in the token controller contract function () payable { if (isContract(controller)) { if (! TokenController(controller).proxyPayment.value(msg.value)(msg.sender)) throw; } else { throw; } } ////////// // Safety Methods ////////// /// @notice This method can be used by the controller to extract mistakenly /// sent tokens to this contract. /// @param _token The address of the token contract that you want to recover /// set to 0 in case you want to extract ether. /// @param _claimer Address that tokens will be send to function claimTokens(address _token, address _claimer) onlyController { if (_token == 0x0) { _claimer.transfer(this.balance); return; } ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(_token); uint balance = token.balanceOf(this); token.transfer(_claimer, balance); ClaimedTokens(_token, _claimer, balance); } //////////////// // Events //////////////// event ClaimedTokens(address indexed _token, address indexed _claimer, uint _amount); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _amount); event NewCloneToken(address indexed _cloneToken, uint _snapshotBlock); event Approval( address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _amount ); } //////////////// // MiniMeTokenFactory //////////////// /// @dev This contract is used to generate clone contracts from a contract. /// In solidity this is the way to create a contract from a contract of the /// same class contract MiniMeTokenFactory { /// @notice Update the DApp by creating a new token with new functionalities /// the msg.sender becomes the controller of this clone token /// @param _parentToken Address of the token being cloned /// @param _snapshotBlock Block of the parent token that will /// determine the initial distribution of the clone token /// @param _tokenName Name of the new token /// @param _decimalUnits Number of decimals of the new token /// @param _tokenSymbol Token Symbol for the new token /// @param _transfersEnabled If true, tokens will be able to be transferred /// @return The address of the new token contract function createCloneToken( address _parentToken, uint _snapshotBlock, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol, bool _transfersEnabled ) returns (MiniMeToken) { MiniMeToken newToken = new MiniMeToken( this, _parentToken, _snapshotBlock, _tokenName, _decimalUnits, _tokenSymbol, _transfersEnabled ); newToken.changeController(msg.sender); return newToken; } } contract VestedToken is LimitedTransferToken, GrantsControlled { using SafeMath for uint; uint256 MAX_GRANTS_PER_ADDRESS = 20; struct TokenGrant { address granter; // 20 bytes uint256 value; // 32 bytes uint64 cliff; uint64 vesting; uint64 start; // 3 * 8 = 24 bytes bool revokable; bool burnsOnRevoke; // 2 * 1 = 2 bits? or 2 bytes? } // total 78 bytes = 3 sstore per operation (32 per sstore) mapping (address => TokenGrant[]) public grants; event NewTokenGrant(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value, uint256 grantId); /** * @dev Grant tokens to a specified address * @param _to address The address which the tokens will be granted to. * @param _value uint256 The amount of tokens to be granted. * @param _start uint64 Time of the beginning of the grant. * @param _cliff uint64 Time of the cliff period. * @param _vesting uint64 The vesting period. */ function grantVestedTokens( address _to, uint256 _value, uint64 _start, uint64 _cliff, uint64 _vesting, bool _revokable, bool _burnsOnRevoke ) onlyGrantsController public { // Check for date inconsistencies that may cause unexpected behavior if (_cliff < _start || _vesting < _cliff) { throw; } if (tokenGrantsCount(_to) > MAX_GRANTS_PER_ADDRESS) throw; // To prevent a user being spammed and have his balance locked (out of gas attack when calculating vesting). uint count = grants[_to].push( TokenGrant( _revokable ? msg.sender : 0, // avoid storing an extra 20 bytes when it is non-revokable _value, _cliff, _vesting, _start, _revokable, _burnsOnRevoke ) ); transfer(_to, _value); NewTokenGrant(msg.sender, _to, _value, count - 1); } /** * @dev Revoke the grant of tokens of a specifed address. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. * @param _grantId The id of the token grant. */ function revokeTokenGrant(address _holder, uint _grantId) public { TokenGrant grant = grants[_holder][_grantId]; if (!grant.revokable) { // Check if grant was revokable throw; } if (grant.granter != msg.sender) { // Only granter can revoke it throw; } address receiver = grant.burnsOnRevoke ? 0xdead : msg.sender; uint256 nonVested = nonVestedTokens(grant, uint64(now)); // remove grant from array delete grants[_holder][_grantId]; grants[_holder][_grantId] = grants[_holder][grants[_holder].length.sub(1)]; grants[_holder].length -= 1; // This will call MiniMe's doTransfer method, so token is transferred according to // MiniMe Token logic doTransfer(_holder, receiver, nonVested); Transfer(_holder, receiver, nonVested); } /** * @dev Revoke all grants of tokens of a specifed address. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. */ function revokeAllTokenGrants(address _holder) { var grandsCount = tokenGrantsCount(_holder); for (uint i = 0; i < grandsCount; i++) { revokeTokenGrant(_holder, 0); } } /** * @dev Calculate the total amount of transferable tokens of a holder at a given time * @param holder address The address of the holder * @param time uint64 The specific time. * @return An uint representing a holder's total amount of transferable tokens. */ function transferableTokens(address holder, uint64 time) constant public returns (uint256) { uint256 grantIndex = tokenGrantsCount(holder); if (grantIndex == 0) return balanceOf(holder); // shortcut for holder without grants // Iterate through all the grants the holder has, and add all non-vested tokens uint256 nonVested = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < grantIndex; i++) { nonVested = SafeMath.add(nonVested, nonVestedTokens(grants[holder][i], time)); } // Balance - totalNonVested is the amount of tokens a holder can transfer at any given time uint256 vestedTransferable = SafeMath.sub(balanceOf(holder), nonVested); // Return the minimum of how many vested can transfer and other value // in case there are other limiting transferability factors (default is balanceOf) return SafeMath.min256(vestedTransferable, super.transferableTokens(holder, time)); } /** * @dev Check the amount of grants that an address has. * @param _holder The holder of the grants. * @return A uint representing the total amount of grants. */ function tokenGrantsCount(address _holder) constant returns (uint index) { return grants[_holder].length; } /** * @dev Calculate amount of vested tokens at a specifc time. * @param tokens uint256 The amount of tokens grantted. * @param time uint64 The time to be checked * @param start uint64 A time representing the begining of the grant * @param cliff uint64 The cliff period. * @param vesting uint64 The vesting period. * @return An uint representing the amount of vested tokensof a specif grant. * transferableTokens * | _/-------- vestedTokens rect * | _/ * | _/ * | _/ * | _/ * | / * | .| * | . | * | . | * | . | * | . | * | . | * +===+===========+---------+----------> time * Start Clift Vesting */ function calculateVestedTokens( uint256 tokens, uint256 time, uint256 start, uint256 cliff, uint256 vesting) constant returns (uint256) { // Shortcuts for before cliff and after vesting cases. if (time < cliff) return 0; if (time >= vesting) return tokens; // Interpolate all vested tokens. // As before cliff the shortcut returns 0, we can use just calculate a value // in the vesting rect (as shown in above's figure) // vestedTokens = tokens * (time - start) / (vesting - start) uint256 vestedTokens = SafeMath.div( SafeMath.mul( tokens, SafeMath.sub(time, start) ), SafeMath.sub(vesting, start) ); return vestedTokens; } /** * @dev Get all information about a specifc grant. * @param _holder The address which will have its tokens revoked. * @param _grantId The id of the token grant. * @return Returns all the values that represent a TokenGrant(address, value, start, cliff, * revokability, burnsOnRevoke, and vesting) plus the vested value at the current time. */ function tokenGrant(address _holder, uint _grantId) constant returns (address granter, uint256 value, uint256 vested, uint64 start, uint64 cliff, uint64 vesting, bool revokable, bool burnsOnRevoke) { TokenGrant grant = grants[_holder][_grantId]; granter = grant.granter; value = grant.value; start = grant.start; cliff = grant.cliff; vesting = grant.vesting; revokable = grant.revokable; burnsOnRevoke = grant.burnsOnRevoke; vested = vestedTokens(grant, uint64(now)); } /** * @dev Get the amount of vested tokens at a specific time. * @param grant TokenGrant The grant to be checked. * @param time The time to be checked * @return An uint representing the amount of vested tokens of a specific grant at a specific time. */ function vestedTokens(TokenGrant grant, uint64 time) private constant returns (uint256) { return calculateVestedTokens( grant.value, uint256(time), uint256(grant.start), uint256(grant.cliff), uint256(grant.vesting) ); } /** * @dev Calculate the amount of non vested tokens at a specific time. * @param grant TokenGrant The grant to be checked. * @param time uint64 The time to be checked * @return An uint representing the amount of non vested tokens of a specifc grant on the * passed time frame. */ function nonVestedTokens(TokenGrant grant, uint64 time) private constant returns (uint256) { return grant.value.sub(vestedTokens(grant, time)); } /** * @dev Calculate the date when the holder can trasfer all its tokens * @param holder address The address of the holder * @return An uint representing the date of the last transferable tokens. */ function lastTokenIsTransferableDate(address holder) constant public returns (uint64 date) { date = uint64(now); uint256 grantIndex = grants[holder].length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < grantIndex; i++) { date = SafeMath.max64(grants[holder][i].vesting, date); } } } contract ApproveAndCallFallBack { function receiveApproval(address from, uint256 _amount, address _token, bytes _data); } contract TokenController { /// @notice Called when `_owner` sends ether to the MiniMe Token contract /// @param _owner The address that sent the ether to create tokens /// @return True if the ether is accepted, false if it throws function proxyPayment(address _owner) payable returns(bool); /// @notice Notifies the controller about a token transfer allowing the /// controller to react if desired /// @param _from The origin of the transfer /// @param _to The destination of the transfer /// @param _amount The amount of the transfer /// @return False if the controller does not authorize the transfer function onTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) returns(bool); /// @notice Notifies the controller about an approval allowing the /// controller to react if desired /// @param _owner The address that calls `approve()` /// @param _spender The spender in the `approve()` call /// @param _amount The amount in the `approve()` call /// @return False if the controller does not authorize the approval function onApprove(address _owner, address _spender, uint _amount) returns(bool); } contract District0xNetworkToken is MiniMeToken, VestedToken { function District0xNetworkToken(address _controller, address _tokenFactory) MiniMeToken( _tokenFactory, 0x0, // no parent token 0, // no snapshot block number from parent "district0x Network Token", // Token name 18, // Decimals "DNT", // Symbol true // Enable transfers ) { changeController(_controller); changeGrantsController(_controller); } } contract HasNoTokens is Ownable { District0xNetworkToken public district0xNetworkToken; /** * @dev Reject all ERC23 compatible tokens * @param from_ address The address that is transferring the tokens * @param value_ uint256 the amount of the specified token * @param data_ Bytes The data passed from the caller. */ function tokenFallback(address from_, uint256 value_, bytes data_) external { throw; } function isTokenSaleToken(address tokenAddr) returns(bool); /** * @dev Reclaim all ERC20Basic compatible tokens * @param tokenAddr address The address of the token contract */ function reclaimToken(address tokenAddr) external onlyOwner { require(!isTokenSaleToken(tokenAddr)); ERC20Basic tokenInst = ERC20Basic(tokenAddr); uint256 balance = tokenInst.balanceOf(this); tokenInst.transfer(msg.sender, balance); } } contract District0xContribution is Pausable, HasNoTokens, TokenController { using SafeMath for uint; District0xNetworkToken public district0xNetworkToken; address public multisigWallet; // Wallet that receives all sale funds address public founder1; // Wallet of founder 1 address public founder2; // Wallet of founder 2 address public earlySponsor; // Wallet of early sponsor address[] public advisers; // 4 Wallets of advisors uint public constant FOUNDER1_STAKE = 119000000 ether; // 119M DNT uint public constant FOUNDER2_STAKE = 79000000 ether; // 79M DNT uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant ADVISER_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant ADVISER_STAKE2 = 1000000 ether; // 1M DNT uint public constant COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE = 5000000 ether; // 5M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE = 600000000 ether; // 600M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD2_STAKE = 140000000 ether; // 140M DNT uint public constant CONTRIB_PERIOD3_STAKE = 40000000 ether; // 40M DNT uint public minContribAmount = 0.01 ether; // 0.01 ether uint public maxGasPrice = 50000000000; // 50 GWei uint public constant TEAM_VESTING_CLIFF = 24 weeks; // 6 months vesting cliff for founders and advisors, except community advisors uint public constant TEAM_VESTING_PERIOD = 96 weeks; // 2 years vesting period for founders and advisors, except community advisors uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_CLIFF = 12 weeks; // 3 months vesting cliff for early sponsor uint public constant EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_PERIOD = 24 weeks; // 6 months vesting cliff for early sponsor bool public tokenTransfersEnabled = false; // DNT token transfers will be enabled manually // after first contribution period // Can't be disabled back struct Contributor { uint amount; // Amount of ETH contributed by an address in given contribution period bool isCompensated; // Whether this contributor received DNT token for ETH contribution uint amountCompensated; // Amount of DNT received. Not really needed to store, // but stored for accounting and security purposes } uint public softCapAmount; // Soft cap of contribution period in wei uint public afterSoftCapDuration; // Number of seconds to the end of sale from the moment of reaching soft cap (unless reaching hardcap) uint public hardCapAmount; // When reached this amount of wei, the contribution will end instantly uint public startTime; // Start time of contribution period in UNIX time uint public endTime; // End time of contribution period in UNIX time bool public isEnabled; // If contribution period was enabled by multisignature bool public softCapReached; // If soft cap was reached bool public hardCapReached; // If hard cap was reached uint public totalContributed; // Total amount of ETH contributed in given period address[] public contributorsKeys; // Addresses of all contributors in given contribution period mapping (address => Contributor) public contributors; event onContribution(uint totalContributed, address indexed contributor, uint amount, uint contributorsCount); event onSoftCapReached(uint endTime); event onHardCapReached(uint endTime); event onCompensated(address indexed contributor, uint amount); modifier onlyMultisig() { require(multisigWallet == msg.sender); _; } function District0xContribution( address _multisigWallet, address _founder1, address _founder2, address _earlySponsor, address[] _advisers ) { require(_advisers.length == 5); multisigWallet = _multisigWallet; founder1 = _founder1; founder2 = _founder2; earlySponsor = _earlySponsor; advisers = _advisers; } // @notice Returns true if contribution period is currently running function isContribPeriodRunning() constant returns (bool) { return !hardCapReached && isEnabled && startTime <= now && endTime > now; } function contribute() payable stopInEmergency { contributeWithAddress(msg.sender); } // @notice Function to participate in contribution period // Amounts from the same address should be added up // If soft or hard cap is reached, end time should be modified // Funds should be transferred into multisig wallet // @param contributor Address that will receive DNT token function contributeWithAddress(address contributor) payable stopInEmergency { require(tx.gasprice <= maxGasPrice); require(msg.value >= minContribAmount); require(isContribPeriodRunning()); uint contribValue = msg.value; uint excessContribValue = 0; uint oldTotalContributed = totalContributed; totalContributed = oldTotalContributed.add(contribValue); uint newTotalContributed = totalContributed; // Soft cap was reached if (newTotalContributed >= softCapAmount && oldTotalContributed < softCapAmount) { softCapReached = true; endTime = afterSoftCapDuration.add(now); onSoftCapReached(endTime); } // Hard cap was reached if (newTotalContributed >= hardCapAmount && oldTotalContributed < hardCapAmount) { hardCapReached = true; endTime = now; onHardCapReached(endTime); // Everything above hard cap will be sent back to contributor excessContribValue = newTotalContributed.sub(hardCapAmount); contribValue = contribValue.sub(excessContribValue); totalContributed = hardCapAmount; } if (contributors[contributor].amount == 0) { contributorsKeys.push(contributor); } contributors[contributor].amount = contributors[contributor].amount.add(contribValue); multisigWallet.transfer(contribValue); if (excessContribValue > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(excessContribValue); } onContribution(newTotalContributed, contributor, contribValue, contributorsKeys.length); } // @notice This method is called by owner after contribution period ends, to distribute DNT in proportional manner // Each contributor should receive DNT just once even if this method is called multiple times // In case of many contributors must be able to compensate contributors in paginational way, otherwise might // run out of gas if wanted to compensate all on one method call. Therefore parameters offset and limit // @param periodIndex Index of contribution period (0-2) // @param offset Number of first contributors to skip. // @param limit Max number of contributors compensated on this call function compensateContributors(uint offset, uint limit) onlyOwner { require(isEnabled); require(endTime < now); uint i = offset; uint compensatedCount = 0; uint contributorsCount = contributorsKeys.length; uint ratio = CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE .mul(1000000000000000000) .div(totalContributed); while (i < contributorsCount && compensatedCount < limit) { address contributorAddress = contributorsKeys[i]; if (!contributors[contributorAddress].isCompensated) { uint amountContributed = contributors[contributorAddress].amount; contributors[contributorAddress].isCompensated = true; contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated = amountContributed.mul(ratio).div(1000000000000000000); district0xNetworkToken.transfer(contributorAddress, contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated); onCompensated(contributorAddress, contributors[contributorAddress].amountCompensated); compensatedCount++; } i++; } } // @notice Method for setting up contribution period // Only owner should be able to execute // Setting first contribution period sets up vesting for founders & advisors // Contribution period should still not be enabled after calling this method // @param softCapAmount Soft Cap in wei // @param afterSoftCapDuration Number of seconds till the end of sale in the moment of reaching soft cap (unless reaching hard cap) // @param hardCapAmount Hard Cap in wei // @param startTime Contribution start time in UNIX time // @param endTime Contribution end time in UNIX time function setContribPeriod( uint _softCapAmount, uint _afterSoftCapDuration, uint _hardCapAmount, uint _startTime, uint _endTime ) onlyOwner { require(_softCapAmount > 0); require(_hardCapAmount > _softCapAmount); require(_afterSoftCapDuration > 0); require(_startTime > now); require(_endTime > _startTime); require(!isEnabled); softCapAmount = _softCapAmount; afterSoftCapDuration = _afterSoftCapDuration; hardCapAmount = _hardCapAmount; startTime = _startTime; endTime = _endTime; district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(founder1); district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(founder2); district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(earlySponsor); for (uint j = 0; j < advisers.length; j++) { district0xNetworkToken.revokeAllTokenGrants(advisers[j]); } uint64 vestingDate = uint64(startTime.add(TEAM_VESTING_PERIOD)); uint64 cliffDate = uint64(startTime.add(TEAM_VESTING_CLIFF)); uint64 earlyContribVestingDate = uint64(startTime.add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_PERIOD)); uint64 earlyContribCliffDate = uint64(startTime.add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_VESTING_CLIFF)); uint64 startDate = uint64(startTime); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(founder1, FOUNDER1_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(founder2, FOUNDER2_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(earlySponsor, EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE, startDate, earlyContribCliffDate, earlyContribVestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[0], ADVISER_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[1], ADVISER_STAKE, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[2], ADVISER_STAKE2, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[3], ADVISER_STAKE2, startDate, cliffDate, vestingDate, true, false); // Community advisors stake has no vesting, but we set it up this way, so we can revoke it in case of // re-setting up contribution period district0xNetworkToken.grantVestedTokens(advisers[4], COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE, startDate, startDate, startDate, true, false); } // @notice Enables contribution period // Must be executed by multisignature function enableContribPeriod() onlyMultisig { require(startTime > now); isEnabled = true; } // @notice Sets new min. contribution amount // Only owner can execute // Cannot be executed while contribution period is running // @param _minContribAmount new min. amount function setMinContribAmount(uint _minContribAmount) onlyOwner { require(_minContribAmount > 0); require(startTime > now); minContribAmount = _minContribAmount; } // @notice Sets new max gas price for contribution // Only owner can execute // Cannot be executed while contribution period is running // @param _minContribAmount new min. amount function setMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice > 0); require(startTime > now); maxGasPrice = _maxGasPrice; } // @notice Sets District0xNetworkToken contract // Generates all DNT tokens and assigns them to this contract // If token contract has already generated tokens, do not generate again // @param _district0xNetworkToken District0xNetworkToken address function setDistrict0xNetworkToken(address _district0xNetworkToken) onlyOwner { require(_district0xNetworkToken != 0x0); require(!isEnabled); district0xNetworkToken = District0xNetworkToken(_district0xNetworkToken); if (district0xNetworkToken.totalSupply() == 0) { district0xNetworkToken.generateTokens(this, FOUNDER1_STAKE .add(FOUNDER2_STAKE) .add(EARLY_CONTRIBUTOR_STAKE) .add(ADVISER_STAKE.mul(2)) .add(ADVISER_STAKE2.mul(2)) .add(COMMUNITY_ADVISERS_STAKE) .add(CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE)); district0xNetworkToken.generateTokens(multisigWallet, CONTRIB_PERIOD2_STAKE .add(CONTRIB_PERIOD3_STAKE)); } } // @notice Enables transfers of DNT // Will be executed after first contribution period by owner function enableDistrict0xNetworkTokenTransfers() onlyOwner { require(endTime < now); tokenTransfersEnabled = true; } // @notice Method to claim tokens accidentally sent to a DNT contract // Only multisig wallet can execute // @param _token Address of claimed ERC20 Token function claimTokensFromTokenDistrict0xNetworkToken(address _token) onlyMultisig { district0xNetworkToken.claimTokens(_token, multisigWallet); } // @notice Kill method should not really be needed, but just in case function kill(address _to) onlyMultisig external { suicide(_to); } function() payable stopInEmergency { contributeWithAddress(msg.sender); } // MiniMe Controller default settings for allowing token transfers. function proxyPayment(address _owner) payable public returns (bool) { throw; } // Before transfers are enabled for everyone, only this contract is allowed to distribute DNT function onTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _amount) public returns (bool) { return tokenTransfersEnabled || _from == address(this) || _to == address(this); } function onApprove(address _owner, address _spender, uint _amount) public returns (bool) { return tokenTransfersEnabled; } function isTokenSaleToken(address tokenAddr) returns(bool) { return district0xNetworkToken == tokenAddr; } /* Following constant methods are used for tests and contribution web app They don't impact logic of contribution contract, therefor DOES NOT NEED TO BE AUDITED */ // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contribution period properties function getContribPeriod() constant returns (bool[3] boolValues, uint[8] uintValues) { boolValues[0] = isEnabled; boolValues[1] = softCapReached; boolValues[2] = hardCapReached; uintValues[0] = softCapAmount; uintValues[1] = afterSoftCapDuration; uintValues[2] = hardCapAmount; uintValues[3] = startTime; uintValues[4] = endTime; uintValues[5] = totalContributed; uintValues[6] = contributorsKeys.length; uintValues[7] = CONTRIB_PERIOD1_STAKE; return (boolValues, uintValues); } // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contribution contract properties function getConfiguration() constant returns (bool, address, address, address, address, address[] _advisers, bool, uint) { _advisers = new address[](advisers.length); for (uint i = 0; i < advisers.length; i++) { _advisers[i] = advisers[i]; } return (stopped, multisigWallet, founder1, founder2, earlySponsor, _advisers, tokenTransfersEnabled, maxGasPrice); } // Used by contribution front-end to obtain contributor's properties function getContributor(address contributorAddress) constant returns(uint, bool, uint) { Contributor contributor = contributors[contributorAddress]; return (contributor.amount, contributor.isCompensated, contributor.amountCompensated); } // Function to verify if all contributors were compensated function getUncompensatedContributors(uint offset, uint limit) constant returns (uint[] contributorIndexes) { uint contributorsCount = contributorsKeys.length; if (limit == 0) { limit = contributorsCount; } uint i = offset; uint resultsCount = 0; uint[] memory _contributorIndexes = new uint[](limit); while (i < contributorsCount && resultsCount < limit) { if (!contributors[contributorsKeys[i]].isCompensated) { _contributorIndexes[resultsCount] = i; resultsCount++; } i++; } contributorIndexes = new uint[](resultsCount); for (i = 0; i < resultsCount; i++) { contributorIndexes[i] = _contributorIndexes[i]; } return contributorIndexes; } function getNow() constant returns(uint) { return now; } }