Transaction Hash:
5510195 at Apr-26-2018 05:06:44 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000205282 ETH
Gas Used:
102,641 Gas / 2 Gwei
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x07E94f05...7235AE778 |
0.012633035772075257 Eth
Nonce: 102
0.012427753772075257 Eth
Nonce: 103
| 0.000205282 | ||
0x57B116DA...29c1B2355 | |||||
| (MiningPoolHub: Old Address) | 28,880.01526273184051457 Eth | 28,880.01546801384051457 Eth | 0.000205282 |
Execution Trace
Goo.buyUpgrade( upgradeId=1 )

0xff18a0e035b7d835d47189a000547f041a57f5d0.28a42e9d( )
buyUpgrade[Goo (ln:352)]
getUpgradeInfo[Goo (ln:359)]
updatePlayersGooFromPurchase[Goo (ln:381)]
balanceOfUnclaimedGoo[Goo (ln:216)]
getGooProduction[Goo (ln:162)]
upgradeUnitMultipliers[Goo (ln:383)]
increasePlayersGooProduction[Goo (ln:392)]
getGooProduction[Goo (ln:233)]
unitGooProduction[Goo (ln:395)]
increasePlayersGooProduction[Goo (ln:396)]
getGooProduction[Goo (ln:233)]
pragma solidity ^0.4.0; interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint); function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public constant returns (uint balance); function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining); function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success); function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens); event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens); } // GOO - Crypto Idle Game // contract Goo is ERC20 { string public constant name = "IdleEth"; string public constant symbol = "Goo"; uint8 public constant decimals = 0; uint256 private roughSupply; uint256 public totalGooProduction; address public owner; // Minor management of game bool public gameStarted; uint256 public researchDivPercent = 8; uint256 public gooDepositDivPercent = 2; uint256 public totalEtherGooResearchPool; // Eth dividends to be split between players' goo production uint256[] private totalGooProductionSnapshots; // The total goo production for each prior day past uint256[] private totalGooDepositSnapshots; // The total goo deposited for each prior day past uint256[] private allocatedGooResearchSnapshots; // Div pot #1 (research eth allocated to each prior day past) uint256[] private allocatedGooDepositSnapshots; // Div pot #2 (deposit eth allocated to each prior day past) uint256 public nextSnapshotTime; // Balances for each player mapping(address => uint256) private ethBalance; mapping(address => uint256) private gooBalance; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private gooProductionSnapshots; // Store player's goo production for given day (snapshot) mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private gooDepositSnapshots; // Store player's goo deposited for given day (snapshot) mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) private gooProductionZeroedSnapshots; // This isn't great but we need know difference between 0 production and an unused/inactive day. mapping(address => uint256) private lastGooSaveTime; // Seconds (last time player claimed their produced goo) mapping(address => uint256) public lastGooProductionUpdate; // Days (last snapshot player updated their production) mapping(address => uint256) private lastGooResearchFundClaim; // Days (snapshot number) mapping(address => uint256) private lastGooDepositFundClaim; // Days (snapshot number) mapping(address => uint256) private battleCooldown; // If user attacks they cannot attack again for short time // Stuff owned by each player mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitsOwned; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) private upgradesOwned; mapping(uint256 => address) private rareItemOwner; mapping(uint256 => uint256) private rareItemPrice; // Rares & Upgrades (Increase unit's production / attack etc.) mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitGooProductionIncreases; // Adds to the goo per second mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitGooProductionMultiplier; // Multiplies the goo per second mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitAttackIncreases; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitAttackMultiplier; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitDefenseIncreases; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitDefenseMultiplier; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitGooStealingIncreases; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitGooStealingMultiplier; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private unitMaxCap; // Mapping of approved ERC20 transfers (by player) mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private allowed; mapping(address => bool) private protectedAddresses; // For npc exchanges (requires 0 goo production) // Raffle structures struct TicketPurchases { TicketPurchase[] ticketsBought; uint256 numPurchases; // Allows us to reset without clearing TicketPurchase[] (avoids potential for gas limit) uint256 raffleId; } // Allows us to query winner without looping (avoiding potential for gas limit) struct TicketPurchase { uint256 startId; uint256 endId; } // Raffle tickets mapping(address => TicketPurchases) private rareItemTicketsBoughtByPlayer; mapping(uint256 => address[]) private itemRafflePlayers; // Duplicating for the two raffles is not ideal mapping(address => TicketPurchases) private rareUnitTicketsBoughtByPlayer; mapping(uint256 => address[]) private unitRafflePlayers; // Item raffle info uint256 private constant RAFFLE_TICKET_BASE_GOO_PRICE = 1000; uint256 private itemRaffleEndTime; uint256 private itemRaffleRareId; uint256 private itemRaffleTicketsBought; address private itemRaffleWinner; // Address of winner bool private itemRaffleWinningTicketSelected; uint256 private itemRaffleTicketThatWon; // Unit raffle info uint256 private unitRaffleEndTime; uint256 private unitRaffleId; // Raffle Id uint256 private unitRaffleRareId; // Unit Id uint256 private unitRaffleTicketsBought; address private unitRaffleWinner; // Address of winner bool private unitRaffleWinningTicketSelected; uint256 private unitRaffleTicketThatWon; // Minor game events event UnitBought(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount); event UnitSold(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount); event PlayerAttacked(address attacker, address target, bool success, uint256 gooStolen); event ReferalGain(address player, address referal, uint256 amount); event UpgradeMigration(address player, uint256 upgradeId, uint256 txProof); GooGameConfig schema = GooGameConfig(0xf925a82b8c26520170c8d51b65a7def6364877b3); // Constructor function Goo() public payable { owner = msg.sender; } function() payable { // Fallback will donate to pot totalEtherGooResearchPool += msg.value; } function beginGame(uint256 firstDivsTime) external payable { require(msg.sender == owner); require(!gameStarted); gameStarted = true; // GO-OOOO! nextSnapshotTime = firstDivsTime; totalGooDepositSnapshots.push(0); // Add initial-zero snapshot totalEtherGooResearchPool = msg.value; // Seed pot } // Incase community prefers goo deposit payments over production %, can be tweaked for balance function tweakDailyDividends(uint256 newResearchPercent, uint256 newGooDepositPercent) external { require(msg.sender == owner); require(newResearchPercent > 0 && newResearchPercent <= 10); require(newGooDepositPercent > 0 && newGooDepositPercent <= 10); researchDivPercent = newResearchPercent; gooDepositDivPercent = newGooDepositPercent; } function totalSupply() public constant returns(uint256) { return roughSupply; // Stored goo (rough supply as it ignores earned/unclaimed goo) } function balanceOf(address player) public constant returns(uint256) { return gooBalance[player] + balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(player); } function balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(address player) internal constant returns (uint256) { uint256 lastSave = lastGooSaveTime[player]; if (lastSave > 0 && lastSave < block.timestamp) { return (getGooProduction(player) * (block.timestamp - lastSave)) / 100; } return 0; } function etherBalanceOf(address player) public constant returns(uint256) { return ethBalance[player]; } function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { updatePlayersGoo(msg.sender); require(amount <= gooBalance[msg.sender]); gooBalance[msg.sender] -= amount; gooBalance[recipient] += amount; emit Transfer(msg.sender, recipient, amount); return true; } function transferFrom(address player, address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { updatePlayersGoo(player); require(amount <= allowed[player][msg.sender] && amount <= gooBalance[player]); gooBalance[player] -= amount; gooBalance[recipient] += amount; allowed[player][msg.sender] -= amount; emit Transfer(player, recipient, amount); return true; } function approve(address approvee, uint256 amount) public returns (bool){ allowed[msg.sender][approvee] = amount; emit Approval(msg.sender, approvee, amount); return true; } function allowance(address player, address approvee) public constant returns(uint256){ return allowed[player][approvee]; } function getGooProduction(address player) public constant returns (uint256){ return gooProductionSnapshots[player][lastGooProductionUpdate[player]]; } function updatePlayersGoo(address player) internal { uint256 gooGain = balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(player); lastGooSaveTime[player] = block.timestamp; roughSupply += gooGain; gooBalance[player] += gooGain; } function updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(address player, uint256 purchaseCost) internal { uint256 unclaimedGoo = balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(player); if (purchaseCost > unclaimedGoo) { uint256 gooDecrease = purchaseCost - unclaimedGoo; require(gooBalance[player] >= gooDecrease); roughSupply -= gooDecrease; gooBalance[player] -= gooDecrease; } else { uint256 gooGain = unclaimedGoo - purchaseCost; roughSupply += gooGain; gooBalance[player] += gooGain; } lastGooSaveTime[player] = block.timestamp; } function increasePlayersGooProduction(address player, uint256 increase) internal { gooProductionSnapshots[player][allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length] = getGooProduction(player) + increase; lastGooProductionUpdate[player] = allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length; totalGooProduction += increase; } function reducePlayersGooProduction(address player, uint256 decrease) internal { uint256 previousProduction = getGooProduction(player); uint256 newProduction = SafeMath.sub(previousProduction, decrease); if (newProduction == 0) { // Special case which tangles with "inactive day" snapshots (claiming divs) gooProductionZeroedSnapshots[player][allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length] = true; delete gooProductionSnapshots[player][allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length]; // 0 } else { gooProductionSnapshots[player][allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length] = newProduction; } lastGooProductionUpdate[player] = allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length; totalGooProduction -= decrease; } function buyBasicUnit(uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) external { uint256 schemaUnitId; uint256 gooProduction; uint256 gooCost; uint256 ethCost; uint256 existing = unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId]; (schemaUnitId, gooProduction, gooCost, ethCost) = schema.getUnitInfo(unitId, existing, amount); require(gameStarted); require(schemaUnitId > 0); // Valid unit require(ethCost == 0); // Free unit uint256 newTotal = SafeMath.add(existing, amount); if (newTotal > 99) { // Default unit limit require(newTotal <= unitMaxCap[msg.sender][unitId]); // Housing upgrades (allow more units) } // Update players goo updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, gooCost); if (gooProduction > 0) { increasePlayersGooProduction(msg.sender, getUnitsProduction(msg.sender, unitId, amount)); } unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId] = newTotal; emit UnitBought(msg.sender, unitId, amount); } function buyEthUnit(uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) external payable { uint256 schemaUnitId; uint256 gooProduction; uint256 gooCost; uint256 ethCost; uint256 existing = unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId]; (schemaUnitId, gooProduction, gooCost, ethCost) = schema.getUnitInfo(unitId, existing, amount); require(gameStarted); require(schemaUnitId > 0); require(ethBalance[msg.sender] + msg.value >= ethCost); if (ethCost > msg.value) { ethBalance[msg.sender] -= (ethCost - msg.value); } uint256 devFund = ethCost / 50; // 2% fee on purchases (marketing, gameplay & maintenance) uint256 dividends = (ethCost - devFund) / 4; // 25% goes to pool (75% retained for sale value) totalEtherGooResearchPool += dividends; ethBalance[owner] += devFund; uint256 newTotal = SafeMath.add(existing, amount); if (newTotal > 99) { // Default unit limit require(newTotal <= unitMaxCap[msg.sender][unitId]); // Housing upgrades (allow more units) } // Update players goo updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, gooCost); if (gooProduction > 0) { increasePlayersGooProduction(msg.sender, getUnitsProduction(msg.sender, unitId, amount)); } unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId] += amount; emit UnitBought(msg.sender, unitId, amount); } function sellUnit(uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) external { uint256 existing = unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId]; require(existing >= amount && amount > 0); existing -= amount; unitsOwned[msg.sender][unitId] = existing; uint256 schemaUnitId; uint256 gooProduction; uint256 gooCost; uint256 ethCost; (schemaUnitId, gooProduction, gooCost, ethCost) = schema.getUnitInfo(unitId, existing, amount); require(schema.unitSellable(unitId)); uint256 gooChange = balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(msg.sender) + ((gooCost * 3) / 4); // Claim unsaved goo whilst here lastGooSaveTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp; roughSupply += gooChange; gooBalance[msg.sender] += gooChange; if (gooProduction > 0) { reducePlayersGooProduction(msg.sender, getUnitsProduction(msg.sender, unitId, amount)); } if (ethCost > 0) { // Premium units sell for 75% of buy cost ethBalance[msg.sender] += (ethCost * 3) / 4; } emit UnitSold(msg.sender, unitId, amount); } function buyUpgrade(uint256 upgradeId) external payable { uint256 gooCost; uint256 ethCost; uint256 upgradeClass; uint256 unitId; uint256 upgradeValue; uint256 prerequisiteUpgrade; (gooCost, ethCost, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue, prerequisiteUpgrade) = schema.getUpgradeInfo(upgradeId); require(gameStarted); require(unitId > 0); // Valid upgrade require(!upgradesOwned[msg.sender][upgradeId]); // Haven't already purchased if (prerequisiteUpgrade > 0) { require(upgradesOwned[msg.sender][prerequisiteUpgrade]); } if (ethCost > 0) { require(ethBalance[msg.sender] + msg.value >= ethCost); if (ethCost > msg.value) { // They can use their balance instead ethBalance[msg.sender] -= (ethCost - msg.value); } uint256 devFund = ethCost / 50; // 2% fee on purchases (marketing, gameplay & maintenance) totalEtherGooResearchPool += (ethCost - devFund); // Rest goes to div pool (Can't sell upgrades) ethBalance[owner] += devFund; } // Update players goo updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, gooCost); upgradeUnitMultipliers(msg.sender, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue); upgradesOwned[msg.sender][upgradeId] = true; } function upgradeUnitMultipliers(address player, uint256 upgradeClass, uint256 unitId, uint256 upgradeValue) internal { uint256 productionGain; if (upgradeClass == 0) { unitGooProductionIncreases[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; productionGain = unitsOwned[player][unitId] * upgradeValue * (10 + unitGooProductionMultiplier[player][unitId]); increasePlayersGooProduction(player, productionGain); } else if (upgradeClass == 1) { unitGooProductionMultiplier[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; productionGain = unitsOwned[player][unitId] * upgradeValue * (schema.unitGooProduction(unitId) + unitGooProductionIncreases[player][unitId]); increasePlayersGooProduction(player, productionGain); } else if (upgradeClass == 2) { unitAttackIncreases[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 3) { unitAttackMultiplier[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 4) { unitDefenseIncreases[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 5) { unitDefenseMultiplier[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 6) { unitGooStealingIncreases[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 7) { unitGooStealingMultiplier[player][unitId] += upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 8) { unitMaxCap[player][unitId] = upgradeValue; // Housing upgrade (new capacity) } } function removeUnitMultipliers(address player, uint256 upgradeClass, uint256 unitId, uint256 upgradeValue) internal { uint256 productionLoss; if (upgradeClass == 0) { unitGooProductionIncreases[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; productionLoss = unitsOwned[player][unitId] * upgradeValue * (10 + unitGooProductionMultiplier[player][unitId]); reducePlayersGooProduction(player, productionLoss); } else if (upgradeClass == 1) { unitGooProductionMultiplier[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; productionLoss = unitsOwned[player][unitId] * upgradeValue * (schema.unitGooProduction(unitId) + unitGooProductionIncreases[player][unitId]); reducePlayersGooProduction(player, productionLoss); } else if (upgradeClass == 2) { unitAttackIncreases[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 3) { unitAttackMultiplier[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 4) { unitDefenseIncreases[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 5) { unitDefenseMultiplier[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 6) { unitGooStealingIncreases[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } else if (upgradeClass == 7) { unitGooStealingMultiplier[player][unitId] -= upgradeValue; } } function buyRareItem(uint256 rareId) external payable { uint256 upgradeClass; uint256 unitId; uint256 upgradeValue; (upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue) = schema.getRareInfo(rareId); address previousOwner = rareItemOwner[rareId]; require(previousOwner != 0); require(unitId > 0); // We have to claim buyer's goo before updating their production values updatePlayersGoo(msg.sender); upgradeUnitMultipliers(msg.sender, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue); // We have to claim seller's goo before reducing their production values updatePlayersGoo(previousOwner); removeUnitMultipliers(previousOwner, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue); uint256 ethCost = rareItemPrice[rareId]; require(ethBalance[msg.sender] + msg.value >= ethCost); // Splitbid/Overbid if (ethCost > msg.value) { // Earlier require() said they can still afford it (so use their ingame balance) ethBalance[msg.sender] -= (ethCost - msg.value); } else if (msg.value > ethCost) { // Store overbid in their balance ethBalance[msg.sender] += msg.value - ethCost; } // Distribute ethCost uint256 devFund = ethCost / 50; // 2% fee on purchases (marketing, gameplay & maintenance) uint256 dividends = ethCost / 20; // 5% goes to pool (~93% goes to player) totalEtherGooResearchPool += dividends; ethBalance[owner] += devFund; // Transfer / update rare item rareItemOwner[rareId] = msg.sender; rareItemPrice[rareId] = (ethCost * 5) / 4; // 25% price flip increase ethBalance[previousOwner] += ethCost - (dividends + devFund); } function withdrawEther(uint256 amount) external { require(amount <= ethBalance[msg.sender]); ethBalance[msg.sender] -= amount; msg.sender.transfer(amount); } function fundGooResearch(uint256 amount) external { updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, amount); gooDepositSnapshots[msg.sender][totalGooDepositSnapshots.length - 1] += amount; totalGooDepositSnapshots[totalGooDepositSnapshots.length - 1] += amount; } function claimResearchDividends(address referer, uint256 startSnapshot, uint256 endSnapShot) external { require(startSnapshot <= endSnapShot); require(startSnapshot >= lastGooResearchFundClaim[msg.sender]); require(endSnapShot < allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length); uint256 researchShare; uint256 previousProduction = gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][lastGooResearchFundClaim[msg.sender] - 1]; // Underflow won't be a problem as gooProductionSnapshots[][0xffffffffff] = 0; for (uint256 i = startSnapshot; i <= endSnapShot; i++) { // Slightly complex things by accounting for days/snapshots when user made no tx's uint256 productionDuringSnapshot = gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][i]; bool soldAllProduction = gooProductionZeroedSnapshots[msg.sender][i]; if (productionDuringSnapshot == 0 && !soldAllProduction) { productionDuringSnapshot = previousProduction; } else { previousProduction = productionDuringSnapshot; } researchShare += (allocatedGooResearchSnapshots[i] * productionDuringSnapshot) / totalGooProductionSnapshots[i]; } if (gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][endSnapShot] == 0 && !gooProductionZeroedSnapshots[msg.sender][endSnapShot] && previousProduction > 0) { gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][endSnapShot] = previousProduction; // Checkpoint for next claim } lastGooResearchFundClaim[msg.sender] = endSnapShot + 1; uint256 referalDivs; if (referer != address(0) && referer != msg.sender) { referalDivs = researchShare / 100; // 1% ethBalance[referer] += referalDivs; emit ReferalGain(referer, msg.sender, referalDivs); } ethBalance[msg.sender] += researchShare - referalDivs; } function claimGooDepositDividends(address referer, uint256 startSnapshot, uint256 endSnapShot) external { require(startSnapshot <= endSnapShot); require(startSnapshot >= lastGooDepositFundClaim[msg.sender]); require(endSnapShot < allocatedGooDepositSnapshots.length); uint256 depositShare; for (uint256 i = startSnapshot; i <= endSnapShot; i++) { depositShare += (allocatedGooDepositSnapshots[i] * gooDepositSnapshots[msg.sender][i]) / totalGooDepositSnapshots[i]; } lastGooDepositFundClaim[msg.sender] = endSnapShot + 1; uint256 referalDivs; if (referer != address(0) && referer != msg.sender) { referalDivs = depositShare / 100; // 1% ethBalance[referer] += referalDivs; emit ReferalGain(referer, msg.sender, referalDivs); } ethBalance[msg.sender] += depositShare - referalDivs; } // Allocate pot #1 divs for the day (00:00 cron job) function snapshotDailyGooResearchFunding() external { require(msg.sender == owner); uint256 todaysGooResearchFund = (totalEtherGooResearchPool * researchDivPercent) / 100; // 8% of pool daily totalEtherGooResearchPool -= todaysGooResearchFund; totalGooProductionSnapshots.push(totalGooProduction); allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.push(todaysGooResearchFund); nextSnapshotTime = block.timestamp + 24 hours; } // Allocate pot #2 divs for the day (12:00 cron job) function snapshotDailyGooDepositFunding() external { require(msg.sender == owner); uint256 todaysGooDepositFund = (totalEtherGooResearchPool * gooDepositDivPercent) / 100; // 2% of pool daily totalEtherGooResearchPool -= todaysGooDepositFund; totalGooDepositSnapshots.push(0); // Reset for to store next day's deposits allocatedGooDepositSnapshots.push(todaysGooDepositFund); // Store to payout divs for previous day deposits } // Raffle for rare items function buyItemRaffleTicket(uint256 amount) external { require(itemRaffleEndTime >= block.timestamp); require(amount > 0); uint256 ticketsCost = SafeMath.mul(RAFFLE_TICKET_BASE_GOO_PRICE, amount); require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= ticketsCost); // Update players goo updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, ticketsCost); // Handle new tickets TicketPurchases storage purchases = rareItemTicketsBoughtByPlayer[msg.sender]; // If we need to reset tickets from a previous raffle if (purchases.raffleId != itemRaffleRareId) { purchases.numPurchases = 0; purchases.raffleId = itemRaffleRareId; itemRafflePlayers[itemRaffleRareId].push(msg.sender); // Add user to raffle } // Store new ticket purchase if (purchases.numPurchases == purchases.ticketsBought.length) { purchases.ticketsBought.length += 1; } purchases.ticketsBought[purchases.numPurchases++] = TicketPurchase(itemRaffleTicketsBought, itemRaffleTicketsBought + (amount - 1)); // (eg: buy 10, get id's 0-9) // Finally update ticket total itemRaffleTicketsBought += amount; } // Raffle for rare units function buyUnitRaffleTicket(uint256 amount) external { require(unitRaffleEndTime >= block.timestamp); require(amount > 0); uint256 ticketsCost = SafeMath.mul(RAFFLE_TICKET_BASE_GOO_PRICE, amount); require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= ticketsCost); // Update players goo updatePlayersGooFromPurchase(msg.sender, ticketsCost); // Handle new tickets TicketPurchases storage purchases = rareUnitTicketsBoughtByPlayer[msg.sender]; // If we need to reset tickets from a previous raffle if (purchases.raffleId != unitRaffleId) { purchases.numPurchases = 0; purchases.raffleId = unitRaffleId; unitRafflePlayers[unitRaffleId].push(msg.sender); // Add user to raffle } // Store new ticket purchase if (purchases.numPurchases == purchases.ticketsBought.length) { purchases.ticketsBought.length += 1; } purchases.ticketsBought[purchases.numPurchases++] = TicketPurchase(unitRaffleTicketsBought, unitRaffleTicketsBought + (amount - 1)); // (eg: buy 10, get id's 0-9) // Finally update ticket total unitRaffleTicketsBought += amount; } function startItemRaffle(uint256 endTime, uint256 rareId) external { require(msg.sender == owner); require(schema.validRareId(rareId)); require(rareItemOwner[rareId] == 0); require(block.timestamp < endTime); if (itemRaffleRareId != 0) { // Sanity to assure raffle has ended before next one starts require(itemRaffleWinner != 0); } // Reset previous raffle info itemRaffleWinningTicketSelected = false; itemRaffleTicketThatWon = 0; itemRaffleWinner = 0; itemRaffleTicketsBought = 0; // Set current raffle info itemRaffleEndTime = endTime; itemRaffleRareId = rareId; } function startUnitRaffle(uint256 endTime, uint256 unitId) external { require(msg.sender == owner); require(block.timestamp < endTime); if (unitRaffleRareId != 0) { // Sanity to assure raffle has ended before next one starts require(unitRaffleWinner != 0); } // Reset previous raffle info unitRaffleWinningTicketSelected = false; unitRaffleTicketThatWon = 0; unitRaffleWinner = 0; unitRaffleTicketsBought = 0; // Set current raffle info unitRaffleEndTime = endTime; unitRaffleRareId = unitId; unitRaffleId++; // Can't use unitRaffleRareId (as rare units are not unique) } function awardItemRafflePrize(address checkWinner, uint256 checkIndex) external { require(itemRaffleEndTime < block.timestamp); require(itemRaffleWinner == 0); require(rareItemOwner[itemRaffleRareId] == 0); if (!itemRaffleWinningTicketSelected) { drawRandomItemWinner(); // Ideally do it in one call (gas limit cautious) } // Reduce gas by (optionally) offering an address to _check_ for winner if (checkWinner != 0) { TicketPurchases storage tickets = rareItemTicketsBoughtByPlayer[checkWinner]; if (tickets.numPurchases > 0 && checkIndex < tickets.numPurchases && tickets.raffleId == itemRaffleRareId) { TicketPurchase storage checkTicket = tickets.ticketsBought[checkIndex]; if (itemRaffleTicketThatWon >= checkTicket.startId && itemRaffleTicketThatWon <= checkTicket.endId) { assignItemRafflePrize(checkWinner); // WINNER! return; } } } // Otherwise just naively try to find the winner (will work until mass amounts of players) for (uint256 i = 0; i < itemRafflePlayers[itemRaffleRareId].length; i++) { address player = itemRafflePlayers[itemRaffleRareId][i]; TicketPurchases storage playersTickets = rareItemTicketsBoughtByPlayer[player]; uint256 endIndex = playersTickets.numPurchases - 1; // Minor optimization to avoid checking every single player if (itemRaffleTicketThatWon >= playersTickets.ticketsBought[0].startId && itemRaffleTicketThatWon <= playersTickets.ticketsBought[endIndex].endId) { for (uint256 j = 0; j < playersTickets.numPurchases; j++) { TicketPurchase storage playerTicket = playersTickets.ticketsBought[j]; if (itemRaffleTicketThatWon >= playerTicket.startId && itemRaffleTicketThatWon <= playerTicket.endId) { assignItemRafflePrize(player); // WINNER! return; } } } } } function awardUnitRafflePrize(address checkWinner, uint256 checkIndex) external { require(unitRaffleEndTime < block.timestamp); require(unitRaffleWinner == 0); if (!unitRaffleWinningTicketSelected) { drawRandomUnitWinner(); // Ideally do it in one call (gas limit cautious) } // Reduce gas by (optionally) offering an address to _check_ for winner if (checkWinner != 0) { TicketPurchases storage tickets = rareUnitTicketsBoughtByPlayer[checkWinner]; if (tickets.numPurchases > 0 && checkIndex < tickets.numPurchases && tickets.raffleId == unitRaffleId) { TicketPurchase storage checkTicket = tickets.ticketsBought[checkIndex]; if (unitRaffleTicketThatWon >= checkTicket.startId && unitRaffleTicketThatWon <= checkTicket.endId) { assignUnitRafflePrize(checkWinner); // WINNER! return; } } } // Otherwise just naively try to find the winner (will work until mass amounts of players) for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitRafflePlayers[unitRaffleId].length; i++) { address player = unitRafflePlayers[unitRaffleId][i]; TicketPurchases storage playersTickets = rareUnitTicketsBoughtByPlayer[player]; uint256 endIndex = playersTickets.numPurchases - 1; // Minor optimization to avoid checking every single player if (unitRaffleTicketThatWon >= playersTickets.ticketsBought[0].startId && unitRaffleTicketThatWon <= playersTickets.ticketsBought[endIndex].endId) { for (uint256 j = 0; j < playersTickets.numPurchases; j++) { TicketPurchase storage playerTicket = playersTickets.ticketsBought[j]; if (unitRaffleTicketThatWon >= playerTicket.startId && unitRaffleTicketThatWon <= playerTicket.endId) { assignUnitRafflePrize(player); // WINNER! return; } } } } } function assignItemRafflePrize(address winner) internal { itemRaffleWinner = winner; rareItemOwner[itemRaffleRareId] = winner; rareItemPrice[itemRaffleRareId] = (schema.rareStartPrice(itemRaffleRareId) * 21) / 20; // Buy price slightly higher (Div pool cut) updatePlayersGoo(winner); uint256 upgradeClass; uint256 unitId; uint256 upgradeValue; (upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue) = schema.getRareInfo(itemRaffleRareId); upgradeUnitMultipliers(winner, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue); } function assignUnitRafflePrize(address winner) internal { unitRaffleWinner = winner; updatePlayersGoo(winner); increasePlayersGooProduction(winner, getUnitsProduction(winner, unitRaffleRareId, 1)); unitsOwned[winner][unitRaffleRareId] += 1; } // Random enough for small contests (Owner only to prevent trial & error execution) function drawRandomItemWinner() public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(itemRaffleEndTime < block.timestamp); require(!itemRaffleWinningTicketSelected); uint256 seed = itemRaffleTicketsBought + block.timestamp; itemRaffleTicketThatWon = addmod(uint256(block.blockhash(block.number-1)), seed, itemRaffleTicketsBought); itemRaffleWinningTicketSelected = true; } function drawRandomUnitWinner() public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(unitRaffleEndTime < block.timestamp); require(!unitRaffleWinningTicketSelected); uint256 seed = unitRaffleTicketsBought + block.timestamp; unitRaffleTicketThatWon = addmod(uint256(block.blockhash(block.number-1)), seed, unitRaffleTicketsBought); unitRaffleWinningTicketSelected = true; } // Gives players the upgrades they 'previously paid for' (i.e. will be one of same unit/type/value of their v1 purchase) // Tx of their (prior) purchase is provided so can be validated by anyone for 0 abuse function migrateV1Upgrades(address[] playerToCredit, uint256[] upgradeIds, uint256[] txProof) external { require(msg.sender == owner); require(!gameStarted); // Pre-game migration for (uint256 i = 0; i < txProof.length; i++) { address player = playerToCredit[i]; uint256 upgradeId = upgradeIds[i]; uint256 unitId = schema.upgradeUnitId(upgradeId); if (unitId > 0 && !upgradesOwned[player][upgradeId]) { // Upgrade valid (and haven't already migrated) uint256 upgradeClass = schema.upgradeClass(upgradeId); uint256 upgradeValue = schema.upgradeValue(upgradeId); upgradeUnitMultipliers(player, upgradeClass, unitId, upgradeValue); upgradesOwned[player][upgradeId] = true; emit UpgradeMigration(player, upgradeId, txProof[i]); } } } function protectAddress(address exchange, bool shouldProtect) external { require(msg.sender == owner); if (shouldProtect) { require(getGooProduction(exchange) == 0); // Can't protect actual players } protectedAddresses[exchange] = shouldProtect; } function attackPlayer(address target) external { require(battleCooldown[msg.sender] < block.timestamp); require(target != msg.sender); require(!protectedAddresses[target]); // Target not whitelisted (i.e. exchange wallets) uint256 attackingPower; uint256 defendingPower; uint256 stealingPower; (attackingPower, defendingPower, stealingPower) = getPlayersBattlePower(msg.sender, target); if (battleCooldown[target] > block.timestamp) { // When on battle cooldown you're vulnerable (starting value is 50% normal power) defendingPower = schema.getWeakenedDefensePower(defendingPower); } if (attackingPower > defendingPower) { battleCooldown[msg.sender] = block.timestamp + 30 minutes; if (balanceOf(target) > stealingPower) { // Save all their unclaimed goo, then steal attacker's max capacity (at same time) uint256 unclaimedGoo = balanceOfUnclaimedGoo(target); if (stealingPower > unclaimedGoo) { uint256 gooDecrease = stealingPower - unclaimedGoo; gooBalance[target] -= gooDecrease; roughSupply -= gooDecrease; } else { uint256 gooGain = unclaimedGoo - stealingPower; gooBalance[target] += gooGain; roughSupply += gooGain; } gooBalance[msg.sender] += stealingPower; emit PlayerAttacked(msg.sender, target, true, stealingPower); } else { emit PlayerAttacked(msg.sender, target, true, balanceOf(target)); gooBalance[msg.sender] += balanceOf(target); gooBalance[target] = 0; } lastGooSaveTime[target] = block.timestamp; // We don't need to claim/save msg.sender's goo (as production delta is unchanged) } else { battleCooldown[msg.sender] = block.timestamp + 10 minutes; emit PlayerAttacked(msg.sender, target, false, 0); } } function getPlayersBattlePower(address attacker, address defender) internal constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 startId; uint256 endId; (startId, endId) = schema.battleUnitIdRange(); uint256 attackingPower; uint256 defendingPower; uint256 stealingPower; // Not ideal but will only be a small number of units (and saves gas when buying units) while (startId <= endId) { attackingPower += getUnitsAttack(attacker, startId, unitsOwned[attacker][startId]); stealingPower += getUnitsStealingCapacity(attacker, startId, unitsOwned[attacker][startId]); defendingPower += getUnitsDefense(defender, startId, unitsOwned[defender][startId]); startId++; } return (attackingPower, defendingPower, stealingPower); } function getPlayersBattleStats(address player) external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 startId; uint256 endId; (startId, endId) = schema.battleUnitIdRange(); uint256 attackingPower; uint256 defendingPower; uint256 stealingPower; // Not ideal but will only be a small number of units (and saves gas when buying units) while (startId <= endId) { attackingPower += getUnitsAttack(player, startId, unitsOwned[player][startId]); stealingPower += getUnitsStealingCapacity(player, startId, unitsOwned[player][startId]); defendingPower += getUnitsDefense(player, startId, unitsOwned[player][startId]); startId++; } if (battleCooldown[player] > block.timestamp) { // When on battle cooldown you're vulnerable (starting value is 50% normal power) defendingPower = schema.getWeakenedDefensePower(defendingPower); } return (attackingPower, defendingPower, stealingPower, battleCooldown[player]); } function getUnitsProduction(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) internal constant returns (uint256) { return (amount * (schema.unitGooProduction(unitId) + unitGooProductionIncreases[player][unitId]) * (10 + unitGooProductionMultiplier[player][unitId])); } function getUnitsAttack(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) internal constant returns (uint256) { return (amount * (schema.unitAttack(unitId) + unitAttackIncreases[player][unitId]) * (10 + unitAttackMultiplier[player][unitId])) / 10; } function getUnitsDefense(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) internal constant returns (uint256) { return (amount * (schema.unitDefense(unitId) + unitDefenseIncreases[player][unitId]) * (10 + unitDefenseMultiplier[player][unitId])) / 10; } function getUnitsStealingCapacity(address player, uint256 unitId, uint256 amount) internal constant returns (uint256) { return (amount * (schema.unitStealingCapacity(unitId) + unitGooStealingIncreases[player][unitId]) * (10 + unitGooStealingMultiplier[player][unitId])) / 10; } // To display on website function getGameInfo() external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256[], bool[]){ uint256[] memory units = new uint256[](schema.currentNumberOfUnits()); bool[] memory upgrades = new bool[](schema.currentNumberOfUpgrades()); uint256 startId; uint256 endId; (startId, endId) = schema.productionUnitIdRange(); uint256 i; while (startId <= endId) { units[i] = unitsOwned[msg.sender][startId]; i++; startId++; } (startId, endId) = schema.battleUnitIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { units[i] = unitsOwned[msg.sender][startId]; i++; startId++; } // Reset for upgrades i = 0; (startId, endId) = schema.upgradeIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { upgrades[i] = upgradesOwned[msg.sender][startId]; i++; startId++; } return (block.timestamp, totalEtherGooResearchPool, totalGooProduction, totalGooDepositSnapshots[totalGooDepositSnapshots.length - 1], gooDepositSnapshots[msg.sender][totalGooDepositSnapshots.length - 1], nextSnapshotTime, balanceOf(msg.sender), ethBalance[msg.sender], getGooProduction(msg.sender), units, upgrades); } // To display on website function getRareItemInfo() external constant returns (address[], uint256[]) { address[] memory itemOwners = new address[](schema.currentNumberOfRares()); uint256[] memory itemPrices = new uint256[](schema.currentNumberOfRares()); uint256 startId; uint256 endId; (startId, endId) = schema.rareIdRange(); uint256 i; while (startId <= endId) { itemOwners[i] = rareItemOwner[startId]; itemPrices[i] = rareItemPrice[startId]; i++; startId++; } return (itemOwners, itemPrices); } // To display on website function viewUnclaimedResearchDividends() external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 startSnapshot = lastGooResearchFundClaim[msg.sender]; uint256 latestSnapshot = allocatedGooResearchSnapshots.length - 1; // No snapshots to begin with uint256 researchShare; uint256 previousProduction = gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][lastGooResearchFundClaim[msg.sender] - 1]; // Underflow won't be a problem as gooProductionSnapshots[][0xfffffffffffff] = 0; for (uint256 i = startSnapshot; i <= latestSnapshot; i++) { // Slightly complex things by accounting for days/snapshots when user made no tx's uint256 productionDuringSnapshot = gooProductionSnapshots[msg.sender][i]; bool soldAllProduction = gooProductionZeroedSnapshots[msg.sender][i]; if (productionDuringSnapshot == 0 && !soldAllProduction) { productionDuringSnapshot = previousProduction; } else { previousProduction = productionDuringSnapshot; } researchShare += (allocatedGooResearchSnapshots[i] * productionDuringSnapshot) / totalGooProductionSnapshots[i]; } return (researchShare, startSnapshot, latestSnapshot); } // To display on website function viewUnclaimedDepositDividends() external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { uint256 startSnapshot = lastGooDepositFundClaim[msg.sender]; uint256 latestSnapshot = allocatedGooDepositSnapshots.length - 1; // No snapshots to begin with uint256 depositShare; for (uint256 i = startSnapshot; i <= latestSnapshot; i++) { depositShare += (allocatedGooDepositSnapshots[i] * gooDepositSnapshots[msg.sender][i]) / totalGooDepositSnapshots[i]; } return (depositShare, startSnapshot, latestSnapshot); } // To allow clients to verify contestants function getItemRafflePlayers(uint256 raffleId) external constant returns (address[]) { return (itemRafflePlayers[raffleId]); } // To allow clients to verify contestants function getUnitRafflePlayers(uint256 raffleId) external constant returns (address[]) { return (unitRafflePlayers[raffleId]); } // To allow clients to verify contestants function getPlayersItemTickets(address player) external constant returns (uint256[], uint256[]) { TicketPurchases storage playersTickets = rareItemTicketsBoughtByPlayer[player]; if (playersTickets.raffleId == itemRaffleRareId) { uint256[] memory startIds = new uint256[](playersTickets.numPurchases); uint256[] memory endIds = new uint256[](playersTickets.numPurchases); for (uint256 i = 0; i < playersTickets.numPurchases; i++) { startIds[i] = playersTickets.ticketsBought[i].startId; endIds[i] = playersTickets.ticketsBought[i].endId; } } return (startIds, endIds); } // To allow clients to verify contestants function getPlayersUnitTickets(address player) external constant returns (uint256[], uint256[]) { TicketPurchases storage playersTickets = rareUnitTicketsBoughtByPlayer[player]; if (playersTickets.raffleId == unitRaffleId) { uint256[] memory startIds = new uint256[](playersTickets.numPurchases); uint256[] memory endIds = new uint256[](playersTickets.numPurchases); for (uint256 i = 0; i < playersTickets.numPurchases; i++) { startIds[i] = playersTickets.ticketsBought[i].startId; endIds[i] = playersTickets.ticketsBought[i].endId; } } return (startIds, endIds); } // To display on website function getLatestItemRaffleInfo() external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, address, uint256) { return (itemRaffleEndTime, itemRaffleRareId, itemRaffleTicketsBought, itemRaffleWinner, itemRaffleTicketThatWon); } // To display on website function getLatestUnitRaffleInfo() external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, address, uint256) { return (unitRaffleEndTime, unitRaffleRareId, unitRaffleTicketsBought, unitRaffleWinner, unitRaffleTicketThatWon); } // New units may be added in future, but check it matches existing schema so no-one can abuse selling. function updateGooConfig(address newSchemaAddress) external { require(msg.sender == owner); GooGameConfig newSchema = GooGameConfig(newSchemaAddress); requireExistingUnitsSame(newSchema); requireExistingUpgradesSame(newSchema); // Finally update config schema = GooGameConfig(newSchema); } function requireExistingUnitsSame(GooGameConfig newSchema) internal constant { // Requires units eth costs match up or fail execution uint256 startId; uint256 endId; (startId, endId) = schema.productionUnitIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { require(schema.unitEthCost(startId) == newSchema.unitEthCost(startId)); require(schema.unitGooProduction(startId) == newSchema.unitGooProduction(startId)); startId++; } (startId, endId) = schema.battleUnitIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { require(schema.unitEthCost(startId) == newSchema.unitEthCost(startId)); require(schema.unitAttack(startId) == newSchema.unitAttack(startId)); require(schema.unitDefense(startId) == newSchema.unitDefense(startId)); require(schema.unitStealingCapacity(startId) == newSchema.unitStealingCapacity(startId)); startId++; } } function requireExistingUpgradesSame(GooGameConfig newSchema) internal constant { uint256 startId; uint256 endId; // Requires ALL upgrade stats match up or fail execution (startId, endId) = schema.upgradeIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { require(schema.upgradeGooCost(startId) == newSchema.upgradeGooCost(startId)); require(schema.upgradeEthCost(startId) == newSchema.upgradeEthCost(startId)); require(schema.upgradeClass(startId) == newSchema.upgradeClass(startId)); require(schema.upgradeUnitId(startId) == newSchema.upgradeUnitId(startId)); require(schema.upgradeValue(startId) == newSchema.upgradeValue(startId)); startId++; } // Requires ALL rare stats match up or fail execution (startId, endId) = schema.rareIdRange(); while (startId <= endId) { uint256 oldClass; uint256 oldUnitId; uint256 oldValue; uint256 newClass; uint256 newUnitId; uint256 newValue; (oldClass, oldUnitId, oldValue) = schema.getRareInfo(startId); (newClass, newUnitId, newValue) = newSchema.getRareInfo(startId); require(oldClass == newClass); require(oldUnitId == newUnitId); require(oldValue == newValue); startId++; } } } contract GooGameConfig { mapping(uint256 => Unit) private unitInfo; mapping(uint256 => Upgrade) private upgradeInfo; mapping(uint256 => Rare) private rareInfo; uint256 public constant currentNumberOfUnits = 15; uint256 public constant currentNumberOfUpgrades = 210; uint256 public constant currentNumberOfRares = 2; address public owner; struct Unit { uint256 unitId; uint256 baseGooCost; uint256 gooCostIncreaseHalf; // Halfed to make maths slightly less (cancels a 2 out) uint256 ethCost; uint256 baseGooProduction; uint256 attackValue; uint256 defenseValue; uint256 gooStealingCapacity; bool unitSellable; // Rare units (from raffle) not sellable } struct Upgrade { uint256 upgradeId; uint256 gooCost; uint256 ethCost; uint256 upgradeClass; uint256 unitId; uint256 upgradeValue; uint256 prerequisiteUpgrade; } struct Rare { uint256 rareId; uint256 ethCost; uint256 rareClass; uint256 unitId; uint256 rareValue; } function GooGameConfig() public { owner = msg.sender; rareInfo[1] = Rare(1, 0.5 ether, 1, 1, 40); // 40 = +400% rareInfo[2] = Rare(2, 0.5 ether, 0, 2, 35); // +35 unitInfo[1] = Unit(1, 0, 10, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[2] = Unit(2, 100, 50, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[3] = Unit(3, 0, 0, 0.01 ether, 100, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[4] = Unit(4, 200, 100, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[5] = Unit(5, 500, 250, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[6] = Unit(6, 1000, 500, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[7] = Unit(7, 0, 1000, 0.05 ether, 500, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[8] = Unit(8, 1500, 750, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0, true); unitInfo[9] = Unit(9, 0, 0, 10 ether, 6000, 0, 0, 0, false); // First secret rare unit from raffle (unsellable) unitInfo[40] = Unit(40, 50, 25, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10000, true); unitInfo[41] = Unit(41, 100, 50, 0, 0, 1, 25, 500, true); unitInfo[42] = Unit(42, 0, 0, 0.01 ether, 0, 200, 10, 50000, true); unitInfo[43] = Unit(43, 250, 125, 0, 0, 25, 1, 15000, true); unitInfo[44] = Unit(44, 500, 250, 0, 0, 20, 40, 5000, true); unitInfo[45] = Unit(45, 0, 2500, 0.02 ether, 0, 0, 0, 100000, true); } address allowedConfig; function setConfigSetupContract(address schema) external { require(msg.sender == owner); allowedConfig = schema; } function addUpgrade(uint256 id, uint256 goo, uint256 eth, uint256 class, uint256 unit, uint256 value, uint256 prereq) external { require(msg.sender == allowedConfig); upgradeInfo[id] = Upgrade(id, goo, eth, class, unit, value, prereq); } function getGooCostForUnit(uint256 unitId, uint256 existing, uint256 amount) public constant returns (uint256) { Unit storage unit = unitInfo[unitId]; if (amount == 1) { // 1 if (existing == 0) { return unit.baseGooCost; } else { return unit.baseGooCost + (existing * unit.gooCostIncreaseHalf * 2); } } else if (amount > 1) { uint256 existingCost; if (existing > 0) { // Gated by unit limit existingCost = (unit.baseGooCost * existing) + (existing * (existing - 1) * unit.gooCostIncreaseHalf); } existing = SafeMath.add(existing, amount); return SafeMath.add(SafeMath.mul(unit.baseGooCost, existing), SafeMath.mul(SafeMath.mul(existing, (existing - 1)), unit.gooCostIncreaseHalf)) - existingCost; } } function getWeakenedDefensePower(uint256 defendingPower) external constant returns (uint256) { return defendingPower / 2; } function validRareId(uint256 rareId) external constant returns (bool) { return (rareId > 0 && rareId < 3); } function unitSellable(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (bool) { return unitInfo[unitId].unitSellable; } function unitEthCost(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (uint256) { return unitInfo[unitId].ethCost; } function unitGooProduction(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (uint256) { return unitInfo[unitId].baseGooProduction; } function unitAttack(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (uint256) { return unitInfo[unitId].attackValue; } function unitDefense(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (uint256) { return unitInfo[unitId].defenseValue; } function unitStealingCapacity(uint256 unitId) external constant returns (uint256) { return unitInfo[unitId].gooStealingCapacity; } function rareStartPrice(uint256 rareId) external constant returns (uint256) { return rareInfo[rareId].ethCost; } function upgradeGooCost(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256) { return upgradeInfo[upgradeId].gooCost; } function upgradeEthCost(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256) { return upgradeInfo[upgradeId].ethCost; } function upgradeClass(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256) { return upgradeInfo[upgradeId].upgradeClass; } function upgradeUnitId(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256) { return upgradeInfo[upgradeId].unitId; } function upgradeValue(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256) { return upgradeInfo[upgradeId].upgradeValue; } function productionUnitIdRange() external constant returns (uint256, uint256) { return (1, 9); } function battleUnitIdRange() external constant returns (uint256, uint256) { return (40, 45); } function upgradeIdRange() external constant returns (uint256, uint256) { return (1, 210); } function rareIdRange() external constant returns (uint256, uint256) { return (1, 2); } function getUpgradeInfo(uint256 upgradeId) external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { return (upgradeInfo[upgradeId].gooCost, upgradeInfo[upgradeId].ethCost, upgradeInfo[upgradeId].upgradeClass, upgradeInfo[upgradeId].unitId, upgradeInfo[upgradeId].upgradeValue, upgradeInfo[upgradeId].prerequisiteUpgrade); } function getRareInfo(uint256 rareId) external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { return (rareInfo[rareId].rareClass, rareInfo[rareId].unitId, rareInfo[rareId].rareValue); } function getUnitInfo(uint256 unitId, uint256 existing, uint256 amount) external constant returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { return (unitInfo[unitId].unitId, unitInfo[unitId].baseGooProduction, getGooCostForUnit(unitId, existing, amount), SafeMath.mul(unitInfo[unitId].ethCost, amount)); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Substracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } }