ETH Price: $1,923.76 (-4.99%)

Transaction Decoder

7741013 at May-11-2019 07:07:01 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000837486 ETH $1.61
Gas Used:
139,581 Gas / 6 Gwei

Emitted Events:

50 CloneableWallet.Authorized( authorizedAddress=0x8e9250Fd...Dc01509Ef, cosigner=637680109597767710421535072113360526656030035187 )
51 WalletFactory.WalletCreated( wallet=CloneableWallet, authorizedAddress=0x8e9250Fd...Dc01509Ef, full=False )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
0.286623305940413778 Eth
Nonce: 17
0.285785819940413778 Eth
Nonce: 18
65.676287301682357884 Eth65.677124787682357884 Eth0.000837486
0 Eth
Nonce: 0
0 Eth
Nonce: 1
From: 0 To: 497590261154554171967156500467494912625267646449272563043910926982088852581171609043127427409530839682079731

Execution Trace

WalletFactory.deployCloneWallet( _recoveryAddress=0x399Ec5C5F69305087F394E293C043b50a5Aac69d, _authorizedAddress=0x8e9250Fd4B6B6c20ecBc48DbAD4d95EDc01509Ef, _cosigner=637680109597767710421535072113360526656030035187 )
  • CloneableWallet.3d602d80( )
  • CloneableWallet.init( _authorizedAddress=0x8e9250Fd4B6B6c20ecBc48DbAD4d95EDc01509Ef, _cosigner=637680109597767710421535072113360526656030035187, _recoveryAddress=0x399Ec5C5F69305087F394E293C043b50a5Aac69d )
    • CloneableWallet.init( _authorizedAddress=0x8e9250Fd4B6B6c20ecBc48DbAD4d95EDc01509Ef, _cosigner=637680109597767710421535072113360526656030035187, _recoveryAddress=0x399Ec5C5F69305087F394E293C043b50a5Aac69d )
      File 1 of 3: WalletFactory
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverDraft.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverDraft
      /// @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      /// @dev Note: this is the interface defined from 
      ///  to 
      ///  and is not the final interface.
      ///  Due to the extended period of time this revision was specified in the draft,
      ///  we are supporting both this and the newer (final) interface in order to be 
      ///  compatible with any ERC721 implementations that may have used this interface.
      contract ERC721ReceiverDraft {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverDraft(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT = 0xf0b9e5ba;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverFinal.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverFinal
      /// @notice Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      ///  @dev Note: this is the final interface as defined at
      contract ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverFinal(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL = 0x150b7a02;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721Receivable.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721Receivable handles the reception of ERC721 tokens
      ///  See ERC721 specification
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      /// @dev These functions are public, and could be called by anyone, even in the case
      ///  where no NFTs have been transferred. Since it's not a reliable source of
      ///  truth about ERC721 tokens being transferred, we save the gas and don't
      ///  bother emitting a (potentially spurious) event as found in 
      contract ERC721Receivable is ERC721ReceiverDraft, ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4) {
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL;
      // File: contracts/ERC223/ERC223Receiver.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC223Receiver ensures we are ERC223 compatible
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      contract ERC223Receiver {
          bytes4 public constant ERC223_ID = 0xc0ee0b8a;
          struct TKN {
              address sender;
              uint value;
              bytes data;
              bytes4 sig;
          /// @notice tokenFallback is called from an ERC223 compatible contract
          /// @param _from the address from which the token was sent
          /// @param _value the amount of tokens sent
          /// @param _data the data sent with the transaction
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) public pure {
          //   TKN memory tkn;
          //   tkn.sender = _from;
          //   tkn.value = _value;
          // = _data;
          //   uint32 u = uint32(_data[3]) + (uint32(_data[2]) << 8) + (uint32(_data[1]) << 16) + (uint32(_data[0]) << 24);
          //   tkn.sig = bytes4(u);
            /* tkn variable is analogue of msg variable of Ether transaction
            *  tkn.sender is person who initiated this token transaction   (analogue of msg.sender)
            *  tkn.value the number of tokens that were sent   (analogue of msg.value)
            * is data of token transaction   (analogue of
            *  tkn.sig is 4 bytes signature of function
            *  if data of token transaction is a function execution
      // File: contracts/ERC1271/ERC1271.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERC1271 {
          /// @dev bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")
          bytes4 internal constant ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE = 0x1626ba7e;
          /// @dev Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          /// @param hash 32-byte hash of the data that is signed
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with _data
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value 0x1626ba7e when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using STATICCALL for solc < 0.5, view modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          function isValidSignature(
              bytes32 hash, 
              bytes _signature)
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ECDSA.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ECDSA is a library that contains useful methods for working with ECDSA signatures
      library ECDSA {
          /// @notice Extracts the r, s, and v components from the `sigData` field starting from the `offset`
          /// @dev Note: does not do any bounds checking on the arguments!
          /// @param sigData the signature data; could be 1 or more packed signatures.
          /// @param offset the offset in sigData from which to start unpacking the signature components.
          function extractSignature(bytes sigData, uint256 offset) internal pure returns  (bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) {
              // Divide the signature in r, s and v variables
              // ecrecover takes the signature parameters, and the only way to get them
              // currently is to use assembly.
              // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
              assembly {
                   let dataPointer := add(sigData, offset)
                   r := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x20))
                   s := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x40))
                   v := byte(0, mload(add(dataPointer, 0x60)))
              return (r, s, v);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CoreWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Core Wallet
      /// @notice A basic smart contract wallet with cosigner functionality. The notion of "cosigner" is
      ///  the simplest possible multisig solution, a two-of-two signature scheme. It devolves nicely
      ///  to "one-of-one" (i.e. singlesig) by simply having the cosigner set to the same value as
      ///  the main signer.
      ///  Most "advanced" functionality (deadman's switch, multiday recovery flows, blacklisting, etc)
      ///  can be implemented externally to this smart contract, either as an additional smart contract
      ///  (which can be tracked as a signer without cosigner, or as a cosigner) or as an off-chain flow
      ///  using a public/private key pair as cosigner. Of course, the basic cosigning functionality could
      ///  also be implemented in this way, but (A) the complexity and gas cost of two-of-two multisig (as
      ///  implemented here) is negligable even if you don't need the cosigner functionality, and
      ///  (B) two-of-two multisig (as implemented here) handles a lot of really common use cases, most
      ///  notably third-party gas payment and off-chain blacklisting and fraud detection.
      contract CoreWallet is ERC721Receivable, ERC223Receiver, ERC1271  {
          using ECDSA for bytes;
          /// @notice We require that presigned transactions use the EIP-191 signing format.
          ///  See that EIP for more info:
          byte public constant EIP191_VERSION_DATA = byte(0);
          byte public constant EIP191_PREFIX = byte(0x19);
          /// @notice This is the version of the contract.
          string public constant VERSION = "1.0.0";
          /// @notice A pre-shifted "1", used to increment the authVersion, so we can "prepend"
          ///  the authVersion to an address (for lookups in the authorizations mapping)
          ///  by using the '+' operator (which is cheaper than a shift and a mask). See the
          ///  comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public constant AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR = (1 << 160);
          /// @notice The pre-shifted authVersion (to get the current authVersion as an integer,
          ///  shift this value right by 160 bits). Starts as `1 << 160` (`AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR`)
          ///  See the comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public authVersion;
          /// @notice A mapping containing all of the addresses that are currently authorized to manage
          ///  the assets owned by this wallet.
          ///  The keys in this mapping are authorized addresses with a version number prepended,
          ///  like so: (authVersion,96)(address,160). The current authVersion MUST BE included
          ///  for each look-up; this allows us to effectively clear the entire mapping of its
          ///  contents merely by incrementing the authVersion variable. (This is important for
          ///  the emergencyRecovery() method.) Inspired by
          ///  The values in this mapping are 256bit words, whose lower 20 bytes constitute "cosigners"
          ///  for each address. If an address maps to itself, then that address is said to have no cosigner.
          ///  The upper 12 bytes are reserved for future meta-data purposes.  The meta-data could refer
          ///  to the key (authorized address) or the value (cosigner) of the mapping.
          ///  Addresses that map to a non-zero cosigner in the current authVersion are called
          ///  "authorized addresses".
          mapping(uint256 => uint256) public authorizations;
          /// @notice A per-key nonce value, incremented each time a transaction is processed with that key.
          ///  Used for replay prevention. The nonce value in the transaction must exactly equal the current
          ///  nonce value in the wallet for that key. (This mirrors the way Ethereum's transaction nonce works.)
          mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
          /// @notice A special address that is authorized to call `emergencyRecovery()`. That function
          ///  resets ALL authorization for this wallet, and must therefore be treated with utmost security.
          ///  Reasonable choices for recoveryAddress include:
          ///       - the address of a private key in cold storage
          ///       - a physically secured hardware wallet
          ///       - a multisig smart contract, possibly with a time-delayed challenge period
          ///       - the zero address, if you like performing without a safety net ;-)
          address public recoveryAddress;
          /// @notice Used to track whether or not this contract instance has been initialized. This
          ///  is necessary since it is common for this wallet smart contract to be used as the "library
          ///  code" for an clone contract. See
          ///  for more information about clone contracts.
          bool public initialized;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called directly by the recovery address.
          modifier onlyRecoveryAddress() {
              require(msg.sender == recoveryAddress, "sender must be recovery address");
          /// @notice Used to decorate the `init` function so this can only be called one time. Necessary
          ///  since this contract will often be used as a "clone". (See above.)
          modifier onlyOnce() {
              require(!initialized, "must not already be initialized");
              initialized = true;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called indirectly via an `invoke()` method.
          ///  In practice, it means that those methods can only be called by a signer/cosigner
          ///  pair that is currently authorized. Theoretically, we could factor out the
          ///  signer/cosigner verification code and use it explicitly in this modifier, but that
          ///  would either result in duplicated code, or additional overhead in the invoke()
          ///  calls (due to the stack manipulation for calling into the shared verification function).
          ///  Doing it this way makes calling the administration functions more expensive (since they
          ///  go through a explict call() instead of just branching within the contract), but it
          ///  makes invoke() more efficient. We assume that invoke() will be used much, much more often
          ///  than any of the administration functions.
          modifier onlyInvoked() {
              require(msg.sender == address(this), "must be called from `invoke()`");
          /// @notice Emitted when an authorized address is added, removed, or modified. When an
          ///  authorized address is removed ("deauthorized"), cosigner will be address(0) in
          ///  this event.
          ///  NOTE: When emergencyRecovery() is called, all existing addresses are deauthorized
          ///  WITHOUT Authorized(addr, 0) being emitted. If you are keeping an off-chain mirror of
          ///  authorized addresses, you must also watch for EmergencyRecovery events.
          /// @dev hash is 0xf5a7f4fb8a92356e8c8c4ae7ac3589908381450500a7e2fd08c95600021ee889
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address to authorize or unauthorize
          /// @param cosigner the 2-of-2 signatory (optional).
          event Authorized(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when an emergency recovery has been performed. If this event is fired,
          ///  ALL previously authorized addresses have been deauthorized and the only authorized
          ///  address is the authorizedAddress indicated in this event.
          /// @dev hash is 0xe12d0bbeb1d06d7a728031056557140afac35616f594ef4be227b5b172a604b5
          /// @param authorizedAddress the new authorized address
          /// @param cosigner the cosigning address for `authorizedAddress`
          event EmergencyRecovery(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when the recovery address changes. Either (but not both) of the
          ///  parameters may be zero.
          /// @dev hash is 0x568ab3dedd6121f0385e007e641e74e1f49d0fa69cab2957b0b07c4c7de5abb6
          /// @param previousRecoveryAddress the previous recovery address
          /// @param newRecoveryAddress the new recovery address
          event RecoveryAddressChanged(address previousRecoveryAddress, address newRecoveryAddress);
          /// @dev Emitted when this contract receives a non-zero amount ether via the fallback function
          ///  (i.e. This event is not fired if the contract receives ether as part of a method invocation)
          /// @param from the address which sent you ether
          /// @param value the amount of ether sent
          event Received(address from, uint value);
          /// @notice Emitted whenever a transaction is processed sucessfully from this wallet. Includes
          ///  both simple send ether transactions, as well as other smart contract invocations.
          /// @dev hash is 0x101214446435ebbb29893f3348e3aae5ea070b63037a3df346d09d3396a34aee
          /// @param hash The hash of the entire operation set. 0 is returned when emitted from `invoke0()`.
          /// @param result A bitfield of the results of the operations. A bit of 0 means success, and 1 means failure.
          /// @param numOperations A count of the number of operations processed
          event InvocationSuccess(
              bytes32 hash,
              uint256 result,
              uint256 numOperations
          /// @notice The shared initialization code used to setup the contract state regardless of whether or
          ///  not the clone pattern is being used.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the initial authorized address, must not be zero!
          /// @param _cosigner the initial cosigning address for `_authorizedAddress`, can be equal to `_authorizedAddress`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the initial recovery address for the wallet, can be address(0)
          function init(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner, address _recoveryAddress) public onlyOnce {
              require(_authorizedAddress != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "Initial cosigner must not be zero.");
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              // set initial authorization value
              authVersion = AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // add initial authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice The fallback function, invoked whenever we receive a transaction that doesn't call any of our
          ///  named functions. In particular, this method is called when we are the target of a simple send transaction
          ///  or when someone tries to call a method that we don't implement. We assume that a "correct" invocation of
          ///  this method only occurs when someone is trying to transfer ether to this wallet, in which case and the
          ///  `` will be 0.
          ///  NOTE: Some smart contracts send 0 eth as part of a more complex
          ///  operation (-cough- CryptoKitties -cough-) ; ideally, we'd `require(msg.value > 0)` here, but to work
          ///  with those kinds of smart contracts, we accept zero sends and just skip logging in that case.
          function() external payable {
              require( == 0, "Invalid transaction.");
              if (msg.value > 0) {
                  emit Received(msg.sender, msg.value);
          /// @notice Configures an authorizable address. Can be used in four ways:
          ///   - Add a new signer/cosigner pair (cosigner must be non-zero)
          ///   - Set or change the cosigner for an existing signer (if authorizedAddress != cosigner)
          ///   - Remove the cosigning requirement for a signer (if authorizedAddress == cosigner)
          ///   - Remove a signer (if cosigner == address(0))
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the address to configure authorization
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigning address
          function setAuthorized(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyInvoked {
              // TODO: Allowing a signer to remove itself is actually pretty terrible; it could result in the user
              //  removing their only available authorized key. Unfortunately, due to how the invocation forwarding
              //  works, we don't actually _know_ which signer was used to call this method, so there's no easy way
              //  to prevent this.
              // TODO: Allowing the backup key to be set as an authorized address bypasses the recovery mechanisms.
              //  Dapper can prevent this with offchain logic and the cosigner, but it would be nice to have 
              //  this enforced by the smart contract logic itself.
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) == address(0) || address(_cosigner) != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Performs an emergency recovery operation, removing all existing authorizations and setting
          ///  a sole new authorized address with optional cosigner. THIS IS A SCORCHED EARTH SOLUTION, and great
          ///  care should be taken to ensure that this method is never called unless it is a last resort. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this method
          ///  is not trivially abused.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the new and sole authorized address
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigner address, can be equal to _authorizedAddress
          function emergencyRecovery(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyRecoveryAddress {
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "The cosigner must not be zero.");
              // Incrementing the authVersion number effectively erases the authorizations mapping. See the comments
              // on the authorizations variable (above) for more information.
              authVersion += AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // Store the new signer/cosigner pair as the only remaining authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit EmergencyRecovery(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Sets the recovery address, which can be zero (indicating that no recovery is possible)
          ///  Can be updated by any authorized address. This address should be set with GREAT CARE. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this
          ///  mechanism is not trivially abused.
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the new recovery address
          function setRecoveryAddress(address _recoveryAddress) external onlyInvoked {
                  address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_recoveryAddress)]) == address(0),
                  "Do not use an authorized address as the recovery address."
              address previous = recoveryAddress;
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              emit RecoveryAddressChanged(previous, recoveryAddress);
          /// @notice Allows ANY caller to recover gas by way of deleting old authorization keys after
          ///  a recovery operation. Anyone can call this method to delete the old unused storage and
          ///  get themselves a bit of gas refund in the bargin.
          /// @dev keys must be known to caller or else nothing is refunded
          /// @param _version the version of the mapping which you want to delete (unshifted)
          /// @param _keys the authorization keys to delete 
          function recoverGas(uint256 _version, address[] _keys) external {
              // TODO: should this be 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff ?
              require(_version > 0 && _version < 0xffffffff, "Invalid version number.");
              uint256 shiftedVersion = _version << 160;
              require(shiftedVersion < authVersion, "You can only recover gas from expired authVersions.");
              for (uint256 i = 0; i < _keys.length; ++i) {
                  delete(authorizations[shiftedVersion + uint256(_keys[i])]);
          /// @notice Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          ///  See
          /// @dev This function meets the following conditions as per the EIP:
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value `0x1626ba7e` when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using `STATICCALL` for solc < 0.5, `view` modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          /// @param hash A 32 byte hash of the signed data.  The actual hash that is hashed however is the
          ///  the following tightly packed arguments: `0x19,0x0,wallet_address,hash`
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with `_data`
          /// @return Magic value `0x1626ba7e` upon success, 0 otherwise.
          function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes _signature) external view returns (bytes4) {
              // We 'hash the hash' for the following reasons:
              // 1. `hash` is not the hash of an Ethereum transaction
              // 2. signature must target this wallet to avoid replaying the signature for another wallet
              // with the same key
              // 3. Gnosis does something similar: 
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              bytes32[2] memory r;
              bytes32[2] memory s;
              uint8[2] memory v;
              address signer;
              address cosigner;
              // extract 1 or 2 signatures depending on length
              if (_signature.length == 65) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = signer;
              } else if (_signature.length == 130) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  (r[1], s[1], v[1]) = _signature.extractSignature(65);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              } else {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (signer == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (cosigner == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check to see if this is an authorized key
              if (address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]) != cosigner) {
                  return 0;
              return ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE;
          /// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
          /// @param interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
          /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
          ///  uses less than 30,000 gas.
          /// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
          ///  `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise
          function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external pure returns (bool) {
              // I am not sure why the linter is complaining about the whitespace
                  interfaceID == this.supportsInterface.selector || // ERC165
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL || // ERC721 Final
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT || // ERC721 Draft
                  interfaceID == ERC223_ID || // ERC223
                  interfaceID == ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE; // ERC1271
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has no explicit signatures, and uses msg.sender
          ///  as both the signer and cosigner. Will only succeed if `msg.sender` is an authorized
          ///  signer for this wallet, with no cosigner, saving transaction size and gas in that case.
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke0(bytes data) external {
              // The nonce doesn't need to be incremented for transactions that don't include explicit signatures;
              // the built-in nonce of the native ethereum transaction will protect against replay attacks, and we
              // can save the gas that would be spent updating the nonce variable
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner)
              require(address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]) == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              internalInvoke(0, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the cosigner.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the authorization key; this is used here so that cosigner signatures are interchangeable
          ///  between this function and `invoke2()`
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1CosignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // check nonce
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce");
              // check signer
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // Get cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[signer] = nonce + 1;
              // call internal function
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the cosigning
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the authorized address.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1SignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps this check is redundant
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              uint256 nonce = nonces[msg.sender];
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover cosigner
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // Get required cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == cosigner || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[msg.sender] = nonce + 1;
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has two explicit signatures, the first is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address, the second to derive the cosigner. The value of `msg.sender` is ignored.
          /// @param v the v values for the signatures
          /// @param r the r values for the signatures
          /// @param s the s values for the signatures
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the signer; forces the signature to be unique and tied to the signers nonce 
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke2(uint8[2] v, bytes32[2] r, bytes32[2] s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature versions
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps these checks are redundant
              require(v[0] == 27 || v[0] == 28, "invalid signature version v[0]");
              require(v[1] == 27 || v[1] == 28, "invalid signature version v[1]");
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer and cosigner
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              // check for valid signatures
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature for signer.");
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature for cosigner.");
              // check signer address
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // check nonces
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce for signer");
              // Get Mapping
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == cosigner, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @dev Internal invoke call, 
          /// @param operationHash The hash of the operation
          /// @param data The data to send to the `call()` operation
          ///  The data is prefixed with a global 1 byte revert flag
          ///  If revert is 1, then any revert from a `call()` operation is rethrown.
          ///  Otherwise, the error is recorded in the `result` field of the `InvocationSuccess` event.
          ///  Immediately following the revert byte (no padding), the data format is then is a series
          ///  of 1 or more tightly packed tuples:
          ///  `<target(20),amount(32),datalength(32),data>`
          ///  If `datalength == 0`, the data field must be omitted
          function internalInvoke(bytes32 operationHash, bytes data) internal {
              // keep track of the number of operations processed
              uint256 numOps;
              // keep track of the result of each operation as a bit
              uint256 result;
              // We need to store a reference to this string as a variable so we can use it as an argument to
              // the revert call from assembly.
              string memory invalidLengthMessage = "Data field too short";
              string memory callFailed = "Call failed";
              // At an absolute minimum, the data field must be at least 85 bytes
              // <revert(1), to_address(20), value(32), data_length(32)>
              require(data.length >= 85, invalidLengthMessage);
              // Forward the call onto its actual target. Note that the target address can be `self` here, which is
              // actually the required flow for modifying the configuration of the authorized keys and recovery address.
              // The assembly code below loads data directly from memory, so the enclosing function must be marked `internal`
              assembly {
                  // A cursor pointing to the revert flag, starts after the length field of the data object
                  let memPtr := add(data, 32)
                  // The revert flag is the leftmost byte from memPtr
                  let revertFlag := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
                  // A pointer to the end of the data object
                  let endPtr := add(memPtr, mload(data))
                  // Now, memPtr is a cursor pointing to the begining of the current sub-operation
                  memPtr := add(memPtr, 1)
                  // Loop through data, parsing out the various sub-operations
                  for { } lt(memPtr, endPtr) { } {
                      // Load the length of the call data of the current operation
                      // 52 = to(20) + value(32)
                      let len := mload(add(memPtr, 52))
                      // Compute a pointer to the end of the current operation
                      // 84 = to(20) + value(32) + size(32)
                      let opEnd := add(len, add(memPtr, 84))
                      // Bail if the current operation's data overruns the end of the enclosing data buffer
                      // NOTE: Comment out this bit of code and uncomment the next section if you want
                      // the solidity-coverage tool to work.
                      // See
                      if gt(opEnd, endPtr) {
                          // The computed end of this operation goes past the end of the data buffer. Not good!
                          revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // NOTE: Code that is compatible with solidity-coverage
                      // switch gt(opEnd, endPtr)
                      // case 1 {
                      //     revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // }
                      // This line of code packs in a lot of functionality!
                      //  - load the target address from memPtr, the address is only 20-bytes but mload always grabs 32-bytes,
                      //    so we have to divide the result by 2^96 to effectively right-shift by 12 bytes.
                      //  - load the value field, stored at memPtr+20
                      //  - pass a pointer to the call data, stored at memPtr+84
                      //  - use the previously loaded len field as the size of the call data
                      //  - make the call (passing all remaining gas to the child call)
                      //  - check the result (0 == reverted)
                      if eq(0, call(gas, div(mload(memPtr), exp(2, 96)), mload(add(memPtr, 20)), add(memPtr, 84), len, 0, 0)) {
                          switch revertFlag
                          case 1 {
                              revert(add(callFailed, 32), mload(callFailed))
                          default {
                              // mark this operation as failed
                              // create the appropriate bit, 'or' with previous
                              result := or(result, exp(2, numOps))
                      // increment our counter
                      numOps := add(numOps, 1)
                      // Update mem pointer to point to the next sub-operation
                      memPtr := opEnd
              // emit single event upon success
              emit InvocationSuccess(operationHash, result, numOps);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CloneableWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Cloneable Wallet
      /// @notice This contract represents a complete but non working wallet.  
      ///  It is meant to be deployed and serve as the contract that you clone
      ///  in an EIP 1167 clone setup.
      /// @dev See
      /// @dev Currently, we are seeing approximatley 933 gas overhead for using
      ///  the clone wallet; use `FullWallet` if you think users will overtake
      ///  the transaction threshold over the lifetime of the wallet.
      contract CloneableWallet is CoreWallet {
          /// @dev An empty constructor that deploys a NON-FUNCTIONAL version
          ///  of `CoreWallet`
          constructor () public {
              initialized = true;
      // File: contracts/Wallet/FullWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Full Wallet
      /// @notice This contract represents a working contract, used if you want to deploy
      ///  the full code and not a clone shim
      contract FullWallet is CoreWallet {
          /// @notice A regular constructor that can be used if you wish to deploy a standalone instance of this
          ///  smart contract wallet. Useful if you anticipate that the lifetime gas savings of being able to call
          ///  this contract directly will outweigh the cost of deploying a complete copy of this contract.
          ///  Comment out this constructor and use the one above if you wish to save gas deployment costs by
          ///  using a clonable instance.
          /// @param _authorized the initial authorized address
          /// @param _cosigner the initial cosiging address for the `_authorized` address
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the initial recovery address for the wallet
          constructor (address _authorized, uint256 _cosigner, address _recoveryAddress) public {
              init(_authorized, _cosigner, _recoveryAddress);
      // File: contracts/Ownership/Ownable.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Ownable is for contracts that can be owned.
      /// @dev The Ownable contract keeps track of an owner address,
      ///  and provides basic authorization functions.
      contract Ownable {
          /// @dev the owner of the contract
          address public owner;
          /// @dev Fired when the owner to renounce ownership, leaving no one
          ///  as the owner.
          /// @param previousOwner The previous `owner` of this contract
          event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner);
          /// @dev Fired when the owner to changes ownership
          /// @param previousOwner The previous `owner`
          /// @param newOwner The new `owner`
          event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
          /// @dev sets the `owner` to `msg.sender`
          constructor() public {
              owner = msg.sender;
          /// @dev Throws if the `msg.sender` is not the current `owner`
          modifier onlyOwner() {
              require(msg.sender == owner, "must be owner");
          /// @dev Allows the current `owner` to renounce ownership
          function renounceOwnership() external onlyOwner {
              emit OwnershipRenounced(owner);
              owner = address(0);
          /// @dev Allows the current `owner` to transfer ownership
          /// @param _newOwner The new `owner`
          function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external onlyOwner {
          /// @dev Internal version of `transferOwnership`
          /// @param _newOwner The new `owner`
          function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal {
              require(_newOwner != address(0), "cannot renounce ownership");
              emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner);
              owner = _newOwner;
      // File: contracts/Ownership/HasNoEther.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title HasNoEther is for contracts that should not own Ether
      contract HasNoEther is Ownable {
          /// @dev This contructor rejects incoming Ether
          constructor() public payable {
              require(msg.value == 0, "must not send Ether");
          /// @dev Disallows direct send by default function not being `payable`
          function() external {}
          /// @dev Transfers all Ether held by this contract to the owner.
          function reclaimEther() external onlyOwner {
      // File: contracts/WalletFactory/CloneFactory.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title CloneFactory - a contract that creates clones
      /// @dev See
      /// @dev See
      contract CloneFactory {
          event CloneCreated(address indexed target, address clone);
          function createClone(address target) internal returns (address result) {
              bytes20 targetBytes = bytes20(target);
              assembly {
                  let clone := mload(0x40)
                  mstore(clone, 0x3d602d80600a3d3981f3363d3d373d3d3d363d73000000000000000000000000)
                  mstore(add(clone, 0x14), targetBytes)
                  mstore(add(clone, 0x28), 0x5af43d82803e903d91602b57fd5bf30000000000000000000000000000000000)
                  result := create(0, clone, 0x37)
      // File: contracts/WalletFactory/WalletFactory.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title WalletFactory
      /// @dev A contract for creating wallets. 
      contract WalletFactory is HasNoEther, CloneFactory {
          /// @dev Pointer to a pre-deployed instance of the Wallet contract. This
          ///  deployment contains all the Wallet code.
          address public cloneWalletAddress;
          /// @notice Emitted whenever a wallet is created
          /// @param wallet The address of the wallet created
          /// @param authorizedAddress The initial authorized address of the wallet
          /// @param full `true` if the deployed wallet was a full, self
          ///  contained wallet; `false` if the wallet is a clone wallet
          event WalletCreated(address wallet, address authorizedAddress, bool full);
          constructor(address _cloneWalletAddress) public {
              cloneWalletAddress = _cloneWalletAddress;
          /// @notice Sets the cloneable address in case you want to change it after
          /// @dev No checks are done to see if this is a valid cloneable wallet
          /// @param _newCloneWalletAddress the new clone source
          function setCloneWalletAddress(address _newCloneWalletAddress) public onlyOwner {
              cloneWalletAddress = _newCloneWalletAddress;
          /// @notice Used to deploy a wallet clone
          /// @dev Reasonably cheap to run (~100K gas)
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the initial recovery address for the wallet
          /// @param _authorizedAddress an initial authorized address for the wallet
          /// @param _cosigner the cosigning address for the initial `_authorizedAddress`
          function deployCloneWallet(
              address _recoveryAddress,
              address _authorizedAddress,
              uint256 _cosigner
              address clone = createClone(cloneWalletAddress);
              CloneableWallet(clone).init(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner, _recoveryAddress);
              emit WalletCreated(clone, _authorizedAddress, false);
          /// @notice Used to deploy a full wallet
          /// @dev This is potentially very gas intensive!
          /// @param _recoveryAddress The initial recovery address for the wallet
          /// @param _authorizedAddress An initial authorized address for the wallet
          /// @param _cosigner The cosigning address for the initial `_authorizedAddress`
          function deployFullWallet(
              address _recoveryAddress,
              address _authorizedAddress,
              uint256 _cosigner
              address full = new FullWallet(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner, _recoveryAddress);
              emit WalletCreated(full, _authorizedAddress, true);

      File 2 of 3: CloneableWallet
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverDraft.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverDraft
      /// @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      /// @dev Note: this is the interface defined from 
      ///  to 
      ///  and is not the final interface.
      ///  Due to the extended period of time this revision was specified in the draft,
      ///  we are supporting both this and the newer (final) interface in order to be 
      ///  compatible with any ERC721 implementations that may have used this interface.
      contract ERC721ReceiverDraft {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverDraft(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT = 0xf0b9e5ba;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverFinal.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverFinal
      /// @notice Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      ///  @dev Note: this is the final interface as defined at
      contract ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverFinal(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL = 0x150b7a02;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721Receivable.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721Receivable handles the reception of ERC721 tokens
      ///  See ERC721 specification
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      /// @dev These functions are public, and could be called by anyone, even in the case
      ///  where no NFTs have been transferred. Since it's not a reliable source of
      ///  truth about ERC721 tokens being transferred, we save the gas and don't
      ///  bother emitting a (potentially spurious) event as found in 
      contract ERC721Receivable is ERC721ReceiverDraft, ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4) {
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL;
      // File: contracts/ERC223/ERC223Receiver.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC223Receiver ensures we are ERC223 compatible
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      contract ERC223Receiver {
          bytes4 public constant ERC223_ID = 0xc0ee0b8a;
          struct TKN {
              address sender;
              uint value;
              bytes data;
              bytes4 sig;
          /// @notice tokenFallback is called from an ERC223 compatible contract
          /// @param _from the address from which the token was sent
          /// @param _value the amount of tokens sent
          /// @param _data the data sent with the transaction
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) public pure {
          //   TKN memory tkn;
          //   tkn.sender = _from;
          //   tkn.value = _value;
          // = _data;
          //   uint32 u = uint32(_data[3]) + (uint32(_data[2]) << 8) + (uint32(_data[1]) << 16) + (uint32(_data[0]) << 24);
          //   tkn.sig = bytes4(u);
            /* tkn variable is analogue of msg variable of Ether transaction
            *  tkn.sender is person who initiated this token transaction   (analogue of msg.sender)
            *  tkn.value the number of tokens that were sent   (analogue of msg.value)
            * is data of token transaction   (analogue of
            *  tkn.sig is 4 bytes signature of function
            *  if data of token transaction is a function execution
      // File: contracts/ERC1271/ERC1271.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERC1271 {
          /// @dev bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")
          bytes4 internal constant ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE = 0x1626ba7e;
          /// @dev Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          /// @param hash 32-byte hash of the data that is signed
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with _data
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value 0x1626ba7e when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using STATICCALL for solc < 0.5, view modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          function isValidSignature(
              bytes32 hash, 
              bytes _signature)
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ECDSA.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ECDSA is a library that contains useful methods for working with ECDSA signatures
      library ECDSA {
          /// @notice Extracts the r, s, and v components from the `sigData` field starting from the `offset`
          /// @dev Note: does not do any bounds checking on the arguments!
          /// @param sigData the signature data; could be 1 or more packed signatures.
          /// @param offset the offset in sigData from which to start unpacking the signature components.
          function extractSignature(bytes sigData, uint256 offset) internal pure returns  (bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) {
              // Divide the signature in r, s and v variables
              // ecrecover takes the signature parameters, and the only way to get them
              // currently is to use assembly.
              // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
              assembly {
                   let dataPointer := add(sigData, offset)
                   r := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x20))
                   s := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x40))
                   v := byte(0, mload(add(dataPointer, 0x60)))
              return (r, s, v);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CoreWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Core Wallet
      /// @notice A basic smart contract wallet with cosigner functionality. The notion of "cosigner" is
      ///  the simplest possible multisig solution, a two-of-two signature scheme. It devolves nicely
      ///  to "one-of-one" (i.e. singlesig) by simply having the cosigner set to the same value as
      ///  the main signer.
      ///  Most "advanced" functionality (deadman's switch, multiday recovery flows, blacklisting, etc)
      ///  can be implemented externally to this smart contract, either as an additional smart contract
      ///  (which can be tracked as a signer without cosigner, or as a cosigner) or as an off-chain flow
      ///  using a public/private key pair as cosigner. Of course, the basic cosigning functionality could
      ///  also be implemented in this way, but (A) the complexity and gas cost of two-of-two multisig (as
      ///  implemented here) is negligable even if you don't need the cosigner functionality, and
      ///  (B) two-of-two multisig (as implemented here) handles a lot of really common use cases, most
      ///  notably third-party gas payment and off-chain blacklisting and fraud detection.
      contract CoreWallet is ERC721Receivable, ERC223Receiver, ERC1271  {
          using ECDSA for bytes;
          /// @notice We require that presigned transactions use the EIP-191 signing format.
          ///  See that EIP for more info:
          byte public constant EIP191_VERSION_DATA = byte(0);
          byte public constant EIP191_PREFIX = byte(0x19);
          /// @notice This is the version of the contract.
          string public constant VERSION = "1.0.0";
          /// @notice A pre-shifted "1", used to increment the authVersion, so we can "prepend"
          ///  the authVersion to an address (for lookups in the authorizations mapping)
          ///  by using the '+' operator (which is cheaper than a shift and a mask). See the
          ///  comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public constant AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR = (1 << 160);
          /// @notice The pre-shifted authVersion (to get the current authVersion as an integer,
          ///  shift this value right by 160 bits). Starts as `1 << 160` (`AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR`)
          ///  See the comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public authVersion;
          /// @notice A mapping containing all of the addresses that are currently authorized to manage
          ///  the assets owned by this wallet.
          ///  The keys in this mapping are authorized addresses with a version number prepended,
          ///  like so: (authVersion,96)(address,160). The current authVersion MUST BE included
          ///  for each look-up; this allows us to effectively clear the entire mapping of its
          ///  contents merely by incrementing the authVersion variable. (This is important for
          ///  the emergencyRecovery() method.) Inspired by
          ///  The values in this mapping are 256bit words, whose lower 20 bytes constitute "cosigners"
          ///  for each address. If an address maps to itself, then that address is said to have no cosigner.
          ///  The upper 12 bytes are reserved for future meta-data purposes.  The meta-data could refer
          ///  to the key (authorized address) or the value (cosigner) of the mapping.
          ///  Addresses that map to a non-zero cosigner in the current authVersion are called
          ///  "authorized addresses".
          mapping(uint256 => uint256) public authorizations;
          /// @notice A per-key nonce value, incremented each time a transaction is processed with that key.
          ///  Used for replay prevention. The nonce value in the transaction must exactly equal the current
          ///  nonce value in the wallet for that key. (This mirrors the way Ethereum's transaction nonce works.)
          mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
          /// @notice A special address that is authorized to call `emergencyRecovery()`. That function
          ///  resets ALL authorization for this wallet, and must therefore be treated with utmost security.
          ///  Reasonable choices for recoveryAddress include:
          ///       - the address of a private key in cold storage
          ///       - a physically secured hardware wallet
          ///       - a multisig smart contract, possibly with a time-delayed challenge period
          ///       - the zero address, if you like performing without a safety net ;-)
          address public recoveryAddress;
          /// @notice Used to track whether or not this contract instance has been initialized. This
          ///  is necessary since it is common for this wallet smart contract to be used as the "library
          ///  code" for an clone contract. See
          ///  for more information about clone contracts.
          bool public initialized;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called directly by the recovery address.
          modifier onlyRecoveryAddress() {
              require(msg.sender == recoveryAddress, "sender must be recovery address");
          /// @notice Used to decorate the `init` function so this can only be called one time. Necessary
          ///  since this contract will often be used as a "clone". (See above.)
          modifier onlyOnce() {
              require(!initialized, "must not already be initialized");
              initialized = true;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called indirectly via an `invoke()` method.
          ///  In practice, it means that those methods can only be called by a signer/cosigner
          ///  pair that is currently authorized. Theoretically, we could factor out the
          ///  signer/cosigner verification code and use it explicitly in this modifier, but that
          ///  would either result in duplicated code, or additional overhead in the invoke()
          ///  calls (due to the stack manipulation for calling into the shared verification function).
          ///  Doing it this way makes calling the administration functions more expensive (since they
          ///  go through a explict call() instead of just branching within the contract), but it
          ///  makes invoke() more efficient. We assume that invoke() will be used much, much more often
          ///  than any of the administration functions.
          modifier onlyInvoked() {
              require(msg.sender == address(this), "must be called from `invoke()`");
          /// @notice Emitted when an authorized address is added, removed, or modified. When an
          ///  authorized address is removed ("deauthorized"), cosigner will be address(0) in
          ///  this event.
          ///  NOTE: When emergencyRecovery() is called, all existing addresses are deauthorized
          ///  WITHOUT Authorized(addr, 0) being emitted. If you are keeping an off-chain mirror of
          ///  authorized addresses, you must also watch for EmergencyRecovery events.
          /// @dev hash is 0xf5a7f4fb8a92356e8c8c4ae7ac3589908381450500a7e2fd08c95600021ee889
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address to authorize or unauthorize
          /// @param cosigner the 2-of-2 signatory (optional).
          event Authorized(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when an emergency recovery has been performed. If this event is fired,
          ///  ALL previously authorized addresses have been deauthorized and the only authorized
          ///  address is the authorizedAddress indicated in this event.
          /// @dev hash is 0xe12d0bbeb1d06d7a728031056557140afac35616f594ef4be227b5b172a604b5
          /// @param authorizedAddress the new authorized address
          /// @param cosigner the cosigning address for `authorizedAddress`
          event EmergencyRecovery(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when the recovery address changes. Either (but not both) of the
          ///  parameters may be zero.
          /// @dev hash is 0x568ab3dedd6121f0385e007e641e74e1f49d0fa69cab2957b0b07c4c7de5abb6
          /// @param previousRecoveryAddress the previous recovery address
          /// @param newRecoveryAddress the new recovery address
          event RecoveryAddressChanged(address previousRecoveryAddress, address newRecoveryAddress);
          /// @dev Emitted when this contract receives a non-zero amount ether via the fallback function
          ///  (i.e. This event is not fired if the contract receives ether as part of a method invocation)
          /// @param from the address which sent you ether
          /// @param value the amount of ether sent
          event Received(address from, uint value);
          /// @notice Emitted whenever a transaction is processed sucessfully from this wallet. Includes
          ///  both simple send ether transactions, as well as other smart contract invocations.
          /// @dev hash is 0x101214446435ebbb29893f3348e3aae5ea070b63037a3df346d09d3396a34aee
          /// @param hash The hash of the entire operation set. 0 is returned when emitted from `invoke0()`.
          /// @param result A bitfield of the results of the operations. A bit of 0 means success, and 1 means failure.
          /// @param numOperations A count of the number of operations processed
          event InvocationSuccess(
              bytes32 hash,
              uint256 result,
              uint256 numOperations
          /// @notice The shared initialization code used to setup the contract state regardless of whether or
          ///  not the clone pattern is being used.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the initial authorized address, must not be zero!
          /// @param _cosigner the initial cosigning address for `_authorizedAddress`, can be equal to `_authorizedAddress`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the initial recovery address for the wallet, can be address(0)
          function init(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner, address _recoveryAddress) public onlyOnce {
              require(_authorizedAddress != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "Initial cosigner must not be zero.");
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              // set initial authorization value
              authVersion = AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // add initial authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice The fallback function, invoked whenever we receive a transaction that doesn't call any of our
          ///  named functions. In particular, this method is called when we are the target of a simple send transaction
          ///  or when someone tries to call a method that we don't implement. We assume that a "correct" invocation of
          ///  this method only occurs when someone is trying to transfer ether to this wallet, in which case and the
          ///  `` will be 0.
          ///  NOTE: Some smart contracts send 0 eth as part of a more complex
          ///  operation (-cough- CryptoKitties -cough-) ; ideally, we'd `require(msg.value > 0)` here, but to work
          ///  with those kinds of smart contracts, we accept zero sends and just skip logging in that case.
          function() external payable {
              require( == 0, "Invalid transaction.");
              if (msg.value > 0) {
                  emit Received(msg.sender, msg.value);
          /// @notice Configures an authorizable address. Can be used in four ways:
          ///   - Add a new signer/cosigner pair (cosigner must be non-zero)
          ///   - Set or change the cosigner for an existing signer (if authorizedAddress != cosigner)
          ///   - Remove the cosigning requirement for a signer (if authorizedAddress == cosigner)
          ///   - Remove a signer (if cosigner == address(0))
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the address to configure authorization
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigning address
          function setAuthorized(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyInvoked {
              // TODO: Allowing a signer to remove itself is actually pretty terrible; it could result in the user
              //  removing their only available authorized key. Unfortunately, due to how the invocation forwarding
              //  works, we don't actually _know_ which signer was used to call this method, so there's no easy way
              //  to prevent this.
              // TODO: Allowing the backup key to be set as an authorized address bypasses the recovery mechanisms.
              //  Dapper can prevent this with offchain logic and the cosigner, but it would be nice to have 
              //  this enforced by the smart contract logic itself.
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) == address(0) || address(_cosigner) != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Performs an emergency recovery operation, removing all existing authorizations and setting
          ///  a sole new authorized address with optional cosigner. THIS IS A SCORCHED EARTH SOLUTION, and great
          ///  care should be taken to ensure that this method is never called unless it is a last resort. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this method
          ///  is not trivially abused.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the new and sole authorized address
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigner address, can be equal to _authorizedAddress
          function emergencyRecovery(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyRecoveryAddress {
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "The cosigner must not be zero.");
              // Incrementing the authVersion number effectively erases the authorizations mapping. See the comments
              // on the authorizations variable (above) for more information.
              authVersion += AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // Store the new signer/cosigner pair as the only remaining authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit EmergencyRecovery(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Sets the recovery address, which can be zero (indicating that no recovery is possible)
          ///  Can be updated by any authorized address. This address should be set with GREAT CARE. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this
          ///  mechanism is not trivially abused.
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the new recovery address
          function setRecoveryAddress(address _recoveryAddress) external onlyInvoked {
                  address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_recoveryAddress)]) == address(0),
                  "Do not use an authorized address as the recovery address."
              address previous = recoveryAddress;
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              emit RecoveryAddressChanged(previous, recoveryAddress);
          /// @notice Allows ANY caller to recover gas by way of deleting old authorization keys after
          ///  a recovery operation. Anyone can call this method to delete the old unused storage and
          ///  get themselves a bit of gas refund in the bargin.
          /// @dev keys must be known to caller or else nothing is refunded
          /// @param _version the version of the mapping which you want to delete (unshifted)
          /// @param _keys the authorization keys to delete 
          function recoverGas(uint256 _version, address[] _keys) external {
              // TODO: should this be 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff ?
              require(_version > 0 && _version < 0xffffffff, "Invalid version number.");
              uint256 shiftedVersion = _version << 160;
              require(shiftedVersion < authVersion, "You can only recover gas from expired authVersions.");
              for (uint256 i = 0; i < _keys.length; ++i) {
                  delete(authorizations[shiftedVersion + uint256(_keys[i])]);
          /// @notice Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          ///  See
          /// @dev This function meets the following conditions as per the EIP:
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value `0x1626ba7e` when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using `STATICCALL` for solc < 0.5, `view` modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          /// @param hash A 32 byte hash of the signed data.  The actual hash that is hashed however is the
          ///  the following tightly packed arguments: `0x19,0x0,wallet_address,hash`
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with `_data`
          /// @return Magic value `0x1626ba7e` upon success, 0 otherwise.
          function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes _signature) external view returns (bytes4) {
              // We 'hash the hash' for the following reasons:
              // 1. `hash` is not the hash of an Ethereum transaction
              // 2. signature must target this wallet to avoid replaying the signature for another wallet
              // with the same key
              // 3. Gnosis does something similar: 
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              bytes32[2] memory r;
              bytes32[2] memory s;
              uint8[2] memory v;
              address signer;
              address cosigner;
              // extract 1 or 2 signatures depending on length
              if (_signature.length == 65) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = signer;
              } else if (_signature.length == 130) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  (r[1], s[1], v[1]) = _signature.extractSignature(65);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              } else {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (signer == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (cosigner == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check to see if this is an authorized key
              if (address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]) != cosigner) {
                  return 0;
              return ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE;
          /// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
          /// @param interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
          /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
          ///  uses less than 30,000 gas.
          /// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
          ///  `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise
          function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external pure returns (bool) {
              // I am not sure why the linter is complaining about the whitespace
                  interfaceID == this.supportsInterface.selector || // ERC165
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL || // ERC721 Final
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT || // ERC721 Draft
                  interfaceID == ERC223_ID || // ERC223
                  interfaceID == ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE; // ERC1271
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has no explicit signatures, and uses msg.sender
          ///  as both the signer and cosigner. Will only succeed if `msg.sender` is an authorized
          ///  signer for this wallet, with no cosigner, saving transaction size and gas in that case.
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke0(bytes data) external {
              // The nonce doesn't need to be incremented for transactions that don't include explicit signatures;
              // the built-in nonce of the native ethereum transaction will protect against replay attacks, and we
              // can save the gas that would be spent updating the nonce variable
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner)
              require(address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]) == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              internalInvoke(0, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the cosigner.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the authorization key; this is used here so that cosigner signatures are interchangeable
          ///  between this function and `invoke2()`
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1CosignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // check nonce
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce");
              // check signer
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // Get cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[signer] = nonce + 1;
              // call internal function
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the cosigning
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the authorized address.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1SignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps this check is redundant
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              uint256 nonce = nonces[msg.sender];
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover cosigner
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // Get required cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == cosigner || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[msg.sender] = nonce + 1;
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has two explicit signatures, the first is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address, the second to derive the cosigner. The value of `msg.sender` is ignored.
          /// @param v the v values for the signatures
          /// @param r the r values for the signatures
          /// @param s the s values for the signatures
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the signer; forces the signature to be unique and tied to the signers nonce 
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke2(uint8[2] v, bytes32[2] r, bytes32[2] s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature versions
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps these checks are redundant
              require(v[0] == 27 || v[0] == 28, "invalid signature version v[0]");
              require(v[1] == 27 || v[1] == 28, "invalid signature version v[1]");
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer and cosigner
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              // check for valid signatures
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature for signer.");
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature for cosigner.");
              // check signer address
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // check nonces
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce for signer");
              // Get Mapping
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == cosigner, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @dev Internal invoke call, 
          /// @param operationHash The hash of the operation
          /// @param data The data to send to the `call()` operation
          ///  The data is prefixed with a global 1 byte revert flag
          ///  If revert is 1, then any revert from a `call()` operation is rethrown.
          ///  Otherwise, the error is recorded in the `result` field of the `InvocationSuccess` event.
          ///  Immediately following the revert byte (no padding), the data format is then is a series
          ///  of 1 or more tightly packed tuples:
          ///  `<target(20),amount(32),datalength(32),data>`
          ///  If `datalength == 0`, the data field must be omitted
          function internalInvoke(bytes32 operationHash, bytes data) internal {
              // keep track of the number of operations processed
              uint256 numOps;
              // keep track of the result of each operation as a bit
              uint256 result;
              // We need to store a reference to this string as a variable so we can use it as an argument to
              // the revert call from assembly.
              string memory invalidLengthMessage = "Data field too short";
              string memory callFailed = "Call failed";
              // At an absolute minimum, the data field must be at least 85 bytes
              // <revert(1), to_address(20), value(32), data_length(32)>
              require(data.length >= 85, invalidLengthMessage);
              // Forward the call onto its actual target. Note that the target address can be `self` here, which is
              // actually the required flow for modifying the configuration of the authorized keys and recovery address.
              // The assembly code below loads data directly from memory, so the enclosing function must be marked `internal`
              assembly {
                  // A cursor pointing to the revert flag, starts after the length field of the data object
                  let memPtr := add(data, 32)
                  // The revert flag is the leftmost byte from memPtr
                  let revertFlag := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
                  // A pointer to the end of the data object
                  let endPtr := add(memPtr, mload(data))
                  // Now, memPtr is a cursor pointing to the begining of the current sub-operation
                  memPtr := add(memPtr, 1)
                  // Loop through data, parsing out the various sub-operations
                  for { } lt(memPtr, endPtr) { } {
                      // Load the length of the call data of the current operation
                      // 52 = to(20) + value(32)
                      let len := mload(add(memPtr, 52))
                      // Compute a pointer to the end of the current operation
                      // 84 = to(20) + value(32) + size(32)
                      let opEnd := add(len, add(memPtr, 84))
                      // Bail if the current operation's data overruns the end of the enclosing data buffer
                      // NOTE: Comment out this bit of code and uncomment the next section if you want
                      // the solidity-coverage tool to work.
                      // See
                      if gt(opEnd, endPtr) {
                          // The computed end of this operation goes past the end of the data buffer. Not good!
                          revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // NOTE: Code that is compatible with solidity-coverage
                      // switch gt(opEnd, endPtr)
                      // case 1 {
                      //     revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // }
                      // This line of code packs in a lot of functionality!
                      //  - load the target address from memPtr, the address is only 20-bytes but mload always grabs 32-bytes,
                      //    so we have to divide the result by 2^96 to effectively right-shift by 12 bytes.
                      //  - load the value field, stored at memPtr+20
                      //  - pass a pointer to the call data, stored at memPtr+84
                      //  - use the previously loaded len field as the size of the call data
                      //  - make the call (passing all remaining gas to the child call)
                      //  - check the result (0 == reverted)
                      if eq(0, call(gas, div(mload(memPtr), exp(2, 96)), mload(add(memPtr, 20)), add(memPtr, 84), len, 0, 0)) {
                          switch revertFlag
                          case 1 {
                              revert(add(callFailed, 32), mload(callFailed))
                          default {
                              // mark this operation as failed
                              // create the appropriate bit, 'or' with previous
                              result := or(result, exp(2, numOps))
                      // increment our counter
                      numOps := add(numOps, 1)
                      // Update mem pointer to point to the next sub-operation
                      memPtr := opEnd
              // emit single event upon success
              emit InvocationSuccess(operationHash, result, numOps);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CloneableWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Cloneable Wallet
      /// @notice This contract represents a complete but non working wallet.  
      ///  It is meant to be deployed and serve as the contract that you clone
      ///  in an EIP 1167 clone setup.
      /// @dev See
      /// @dev Currently, we are seeing approximatley 933 gas overhead for using
      ///  the clone wallet; use `FullWallet` if you think users will overtake
      ///  the transaction threshold over the lifetime of the wallet.
      contract CloneableWallet is CoreWallet {
          /// @dev An empty constructor that deploys a NON-FUNCTIONAL version
          ///  of `CoreWallet`
          constructor () public {
              initialized = true;

      File 3 of 3: CloneableWallet
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverDraft.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverDraft
      /// @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      /// @dev Note: this is the interface defined from 
      ///  to 
      ///  and is not the final interface.
      ///  Due to the extended period of time this revision was specified in the draft,
      ///  we are supporting both this and the newer (final) interface in order to be 
      ///  compatible with any ERC721 implementations that may have used this interface.
      contract ERC721ReceiverDraft {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverDraft(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT = 0xf0b9e5ba;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721ReceiverFinal.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721ReceiverFinal
      /// @notice Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers from
      ///  ERC721 asset contracts.
      ///  @dev Note: this is the final interface as defined at
      contract ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
          ///  Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
          ///  which can be also obtained as `ERC721ReceiverFinal(0).onERC721Received.selector`
          /// @dev see
          bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL = 0x150b7a02;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ERC721/ERC721Receivable.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC721Receivable handles the reception of ERC721 tokens
      ///  See ERC721 specification
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      /// @dev These functions are public, and could be called by anyone, even in the case
      ///  where no NFTs have been transferred. Since it's not a reliable source of
      ///  truth about ERC721 tokens being transferred, we save the gas and don't
      ///  bother emitting a (potentially spurious) event as found in 
      contract ERC721Receivable is ERC721ReceiverDraft, ERC721ReceiverFinal {
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          ///  after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          ///  transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
          ///  than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
          ///  Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _from The sending address 
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
          /// @param data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          ///  unless throwing
          function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes data) external returns(bytes4) {
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT;
          /// @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
          /// @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
          /// after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
          /// transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
          /// transaction being reverted.
          /// Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
          /// @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
          /// @param _from The address which previously owned the token
          /// @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
          /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format
          /// @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
          function onERC721Received(
              address _operator,
              address _from,
              uint256 _tokenId,
              bytes _data
              // emit ERC721Received(_operator, _from, _tokenId, _data, gasleft());
              return ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL;
      // File: contracts/ERC223/ERC223Receiver.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ERC223Receiver ensures we are ERC223 compatible
      /// @author Christopher Scott
      contract ERC223Receiver {
          bytes4 public constant ERC223_ID = 0xc0ee0b8a;
          struct TKN {
              address sender;
              uint value;
              bytes data;
              bytes4 sig;
          /// @notice tokenFallback is called from an ERC223 compatible contract
          /// @param _from the address from which the token was sent
          /// @param _value the amount of tokens sent
          /// @param _data the data sent with the transaction
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) public pure {
          //   TKN memory tkn;
          //   tkn.sender = _from;
          //   tkn.value = _value;
          // = _data;
          //   uint32 u = uint32(_data[3]) + (uint32(_data[2]) << 8) + (uint32(_data[1]) << 16) + (uint32(_data[0]) << 24);
          //   tkn.sig = bytes4(u);
            /* tkn variable is analogue of msg variable of Ether transaction
            *  tkn.sender is person who initiated this token transaction   (analogue of msg.sender)
            *  tkn.value the number of tokens that were sent   (analogue of msg.value)
            * is data of token transaction   (analogue of
            *  tkn.sig is 4 bytes signature of function
            *  if data of token transaction is a function execution
      // File: contracts/ERC1271/ERC1271.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERC1271 {
          /// @dev bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")
          bytes4 internal constant ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE = 0x1626ba7e;
          /// @dev Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          /// @param hash 32-byte hash of the data that is signed
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with _data
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value 0x1626ba7e when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using STATICCALL for solc < 0.5, view modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          function isValidSignature(
              bytes32 hash, 
              bytes _signature)
              returns (bytes4);
      // File: contracts/ECDSA.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title ECDSA is a library that contains useful methods for working with ECDSA signatures
      library ECDSA {
          /// @notice Extracts the r, s, and v components from the `sigData` field starting from the `offset`
          /// @dev Note: does not do any bounds checking on the arguments!
          /// @param sigData the signature data; could be 1 or more packed signatures.
          /// @param offset the offset in sigData from which to start unpacking the signature components.
          function extractSignature(bytes sigData, uint256 offset) internal pure returns  (bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) {
              // Divide the signature in r, s and v variables
              // ecrecover takes the signature parameters, and the only way to get them
              // currently is to use assembly.
              // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
              assembly {
                   let dataPointer := add(sigData, offset)
                   r := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x20))
                   s := mload(add(dataPointer, 0x40))
                   v := byte(0, mload(add(dataPointer, 0x60)))
              return (r, s, v);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CoreWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Core Wallet
      /// @notice A basic smart contract wallet with cosigner functionality. The notion of "cosigner" is
      ///  the simplest possible multisig solution, a two-of-two signature scheme. It devolves nicely
      ///  to "one-of-one" (i.e. singlesig) by simply having the cosigner set to the same value as
      ///  the main signer.
      ///  Most "advanced" functionality (deadman's switch, multiday recovery flows, blacklisting, etc)
      ///  can be implemented externally to this smart contract, either as an additional smart contract
      ///  (which can be tracked as a signer without cosigner, or as a cosigner) or as an off-chain flow
      ///  using a public/private key pair as cosigner. Of course, the basic cosigning functionality could
      ///  also be implemented in this way, but (A) the complexity and gas cost of two-of-two multisig (as
      ///  implemented here) is negligable even if you don't need the cosigner functionality, and
      ///  (B) two-of-two multisig (as implemented here) handles a lot of really common use cases, most
      ///  notably third-party gas payment and off-chain blacklisting and fraud detection.
      contract CoreWallet is ERC721Receivable, ERC223Receiver, ERC1271  {
          using ECDSA for bytes;
          /// @notice We require that presigned transactions use the EIP-191 signing format.
          ///  See that EIP for more info:
          byte public constant EIP191_VERSION_DATA = byte(0);
          byte public constant EIP191_PREFIX = byte(0x19);
          /// @notice This is the version of the contract.
          string public constant VERSION = "1.0.0";
          /// @notice A pre-shifted "1", used to increment the authVersion, so we can "prepend"
          ///  the authVersion to an address (for lookups in the authorizations mapping)
          ///  by using the '+' operator (which is cheaper than a shift and a mask). See the
          ///  comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public constant AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR = (1 << 160);
          /// @notice The pre-shifted authVersion (to get the current authVersion as an integer,
          ///  shift this value right by 160 bits). Starts as `1 << 160` (`AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR`)
          ///  See the comment on the `authorizations` variable for how this is used.
          uint256 public authVersion;
          /// @notice A mapping containing all of the addresses that are currently authorized to manage
          ///  the assets owned by this wallet.
          ///  The keys in this mapping are authorized addresses with a version number prepended,
          ///  like so: (authVersion,96)(address,160). The current authVersion MUST BE included
          ///  for each look-up; this allows us to effectively clear the entire mapping of its
          ///  contents merely by incrementing the authVersion variable. (This is important for
          ///  the emergencyRecovery() method.) Inspired by
          ///  The values in this mapping are 256bit words, whose lower 20 bytes constitute "cosigners"
          ///  for each address. If an address maps to itself, then that address is said to have no cosigner.
          ///  The upper 12 bytes are reserved for future meta-data purposes.  The meta-data could refer
          ///  to the key (authorized address) or the value (cosigner) of the mapping.
          ///  Addresses that map to a non-zero cosigner in the current authVersion are called
          ///  "authorized addresses".
          mapping(uint256 => uint256) public authorizations;
          /// @notice A per-key nonce value, incremented each time a transaction is processed with that key.
          ///  Used for replay prevention. The nonce value in the transaction must exactly equal the current
          ///  nonce value in the wallet for that key. (This mirrors the way Ethereum's transaction nonce works.)
          mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
          /// @notice A special address that is authorized to call `emergencyRecovery()`. That function
          ///  resets ALL authorization for this wallet, and must therefore be treated with utmost security.
          ///  Reasonable choices for recoveryAddress include:
          ///       - the address of a private key in cold storage
          ///       - a physically secured hardware wallet
          ///       - a multisig smart contract, possibly with a time-delayed challenge period
          ///       - the zero address, if you like performing without a safety net ;-)
          address public recoveryAddress;
          /// @notice Used to track whether or not this contract instance has been initialized. This
          ///  is necessary since it is common for this wallet smart contract to be used as the "library
          ///  code" for an clone contract. See
          ///  for more information about clone contracts.
          bool public initialized;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called directly by the recovery address.
          modifier onlyRecoveryAddress() {
              require(msg.sender == recoveryAddress, "sender must be recovery address");
          /// @notice Used to decorate the `init` function so this can only be called one time. Necessary
          ///  since this contract will often be used as a "clone". (See above.)
          modifier onlyOnce() {
              require(!initialized, "must not already be initialized");
              initialized = true;
          /// @notice Used to decorate methods that can only be called indirectly via an `invoke()` method.
          ///  In practice, it means that those methods can only be called by a signer/cosigner
          ///  pair that is currently authorized. Theoretically, we could factor out the
          ///  signer/cosigner verification code and use it explicitly in this modifier, but that
          ///  would either result in duplicated code, or additional overhead in the invoke()
          ///  calls (due to the stack manipulation for calling into the shared verification function).
          ///  Doing it this way makes calling the administration functions more expensive (since they
          ///  go through a explict call() instead of just branching within the contract), but it
          ///  makes invoke() more efficient. We assume that invoke() will be used much, much more often
          ///  than any of the administration functions.
          modifier onlyInvoked() {
              require(msg.sender == address(this), "must be called from `invoke()`");
          /// @notice Emitted when an authorized address is added, removed, or modified. When an
          ///  authorized address is removed ("deauthorized"), cosigner will be address(0) in
          ///  this event.
          ///  NOTE: When emergencyRecovery() is called, all existing addresses are deauthorized
          ///  WITHOUT Authorized(addr, 0) being emitted. If you are keeping an off-chain mirror of
          ///  authorized addresses, you must also watch for EmergencyRecovery events.
          /// @dev hash is 0xf5a7f4fb8a92356e8c8c4ae7ac3589908381450500a7e2fd08c95600021ee889
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address to authorize or unauthorize
          /// @param cosigner the 2-of-2 signatory (optional).
          event Authorized(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when an emergency recovery has been performed. If this event is fired,
          ///  ALL previously authorized addresses have been deauthorized and the only authorized
          ///  address is the authorizedAddress indicated in this event.
          /// @dev hash is 0xe12d0bbeb1d06d7a728031056557140afac35616f594ef4be227b5b172a604b5
          /// @param authorizedAddress the new authorized address
          /// @param cosigner the cosigning address for `authorizedAddress`
          event EmergencyRecovery(address authorizedAddress, uint256 cosigner);
          /// @notice Emitted when the recovery address changes. Either (but not both) of the
          ///  parameters may be zero.
          /// @dev hash is 0x568ab3dedd6121f0385e007e641e74e1f49d0fa69cab2957b0b07c4c7de5abb6
          /// @param previousRecoveryAddress the previous recovery address
          /// @param newRecoveryAddress the new recovery address
          event RecoveryAddressChanged(address previousRecoveryAddress, address newRecoveryAddress);
          /// @dev Emitted when this contract receives a non-zero amount ether via the fallback function
          ///  (i.e. This event is not fired if the contract receives ether as part of a method invocation)
          /// @param from the address which sent you ether
          /// @param value the amount of ether sent
          event Received(address from, uint value);
          /// @notice Emitted whenever a transaction is processed sucessfully from this wallet. Includes
          ///  both simple send ether transactions, as well as other smart contract invocations.
          /// @dev hash is 0x101214446435ebbb29893f3348e3aae5ea070b63037a3df346d09d3396a34aee
          /// @param hash The hash of the entire operation set. 0 is returned when emitted from `invoke0()`.
          /// @param result A bitfield of the results of the operations. A bit of 0 means success, and 1 means failure.
          /// @param numOperations A count of the number of operations processed
          event InvocationSuccess(
              bytes32 hash,
              uint256 result,
              uint256 numOperations
          /// @notice The shared initialization code used to setup the contract state regardless of whether or
          ///  not the clone pattern is being used.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the initial authorized address, must not be zero!
          /// @param _cosigner the initial cosigning address for `_authorizedAddress`, can be equal to `_authorizedAddress`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the initial recovery address for the wallet, can be address(0)
          function init(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner, address _recoveryAddress) public onlyOnce {
              require(_authorizedAddress != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != _recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "Initial cosigner must not be zero.");
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              // set initial authorization value
              authVersion = AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // add initial authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice The fallback function, invoked whenever we receive a transaction that doesn't call any of our
          ///  named functions. In particular, this method is called when we are the target of a simple send transaction
          ///  or when someone tries to call a method that we don't implement. We assume that a "correct" invocation of
          ///  this method only occurs when someone is trying to transfer ether to this wallet, in which case and the
          ///  `` will be 0.
          ///  NOTE: Some smart contracts send 0 eth as part of a more complex
          ///  operation (-cough- CryptoKitties -cough-) ; ideally, we'd `require(msg.value > 0)` here, but to work
          ///  with those kinds of smart contracts, we accept zero sends and just skip logging in that case.
          function() external payable {
              require( == 0, "Invalid transaction.");
              if (msg.value > 0) {
                  emit Received(msg.sender, msg.value);
          /// @notice Configures an authorizable address. Can be used in four ways:
          ///   - Add a new signer/cosigner pair (cosigner must be non-zero)
          ///   - Set or change the cosigner for an existing signer (if authorizedAddress != cosigner)
          ///   - Remove the cosigning requirement for a signer (if authorizedAddress == cosigner)
          ///   - Remove a signer (if cosigner == address(0))
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the address to configure authorization
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigning address
          function setAuthorized(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyInvoked {
              // TODO: Allowing a signer to remove itself is actually pretty terrible; it could result in the user
              //  removing their only available authorized key. Unfortunately, due to how the invocation forwarding
              //  works, we don't actually _know_ which signer was used to call this method, so there's no easy way
              //  to prevent this.
              // TODO: Allowing the backup key to be set as an authorized address bypasses the recovery mechanisms.
              //  Dapper can prevent this with offchain logic and the cosigner, but it would be nice to have 
              //  this enforced by the smart contract logic itself.
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) == address(0) || address(_cosigner) != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as a cosigner.");
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit Authorized(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Performs an emergency recovery operation, removing all existing authorizations and setting
          ///  a sole new authorized address with optional cosigner. THIS IS A SCORCHED EARTH SOLUTION, and great
          ///  care should be taken to ensure that this method is never called unless it is a last resort. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this method
          ///  is not trivially abused.
          /// @param _authorizedAddress the new and sole authorized address
          /// @param _cosigner the corresponding cosigner address, can be equal to _authorizedAddress
          function emergencyRecovery(address _authorizedAddress, uint256 _cosigner) external onlyRecoveryAddress {
              require(_authorizedAddress != address(0), "Authorized addresses must not be zero.");
              require(_authorizedAddress != recoveryAddress, "Do not use the recovery address as an authorized address.");
              require(address(_cosigner) != address(0), "The cosigner must not be zero.");
              // Incrementing the authVersion number effectively erases the authorizations mapping. See the comments
              // on the authorizations variable (above) for more information.
              authVersion += AUTH_VERSION_INCREMENTOR;
              // Store the new signer/cosigner pair as the only remaining authorized address
              authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_authorizedAddress)] = _cosigner;
              emit EmergencyRecovery(_authorizedAddress, _cosigner);
          /// @notice Sets the recovery address, which can be zero (indicating that no recovery is possible)
          ///  Can be updated by any authorized address. This address should be set with GREAT CARE. See the
          ///  comments above about the proper kinds of addresses to use as the recoveryAddress to ensure this
          ///  mechanism is not trivially abused.
          /// @dev Must be called through `invoke()`
          /// @param _recoveryAddress the new recovery address
          function setRecoveryAddress(address _recoveryAddress) external onlyInvoked {
                  address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(_recoveryAddress)]) == address(0),
                  "Do not use an authorized address as the recovery address."
              address previous = recoveryAddress;
              recoveryAddress = _recoveryAddress;
              emit RecoveryAddressChanged(previous, recoveryAddress);
          /// @notice Allows ANY caller to recover gas by way of deleting old authorization keys after
          ///  a recovery operation. Anyone can call this method to delete the old unused storage and
          ///  get themselves a bit of gas refund in the bargin.
          /// @dev keys must be known to caller or else nothing is refunded
          /// @param _version the version of the mapping which you want to delete (unshifted)
          /// @param _keys the authorization keys to delete 
          function recoverGas(uint256 _version, address[] _keys) external {
              // TODO: should this be 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff ?
              require(_version > 0 && _version < 0xffffffff, "Invalid version number.");
              uint256 shiftedVersion = _version << 160;
              require(shiftedVersion < authVersion, "You can only recover gas from expired authVersions.");
              for (uint256 i = 0; i < _keys.length; ++i) {
                  delete(authorizations[shiftedVersion + uint256(_keys[i])]);
          /// @notice Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
          ///  See
          /// @dev This function meets the following conditions as per the EIP:
          ///  MUST return the bytes4 magic value `0x1626ba7e` when function passes.
          ///  MUST NOT modify state (using `STATICCALL` for solc < 0.5, `view` modifier for solc > 0.5)
          ///  MUST allow external calls
          /// @param hash A 32 byte hash of the signed data.  The actual hash that is hashed however is the
          ///  the following tightly packed arguments: `0x19,0x0,wallet_address,hash`
          /// @param _signature Signature byte array associated with `_data`
          /// @return Magic value `0x1626ba7e` upon success, 0 otherwise.
          function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes _signature) external view returns (bytes4) {
              // We 'hash the hash' for the following reasons:
              // 1. `hash` is not the hash of an Ethereum transaction
              // 2. signature must target this wallet to avoid replaying the signature for another wallet
              // with the same key
              // 3. Gnosis does something similar: 
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              bytes32[2] memory r;
              bytes32[2] memory s;
              uint8[2] memory v;
              address signer;
              address cosigner;
              // extract 1 or 2 signatures depending on length
              if (_signature.length == 65) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = signer;
              } else if (_signature.length == 130) {
                  (r[0], s[0], v[0]) = _signature.extractSignature(0);
                  (r[1], s[1], v[1]) = _signature.extractSignature(65);
                  signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
                  cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              } else {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (signer == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check for valid signature
              if (cosigner == address(0)) {
                  return 0;
              // check to see if this is an authorized key
              if (address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]) != cosigner) {
                  return 0;
              return ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE;
          /// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
          /// @param interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
          /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
          ///  uses less than 30,000 gas.
          /// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
          ///  `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise
          function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external pure returns (bool) {
              // I am not sure why the linter is complaining about the whitespace
                  interfaceID == this.supportsInterface.selector || // ERC165
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_FINAL || // ERC721 Final
                  interfaceID == ERC721_RECEIVED_DRAFT || // ERC721 Draft
                  interfaceID == ERC223_ID || // ERC223
                  interfaceID == ERC1271_VALIDSIGNATURE; // ERC1271
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has no explicit signatures, and uses msg.sender
          ///  as both the signer and cosigner. Will only succeed if `msg.sender` is an authorized
          ///  signer for this wallet, with no cosigner, saving transaction size and gas in that case.
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke0(bytes data) external {
              // The nonce doesn't need to be incremented for transactions that don't include explicit signatures;
              // the built-in nonce of the native ethereum transaction will protect against replay attacks, and we
              // can save the gas that would be spent updating the nonce variable
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner)
              require(address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]) == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              internalInvoke(0, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the cosigner.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the authorization key; this is used here so that cosigner signatures are interchangeable
          ///  between this function and `invoke2()`
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1CosignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // check nonce
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce");
              // check signer
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // Get cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[signer] = nonce + 1;
              // call internal function
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has one explicit signature which is used to derive the cosigning
          ///  address. Uses `msg.sender` as the authorized address.
          /// @param v the v value for the signature; see
          /// @param r the r value for the signature
          /// @param s the s value for the signature
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke1SignerSends(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, bytes data) external {
              // check signature version
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps this check is redundant
              require(v == 27 || v == 28, "Invalid signature version.");
              uint256 nonce = nonces[msg.sender];
              // calculate hash
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover cosigner
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);
              // check for valid signature
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature.");
              // Get required cosigner
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(msg.sender)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == cosigner || requiredCosigner == msg.sender, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              nonces[msg.sender] = nonce + 1;
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @notice A version of `invoke()` that has two explicit signatures, the first is used to derive the authorized
          ///  address, the second to derive the cosigner. The value of `msg.sender` is ignored.
          /// @param v the v values for the signatures
          /// @param r the r values for the signatures
          /// @param s the s values for the signatures
          /// @param nonce the nonce value for the signature
          /// @param authorizedAddress the address of the signer; forces the signature to be unique and tied to the signers nonce 
          /// @param data The data containing the transactions to be invoked; see internalInvoke for details.
          function invoke2(uint8[2] v, bytes32[2] r, bytes32[2] s, uint256 nonce, address authorizedAddress, bytes data) external {
              // check signature versions
              // `ecrecover` will infact return 0 if given invalid
              // so perhaps these checks are redundant
              require(v[0] == 27 || v[0] == 28, "invalid signature version v[0]");
              require(v[1] == 27 || v[1] == 28, "invalid signature version v[1]");
              bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(
              // recover signer and cosigner
              address signer = ecrecover(operationHash, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
              address cosigner = ecrecover(operationHash, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
              // check for valid signatures
              require(signer != address(0), "Invalid signature for signer.");
              require(cosigner != address(0), "Invalid signature for cosigner.");
              // check signer address
              require(signer == authorizedAddress, "authorized addresses must be equal");
              // check nonces
              require(nonce == nonces[signer], "must use correct nonce for signer");
              // Get Mapping
              address requiredCosigner = address(authorizations[authVersion + uint256(signer)]);
              // The operation should be approved if the signer address has no cosigner (i.e. signer == cosigner) or
              // if the actual cosigner matches the required cosigner.
              require(requiredCosigner == signer || requiredCosigner == cosigner, "Invalid authorization.");
              // increment nonce to prevent replay attacks
              internalInvoke(operationHash, data);
          /// @dev Internal invoke call, 
          /// @param operationHash The hash of the operation
          /// @param data The data to send to the `call()` operation
          ///  The data is prefixed with a global 1 byte revert flag
          ///  If revert is 1, then any revert from a `call()` operation is rethrown.
          ///  Otherwise, the error is recorded in the `result` field of the `InvocationSuccess` event.
          ///  Immediately following the revert byte (no padding), the data format is then is a series
          ///  of 1 or more tightly packed tuples:
          ///  `<target(20),amount(32),datalength(32),data>`
          ///  If `datalength == 0`, the data field must be omitted
          function internalInvoke(bytes32 operationHash, bytes data) internal {
              // keep track of the number of operations processed
              uint256 numOps;
              // keep track of the result of each operation as a bit
              uint256 result;
              // We need to store a reference to this string as a variable so we can use it as an argument to
              // the revert call from assembly.
              string memory invalidLengthMessage = "Data field too short";
              string memory callFailed = "Call failed";
              // At an absolute minimum, the data field must be at least 85 bytes
              // <revert(1), to_address(20), value(32), data_length(32)>
              require(data.length >= 85, invalidLengthMessage);
              // Forward the call onto its actual target. Note that the target address can be `self` here, which is
              // actually the required flow for modifying the configuration of the authorized keys and recovery address.
              // The assembly code below loads data directly from memory, so the enclosing function must be marked `internal`
              assembly {
                  // A cursor pointing to the revert flag, starts after the length field of the data object
                  let memPtr := add(data, 32)
                  // The revert flag is the leftmost byte from memPtr
                  let revertFlag := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
                  // A pointer to the end of the data object
                  let endPtr := add(memPtr, mload(data))
                  // Now, memPtr is a cursor pointing to the begining of the current sub-operation
                  memPtr := add(memPtr, 1)
                  // Loop through data, parsing out the various sub-operations
                  for { } lt(memPtr, endPtr) { } {
                      // Load the length of the call data of the current operation
                      // 52 = to(20) + value(32)
                      let len := mload(add(memPtr, 52))
                      // Compute a pointer to the end of the current operation
                      // 84 = to(20) + value(32) + size(32)
                      let opEnd := add(len, add(memPtr, 84))
                      // Bail if the current operation's data overruns the end of the enclosing data buffer
                      // NOTE: Comment out this bit of code and uncomment the next section if you want
                      // the solidity-coverage tool to work.
                      // See
                      if gt(opEnd, endPtr) {
                          // The computed end of this operation goes past the end of the data buffer. Not good!
                          revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // NOTE: Code that is compatible with solidity-coverage
                      // switch gt(opEnd, endPtr)
                      // case 1 {
                      //     revert(add(invalidLengthMessage, 32), mload(invalidLengthMessage))
                      // }
                      // This line of code packs in a lot of functionality!
                      //  - load the target address from memPtr, the address is only 20-bytes but mload always grabs 32-bytes,
                      //    so we have to divide the result by 2^96 to effectively right-shift by 12 bytes.
                      //  - load the value field, stored at memPtr+20
                      //  - pass a pointer to the call data, stored at memPtr+84
                      //  - use the previously loaded len field as the size of the call data
                      //  - make the call (passing all remaining gas to the child call)
                      //  - check the result (0 == reverted)
                      if eq(0, call(gas, div(mload(memPtr), exp(2, 96)), mload(add(memPtr, 20)), add(memPtr, 84), len, 0, 0)) {
                          switch revertFlag
                          case 1 {
                              revert(add(callFailed, 32), mload(callFailed))
                          default {
                              // mark this operation as failed
                              // create the appropriate bit, 'or' with previous
                              result := or(result, exp(2, numOps))
                      // increment our counter
                      numOps := add(numOps, 1)
                      // Update mem pointer to point to the next sub-operation
                      memPtr := opEnd
              // emit single event upon success
              emit InvocationSuccess(operationHash, result, numOps);
      // File: contracts/Wallet/CloneableWallet.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      /// @title Cloneable Wallet
      /// @notice This contract represents a complete but non working wallet.  
      ///  It is meant to be deployed and serve as the contract that you clone
      ///  in an EIP 1167 clone setup.
      /// @dev See
      /// @dev Currently, we are seeing approximatley 933 gas overhead for using
      ///  the clone wallet; use `FullWallet` if you think users will overtake
      ///  the transaction threshold over the lifetime of the wallet.
      contract CloneableWallet is CoreWallet {
          /// @dev An empty constructor that deploys a NON-FUNCTIONAL version
          ///  of `CoreWallet`
          constructor () public {
              initialized = true;