ETH Price: $1,874.48 (+0.27%)

Transaction Decoder

9662176 at Mar-13-2020 08:49:13 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.014530043 ETH $27.24
Gas Used:
240,166 Gas / 60.5 Gwei

Emitted Events:

134 BAToken.Transfer( _from=[Sender] 0x16fc9d95823d6e57db2e38c528421b82d7c1cb8c, _to=[Receiver] MatchingMarket, _value=600000000000000000000 )
135 MatchingMarket.LogItemUpdate( id=159024 )
136 MatchingMarket.LogMake( id=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000026D30, pair=7C6842564E1CB0B60FA1129770493F8DE6014DAC5908E760A929D6DD241AE410, maker=[Sender] 0x16fc9d95823d6e57db2e38c528421b82d7c1cb8c, pay_gem=BAToken, buy_gem=0xC02aaA39...83C756Cc2, pay_amt=600000000000000000000, buy_amt=605625639863196000, timestamp=1584089353 )
137 MatchingMarket.LogSortedOffer( id=159024 )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
3.1043374981 Eth
Nonce: 24611
3.0898074551 Eth
Nonce: 24612
(Spark Pool)
76.054545271402576422 Eth76.069075314402576422 Eth0.014530043

Execution Trace

MatchingMarket.offer( pay_amt=600000000000000000000, pay_gem=0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF, buy_amt=605625639863196000, buy_gem=0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, pos=0 ) => ( 159024 )
  • BAToken.transferFrom( _from=0x16fc9D95823D6E57db2E38c528421b82d7c1cB8c, _to=0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D, _value=600000000000000000000 ) => ( success=True )
    File 1 of 2: MatchingMarket
    /// matching_market.sol
    // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    // (at your option) any later version.
    // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
    contract DSAuthority {
        function canCall(
            address src, address dst, bytes4 sig
        ) public view returns (bool);
    contract DSAuthEvents {
        event LogSetAuthority (address indexed authority);
        event LogSetOwner     (address indexed owner);
    contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents {
        DSAuthority  public  authority;
        address      public  owner;
        constructor() public {
            owner = msg.sender;
            emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender);
        function setOwner(address owner_)
            owner = owner_;
            emit LogSetOwner(owner);
        function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_)
            authority = authority_;
            emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority));
        modifier auth {
            require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig), "ds-auth-unauthorized");
        function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) {
            if (src == address(this)) {
                return true;
            } else if (src == owner) {
                return true;
            } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig);
    contract DSMath {
        function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            require((z = x + y) >= x, "ds-math-add-overflow");
        function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            require((z = x - y) <= x, "ds-math-sub-underflow");
        function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "ds-math-mul-overflow");
        function min(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            return x <= y ? x : y;
        function max(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            return x >= y ? x : y;
        function imin(int x, int y) internal pure returns (int z) {
            return x <= y ? x : y;
        function imax(int x, int y) internal pure returns (int z) {
            return x >= y ? x : y;
        uint constant WAD = 10 ** 18;
        uint constant RAY = 10 ** 27;
        function wmul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD;
        function rmul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY;
        function wdiv(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y;
        function rdiv(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y;
        // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring"
        // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned.
        // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication.
        // These facts are why it works:
        //  If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2).
        //  If n is odd,  then x^n = x * x^(n-1),
        //   and applying the equation for even x gives
        //    x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2).
        //  Also, EVM division is flooring and
        //    floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2].
        function rpow(uint x, uint n) internal pure returns (uint z) {
            z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY;
            for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
                x = rmul(x, x);
                if (n % 2 != 0) {
                    z = rmul(z, x);
    contract ERC20Events {
        event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint wad);
        event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint wad);
    contract ERC20 is ERC20Events {
        function totalSupply() public view returns (uint);
        function balanceOf(address guy) public view returns (uint);
        function allowance(address src, address guy) public view returns (uint);
        function approve(address guy, uint wad) public returns (bool);
        function transfer(address dst, uint wad) public returns (bool);
        function transferFrom(
            address src, address dst, uint wad
        ) public returns (bool);
    contract EventfulMarket {
        event LogItemUpdate(uint id);
        event LogTrade(uint pay_amt, address indexed pay_gem,
                       uint buy_amt, address indexed buy_gem);
        event LogMake(
            bytes32  indexed  id,
            bytes32  indexed  pair,
            address  indexed  maker,
            ERC20             pay_gem,
            ERC20             buy_gem,
            uint128           pay_amt,
            uint128           buy_amt,
            uint64            timestamp
        event LogBump(
            bytes32  indexed  id,
            bytes32  indexed  pair,
            address  indexed  maker,
            ERC20             pay_gem,
            ERC20             buy_gem,
            uint128           pay_amt,
            uint128           buy_amt,
            uint64            timestamp
        event LogTake(
            bytes32           id,
            bytes32  indexed  pair,
            address  indexed  maker,
            ERC20             pay_gem,
            ERC20             buy_gem,
            address  indexed  taker,
            uint128           take_amt,
            uint128           give_amt,
            uint64            timestamp
        event LogKill(
            bytes32  indexed  id,
            bytes32  indexed  pair,
            address  indexed  maker,
            ERC20             pay_gem,
            ERC20             buy_gem,
            uint128           pay_amt,
            uint128           buy_amt,
            uint64            timestamp
    contract SimpleMarket is EventfulMarket, DSMath {
        uint public last_offer_id;
        mapping (uint => OfferInfo) public offers;
        bool locked;
        struct OfferInfo {
            uint     pay_amt;
            ERC20    pay_gem;
            uint     buy_amt;
            ERC20    buy_gem;
            address  owner;
            uint64   timestamp;
        modifier can_buy(uint id) {
        modifier can_cancel(uint id) {
            require(getOwner(id) == msg.sender);
        modifier can_offer {
        modifier synchronized {
            locked = true;
            locked = false;
        function isActive(uint id) public view returns (bool active) {
            return offers[id].timestamp > 0;
        function getOwner(uint id) public view returns (address owner) {
            return offers[id].owner;
        function getOffer(uint id) public view returns (uint, ERC20, uint, ERC20) {
          OfferInfo memory offer = offers[id];
          return (offer.pay_amt, offer.pay_gem,
                  offer.buy_amt, offer.buy_gem);
        // ---- Public entrypoints ---- //
        function bump(bytes32 id_)
            uint256 id = uint256(id_);
            emit LogBump(
                keccak256(abi.encodePacked(offers[id].pay_gem, offers[id].buy_gem)),
        // Accept given `quantity` of an offer. Transfers funds from caller to
        // offer maker, and from market to caller.
        function buy(uint id, uint quantity)
            returns (bool)
            OfferInfo memory offer = offers[id];
            uint spend = mul(quantity, offer.buy_amt) / offer.pay_amt;
            require(uint128(spend) == spend);
            require(uint128(quantity) == quantity);
            // For backwards semantic compatibility.
            if (quantity == 0 || spend == 0 ||
                quantity > offer.pay_amt || spend > offer.buy_amt)
                return false;
            offers[id].pay_amt = sub(offer.pay_amt, quantity);
            offers[id].buy_amt = sub(offer.buy_amt, spend);
            require( offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, offer.owner, spend) );
            require( offer.pay_gem.transfer(msg.sender, quantity) );
            emit LogItemUpdate(id);
            emit LogTake(
                keccak256(abi.encodePacked(offer.pay_gem, offer.buy_gem)),
            emit LogTrade(quantity, address(offer.pay_gem), spend, address(offer.buy_gem));
            if (offers[id].pay_amt == 0) {
              delete offers[id];
            return true;
        // Cancel an offer. Refunds offer maker.
        function cancel(uint id)
            returns (bool success)
            // read-only offer. Modify an offer by directly accessing offers[id]
            OfferInfo memory offer = offers[id];
            delete offers[id];
            require( offer.pay_gem.transfer(offer.owner, offer.pay_amt) );
            emit LogItemUpdate(id);
            emit LogKill(
                keccak256(abi.encodePacked(offer.pay_gem, offer.buy_gem)),
            success = true;
        function kill(bytes32 id)
        function make(
            ERC20    pay_gem,
            ERC20    buy_gem,
            uint128  pay_amt,
            uint128  buy_amt
            returns (bytes32 id)
            return bytes32(offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem));
        // Make a new offer. Takes funds from the caller into market escrow.
        function offer(uint pay_amt, ERC20 pay_gem, uint buy_amt, ERC20 buy_gem)
            returns (uint id)
            require(uint128(pay_amt) == pay_amt);
            require(uint128(buy_amt) == buy_amt);
            require(pay_amt > 0);
            require(pay_gem != ERC20(0x0));
            require(buy_amt > 0);
            require(buy_gem != ERC20(0x0));
            require(pay_gem != buy_gem);
            OfferInfo memory info;
            info.pay_amt = pay_amt;
            info.pay_gem = pay_gem;
            info.buy_amt = buy_amt;
            info.buy_gem = buy_gem;
            info.owner = msg.sender;
            info.timestamp = uint64(now);
            id = _next_id();
            offers[id] = info;
            require( pay_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), pay_amt) );
            emit LogItemUpdate(id);
            emit LogMake(
                keccak256(abi.encodePacked(pay_gem, buy_gem)),
        function take(bytes32 id, uint128 maxTakeAmount)
            require(buy(uint256(id), maxTakeAmount));
        function _next_id()
            returns (uint)
            last_offer_id++; return last_offer_id;
    // Simple Market with a market lifetime. When the close_time has been reached,
    // offers can only be cancelled (offer and buy will throw).
    contract ExpiringMarket is DSAuth, SimpleMarket {
        uint64 public close_time;
        bool public stopped;
        // after close_time has been reached, no new offers are allowed
        modifier can_offer {
        // after close, no new buys are allowed
        modifier can_buy(uint id) {
        // after close, anyone can cancel an offer
        modifier can_cancel(uint id) {
            require((msg.sender == getOwner(id)) || isClosed());
        constructor(uint64 _close_time)
            close_time = _close_time;
        function isClosed() public view returns (bool closed) {
            return stopped || getTime() > close_time;
        function getTime() public view returns (uint64) {
            return uint64(now);
        function stop() public auth {
            stopped = true;
    contract DSNote {
        event LogNote(
            bytes4   indexed  sig,
            address  indexed  guy,
            bytes32  indexed  foo,
            bytes32  indexed  bar,
            uint256           wad,
            bytes             fax
        ) anonymous;
        modifier note {
            bytes32 foo;
            bytes32 bar;
            uint256 wad;
            assembly {
                foo := calldataload(4)
                bar := calldataload(36)
                wad := callvalue
            emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, wad,;
    contract MatchingEvents {
        event LogBuyEnabled(bool isEnabled);
        event LogMinSell(address pay_gem, uint min_amount);
        event LogMatchingEnabled(bool isEnabled);
        event LogUnsortedOffer(uint id);
        event LogSortedOffer(uint id);
        event LogInsert(address keeper, uint id);
        event LogDelete(address keeper, uint id);
    contract MatchingMarket is MatchingEvents, ExpiringMarket, DSNote {
        bool public buyEnabled = true;      //buy enabled
        bool public matchingEnabled = true; //true: enable matching,
                                             //false: revert to expiring market
        struct sortInfo {
            uint next;  //points to id of next higher offer
            uint prev;  //points to id of previous lower offer
            uint delb;  //the blocknumber where this entry was marked for delete
        mapping(uint => sortInfo) public _rank;                     //doubly linked lists of sorted offer ids
        mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public _best;  //id of the highest offer for a token pair
        mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public _span;  //number of offers stored for token pair in sorted orderbook
        mapping(address => uint) public _dust;                      //minimum sell amount for a token to avoid dust offers
        mapping(uint => uint) public _near;         //next unsorted offer id
        uint _head;                                 //first unsorted offer id
        uint public dustId;                         // id of the latest offer marked as dust
        constructor(uint64 close_time) ExpiringMarket(close_time) public {
        // After close, anyone can cancel an offer
        modifier can_cancel(uint id) {
            require(isActive(id), "Offer was deleted or taken, or never existed.");
                isClosed() || msg.sender == getOwner(id) || id == dustId,
                "Offer can not be cancelled because user is not owner, and market is open, and offer sells required amount of tokens."
        // ---- Public entrypoints ---- //
        function make(
            ERC20    pay_gem,
            ERC20    buy_gem,
            uint128  pay_amt,
            uint128  buy_amt
            returns (bytes32)
            return bytes32(offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem));
        function take(bytes32 id, uint128 maxTakeAmount) public {
            require(buy(uint256(id), maxTakeAmount));
        function kill(bytes32 id) public {
        // Make a new offer. Takes funds from the caller into market escrow.
        // If matching is enabled:
        //     * creates new offer without putting it in
        //       the sorted list.
        //     * available to authorized contracts only!
        //     * keepers should call insert(id,pos)
        //       to put offer in the sorted list.
        // If matching is disabled:
        //     * calls expiring market's offer().
        //     * available to everyone without authorization.
        //     * no sorting is done.
        function offer(
            uint pay_amt,    //maker (ask) sell how much
            ERC20 pay_gem,   //maker (ask) sell which token
            uint buy_amt,    //taker (ask) buy how much
            ERC20 buy_gem    //taker (ask) buy which token
            returns (uint)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            function (uint256,ERC20,uint256,ERC20) returns (uint256) fn = matchingEnabled ? _offeru : super.offer;
            return fn(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem);
        // Make a new offer. Takes funds from the caller into market escrow.
        function offer(
            uint pay_amt,    //maker (ask) sell how much
            ERC20 pay_gem,   //maker (ask) sell which token
            uint buy_amt,    //maker (ask) buy how much
            ERC20 buy_gem,   //maker (ask) buy which token
            uint pos         //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
            returns (uint)
            return offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem, pos, true);
        function offer(
            uint pay_amt,    //maker (ask) sell how much
            ERC20 pay_gem,   //maker (ask) sell which token
            uint buy_amt,    //maker (ask) buy how much
            ERC20 buy_gem,   //maker (ask) buy which token
            uint pos,        //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
            bool rounding    //match "close enough" orders?
            returns (uint)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            require(_dust[address(pay_gem)] <= pay_amt);
            if (matchingEnabled) {
              return _matcho(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem, pos, rounding);
            return super.offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem);
        //Transfers funds from caller to offer maker, and from market to caller.
        function buy(uint id, uint amount)
            returns (bool)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            function (uint256,uint256) returns (bool) fn = matchingEnabled ? _buys :;
            return fn(id, amount);
        // Cancel an offer. Refunds offer maker.
        function cancel(uint id)
            returns (bool success)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            if (matchingEnabled) {
                if (isOfferSorted(id)) {
                } else {
            return super.cancel(id);    //delete the offer.
        //insert offer into the sorted list
        //keepers need to use this function
        function insert(
            uint id,   //maker (ask) id
            uint pos   //position to insert into
            returns (bool)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            require(!isOfferSorted(id));    //make sure offers[id] is not yet sorted
            require(isActive(id));          //make sure offers[id] is active
            _hide(id);                      //remove offer from unsorted offers list
            _sort(id, pos);                 //put offer into the sorted offers list
            emit LogInsert(msg.sender, id);
            return true;
        //deletes _rank [id]
        //  Function should be called by keepers.
        function del_rank(uint id)
            returns (bool)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            require(!isActive(id) && _rank[id].delb != 0 && _rank[id].delb < block.number - 10);
            delete _rank[id];
            emit LogDelete(msg.sender, id);
            return true;
        //set the minimum sell amount for a token
        //    Function is used to avoid "dust offers" that have
        //    very small amount of tokens to sell, and it would
        //    cost more gas to accept the offer, than the value
        //    of tokens received.
        function setMinSell(
            ERC20 pay_gem,     //token to assign minimum sell amount to
            uint dust          //maker (ask) minimum sell amount
            returns (bool)
            _dust[address(pay_gem)] = dust;
            emit LogMinSell(address(pay_gem), dust);
            return true;
        //returns the minimum sell amount for an offer
        function getMinSell(
            ERC20 pay_gem      //token for which minimum sell amount is queried
            returns (uint)
            return _dust[address(pay_gem)];
        //set buy functionality enabled/disabled
        function setBuyEnabled(bool buyEnabled_) public auth returns (bool) {
            buyEnabled = buyEnabled_;
            emit LogBuyEnabled(buyEnabled);
            return true;
        //set matching enabled/disabled
        //    If matchingEnabled true(default), then inserted offers are matched.
        //    Except the ones inserted by contracts, because those end up
        //    in the unsorted list of offers, that must be later sorted by
        //    keepers using insert().
        //    If matchingEnabled is false then MatchingMarket is reverted to ExpiringMarket,
        //    and matching is not done, and sorted lists are disabled.
        function setMatchingEnabled(bool matchingEnabled_) public auth returns (bool) {
            matchingEnabled = matchingEnabled_;
            emit LogMatchingEnabled(matchingEnabled);
            return true;
        //return the best offer for a token pair
        //      the best offer is the lowest one if it's an ask,
        //      and highest one if it's a bid offer
        function getBestOffer(ERC20 sell_gem, ERC20 buy_gem) public view returns(uint) {
            return _best[address(sell_gem)][address(buy_gem)];
        //return the next worse offer in the sorted list
        //      the worse offer is the higher one if its an ask,
        //      a lower one if its a bid offer,
        //      and in both cases the newer one if they're equal.
        function getWorseOffer(uint id) public view returns(uint) {
            return _rank[id].prev;
        //return the next better offer in the sorted list
        //      the better offer is in the lower priced one if its an ask,
        //      the next higher priced one if its a bid offer
        //      and in both cases the older one if they're equal.
        function getBetterOffer(uint id) public view returns(uint) {
            return _rank[id].next;
        //return the amount of better offers for a token pair
        function getOfferCount(ERC20 sell_gem, ERC20 buy_gem) public view returns(uint) {
            return _span[address(sell_gem)][address(buy_gem)];
        //get the first unsorted offer that was inserted by a contract
        //      Contracts can't calculate the insertion position of their offer because it is not an O(1) operation.
        //      Their offers get put in the unsorted list of offers.
        //      Keepers can calculate the insertion position offchain and pass it to the insert() function to insert
        //      the unsorted offer into the sorted list. Unsorted offers will not be matched, but can be bought with buy().
        function getFirstUnsortedOffer() public view returns(uint) {
            return _head;
        //get the next unsorted offer
        //      Can be used to cycle through all the unsorted offers.
        function getNextUnsortedOffer(uint id) public view returns(uint) {
            return _near[id];
        function isOfferSorted(uint id) public view returns(bool) {
            return _rank[id].next != 0
                   || _rank[id].prev != 0
                   || _best[address(offers[id].pay_gem)][address(offers[id].buy_gem)] == id;
        function sellAllAmount(ERC20 pay_gem, uint pay_amt, ERC20 buy_gem, uint min_fill_amount)
            returns (uint fill_amt)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            uint offerId;
            while (pay_amt > 0) {                           //while there is amount to sell
                offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem);   //Get the best offer for the token pair
                require(offerId != 0);                      //Fails if there are not more offers
                // There is a chance that pay_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
                if (pay_amt * 1 ether < wdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)) {
                    break;                                  //We consider that all amount is sold
                if (pay_amt >= offers[offerId].buy_amt) {                       //If amount to sell is higher or equal than current offer amount to buy
                    fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt);          //Add amount bought to acumulator
                    pay_amt = sub(pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt);            //Decrease amount to sell
                    take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt));   //We take the whole offer
                } else { // if lower
                    uint256 baux = rmul(pay_amt * 10 ** 9, rdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)) / 10 ** 9;
                    fill_amt = add(fill_amt, baux);         //Add amount bought to acumulator
                    take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(baux));  //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                    pay_amt = 0;                            //All amount is sold
            require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount);
        function buyAllAmount(ERC20 buy_gem, uint buy_amt, ERC20 pay_gem, uint max_fill_amount)
            returns (uint fill_amt)
            require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
            uint offerId;
            while (buy_amt > 0) {                           //Meanwhile there is amount to buy
                offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem);   //Get the best offer for the token pair
                require(offerId != 0);
                // There is a chance that buy_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
                if (buy_amt * 1 ether < wdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)) {
                    break;                                  //We consider that all amount is sold
                if (buy_amt >= offers[offerId].pay_amt) {                       //If amount to buy is higher or equal than current offer amount to sell
                    fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt);          //Add amount sold to acumulator
                    buy_amt = sub(buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt);            //Decrease amount to buy
                    take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt));   //We take the whole offer
                } else {                                                        //if lower
                    fill_amt = add(fill_amt, rmul(buy_amt * 10 ** 9, rdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)) / 10 ** 9); //Add amount sold to acumulator
                    take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(buy_amt));                   //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                    buy_amt = 0;                                                //All amount is bought
            require(fill_amt <= max_fill_amount);
        function getBuyAmount(ERC20 buy_gem, ERC20 pay_gem, uint pay_amt) public view returns (uint fill_amt) {
            uint256 offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem);           //Get best offer for the token pair
            while (pay_amt > offers[offerId].buy_amt) {
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt);  //Add amount to buy accumulator
                pay_amt = sub(pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt);    //Decrease amount to pay
                if (pay_amt > 0) {                                  //If we still need more offers
                    offerId = getWorseOffer(offerId);               //We look for the next best offer
                    require(offerId != 0);                          //Fails if there are not enough offers to complete
            fill_amt = add(fill_amt, rmul(pay_amt * 10 ** 9, rdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)) / 10 ** 9); //Add proportional amount of last offer to buy accumulator
        function getPayAmount(ERC20 pay_gem, ERC20 buy_gem, uint buy_amt) public view returns (uint fill_amt) {
            uint256 offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem);           //Get best offer for the token pair
            while (buy_amt > offers[offerId].pay_amt) {
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt);  //Add amount to pay accumulator
                buy_amt = sub(buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt);    //Decrease amount to buy
                if (buy_amt > 0) {                                  //If we still need more offers
                    offerId = getWorseOffer(offerId);               //We look for the next best offer
                    require(offerId != 0);                          //Fails if there are not enough offers to complete
            fill_amt = add(fill_amt, rmul(buy_amt * 10 ** 9, rdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)) / 10 ** 9); //Add proportional amount of last offer to pay accumulator
        // ---- Internal Functions ---- //
        function _buys(uint id, uint amount)
            returns (bool)
            if (amount == offers[id].pay_amt) {
                if (isOfferSorted(id)) {
                    //offers[id] must be removed from sorted list because all of it is bought
            require(, amount));
            // If offer has become dust during buy, we cancel it
            if (isActive(id) && offers[id].pay_amt < _dust[address(offers[id].pay_gem)]) {
                dustId = id; //enable current msg.sender to call cancel(id)
            return true;
        //find the id of the next higher offer after offers[id]
        function _find(uint id)
            returns (uint)
            require( id > 0 );
            address buy_gem = address(offers[id].buy_gem);
            address pay_gem = address(offers[id].pay_gem);
            uint top = _best[pay_gem][buy_gem];
            uint old_top = 0;
            // Find the larger-than-id order whose successor is less-than-id.
            while (top != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, top)) {
                old_top = top;
                top = _rank[top].prev;
            return old_top;
        //find the id of the next higher offer after offers[id]
        function _findpos(uint id, uint pos)
            returns (uint)
            require(id > 0);
            // Look for an active order.
            while (pos != 0 && !isActive(pos)) {
                pos = _rank[pos].prev;
            if (pos == 0) {
                //if we got to the end of list without a single active offer
                return _find(id);
            } else {
                // if we did find a nearby active offer
                // Walk the order book down from there...
                if(_isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos)) {
                    uint old_pos;
                    // Guaranteed to run at least once because of
                    // the prior if statements.
                    while (pos != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos)) {
                        old_pos = pos;
                        pos = _rank[pos].prev;
                    return old_pos;
                // ...or walk it up.
                } else {
                    while (pos != 0 && !_isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos)) {
                        pos = _rank[pos].next;
                    return pos;
        //return true if offers[low] priced less than or equal to offers[high]
        function _isPricedLtOrEq(
            uint low,   //lower priced offer's id
            uint high   //higher priced offer's id
            returns (bool)
            return mul(offers[low].buy_amt, offers[high].pay_amt)
              >= mul(offers[high].buy_amt, offers[low].pay_amt);
        //these variables are global only because of solidity local variable limit
        //match offers with taker offer, and execute token transactions
        function _matcho(
            uint t_pay_amt,    //taker sell how much
            ERC20 t_pay_gem,   //taker sell which token
            uint t_buy_amt,    //taker buy how much
            ERC20 t_buy_gem,   //taker buy which token
            uint pos,          //position id
            bool rounding      //match "close enough" orders?
            returns (uint id)
            uint best_maker_id;    //highest maker id
            uint t_buy_amt_old;    //taker buy how much saved
            uint m_buy_amt;        //maker offer wants to buy this much token
            uint m_pay_amt;        //maker offer wants to sell this much token
            // there is at least one offer stored for token pair
            while (_best[address(t_buy_gem)][address(t_pay_gem)] > 0) {
                best_maker_id = _best[address(t_buy_gem)][address(t_pay_gem)];
                m_buy_amt = offers[best_maker_id].buy_amt;
                m_pay_amt = offers[best_maker_id].pay_amt;
                // Ugly hack to work around rounding errors. Based on the idea that
                // the furthest the amounts can stray from their "true" values is 1.
                // Ergo the worst case has t_pay_amt and m_pay_amt at +1 away from
                // their "correct" values and m_buy_amt and t_buy_amt at -1.
                // Since (c - 1) * (d - 1) > (a + 1) * (b + 1) is equivalent to
                // c * d > a * b + a + b + c + d, we write...
                if (mul(m_buy_amt, t_buy_amt) > mul(t_pay_amt, m_pay_amt) +
                    (rounding ? m_buy_amt + t_buy_amt + t_pay_amt + m_pay_amt : 0))
                // ^ The `rounding` parameter is a compromise borne of a couple days
                // of discussion.
                buy(best_maker_id, min(m_pay_amt, t_buy_amt));
                t_buy_amt_old = t_buy_amt;
                t_buy_amt = sub(t_buy_amt, min(m_pay_amt, t_buy_amt));
                t_pay_amt = mul(t_buy_amt, t_pay_amt) / t_buy_amt_old;
                if (t_pay_amt == 0 || t_buy_amt == 0) {
            if (t_buy_amt > 0 && t_pay_amt > 0 && t_pay_amt >= _dust[address(t_pay_gem)]) {
                //new offer should be created
                id = super.offer(t_pay_amt, t_pay_gem, t_buy_amt, t_buy_gem);
                //insert offer into the sorted list
                _sort(id, pos);
        // Make a new offer without putting it in the sorted list.
        // Takes funds from the caller into market escrow.
        // ****Available to authorized contracts only!**********
        // Keepers should call insert(id,pos) to put offer in the sorted list.
        function _offeru(
            uint pay_amt,      //maker (ask) sell how much
            ERC20 pay_gem,     //maker (ask) sell which token
            uint buy_amt,      //maker (ask) buy how much
            ERC20 buy_gem      //maker (ask) buy which token
            returns (uint id)
            require(_dust[address(pay_gem)] <= pay_amt);
            id = super.offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem);
            _near[id] = _head;
            _head = id;
            emit LogUnsortedOffer(id);
        //put offer into the sorted list
        function _sort(
            uint id,    //maker (ask) id
            uint pos    //position to insert into
            ERC20 buy_gem = offers[id].buy_gem;
            ERC20 pay_gem = offers[id].pay_gem;
            uint prev_id;                                      //maker (ask) id
            pos = pos == 0 || offers[pos].pay_gem != pay_gem || offers[pos].buy_gem != buy_gem || !isOfferSorted(pos)
                _findpos(id, pos);
            if (pos != 0) {                                    //offers[id] is not the highest offer
                //requirement below is satisfied by statements above
                //require(_isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos));
                prev_id = _rank[pos].prev;
                _rank[pos].prev = id;
                _rank[id].next = pos;
            } else {                                           //offers[id] is the highest offer
                prev_id = _best[address(pay_gem)][address(buy_gem)];
                _best[address(pay_gem)][address(buy_gem)] = id;
            if (prev_id != 0) {                               //if lower offer does exist
                //requirement below is satisfied by statements above
                //require(!_isPricedLtOrEq(id, prev_id));
                _rank[prev_id].next = id;
                _rank[id].prev = prev_id;
            emit LogSortedOffer(id);
        // Remove offer from the sorted list (does not cancel offer)
        function _unsort(
            uint id    //id of maker (ask) offer to remove from sorted list
            returns (bool)
            address buy_gem = address(offers[id].buy_gem);
            address pay_gem = address(offers[id].pay_gem);
            require(_span[pay_gem][buy_gem] > 0);
            require(_rank[id].delb == 0 &&                    //assert id is in the sorted list
            if (id != _best[pay_gem][buy_gem]) {              // offers[id] is not the highest offer
                require(_rank[_rank[id].next].prev == id);
                _rank[_rank[id].next].prev = _rank[id].prev;
            } else {                                          //offers[id] is the highest offer
                _best[pay_gem][buy_gem] = _rank[id].prev;
            if (_rank[id].prev != 0) {                        //offers[id] is not the lowest offer
                require(_rank[_rank[id].prev].next == id);
                _rank[_rank[id].prev].next = _rank[id].next;
            _rank[id].delb = block.number;                    //mark _rank[id] for deletion
            return true;
        //Hide offer from the unsorted order book (does not cancel offer)
        function _hide(
            uint id     //id of maker offer to remove from unsorted list
            returns (bool)
            uint uid = _head;               //id of an offer in unsorted offers list
            uint pre = uid;                 //id of previous offer in unsorted offers list
            require(!isOfferSorted(id));    //make sure offer id is not in sorted offers list
            if (_head == id) {              //check if offer is first offer in unsorted offers list
                _head = _near[id];          //set head to new first unsorted offer
                _near[id] = 0;              //delete order from unsorted order list
                return true;
            while (uid > 0 && uid != id) {  //find offer in unsorted order list
                pre = uid;
                uid = _near[uid];
            if (uid != id) {                //did not find offer id in unsorted offers list
                return false;
            _near[pre] = _near[id];         //set previous unsorted offer to point to offer after offer id
            _near[id] = 0;                  //delete order from unsorted order list
            return true;

    File 2 of 2: BAToken
    pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
    /* taking ideas from FirstBlood token */
    contract SafeMath {
        /* function assert(bool assertion) internal { */
        /*   if (!assertion) { */
        /*     throw; */
        /*   } */
        /* }      // assert no longer needed once solidity is on 0.4.10 */
        function safeAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal returns(uint256) {
          uint256 z = x + y;
          assert((z >= x) && (z >= y));
          return z;
        function safeSubtract(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal returns(uint256) {
          assert(x >= y);
          uint256 z = x - y;
          return z;
        function safeMult(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal returns(uint256) {
          uint256 z = x * y;
          assert((x == 0)||(z/x == y));
          return z;
    contract Token {
        uint256 public totalSupply;
        function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
        function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
        function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
        function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
        function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);
        event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
        event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
    /*  ERC 20 token */
    contract StandardToken is Token {
        function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
          if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
            balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
            balances[_to] += _value;
            Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
        function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
          if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
            balances[_to] += _value;
            balances[_from] -= _value;
            allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
            Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
        function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
            return balances[_owner];
        function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
            allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
            Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
            return true;
        function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
          return allowed[_owner][_spender];
        mapping (address => uint256) balances;
        mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
    contract BAToken is StandardToken, SafeMath {
        // metadata
        string public constant name = "Basic Attention Token";
        string public constant symbol = "BAT";
        uint256 public constant decimals = 18;
        string public version = "1.0";
        // contracts
        address public ethFundDeposit;      // deposit address for ETH for Brave International
        address public batFundDeposit;      // deposit address for Brave International use and BAT User Fund
        // crowdsale parameters
        bool public isFinalized;              // switched to true in operational state
        uint256 public fundingStartBlock;
        uint256 public fundingEndBlock;
        uint256 public constant batFund = 500 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;   // 500m BAT reserved for Brave Intl use
        uint256 public constant tokenExchangeRate = 6400; // 6400 BAT tokens per 1 ETH
        uint256 public constant tokenCreationCap =  1500 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;
        uint256 public constant tokenCreationMin =  675 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;
        // events
        event LogRefund(address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
        event CreateBAT(address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
        // constructor
        function BAToken(
            address _ethFundDeposit,
            address _batFundDeposit,
            uint256 _fundingStartBlock,
            uint256 _fundingEndBlock)
          isFinalized = false;                   //controls pre through crowdsale state
          ethFundDeposit = _ethFundDeposit;
          batFundDeposit = _batFundDeposit;
          fundingStartBlock = _fundingStartBlock;
          fundingEndBlock = _fundingEndBlock;
          totalSupply = batFund;
          balances[batFundDeposit] = batFund;    // Deposit Brave Intl share
          CreateBAT(batFundDeposit, batFund);  // logs Brave Intl fund
        /// @dev Accepts ether and creates new BAT tokens.
        function createTokens() payable external {
          if (isFinalized) throw;
          if (block.number < fundingStartBlock) throw;
          if (block.number > fundingEndBlock) throw;
          if (msg.value == 0) throw;
          uint256 tokens = safeMult(msg.value, tokenExchangeRate); // check that we're not over totals
          uint256 checkedSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, tokens);
          // return money if something goes wrong
          if (tokenCreationCap < checkedSupply) throw;  // odd fractions won't be found
          totalSupply = checkedSupply;
          balances[msg.sender] += tokens;  // safeAdd not needed; bad semantics to use here
          CreateBAT(msg.sender, tokens);  // logs token creation
        /// @dev Ends the funding period and sends the ETH home
        function finalize() external {
          if (isFinalized) throw;
          if (msg.sender != ethFundDeposit) throw; // locks finalize to the ultimate ETH owner
          if(totalSupply < tokenCreationMin) throw;      // have to sell minimum to move to operational
          if(block.number <= fundingEndBlock && totalSupply != tokenCreationCap) throw;
          // move to operational
          isFinalized = true;
          if(!ethFundDeposit.send(this.balance)) throw;  // send the eth to Brave International
        /// @dev Allows contributors to recover their ether in the case of a failed funding campaign.
        function refund() external {
          if(isFinalized) throw;                       // prevents refund if operational
          if (block.number <= fundingEndBlock) throw; // prevents refund until sale period is over
          if(totalSupply >= tokenCreationMin) throw;  // no refunds if we sold enough
          if(msg.sender == batFundDeposit) throw;    // Brave Intl not entitled to a refund
          uint256 batVal = balances[msg.sender];
          if (batVal == 0) throw;
          balances[msg.sender] = 0;
          totalSupply = safeSubtract(totalSupply, batVal); // extra safe
          uint256 ethVal = batVal / tokenExchangeRate;     // should be safe; previous throws covers edges
          LogRefund(msg.sender, ethVal);               // log it 
          if (!msg.sender.send(ethVal)) throw;       // if you're using a contract; make sure it works with .send gas limits