Transaction Hash:
21153205 at Nov-09-2024 10:52:35 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000280402106674313 ETH
Gas Used:
29,437 Gas / 9.525498749 Gwei
Emitted Events:
98 |
Vyper_contract.Transfer( _from=[Sender] 0x4de8de96a15a092cbee747373d8d99106cad51c6, _to=0x63DFE4e34A3bFC00eB0220786238a7C6cEF8Ffc4, _value=40883685592210000000000 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
| (Lido: Execution Layer Rewards Vault) | 53.321377214186230087 Eth | 53.321380157886230087 Eth | 0.0000029437 | |
0x4De8DE96...06CaD51c6 |
0.0010043224506 Eth
Nonce: 0
0.000723920343925687 Eth
Nonce: 1
| 0.000280402106674313 | ||
0xD533a949...bA034cd52 |
Execution Trace
Vyper_contract.transfer( _to=0x63DFE4e34A3bFC00eB0220786238a7C6cEF8Ffc4, _value=40883685592210000000000 ) => ( True )
# @version 0.2.4 """ @title Curve DAO Token @author Curve Finance @license MIT @notice ERC20 with piecewise-linear mining supply. @dev Based on the ERC-20 token standard as defined at """ from vyper.interfaces import ERC20 implements: ERC20 event Transfer: _from: indexed(address) _to: indexed(address) _value: uint256 event Approval: _owner: indexed(address) _spender: indexed(address) _value: uint256 event UpdateMiningParameters: time: uint256 rate: uint256 supply: uint256 event SetMinter: minter: address event SetAdmin: admin: address name: public(String[64]) symbol: public(String[32]) decimals: public(uint256) balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) allowances: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]] total_supply: uint256 minter: public(address) admin: public(address) # General constants YEAR: constant(uint256) = 86400 * 365 # Allocation: # ========= # * shareholders - 30% # * emplyees - 3% # * DAO-controlled reserve - 5% # * Early users - 5% # == 43% == # left for inflation: 57% # Supply parameters INITIAL_SUPPLY: constant(uint256) = 1_303_030_303 INITIAL_RATE: constant(uint256) = 274_815_283 * 10 ** 18 / YEAR # leading to 43% premine RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: constant(uint256) = YEAR RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT: constant(uint256) = 1189207115002721024 # 2 ** (1/4) * 1e18 RATE_DENOMINATOR: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 18 INFLATION_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 86400 # Supply variables mining_epoch: public(int128) start_epoch_time: public(uint256) rate: public(uint256) start_epoch_supply: uint256 @external def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256): """ @notice Contract constructor @param _name Token full name @param _symbol Token symbol @param _decimals Number of decimals for token """ init_supply: uint256 = INITIAL_SUPPLY * 10 ** _decimals = _name self.symbol = _symbol self.decimals = _decimals self.balanceOf[msg.sender] = init_supply self.total_supply = init_supply self.admin = msg.sender log Transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, msg.sender, init_supply) self.start_epoch_time = block.timestamp + INFLATION_DELAY - RATE_REDUCTION_TIME self.mining_epoch = -1 self.rate = 0 self.start_epoch_supply = init_supply @internal def _update_mining_parameters(): """ @dev Update mining rate and supply at the start of the epoch Any modifying mining call must also call this """ _rate: uint256 = self.rate _start_epoch_supply: uint256 = self.start_epoch_supply self.start_epoch_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME self.mining_epoch += 1 if _rate == 0: _rate = INITIAL_RATE else: _start_epoch_supply += _rate * RATE_REDUCTION_TIME self.start_epoch_supply = _start_epoch_supply _rate = _rate * RATE_DENOMINATOR / RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT self.rate = _rate log UpdateMiningParameters(block.timestamp, _rate, _start_epoch_supply) @external def update_mining_parameters(): """ @notice Update mining rate and supply at the start of the epoch @dev Callable by any address, but only once per epoch Total supply becomes slightly larger if this function is called late """ assert block.timestamp >= self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME # dev: too soon! self._update_mining_parameters() @external def start_epoch_time_write() -> uint256: """ @notice Get timestamp of the current mining epoch start while simultaneously updating mining parameters @return Timestamp of the epoch """ _start_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time if block.timestamp >= _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: self._update_mining_parameters() return self.start_epoch_time else: return _start_epoch_time @external def future_epoch_time_write() -> uint256: """ @notice Get timestamp of the next mining epoch start while simultaneously updating mining parameters @return Timestamp of the next epoch """ _start_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time if block.timestamp >= _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: self._update_mining_parameters() return self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME else: return _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME @internal @view def _available_supply() -> uint256: return self.start_epoch_supply + (block.timestamp - self.start_epoch_time) * self.rate @external @view def available_supply() -> uint256: """ @notice Current number of tokens in existence (claimed or unclaimed) """ return self._available_supply() @external @view def mintable_in_timeframe(start: uint256, end: uint256) -> uint256: """ @notice How much supply is mintable from start timestamp till end timestamp @param start Start of the time interval (timestamp) @param end End of the time interval (timestamp) @return Tokens mintable from `start` till `end` """ assert start <= end # dev: start > end to_mint: uint256 = 0 current_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time current_rate: uint256 = self.rate # Special case if end is in future (not yet minted) epoch if end > current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: current_epoch_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME current_rate = current_rate * RATE_DENOMINATOR / RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT assert end <= current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME # dev: too far in future for i in range(999): # Curve will not work in 1000 years. Darn! if end >= current_epoch_time: current_end: uint256 = end if current_end > current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: current_end = current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME current_start: uint256 = start if current_start >= current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: break # We should never get here but what if... elif current_start < current_epoch_time: current_start = current_epoch_time to_mint += current_rate * (current_end - current_start) if start >= current_epoch_time: break current_epoch_time -= RATE_REDUCTION_TIME current_rate = current_rate * RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT / RATE_DENOMINATOR # double-division with rounding made rate a bit less => good assert current_rate <= INITIAL_RATE # This should never happen return to_mint @external def set_minter(_minter: address): """ @notice Set the minter address @dev Only callable once, when minter has not yet been set @param _minter Address of the minter """ assert msg.sender == self.admin # dev: admin only assert self.minter == ZERO_ADDRESS # dev: can set the minter only once, at creation self.minter = _minter log SetMinter(_minter) @external def set_admin(_admin: address): """ @notice Set the new admin. @dev After all is set up, admin only can change the token name @param _admin New admin address """ assert msg.sender == self.admin # dev: admin only self.admin = _admin log SetAdmin(_admin) @external @view def totalSupply() -> uint256: """ @notice Total number of tokens in existence. """ return self.total_supply @external @view def allowance(_owner : address, _spender : address) -> uint256: """ @notice Check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender @param _owner The address which owns the funds @param _spender The address which will spend the funds @return uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender """ return self.allowances[_owner][_spender] @external def transfer(_to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Transfer `_value` tokens from `msg.sender` to `_to` @dev Vyper does not allow underflows, so the subtraction in this function will revert on an insufficient balance @param _to The address to transfer to @param _value The amount to be transferred @return bool success """ assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS # dev: transfers to 0x0 are not allowed self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value self.balanceOf[_to] += _value log Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value) return True @external def transferFrom(_from : address, _to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Transfer `_value` tokens from `_from` to `_to` @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred @return bool success """ assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS # dev: transfers to 0x0 are not allowed # NOTE: vyper does not allow underflows # so the following subtraction would revert on insufficient balance self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value self.balanceOf[_to] += _value self.allowances[_from][msg.sender] -= _value log Transfer(_from, _to, _value) return True @external def approve(_spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Approve `_spender` to transfer `_value` tokens on behalf of `msg.sender` @dev Approval may only be from zero -> nonzero or from nonzero -> zero in order to mitigate the potential race condition described here: @param _spender The address which will spend the funds @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent @return bool success """ assert _value == 0 or self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] == 0 self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] = _value log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value) return True @external def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Mint `_value` tokens and assign them to `_to` @dev Emits a Transfer event originating from 0x00 @param _to The account that will receive the created tokens @param _value The amount that will be created @return bool success """ assert msg.sender == self.minter # dev: minter only assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS # dev: zero address if block.timestamp >= self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: self._update_mining_parameters() _total_supply: uint256 = self.total_supply + _value assert _total_supply <= self._available_supply() # dev: exceeds allowable mint amount self.total_supply = _total_supply self.balanceOf[_to] += _value log Transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, _to, _value) return True @external def burn(_value: uint256) -> bool: """ @notice Burn `_value` tokens belonging to `msg.sender` @dev Emits a Transfer event with a destination of 0x00 @param _value The amount that will be burned @return bool success """ self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value self.total_supply -= _value log Transfer(msg.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, _value) return True @external def set_name(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32]): """ @notice Change the token name and symbol to `_name` and `_symbol` @dev Only callable by the admin account @param _name New token name @param _symbol New token symbol """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "Only admin is allowed to change name" = _name self.symbol = _symbol