Transaction Hash:
6142740 at Aug-13-2018 11:45:50 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.0009066948 ETH
Gas Used:
206,067 Gas / 4.4 Gwei
Emitted Events:
131 |
Zlots.TwoZSymbols( _wagerer=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, _block=6142736 )
132 |
Zlots.LogResult( _wagerer=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, _result=151958, _profit=30000000000000000000, _wagered=30000000000000000000, _category=13, _win=True )
133 |
Zethr.Transfer( from=0xBbdfcCff3E72D672695ba0ca635B243dD7273c47, to=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, tokens=30000000000000000000 )
134 |
0xbbdfccff3e72d672695ba0ca635b243dd7273c47.0x9d8cc304e5e8126791410e5dd68149dcb25187cded808fb399c67798a9069625( 0x9d8cc304e5e8126791410e5dd68149dcb25187cded808fb399c67798a9069625, 0000000000000000000000002974aa2c025aeac44bb8d284e33b9e7d527f0025, 00000000000000000000000075729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a055690d9db80000 )
135 |
Zlots.SpinConcluded( _wagerer=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, _block=6142736 )
136 |
Zlots.TokensWagered( _wagerer=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, _wagered=30000000000000000000 )
137 |
0xbbdfccff3e72d672695ba0ca635b243dd7273c47.0xa78fd207622944c2fb190d3171aec3e0d6f3974e5b4c62d9e939e23b71cb4743( 0xa78fd207622944c2fb190d3171aec3e0d6f3974e5b4c62d9e939e23b71cb4743, 0000000000000000000000002974aa2c025aeac44bb8d284e33b9e7d527f0025, 00000000000000000000000075729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a055690d9db80000, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )
138 |
Zethr.Transfer( from=[Sender] 0x75729a002f5188cc35b676b0f6446d4123ab26b9, to=0xBbdfcCff3E72D672695ba0ca635B243dD7273c47, tokens=30000000000000000000 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x2974AA2c...d527F0025 | |||||
0x75729A00...123Ab26B9 |
0.120230213355255571 Eth
Nonce: 71
0.119323518555255571 Eth
Nonce: 72
| 0.0009066948 | ||
| (F2Pool Old) | 6,525.324047318448324947 Eth | 6,525.324954013248324947 Eth | 0.0009066948 | |
0xBbdfcCff...dD7273c47 | |||||
0xD48B6330...8351E020D |
Execution Trace
Zethr.transferTo( _from=0x75729A002F5188Cc35b676B0f6446d4123Ab26B9, _to=0xBbdfcCff3E72D672695ba0ca635B243dD7273c47, _amountOfTokens=30000000000000000000, _data=0x0000000000000000000000002974AA2C025AEAC44BB8D284E33B9E7D527F0025 )

0xbbdfccff3e72d672695ba0ca635b243dd7273c47.c0ee0b8a( )
Zethr.getUserAverageDividendRate( user=0x75729A002F5188Cc35b676B0f6446d4123Ab26B9 ) => ( 602137703663277270430 )
transferTo[Zethr (ln:507)]
transferFromInternal[Zethr (ln:520)]
theDividendsOf[Zethr (ln:1158)]
dividendsOf[Zethr (ln:711)]
dividendsOf[Zethr (ln:711)]
withdrawFrom[Zethr (ln:1158)]
theDividendsOf[Zethr (ln:1209)]
dividendsOf[Zethr (ln:711)]
dividendsOf[Zethr (ln:711)]
transfer[Zethr (ln:1218)]
onWithdraw[Zethr (ln:1221)]
div[Zethr (ln:1162)]
mul[Zethr (ln:1162)]
getUserAverageDividendRate[Zethr (ln:1162)]
sub[Zethr (ln:1171)]
add[Zethr (ln:1172)]
sub[Zethr (ln:1173)]
add[Zethr (ln:1174)]
tokenFallback[Zethr (ln:1197)]
Transfer[Zethr (ln:1201)]
File 1 of 2: Zethr
File 2 of 2: Zlots
pragma solidity ^0.4.23; /** ███████╗███████╗████████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ╚══███╔╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██╔══██╗ ███╔╝ █████╗ ██║ ███████║██████╔╝ ███╔╝ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗ ███████╗███████╗ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ .------..------. .------..------..------. .------..------..------..------..------. |B.--. ||E.--. |.-. |T.--. ||H.--. ||E.--. |.-. |H.--. ||O.--. ||U.--. ||S.--. ||E.--. | | :(): || (\/) (( )) | :/\: || :/\: || (\/) (( )) | :/\: || :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || (\/) | | ()() || :\/: |'-.-.| (__) || (__) || :\/: |'-.-.| (__) || :\/: || :\/: || :\/: || :\/: | | '--'B|| '--'E| (( )) '--'T|| '--'H|| '--'E| (( )) '--'H|| '--'O|| '--'U|| '--'S|| '--'E| `------'`------' '-'`------'`------'`------' '-'`------'`------'`------'`------'`------' An interactive, variable-dividend rate contract with an ICO-capped price floor and collectibles. Credits ======= Analysis: blurr Randall Contract Developers: Etherguy klob Norsefire Front-End Design: cryptodude oguzhanox TropicalRogue **/ contract Zethr { using SafeMath for uint; /*================================= = MODIFIERS = =================================*/ modifier onlyHolders() { require(myFrontEndTokens() > 0); _; } modifier dividendHolder() { require(myDividends(true) > 0); _; } modifier onlyAdministrator(){ address _customerAddress = msg.sender; require(administrators[_customerAddress]); _; } /*============================== = EVENTS = ==============================*/ event onTokenPurchase( address indexed customerAddress, uint incomingEthereum, uint tokensMinted, address indexed referredBy ); event UserDividendRate( address user, uint divRate ); event onTokenSell( address indexed customerAddress, uint tokensBurned, uint ethereumEarned ); event onReinvestment( address indexed customerAddress, uint ethereumReinvested, uint tokensMinted ); event onWithdraw( address indexed customerAddress, uint ethereumWithdrawn ); event Transfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens ); event Approval( address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens ); event Allocation( uint toBankRoll, uint toReferrer, uint toTokenHolders, uint toDivCardHolders, uint forTokens ); event Referral( address referrer, uint amountReceived ); /*===================================== = CONSTANTS = =====================================*/ uint8 constant public decimals = 18; uint constant internal tokenPriceInitial_ = 0.000653 ether; uint constant internal magnitude = 2**64; uint constant internal icoHardCap = 250 ether; uint constant internal addressICOLimit = 1 ether; uint constant internal icoMinBuyIn = 0.1 finney; uint constant internal icoMaxGasPrice = 50000000000 wei; uint constant internal MULTIPLIER = 9615; uint constant internal MIN_ETH_BUYIN = 0.0001 ether; uint constant internal MIN_TOKEN_SELL_AMOUNT = 0.0001 ether; uint constant internal MIN_TOKEN_TRANSFER = 1e10; uint constant internal referrer_percentage = 25; uint public stakingRequirement = 100e18; /*================================ = CONFIGURABLES = ================================*/ string public name = "Zethr"; string public symbol = "ZTH"; bytes32 constant public icoHashedPass = bytes32(0x5ddcde33b94b19bdef79dd9ea75be591942b9ec78286d64b44a356280fb6a262); address internal bankrollAddress; ZethrDividendCards divCardContract; /*================================ = DATASETS = ================================*/ // Tracks front & backend tokens mapping(address => uint) internal frontTokenBalanceLedger_; mapping(address => uint) internal dividendTokenBalanceLedger_; mapping(address => mapping (address => uint)) public allowed; // Tracks dividend rates for users mapping(uint8 => bool) internal validDividendRates_; mapping(address => bool) internal userSelectedRate; mapping(address => uint8) internal userDividendRate; // Payout tracking mapping(address => uint) internal referralBalance_; mapping(address => int256) internal payoutsTo_; // ICO per-address limit tracking mapping(address => uint) internal ICOBuyIn; uint public tokensMintedDuringICO; uint public ethInvestedDuringICO; uint public currentEthInvested; uint internal tokenSupply = 0; uint internal divTokenSupply = 0; uint internal profitPerDivToken; mapping(address => bool) public administrators; bool public icoPhase = false; bool public regularPhase = false; uint icoOpenTime; /*======================================= = PUBLIC FUNCTIONS = =======================================*/ constructor (address _bankrollAddress, address _divCardAddress) public { bankrollAddress = _bankrollAddress; divCardContract = ZethrDividendCards(_divCardAddress); administrators[0x4F4eBF556CFDc21c3424F85ff6572C77c514Fcae] = true; // Norsefire administrators[0x11e52c75998fe2E7928B191bfc5B25937Ca16741] = true; // klob administrators[0x20C945800de43394F70D789874a4daC9cFA57451] = true; // Etherguy administrators[0xef764BAC8a438E7E498c2E5fcCf0f174c3E3F8dB] = true; // blurr administrators[0x8537aa2911b193e5B377938A723D805bb0865670] = true; // oguzhanox administrators[0x9D221b2100CbE5F05a0d2048E2556a6Df6f9a6C3] = true; // Randall administrators[0xDa83156106c4dba7A26E9bF2Ca91E273350aa551] = true; // TropicalRogue administrators[0x71009e9E4e5e68e77ECc7ef2f2E95cbD98c6E696] = true; // cryptodude administrators[msg.sender] = true; // Helps with debugging! validDividendRates_[2] = true; validDividendRates_[5] = true; validDividendRates_[10] = true; validDividendRates_[15] = true; validDividendRates_[20] = true; validDividendRates_[25] = true; validDividendRates_[33] = true; userSelectedRate[bankrollAddress] = true; userDividendRate[bankrollAddress] = 33; } /** * Same as buy, but explicitly sets your dividend percentage. * If this has been called before, it will update your `default' dividend * percentage for regular buy transactions going forward. */ function buyAndSetDivPercentage(address _referredBy, uint8 _divChoice, string providedUnhashedPass) public payable returns (uint) { require(icoPhase || regularPhase); if (icoPhase) { // Anti-bot measures - not perfect, but should help some. bytes32 hashedProvidedPass = keccak256(providedUnhashedPass); require(hashedProvidedPass == icoHashedPass || msg.sender == bankrollAddress); uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice; // Prevents ICO buyers from getting substantially burned if the ICO is reached // before their transaction is processed. require(gasPrice <= icoMaxGasPrice && ethInvestedDuringICO <= icoHardCap); } // Dividend percentage should be a currently accepted value. require (validDividendRates_[_divChoice]); // Set the dividend fee percentage denominator. userSelectedRate[msg.sender] = true; userDividendRate[msg.sender] = _divChoice; emit UserDividendRate(msg.sender, _divChoice); // Finally, purchase tokens. purchaseTokens(msg.value, _referredBy); } // All buys except for the above one require regular phase. function buy(address _referredBy) public payable returns(uint) { require(regularPhase); address _customerAddress = msg.sender; require (userSelectedRate[_customerAddress]); purchaseTokens(msg.value, _referredBy); } function buyAndTransfer(address _referredBy, address target) public payable { bytes memory empty; buyAndTransfer(_referredBy,target, empty, 20); } function buyAndTransfer(address _referredBy, address target, bytes _data) public payable { buyAndTransfer(_referredBy, target, _data, 20); } // Overload function buyAndTransfer(address _referredBy, address target, bytes _data, uint8 divChoice) public payable { require(regularPhase); address _customerAddress = msg.sender; uint256 frontendBalance = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender]; if (userSelectedRate[_customerAddress] && divChoice == 0) { purchaseTokens(msg.value, _referredBy); } else { buyAndSetDivPercentage(_referredBy, divChoice, "0x0"); } uint256 difference = SafeMath.sub(frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender], frontendBalance); transferTo(msg.sender, target, difference, _data); } // Fallback function only works during regular phase - part of anti-bot protection. function() payable public { /** / If the user has previously set a dividend rate, sending / Ether directly to the contract simply purchases more at / the most recent rate. If this is their first time, they / are automatically placed into the 20% rate `bucket'. **/ require(regularPhase); address _customerAddress = msg.sender; if (userSelectedRate[_customerAddress]) { purchaseTokens(msg.value, 0x0); } else { buyAndSetDivPercentage(0x0, 20, "0x0"); } } function reinvest() dividendHolder() public { require(regularPhase); uint _dividends = myDividends(false); // Pay out requisite `virtual' dividends. address _customerAddress = msg.sender; payoutsTo_[_customerAddress] += (int256) (_dividends * magnitude); _dividends += referralBalance_[_customerAddress]; referralBalance_[_customerAddress] = 0; uint _tokens = purchaseTokens(_dividends, 0x0); // Fire logging event. emit onReinvestment(_customerAddress, _dividends, _tokens); } function exit() public { require(regularPhase); // Retrieve token balance for caller, then sell them all. address _customerAddress = msg.sender; uint _tokens = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress]; if(_tokens > 0) sell(_tokens); withdraw(_customerAddress); } function withdraw(address _recipient) dividendHolder() public { require(regularPhase); // Setup data address _customerAddress = msg.sender; uint _dividends = myDividends(false); // update dividend tracker payoutsTo_[_customerAddress] += (int256) (_dividends * magnitude); // add ref. bonus _dividends += referralBalance_[_customerAddress]; referralBalance_[_customerAddress] = 0; if (_recipient == address(0x0)){ _recipient = msg.sender; } _recipient.transfer(_dividends); // Fire logging event. emit onWithdraw(_recipient, _dividends); } // Sells front-end tokens. // Logic concerning step-pricing of tokens pre/post-ICO is encapsulated in tokensToEthereum_. function sell(uint _amountOfTokens) onlyHolders() public { // No selling during the ICO. You don't get to flip that fast, sorry! require(!icoPhase); require(regularPhase); require(_amountOfTokens <= frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender]); uint _frontEndTokensToBurn = _amountOfTokens; // Calculate how many dividend tokens this action burns. // Computed as the caller's average dividend rate multiplied by the number of front-end tokens held. // As an additional guard, we ensure that the dividend rate is between 2 and 50 inclusive. uint userDivRate = getUserAverageDividendRate(msg.sender); require ((2*magnitude) <= userDivRate && (50*magnitude) >= userDivRate ); uint _divTokensToBurn = (_frontEndTokensToBurn.mul(userDivRate)).div(magnitude); // Calculate ethereum received before dividends uint _ethereum = tokensToEthereum_(_frontEndTokensToBurn); if (_ethereum > currentEthInvested){ // Well, congratulations, you've emptied the coffers. currentEthInvested = 0; } else { currentEthInvested = currentEthInvested - _ethereum; } // Calculate dividends generated from the sale. uint _dividends = (_ethereum.mul(getUserAverageDividendRate(msg.sender)).div(100)).div(magnitude); // Calculate Ethereum receivable net of dividends. uint _taxedEthereum = _ethereum.sub(_dividends); // Burn the sold tokens (both front-end and back-end variants). tokenSupply = tokenSupply.sub(_frontEndTokensToBurn); divTokenSupply = divTokenSupply.sub(_divTokensToBurn); // Subtract the token balances for the seller frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender] = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender].sub(_frontEndTokensToBurn); dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender] = dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender].sub(_divTokensToBurn); // Update dividends tracker int256 _updatedPayouts = (int256) (profitPerDivToken * _divTokensToBurn + (_taxedEthereum * magnitude)); payoutsTo_[msg.sender] -= _updatedPayouts; // Let's avoid breaking arithmetic where we can, eh? if (divTokenSupply > 0) { // Update the value of each remaining back-end dividend token. profitPerDivToken = profitPerDivToken.add((_dividends * magnitude) / divTokenSupply); } // Fire logging event. emit onTokenSell(msg.sender, _frontEndTokensToBurn, _taxedEthereum); } /** * Transfer tokens from the caller to a new holder. * No charge incurred for the transfer. We'd make a terrible bank. */ function transfer(address _toAddress, uint _amountOfTokens) onlyHolders() public returns(bool) { require(_amountOfTokens >= MIN_TOKEN_TRANSFER && _amountOfTokens <= frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender]); bytes memory empty; transferFromInternal(msg.sender, _toAddress, _amountOfTokens, empty); return true; } function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool) { address _customerAddress = msg.sender; allowed[_customerAddress][spender] = tokens; // Fire logging event. emit Approval(_customerAddress, spender, tokens); // Good old ERC20. return true; } /** * Transfer tokens from the caller to a new holder: the Used By Smart Contracts edition. * No charge incurred for the transfer. No seriously, we'd make a terrible bank. */ function transferFrom(address _from, address _toAddress, uint _amountOfTokens) public returns(bool) { // Setup variables address _customerAddress = _from; bytes memory empty; // Make sure we own the tokens we're transferring, are ALLOWED to transfer that many tokens, // and are transferring at least one full token. require(_amountOfTokens >= MIN_TOKEN_TRANSFER && _amountOfTokens <= frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress] && _amountOfTokens <= allowed[_customerAddress][msg.sender]); transferFromInternal(_from, _toAddress, _amountOfTokens, empty); // Good old ERC20. return true; } function transferTo (address _from, address _to, uint _amountOfTokens, bytes _data) public { if (_from != msg.sender){ require(_amountOfTokens >= MIN_TOKEN_TRANSFER && _amountOfTokens <= frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_from] && _amountOfTokens <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]); } else{ require(_amountOfTokens >= MIN_TOKEN_TRANSFER && _amountOfTokens <= frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_from]); } transferFromInternal(_from, _to, _amountOfTokens, _data); } // Who'd have thought we'd need this thing floating around? function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return tokenSupply; } // Anyone can start the regular phase 2 weeks after the ICO phase starts. // In case the devs die. Or something. function publicStartRegularPhase() public { require(now > (icoOpenTime + 2 weeks) && icoOpenTime != 0); icoPhase = false; regularPhase = true; } /*---------- ADMINISTRATOR ONLY FUNCTIONS ----------*/ // Fire the starting gun and then duck for cover. function startICOPhase() onlyAdministrator() public { // Prevent us from startaring the ICO phase again require(icoOpenTime == 0); icoPhase = true; icoOpenTime = now; } // Fire the ... ending gun? function endICOPhase() onlyAdministrator() public { icoPhase = false; } function startRegularPhase() onlyAdministrator public { // disable ico phase in case if that was not disabled yet icoPhase = false; regularPhase = true; } // The death of a great man demands the birth of a great son. function setAdministrator(address _newAdmin, bool _status) onlyAdministrator() public { administrators[_newAdmin] = _status; } function setStakingRequirement(uint _amountOfTokens) onlyAdministrator() public { // This plane only goes one way, lads. Never below the initial. require (_amountOfTokens >= 100e18); stakingRequirement = _amountOfTokens; } function setName(string _name) onlyAdministrator() public { name = _name; } function setSymbol(string _symbol) onlyAdministrator() public { symbol = _symbol; } function changeBankroll(address _newBankrollAddress) onlyAdministrator public { bankrollAddress = _newBankrollAddress; } /*---------- HELPERS AND CALCULATORS ----------*/ function totalEthereumBalance() public view returns(uint) { return address(this).balance; } function totalEthereumICOReceived() public view returns(uint) { return ethInvestedDuringICO; } /** * Retrieves your currently selected dividend rate. */ function getMyDividendRate() public view returns(uint8) { address _customerAddress = msg.sender; require(userSelectedRate[_customerAddress]); return userDividendRate[_customerAddress]; } /** * Retrieve the total frontend token supply */ function getFrontEndTokenSupply() public view returns(uint) { return tokenSupply; } /** * Retreive the total dividend token supply */ function getDividendTokenSupply() public view returns(uint) { return divTokenSupply; } /** * Retrieve the frontend tokens owned by the caller */ function myFrontEndTokens() public view returns(uint) { address _customerAddress = msg.sender; return getFrontEndTokenBalanceOf(_customerAddress); } /** * Retrieve the dividend tokens owned by the caller */ function myDividendTokens() public view returns(uint) { address _customerAddress = msg.sender; return getDividendTokenBalanceOf(_customerAddress); } function myReferralDividends() public view returns(uint) { return myDividends(true) - myDividends(false); } function myDividends(bool _includeReferralBonus) public view returns(uint) { address _customerAddress = msg.sender; return _includeReferralBonus ? dividendsOf(_customerAddress) + referralBalance_[_customerAddress] : dividendsOf(_customerAddress) ; } function theDividendsOf(bool _includeReferralBonus, address _customerAddress) public view returns(uint) { return _includeReferralBonus ? dividendsOf(_customerAddress) + referralBalance_[_customerAddress] : dividendsOf(_customerAddress) ; } function getFrontEndTokenBalanceOf(address _customerAddress) view public returns(uint) { return frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress]; } function balanceOf(address _owner) view public returns(uint) { return getFrontEndTokenBalanceOf(_owner); } function getDividendTokenBalanceOf(address _customerAddress) view public returns(uint) { return dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress]; } function dividendsOf(address _customerAddress) view public returns(uint) { return (uint) ((int256)(profitPerDivToken * dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress]) - payoutsTo_[_customerAddress]) / magnitude; } // Get the sell price at the user's average dividend rate function sellPrice() public view returns(uint) { uint price; if (icoPhase || currentEthInvested < ethInvestedDuringICO) { price = tokenPriceInitial_; } else { // Calculate the tokens received for 100 finney. // Divide to find the average, to calculate the price. uint tokensReceivedForEth = ethereumToTokens_(0.001 ether); price = (1e18 * 0.001 ether) / tokensReceivedForEth; } // Factor in the user's average dividend rate uint theSellPrice = price.sub((price.mul(getUserAverageDividendRate(msg.sender)).div(100)).div(magnitude)); return theSellPrice; } // Get the buy price at a particular dividend rate function buyPrice(uint dividendRate) public view returns(uint) { uint price; if (icoPhase || currentEthInvested < ethInvestedDuringICO) { price = tokenPriceInitial_; } else { // Calculate the tokens received for 100 finney. // Divide to find the average, to calculate the price. uint tokensReceivedForEth = ethereumToTokens_(0.001 ether); price = (1e18 * 0.001 ether) / tokensReceivedForEth; } // Factor in the user's selected dividend rate uint theBuyPrice = (price.mul(dividendRate).div(100)).add(price); return theBuyPrice; } function calculateTokensReceived(uint _ethereumToSpend) public view returns(uint) { uint _dividends = (_ethereumToSpend.mul(userDividendRate[msg.sender])).div(100); uint _taxedEthereum = _ethereumToSpend.sub(_dividends); uint _amountOfTokens = ethereumToTokens_(_taxedEthereum); return _amountOfTokens; } // When selling tokens, we need to calculate the user's current dividend rate. // This is different from their selected dividend rate. function calculateEthereumReceived(uint _tokensToSell) public view returns(uint) { require(_tokensToSell <= tokenSupply); uint _ethereum = tokensToEthereum_(_tokensToSell); uint userAverageDividendRate = getUserAverageDividendRate(msg.sender); uint _dividends = (_ethereum.mul(userAverageDividendRate).div(100)).div(magnitude); uint _taxedEthereum = _ethereum.sub(_dividends); return _taxedEthereum; } /* * Get's a user's average dividend rate - which is just their divTokenBalance / tokenBalance * We multiply by magnitude to avoid precision errors. */ function getUserAverageDividendRate(address user) public view returns (uint) { return (magnitude * dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[user]).div(frontTokenBalanceLedger_[user]); } function getMyAverageDividendRate() public view returns (uint) { return getUserAverageDividendRate(msg.sender); } /*========================================== = INTERNAL FUNCTIONS = ==========================================*/ /* Purchase tokens with Ether. During ICO phase, dividends should go to the bankroll During normal operation: 0.5% should go to the master dividend card 0.5% should go to the matching dividend card 25% of dividends should go to the referrer, if any is provided. */ function purchaseTokens(uint _incomingEthereum, address _referredBy) internal returns(uint) { require(_incomingEthereum >= MIN_ETH_BUYIN || msg.sender == bankrollAddress, "Tried to buy below the min eth buyin threshold."); uint toBankRoll; uint toReferrer; uint toTokenHolders; uint toDivCardHolders; uint dividendAmount; uint tokensBought; uint dividendTokensBought; uint remainingEth = _incomingEthereum; uint fee; // 1% for dividend card holders is taken off before anything else if (regularPhase) { toDivCardHolders = _incomingEthereum.div(100); remainingEth = remainingEth.sub(toDivCardHolders); } /* Next, we tax for dividends: Dividends = (ethereum * div%) / 100 Important note: if we're out of the ICO phase, the 1% sent to div-card holders is handled prior to any dividend taxes are considered. */ // Grab the user's dividend rate uint dividendRate = userDividendRate[msg.sender]; // Calculate the total dividends on this buy dividendAmount = (remainingEth.mul(dividendRate)).div(100); remainingEth = remainingEth.sub(dividendAmount); // If we're in the ICO and bankroll is buying, don't tax if (icoPhase && msg.sender == bankrollAddress) { remainingEth = remainingEth + dividendAmount; } // Calculate how many tokens to buy: tokensBought = ethereumToTokens_(remainingEth); dividendTokensBought = tokensBought.mul(dividendRate); // This is where we actually mint tokens: tokenSupply = tokenSupply.add(tokensBought); divTokenSupply = divTokenSupply.add(dividendTokensBought); /* Update the total investment tracker Note that this must be done AFTER we calculate how many tokens are bought - because ethereumToTokens needs to know the amount *before* investment, not *after* investment. */ currentEthInvested = currentEthInvested + remainingEth; // If ICO phase, all the dividends go to the bankroll if (icoPhase) { toBankRoll = dividendAmount; // If the bankroll is buying, we don't want to send eth back to the bankroll // Instead, let's just give it the tokens it would get in an infinite recursive buy if (msg.sender == bankrollAddress) { toBankRoll = 0; } toReferrer = 0; toTokenHolders = 0; /* ethInvestedDuringICO tracks how much Ether goes straight to tokens, not how much Ether we get total. this is so that our calculation using "investment" is accurate. */ ethInvestedDuringICO = ethInvestedDuringICO + remainingEth; tokensMintedDuringICO = tokensMintedDuringICO + tokensBought; // Cannot purchase more than the hard cap during ICO. require(ethInvestedDuringICO <= icoHardCap); // Contracts aren't allowed to participate in the ICO. require(tx.origin == msg.sender || msg.sender == bankrollAddress); // Cannot purchase more then the limit per address during the ICO. ICOBuyIn[msg.sender] += remainingEth; require(ICOBuyIn[msg.sender] <= addressICOLimit || msg.sender == bankrollAddress); // Stop the ICO phase if we reach the hard cap if (ethInvestedDuringICO == icoHardCap){ icoPhase = false; } } else { // Not ICO phase, check for referrals // 25% goes to referrers, if set // toReferrer = (dividends * 25)/100 if (_referredBy != 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 && _referredBy != msg.sender && frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_referredBy] >= stakingRequirement) { toReferrer = (dividendAmount.mul(referrer_percentage)).div(100); referralBalance_[_referredBy] += toReferrer; emit Referral(_referredBy, toReferrer); } // The rest of the dividends go to token holders toTokenHolders = dividendAmount.sub(toReferrer); fee = toTokenHolders * magnitude; fee = fee - (fee - (dividendTokensBought * (toTokenHolders * magnitude / (divTokenSupply)))); // Finally, increase the divToken value profitPerDivToken = profitPerDivToken.add((toTokenHolders.mul(magnitude)).div(divTokenSupply)); payoutsTo_[msg.sender] += (int256) ((profitPerDivToken * dividendTokensBought) - fee); } // Update the buyer's token amounts frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender] = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender].add(tokensBought); dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender] = dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[msg.sender].add(dividendTokensBought); // Transfer to bankroll and div cards if (toBankRoll != 0) { ZethrBankroll(bankrollAddress).receiveDividends.value(toBankRoll)(); } if (regularPhase) { divCardContract.receiveDividends.value(toDivCardHolders)(dividendRate); } // This event should help us track where all the eth is going emit Allocation(toBankRoll, toReferrer, toTokenHolders, toDivCardHolders, remainingEth); // Sanity checking uint sum = toBankRoll + toReferrer + toTokenHolders + toDivCardHolders + remainingEth - _incomingEthereum; assert(sum == 0); } // How many tokens one gets from a certain amount of ethereum. function ethereumToTokens_(uint _ethereumAmount) public view returns(uint) { require(_ethereumAmount > MIN_ETH_BUYIN, "Tried to buy tokens with too little eth."); if (icoPhase) { return _ethereumAmount.div(tokenPriceInitial_) * 1e18; } /* * i = investment, p = price, t = number of tokens * * i_current = p_initial * t_current (for t_current <= t_initial) * i_current = i_initial + (2/3)(t_current)^(3/2) (for t_current > t_initial) * * t_current = i_current / p_initial (for i_current <= i_initial) * t_current = t_initial + ((3/2)(i_current))^(2/3) (for i_current > i_initial) */ // First, separate out the buy into two segments: // 1) the amount of eth going towards ico-price tokens // 2) the amount of eth going towards pyramid-price (variable) tokens uint ethTowardsICOPriceTokens = 0; uint ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens = 0; if (currentEthInvested >= ethInvestedDuringICO) { // Option One: All the ETH goes towards variable-price tokens ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens = _ethereumAmount; } else if (currentEthInvested < ethInvestedDuringICO && currentEthInvested + _ethereumAmount <= ethInvestedDuringICO) { // Option Two: All the ETH goes towards ICO-price tokens ethTowardsICOPriceTokens = _ethereumAmount; } else if (currentEthInvested < ethInvestedDuringICO && currentEthInvested + _ethereumAmount > ethInvestedDuringICO) { // Option Three: Some ETH goes towards ICO-price tokens, some goes towards variable-price tokens ethTowardsICOPriceTokens = ethInvestedDuringICO.sub(currentEthInvested); ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens = _ethereumAmount.sub(ethTowardsICOPriceTokens); } else { // Option Four: Should be impossible, and compiler should optimize it out of existence. revert(); } // Sanity check: assert(ethTowardsICOPriceTokens + ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens == _ethereumAmount); // Separate out the number of tokens of each type this will buy: uint icoPriceTokens = 0; uint varPriceTokens = 0; // Now calculate each one per the above formulas. // Note: since tokens have 18 decimals of precision we multiply the result by 1e18. if (ethTowardsICOPriceTokens != 0) { icoPriceTokens = ethTowardsICOPriceTokens.mul(1e18).div(tokenPriceInitial_); } if (ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens != 0) { // Note: we can't use "currentEthInvested" for this calculation, we must use: // currentEthInvested + ethTowardsICOPriceTokens // This is because a split-buy essentially needs to simulate two separate buys - // including the currentEthInvested update that comes BEFORE variable price tokens are bought! uint simulatedEthBeforeInvested = toPowerOfThreeHalves(tokenSupply.div(MULTIPLIER * 1e6)).mul(2).div(3) + ethTowardsICOPriceTokens; uint simulatedEthAfterInvested = simulatedEthBeforeInvested + ethTowardsVariablePriceTokens; /* We have the equations for total tokens above; note that this is for TOTAL. To get the number of tokens this purchase buys, use the simulatedEthInvestedBefore and the simulatedEthInvestedAfter and calculate the difference in tokens. This is how many we get. */ uint tokensBefore = toPowerOfTwoThirds(simulatedEthBeforeInvested.mul(3).div(2)).mul(MULTIPLIER); uint tokensAfter = toPowerOfTwoThirds(simulatedEthAfterInvested.mul(3).div(2)).mul(MULTIPLIER); /* Note that we could use tokensBefore = tokenSupply + icoPriceTokens instead of dynamically calculating tokensBefore; either should work. Investment IS already multiplied by 1e18; however, because this is taken to a power of (2/3), we need to multiply the result by 1e6 to get back to the correct number of decimals. */ varPriceTokens = (1e6) * tokensAfter.sub(tokensBefore); } uint totalTokensReceived = icoPriceTokens + varPriceTokens; assert(totalTokensReceived > 0); return totalTokensReceived; } // How much Ether we get from selling N tokens function tokensToEthereum_(uint _tokens) public view returns(uint) { require (_tokens >= MIN_TOKEN_SELL_AMOUNT, "Tried to sell too few tokens."); /* * i = investment, p = price, t = number of tokens * * i_current = p_initial * t_current (for t_current <= t_initial) * i_current = i_initial + (2/3)(t_current)^(3/2) (for t_current > t_initial) * * t_current = i_current / p_initial (for i_current <= i_initial) * t_current = t_initial + ((3/2)(i_current))^(2/3) (for i_current > i_initial) */ // First, separate out the sell into two segments: // 1) the amount of tokens selling at the ICO price. // 2) the amount of tokens selling at the variable (pyramid) price uint tokensToSellAtICOPrice = 0; uint tokensToSellAtVariablePrice = 0; if (tokenSupply <= tokensMintedDuringICO) { // Option One: All the tokens sell at the ICO price. tokensToSellAtICOPrice = _tokens; } else if (tokenSupply > tokensMintedDuringICO && tokenSupply - _tokens >= tokensMintedDuringICO) { // Option Two: All the tokens sell at the variable price. tokensToSellAtVariablePrice = _tokens; } else if (tokenSupply > tokensMintedDuringICO && tokenSupply - _tokens < tokensMintedDuringICO) { // Option Three: Some tokens sell at the ICO price, and some sell at the variable price. tokensToSellAtVariablePrice = tokenSupply.sub(tokensMintedDuringICO); tokensToSellAtICOPrice = _tokens.sub(tokensToSellAtVariablePrice); } else { // Option Four: Should be impossible, and the compiler should optimize it out of existence. revert(); } // Sanity check: assert(tokensToSellAtVariablePrice + tokensToSellAtICOPrice == _tokens); // Track how much Ether we get from selling at each price function: uint ethFromICOPriceTokens; uint ethFromVarPriceTokens; // Now, actually calculate: if (tokensToSellAtICOPrice != 0) { /* Here, unlike the sister equation in ethereumToTokens, we DON'T need to multiply by 1e18, since we will be passed in an amount of tokens to sell that's already at the 18-decimal precision. We need to divide by 1e18 or we'll have too much Ether. */ ethFromICOPriceTokens = tokensToSellAtICOPrice.mul(tokenPriceInitial_).div(1e18); } if (tokensToSellAtVariablePrice != 0) { /* Note: Unlike the sister function in ethereumToTokens, we don't have to calculate any "virtual" token count. This is because in sells, we sell the variable price tokens **first**, and then we sell the ICO-price tokens. Thus there isn't any weird stuff going on with the token supply. We have the equations for total investment above; note that this is for TOTAL. To get the eth received from this sell, we calculate the new total investment after this sell. Note that we divide by 1e6 here as the inverse of multiplying by 1e6 in ethereumToTokens. */ uint investmentBefore = toPowerOfThreeHalves(tokenSupply.div(MULTIPLIER * 1e6)).mul(2).div(3); uint investmentAfter = toPowerOfThreeHalves((tokenSupply - tokensToSellAtVariablePrice).div(MULTIPLIER * 1e6)).mul(2).div(3); ethFromVarPriceTokens = investmentBefore.sub(investmentAfter); } uint totalEthReceived = ethFromVarPriceTokens + ethFromICOPriceTokens; assert(totalEthReceived > 0); return totalEthReceived; } function transferFromInternal(address _from, address _toAddress, uint _amountOfTokens, bytes _data) internal { require(regularPhase); require(_toAddress != address(0x0)); address _customerAddress = _from; uint _amountOfFrontEndTokens = _amountOfTokens; // Withdraw all outstanding dividends first (including those generated from referrals). if(theDividendsOf(true, _customerAddress) > 0) withdrawFrom(_customerAddress); // Calculate how many back-end dividend tokens to transfer. // This amount is proportional to the caller's average dividend rate multiplied by the proportion of tokens being transferred. uint _amountOfDivTokens = _amountOfFrontEndTokens.mul(getUserAverageDividendRate(_customerAddress)).div(magnitude); if (_customerAddress != msg.sender){ // Update the allowed balance. // Don't update this if we are transferring our own tokens (via transfer or buyAndTransfer) allowed[_customerAddress][msg.sender] -= _amountOfTokens; } // Exchange tokens frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress] = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress].sub(_amountOfFrontEndTokens); frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_toAddress] = frontTokenBalanceLedger_[_toAddress].add(_amountOfFrontEndTokens); dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress] = dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_customerAddress].sub(_amountOfDivTokens); dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_toAddress] = dividendTokenBalanceLedger_[_toAddress].add(_amountOfDivTokens); // Recipient inherits dividend percentage if they have not already selected one. if(!userSelectedRate[_toAddress]) { userSelectedRate[_toAddress] = true; userDividendRate[_toAddress] = userDividendRate[_customerAddress]; } // Update dividend trackers payoutsTo_[_customerAddress] -= (int256) (profitPerDivToken * _amountOfDivTokens); payoutsTo_[_toAddress] += (int256) (profitPerDivToken * _amountOfDivTokens); uint length; assembly { length := extcodesize(_toAddress) } if (length > 0){ // its a contract // note: at ethereum update ALL addresses are contracts ERC223Receiving receiver = ERC223Receiving(_toAddress); receiver.tokenFallback(_from, _amountOfTokens, _data); } // Fire logging event. emit Transfer(_customerAddress, _toAddress, _amountOfFrontEndTokens); } // Called from transferFrom. Always checks if _customerAddress has dividends. function withdrawFrom(address _customerAddress) internal { // Setup data uint _dividends = theDividendsOf(false, _customerAddress); // update dividend tracker payoutsTo_[_customerAddress] += (int256) (_dividends * magnitude); // add ref. bonus _dividends += referralBalance_[_customerAddress]; referralBalance_[_customerAddress] = 0; _customerAddress.transfer(_dividends); // Fire logging event. emit onWithdraw(_customerAddress, _dividends); } /*======================= = RESET FUNCTIONS = ======================*/ function injectEther() public payable onlyAdministrator { } /*======================= = MATHS FUNCTIONS = ======================*/ function toPowerOfThreeHalves(uint x) public pure returns (uint) { // m = 3, n = 2 // sqrt(x^3) return sqrt(x**3); } function toPowerOfTwoThirds(uint x) public pure returns (uint) { // m = 2, n = 3 // cbrt(x^2) return cbrt(x**2); } function sqrt(uint x) public pure returns (uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } function cbrt(uint x) public pure returns (uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 3; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / (z*z) + 2 * z) / 3; } } } /*======================= = INTERFACES = ======================*/ contract ZethrDividendCards { function ownerOf(uint /*_divCardId*/) public pure returns (address) {} function receiveDividends(uint /*_divCardRate*/) public payable {} } contract ZethrBankroll{ function receiveDividends() public payable {} } contract ERC223Receiving { function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _amountOfTokens, bytes _data) public returns (bool); } // Think it's safe to say y'all know what this is. library SafeMath { function mul(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } function div(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function sub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function add(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } }
File 2 of 2: Zlots
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; /* * ZETHR PRESENTS: SLOTS * * Written August 2018 by the Zethr team for * * Code framework written by Norsefire. * EV calculations written by TropicalRogue. * Audit and edits written by Klob. * * Rolling Odds: * 49.31% Lose * 35.64% Two Matching Icons * - 10.00% : 2x Multiplier [Two Rockets] * - 15.00% : 1.33x Multiplier [Two Gold Pyramids] * - 15.00% : 1x Multiplier [Two 'Z' Symbols] * - 15.00% : 1x Multiplier [Two 'T' Symbols] * - 15.00% : 1x Multiplier [Two 'H' Symbols] * - 15.00% : 1.33x Multiplier [Two Purple Pyramids] * - 15.00% : 2x Multiplier [Two Ether Icons] * 6.79% One Of Each Pyramid * - 1.5x Multiplier * 2.94% One Moon Icon * - 2.5x Multiplier * 5.00% Three Matching Icons * - 03.00% : 12x Multiplier [Three Rockets] * - 05.00% : 10x Multiplier [Three Gold Pyramids] * - 27.67% : 7.5x Multiplier [Three 'Z' Symbols] * - 27.67% : 7.5x Multiplier [Three 'T' Symbols] * - 27.67% : 7.5x Multiplier [Three 'H' Symbols] * - 05.00% : 10x Multiplier [Three Purple Pyramids] * - 04.00% : 15x Multiplier [Three Ether Icons] * 0.28% Z T H Prize * - 20x Multiplier * 0.03% Two Moon Icons * - 50x Multiplier * 0.0001% Three Moon Grand Jackpot * - Jackpot Amount (variable) * * Note: this contract is currently in beta. It is a one-payline, one-transaction-per-spin contract. * These will be expanded on in later versions of the contract. * From all of us at Zethr, thank you for playing! * */ // Zethr Token Bankroll interface contract ZethrTokenBankroll{ // Game request token transfer to player function gameRequestTokens(address target, uint tokens) public; function gameTokenAmount(address what) public returns (uint); } // Zether Main Bankroll interface contract ZethrMainBankroll{ function gameGetTokenBankrollList() public view returns (address[7]); } // Zethr main contract interface contract ZethrInterface{ function withdraw() public; } // Library for figuring out the "tier" (1-7) of a dividend rate library ZethrTierLibrary{ function getTier(uint divRate) internal pure returns (uint){ // Tier logic // Returns the index of the UsedBankrollAddresses which should be used to call into to withdraw tokens // We can divide by magnitude // Remainder is removed so we only get the actual number we want uint actualDiv = divRate; if (actualDiv >= 30){ return 6; } else if (actualDiv >= 25){ return 5; } else if (actualDiv >= 20){ return 4; } else if (actualDiv >= 15){ return 3; } else if (actualDiv >= 10){ return 2; } else if (actualDiv >= 5){ return 1; } else if (actualDiv >= 2){ return 0; } else{ // Impossible revert(); } } } // Contract that contains the functions to interact with the ZlotsJackpotHoldingContract contract ZlotsJackpotHoldingContract { function payOutWinner(address winner) public; function getJackpot() public view returns (uint); } // Contract that contains the functions to interact with the bankroll system contract ZethrBankrollBridge { // Must have an interface with the main Zethr token contract ZethrInterface Zethr; // Store the bankroll addresses // address[0] is main bankroll // address[1] is tier1: 2-5% // address[2] is tier2: 5-10, etc address[7] UsedBankrollAddresses; // Mapping for easy checking mapping(address => bool) ValidBankrollAddress; // Set up the tokenbankroll stuff function setupBankrollInterface(address ZethrMainBankrollAddress) internal { // Instantiate Zethr Zethr = ZethrInterface(0xD48B633045af65fF636F3c6edd744748351E020D); // Get the bankroll addresses from the main bankroll UsedBankrollAddresses = ZethrMainBankroll(ZethrMainBankrollAddress).gameGetTokenBankrollList(); for(uint i=0; i<7; i++){ ValidBankrollAddress[UsedBankrollAddresses[i]] = true; } } // Require a function to be called from a *token* bankroll modifier fromBankroll(){ require(ValidBankrollAddress[msg.sender], "msg.sender should be a valid bankroll"); _; } // Request a payment in tokens to a user FROM the appropriate tokenBankroll // Figure out the right bankroll via divRate function RequestBankrollPayment(address to, uint tokens, uint tier) internal { address tokenBankrollAddress = UsedBankrollAddresses[tier]; ZethrTokenBankroll(tokenBankrollAddress).gameRequestTokens(to, tokens); } function getZethrTokenBankroll(uint divRate) public constant returns (ZethrTokenBankroll){ return ZethrTokenBankroll(UsedBankrollAddresses[ZethrTierLibrary.getTier(divRate)]); } } // Contract that contains functions to move divs to the main bankroll contract ZethrShell is ZethrBankrollBridge { // Dump ETH balance to main bankroll function WithdrawToBankroll() public { address(UsedBankrollAddresses[0]).transfer(address(this).balance); } // Dump divs and dump ETH into bankroll function WithdrawAndTransferToBankroll() public { Zethr.withdraw(); WithdrawToBankroll(); } } // Zethr game data setup // Includes all necessary to run with Zethr contract Zlots is ZethrShell { using SafeMath for uint; // ---------------------- Events // Might as well notify everyone when the house takes its cut out. event HouseRetrievedTake( uint timeTaken, uint tokensWithdrawn ); // Fire an event whenever someone places a bet. event TokensWagered( address _wagerer, uint _wagered ); event LogResult( address _wagerer, uint _result, uint _profit, uint _wagered, uint _category, bool _win ); // Result announcement events (to dictate UI output!) event Loss(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 0 event ThreeMoonJackpot(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 1 event TwoMoonPrize(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 2 event ZTHPrize(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 3 event ThreeZSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 4 event ThreeTSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 5 event ThreeHSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 6 event ThreeEtherIcons(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 7 event ThreePurplePyramids(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 8 event ThreeGoldPyramids(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 9 event ThreeRockets(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 10 event OneMoonPrize(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 11 event OneOfEachPyramidPrize(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 12 event TwoZSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 13 event TwoTSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 14 event TwoHSymbols(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 15 event TwoEtherIcons(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 16 event TwoPurplePyramids(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 17 event TwoGoldPyramids(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 18 event TwoRockets(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Category 19 event SpinConcluded(address _wagerer, uint _block); // Debug event // ---------------------- Modifiers // Makes sure that player porfit can't exceed a maximum amount // We use the max win here - 50x modifier betIsValid(uint _betSize, uint divRate) { require(_betSize.mul(50) <= getMaxProfit(divRate)); _; } // Requires the game to be currently active modifier gameIsActive { require(gamePaused == false); _; } // Require msg.sender to be owner modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } // Requires msg.sender to be bankroll modifier onlyBankroll { require(msg.sender == bankroll); _; } // Requires msg.sender to be owner or bankroll modifier onlyOwnerOrBankroll { require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == bankroll); _; } // ---------------------- Variables // Configurables uint constant public maxProfitDivisor = 1000000; uint constant public houseEdgeDivisor = 1000; mapping (uint => uint) public maxProfit; uint public maxProfitAsPercentOfHouse; uint public minBet = 1e18; address public zlotsJackpot; address private owner; address private bankroll; bool gamePaused; // Trackers uint public totalSpins; uint public totalZTHWagered; mapping (uint => uint) public contractBalance; // Is betting allowed? (Administrative function, in the event of unforeseen bugs) bool public gameActive; address private ZTHTKNADDR; address private ZTHBANKROLL; // ---------------------- Functions // Constructor; must supply bankroll address constructor(address BankrollAddress) public { // Set up the bankroll interface setupBankrollInterface(BankrollAddress); // Owner is deployer owner = msg.sender; // Default max profit to 5% of contract balance ownerSetMaxProfitAsPercentOfHouse(50000); // Set starting variables bankroll = ZTHBANKROLL; gameActive = true; // Init min bet (1 ZTH) ownerSetMinBet(1e18); } // Zethr dividends gained are accumulated and sent to bankroll manually function() public payable { } // If the contract receives tokens, bundle them up in a struct and fire them over to _spinTokens for validation. struct TKN { address sender; uint value; } function execute(address _from, uint _value, uint divRate, bytes /* _data */) public fromBankroll returns (bool){ TKN memory _tkn; _tkn.sender = _from; _tkn.value = _value; _spinTokens(_tkn, divRate); return true; } struct playerSpin { uint200 tokenValue; // Token value in uint uint48 blockn; // Block number 48 bits uint8 tier; uint divRate; } // Mapping because a player can do one spin at a time mapping(address => playerSpin) public playerSpins; // Execute spin. function _spinTokens(TKN _tkn, uint divRate) private betIsValid(_tkn.value, divRate) { require(gameActive); require(block.number <= ((2 ** 48) - 1)); // Current block number smaller than storage of 1 uint56 address _customerAddress = _tkn.sender; uint _wagered = _tkn.value; playerSpin memory spin = playerSpins[_tkn.sender]; // We update the contract balance *before* the spin is over, not after // This means that we don't have to worry about unresolved rolls never resolving // (we also update it when a player wins) addContractBalance(divRate, _wagered); // Cannot spin twice in one block require(block.number != spin.blockn); // If there exists a spin, finish it if (spin.blockn != 0) { _finishSpin(_tkn.sender); } // Set struct block number and token value spin.blockn = uint48(block.number); spin.tokenValue = uint200(_wagered); spin.tier = uint8(ZethrTierLibrary.getTier(divRate)); spin.divRate = divRate; // Store the roll struct - 20k gas. playerSpins[_tkn.sender] = spin; // Increment total number of spins totalSpins += 1; // Total wagered totalZTHWagered += _wagered; emit TokensWagered(_customerAddress, _wagered); } // Finish the current spin of a player, if they have one function finishSpin() public gameIsActive returns (uint) { return _finishSpin(msg.sender); } // Pay winners, update contract balance, send rewards where applicable. function _finishSpin(address target) private returns (uint) { playerSpin memory spin = playerSpins[target]; require(spin.tokenValue > 0); // No re-entrancy require(spin.blockn != block.number); uint profit = 0; uint category = 0; uint playerDivrate = spin.divRate; // If the block is more than 255 blocks old, we can't get the result // Also, if the result has already happened, fail as well uint result; if (block.number - spin.blockn > 255) { result = 1000000; // Can't win: default to largest number } else { // Generate a result - random based ONLY on a past block (future when submitted). // Case statement barrier numbers defined by the current payment schema at the top of the contract. result = random(1000000, spin.blockn, target) + 1; } if (result > 506856) { // Player has lost. Womp womp. // Add one percent of player loss to the jackpot // (do this by requesting a payout to the jackpot) RequestBankrollPayment(zlotsJackpot, spin.tokenValue / 100, tier); // Null out player spin playerSpins[target] = playerSpin(uint200(0), uint48(0), uint8(0), uint(0)); emit Loss(target, spin.blockn); emit LogResult(target, result, profit, spin.tokenValue, category, false); } else if (result < 2) { // Player has won the three-moon mega jackpot! // Get profit amount via jackpot profit = ZlotsJackpotHoldingContract(zlotsJackpot).getJackpot(); category = 1; // Emit events emit ThreeMoonJackpot(target, spin.blockn); emit LogResult(target, result, profit, spin.tokenValue, category, true); // Grab the tier uint8 tier = spin.tier; // Null out spins playerSpins[target] = playerSpin(uint200(0), uint48(0), uint8(0), uint(0)); // Pay out the winner ZlotsJackpotHoldingContract(zlotsJackpot).payOutWinner(target); } else { if (result < 299) { // Player has won a two-moon prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 50); category = 2; emit TwoMoonPrize(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 3128) { // Player has won the Z T H prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 20); category = 3; emit ZTHPrize(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 16961) { // Player has won a three Z symbol prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 30), 10); category = 4; emit ThreeZSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 30794) { // Player has won a three T symbol prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 30), 10); category = 5; emit ThreeTSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 44627) { // Player has won a three H symbol prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 30), 10); category = 6; emit ThreeHSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 46627) { // Player has won a three Ether icon prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 11); category = 7; emit ThreeEtherIcons(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 49127) { // Player has won a three purple pyramid prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 75), 10); category = 8; emit ThreePurplePyramids(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 51627) { // Player has won a three gold pyramid prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 9); category = 9; emit ThreeGoldPyramids(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 53127) { // Player has won a three rocket prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 13); category = 10; emit ThreeRockets(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 82530) { // Player has won a one moon prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 25),10); category = 11; emit OneMoonPrize(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 150423) { // Player has won a each-coloured-pyramid prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 15),10); category = 12; emit OneOfEachPyramidPrize(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 203888) { // Player has won a two Z symbol prize! profit = spin.tokenValue; category = 13; emit TwoZSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 257353) { // Player has won a two T symbol prize! profit = spin.tokenValue; category = 14; emit TwoTSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 310818) { // Player has won a two H symbol prize! profit = spin.tokenValue; category = 15; emit TwoHSymbols(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 364283) { // Player has won a two Ether icon prize! profit = SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 2); category = 16; emit TwoEtherIcons(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 417748) { // Player has won a two purple pyramid prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 125), 100); category = 17; emit TwoPurplePyramids(target, spin.blockn); } else if (result < 471213) { // Player has won a two gold pyramid prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 133), 100); category = 18; emit TwoGoldPyramids(target, spin.blockn); } else { // Player has won a two rocket prize! profit = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(spin.tokenValue, 25), 10); category = 19; emit TwoRockets(target, spin.blockn); } // Subtact from contract balance their profit subContractBalance(playerDivrate, profit); emit LogResult(target, result, profit, spin.tokenValue, category, true); tier = spin.tier; playerSpins[target] = playerSpin(uint200(0), uint48(0), uint8(0), uint(0)); // Prevent Re-entrancy RequestBankrollPayment(target, profit, tier); } emit SpinConcluded(target, spin.blockn); return result; } // Returns a random number using a specified block number // Always use a FUTURE block number. function maxRandom(uint blockn, address entropy) private view returns (uint256 randomNumber) { return uint256(keccak256( abi.encodePacked( // address(this), // adds no entropy blockhash(blockn), entropy) )); } // Random helper function random(uint256 upper, uint256 blockn, address entropy) internal view returns (uint256 randomNumber) { return maxRandom(blockn, entropy) % upper; } // Sets max profit (internal) function setMaxProfit(uint divRate) internal { maxProfit[divRate] = (contractBalance[divRate] * maxProfitAsPercentOfHouse) / maxProfitDivisor; } // Gets max profit function getMaxProfit(uint divRate) public view returns (uint) { return (contractBalance[divRate] * maxProfitAsPercentOfHouse) / maxProfitDivisor; } // Subtracts from the contract balance tracking var function subContractBalance(uint divRate, uint sub) internal { contractBalance[divRate] = contractBalance[divRate].sub(sub); } // Adds to the contract balance tracking var function addContractBalance(uint divRate, uint add) internal { contractBalance[divRate] = contractBalance[divRate].add(add); } // An EXTERNAL update of tokens should be handled here // This is due to token allocation // The game should handle internal updates itself (e.g. tokens are betted) function bankrollExternalUpdateTokens(uint divRate, uint newBalance) public fromBankroll { contractBalance[divRate] = newBalance; setMaxProfit(divRate); } // Set the new max profit as percent of house - can be as high as 20% // (1,000,000 = 100%) function ownerSetMaxProfitAsPercentOfHouse(uint newMaxProfitAsPercent) public onlyOwner { // Restricts each bet to a maximum profit of 50% contractBalance require(newMaxProfitAsPercent <= 500000); maxProfitAsPercentOfHouse = newMaxProfitAsPercent; setMaxProfit(2); setMaxProfit(5); setMaxProfit(10); setMaxProfit(15); setMaxProfit(20); setMaxProfit(25); setMaxProfit(33); } // Only owner can set minBet function ownerSetMinBet(uint newMinimumBet) public onlyOwner { minBet = newMinimumBet; } // Only owner can set zlotsJackpot address function ownerSetZlotsAddress(address zlotsAddress) public onlyOwner { zlotsJackpot = zlotsAddress; } // If, for any reason, betting needs to be paused (very unlikely), this will freeze all bets. function pauseGame() public onlyOwnerOrBankroll { gameActive = false; } // The converse of the above, resuming betting if a freeze had been put in place. function resumeGame() public onlyOwnerOrBankroll { gameActive = true; } // Administrative function to change the owner of the contract. function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyOwnerOrBankroll { owner = _newOwner; } // Administrative function to change the Zethr bankroll contract, should the need arise. function changeBankroll(address _newBankroll) public onlyOwnerOrBankroll { bankroll = _newBankroll; } // Is the address that the token has come from actually ZTH? function _zthToken(address _tokenContract) private view returns (bool) { return _tokenContract == ZTHTKNADDR; } } // And here's the boring bit. /** * @title SafeMath * @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error */ library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function div(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } }