ETH Price: $1,875.82 (+0.34%)

Transaction Decoder

12893327 at Jul-25-2021 04:24:27 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.0008824992 ETH $1.66
Gas Used:
66,856 Gas / 13.2 Gwei

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
701.855798347000552406 Eth701.856680846200552406 Eth0.0008824992
0 Eth
Nonce: 0
0 Eth
Nonce: 1
From: 0 To: 6030886668835081139221044856447530615773794207936107524947588308672890510295754876633688254405738116626303646183225108295537063901264159944118610725536243
21.444499961355242797 Eth
Nonce: 26085
21.443617462155242797 Eth
Nonce: 26086

Execution Trace

ProxyFactory.deployNewInstance( salt=99F142615AE43D0BF776B5A6C299B430D1F7EEF7068F9F947AA5CF6DE483BBE1 ) => ( dst=0xBB37EF7f7E407Ac803BA113658573c68fB42333a )
  • 0xbb37ef7f7e407ac803ba113658573c68fb42333a.60408060( )
    deployNewInstance[ProxyFactory (ln:23)]
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity 0.6.11;
    contract ProxyFactory {
        /// @dev See comment below for explanation of the proxy INIT_CODE
        bytes private constant INIT_CODE =
        /// @dev The main address that the deployed proxies will forward to.
        address payable public immutable mainAddress;
        constructor(address payable addr) public {
            require(addr != address(0), '0x0 is an invalid address');
            mainAddress = addr;
         * @dev This deploys an extremely minimalist proxy contract with the
         * mainAddress embedded within.
         * Note: The bytecode is explained in comments below this contract.
         * @return dst The new contract address.
        function deployNewInstance(bytes32 salt) external returns (address dst) {
            // copy init code into memory
            // and immutable ExchangeDeposit address onto stack
            bytes memory initCodeMem = INIT_CODE;
            address payable addrStack = mainAddress;
            assembly {
                // Get the position of the start of init code
                let pos := add(initCodeMem, 0x20)
                // grab the first 32 bytes
                let first32 := mload(pos)
                // shift the address bytes 8 bits left
                let addrBytesShifted := shl(8, addrStack)
                // bitwise OR them and add the address into the init code memory
                mstore(pos, or(first32, addrBytesShifted))
                // create the contract
                dst := create2(
                    0, // Send no value to the contract
                    pos, // Deploy code starts at pos
                    74, // Deploy + runtime code is 74 bytes
                    salt // 32 byte salt
                // revert if failed
                if eq(dst, 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        // DEPLOY CODE (will not be returned by web3.eth.getCode())
        POS | OPCODE |  OPCODE TEXT      |  STACK                               |
        00  |  6040  |  PUSH1 0x40       |  0x40                                |
        02  |  80    |  DUP1             |  0x40 0x40                           |
        03  |  600a  |  PUSH1 0x0a       |  0x0a 0x40 0x40                      |
        05  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0a 0x40 0x40                  |
        06  |  39    |  CODECOPY         |  0x40                                |
        07  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x40                            |
        08  |  f3    |  RETURN           |                                      |
        09  |  fe    |  INVALID          |                                      |
        // Push the ExchangeDeposit address on the stack for DUPing later
        // Also pushing a 0x0 for DUPing later. (saves runtime AND deploy gas)
        // Then use the calldata size as the decider for whether to jump or not
        POS | OPCODE |  OPCODE TEXT      |  STACK                               |
        00  |  73... |  PUSH20 ...       |  {ADDR}                              |
        15  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        16  |  36    |  CALLDATASIZE     |  CDS 0x0 {ADDR}                      |
        17  |  6025  |  PUSH1 0x25       |  0x25 CDS 0x0 {ADDR}                 |
        19  |  57    |  JUMPI            |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        // If length === 0, CALL into address
        // This way, the proxy contract address becomes msg.sender and we can use
        // msg.sender in the Deposit Event
        // This also gives us access to our ExchangeDeposit storage (for forwarding address)
        POS | OPCODE |  OPCODE TEXT      |  STACK                                       |
        1A  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                              |
        1B  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        1C  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                      |
        1D  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                  |
        1E  |  34    |  CALLVALUE        |  VALUE 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}            |
        1F  |  86    |  DUP7             |  {ADDR} VALUE 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}     |
        20  |  5a    |  GAS              |  GAS {ADDR} VALUE 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR} |
        21  |  f1    |  CALL             |  {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                            |
        22  |  6031  |  PUSH1 0x31       |  0x31 {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                       |
        24  |  56    |  JUMP             |  {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                            |
        // If length > 0, DELEGATECALL into address
        // This will allow us to call gatherErc20 using the context of the proxy
        // address itself.
        POS | OPCODE |  OPCODE TEXT      |  STACK                                 |
        25  |  5b    |  JUMPDEST         |  0x0 {ADDR}                            |
        26  |  36    |  CALLDATASIZE     |  CDS 0x0 {ADDR}                        |
        27  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 CDS 0x0 {ADDR}                    |
        28  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 CDS 0x0 {ADDR}                |
        29  |  37    |  CALLDATACOPY     |  0x0 {ADDR}                            |
        2A  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                        |
        2B  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                    |
        2C  |  36    |  CALLDATASIZE     |  CDS 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}                |
        2D  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  0x0 CDS 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}            |
        2E  |  85    |  DUP6             |  {ADDR} 0x0 CDS 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR}     |
        2F  |  5a    |  GAS              |  GAS {ADDR} 0x0 CDS 0x0 0x0 0x0 {ADDR} |
        30  |  f4    |  DELEGATECALL     |  {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                      |
        // We take the result of the call, load in the returndata,
        // If call result == 0, failure, revert
        // else success, return
        POS | OPCODE |  OPCODE TEXT      |  STACK                               |
        31  |  5b    |  JUMPDEST         |  {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                    |
        32  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  RDS {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                |
        33  |  82    |  DUP3             |  0x0 RDS {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}            |
        34  |  80    |  DUP1             |  0x0 0x0 RDS {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}        |
        35  |  3e    |  RETURNDATACOPY   |  {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}                    |
        36  |  603c  |  PUSH1 0x3c       |  0x3c {RES} 0x0 {ADDR}               |
        38  |  57    |  JUMPI            |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        39  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  RDS 0x0 {ADDR}                      |
        3A  |  81    |  DUP2             |  0x0 RDS 0x0 {ADDR}                  |
        3B  |  fd    |  REVERT           |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        3C  |  5b    |  JUMPDEST         |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |
        3D  |  3d    |  RETURNDATASIZE   |  RDS 0x0 {ADDR}                      |
        3E  |  81    |  DUP2             |  0x0 RDS 0x0 {ADDR}                  |
        3F  |  f3    |  RETURN           |  0x0 {ADDR}                          |