ETH Price: $1,883.36 (-0.54%)

Transaction Decoder

6020684 at Jul-24-2018 08:41:30 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000139815 ETH $0.26
Gas Used:
27,963 Gas / 5 Gwei

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
0.013495965679965857 Eth
Nonce: 70
0.013356150679965857 Eth
Nonce: 71
7,457.393336758299923407 Eth7,457.393476573299923407 Eth0.000139815

Execution Trace

ETH 0.000480289 DragonKing.cee73630( )
 * Note for the truffle testversion:
 * DragonKingTest inherits from DragonKing and adds one more function for testing the volcano from truffle.
 * For deployment on ropsten or mainnet, just deploy the DragonKing contract and remove this comment before verifying on
 * etherscan.
 * */

  * Dragonking is a blockchain game in which players may purchase dragons and knights of different levels and values.
  * Once every period of time the volcano erupts and wipes a few of them from the board. The value of the killed characters
  * gets distributed amongst all of the survivors. The dragon king receive a bigger share than the others.
  * In contrast to dragons, knights need to be teleported to the battlefield first with the use of teleport tokens.
  * Additionally, they may attack a dragon once per period.
  * Both character types can be protected from death up to three times.
  * Take a look at for more detailed information.
  * @author: Julia Altenried, Yuriy Kashnikov
  * */

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

contract Ownable {
  address public owner;

  event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);

   * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
   * account.
  function Ownable() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

   * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
  modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

   * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
   * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
  function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
    require(newOwner != address(0));
    OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
    owner = newOwner;


contract mortal is Ownable {
	address owner;

	function mortal() {
		owner = msg.sender;

	function kill() internal {

contract Token {
	function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {}
	function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {}
	function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);

contract DragonKing is mortal {

	struct Character {
		uint8 characterType;
		uint128 value;
		address owner;
		uint64 purchaseTimestamp;

	/** array holding ids of the curret characters*/
	uint32[] public ids;
	/** the id to be given to the next character **/
	uint32 public nextId;
	/** the id of the oldest character */
	uint32 public oldest;
	/** the character belonging to a given id */
	mapping(uint32 => Character) characters;
	/** teleported knights **/
	mapping(uint32 => bool) teleported;
	/** the cost of each character type */
	uint128[] public costs;
	/** the value of each character type (cost - fee), so it's not necessary to compute it each time*/
	uint128[] public values;
	/** the fee to be paid each time an character is bought in percent*/
	uint8 fee;
	/** the number of dragon types **/
	uint8 constant public numDragonTypes = 6;
	/* the number of balloons types */
	uint8 constant public numOfBalloonsTypes = 3;
	/** constant used to signal that there is no King at the moment **/
	uint32 constant public noKing = ~uint32(0);

	/** total number of characters in the game  */
	uint16 public numCharacters;
	/** The maximum of characters allowed in the game */
	uint16 public maxCharacters;
	/** number of characters per type */
	mapping(uint8 => uint16) public numCharactersXType;

	/** the amount of time that should pass since last eruption **/
	uint public eruptionThreshold;
	/** timestampt of the last eruption event **/
	uint256 public lastEruptionTimestamp;
	/** how many characters to kill in %, e.g. 20 will stand for 20%, should be < 100 **/
	uint8 public percentageToKill;

	/** knight cooldown. contains the timestamp of the earliest possible moment to start a fight */
	mapping(uint32 => uint) public cooldown;
	uint256 public constant CooldownThreshold = 1 days;
	/** fight factor, used to compute extra probability in fight **/
	uint8 public fightFactor;

	/** the teleport token contract used to send knights to the game scene */
	Token public teleportToken;
	/** the price for teleportation*/
	uint public teleportPrice;
	/** the neverdue token contract used to purchase protection from eruptions and fights */
	Token public neverdieToken;
	/** the price for protection */
	uint public protectionPrice;
	/** tells the number of times a character is protected */
	mapping(uint32 => uint8) public protection;

	/** the SKL token contract **/
	Token public sklToken;
	/** the XP token contract **/
	Token public xperToken;


	/** is fired when new characters are purchased (who bought how many characters of which type?) */
	event NewPurchase(address player, uint8 characterType, uint16 amount, uint32 startId);
	/** is fired when a player leaves the game */
	event NewExit(address player, uint256 totalBalance, uint32[] removedCharacters);
	/** is fired when an eruption occurs */
	event NewEruption(uint32[] hitCharacters, uint128 value, uint128 gasCost);
	/** is fired when a single character is sold **/
	event NewSell(uint32 characterId, address player, uint256 value);
	/** is fired when a knight fights a dragon **/
	event NewFight(uint32 winnerID, uint32 loserID, uint256 value, uint16 probability, uint16 dice);
	/** is fired when a knight is teleported to the field **/
	event NewTeleport(uint32 characterId);
	/** is fired when a protection is purchased **/
	event NewProtection(uint32 characterId, uint8 lifes);

	/** initializes the contract parameters	 */
	function DragonKing(address teleportTokenAddress,
											address neverdieTokenAddress,
											address sklTokenAddress,
											address xperTokenAddress,
											uint8 eruptionThresholdInHours,
											uint8 percentageOfCharactersToKill,
											uint8 characterFee,
											uint16[] charactersCosts,
											uint16[] balloonsCosts) public onlyOwner {
		fee = characterFee;
		for (uint8 i = 0; i < charactersCosts.length * 2; i++) {
			costs.push(uint128(charactersCosts[i % numDragonTypes]) * 1 finney);
			values.push(costs[i] - costs[i] / 100 * fee);
		uint256 balloonsIndex = charactersCosts.length * 2;
		for (uint8 j = 0; j < balloonsCosts.length; j++) {
			costs.push(uint128(balloonsCosts[j]) * 1 finney);
			values.push(costs[balloonsIndex + j] - costs[balloonsIndex + j] / 100 * fee);
		eruptionThreshold = uint256(eruptionThresholdInHours) * 60 * 60; // convert to seconds
		percentageToKill = percentageOfCharactersToKill;
		maxCharacters = 600;
		nextId = 1;
		teleportToken = Token(teleportTokenAddress);
		teleportPrice = 1000000000000000000;
		neverdieToken = Token(neverdieTokenAddress);
		protectionPrice = 1000000000000000000;
		fightFactor = 4;
		sklToken = Token(sklTokenAddress);
		xperToken = Token(xperTokenAddress);

	 * buys as many characters as possible with the transfered value of the given type
	 * @param characterType the type of the character
	function addCharacters(uint8 characterType) payable public {
		require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
		uint16 amount = uint16(msg.value / costs[characterType]);
		uint16 nchars = numCharacters;
		if (characterType >= costs.length || msg.value < costs[characterType] || nchars + amount > maxCharacters) revert();
		uint32 nid = nextId;
		//if type exists, enough ether was transferred and there are less than maxCharacters characters in the game
		if (characterType < numDragonTypes) {
			//dragons enter the game directly
			if (oldest == 0 || oldest == noKing)
				oldest = nid;
			for (uint8 i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
				addCharacter(nid + i, nchars + i);
				characters[nid + i] = Character(characterType, values[characterType], msg.sender, uint64(now));
			numCharactersXType[characterType] += amount;
			numCharacters += amount;
		else {
			// to enter game knights should be teleported later
			for (uint8 j = 0; j < amount; j++) {
				characters[nid + j] = Character(characterType, values[characterType], msg.sender, uint64(now));
		nextId = nid + amount;
		NewPurchase(msg.sender, characterType, amount, nid);

	 * adds a single dragon of the given type to the ids array, which is used to iterate over all characters
	 * @param nId the id the character is about to receive
	 * @param nchars the number of characters currently in the game
	function addCharacter(uint32 nId, uint16 nchars) internal {
		if (nchars < ids.length)
			ids[nchars] = nId;

	 * leave the game.
	 * pays out the sender's balance and removes him and his characters from the game
	 * */
	function exit() public {
		uint32[] memory removed = new uint32[](50);
		uint8 count;
		uint32 lastId;
		uint playerBalance;
		uint16 nchars = numCharacters;
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < nchars; i++) {
			if (characters[ids[i]].owner == msg.sender 
					&& characters[ids[i]].purchaseTimestamp + 1 days < now
					&& characters[ids[i]].characterType < 2*numDragonTypes) {
				//first delete all characters at the end of the array
				while (nchars > 0 
						&& characters[ids[nchars - 1]].owner == msg.sender 
						&& characters[ids[nchars - 1]].purchaseTimestamp + 1 days < now
						&& characters[ids[nchars - 1]].characterType < 2*numDragonTypes) {
					lastId = ids[nchars];
					playerBalance += characters[lastId].value;
					removed[count] = lastId;
					if (lastId == oldest) oldest = 0;
					delete characters[lastId];
				//replace the players character by the last one
				if (nchars > i + 1) {
					playerBalance += characters[ids[i]].value;
					removed[count] = ids[i];
					replaceCharacter(i, nchars);
		numCharacters = nchars;
		NewExit(msg.sender, playerBalance, removed); //fire the event to notify the client
		if (oldest == 0)

	 * Replaces the character with the given id with the last character in the array
	 * @param index the index of the character in the id array
	 * @param nchars the number of characters
	 * */
	function replaceCharacter(uint16 index, uint16 nchars) internal {
		uint32 characterId = ids[index];
		if (characterId == oldest) oldest = 0;
		delete characters[characterId];
		ids[index] = ids[nchars];
		delete ids[nchars];

	 * The volcano eruption can be triggered by anybody but only if enough time has passed since the last eription.
	 * The volcano hits up to a certain percentage of characters, but at least one.
	 * The percantage is specified in 'percentageToKill'
	 * */

	function triggerVolcanoEruption() public {
	    require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
		require(now >= lastEruptionTimestamp + eruptionThreshold);
		lastEruptionTimestamp = now;
		uint128 pot;
		uint128 value;
		uint16 random;
		uint32 nextHitId;
		uint16 nchars = numCharacters;
		uint32 howmany = nchars * percentageToKill / 100;
		uint128 neededGas = 80000 + 10000 * uint32(nchars);
		if(howmany == 0) howmany = 1;//hit at least 1
		uint32[] memory hitCharacters = new uint32[](howmany);
		for (uint8 i = 0; i < howmany; i++) {
			random = uint16(generateRandomNumber(lastEruptionTimestamp + i) % nchars);
			nextHitId = ids[random];
			hitCharacters[i] = nextHitId;
			value = hitCharacter(random, nchars);
			if (value > 0) {
			pot += value;
		uint128 gasCost = uint128(neededGas * tx.gasprice);
		numCharacters = nchars;
		if (pot > gasCost){
			distribute(pot - gasCost); //distribute the pot minus the oraclize gas costs
			NewEruption(hitCharacters, pot - gasCost, gasCost);
			NewEruption(hitCharacters, 0, gasCost);

	 * A knight may attack a dragon, but not choose which one.
	 * The value of the loser is transfered to the winner.
	 * @param knightID the ID of the knight to perfrom the attack
	 * @param knightIndex the index of the knight in the ids-array. Just needed to save gas costs.
	 *						In case it's unknown or incorrect, the index is looked up in the array.
	 * */
	function fight(uint32 knightID, uint16 knightIndex) public {
		require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
		if (knightID != ids[knightIndex])
			knightIndex = getCharacterIndex(knightID);
		Character storage knight = characters[knightID];
		require(cooldown[knightID] + CooldownThreshold <= now);
		require(knight.owner == msg.sender);
		require(knight.characterType < 2*numDragonTypes); // knight is not a balloon
		require(knight.characterType >= numDragonTypes);
		uint16 dragonIndex = getRandomDragon(knightID);
		assert(dragonIndex < maxCharacters);
		uint32 dragonID = ids[dragonIndex];
		Character storage dragon = characters[dragonID];
		uint128 value;
		uint16 base_probability;
		uint16 dice = uint16(generateRandomNumber(knightID) % 100);
		uint256 knightPower = sklToken.balanceOf(knight.owner) / 10**15 + xperToken.balanceOf(knight.owner);
		uint256 dragonPower = sklToken.balanceOf(dragon.owner) / 10**15 + xperToken.balanceOf(dragon.owner);
		if (knight.value == dragon.value) {
				base_probability = 50;
			if (knightPower > dragonPower) {
				base_probability += uint16(100 / fightFactor);
			} else if (dragonPower > knightPower) {
				base_probability -= uint16(100 / fightFactor);
		} else if (knight.value > dragon.value) {
			base_probability = 100;
			if (dragonPower > knightPower) {
				base_probability -= uint16((100 * dragon.value) / knight.value / fightFactor);
		} else if (knightPower > dragonPower) {
				base_probability += uint16((100 * knight.value) / dragon.value / fightFactor);
		cooldown[knightID] = now;
		if (dice >= base_probability) {
			// dragon won
			value = hitCharacter(knightIndex, numCharacters);
			if (value > 0) {
			dragon.value += value;
			NewFight(dragonID, knightID, value, base_probability, dice);
		} else {
			// knight won
			value = hitCharacter(dragonIndex, numCharacters);
			if (value > 0) {
			knight.value += value;
			if (oldest == 0) findOldest();
			NewFight(knightID, dragonID, value, base_probability, dice);

	 * pick a random dragon.
	 * @param nonce a nonce to make sure there's not always the same dragon chosen in a single block.
	 * @return the index of a random dragon
	 * */
	function getRandomDragon(uint256 nonce) internal view returns(uint16) {
		uint16 randomIndex = uint16(generateRandomNumber(nonce) % numCharacters);
		//use 7, 11 or 13 as step size. scales for up to 1000 characters
		uint16 stepSize = numCharacters % 7 == 0 ? (numCharacters % 11 == 0 ? 13 : 11) : 7;
		uint16 i = randomIndex;
		//if the picked character is a knight or belongs to the sender, look at the character + stepSizes ahead in the array (modulo the total number)
		//will at some point return to the startingPoint if no character is suited
		do {
			if (characters[ids[i]].characterType < numDragonTypes && characters[ids[i]].owner != msg.sender) return i;
			i = (i + stepSize) % numCharacters;
		} while (i != randomIndex);
		return maxCharacters + 1; //there is none

	 * generate a random number.
	 * @param nonce a nonce to make sure there's not always the same number returned in a single block.
	 * @return the random number
	 * */
	function generateRandomNumber(uint256 nonce) internal view returns(uint) {
		return uint(keccak256(block.blockhash(block.number - 1), now, numCharacters, nonce));

	 * Hits the character of the given type at the given index.
	 * @param index the index of the character
	 * @param nchars the number of characters
	 * @return the value gained from hitting the characters (zero is the character was protected)
	 * */
	function hitCharacter(uint16 index, uint16 nchars) internal returns(uint128 characterValue) {
		uint32 id = ids[index];
		if (protection[id] > 0) {
			return 0;
		characterValue = characters[ids[index]].value;
		replaceCharacter(index, nchars);

	 * finds the oldest character
	 * */
	function findOldest() public {
		uint32 newOldest = noKing;
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < numCharacters; i++) {
			if (ids[i] < newOldest && characters[ids[i]].characterType < numDragonTypes)
				newOldest = ids[i];
		oldest = newOldest;

	* distributes the given amount among the surviving characters
	* @param totalAmount nthe amount to distribute
	function distribute(uint128 totalAmount) internal {
		uint128 amount;
		if (oldest == 0)
		if (oldest != noKing) {
			//pay 10% to the oldest dragon
			characters[oldest].value += totalAmount / 10;
			amount	= totalAmount / 10 * 9;
		} else {
			amount	= totalAmount;
		//distribute the rest according to their type
		uint128 valueSum;
		uint8 size = 2 * numDragonTypes;
		uint128[] memory shares = new uint128[](size);
		for (uint8 v = 0; v < size; v++) {
			if (numCharactersXType[v] > 0) valueSum += values[v];
		for (uint8 m = 0; m < size; m++) {
			if (numCharactersXType[m] > 0)
				shares[m] = amount * values[m] / valueSum / numCharactersXType[m];
		uint8 cType;
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < numCharacters; i++) {
			cType = characters[ids[i]].characterType;
			if(cType < size)
				characters[ids[i]].value += shares[characters[ids[i]].characterType];

	 * allows the owner to collect the accumulated fees
	 * sends the given amount to the owner's address if the amount does not exceed the
	 * fees (cannot touch the players' balances) minus 100 finney (ensure that oraclize fees can be paid)
	 * @param amount the amount to be collected
	 * */
	function collectFees(uint128 amount) public onlyOwner {
		uint collectedFees = getFees();
		if (amount + 100 finney < collectedFees) {

	* withdraw NDC and TPT tokens
	function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
		uint256 ndcBalance = neverdieToken.balanceOf(this);
		assert(neverdieToken.transfer(owner, ndcBalance));
		uint256 tptBalance = teleportToken.balanceOf(this);
		assert(teleportToken.transfer(owner, tptBalance));

	 * pays out the players.
	 * */
	function payOut() public onlyOwner {
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < numCharacters; i++) {
			delete characters[ids[i]];
		delete ids;
		numCharacters = 0;

	 * pays out the players and kills the game.
	 * */
	function stop() public onlyOwner {

	 * sell the character of the given id
	 * throws an exception in case of a knight not yet teleported to the game
	 * @param characterId the id of the character
	 * */
	function sellCharacter(uint32 characterId) public {
		require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
		require(msg.sender == characters[characterId].owner);
		require(characters[characterId].characterType < 2*numDragonTypes);
		require(characters[characterId].purchaseTimestamp + 1 days < now);
		uint128 val = characters[characterId].value;
		replaceCharacter(getCharacterIndex(characterId), numCharacters);
		if (oldest == 0)
		NewSell(characterId, msg.sender, val);

	 * receive approval to spend some tokens.
	 * used for teleport and protection.
	 * @param sender the sender address
	 * @param value the transferred value
	 * @param tokenContract the address of the token contract
	 * @param callData the data passed by the token contract
	 * */
	function receiveApproval(address sender, uint256 value, address tokenContract, bytes callData) public {
		uint32 id;
		uint256 price;
		if (msg.sender == address(teleportToken)) {
			id = toUint32(callData);
			price = teleportPrice * (characters[id].characterType/numDragonTypes);//double price in case of balloon
			require(value >= price);
			assert(teleportToken.transferFrom(sender, this, price));
		else if (msg.sender == address(neverdieToken)) {
			id = toUint32(callData);
			// user can purchase extra lifes only right after character purchaes
			// in other words, user value should be equal the initial value
			uint8 cType = characters[id].characterType;
			require(characters[id].value == values[cType]);

			// calc how many lifes user can actually buy
			// the formula is the following:

			uint256 lifePrice;
			uint8 max;
			if(cType < 2 * numDragonTypes){
				lifePrice = ((cType % numDragonTypes) + 1) * protectionPrice;
				max = 3;
			else {
				lifePrice = (((cType+3) % numDragonTypes) + 1) * protectionPrice * 2;
				max = 6;

			price = 0;
			uint8 i = protection[id];
			for (i; i < max && value >= price + lifePrice * (i + 1); i++) {
				price += lifePrice * (i + 1);
			assert(neverdieToken.transferFrom(sender, this, price));
			protectCharacter(id, i);

	 * knights are only entering the game completely, when they are teleported to the scene
	 * @param id the character id
	 * */
	function teleportKnight(uint32 id) internal {
		// ensure we do not teleport twice
		require(teleported[id] == false);
		teleported[id] = true;
		Character storage knight = characters[id];
		require(knight.characterType >= numDragonTypes); //this also makes calls with non-existent ids fail
		addCharacter(id, numCharacters);

	 * adds protection to a character
	 * @param id the character id
	 * @param lifes the number of protections
	 * */
	function protectCharacter(uint32 id, uint8 lifes) internal {
		protection[id] = lifes;
		NewProtection(id, lifes);

	/****************** GETTERS *************************/

	 * returns the character of the given id
	 * @param characterId the character id
	 * @return the type, value and owner of the character
	 * */
	function getCharacter(uint32 characterId) constant public returns(uint8, uint128, address) {
		return (characters[characterId].characterType, characters[characterId].value, characters[characterId].owner);

	 * returns the index of a character of the given id
	 * @param characterId the character id
	 * @return the character id
	 * */
	function getCharacterIndex(uint32 characterId) constant public returns(uint16) {
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
			if (ids[i] == characterId) {
				return i;

	 * returns 10 characters starting from a certain indey
	 * @param startIndex the index to start from
	 * @return 4 arrays containing the ids, types, values and owners of the characters
	 * */
	function get10Characters(uint16 startIndex) constant public returns(uint32[10] characterIds, uint8[10] types, uint128[10] values, address[10] owners) {
		uint32 endIndex = startIndex + 10 > numCharacters ? numCharacters : startIndex + 10;
		uint8 j = 0;
		uint32 id;
		for (uint16 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
			id = ids[i];
			characterIds[j] = id;
			types[j] = characters[id].characterType;
			values[j] = characters[id].value;
			owners[j] = characters[id].owner;


	 * returns the number of dragons in the game
	 * @return the number of dragons
	 * */
	function getNumDragons() constant public returns(uint16 numDragons) {
		for (uint8 i = 0; i < numDragonTypes; i++)
			numDragons += numCharactersXType[i];

	 * returns the number of knights in the game
	 * @return the number of knights
	 * */
	function getNumKnights() constant public returns(uint16 numKnights) {
		for (uint8 i = numDragonTypes; i < 2 * numDragonTypes; i++)
			numKnights += numCharactersXType[i];

	 * @return the accumulated fees
	 * */
	function getFees() constant public returns(uint) {
		uint reserved = 0;
		for (uint16 j = 0; j < numCharacters; j++)
			reserved += characters[ids[j]].value;
		return address(this).balance - reserved;

	/****************** SETTERS *************************/

	 * sets the prices of the character types
	 * @param prices the prices in finney
	 * */
	function setPrices(uint16[] prices) public onlyOwner {
		for (uint8 i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
			costs[i] = uint128(prices[i]) * 1 finney;
			values[i] = costs[i] - costs[i] / 100 * fee;

	 * sets the fight factor
	 * @param _factor the new fight factor
	 * */
	function setFightFactor(uint8 _factor) public onlyOwner {
		fightFactor = _factor;

	 * sets the fee to charge on each purchase
	 * @param _fee the new fee
	 * */
	function setFee(uint8 _fee) public onlyOwner {
		fee = _fee;

	 * sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the game
	 * @param number the new maximum
	 * */
	function setMaxCharacters(uint16 number) public onlyOwner {
		maxCharacters = number;

	 * sets the teleport price
	 * @param price the price in tokens
	 * */
	function setTeleportPrice(uint price) public onlyOwner {
		teleportPrice = price;

	 * sets the protection price
	 * @param price the price in tokens
	 * */
	function setProtectionPrice(uint price) public onlyOwner {
		protectionPrice = price;

	 * sets the eruption threshold
	 * @param et the new eruption threshold in seconds
	 * */
	function setEruptionThreshold(uint et) public onlyOwner {
		eruptionThreshold = et;

  function setPercentageToKill(uint8 percentage) public onlyOwner {
    percentageToKill = percentage;

	/************* HELPERS ****************/

	 * only works for bytes of length < 32
	 * @param b the byte input
	 * @return the uint
	 * */
	function toUint32(bytes b) internal pure returns(uint32) {
		bytes32 newB;
		assembly {
			newB: = mload(0x80)
		return uint32(newB);
