ETH Price: $1,877.36 (+0.42%)

Transaction Decoder

11158104 at Oct-30-2020 12:23:25 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00165150004819077 ETH $3.10
Gas Used:
33,030 Gas / 50.000001459 Gwei

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
(Babel Pool)
15,817.380541980438766055 Eth15,817.382193480486956825 Eth0.00165150004819077
2.773216620868211027 Eth
Nonce: 7090
2.771565120820020257 Eth
Nonce: 7091

Execution Trace

0x7ee8ab2a8d890c000acc87bf6e22e2ad383e23ce.865a6b4f( )
  • 0x63faee0a2cbcedc0102575c6ff17da38b1565c22.7ecc6397( )
    • RocketPoolToken.balanceOf( _owner=0x70EA56e46266f0137BAc6B75710e3546f47C855D ) => ( balance=259191114488087569480588 )
      pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
      contract Owned {
          address public owner;
          address public newOwner;
          event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed _from, address indexed _to);
          function Owned() {
              owner = msg.sender;
          modifier onlyOwner {
              require(msg.sender == owner);
          function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) onlyOwner {
              newOwner = _newOwner;
          function acceptOwnership() {
              require(msg.sender == newOwner);
              OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
              owner = newOwner;
      contract Token {
          uint256 public totalSupply;
          function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
          function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
          function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);
          event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
          event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
      library SafeMath {
        function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
          uint256 c = a * b;
          assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
          return c;
        function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
          // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
          uint256 c = a / b;
          // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
          return c;
        function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
          assert(b <= a);
          return a - b;
        function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
          uint256 c = a + b;
          assert(c >= a);
          return c;
        function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
          return a >= b ? a : b;
        function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
          return a < b ? a : b;
        function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
          return a >= b ? a : b;
        function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
          return a < b ? a : b;
      contract SalesAgentInterface {
           /**** Properties ***********/
          // Main contract token address
          address tokenContractAddress;
          // Contributions per address
          mapping (address => uint256) public contributions;    
          // Total ETH contributed     
          uint256 public contributedTotal;                       
          /// @dev Only allow access from the main token contract
          modifier onlyTokenContract() {_;}
          /*** Events ****************/
          event Contribute(address _agent, address _sender, uint256 _value);
          event FinaliseSale(address _agent, address _sender, uint256 _value);
          event Refund(address _agent, address _sender, uint256 _value);
          event ClaimTokens(address _agent, address _sender, uint256 _value);  
          /*** Methods ****************/
          /// @dev The address used for the depositAddress must checkin with the contract to verify it can interact with this contract, must happen or it won't accept funds
          function getDepositAddressVerify() public;
          /// @dev Get the contribution total of ETH from a contributor
          /// @param _owner The owners address
          function getContributionOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
      /*  ERC 20 token */
      contract StandardToken is Token {
          function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
            if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
              balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
              balances[_to] += _value;
              Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
              return true;
            } else {
              return false;
          function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
            if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
              balances[_to] += _value;
              balances[_from] -= _value;
              allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
              Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
              return true;
            } else {
              return false;
          function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
              return balances[_owner];
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
              allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
              Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
              return true;
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
            return allowed[_owner][_spender];
          mapping (address => uint256) balances;
          mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
      /// @title The main Rocket Pool Token (RPL) contract
      /// @author David Rugendyke -
      *   This is the main Rocket Pool Token (RPL) contract. It features
      *   Smart Agent compatibility. The Sale Agent is a new type of 
      *   contract that can authorise the minting of tokens on behalf of
      *   the traditional ERC20 token contract. This allows you to 
      *   distribute your ICO tokens through multiple Sale Agents, 
      *   at various times, of various token quantities and of varying
      *   fund targets. Once you’ve written a new Sale Agent contract,
      *   you can register him with the main ERC20 token contract, 
      *   he’s then permitted to sell it’s tokens on your behalf using
      *   guidelines such as the amount of tokens he’s allowed to sell, 
      *   the maximum ether he’s allowed to raise, the start block and
      *   end blocks he’s allowed to sell between and more.
      contract RocketPoolToken is StandardToken, Owned {
           /**** Properties ***********/
          string public name = "Rocket Pool";
          string public symbol = "RPL";
          string public version = "1.0";
          // Set our token units
          uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
          uint256 public exponent = 10**uint256(decimals);
          uint256 public totalSupply = 0;                             // The total of tokens currently minted by sales agent contracts    
          uint256 public totalSupplyCap = 18 * (10**6) * exponent;    // 18 Million tokens
          /**** Libs *****************/
          using SafeMath for uint;                           
          /*** Sale Addresses *********/
          mapping (address => SalesAgent) private salesAgents;   // Our contract addresses of our sales contracts 
          address[] private salesAgentsAddresses;                // Keep an array of all our sales agent addresses for iteration
          /*** Structs ***************/
          struct SalesAgent {                     // These are contract addresses that are authorised to mint tokens
              address saleContractAddress;        // Address of the contract
              bytes32 saleContractType;           // Type of the contract ie. presale, crowdsale 
              uint256 targetEthMax;               // The max amount of ether the agent is allowed raise
              uint256 targetEthMin;               // The min amount of ether to raise to consider this contracts sales a success
              uint256 tokensLimit;                // The maximum amount of tokens this sale contract is allowed to distribute
              uint256 tokensMinted;               // The current amount of tokens minted by this agent
              uint256 minDeposit;                 // The minimum deposit amount allowed
              uint256 maxDeposit;                 // The maximum deposit amount allowed
              uint256 startBlock;                 // The start block when allowed to mint tokens
              uint256 endBlock;                   // The end block when to finish minting tokens
              address depositAddress;             // The address that receives the ether for that sale contract
              bool depositAddressCheckedIn;       // The address that receives the ether for that sale contract must check in with its sale contract to verify its a valid address that can interact
              bool finalised;                     // Has this sales contract been completed and the ether sent to the deposit address?
              bool exists;                        // Check to see if the mapping exists
          /*** Events ****************/
          event MintToken(address _agent, address _address, uint256 _value);
          event SaleFinalised(address _agent, address _address, uint256 _value);
          /*** Tests *****************/
          event FlagUint(uint256 flag);
          event FlagAddress(address flag);
          /*** Modifiers *************/
          /// @dev Only allow access from the latest version of a sales contract
          modifier isSalesContract(address _sender) {
              // Is this an authorised sale contract?
              assert(salesAgents[_sender].exists == true);
          /**** Methods ***********/
          /// @dev RPL Token Init
          function RocketPoolToken() {}
          // @dev General validation for a sales agent contract receiving a contribution, additional validation can be done in the sale contract if required
          // @param _value The value of the contribution in wei
          // @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
          function validateContribution(uint256 _value) isSalesContract(msg.sender) returns (bool) {
              // Get an instance of the sale agent contract
              SalesAgentInterface saleAgent = SalesAgentInterface(msg.sender);
              // Did they send anything from a proper address?
              assert(_value > 0);  
              // Check the depositAddress has been verified by the account holder
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].depositAddressCheckedIn == true);
              // Check if we're ok to receive contributions, have we started?
              assert(block.number > salesAgents[msg.sender].startBlock);       
              // Already ended? Or if the end block is 0, it's an open ended sale until finalised by the depositAddress
              assert(block.number < salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock || salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock == 0); 
              // Is it above the min deposit amount?
              assert(_value >= salesAgents[msg.sender].minDeposit); 
              // Is it below the max deposit allowed?
              assert(_value <= salesAgents[msg.sender].maxDeposit); 
              // No contributions if the sale contract has finalised
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].finalised == false);      
              // Does this deposit put it over the max target ether for the sale contract?
              assert(saleAgent.contributedTotal().add(_value) <= salesAgents[msg.sender].targetEthMax);       
              // All good
              return true;
          // @dev General validation for a sales agent contract that requires the user claim the tokens after the sale has finished
          // @param _sender The address sent the request
          // @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
          function validateClaimTokens(address _sender) isSalesContract(msg.sender) returns (bool) {
              // Get an instance of the sale agent contract
              SalesAgentInterface saleAgent = SalesAgentInterface(msg.sender);
              // Must have previously contributed
              assert(saleAgent.getContributionOf(_sender) > 0); 
              // Sale contract completed
              assert(block.number > salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock);  
              // All good
              return true;
          // @dev Mint the Rocket Pool Tokens (RPL)
          // @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens.
          // @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint.
          // @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
          function mint(address _to, uint _amount) isSalesContract(msg.sender) returns (bool) {
              // Check if we're ok to mint new tokens, have we started?
              // We dont check for the end block as some sale agents mint tokens during the sale, and some after its finished (proportional sales)
              assert(block.number > salesAgents[msg.sender].startBlock);   
              // Check the depositAddress has been verified by the designated account holder that will receive the funds from that agent
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].depositAddressCheckedIn == true);
              // No minting if the sale contract has finalised
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].finalised == false);
              // Check we don't exceed the assigned tokens of the sale agent
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].tokensLimit >= salesAgents[msg.sender].tokensMinted.add(_amount));
              // Verify ok balances and values
              assert(_amount > 0);
               // Check we don't exceed the supply limit
              assert(totalSupply.add(_amount) <= totalSupplyCap);
               // Ok all good, automatically checks for overflow with safeMath
              balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
              // Add to the total minted for that agent, automatically checks for overflow with safeMath
              salesAgents[msg.sender].tokensMinted = salesAgents[msg.sender].tokensMinted.add(_amount);
              // Add to the overall total minted, automatically checks for overflow with safeMath
              totalSupply = totalSupply.add(_amount);
              // Fire the event
              MintToken(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
              // Fire the transfer event
              Transfer(0x0, _to, _amount); 
              // Completed
              return true; 
          /// @dev Returns the amount of tokens that can still be minted
          function getRemainingTokens() public constant returns(uint256) {
              return totalSupplyCap.sub(totalSupply);
          /// @dev Set the address of a new crowdsale/presale contract agent if needed, usefull for upgrading
          /// @param _saleAddress The address of the new token sale contract
          /// @param _saleContractType Type of the contract ie. presale, crowdsale, quarterly
          /// @param _targetEthMin The min amount of ether to raise to consider this contracts sales a success
          /// @param _targetEthMax The max amount of ether the agent is allowed raise
          /// @param _tokensLimit The maximum amount of tokens this sale contract is allowed to distribute
          /// @param _minDeposit The minimum deposit amount allowed
          /// @param _maxDeposit The maximum deposit amount allowed
          /// @param _startBlock The start block when allowed to mint tokens
          /// @param _endBlock The end block when to finish minting tokens
          /// @param _depositAddress The address that receives the ether for that sale contract
          function setSaleAgentContract(
              address _saleAddress, 
               string _saleContractType, 
              uint256 _targetEthMin, 
              uint256 _targetEthMax, 
              uint256 _tokensLimit, 
              uint256 _minDeposit,
              uint256 _maxDeposit,
              uint256 _startBlock, 
              uint256 _endBlock, 
              address _depositAddress
          // Only the owner can register a new sale agent
          public onlyOwner  
              // Valid addresses?
              assert(_saleAddress != 0x0 && _depositAddress != 0x0);  
              // Must have some available tokens
              assert(_tokensLimit > 0 && _tokensLimit <= totalSupplyCap);
              // Make sure the min deposit is less than or equal to the max
              assert(_minDeposit <= _maxDeposit);
              // Add the new sales contract
              salesAgents[_saleAddress] = SalesAgent({
                  saleContractAddress: _saleAddress,
                  saleContractType: sha3(_saleContractType),
                  targetEthMin: _targetEthMin,
                  targetEthMax: _targetEthMax,
                  tokensLimit: _tokensLimit,
                  tokensMinted: 0,
                  minDeposit: _minDeposit,
                  maxDeposit: _maxDeposit,
                  startBlock: _startBlock,
                  endBlock: _endBlock,
                  depositAddress: _depositAddress,
                  depositAddressCheckedIn: false,
                  finalised: false,
                  exists: true                      
              // Store our agent address so we can iterate over it if needed
          /// @dev Sets the contract sale agent process as completed, that sales agent is now retired
          function setSaleContractFinalised(address _sender) isSalesContract(msg.sender) public returns(bool) {
              // Get an instance of the sale agent contract
              SalesAgentInterface saleAgent = SalesAgentInterface(msg.sender);
              // Finalise the crowdsale funds
              // The address that will receive this contracts deposit, should match the original senders
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].depositAddress == _sender);            
              // If the end block is 0, it means an open ended crowdsale, once it's finalised, the end block is set to the current one
              if (salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock == 0) {
                  salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock = block.number;
              // Not yet finished?
              assert(block.number >= salesAgents[msg.sender].endBlock);         
              // Not enough raised?
              assert(saleAgent.contributedTotal() >= salesAgents[msg.sender].targetEthMin);
              // We're done now
              salesAgents[msg.sender].finalised = true;
              // Fire the event
              SaleFinalised(msg.sender, _sender, salesAgents[msg.sender].tokensMinted);
              // All good
              return true;
          /// @dev Verifies if the current address matches the depositAddress
          /// @param _verifyAddress The address to verify it matches the depositAddress given for the sales agent
          function setSaleContractDepositAddressVerified(address _verifyAddress) isSalesContract(msg.sender) public {
              // Check its verified
              assert(salesAgents[msg.sender].depositAddress == _verifyAddress && _verifyAddress != 0x0);
              // Ok set it now
              salesAgents[msg.sender].depositAddressCheckedIn = true;
          /// @dev Returns true if this sales contract has finalised
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractIsFinalised(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(bool) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].finalised;
          /// @dev Returns the min target amount of ether the contract wants to raise
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractTargetEtherMin(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].targetEthMin;
          /// @dev Returns the max target amount of ether the contract can raise
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractTargetEtherMax(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].targetEthMax;
          /// @dev Returns the min deposit amount of ether
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractDepositEtherMin(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].minDeposit;
          /// @dev Returns the max deposit amount of ether
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractDepositEtherMax(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].maxDeposit;
          /// @dev Returns the address where the sale contracts ether will be deposited
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractDepositAddress(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(address) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].depositAddress;
          /// @dev Returns the true if the sale agents deposit address has been verified
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractDepositAddressVerified(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(bool) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].depositAddressCheckedIn;
          /// @dev Returns the start block for the sale agent
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractStartBlock(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].startBlock;
          /// @dev Returns the start block for the sale agent
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractEndBlock(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].endBlock;
          /// @dev Returns the max tokens for the sale agent
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractTokensLimit(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].tokensLimit;
          /// @dev Returns the token total currently minted by the sale agent
          /// @param _salesAgentAddress The address of the token sale agent contract
          function getSaleContractTokensMinted(address _salesAgentAddress) constant isSalesContract(_salesAgentAddress) public returns(uint256) {
              return salesAgents[_salesAgentAddress].tokensMinted;