ETH Price: $1,895.30 (-1.11%)

Transaction Decoder

7000000 at Jan-02-2019 10:09:12 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00057114 ETH $1.08
Gas Used:
38,076 Gas / 15 Gwei

Emitted Events:

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
22.718864422 Eth
Nonce: 22191
22.718293282 Eth
Nonce: 22192
(MiningPoolHub: Old Address)
11,817.505171304552907806 Eth11,817.505742444552907806 Eth0.00057114

Execution Trace

Token.transfer( toAddr=0x703052a1Ef835DD5842190e53896672b8F9249F1, amountInWei=7500000000000000000 ) => ( True )
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;  
library     SafeMath
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) 
        if (a == 0)     return 0;
        uint256 c = a * b;
        assert(c / a == b);
        return c;
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) 
        return a/b;
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) 
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) 
        uint256 c = a + b;
        assert(c >= a);
        return c;
contract    ERC20 
    using SafeMath  for uint256;
    //----- VARIABLES

    address public              owner;          // Owner of this contract
    address public              admin;          // The one who is allowed to do changes 

    mapping(address => uint256)                         balances;       // Maintain balance in a mapping
    mapping(address => mapping (address => uint256))    allowances;     // Allowances index-1 = Owner account   index-2 = spender account


    string  public  constant    name       = "IOU Loyalty Exchange Token";
    string  public  constant    symbol     = "IOUX";
    uint256 public  constant    decimals   = 18;      // Handle the coin as FIAT (2 decimals). ETH Handles 18 decimal places
    uint256 public  constant    initSupply       = 800000000 * 10**decimals;        // 10**18 max
    uint256 public  constant    supplyReserveVal = 600000000 * 10**decimals;          // if quantity => the ##MACRO## addrs "* 10**decimals" 


    uint256 public              totalSupply;
    uint256 public              icoSalesSupply   = 0;                   // Needed when burning tokens
    uint256 public              icoReserveSupply = 0;
    uint256 public              softCap = 10000000  * 10**decimals;
    uint256 public              hardCap = 500000000 * 10**decimals;

    //---------------------------------------------------- smartcontract control

    uint256 public              icoDeadLine = 1545177600;     // 2018-12-19 00:00 (GMT+0)

    bool    public              isIcoPaused            = false; 
    bool    public              isStoppingIcoOnHardCap = false;


    modifier duringIcoOnlyTheOwner()  // if not during the ico : everyone is allowed at anytime
        require( now>icoDeadLine || msg.sender==owner );

    modifier icoFinished()          { require(now > icoDeadLine);           _; }
    modifier icoNotFinished()       { require(now <= icoDeadLine);          _; }
    modifier icoNotPaused()         { require(isIcoPaused==false);          _; }
    modifier icoPaused()            { require(isIcoPaused==true);           _; }
    modifier onlyOwner()            { require(msg.sender==owner);           _; }
    modifier onlyAdmin()            { require(msg.sender==admin);           _; }

    //----- EVENTS

    event Transfer(address indexed fromAddr, address indexed toAddr,   uint256 amount);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner,   address indexed _spender, uint256 amount);

            //---- extra EVENTS

    event EventOn_AdminUserChanged(   address oldAdmin,       address newAdmin);
    event EventOn_OwnershipTransfered(address oldOwner,       address newOwner);
    event EventOn_AdminUserChange(    address oldAdmin,       address newAdmin);
    event EventOn_IcoDeadlineChanged( uint256 oldIcoDeadLine, uint256 newIcoDeadline);
    event EventOn_HardcapChanged(     uint256 hardCap,        uint256 newHardCap);
    event EventOn_IcoIsNowPaused(       uint8 newPauseStatus);
    event EventOn_IcoHasRestarted(      uint8 newPauseStatus);

    constructor()   public 
        owner       = msg.sender;
        admin       = owner;

        isIcoPaused = false;

        balances[owner] = initSupply;   // send the tokens to the owner
        totalSupply     = initSupply;
        icoSalesSupply  = totalSupply;   

        //----- Handling if there is a special maximum amount of tokens to spend during the ICO or not

        icoSalesSupply   = totalSupply.sub(supplyReserveVal);
        icoReserveSupply = totalSupply.sub(icoSalesSupply);
    //----- ERC20 FUNCTIONS
    function balanceOf(address walletAddress) public constant returns (uint256 balance) 
        return balances[walletAddress];
    function transfer(address toAddr, uint256 amountInWei)  public   duringIcoOnlyTheOwner   returns (bool)     // don't icoNotPaused here. It's a logic issue. 
        require(toAddr!=0x0 && toAddr!=msg.sender && amountInWei>0);     // Prevent transfer to 0x0 address and to self, amount must be >0

        uint256 availableTokens = balances[msg.sender];

        //----- Checking Token reserve first : if during ICO    

        if (msg.sender==owner && now <= icoDeadLine)                    // ICO Reserve Supply checking: Don't touch the RESERVE of tokens when owner is selling

            uint256 balanceAfterTransfer = availableTokens.sub(amountInWei);      

            assert(balanceAfterTransfer >= icoReserveSupply);           // We try to sell more than allowed during an ICO


        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(amountInWei);
        balances[toAddr]     = balances[toAddr].add(amountInWei);

        emit Transfer(msg.sender, toAddr, amountInWei);

        return true;
    function allowance(address walletAddress, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining)
        return allowances[walletAddress][spender];
    function transferFrom(address fromAddr, address toAddr, uint256 amountInWei)  public  returns (bool) 
        if (amountInWei <= 0)                                   return false;
        if (allowances[fromAddr][msg.sender] < amountInWei)     return false;
        if (balances[fromAddr] < amountInWei)                   return false;

        balances[fromAddr]               = balances[fromAddr].sub(amountInWei);
        balances[toAddr]                 = balances[toAddr].add(amountInWei);
        allowances[fromAddr][msg.sender] = allowances[fromAddr][msg.sender].sub(amountInWei);

        emit Transfer(fromAddr, toAddr, amountInWei);
        return true;
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amountInWei) public returns (bool) 
        require((amountInWei == 0) || (allowances[msg.sender][spender] == 0));
        allowances[msg.sender][spender] = amountInWei;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amountInWei);

        return true;
    function() public                       
        assert(true == false);      // If Ether is sent to this address, don't handle it -> send it back.
    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner               // @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
        require(newOwner != address(0));

        emit EventOn_OwnershipTransfered(owner, newOwner);
        owner = newOwner;
    function    changeAdminUser(address newAdminAddress) public onlyOwner

        emit EventOn_AdminUserChange(admin, newAdminAddress);
        admin = newAdminAddress;
    function    changeIcoDeadLine(uint256 newIcoDeadline) public onlyAdmin

        emit EventOn_IcoDeadlineChanged(icoDeadLine, newIcoDeadline);
        icoDeadLine = newIcoDeadline;
    function    changeHardCap(uint256 newHardCap) public onlyAdmin

        emit EventOn_HardcapChanged(hardCap, newHardCap);
        hardCap = newHardCap;
    function    isHardcapReached()  public view returns(bool)
        return (isStoppingIcoOnHardCap && initSupply-balances[owner] > hardCap);
    function    pauseICO()  public onlyAdmin
        isIcoPaused = true;
        emit EventOn_IcoIsNowPaused(1);
    function    unpauseICO()  public onlyAdmin
        isIcoPaused = false;
        emit EventOn_IcoHasRestarted(0);
    function    isPausedICO() public view     returns(bool)
        return (isIcoPaused) ? true : false;
    // When ICO is closed, send the remaining (unsold) tokens to address 0x0
    // So no one will be able to use it anymore... 
    // Anyone can check address 0x0, so to proove unsold tokens belong to no one anymore
    function destroyRemainingTokens() public onlyAdmin icoFinished icoNotPaused  returns(uint)
        require(msg.sender==owner && now>icoDeadLine);

        address   toAddr = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;

        uint256   amountToBurn = balances[owner];

        if (amountToBurn > icoReserveSupply)
            amountToBurn = amountToBurn.sub(icoReserveSupply);

        balances[owner]  = balances[owner].sub(amountToBurn);
        balances[toAddr] = balances[toAddr].add(amountToBurn);

        emit Transfer(msg.sender, toAddr, amountToBurn);
        //Transfer(msg.sender, toAddr, amountToBurn);

        return 1;


contract    Token  is  ERC20
    using SafeMath  for uint256;

    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor
    constructor()   public 