ETH Price: $1,874.44 (-0.19%)

Transaction Decoder

5388707 at Apr-06-2018 02:56:10 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00249965 ETH $4.69
Gas Used:
49,993 Gas / 50 Gwei

Emitted Events:

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
(F2Pool Old)
4,199.742717486744566202 Eth4,199.745217136744566202 Eth0.00249965
0x8FDb8329...5CC3af82F 0.050073825805138027 Eth0.000000005805138027 Eth0.05007382
744,024.277800450501201155 Eth
Nonce: 5296465
744,024.325374620501201155 Eth
Nonce: 5296466

Execution Trace

UserWallet.sweep( _token=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, _amount=50073820000000000 ) => ( True )
  • Controller.sweeperOf( _token=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ) => ( 0xb2233FCEC42c588Ee71A594d9A25AA695345426c )
  • DefaultSweeper.sweep( _token=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, _amount=50073820000000000 ) => ( True )
    • Controller.CALL( )
    • Controller.CALL( )
    • Controller.CALL( )
    • Controller.CALL( )
    • ETH 0.05007382 Bittrex.CALL( )
    • Controller.logSweep( from=0x8FDb832946846A78e4FD64924FD299B5CC3af82F, to=0xFBb1b73C4f0BDa4f67dcA266ce6Ef42f520fBB98, token=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, amount=50073820000000000 )
      File 1 of 3: UserWallet
      pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
      // Copyright 2017 Bittrex
      contract AbstractSweeper {
          function sweep(address token, uint amount) returns (bool);
          function () { throw; }
          Controller controller;
          function AbstractSweeper(address _controller) {
              controller = Controller(_controller);
          modifier canSweep() {
              if (msg.sender != controller.authorizedCaller() && msg.sender != controller.owner()) throw;
              if (controller.halted()) throw;
      contract Token {
          function balanceOf(address a) returns (uint) {
              return 0;
          function transfer(address a, uint val) returns (bool) {
              return false;
      contract DefaultSweeper is AbstractSweeper {
          function DefaultSweeper(address controller)
                   AbstractSweeper(controller) {}
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              bool success = false;
              address destination = controller.destination();
              if (_token != address(0)) {
                  Token token = Token(_token);
                  uint amount = _amount;
                  if (amount > token.balanceOf(this)) {
                      return false;
                  success = token.transfer(destination, amount);
              else {
                  uint amountInWei = _amount;
                  if (amountInWei > this.balance) {
                      return false;
                  success = destination.send(amountInWei);
              if (success) {
                  controller.logSweep(this, destination, _token, _amount);
              return success;
      contract UserWallet {
          AbstractSweeperList sweeperList;
          function UserWallet(address _sweeperlist) {
              sweeperList = AbstractSweeperList(_sweeperlist);
          function () public payable { }
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) {
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              return sweeperList.sweeperOf(_token).delegatecall(;
      contract AbstractSweeperList {
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address);
      contract Controller is AbstractSweeperList {
          address public owner;
          address public authorizedCaller;
          address public destination;
          bool public halted;
          event LogNewWallet(address receiver);
          event LogSweep(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed token, uint amount);
          modifier onlyOwner() {
              if (msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          modifier onlyAuthorizedCaller() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller) throw; 
          modifier onlyAdmins() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller && msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          function Controller() 
              owner = msg.sender;
              destination = msg.sender;
              authorizedCaller = msg.sender;
          function changeAuthorizedCaller(address _newCaller) onlyOwner {
              authorizedCaller = _newCaller;
          function changeDestination(address _dest) onlyOwner {
              destination = _dest;
          function changeOwner(address _owner) onlyOwner {
              owner = _owner;
          function makeWallet() onlyAdmins returns (address wallet)  {
              wallet = address(new UserWallet(this));
          function halt() onlyAdmins {
              halted = true;
          function start() onlyOwner {
              halted = false;
          address public defaultSweeper = address(new DefaultSweeper(this));
          mapping (address => address) sweepers;
          function addSweeper(address _token, address _sweeper) onlyOwner {
              sweepers[_token] = _sweeper;
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address) {
              address sweeper = sweepers[_token];
              if (sweeper == 0) sweeper = defaultSweeper;
              return sweeper;
          function logSweep(address from, address to, address token, uint amount) {
              LogSweep(from, to, token, amount);

      File 2 of 3: Controller
      pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
      // Copyright 2017 Bittrex
      contract AbstractSweeper {
          function sweep(address token, uint amount) returns (bool);
          function () { throw; }
          Controller controller;
          function AbstractSweeper(address _controller) {
              controller = Controller(_controller);
          modifier canSweep() {
              if (msg.sender != controller.authorizedCaller() && msg.sender != controller.owner()) throw;
              if (controller.halted()) throw;
      contract Token {
          function balanceOf(address a) returns (uint) {
              return 0;
          function transfer(address a, uint val) returns (bool) {
              return false;
      contract DefaultSweeper is AbstractSweeper {
          function DefaultSweeper(address controller)
                   AbstractSweeper(controller) {}
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              bool success = false;
              address destination = controller.destination();
              if (_token != address(0)) {
                  Token token = Token(_token);
                  uint amount = _amount;
                  if (amount > token.balanceOf(this)) {
                      return false;
                  success = token.transfer(destination, amount);
              else {
                  uint amountInWei = _amount;
                  if (amountInWei > this.balance) {
                      return false;
                  success = destination.send(amountInWei);
              if (success) {
                  controller.logSweep(this, destination, _token, _amount);
              return success;
      contract UserWallet {
          AbstractSweeperList sweeperList;
          function UserWallet(address _sweeperlist) {
              sweeperList = AbstractSweeperList(_sweeperlist);
          function () public payable { }
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) {
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              return sweeperList.sweeperOf(_token).delegatecall(;
      contract AbstractSweeperList {
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address);
      contract Controller is AbstractSweeperList {
          address public owner;
          address public authorizedCaller;
          address public destination;
          bool public halted;
          event LogNewWallet(address receiver);
          event LogSweep(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed token, uint amount);
          modifier onlyOwner() {
              if (msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          modifier onlyAuthorizedCaller() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller) throw; 
          modifier onlyAdmins() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller && msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          function Controller() 
              owner = msg.sender;
              destination = msg.sender;
              authorizedCaller = msg.sender;
          function changeAuthorizedCaller(address _newCaller) onlyOwner {
              authorizedCaller = _newCaller;
          function changeDestination(address _dest) onlyOwner {
              destination = _dest;
          function changeOwner(address _owner) onlyOwner {
              owner = _owner;
          function makeWallet() onlyAdmins returns (address wallet)  {
              wallet = address(new UserWallet(this));
          function halt() onlyAdmins {
              halted = true;
          function start() onlyOwner {
              halted = false;
          address public defaultSweeper = address(new DefaultSweeper(this));
          mapping (address => address) sweepers;
          function addSweeper(address _token, address _sweeper) onlyOwner {
              sweepers[_token] = _sweeper;
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address) {
              address sweeper = sweepers[_token];
              if (sweeper == 0) sweeper = defaultSweeper;
              return sweeper;
          function logSweep(address from, address to, address token, uint amount) {
              LogSweep(from, to, token, amount);

      File 3 of 3: DefaultSweeper
      pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
      // Copyright 2017 Bittrex
      contract AbstractSweeper {
          function sweep(address token, uint amount) returns (bool);
          function () { throw; }
          Controller controller;
          function AbstractSweeper(address _controller) {
              controller = Controller(_controller);
          modifier canSweep() {
              if (msg.sender != controller.authorizedCaller() && msg.sender != controller.owner()) throw;
              if (controller.halted()) throw;
      contract Token {
          function balanceOf(address a) returns (uint) {
              return 0;
          function transfer(address a, uint val) returns (bool) {
              return false;
      contract DefaultSweeper is AbstractSweeper {
          function DefaultSweeper(address controller)
                   AbstractSweeper(controller) {}
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              bool success = false;
              address destination = controller.destination();
              if (_token != address(0)) {
                  Token token = Token(_token);
                  uint amount = _amount;
                  if (amount > token.balanceOf(this)) {
                      return false;
                  success = token.transfer(destination, amount);
              else {
                  uint amountInWei = _amount;
                  if (amountInWei > this.balance) {
                      return false;
                  success = destination.send(amountInWei);
              if (success) {
                  controller.logSweep(this, destination, _token, _amount);
              return success;
      contract UserWallet {
          AbstractSweeperList sweeperList;
          function UserWallet(address _sweeperlist) {
              sweeperList = AbstractSweeperList(_sweeperlist);
          function () public payable { }
          function tokenFallback(address _from, uint _value, bytes _data) {
          function sweep(address _token, uint _amount)
          returns (bool) {
              return sweeperList.sweeperOf(_token).delegatecall(;
      contract AbstractSweeperList {
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address);
      contract Controller is AbstractSweeperList {
          address public owner;
          address public authorizedCaller;
          address public destination;
          bool public halted;
          event LogNewWallet(address receiver);
          event LogSweep(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed token, uint amount);
          modifier onlyOwner() {
              if (msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          modifier onlyAuthorizedCaller() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller) throw; 
          modifier onlyAdmins() {
              if (msg.sender != authorizedCaller && msg.sender != owner) throw; 
          function Controller() 
              owner = msg.sender;
              destination = msg.sender;
              authorizedCaller = msg.sender;
          function changeAuthorizedCaller(address _newCaller) onlyOwner {
              authorizedCaller = _newCaller;
          function changeDestination(address _dest) onlyOwner {
              destination = _dest;
          function changeOwner(address _owner) onlyOwner {
              owner = _owner;
          function makeWallet() onlyAdmins returns (address wallet)  {
              wallet = address(new UserWallet(this));
          function halt() onlyAdmins {
              halted = true;
          function start() onlyOwner {
              halted = false;
          address public defaultSweeper = address(new DefaultSweeper(this));
          mapping (address => address) sweepers;
          function addSweeper(address _token, address _sweeper) onlyOwner {
              sweepers[_token] = _sweeper;
          function sweeperOf(address _token) returns (address) {
              address sweeper = sweepers[_token];
              if (sweeper == 0) sweeper = defaultSweeper;
              return sweeper;
          function logSweep(address from, address to, address token, uint amount) {
              LogSweep(from, to, token, amount);