ETH Price: $1,905.81 (-0.29%)
Gas: 0.54 Gwei

Transaction Decoder

19329895 at Feb-29-2024 01:26:35 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.003408312 ETH $6.50
Gas Used:
58,764 Gas / 58 Gwei

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
0.0270251 Eth
Nonce: 7
0.023616788 Eth
Nonce: 8
(Titan Builder)
146.593038999008405793 Eth146.593421800243879461 Eth0.000382801235473668

Execution Trace

AppProxyUpgradeable.a9059cbb( )
  • KernelProxy.be00bbd8( )
    • Kernel.getApp( _namespace=F1F3EB40F5BC1AD1344716CED8B8A0431D840B5783AEA1FD01786BC26F35AC0F, _appId=3CA7C3E38968823CCB4C78EA688DF41356F182AE1D159E4EE608D30D68CEF320 ) => ( 0x17144556fd3424EDC8Fc8A4C940B2D04936d17eb )
    • Lido.transfer( _recipient=0x48c04ed5691981C42154C6167398f95e8f38a7fF, _amount=103747332222181620 )
      File 1 of 4: AppProxyUpgradeable
      // File: contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library UnstructuredStorage {
          function getStorageBool(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bool data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageAddress(bytes32 position) internal view returns (address data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageBytes32(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bytes32 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageUint256(bytes32 position) internal view returns (uint256 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function setStorageBool(bytes32 position, bool data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageAddress(bytes32 position, address data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageBytes32(bytes32 position, bytes32 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageUint256(bytes32 position, uint256 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
      // File: contracts/acl/IACL.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IACL {
          function initialize(address permissionsCreator) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
      // File: contracts/common/IVaultRecoverable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IVaultRecoverable {
          event RecoverToVault(address indexed vault, address indexed token, uint256 amount);
          function transferToVault(address token) external;
          function allowRecoverability(address token) external view returns (bool);
          function getRecoveryVault() external view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/kernel/IKernel.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IKernelEvents {
          event SetApp(bytes32 indexed namespace, bytes32 indexed appId, address app);
      // This should be an interface, but interfaces can't inherit yet :(
      contract IKernel is IKernelEvents, IVaultRecoverable {
          function acl() public view returns (IACL);
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
          function setApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId, address app) public;
          function getApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId) public view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract AppStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.appId");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = 0x4172f0f7d2289153072b0a6ca36959e0cbe2efc3afe50fc81636caa96338137b;
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = 0xd625496217aa6a3453eecb9c3489dc5a53e6c67b444329ea2b2cbc9ff547639b;
          function kernel() public view returns (IKernel) {
              return IKernel(KERNEL_POSITION.getStorageAddress());
          function appId() public view returns (bytes32) {
              return APP_ID_POSITION.getStorageBytes32();
          function setKernel(IKernel _kernel) internal {
          function setAppId(bytes32 _appId) internal {
      // File: contracts/common/IsContract.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract IsContract {
          * NOTE: this should NEVER be used for authentication
          * (see pitfalls:
          * This is only intended to be used as a sanity check that an address is actually a contract,
          * RATHER THAN an address not being a contract.
          function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) {
              if (_target == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              uint256 size;
              assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) }
              return size > 0;
      // File: contracts/lib/misc/ERCProxy.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERCProxy {
          uint256 internal constant FORWARDING = 1;
          uint256 internal constant UPGRADEABLE = 2;
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId);
          function implementation() public view returns (address codeAddr);
      // File: contracts/common/DelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DelegateProxy is ERCProxy, IsContract {
          uint256 internal constant FWD_GAS_LIMIT = 10000;
          * @dev Performs a delegatecall and returns whatever the delegatecall returned (entire context execution will return!)
          * @param _dst Destination address to perform the delegatecall
          * @param _calldata Calldata for the delegatecall
          function delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes _calldata) internal {
              uint256 fwdGasLimit = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              assembly {
                  let result := delegatecall(sub(gas, fwdGasLimit), _dst, add(_calldata, 0x20), mload(_calldata), 0, 0)
                  let size := returndatasize
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)
                  returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)
                  // revert instead of invalid() bc if the underlying call failed with invalid() it already wasted gas.
                  // if the call returned error data, forward it
                  switch result case 0 { revert(ptr, size) }
                  default { return(ptr, size) }
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableStorage.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.depositableStorage.depositable")
          bytes32 internal constant DEPOSITABLE_POSITION = 0x665fd576fbbe6f247aff98f5c94a561e3f71ec2d3c988d56f12d342396c50cea;
          function isDepositable() public view returns (bool) {
              return DEPOSITABLE_POSITION.getStorageBool();
          function setDepositable(bool _depositable) internal {
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableDelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableDelegateProxy is DepositableStorage, DelegateProxy {
          event ProxyDeposit(address sender, uint256 value);
          function () external payable {
              uint256 forwardGasThreshold = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              bytes32 isDepositablePosition = DEPOSITABLE_POSITION;
              // Optimized assembly implementation to prevent EIP-1884 from breaking deposits, reference code in Solidity:
              assembly {
                  // Continue only if the gas left is lower than the threshold for forwarding to the implementation code,
                  // otherwise continue outside of the assembly block.
                  if lt(gas, forwardGasThreshold) {
                      // Only accept the deposit and emit an event if all of the following are true:
                      // the proxy accepts deposits (isDepositable), == 0, and msg.value > 0
                      if and(and(sload(isDepositablePosition), iszero(calldatasize)), gt(callvalue, 0)) {
                          // Equivalent Solidity code for emitting the event:
                          // emit ProxyDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
                          let logData := mload(0x40) // free memory pointer
                          mstore(logData, caller) // add 'msg.sender' to the log data (first event param)
                          mstore(add(logData, 0x20), callvalue) // add 'msg.value' to the log data (second event param)
                          // Emit an event with one topic to identify the event: keccak256('ProxyDeposit(address,uint256)') = 0x15ee...dee1
                          log1(logData, 0x40, 0x15eeaa57c7bd188c1388020bcadc2c436ec60d647d36ef5b9eb3c742217ddee1)
                          stop() // Stop. Exits execution context
                      // If any of above checks failed, revert the execution (if ETH was sent, it is returned to the sender)
                      revert(0, 0)
              address target = implementation();
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelConstants.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract KernelAppIds {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = apmNamehash("kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = apmNamehash("acl");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = apmNamehash("vault");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = 0x3b4bf6bf3ad5000ecf0f989d5befde585c6860fea3e574a4fab4c49d1c177d9c;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = 0xe3262375f45a6e2026b7e7b18c2b807434f2508fe1a2a3dfb493c7df8f4aad6a;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = 0x7e852e0fcfce6551c13800f1e7476f982525c2b5277ba14b24339c68416336d1;
      contract KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = keccak256("core");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = keccak256("base");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = keccak256("app");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = 0xc681a85306374a5ab27f0bbc385296a54bcd314a1948b6cf61c4ea1bc44bb9f8;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = 0xf1f3eb40f5bc1ad1344716ced8b8a0431d840b5783aea1fd01786bc26f35ac0f;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = 0xd6f028ca0e8edb4a8c9757ca4fdccab25fa1e0317da1188108f7d2dee14902fb;
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyBase.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyBase is AppStorage, DepositableDelegateProxy, KernelNamespaceConstants {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxy
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public {
              // Implicit check that kernel is actually a Kernel
              // The EVM doesn't actually provide a way for us to make sure, but we can force a revert to
              // occur if the kernel is set to 0x0 or a non-code address when we try to call a method on
              // it.
              address appCode = getAppBase(_appId);
              // If initialize payload is provided, it will be executed
              if (_initializePayload.length > 0) {
                  // Cannot make delegatecall as a delegateproxy.delegatedFwd as it
                  // returns ending execution context and halts contract deployment
          function getAppBase(bytes32 _appId) internal view returns (address) {
              return kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyUpgradeable.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyUpgradeable is AppProxyBase {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxyUpgradeable (makes it an upgradeable Aragon app)
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload)
              AppProxyBase(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload)
              public // solium-disable-line visibility-first
              // solium-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks
           * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return getAppBase(appId());
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return UPGRADEABLE;

      File 2 of 4: KernelProxy
       *Submitted for verification at on 2020-02-06
      // File: contracts/acl/IACL.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IACL {
          function initialize(address permissionsCreator) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
      // File: contracts/common/IVaultRecoverable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IVaultRecoverable {
          event RecoverToVault(address indexed vault, address indexed token, uint256 amount);
          function transferToVault(address token) external;
          function allowRecoverability(address token) external view returns (bool);
          function getRecoveryVault() external view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/kernel/IKernel.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IKernelEvents {
          event SetApp(bytes32 indexed namespace, bytes32 indexed appId, address app);
      // This should be an interface, but interfaces can't inherit yet :(
      contract IKernel is IKernelEvents, IVaultRecoverable {
          function acl() public view returns (IACL);
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
          function setApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId, address app) public;
          function getApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId) public view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelConstants.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract KernelAppIds {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = apmNamehash("kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = apmNamehash("acl");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = apmNamehash("vault");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = 0x3b4bf6bf3ad5000ecf0f989d5befde585c6860fea3e574a4fab4c49d1c177d9c;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = 0xe3262375f45a6e2026b7e7b18c2b807434f2508fe1a2a3dfb493c7df8f4aad6a;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = 0x7e852e0fcfce6551c13800f1e7476f982525c2b5277ba14b24339c68416336d1;
      contract KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = keccak256("core");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = keccak256("base");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = keccak256("app");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = 0xc681a85306374a5ab27f0bbc385296a54bcd314a1948b6cf61c4ea1bc44bb9f8;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = 0xf1f3eb40f5bc1ad1344716ced8b8a0431d840b5783aea1fd01786bc26f35ac0f;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = 0xd6f028ca0e8edb4a8c9757ca4fdccab25fa1e0317da1188108f7d2dee14902fb;
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelStorage.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract KernelStorage {
          // namespace => app id => address
          mapping (bytes32 => mapping (bytes32 => address)) public apps;
          bytes32 public recoveryVaultAppId;
      // File: contracts/acl/ACLSyntaxSugar.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ACLSyntaxSugar {
          function arr() internal pure returns (uint256[]) {
              return new uint256[](0);
          function arr(bytes32 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(bytes32 _a, bytes32 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(address _a, address _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c, _d);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), _c, _d, _e);
          function arr(address _a, address _b, address _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(uint256 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](1);
              r[0] = _a;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](2);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](3);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](4);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](5);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
              r[4] = _e;
      contract ACLHelpers {
          function decodeParamOp(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 30));
          function decodeParamId(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 31));
          function decodeParamsList(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c) {
              a = uint32(_x);
              b = uint32(_x >> (8 * 4));
              c = uint32(_x >> (8 * 8));
      // File: contracts/common/ConversionHelpers.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library ConversionHelpers {
          string private constant ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH = "CONVERSION_IMPROPER_LENGTH";
          function dangerouslyCastUintArrayToBytes(uint256[] memory _input) internal pure returns (bytes memory output) {
              // Force cast the uint256[] into a bytes array, by overwriting its length
              // Note that the bytes array doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 byteLength = _input.length * 32;
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, byteLength)
          function dangerouslyCastBytesToUintArray(bytes memory _input) internal pure returns (uint256[] memory output) {
              // Force cast the bytes array into a uint256[], by overwriting its length
              // Note that the uint256[] doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 intsLength = _input.length / 32;
              require(_input.length == intsLength * 32, ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH);
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, intsLength)
      // File: contracts/common/IsContract.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract IsContract {
          * NOTE: this should NEVER be used for authentication
          * (see pitfalls:
          * This is only intended to be used as a sanity check that an address is actually a contract,
          * RATHER THAN an address not being a contract.
          function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) {
              if (_target == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              uint256 size;
              assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) }
              return size > 0;
      // File: contracts/common/Uint256Helpers.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library Uint256Helpers {
          uint256 private constant MAX_UINT64 = uint64(-1);
          string private constant ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "UINT64_NUMBER_TOO_BIG";
          function toUint64(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint64) {
              require(a <= MAX_UINT64, ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG);
              return uint64(a);
      // File: contracts/common/TimeHelpers.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract TimeHelpers {
          using Uint256Helpers for uint256;
          * @dev Returns the current block number.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.number;
          * @dev Returns the current block number, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getBlockNumber().toUint64();
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.timestamp; // solium-disable-line security/no-block-members
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getTimestamp().toUint64();
      // File: contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library UnstructuredStorage {
          function getStorageBool(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bool data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageAddress(bytes32 position) internal view returns (address data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageBytes32(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bytes32 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageUint256(bytes32 position) internal view returns (uint256 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function setStorageBool(bytes32 position, bool data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageAddress(bytes32 position, address data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageBytes32(bytes32 position, bytes32 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageUint256(bytes32 position, uint256 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
      // File: contracts/common/Initializable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract Initializable is TimeHelpers {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.initializable.initializationBlock")
          bytes32 internal constant INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION = 0xebb05b386a8d34882b8711d156f463690983dc47815980fb82aeeff1aa43579e;
          string private constant ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = "INIT_NOT_INITIALIZED";
          modifier onlyInit {
              require(getInitializationBlock() == 0, ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
          modifier isInitialized {
              require(hasInitialized(), ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
          * @return Block number in which the contract was initialized
          function getInitializationBlock() public view returns (uint256) {
              return INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
          * @return Whether the contract has been initialized by the time of the current block
          function hasInitialized() public view returns (bool) {
              uint256 initializationBlock = getInitializationBlock();
              return initializationBlock != 0 && getBlockNumber() >= initializationBlock;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization has finished.
          function initialized() internal onlyInit {
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization to enable the contract
          *      at a future block number rather than immediately.
          function initializedAt(uint256 _blockNumber) internal onlyInit {
      // File: contracts/common/Petrifiable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract Petrifiable is Initializable {
          // Use block UINT256_MAX (which should be never) as the initializable date
          uint256 internal constant PETRIFIED_BLOCK = uint256(-1);
          function isPetrified() public view returns (bool) {
              return getInitializationBlock() == PETRIFIED_BLOCK;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract to prevent being initialized.
          *      Useful for freezing base contracts when they're used behind proxies.
          function petrify() internal onlyInit {
      // File: contracts/lib/token/ERC20.sol
      // See
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
       * @title ERC20 interface
       * @dev see
      contract ERC20 {
          function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
          function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256);
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
              public view returns (uint256);
          function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          event Transfer(
              address indexed from,
              address indexed to,
              uint256 value
          event Approval(
              address indexed owner,
              address indexed spender,
              uint256 value
      // File: contracts/common/EtherTokenConstant.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      // aragonOS and aragon-apps rely on address(0) to denote native ETH, in
      // contracts where both tokens and ETH are accepted
      contract EtherTokenConstant {
          address internal constant ETH = address(0);
      // File: contracts/common/SafeERC20.sol
      // Inspired by AdEx (
      // and 0x (
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library SafeERC20 {
          // Before 0.5, solidity has a mismatch between `address.transfer()` and `token.transfer()`:
          bytes4 private constant TRANSFER_SELECTOR = 0xa9059cbb;
          string private constant ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED = "SAFE_ERC_20_BALANCE_REVERTED";
          function invokeAndCheckSuccess(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool)
              bool ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  let success := call(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      0,                    // no value
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      // Check number of bytes returned from last function call
                      switch returndatasize
                      // No bytes returned: assume success
                      case 0 {
                          ret := 1
                      // 32 bytes returned: check if non-zero
                      case 0x20 {
                          // Only return success if returned data was true
                          // Already have output in ptr
                          ret := eq(mload(ptr), 1)
                      // Not sure what was returned: don't mark as success
                      default { }
              return ret;
          function staticInvoke(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool, uint256)
              bool success;
              uint256 ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  success := staticcall(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      ret := mload(ptr)
              return (success, ret);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transfer() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransfer(ERC20 _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transferFrom() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferFromCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferFromCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.approve() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeApprove(ERC20 _token, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory approveCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, approveCallData);
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.balanceOf().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticBalanceOf(ERC20 _token, address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory balanceOfCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 tokenBalance) = staticInvoke(_token, balanceOfCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED);
              return tokenBalance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.allowance().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticAllowance(ERC20 _token, address _owner, address _spender) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory allowanceCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 allowance) = staticInvoke(_token, allowanceCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return allowance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.totalSupply().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticTotalSupply(ERC20 _token) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory totalSupplyCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(_token.totalSupply.selector);
              (bool success, uint256 totalSupply) = staticInvoke(_token, totalSupplyCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return totalSupply;
      // File: contracts/common/VaultRecoverable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract VaultRecoverable is IVaultRecoverable, EtherTokenConstant, IsContract {
          using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
          string private constant ERROR_DISALLOWED = "RECOVER_DISALLOWED";
          string private constant ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT = "RECOVER_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT";
           * @notice Send funds to recovery Vault. This contract should never receive funds,
           *         but in case it does, this function allows one to recover them.
           * @param _token Token balance to be sent to recovery vault.
          function transferToVault(address _token) external {
              require(allowRecoverability(_token), ERROR_DISALLOWED);
              address vault = getRecoveryVault();
              require(isContract(vault), ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT);
              uint256 balance;
              if (_token == ETH) {
                  balance = address(this).balance;
              } else {
                  ERC20 token = ERC20(_token);
                  balance = token.staticBalanceOf(this);
                  require(token.safeTransfer(vault, balance), ERROR_TOKEN_TRANSFER_FAILED);
              emit RecoverToVault(vault, _token, balance);
          * @dev By default deriving from AragonApp makes it recoverable
          * @param token Token address that would be recovered
          * @return bool whether the app allows the recovery
          function allowRecoverability(address token) public view returns (bool) {
              return true;
          // Cast non-implemented interface to be public so we can use it internally
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract AppStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.appId");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = 0x4172f0f7d2289153072b0a6ca36959e0cbe2efc3afe50fc81636caa96338137b;
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = 0xd625496217aa6a3453eecb9c3489dc5a53e6c67b444329ea2b2cbc9ff547639b;
          function kernel() public view returns (IKernel) {
              return IKernel(KERNEL_POSITION.getStorageAddress());
          function appId() public view returns (bytes32) {
              return APP_ID_POSITION.getStorageBytes32();
          function setKernel(IKernel _kernel) internal {
          function setAppId(bytes32 _appId) internal {
      // File: contracts/lib/misc/ERCProxy.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERCProxy {
          uint256 internal constant FORWARDING = 1;
          uint256 internal constant UPGRADEABLE = 2;
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId);
          function implementation() public view returns (address codeAddr);
      // File: contracts/common/DelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DelegateProxy is ERCProxy, IsContract {
          uint256 internal constant FWD_GAS_LIMIT = 10000;
          * @dev Performs a delegatecall and returns whatever the delegatecall returned (entire context execution will return!)
          * @param _dst Destination address to perform the delegatecall
          * @param _calldata Calldata for the delegatecall
          function delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes _calldata) internal {
              uint256 fwdGasLimit = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              assembly {
                  let result := delegatecall(sub(gas, fwdGasLimit), _dst, add(_calldata, 0x20), mload(_calldata), 0, 0)
                  let size := returndatasize
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)
                  returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)
                  // revert instead of invalid() bc if the underlying call failed with invalid() it already wasted gas.
                  // if the call returned error data, forward it
                  switch result case 0 { revert(ptr, size) }
                  default { return(ptr, size) }
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableStorage.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.depositableStorage.depositable")
          bytes32 internal constant DEPOSITABLE_POSITION = 0x665fd576fbbe6f247aff98f5c94a561e3f71ec2d3c988d56f12d342396c50cea;
          function isDepositable() public view returns (bool) {
              return DEPOSITABLE_POSITION.getStorageBool();
          function setDepositable(bool _depositable) internal {
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableDelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableDelegateProxy is DepositableStorage, DelegateProxy {
          event ProxyDeposit(address sender, uint256 value);
          function () external payable {
              uint256 forwardGasThreshold = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              bytes32 isDepositablePosition = DEPOSITABLE_POSITION;
              // Optimized assembly implementation to prevent EIP-1884 from breaking deposits, reference code in Solidity:
              assembly {
                  // Continue only if the gas left is lower than the threshold for forwarding to the implementation code,
                  // otherwise continue outside of the assembly block.
                  if lt(gas, forwardGasThreshold) {
                      // Only accept the deposit and emit an event if all of the following are true:
                      // the proxy accepts deposits (isDepositable), == 0, and msg.value > 0
                      if and(and(sload(isDepositablePosition), iszero(calldatasize)), gt(callvalue, 0)) {
                          // Equivalent Solidity code for emitting the event:
                          // emit ProxyDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
                          let logData := mload(0x40) // free memory pointer
                          mstore(logData, caller) // add 'msg.sender' to the log data (first event param)
                          mstore(add(logData, 0x20), callvalue) // add 'msg.value' to the log data (second event param)
                          // Emit an event with one topic to identify the event: keccak256('ProxyDeposit(address,uint256)') = 0x15ee...dee1
                          log1(logData, 0x40, 0x15eeaa57c7bd188c1388020bcadc2c436ec60d647d36ef5b9eb3c742217ddee1)
                          stop() // Stop. Exits execution context
                      // If any of above checks failed, revert the execution (if ETH was sent, it is returned to the sender)
                      revert(0, 0)
              address target = implementation();
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyBase.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyBase is AppStorage, DepositableDelegateProxy, KernelNamespaceConstants {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxy
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public {
              // Implicit check that kernel is actually a Kernel
              // The EVM doesn't actually provide a way for us to make sure, but we can force a revert to
              // occur if the kernel is set to 0x0 or a non-code address when we try to call a method on
              // it.
              address appCode = getAppBase(_appId);
              // If initialize payload is provided, it will be executed
              if (_initializePayload.length > 0) {
                  // Cannot make delegatecall as a delegateproxy.delegatedFwd as it
                  // returns ending execution context and halts contract deployment
          function getAppBase(bytes32 _appId) internal view returns (address) {
              return kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyUpgradeable.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyUpgradeable is AppProxyBase {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxyUpgradeable (makes it an upgradeable Aragon app)
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload)
              AppProxyBase(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload)
              public // solium-disable-line visibility-first
              // solium-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks
           * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return getAppBase(appId());
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return UPGRADEABLE;
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyPinned.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyPinned is IsContract, AppProxyBase {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.pinnedCode")
          bytes32 internal constant PINNED_CODE_POSITION = 0xdee64df20d65e53d7f51cb6ab6d921a0a6a638a91e942e1d8d02df28e31c038e;
          * @dev Initialize AppProxyPinned (makes it an un-upgradeable Aragon app)
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload)
              AppProxyBase(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload)
              public // solium-disable-line visibility-first
           * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return pinnedCode();
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return FORWARDING;
          function setPinnedCode(address _pinnedCode) internal {
          function pinnedCode() internal view returns (address) {
              return PINNED_CODE_POSITION.getStorageAddress();
      // File: contracts/factory/AppProxyFactory.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyFactory {
          event NewAppProxy(address proxy, bool isUpgradeable, bytes32 appId);
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyUpgradeable
          function newAppProxy(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId) public returns (AppProxyUpgradeable) {
              return newAppProxy(_kernel, _appId, new bytes(0));
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId` and initialization payload `_initializePayload`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyUpgradeable
          function newAppProxy(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public returns (AppProxyUpgradeable) {
              AppProxyUpgradeable proxy = new AppProxyUpgradeable(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload);
              emit NewAppProxy(address(proxy), true, _appId);
              return proxy;
          * @notice Create a new pinned app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyPinned
          function newAppProxyPinned(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId) public returns (AppProxyPinned) {
              return newAppProxyPinned(_kernel, _appId, new bytes(0));
          * @notice Create a new pinned app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId` and initialization payload `_initializePayload`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Proxy initialization payload
          * @return AppProxyPinned
          function newAppProxyPinned(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public returns (AppProxyPinned) {
              AppProxyPinned proxy = new AppProxyPinned(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload);
              emit NewAppProxy(address(proxy), false, _appId);
              return proxy;
      // File: contracts/kernel/Kernel.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      // solium-disable-next-line max-len
      contract Kernel is IKernel, KernelStorage, KernelAppIds, KernelNamespaceConstants, Petrifiable, IsContract, VaultRecoverable, AppProxyFactory, ACLSyntaxSugar {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 public constant APP_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("APP_MANAGER_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant APP_MANAGER_ROLE = 0xb6d92708f3d4817afc106147d969e229ced5c46e65e0a5002a0d391287762bd0;
          string private constant ERROR_APP_NOT_CONTRACT = "KERNEL_APP_NOT_CONTRACT";
          string private constant ERROR_INVALID_APP_CHANGE = "KERNEL_INVALID_APP_CHANGE";
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_FAILED = "KERNEL_AUTH_FAILED";
          * @dev Constructor that allows the deployer to choose if the base instance should be petrified immediately.
          * @param _shouldPetrify Immediately petrify this instance so that it can never be initialized
          constructor(bool _shouldPetrify) public {
              if (_shouldPetrify) {
          * @dev Initialize can only be called once. It saves the block number in which it was initialized.
          * @notice Initialize this kernel instance along with its ACL and set `_permissionsCreator` as the entity that can create other permissions
          * @param _baseAcl Address of base ACL app
          * @param _permissionsCreator Entity that will be given permission over createPermission
          function initialize(IACL _baseAcl, address _permissionsCreator) public onlyInit {
              // Set ACL base
              // Create ACL instance and attach it as the default ACL app
              IACL acl = IACL(newAppProxy(this, KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID));
              recoveryVaultAppId = KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID;
          * @dev Create a new instance of an app linked to this kernel
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              return newAppInstance(_appId, _appBase, new bytes(0), false);
          * @dev Create a new instance of an app linked to this kernel and set its base
          *      implementation if it was not already set
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`. `_setDefault ? 'Also sets it as the default app instance.':''`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call made by the proxy during its construction to initialize
          * @param _setDefault Whether the app proxy app is the default one.
          *        Useful when the Kernel needs to know of an instance of a particular app,
          *        like Vault for escape hatch mechanism.
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase, bytes _initializePayload, bool _setDefault)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              _setAppIfNew(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId, _appBase);
              appProxy = newAppProxy(this, _appId, _initializePayload);
              // By calling setApp directly and not the internal functions, we make sure the params are checked
              // and it will only succeed if sender has permissions to set something to the namespace.
              if (_setDefault) {
                  setApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _appId, appProxy);
          * @dev Create a new pinned instance of an app linked to this kernel
          * @notice Create a new non-upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`.
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newPinnedAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              return newPinnedAppInstance(_appId, _appBase, new bytes(0), false);
          * @dev Create a new pinned instance of an app linked to this kernel and set
          *      its base implementation if it was not already set
          * @notice Create a new non-upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`. `_setDefault ? 'Also sets it as the default app instance.':''`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call made by the proxy during its construction to initialize
          * @param _setDefault Whether the app proxy app is the default one.
          *        Useful when the Kernel needs to know of an instance of a particular app,
          *        like Vault for escape hatch mechanism.
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newPinnedAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase, bytes _initializePayload, bool _setDefault)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              _setAppIfNew(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId, _appBase);
              appProxy = newAppProxyPinned(this, _appId, _initializePayload);
              // By calling setApp directly and not the internal functions, we make sure the params are checked
              // and it will only succeed if sender has permissions to set something to the namespace.
              if (_setDefault) {
                  setApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _appId, appProxy);
          * @dev Set the resolving address of an app instance or base implementation
          * @notice Set the resolving address of `_appId` in namespace `_namespace` to `_app`
          * @param _namespace App namespace to use
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _app Address of the app instance or base implementation
          * @return ID of app
          function setApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(_namespace, _appId))
              _setApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          * @dev Set the default vault id for the escape hatch mechanism
          * @param _recoveryVaultAppId Identifier of the recovery vault app
          function setRecoveryVaultAppId(bytes32 _recoveryVaultAppId)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _recoveryVaultAppId))
              recoveryVaultAppId = _recoveryVaultAppId;
          // External access to default app id and namespace constants to mimic default getters for constants
          /* solium-disable function-order, mixedcase */
          function CORE_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE; }
          function APP_BASES_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE; }
          function APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE; }
          function KERNEL_APP_ID() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID; }
          function DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID; }
          /* solium-enable function-order, mixedcase */
          * @dev Get the address of an app instance or base implementation
          * @param _namespace App namespace to use
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return Address of the app
          function getApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId) public view returns (address) {
              return apps[_namespace][_appId];
          * @dev Get the address of the recovery Vault instance (to recover funds)
          * @return Address of the Vault
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address) {
              return apps[KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE][recoveryVaultAppId];
          * @dev Get the installed ACL app
          * @return ACL app
          function acl() public view returns (IACL) {
          * @dev Function called by apps to check ACL on kernel or to check permission status
          * @param _who Sender of the original call
          * @param _where Address of the app
          * @param _what Identifier for a group of actions in app
          * @param _how Extra data for ACL auth
          * @return Boolean indicating whether the ACL allows the role or not.
          *         Always returns false if the kernel hasn't been initialized yet.
          function hasPermission(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, bytes _how) public view returns (bool) {
              IACL defaultAcl = acl();
              return address(defaultAcl) != address(0) && // Poor man's initialization check (saves gas)
                  defaultAcl.hasPermission(_who, _where, _what, _how);
          function _setApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app) internal {
              require(isContract(_app), ERROR_APP_NOT_CONTRACT);
              apps[_namespace][_appId] = _app;
              emit SetApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          function _setAppIfNew(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app) internal {
              address app = getApp(_namespace, _appId);
              if (app != address(0)) {
                  // The only way to set an app is if it passes the isContract check, so no need to check it again
                  require(app == _app, ERROR_INVALID_APP_CHANGE);
              } else {
                  _setApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          modifier auth(bytes32 _role, uint256[] memory _params) {
                  hasPermission(msg.sender, address(this), _role, ConversionHelpers.dangerouslyCastUintArrayToBytes(_params)),
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract KernelProxy is IKernelEvents, KernelStorage, KernelAppIds, KernelNamespaceConstants, IsContract, DepositableDelegateProxy {
          * @dev KernelProxy is a proxy contract to a kernel implementation. The implementation
          *      can update the reference, which effectively upgrades the contract
          * @param _kernelImpl Address of the contract used as implementation for kernel
          constructor(IKernel _kernelImpl) public {
              apps[KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE][KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID] = _kernelImpl;
              // Note that emitting this event is important for verifying that a KernelProxy instance
              // was never upgraded to a malicious Kernel logic contract over its lifespan.
              // This starts the "chain of trust", that can be followed through later SetApp() events
              // emitted during kernel upgrades.
              emit SetApp(KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE, KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID, _kernelImpl);
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return UPGRADEABLE;
          * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return apps[KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE][KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID];
      // File: contracts/common/Autopetrified.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract Autopetrified is Petrifiable {
          constructor() public {
              // Immediately petrify base (non-proxy) instances of inherited contracts on deploy.
              // This renders them uninitializable (and unusable without a proxy).
      // File: contracts/common/ReentrancyGuard.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ReentrancyGuard {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.reentrancyGuard.mutex");
          bytes32 private constant REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION = 0xe855346402235fdd185c890e68d2c4ecad599b88587635ee285bce2fda58dacb;
          string private constant ERROR_REENTRANT = "REENTRANCY_REENTRANT_CALL";
          modifier nonReentrant() {
              // Ensure mutex is unlocked
              require(!REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION.getStorageBool(), ERROR_REENTRANT);
              // Lock mutex before function call
              // Perform function call
              // Unlock mutex after function call
      // File: contracts/evmscript/IEVMScriptExecutor.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IEVMScriptExecutor {
          function execScript(bytes script, bytes input, address[] blacklist) external returns (bytes);
          function executorType() external pure returns (bytes32);
      // File: contracts/evmscript/IEVMScriptRegistry.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract EVMScriptRegistryConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID = apmNamehash("evmreg");
          bytes32 internal constant EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID = 0xddbcfd564f642ab5627cf68b9b7d374fb4f8a36e941a75d89c87998cef03bd61;
      interface IEVMScriptRegistry {
          function addScriptExecutor(IEVMScriptExecutor executor) external returns (uint id);
          function disableScriptExecutor(uint256 executorId) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function getScriptExecutor(bytes script) public view returns (IEVMScriptExecutor);
      // File: contracts/evmscript/EVMScriptRunner.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract EVMScriptRunner is AppStorage, Initializable, EVMScriptRegistryConstants, KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* This is manually crafted in assembly
          event ScriptResult(address indexed executor, bytes script, bytes input, bytes returnData);
          function getEVMScriptExecutor(bytes _script) public view returns (IEVMScriptExecutor) {
              return IEVMScriptExecutor(getEVMScriptRegistry().getScriptExecutor(_script));
          function getEVMScriptRegistry() public view returns (IEVMScriptRegistry) {
              address registryAddr = kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID);
              return IEVMScriptRegistry(registryAddr);
          function runScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist)
              returns (bytes)
              IEVMScriptExecutor executor = getEVMScriptExecutor(_script);
              require(address(executor) != address(0), ERROR_EXECUTOR_UNAVAILABLE);
              bytes4 sig = executor.execScript.selector;
              bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(sig, _script, _input, _blacklist);
              bytes memory output;
              assembly {
                  let success := delegatecall(
                      gas,                // forward all gas
                      executor,           // address
                      add(data, 0x20),    // calldata start
                      mload(data),        // calldata length
                      0,                  // don't write output (we'll handle this ourselves)
                      0                   // don't write output
                  output := mload(0x40) // free mem ptr get
                  switch success
                  case 0 {
                      // If the call errored, forward its full error data
                      returndatacopy(output, 0, returndatasize)
                      revert(output, returndatasize)
                  default {
                      switch gt(returndatasize, 0x3f)
                      case 0 {
                          // Need at least 0x40 bytes returned for properly ABI-encoded bytes values,
                          // revert with "EVMRUN_EXECUTOR_INVALID_RETURN"
                          // See remix: doing a `revert("EVMRUN_EXECUTOR_INVALID_RETURN")` always results in
                          // this memory layout
                          mstore(output, 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)         // error identifier
                          mstore(add(output, 0x04), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020) // starting offset
                          mstore(add(output, 0x24), 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e) // reason length
                          mstore(add(output, 0x44), 0x45564d52554e5f4558454355544f525f494e56414c49445f52455455524e0000) // reason
                          revert(output, 100) // 100 = 4 + 3 * 32 (error identifier + 3 words for the ABI encoded error)
                      default {
                          // Copy result
                          // Needs to perform an ABI decode for the expected `bytes` return type of
                          // `executor.execScript()` as solidity will automatically ABI encode the returned bytes as:
                          //    [ position of the first dynamic length return value = 0x20 (32 bytes) ]
                          //    [ output length (32 bytes) ]
                          //    [ output content (N bytes) ]
                          // Perform the ABI decode by ignoring the first 32 bytes of the return data
                          let copysize := sub(returndatasize, 0x20)
                          returndatacopy(output, 0x20, copysize)
                          mstore(0x40, add(output, copysize)) // free mem ptr set
              emit ScriptResult(address(executor), _script, _input, output);
              return output;
          modifier protectState {
              address preKernel = address(kernel());
              bytes32 preAppId = appId();
              _; // exec
              require(address(kernel()) == preKernel, ERROR_PROTECTED_STATE_MODIFIED);
              require(appId() == preAppId, ERROR_PROTECTED_STATE_MODIFIED);
      // File: contracts/apps/AragonApp.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      // Contracts inheriting from AragonApp are, by default, immediately petrified upon deployment so
      // that they can never be initialized.
      // Unless overriden, this behaviour enforces those contracts to be usable only behind an AppProxy.
      // ReentrancyGuard, EVMScriptRunner, and ACLSyntaxSugar are not directly used by this contract, but
      // are included so that they are automatically usable by subclassing contracts
      contract AragonApp is AppStorage, Autopetrified, VaultRecoverable, ReentrancyGuard, EVMScriptRunner, ACLSyntaxSugar {
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_FAILED = "APP_AUTH_FAILED";
          modifier auth(bytes32 _role) {
              require(canPerform(msg.sender, _role, new uint256[](0)), ERROR_AUTH_FAILED);
          modifier authP(bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params) {
              require(canPerform(msg.sender, _role, _params), ERROR_AUTH_FAILED);
          * @dev Check whether an action can be performed by a sender for a particular role on this app
          * @param _sender Sender of the call
          * @param _role Role on this app
          * @param _params Permission params for the role
          * @return Boolean indicating whether the sender has the permissions to perform the action.
          *         Always returns false if the app hasn't been initialized yet.
          function canPerform(address _sender, bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params) public view returns (bool) {
              if (!hasInitialized()) {
                  return false;
              IKernel linkedKernel = kernel();
              if (address(linkedKernel) == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              return linkedKernel.hasPermission(
          * @dev Get the recovery vault for the app
          * @return Recovery vault address for the app
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address) {
              // Funds recovery via a vault is only available when used with a kernel
              return kernel().getRecoveryVault(); // if kernel is not set, it will revert
      // File: contracts/acl/IACLOracle.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IACLOracle {
          function canPerform(address who, address where, bytes32 what, uint256[] how) external view returns (bool);
      // File: contracts/acl/ACL.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      /* solium-disable function-order */
      // Allow public initialize() to be first
      contract ACL is IACL, TimeHelpers, AragonApp, ACLHelpers {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 public constant CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE = keccak256("CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE = 0x0b719b33c83b8e5d300c521cb8b54ae9bd933996a14bef8c2f4e0285d2d2400a;
          enum Op { NONE, EQ, NEQ, GT, LT, GTE, LTE, RET, NOT, AND, OR, XOR, IF_ELSE } // op types
          struct Param {
              uint8 id;
              uint8 op;
              uint240 value; // even though value is an uint240 it can store addresses
              // in the case of 32 byte hashes losing 2 bytes precision isn't a huge deal
              // op and id take less than 1 byte each so it can be kept in 1 sstore
          uint8 internal constant BLOCK_NUMBER_PARAM_ID = 200;
          uint8 internal constant TIMESTAMP_PARAM_ID    = 201;
          // 202 is unused
          uint8 internal constant ORACLE_PARAM_ID       = 203;
          uint8 internal constant LOGIC_OP_PARAM_ID     = 204;
          uint8 internal constant PARAM_VALUE_PARAM_ID  = 205;
          // TODO: Add execution times param type?
          /* Hardcoded constant to save gas
          bytes32 public constant EMPTY_PARAM_HASH = keccak256(uint256(0));
          bytes32 public constant EMPTY_PARAM_HASH = 0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563;
          bytes32 public constant NO_PERMISSION = bytes32(0);
          address public constant ANY_ENTITY = address(-1);
          address public constant BURN_ENTITY = address(1); // address(0) is already used as "no permission manager"
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_INIT_KERNEL = "ACL_AUTH_INIT_KERNEL";
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_NO_MANAGER = "ACL_AUTH_NO_MANAGER";
          string private constant ERROR_EXISTENT_MANAGER = "ACL_EXISTENT_MANAGER";
          // Whether someone has a permission
          mapping (bytes32 => bytes32) internal permissions; // permissions hash => params hash
          mapping (bytes32 => Param[]) internal permissionParams; // params hash => params
          // Who is the manager of a permission
          mapping (bytes32 => address) internal permissionManager;
          event SetPermission(address indexed entity, address indexed app, bytes32 indexed role, bool allowed);
          event SetPermissionParams(address indexed entity, address indexed app, bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 paramsHash);
          event ChangePermissionManager(address indexed app, bytes32 indexed role, address indexed manager);
          modifier onlyPermissionManager(address _app, bytes32 _role) {
              require(msg.sender == getPermissionManager(_app, _role), ERROR_AUTH_NO_MANAGER);
          modifier noPermissionManager(address _app, bytes32 _role) {
              // only allow permission creation (or re-creation) when there is no manager
              require(getPermissionManager(_app, _role) == address(0), ERROR_EXISTENT_MANAGER);
          * @dev Initialize can only be called once. It saves the block number in which it was initialized.
          * @notice Initialize an ACL instance and set `_permissionsCreator` as the entity that can create other permissions
          * @param _permissionsCreator Entity that will be given permission over createPermission
          function initialize(address _permissionsCreator) public onlyInit {
              require(msg.sender == address(kernel()), ERROR_AUTH_INIT_KERNEL);
              _createPermission(_permissionsCreator, this, CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE, _permissionsCreator);
          * @dev Creates a permission that wasn't previously set and managed.
          *      If a created permission is removed it is possible to reset it with createPermission.
          *      This is the **ONLY** way to create permissions and set managers to permissions that don't
          *      have a manager.
          *      In terms of the ACL being initialized, this function implicitly protects all the other
          *      state-changing external functions, as they all require the sender to be a manager.
          * @notice Create a new permission granting `_entity` the ability to perform actions requiring `_role` on `_app`, setting `_manager` as the permission's manager
          * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity that will be able to perform the role
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the role will be allowed (requires app to depend on kernel for ACL)
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions in app given access to perform
          * @param _manager Address of the entity that will be able to grant and revoke the permission further.
          function createPermission(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role, address _manager)
              noPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _createPermission(_entity, _app, _role, _manager);
          * @dev Grants permission if allowed. This requires `msg.sender` to be the permission manager
          * @notice Grant `_entity` the ability to perform actions requiring `_role` on `_app`
          * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity that will be able to perform the role
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the role will be allowed (requires app to depend on kernel for ACL)
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions in app given access to perform
          function grantPermission(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role)
              grantPermissionP(_entity, _app, _role, new uint256[](0));
          * @dev Grants a permission with parameters if allowed. This requires `msg.sender` to be the permission manager
          * @notice Grant `_entity` the ability to perform actions requiring `_role` on `_app`
          * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity that will be able to perform the role
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the role will be allowed (requires app to depend on kernel for ACL)
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions in app given access to perform
          * @param _params Permission parameters
          function grantPermissionP(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params)
              onlyPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              bytes32 paramsHash = _params.length > 0 ? _saveParams(_params) : EMPTY_PARAM_HASH;
              _setPermission(_entity, _app, _role, paramsHash);
          * @dev Revokes permission if allowed. This requires `msg.sender` to be the the permission manager
          * @notice Revoke from `_entity` the ability to perform actions requiring `_role` on `_app`
          * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity to revoke access from
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the role will be revoked
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions in app being revoked
          function revokePermission(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role)
              onlyPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _setPermission(_entity, _app, _role, NO_PERMISSION);
          * @notice Set `_newManager` as the manager of `_role` in `_app`
          * @param _newManager Address for the new manager
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the permission management is being transferred
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions being transferred
          function setPermissionManager(address _newManager, address _app, bytes32 _role)
              onlyPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _setPermissionManager(_newManager, _app, _role);
          * @notice Remove the manager of `_role` in `_app`
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the permission is being unmanaged
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions being unmanaged
          function removePermissionManager(address _app, bytes32 _role)
              onlyPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _setPermissionManager(address(0), _app, _role);
          * @notice Burn non-existent `_role` in `_app`, so no modification can be made to it (grant, revoke, permission manager)
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the permission is being burned
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions being burned
          function createBurnedPermission(address _app, bytes32 _role)
              noPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _setPermissionManager(BURN_ENTITY, _app, _role);
          * @notice Burn `_role` in `_app`, so no modification can be made to it (grant, revoke, permission manager)
          * @param _app Address of the app in which the permission is being burned
          * @param _role Identifier for the group of actions being burned
          function burnPermissionManager(address _app, bytes32 _role)
              onlyPermissionManager(_app, _role)
              _setPermissionManager(BURN_ENTITY, _app, _role);
           * @notice Get parameters for permission array length
           * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity that will be able to perform the role
           * @param _app Address of the app
           * @param _role Identifier for a group of actions in app
           * @return Length of the array
          function getPermissionParamsLength(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role) external view returns (uint) {
              return permissionParams[permissions[permissionHash(_entity, _app, _role)]].length;
          * @notice Get parameter for permission
          * @param _entity Address of the whitelisted entity that will be able to perform the role
          * @param _app Address of the app
          * @param _role Identifier for a group of actions in app
          * @param _index Index of parameter in the array
          * @return Parameter (id, op, value)
          function getPermissionParam(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role, uint _index)
              returns (uint8, uint8, uint240)
              Param storage param = permissionParams[permissions[permissionHash(_entity, _app, _role)]][_index];
              return (, param.op, param.value);
          * @dev Get manager for permission
          * @param _app Address of the app
          * @param _role Identifier for a group of actions in app
          * @return address of the manager for the permission
          function getPermissionManager(address _app, bytes32 _role) public view returns (address) {
              return permissionManager[roleHash(_app, _role)];
          * @dev Function called by apps to check ACL on kernel or to check permission statu
          * @param _who Sender of the original call
          * @param _where Address of the app
          * @param _where Identifier for a group of actions in app
          * @param _how Permission parameters
          * @return boolean indicating whether the ACL allows the role or not
          function hasPermission(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, bytes memory _how) public view returns (bool) {
              return hasPermission(_who, _where, _what, ConversionHelpers.dangerouslyCastBytesToUintArray(_how));
          function hasPermission(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, uint256[] memory _how) public view returns (bool) {
              bytes32 whoParams = permissions[permissionHash(_who, _where, _what)];
              if (whoParams != NO_PERMISSION && evalParams(whoParams, _who, _where, _what, _how)) {
                  return true;
              bytes32 anyParams = permissions[permissionHash(ANY_ENTITY, _where, _what)];
              if (anyParams != NO_PERMISSION && evalParams(anyParams, ANY_ENTITY, _where, _what, _how)) {
                  return true;
              return false;
          function hasPermission(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what) public view returns (bool) {
              uint256[] memory empty = new uint256[](0);
              return hasPermission(_who, _where, _what, empty);
          function evalParams(
              bytes32 _paramsHash,
              address _who,
              address _where,
              bytes32 _what,
              uint256[] _how
          ) public view returns (bool)
              if (_paramsHash == EMPTY_PARAM_HASH) {
                  return true;
              return _evalParam(_paramsHash, 0, _who, _where, _what, _how);
          * @dev Internal createPermission for access inside the kernel (on instantiation)
          function _createPermission(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role, address _manager) internal {
              _setPermission(_entity, _app, _role, EMPTY_PARAM_HASH);
              _setPermissionManager(_manager, _app, _role);
          * @dev Internal function called to actually save the permission
          function _setPermission(address _entity, address _app, bytes32 _role, bytes32 _paramsHash) internal {
              permissions[permissionHash(_entity, _app, _role)] = _paramsHash;
              bool entityHasPermission = _paramsHash != NO_PERMISSION;
              bool permissionHasParams = entityHasPermission && _paramsHash != EMPTY_PARAM_HASH;
              emit SetPermission(_entity, _app, _role, entityHasPermission);
              if (permissionHasParams) {
                  emit SetPermissionParams(_entity, _app, _role, _paramsHash);
          function _saveParams(uint256[] _encodedParams) internal returns (bytes32) {
              bytes32 paramHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_encodedParams));
              Param[] storage params = permissionParams[paramHash];
              if (params.length == 0) { // params not saved before
                  for (uint256 i = 0; i < _encodedParams.length; i++) {
                      uint256 encodedParam = _encodedParams[i];
                      Param memory param = Param(decodeParamId(encodedParam), decodeParamOp(encodedParam), uint240(encodedParam));
              return paramHash;
          function _evalParam(
              bytes32 _paramsHash,
              uint32 _paramId,
              address _who,
              address _where,
              bytes32 _what,
              uint256[] _how
          ) internal view returns (bool)
              if (_paramId >= permissionParams[_paramsHash].length) {
                  return false; // out of bounds
              Param memory param = permissionParams[_paramsHash][_paramId];
              if ( == LOGIC_OP_PARAM_ID) {
                  return _evalLogic(param, _paramsHash, _who, _where, _what, _how);
              uint256 value;
              uint256 comparedTo = uint256(param.value);
              // get value
              if ( == ORACLE_PARAM_ID) {
                  value = checkOracle(IACLOracle(param.value), _who, _where, _what, _how) ? 1 : 0;
                  comparedTo = 1;
              } else if ( == BLOCK_NUMBER_PARAM_ID) {
                  value = getBlockNumber();
              } else if ( == TIMESTAMP_PARAM_ID) {
                  value = getTimestamp();
              } else if ( == PARAM_VALUE_PARAM_ID) {
                  value = uint256(param.value);
              } else {
                  if ( >= _how.length) {
                      return false;
                  value = uint256(uint240(_how[])); // force lost precision
              if (Op(param.op) == Op.RET) {
                  return uint256(value) > 0;
              return compare(value, Op(param.op), comparedTo);
          function _evalLogic(Param _param, bytes32 _paramsHash, address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, uint256[] _how)
              returns (bool)
              if (Op(_param.op) == Op.IF_ELSE) {
                  uint32 conditionParam;
                  uint32 successParam;
                  uint32 failureParam;
                  (conditionParam, successParam, failureParam) = decodeParamsList(uint256(_param.value));
                  bool result = _evalParam(_paramsHash, conditionParam, _who, _where, _what, _how);
                  return _evalParam(_paramsHash, result ? successParam : failureParam, _who, _where, _what, _how);
              uint32 param1;
              uint32 param2;
              (param1, param2,) = decodeParamsList(uint256(_param.value));
              bool r1 = _evalParam(_paramsHash, param1, _who, _where, _what, _how);
              if (Op(_param.op) == Op.NOT) {
                  return !r1;
              if (r1 && Op(_param.op) == Op.OR) {
                  return true;
              if (!r1 && Op(_param.op) == Op.AND) {
                  return false;
              bool r2 = _evalParam(_paramsHash, param2, _who, _where, _what, _how);
              if (Op(_param.op) == Op.XOR) {
                  return r1 != r2;
              return r2; // both or and and depend on result of r2 after checks
          function compare(uint256 _a, Op _op, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (bool) {
              if (_op == Op.EQ)  return _a == _b;                              // solium-disable-line lbrace
              if (_op == Op.NEQ) return _a != _b;                              // solium-disable-line lbrace
              if (_op == Op.GT)  return _a > _b;                               // solium-disable-line lbrace
              if (_op == Op.LT)  return _a < _b;                               // solium-disable-line lbrace
              if (_op == Op.GTE) return _a >= _b;                              // solium-disable-line lbrace
              if (_op == Op.LTE) return _a <= _b;                              // solium-disable-line lbrace
              return false;
          function checkOracle(IACLOracle _oracleAddr, address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, uint256[] _how) internal view returns (bool) {
              bytes4 sig = _oracleAddr.canPerform.selector;
              // a raw call is required so we can return false if the call reverts, rather than reverting
              bytes memory checkCalldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(sig, _who, _where, _what, _how);
              bool ok;
              assembly {
                  // send all available gas; if the oracle eats up all the gas, we will eventually revert
                  // note that we are currently guaranteed to still have some gas after the call from
                  // EIP-150's 63/64 gas forward rule
                  ok := staticcall(gas, _oracleAddr, add(checkCalldata, 0x20), mload(checkCalldata), 0, 0)
              if (!ok) {
                  return false;
              uint256 size;
              assembly { size := returndatasize }
              if (size != 32) {
                  return false;
              bool result;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)       // get next free memory ptr
                  returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size) // copy return from above `staticcall`
                  result := mload(ptr)         // read data at ptr and set it to result
                  mstore(ptr, 0)               // set pointer memory to 0 so it still is the next free ptr
              return result;
          * @dev Internal function that sets management
          function _setPermissionManager(address _newManager, address _app, bytes32 _role) internal {
              permissionManager[roleHash(_app, _role)] = _newManager;
              emit ChangePermissionManager(_app, _role, _newManager);
          function roleHash(address _where, bytes32 _what) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
              return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ROLE", _where, _what));
          function permissionHash(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
              return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("PERMISSION", _who, _where, _what));
      // File: contracts/evmscript/ScriptHelpers.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library ScriptHelpers {
          function getSpecId(bytes _script) internal pure returns (uint32) {
              return uint32At(_script, 0);
          function uint256At(bytes _data, uint256 _location) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
              assembly {
                  result := mload(add(_data, add(0x20, _location)))
          function addressAt(bytes _data, uint256 _location) internal pure returns (address result) {
              uint256 word = uint256At(_data, _location);
              assembly {
                  result := div(and(word, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000),
          function uint32At(bytes _data, uint256 _location) internal pure returns (uint32 result) {
              uint256 word = uint256At(_data, _location);
              assembly {
                  result := div(and(word, 0xffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000),
          function locationOf(bytes _data, uint256 _location) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
              assembly {
                  result := add(_data, add(0x20, _location))
          function toBytes(bytes4 _sig) internal pure returns (bytes) {
              bytes memory payload = new bytes(4);
              assembly { mstore(add(payload, 0x20), _sig) }
              return payload;
      // File: contracts/evmscript/EVMScriptRegistry.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      /* solium-disable function-order */
      // Allow public initialize() to be first
      contract EVMScriptRegistry is IEVMScriptRegistry, EVMScriptRegistryConstants, AragonApp {
          using ScriptHelpers for bytes;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 public constant REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE = keccak256("REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant REGISTRY_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("REGISTRY_MANAGER_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE = 0xc4e90f38eea8c4212a009ca7b8947943ba4d4a58d19b683417f65291d1cd9ed2;
          // WARN: Manager can censor all votes and the like happening in an org
          bytes32 public constant REGISTRY_MANAGER_ROLE = 0xf7a450ef335e1892cb42c8ca72e7242359d7711924b75db5717410da3f614aa3;
          uint256 internal constant SCRIPT_START_LOCATION = 4;
          string private constant ERROR_EXECUTOR_ENABLED = "EVMREG_EXECUTOR_ENABLED";
          string private constant ERROR_EXECUTOR_DISABLED = "EVMREG_EXECUTOR_DISABLED";
          struct ExecutorEntry {
              IEVMScriptExecutor executor;
              bool enabled;
          uint256 private executorsNextIndex;
          mapping (uint256 => ExecutorEntry) public executors;
          event EnableExecutor(uint256 indexed executorId, address indexed executorAddress);
          event DisableExecutor(uint256 indexed executorId, address indexed executorAddress);
          modifier executorExists(uint256 _executorId) {
              require(_executorId > 0 && _executorId < executorsNextIndex, ERROR_INEXISTENT_EXECUTOR);
          * @notice Initialize the registry
          function initialize() public onlyInit {
              // Create empty record to begin executor IDs at 1
              executorsNextIndex = 1;
          * @notice Add a new script executor with address `_executor` to the registry
          * @param _executor Address of the IEVMScriptExecutor that will be added to the registry
          * @return id Identifier of the executor in the registry
          function addScriptExecutor(IEVMScriptExecutor _executor) external auth(REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE) returns (uint256 id) {
              uint256 executorId = executorsNextIndex++;
              executors[executorId] = ExecutorEntry(_executor, true);
              emit EnableExecutor(executorId, _executor);
              return executorId;
          * @notice Disable script executor with ID `_executorId`
          * @param _executorId Identifier of the executor in the registry
          function disableScriptExecutor(uint256 _executorId)
              authP(REGISTRY_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(_executorId))
              // Note that we don't need to check for an executor's existence in this case, as only
              // existing executors can be enabled
              ExecutorEntry storage executorEntry = executors[_executorId];
              require(executorEntry.enabled, ERROR_EXECUTOR_DISABLED);
              executorEntry.enabled = false;
              emit DisableExecutor(_executorId, executorEntry.executor);
          * @notice Enable script executor with ID `_executorId`
          * @param _executorId Identifier of the executor in the registry
          function enableScriptExecutor(uint256 _executorId)
              authP(REGISTRY_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(_executorId))
              ExecutorEntry storage executorEntry = executors[_executorId];
              require(!executorEntry.enabled, ERROR_EXECUTOR_ENABLED);
              executorEntry.enabled = true;
              emit EnableExecutor(_executorId, executorEntry.executor);
          * @dev Get the script executor that can execute a particular script based on its first 4 bytes
          * @param _script EVMScript being inspected
          function getScriptExecutor(bytes _script) public view returns (IEVMScriptExecutor) {
              require(_script.length >= SCRIPT_START_LOCATION, ERROR_SCRIPT_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT);
              uint256 id = _script.getSpecId();
              // Note that we don't need to check for an executor's existence in this case, as only
              // existing executors can be enabled
              ExecutorEntry storage entry = executors[id];
              return entry.enabled ? entry.executor : IEVMScriptExecutor(0);
      // File: contracts/evmscript/executors/BaseEVMScriptExecutor.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract BaseEVMScriptExecutor is IEVMScriptExecutor, Autopetrified {
          uint256 internal constant SCRIPT_START_LOCATION = 4;
      // File: contracts/evmscript/executors/CallsScript.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      // Inspired by
      contract CallsScript is BaseEVMScriptExecutor {
          using ScriptHelpers for bytes;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant EXECUTOR_TYPE = keccak256("CALLS_SCRIPT");
          bytes32 internal constant EXECUTOR_TYPE = 0x2dc858a00f3e417be1394b87c07158e989ec681ce8cc68a9093680ac1a870302;
          string private constant ERROR_BLACKLISTED_CALL = "EVMCALLS_BLACKLISTED_CALL";
          string private constant ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH = "EVMCALLS_INVALID_LENGTH";
          /* This is manually crafted in assembly
          string private constant ERROR_CALL_REVERTED = "EVMCALLS_CALL_REVERTED";
          event LogScriptCall(address indexed sender, address indexed src, address indexed dst);
          * @notice Executes a number of call scripts
          * @param _script [ specId (uint32) ] many calls with this structure ->
          *    [ to (address: 20 bytes) ] [ calldataLength (uint32: 4 bytes) ] [ calldata (calldataLength bytes) ]
          * @param _blacklist Addresses the script cannot call to, or will revert.
          * @return Always returns empty byte array
          function execScript(bytes _script, bytes, address[] _blacklist) external isInitialized returns (bytes) {
              uint256 location = SCRIPT_START_LOCATION; // first 32 bits are spec id
              while (location < _script.length) {
                  // Check there's at least address + calldataLength available
                  require(_script.length - location >= 0x18, ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);
                  address contractAddress = _script.addressAt(location);
                  // Check address being called is not blacklist
                  for (uint256 i = 0; i < _blacklist.length; i++) {
                      require(contractAddress != _blacklist[i], ERROR_BLACKLISTED_CALL);
                  // logged before execution to ensure event ordering in receipt
                  // if failed entire execution is reverted regardless
                  emit LogScriptCall(msg.sender, address(this), contractAddress);
                  uint256 calldataLength = uint256(_script.uint32At(location + 0x14));
                  uint256 startOffset = location + 0x14 + 0x04;
                  uint256 calldataStart = _script.locationOf(startOffset);
                  // compute end of script / next location
                  location = startOffset + calldataLength;
                  require(location <= _script.length, ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);
                  bool success;
                  assembly {
                      success := call(
                          sub(gas, 5000),       // forward gas left - 5000
                          contractAddress,      // address
                          0,                    // no value
                          calldataStart,        // calldata start
                          calldataLength,       // calldata length
                          0,                    // don't write output
                          0                     // don't write output
                      switch success
                      case 0 {
                          let ptr := mload(0x40)
                          switch returndatasize
                          case 0 {
                              // No error data was returned, revert with "EVMCALLS_CALL_REVERTED"
                              // See remix: doing a `revert("EVMCALLS_CALL_REVERTED")` always results in
                              // this memory layout
                              mstore(ptr, 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)         // error identifier
                              mstore(add(ptr, 0x04), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020) // starting offset
                              mstore(add(ptr, 0x24), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016) // reason length
                              mstore(add(ptr, 0x44), 0x45564d43414c4c535f43414c4c5f524556455254454400000000000000000000) // reason
                              revert(ptr, 100) // 100 = 4 + 3 * 32 (error identifier + 3 words for the ABI encoded error)
                          default {
                              // Forward the full error data
                              returndatacopy(ptr, 0, returndatasize)
                              revert(ptr, returndatasize)
                      default { }
              // No need to allocate empty bytes for the return as this can only be called via an delegatecall
              // (due to the isInitialized modifier)
          function executorType() external pure returns (bytes32) {
              return EXECUTOR_TYPE;
      // File: contracts/factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract EVMScriptRegistryFactory is EVMScriptRegistryConstants {
          EVMScriptRegistry public baseReg;
          IEVMScriptExecutor public baseCallScript;
          * @notice Create a new EVMScriptRegistryFactory.
          constructor() public {
              baseReg = new EVMScriptRegistry();
              baseCallScript = IEVMScriptExecutor(new CallsScript());
          * @notice Install a new pinned instance of EVMScriptRegistry on `_dao`.
          * @param _dao Kernel
          * @return Installed EVMScriptRegistry
          function newEVMScriptRegistry(Kernel _dao) public returns (EVMScriptRegistry reg) {
              bytes memory initPayload = abi.encodeWithSelector(reg.initialize.selector);
              reg = EVMScriptRegistry(_dao.newPinnedAppInstance(EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID, baseReg, initPayload, true));
              ACL acl = ACL(_dao.acl());
              acl.createPermission(this, reg, reg.REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE(), this);
              reg.addScriptExecutor(baseCallScript);     // spec 1 = CallsScript
              // Clean up the permissions
              acl.revokePermission(this, reg, reg.REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE());
              acl.removePermissionManager(reg, reg.REGISTRY_ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE());
              return reg;
      // File: contracts/factory/DAOFactory.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DAOFactory {
          IKernel public baseKernel;
          IACL public baseACL;
          EVMScriptRegistryFactory public regFactory;
          event DeployDAO(address dao);
          event DeployEVMScriptRegistry(address reg);
          * @notice Create a new DAOFactory, creating DAOs with Kernels proxied to `_baseKernel`, ACLs proxied to `_baseACL`, and new EVMScriptRegistries created from `_regFactory`.
          * @param _baseKernel Base Kernel
          * @param _baseACL Base ACL
          * @param _regFactory EVMScriptRegistry factory
          constructor(IKernel _baseKernel, IACL _baseACL, EVMScriptRegistryFactory _regFactory) public {
              // No need to init as it cannot be killed by devops199
              if (address(_regFactory) != address(0)) {
                  regFactory = _regFactory;
              baseKernel = _baseKernel;
              baseACL = _baseACL;
          * @notice Create a new DAO with `_root` set as the initial admin
          * @param _root Address that will be granted control to setup DAO permissions
          * @return Newly created DAO
          function newDAO(address _root) public returns (Kernel) {
              Kernel dao = Kernel(new KernelProxy(baseKernel));
              if (address(regFactory) == address(0)) {
                  dao.initialize(baseACL, _root);
              } else {
                  dao.initialize(baseACL, this);
                  ACL acl = ACL(dao.acl());
                  bytes32 permRole = acl.CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE();
                  bytes32 appManagerRole = dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE();
                  acl.grantPermission(regFactory, acl, permRole);
                  acl.createPermission(regFactory, dao, appManagerRole, this);
                  EVMScriptRegistry reg = regFactory.newEVMScriptRegistry(dao);
                  emit DeployEVMScriptRegistry(address(reg));
                  // Clean up permissions
                  // First, completely reset the APP_MANAGER_ROLE
                  acl.revokePermission(regFactory, dao, appManagerRole);
                  acl.removePermissionManager(dao, appManagerRole);
                  // Then, make root the only holder and manager of CREATE_PERMISSIONS_ROLE
                  acl.revokePermission(regFactory, acl, permRole);
                  acl.revokePermission(this, acl, permRole);
                  acl.grantPermission(_root, acl, permRole);
                  acl.setPermissionManager(_root, acl, permRole);
              emit DeployDAO(address(dao));
              return dao;

      File 3 of 4: Kernel
      // File: contracts/acl/IACL.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IACL {
          function initialize(address permissionsCreator) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
      // File: contracts/common/IVaultRecoverable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IVaultRecoverable {
          event RecoverToVault(address indexed vault, address indexed token, uint256 amount);
          function transferToVault(address token) external;
          function allowRecoverability(address token) external view returns (bool);
          function getRecoveryVault() external view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/kernel/IKernel.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IKernelEvents {
          event SetApp(bytes32 indexed namespace, bytes32 indexed appId, address app);
      // This should be an interface, but interfaces can't inherit yet :(
      contract IKernel is IKernelEvents, IVaultRecoverable {
          function acl() public view returns (IACL);
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
          function setApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId, address app) public;
          function getApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId) public view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelConstants.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract KernelAppIds {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = apmNamehash("kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = apmNamehash("acl");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = apmNamehash("vault");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = 0x3b4bf6bf3ad5000ecf0f989d5befde585c6860fea3e574a4fab4c49d1c177d9c;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = 0xe3262375f45a6e2026b7e7b18c2b807434f2508fe1a2a3dfb493c7df8f4aad6a;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = 0x7e852e0fcfce6551c13800f1e7476f982525c2b5277ba14b24339c68416336d1;
      contract KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = keccak256("core");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = keccak256("base");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = keccak256("app");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = 0xc681a85306374a5ab27f0bbc385296a54bcd314a1948b6cf61c4ea1bc44bb9f8;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = 0xf1f3eb40f5bc1ad1344716ced8b8a0431d840b5783aea1fd01786bc26f35ac0f;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = 0xd6f028ca0e8edb4a8c9757ca4fdccab25fa1e0317da1188108f7d2dee14902fb;
      // File: contracts/kernel/KernelStorage.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract KernelStorage {
          // namespace => app id => address
          mapping (bytes32 => mapping (bytes32 => address)) public apps;
          bytes32 public recoveryVaultAppId;
      // File: contracts/acl/ACLSyntaxSugar.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ACLSyntaxSugar {
          function arr() internal pure returns (uint256[]) {
              return new uint256[](0);
          function arr(bytes32 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(bytes32 _a, bytes32 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(address _a, address _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c, _d);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), _c, _d, _e);
          function arr(address _a, address _b, address _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(uint256 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](1);
              r[0] = _a;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](2);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](3);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](4);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](5);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
              r[4] = _e;
      contract ACLHelpers {
          function decodeParamOp(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 30));
          function decodeParamId(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 31));
          function decodeParamsList(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c) {
              a = uint32(_x);
              b = uint32(_x >> (8 * 4));
              c = uint32(_x >> (8 * 8));
      // File: contracts/common/ConversionHelpers.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library ConversionHelpers {
          string private constant ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH = "CONVERSION_IMPROPER_LENGTH";
          function dangerouslyCastUintArrayToBytes(uint256[] memory _input) internal pure returns (bytes memory output) {
              // Force cast the uint256[] into a bytes array, by overwriting its length
              // Note that the bytes array doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 byteLength = _input.length * 32;
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, byteLength)
          function dangerouslyCastBytesToUintArray(bytes memory _input) internal pure returns (uint256[] memory output) {
              // Force cast the bytes array into a uint256[], by overwriting its length
              // Note that the uint256[] doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 intsLength = _input.length / 32;
              require(_input.length == intsLength * 32, ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH);
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, intsLength)
      // File: contracts/common/IsContract.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract IsContract {
          * NOTE: this should NEVER be used for authentication
          * (see pitfalls:
          * This is only intended to be used as a sanity check that an address is actually a contract,
          * RATHER THAN an address not being a contract.
          function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) {
              if (_target == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              uint256 size;
              assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) }
              return size > 0;
      // File: contracts/common/Uint256Helpers.sol
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library Uint256Helpers {
          uint256 private constant MAX_UINT64 = uint64(-1);
          string private constant ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "UINT64_NUMBER_TOO_BIG";
          function toUint64(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint64) {
              require(a <= MAX_UINT64, ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG);
              return uint64(a);
      // File: contracts/common/TimeHelpers.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract TimeHelpers {
          using Uint256Helpers for uint256;
          * @dev Returns the current block number.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.number;
          * @dev Returns the current block number, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getBlockNumber().toUint64();
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.timestamp; // solium-disable-line security/no-block-members
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getTimestamp().toUint64();
      // File: contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library UnstructuredStorage {
          function getStorageBool(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bool data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageAddress(bytes32 position) internal view returns (address data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageBytes32(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bytes32 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageUint256(bytes32 position) internal view returns (uint256 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function setStorageBool(bytes32 position, bool data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageAddress(bytes32 position, address data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageBytes32(bytes32 position, bytes32 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageUint256(bytes32 position, uint256 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
      // File: contracts/common/Initializable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract Initializable is TimeHelpers {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.initializable.initializationBlock")
          bytes32 internal constant INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION = 0xebb05b386a8d34882b8711d156f463690983dc47815980fb82aeeff1aa43579e;
          string private constant ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = "INIT_NOT_INITIALIZED";
          modifier onlyInit {
              require(getInitializationBlock() == 0, ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
          modifier isInitialized {
              require(hasInitialized(), ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
          * @return Block number in which the contract was initialized
          function getInitializationBlock() public view returns (uint256) {
              return INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
          * @return Whether the contract has been initialized by the time of the current block
          function hasInitialized() public view returns (bool) {
              uint256 initializationBlock = getInitializationBlock();
              return initializationBlock != 0 && getBlockNumber() >= initializationBlock;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization has finished.
          function initialized() internal onlyInit {
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization to enable the contract
          *      at a future block number rather than immediately.
          function initializedAt(uint256 _blockNumber) internal onlyInit {
      // File: contracts/common/Petrifiable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract Petrifiable is Initializable {
          // Use block UINT256_MAX (which should be never) as the initializable date
          uint256 internal constant PETRIFIED_BLOCK = uint256(-1);
          function isPetrified() public view returns (bool) {
              return getInitializationBlock() == PETRIFIED_BLOCK;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract to prevent being initialized.
          *      Useful for freezing base contracts when they're used behind proxies.
          function petrify() internal onlyInit {
      // File: contracts/lib/token/ERC20.sol
      // See
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
       * @title ERC20 interface
       * @dev see
      contract ERC20 {
          function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
          function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256);
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
              public view returns (uint256);
          function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          event Transfer(
              address indexed from,
              address indexed to,
              uint256 value
          event Approval(
              address indexed owner,
              address indexed spender,
              uint256 value
      // File: contracts/common/EtherTokenConstant.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      // aragonOS and aragon-apps rely on address(0) to denote native ETH, in
      // contracts where both tokens and ETH are accepted
      contract EtherTokenConstant {
          address internal constant ETH = address(0);
      // File: contracts/common/SafeERC20.sol
      // Inspired by AdEx (
      // and 0x (
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library SafeERC20 {
          // Before 0.5, solidity has a mismatch between `address.transfer()` and `token.transfer()`:
          bytes4 private constant TRANSFER_SELECTOR = 0xa9059cbb;
          string private constant ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED = "SAFE_ERC_20_BALANCE_REVERTED";
          function invokeAndCheckSuccess(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool)
              bool ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  let success := call(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      0,                    // no value
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      // Check number of bytes returned from last function call
                      switch returndatasize
                      // No bytes returned: assume success
                      case 0 {
                          ret := 1
                      // 32 bytes returned: check if non-zero
                      case 0x20 {
                          // Only return success if returned data was true
                          // Already have output in ptr
                          ret := eq(mload(ptr), 1)
                      // Not sure what was returned: don't mark as success
                      default { }
              return ret;
          function staticInvoke(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool, uint256)
              bool success;
              uint256 ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  success := staticcall(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      ret := mload(ptr)
              return (success, ret);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transfer() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransfer(ERC20 _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transferFrom() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferFromCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferFromCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.approve() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeApprove(ERC20 _token, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory approveCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, approveCallData);
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.balanceOf().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticBalanceOf(ERC20 _token, address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory balanceOfCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 tokenBalance) = staticInvoke(_token, balanceOfCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED);
              return tokenBalance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.allowance().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticAllowance(ERC20 _token, address _owner, address _spender) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory allowanceCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 allowance) = staticInvoke(_token, allowanceCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return allowance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.totalSupply().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticTotalSupply(ERC20 _token) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory totalSupplyCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(_token.totalSupply.selector);
              (bool success, uint256 totalSupply) = staticInvoke(_token, totalSupplyCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return totalSupply;
      // File: contracts/common/VaultRecoverable.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract VaultRecoverable is IVaultRecoverable, EtherTokenConstant, IsContract {
          using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
          string private constant ERROR_DISALLOWED = "RECOVER_DISALLOWED";
          string private constant ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT = "RECOVER_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT";
           * @notice Send funds to recovery Vault. This contract should never receive funds,
           *         but in case it does, this function allows one to recover them.
           * @param _token Token balance to be sent to recovery vault.
          function transferToVault(address _token) external {
              require(allowRecoverability(_token), ERROR_DISALLOWED);
              address vault = getRecoveryVault();
              require(isContract(vault), ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT);
              uint256 balance;
              if (_token == ETH) {
                  balance = address(this).balance;
              } else {
                  ERC20 token = ERC20(_token);
                  balance = token.staticBalanceOf(this);
                  require(token.safeTransfer(vault, balance), ERROR_TOKEN_TRANSFER_FAILED);
              emit RecoverToVault(vault, _token, balance);
          * @dev By default deriving from AragonApp makes it recoverable
          * @param token Token address that would be recovered
          * @return bool whether the app allows the recovery
          function allowRecoverability(address token) public view returns (bool) {
              return true;
          // Cast non-implemented interface to be public so we can use it internally
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppStorage.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract AppStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.appId");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = 0x4172f0f7d2289153072b0a6ca36959e0cbe2efc3afe50fc81636caa96338137b;
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = 0xd625496217aa6a3453eecb9c3489dc5a53e6c67b444329ea2b2cbc9ff547639b;
          function kernel() public view returns (IKernel) {
              return IKernel(KERNEL_POSITION.getStorageAddress());
          function appId() public view returns (bytes32) {
              return APP_ID_POSITION.getStorageBytes32();
          function setKernel(IKernel _kernel) internal {
          function setAppId(bytes32 _appId) internal {
      // File: contracts/lib/misc/ERCProxy.sol
       * SPDX-License-Identitifer:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ERCProxy {
          uint256 internal constant FORWARDING = 1;
          uint256 internal constant UPGRADEABLE = 2;
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId);
          function implementation() public view returns (address codeAddr);
      // File: contracts/common/DelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DelegateProxy is ERCProxy, IsContract {
          uint256 internal constant FWD_GAS_LIMIT = 10000;
          * @dev Performs a delegatecall and returns whatever the delegatecall returned (entire context execution will return!)
          * @param _dst Destination address to perform the delegatecall
          * @param _calldata Calldata for the delegatecall
          function delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes _calldata) internal {
              uint256 fwdGasLimit = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              assembly {
                  let result := delegatecall(sub(gas, fwdGasLimit), _dst, add(_calldata, 0x20), mload(_calldata), 0, 0)
                  let size := returndatasize
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)
                  returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)
                  // revert instead of invalid() bc if the underlying call failed with invalid() it already wasted gas.
                  // if the call returned error data, forward it
                  switch result case 0 { revert(ptr, size) }
                  default { return(ptr, size) }
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableStorage.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.depositableStorage.depositable")
          bytes32 internal constant DEPOSITABLE_POSITION = 0x665fd576fbbe6f247aff98f5c94a561e3f71ec2d3c988d56f12d342396c50cea;
          function isDepositable() public view returns (bool) {
              return DEPOSITABLE_POSITION.getStorageBool();
          function setDepositable(bool _depositable) internal {
      // File: contracts/common/DepositableDelegateProxy.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract DepositableDelegateProxy is DepositableStorage, DelegateProxy {
          event ProxyDeposit(address sender, uint256 value);
          function () external payable {
              uint256 forwardGasThreshold = FWD_GAS_LIMIT;
              bytes32 isDepositablePosition = DEPOSITABLE_POSITION;
              // Optimized assembly implementation to prevent EIP-1884 from breaking deposits, reference code in Solidity:
              assembly {
                  // Continue only if the gas left is lower than the threshold for forwarding to the implementation code,
                  // otherwise continue outside of the assembly block.
                  if lt(gas, forwardGasThreshold) {
                      // Only accept the deposit and emit an event if all of the following are true:
                      // the proxy accepts deposits (isDepositable), == 0, and msg.value > 0
                      if and(and(sload(isDepositablePosition), iszero(calldatasize)), gt(callvalue, 0)) {
                          // Equivalent Solidity code for emitting the event:
                          // emit ProxyDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
                          let logData := mload(0x40) // free memory pointer
                          mstore(logData, caller) // add 'msg.sender' to the log data (first event param)
                          mstore(add(logData, 0x20), callvalue) // add 'msg.value' to the log data (second event param)
                          // Emit an event with one topic to identify the event: keccak256('ProxyDeposit(address,uint256)') = 0x15ee...dee1
                          log1(logData, 0x40, 0x15eeaa57c7bd188c1388020bcadc2c436ec60d647d36ef5b9eb3c742217ddee1)
                          stop() // Stop. Exits execution context
                      // If any of above checks failed, revert the execution (if ETH was sent, it is returned to the sender)
                      revert(0, 0)
              address target = implementation();
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyBase.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyBase is AppStorage, DepositableDelegateProxy, KernelNamespaceConstants {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxy
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public {
              // Implicit check that kernel is actually a Kernel
              // The EVM doesn't actually provide a way for us to make sure, but we can force a revert to
              // occur if the kernel is set to 0x0 or a non-code address when we try to call a method on
              // it.
              address appCode = getAppBase(_appId);
              // If initialize payload is provided, it will be executed
              if (_initializePayload.length > 0) {
                  // Cannot make delegatecall as a delegateproxy.delegatedFwd as it
                  // returns ending execution context and halts contract deployment
          function getAppBase(bytes32 _appId) internal view returns (address) {
              return kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId);
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyUpgradeable.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyUpgradeable is AppProxyBase {
          * @dev Initialize AppProxyUpgradeable (makes it an upgradeable Aragon app)
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload)
              AppProxyBase(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload)
              public // solium-disable-line visibility-first
              // solium-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks
           * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return getAppBase(appId());
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return UPGRADEABLE;
      // File: contracts/apps/AppProxyPinned.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyPinned is IsContract, AppProxyBase {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.pinnedCode")
          bytes32 internal constant PINNED_CODE_POSITION = 0xdee64df20d65e53d7f51cb6ab6d921a0a6a638a91e942e1d8d02df28e31c038e;
          * @dev Initialize AppProxyPinned (makes it an un-upgradeable Aragon app)
          * @param _kernel Reference to organization kernel for the app
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call to be made after setup to initialize
          constructor(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload)
              AppProxyBase(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload)
              public // solium-disable-line visibility-first
           * @dev ERC897, the address the proxy would delegate calls to
          function implementation() public view returns (address) {
              return pinnedCode();
           * @dev ERC897, whether it is a forwarding (1) or an upgradeable (2) proxy
          function proxyType() public pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) {
              return FORWARDING;
          function setPinnedCode(address _pinnedCode) internal {
          function pinnedCode() internal view returns (address) {
              return PINNED_CODE_POSITION.getStorageAddress();
      // File: contracts/factory/AppProxyFactory.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      contract AppProxyFactory {
          event NewAppProxy(address proxy, bool isUpgradeable, bytes32 appId);
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyUpgradeable
          function newAppProxy(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId) public returns (AppProxyUpgradeable) {
              return newAppProxy(_kernel, _appId, new bytes(0));
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId` and initialization payload `_initializePayload`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyUpgradeable
          function newAppProxy(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public returns (AppProxyUpgradeable) {
              AppProxyUpgradeable proxy = new AppProxyUpgradeable(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload);
              emit NewAppProxy(address(proxy), true, _appId);
              return proxy;
          * @notice Create a new pinned app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return AppProxyPinned
          function newAppProxyPinned(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId) public returns (AppProxyPinned) {
              return newAppProxyPinned(_kernel, _appId, new bytes(0));
          * @notice Create a new pinned app instance on `_kernel` with identifier `_appId` and initialization payload `_initializePayload`
          * @param _kernel App's Kernel reference
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _initializePayload Proxy initialization payload
          * @return AppProxyPinned
          function newAppProxyPinned(IKernel _kernel, bytes32 _appId, bytes _initializePayload) public returns (AppProxyPinned) {
              AppProxyPinned proxy = new AppProxyPinned(_kernel, _appId, _initializePayload);
              emit NewAppProxy(address(proxy), false, _appId);
              return proxy;
      // File: contracts/kernel/Kernel.sol
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      // solium-disable-next-line max-len
      contract Kernel is IKernel, KernelStorage, KernelAppIds, KernelNamespaceConstants, Petrifiable, IsContract, VaultRecoverable, AppProxyFactory, ACLSyntaxSugar {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 public constant APP_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("APP_MANAGER_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant APP_MANAGER_ROLE = 0xb6d92708f3d4817afc106147d969e229ced5c46e65e0a5002a0d391287762bd0;
          string private constant ERROR_APP_NOT_CONTRACT = "KERNEL_APP_NOT_CONTRACT";
          string private constant ERROR_INVALID_APP_CHANGE = "KERNEL_INVALID_APP_CHANGE";
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_FAILED = "KERNEL_AUTH_FAILED";
          * @dev Constructor that allows the deployer to choose if the base instance should be petrified immediately.
          * @param _shouldPetrify Immediately petrify this instance so that it can never be initialized
          constructor(bool _shouldPetrify) public {
              if (_shouldPetrify) {
          * @dev Initialize can only be called once. It saves the block number in which it was initialized.
          * @notice Initialize this kernel instance along with its ACL and set `_permissionsCreator` as the entity that can create other permissions
          * @param _baseAcl Address of base ACL app
          * @param _permissionsCreator Entity that will be given permission over createPermission
          function initialize(IACL _baseAcl, address _permissionsCreator) public onlyInit {
              // Set ACL base
              // Create ACL instance and attach it as the default ACL app
              IACL acl = IACL(newAppProxy(this, KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID));
              recoveryVaultAppId = KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID;
          * @dev Create a new instance of an app linked to this kernel
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              return newAppInstance(_appId, _appBase, new bytes(0), false);
          * @dev Create a new instance of an app linked to this kernel and set its base
          *      implementation if it was not already set
          * @notice Create a new upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`. `_setDefault ? 'Also sets it as the default app instance.':''`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call made by the proxy during its construction to initialize
          * @param _setDefault Whether the app proxy app is the default one.
          *        Useful when the Kernel needs to know of an instance of a particular app,
          *        like Vault for escape hatch mechanism.
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase, bytes _initializePayload, bool _setDefault)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              _setAppIfNew(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId, _appBase);
              appProxy = newAppProxy(this, _appId, _initializePayload);
              // By calling setApp directly and not the internal functions, we make sure the params are checked
              // and it will only succeed if sender has permissions to set something to the namespace.
              if (_setDefault) {
                  setApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _appId, appProxy);
          * @dev Create a new pinned instance of an app linked to this kernel
          * @notice Create a new non-upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`.
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newPinnedAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              return newPinnedAppInstance(_appId, _appBase, new bytes(0), false);
          * @dev Create a new pinned instance of an app linked to this kernel and set
          *      its base implementation if it was not already set
          * @notice Create a new non-upgradeable instance of `_appId` app linked to the Kernel, setting its code to `_appBase`. `_setDefault ? 'Also sets it as the default app instance.':''`
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _appBase Address of the app's base implementation
          * @param _initializePayload Payload for call made by the proxy during its construction to initialize
          * @param _setDefault Whether the app proxy app is the default one.
          *        Useful when the Kernel needs to know of an instance of a particular app,
          *        like Vault for escape hatch mechanism.
          * @return AppProxy instance
          function newPinnedAppInstance(bytes32 _appId, address _appBase, bytes _initializePayload, bool _setDefault)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId))
              returns (ERCProxy appProxy)
              _setAppIfNew(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId, _appBase);
              appProxy = newAppProxyPinned(this, _appId, _initializePayload);
              // By calling setApp directly and not the internal functions, we make sure the params are checked
              // and it will only succeed if sender has permissions to set something to the namespace.
              if (_setDefault) {
                  setApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _appId, appProxy);
          * @dev Set the resolving address of an app instance or base implementation
          * @notice Set the resolving address of `_appId` in namespace `_namespace` to `_app`
          * @param _namespace App namespace to use
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @param _app Address of the app instance or base implementation
          * @return ID of app
          function setApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(_namespace, _appId))
              _setApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          * @dev Set the default vault id for the escape hatch mechanism
          * @param _recoveryVaultAppId Identifier of the recovery vault app
          function setRecoveryVaultAppId(bytes32 _recoveryVaultAppId)
              auth(APP_MANAGER_ROLE, arr(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, _recoveryVaultAppId))
              recoveryVaultAppId = _recoveryVaultAppId;
          // External access to default app id and namespace constants to mimic default getters for constants
          /* solium-disable function-order, mixedcase */
          function CORE_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE; }
          function APP_BASES_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE; }
          function APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE; }
          function KERNEL_APP_ID() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID; }
          function DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID() external pure returns (bytes32) { return KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID; }
          /* solium-enable function-order, mixedcase */
          * @dev Get the address of an app instance or base implementation
          * @param _namespace App namespace to use
          * @param _appId Identifier for app
          * @return Address of the app
          function getApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId) public view returns (address) {
              return apps[_namespace][_appId];
          * @dev Get the address of the recovery Vault instance (to recover funds)
          * @return Address of the Vault
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address) {
              return apps[KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE][recoveryVaultAppId];
          * @dev Get the installed ACL app
          * @return ACL app
          function acl() public view returns (IACL) {
          * @dev Function called by apps to check ACL on kernel or to check permission status
          * @param _who Sender of the original call
          * @param _where Address of the app
          * @param _what Identifier for a group of actions in app
          * @param _how Extra data for ACL auth
          * @return Boolean indicating whether the ACL allows the role or not.
          *         Always returns false if the kernel hasn't been initialized yet.
          function hasPermission(address _who, address _where, bytes32 _what, bytes _how) public view returns (bool) {
              IACL defaultAcl = acl();
              return address(defaultAcl) != address(0) && // Poor man's initialization check (saves gas)
                  defaultAcl.hasPermission(_who, _where, _what, _how);
          function _setApp(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app) internal {
              require(isContract(_app), ERROR_APP_NOT_CONTRACT);
              apps[_namespace][_appId] = _app;
              emit SetApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          function _setAppIfNew(bytes32 _namespace, bytes32 _appId, address _app) internal {
              address app = getApp(_namespace, _appId);
              if (app != address(0)) {
                  // The only way to set an app is if it passes the isContract check, so no need to check it again
                  require(app == _app, ERROR_INVALID_APP_CHANGE);
              } else {
                  _setApp(_namespace, _appId, _app);
          modifier auth(bytes32 _role, uint256[] memory _params) {
                  hasPermission(msg.sender, address(this), _role, ConversionHelpers.dangerouslyCastUintArrayToBytes(_params)),

      File 4 of 4: Lido
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract ACLSyntaxSugar {
          function arr() internal pure returns (uint256[]) {
              return new uint256[](0);
          function arr(bytes32 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(bytes32 _a, bytes32 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a));
          function arr(address _a, address _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), _b, _c, _d);
          function arr(address _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), _c, _d, _e);
          function arr(address _a, address _b, address _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(address _a, address _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              return arr(uint256(_a), uint256(_b), uint256(_c));
          function arr(uint256 _a) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](1);
              r[0] = _a;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](2);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](3);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](4);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
          function arr(uint256 _a, uint256 _b, uint256 _c, uint256 _d, uint256 _e) internal pure returns (uint256[] r) {
              r = new uint256[](5);
              r[0] = _a;
              r[1] = _b;
              r[2] = _c;
              r[3] = _d;
              r[4] = _e;
      contract ACLHelpers {
          function decodeParamOp(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 30));
          function decodeParamId(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint8 b) {
              return uint8(_x >> (8 * 31));
          function decodeParamsList(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c) {
              a = uint32(_x);
              b = uint32(_x >> (8 * 4));
              c = uint32(_x >> (8 * 8));
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IACL {
          function initialize(address permissionsCreator) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "../common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      import "../kernel/IKernel.sol";
      contract AppStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.appStorage.appId");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_POSITION = 0x4172f0f7d2289153072b0a6ca36959e0cbe2efc3afe50fc81636caa96338137b;
          bytes32 internal constant APP_ID_POSITION = 0xd625496217aa6a3453eecb9c3489dc5a53e6c67b444329ea2b2cbc9ff547639b;
          function kernel() public view returns (IKernel) {
              return IKernel(KERNEL_POSITION.getStorageAddress());
          function appId() public view returns (bytes32) {
              return APP_ID_POSITION.getStorageBytes32();
          function setKernel(IKernel _kernel) internal {
          function setAppId(bytes32 _appId) internal {
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./AppStorage.sol";
      import "../acl/ACLSyntaxSugar.sol";
      import "../common/Autopetrified.sol";
      import "../common/ConversionHelpers.sol";
      import "../common/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
      import "../common/VaultRecoverable.sol";
      import "../evmscript/EVMScriptRunner.sol";
      // Contracts inheriting from AragonApp are, by default, immediately petrified upon deployment so
      // that they can never be initialized.
      // Unless overriden, this behaviour enforces those contracts to be usable only behind an AppProxy.
      // ReentrancyGuard, EVMScriptRunner, and ACLSyntaxSugar are not directly used by this contract, but
      // are included so that they are automatically usable by subclassing contracts
      contract AragonApp is AppStorage, Autopetrified, VaultRecoverable, ReentrancyGuard, EVMScriptRunner, ACLSyntaxSugar {
          string private constant ERROR_AUTH_FAILED = "APP_AUTH_FAILED";
          modifier auth(bytes32 _role) {
              require(canPerform(msg.sender, _role, new uint256[](0)), ERROR_AUTH_FAILED);
          modifier authP(bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params) {
              require(canPerform(msg.sender, _role, _params), ERROR_AUTH_FAILED);
          * @dev Check whether an action can be performed by a sender for a particular role on this app
          * @param _sender Sender of the call
          * @param _role Role on this app
          * @param _params Permission params for the role
          * @return Boolean indicating whether the sender has the permissions to perform the action.
          *         Always returns false if the app hasn't been initialized yet.
          function canPerform(address _sender, bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params) public view returns (bool) {
              if (!hasInitialized()) {
                  return false;
              IKernel linkedKernel = kernel();
              if (address(linkedKernel) == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              return linkedKernel.hasPermission(
          * @dev Get the recovery vault for the app
          * @return Recovery vault address for the app
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address) {
              // Funds recovery via a vault is only available when used with a kernel
              return kernel().getRecoveryVault(); // if kernel is not set, it will revert
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./Petrifiable.sol";
      contract Autopetrified is Petrifiable {
          constructor() public {
              // Immediately petrify base (non-proxy) instances of inherited contracts on deploy.
              // This renders them uninitializable (and unusable without a proxy).
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library ConversionHelpers {
          string private constant ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH = "CONVERSION_IMPROPER_LENGTH";
          function dangerouslyCastUintArrayToBytes(uint256[] memory _input) internal pure returns (bytes memory output) {
              // Force cast the uint256[] into a bytes array, by overwriting its length
              // Note that the bytes array doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 byteLength = _input.length * 32;
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, byteLength)
          function dangerouslyCastBytesToUintArray(bytes memory _input) internal pure returns (uint256[] memory output) {
              // Force cast the bytes array into a uint256[], by overwriting its length
              // Note that the uint256[] doesn't need to be initialized as we immediately overwrite it
              // with the input and a new length. The input becomes invalid from this point forward.
              uint256 intsLength = _input.length / 32;
              require(_input.length == intsLength * 32, ERROR_IMPROPER_LENGTH);
              assembly {
                  output := _input
                  mstore(output, intsLength)
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      // aragonOS and aragon-apps rely on address(0) to denote native ETH, in
      // contracts where both tokens and ETH are accepted
      contract EtherTokenConstant {
          address internal constant ETH = address(0);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./TimeHelpers.sol";
      import "./UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      contract Initializable is TimeHelpers {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          // keccak256("aragonOS.initializable.initializationBlock")
          bytes32 internal constant INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION = 0xebb05b386a8d34882b8711d156f463690983dc47815980fb82aeeff1aa43579e;
          string private constant ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = "INIT_NOT_INITIALIZED";
          modifier onlyInit {
              require(getInitializationBlock() == 0, ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
          modifier isInitialized {
              require(hasInitialized(), ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
          * @return Block number in which the contract was initialized
          function getInitializationBlock() public view returns (uint256) {
              return INITIALIZATION_BLOCK_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
          * @return Whether the contract has been initialized by the time of the current block
          function hasInitialized() public view returns (bool) {
              uint256 initializationBlock = getInitializationBlock();
              return initializationBlock != 0 && getBlockNumber() >= initializationBlock;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization has finished.
          function initialized() internal onlyInit {
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract after initialization to enable the contract
          *      at a future block number rather than immediately.
          function initializedAt(uint256 _blockNumber) internal onlyInit {
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract IsContract {
          * NOTE: this should NEVER be used for authentication
          * (see pitfalls:
          * This is only intended to be used as a sanity check that an address is actually a contract,
          * RATHER THAN an address not being a contract.
          function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) {
              if (_target == address(0)) {
                  return false;
              uint256 size;
              assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) }
              return size > 0;
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IVaultRecoverable {
          event RecoverToVault(address indexed vault, address indexed token, uint256 amount);
          function transferToVault(address token) external;
          function allowRecoverability(address token) external view returns (bool);
          function getRecoveryVault() external view returns (address);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./Initializable.sol";
      contract Petrifiable is Initializable {
          // Use block UINT256_MAX (which should be never) as the initializable date
          uint256 internal constant PETRIFIED_BLOCK = uint256(-1);
          function isPetrified() public view returns (bool) {
              return getInitializationBlock() == PETRIFIED_BLOCK;
          * @dev Function to be called by top level contract to prevent being initialized.
          *      Useful for freezing base contracts when they're used behind proxies.
          function petrify() internal onlyInit {
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "../common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      contract ReentrancyGuard {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION = keccak256("aragonOS.reentrancyGuard.mutex");
          bytes32 private constant REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION = 0xe855346402235fdd185c890e68d2c4ecad599b88587635ee285bce2fda58dacb;
          string private constant ERROR_REENTRANT = "REENTRANCY_REENTRANT_CALL";
          modifier nonReentrant() {
              // Ensure mutex is unlocked
              require(!REENTRANCY_MUTEX_POSITION.getStorageBool(), ERROR_REENTRANT);
              // Lock mutex before function call
              // Perform function call
              // Unlock mutex after function call
      // Inspired by AdEx (
      // and 0x (
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "../lib/token/ERC20.sol";
      library SafeERC20 {
          // Before 0.5, solidity has a mismatch between `address.transfer()` and `token.transfer()`:
          bytes4 private constant TRANSFER_SELECTOR = 0xa9059cbb;
          string private constant ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED = "SAFE_ERC_20_BALANCE_REVERTED";
          function invokeAndCheckSuccess(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool)
              bool ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  let success := call(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      0,                    // no value
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      // Check number of bytes returned from last function call
                      switch returndatasize
                      // No bytes returned: assume success
                      case 0 {
                          ret := 1
                      // 32 bytes returned: check if non-zero
                      case 0x20 {
                          // Only return success if returned data was true
                          // Already have output in ptr
                          ret := eq(mload(ptr), 1)
                      // Not sure what was returned: don't mark as success
                      default { }
              return ret;
          function staticInvoke(address _addr, bytes memory _calldata)
              returns (bool, uint256)
              bool success;
              uint256 ret;
              assembly {
                  let ptr := mload(0x40)    // free memory pointer
                  success := staticcall(
                      gas,                  // forward all gas
                      _addr,                // address
                      add(_calldata, 0x20), // calldata start
                      mload(_calldata),     // calldata length
                      ptr,                  // write output over free memory
                      0x20                  // uint256 return
                  if gt(success, 0) {
                      ret := mload(ptr)
              return (success, ret);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transfer() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransfer(ERC20 _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.transferFrom() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory transferFromCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, transferFromCallData);
          * @dev Same as a standards-compliant ERC20.approve() that never reverts (returns false).
          *      Note that this makes an external call to the token.
          function safeApprove(ERC20 _token, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal returns (bool) {
              bytes memory approveCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              return invokeAndCheckSuccess(_token, approveCallData);
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.balanceOf().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticBalanceOf(ERC20 _token, address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory balanceOfCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 tokenBalance) = staticInvoke(_token, balanceOfCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_BALANCE_REVERTED);
              return tokenBalance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.allowance().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticAllowance(ERC20 _token, address _owner, address _spender) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory allowanceCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
              (bool success, uint256 allowance) = staticInvoke(_token, allowanceCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return allowance;
          * @dev Static call into ERC20.totalSupply().
          * Reverts if the call fails for some reason (should never fail).
          function staticTotalSupply(ERC20 _token) internal view returns (uint256) {
              bytes memory totalSupplyCallData = abi.encodeWithSelector(_token.totalSupply.selector);
              (bool success, uint256 totalSupply) = staticInvoke(_token, totalSupplyCallData);
              require(success, ERROR_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_REVERTED);
              return totalSupply;
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./Uint256Helpers.sol";
      contract TimeHelpers {
          using Uint256Helpers for uint256;
          * @dev Returns the current block number.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.number;
          * @dev Returns the current block number, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
          *      tests.
          function getBlockNumber64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getBlockNumber().toUint64();
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return block.timestamp; // solium-disable-line security/no-block-members
          * @dev Returns the current timestamp, converted to uint64.
          *      Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
          *      tests.
          function getTimestamp64() internal view returns (uint64) {
              return getTimestamp().toUint64();
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library Uint256Helpers {
          uint256 private constant MAX_UINT64 = uint64(-1);
          string private constant ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "UINT64_NUMBER_TOO_BIG";
          function toUint64(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint64) {
              require(a <= MAX_UINT64, ERROR_NUMBER_TOO_BIG);
              return uint64(a);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      library UnstructuredStorage {
          function getStorageBool(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bool data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageAddress(bytes32 position) internal view returns (address data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageBytes32(bytes32 position) internal view returns (bytes32 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function getStorageUint256(bytes32 position) internal view returns (uint256 data) {
              assembly { data := sload(position) }
          function setStorageBool(bytes32 position, bool data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageAddress(bytes32 position, address data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageBytes32(bytes32 position, bytes32 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
          function setStorageUint256(bytes32 position, uint256 data) internal {
              assembly { sstore(position, data) }
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "../lib/token/ERC20.sol";
      import "./EtherTokenConstant.sol";
      import "./IsContract.sol";
      import "./IVaultRecoverable.sol";
      import "./SafeERC20.sol";
      contract VaultRecoverable is IVaultRecoverable, EtherTokenConstant, IsContract {
          using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
          string private constant ERROR_DISALLOWED = "RECOVER_DISALLOWED";
          string private constant ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT = "RECOVER_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT";
           * @notice Send funds to recovery Vault. This contract should never receive funds,
           *         but in case it does, this function allows one to recover them.
           * @param _token Token balance to be sent to recovery vault.
          function transferToVault(address _token) external {
              require(allowRecoverability(_token), ERROR_DISALLOWED);
              address vault = getRecoveryVault();
              require(isContract(vault), ERROR_VAULT_NOT_CONTRACT);
              uint256 balance;
              if (_token == ETH) {
                  balance = address(this).balance;
              } else {
                  ERC20 token = ERC20(_token);
                  balance = token.staticBalanceOf(this);
                  require(token.safeTransfer(vault, balance), ERROR_TOKEN_TRANSFER_FAILED);
              emit RecoverToVault(vault, _token, balance);
          * @dev By default deriving from AragonApp makes it recoverable
          * @param token Token address that would be recovered
          * @return bool whether the app allows the recovery
          function allowRecoverability(address token) public view returns (bool) {
              return true;
          // Cast non-implemented interface to be public so we can use it internally
          function getRecoveryVault() public view returns (address);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./IEVMScriptExecutor.sol";
      import "./IEVMScriptRegistry.sol";
      import "../apps/AppStorage.sol";
      import "../kernel/KernelConstants.sol";
      import "../common/Initializable.sol";
      contract EVMScriptRunner is AppStorage, Initializable, EVMScriptRegistryConstants, KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* This is manually crafted in assembly
          event ScriptResult(address indexed executor, bytes script, bytes input, bytes returnData);
          function getEVMScriptExecutor(bytes _script) public view returns (IEVMScriptExecutor) {
              return IEVMScriptExecutor(getEVMScriptRegistry().getScriptExecutor(_script));
          function getEVMScriptRegistry() public view returns (IEVMScriptRegistry) {
              address registryAddr = kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE, EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID);
              return IEVMScriptRegistry(registryAddr);
          function runScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist)
              returns (bytes)
              IEVMScriptExecutor executor = getEVMScriptExecutor(_script);
              require(address(executor) != address(0), ERROR_EXECUTOR_UNAVAILABLE);
              bytes4 sig = executor.execScript.selector;
              bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(sig, _script, _input, _blacklist);
              bytes memory output;
              assembly {
                  let success := delegatecall(
                      gas,                // forward all gas
                      executor,           // address
                      add(data, 0x20),    // calldata start
                      mload(data),        // calldata length
                      0,                  // don't write output (we'll handle this ourselves)
                      0                   // don't write output
                  output := mload(0x40) // free mem ptr get
                  switch success
                  case 0 {
                      // If the call errored, forward its full error data
                      returndatacopy(output, 0, returndatasize)
                      revert(output, returndatasize)
                  default {
                      switch gt(returndatasize, 0x3f)
                      case 0 {
                          // Need at least 0x40 bytes returned for properly ABI-encoded bytes values,
                          // revert with "EVMRUN_EXECUTOR_INVALID_RETURN"
                          // See remix: doing a `revert("EVMRUN_EXECUTOR_INVALID_RETURN")` always results in
                          // this memory layout
                          mstore(output, 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)         // error identifier
                          mstore(add(output, 0x04), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020) // starting offset
                          mstore(add(output, 0x24), 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e) // reason length
                          mstore(add(output, 0x44), 0x45564d52554e5f4558454355544f525f494e56414c49445f52455455524e0000) // reason
                          revert(output, 100) // 100 = 4 + 3 * 32 (error identifier + 3 words for the ABI encoded error)
                      default {
                          // Copy result
                          // Needs to perform an ABI decode for the expected `bytes` return type of
                          // `executor.execScript()` as solidity will automatically ABI encode the returned bytes as:
                          //    [ position of the first dynamic length return value = 0x20 (32 bytes) ]
                          //    [ output length (32 bytes) ]
                          //    [ output content (N bytes) ]
                          // Perform the ABI decode by ignoring the first 32 bytes of the return data
                          let copysize := sub(returndatasize, 0x20)
                          returndatacopy(output, 0x20, copysize)
                          mstore(0x40, add(output, copysize)) // free mem ptr set
              emit ScriptResult(address(executor), _script, _input, output);
              return output;
          modifier protectState {
              address preKernel = address(kernel());
              bytes32 preAppId = appId();
              _; // exec
              require(address(kernel()) == preKernel, ERROR_PROTECTED_STATE_MODIFIED);
              require(appId() == preAppId, ERROR_PROTECTED_STATE_MODIFIED);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      interface IEVMScriptExecutor {
          function execScript(bytes script, bytes input, address[] blacklist) external returns (bytes);
          function executorType() external pure returns (bytes32);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "./IEVMScriptExecutor.sol";
      contract EVMScriptRegistryConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID = apmNamehash("evmreg");
          bytes32 internal constant EVMSCRIPT_REGISTRY_APP_ID = 0xddbcfd564f642ab5627cf68b9b7d374fb4f8a36e941a75d89c87998cef03bd61;
      interface IEVMScriptRegistry {
          function addScriptExecutor(IEVMScriptExecutor executor) external returns (uint id);
          function disableScriptExecutor(uint256 executorId) external;
          // TODO: this should be external
          // See
          function getScriptExecutor(bytes script) public view returns (IEVMScriptExecutor);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      import "../acl/IACL.sol";
      import "../common/IVaultRecoverable.sol";
      interface IKernelEvents {
          event SetApp(bytes32 indexed namespace, bytes32 indexed appId, address app);
      // This should be an interface, but interfaces can't inherit yet :(
      contract IKernel is IKernelEvents, IVaultRecoverable {
          function acl() public view returns (IACL);
          function hasPermission(address who, address where, bytes32 what, bytes how) public view returns (bool);
          function setApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId, address app) public;
          function getApp(bytes32 namespace, bytes32 appId) public view returns (address);
       * SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
      contract KernelAppIds {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = apmNamehash("kernel");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = apmNamehash("acl");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = apmNamehash("vault");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_APP_ID = 0x3b4bf6bf3ad5000ecf0f989d5befde585c6860fea3e574a4fab4c49d1c177d9c;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_ACL_APP_ID = 0xe3262375f45a6e2026b7e7b18c2b807434f2508fe1a2a3dfb493c7df8f4aad6a;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_DEFAULT_VAULT_APP_ID = 0x7e852e0fcfce6551c13800f1e7476f982525c2b5277ba14b24339c68416336d1;
      contract KernelNamespaceConstants {
          /* Hardcoded constants to save gas
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = keccak256("core");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = keccak256("base");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = keccak256("app");
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_CORE_NAMESPACE = 0xc681a85306374a5ab27f0bbc385296a54bcd314a1948b6cf61c4ea1bc44bb9f8;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE = 0xf1f3eb40f5bc1ad1344716ced8b8a0431d840b5783aea1fd01786bc26f35ac0f;
          bytes32 internal constant KERNEL_APP_ADDR_NAMESPACE = 0xd6f028ca0e8edb4a8c9757ca4fdccab25fa1e0317da1188108f7d2dee14902fb;
      // See
      // Adapted to use pragma ^0.4.24 and satisfy our linter rules
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
       * @title SafeMath
       * @dev Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
      library SafeMath {
          string private constant ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW = "MATH_ADD_OVERFLOW";
          string private constant ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW = "MATH_SUB_UNDERFLOW";
          string private constant ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW = "MATH_MUL_OVERFLOW";
          string private constant ERROR_DIV_ZERO = "MATH_DIV_ZERO";
          * @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow.
          function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
              // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
              // See:
              if (_a == 0) {
                  return 0;
              uint256 c = _a * _b;
              require(c / _a == _b, ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW);
              return c;
          * @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
          function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              require(_b > 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
              uint256 c = _a / _b;
              // assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
              return c;
          * @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
          function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              require(_b <= _a, ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW);
              uint256 c = _a - _b;
              return c;
          * @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow.
          function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              uint256 c = _a + _b;
              require(c >= _a, ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW);
              return c;
          * @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
          * reverts when dividing by zero.
          function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              require(b != 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO);
              return a % b;
      // See
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
       * @title ERC20 interface
       * @dev see
      contract ERC20 {
          function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
          function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256);
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
              public view returns (uint256);
          function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
              public returns (bool);
          event Transfer(
              address indexed from,
              address indexed to,
              uint256 value
          event Approval(
              address indexed owner,
              address indexed spender,
              uint256 value
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      /* See contracts/ */
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      // We need to pack four variables into the same 256bit-wide storage slot
      // to lower the costs per each staking request.
      // As a result, slot's memory aligned as follows:
      // MSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> LSB
      // 256____________160_________________________128_______________32_____________________ 0
      // |_______________|___________________________|________________|_______________________|
      // | maxStakeLimit | maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks | prevStakeLimit | prevStakeBlockNumber  |
      // |<-- 96 bits -->|<---------- 32 bits ------>|<-- 96 bits --->|<----- 32 bits ------->|
      // NB: Internal representation conventions:
      // - the `maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks` field above represented as follows:
      // `maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks` = `maxStakeLimit` / `stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock`
      //           32 bits                 96 bits               96 bits
      // - the "staking paused" state is encoded by `prevStakeBlockNumber` being zero,
      // - the "staking unlimited" state is encoded by `maxStakeLimit` being zero and `prevStakeBlockNumber` being non-zero.
      * @notice Library for the internal structs definitions
      * @dev solidity <0.6 doesn't support top-level structs
      * using the library to have a proper namespace
      library StakeLimitState {
            * @dev Internal representation struct (slot-wide)
          struct Data {
              uint32 prevStakeBlockNumber;      // block number of the previous stake submit
              uint96 prevStakeLimit;            // limit value (<= `maxStakeLimit`) obtained on the previous stake submit
              uint32 maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks; // limit regeneration speed expressed in blocks
              uint96 maxStakeLimit;             // maximum limit value
      library StakeLimitUnstructuredStorage {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          /// @dev Storage offset for `maxStakeLimit` (bits)
          uint256 internal constant MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET = 160;
          /// @dev Storage offset for `maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks` (bits)
          uint256 internal constant MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_GROWTH_BLOCKS_OFFSET = 128;
          /// @dev Storage offset for `prevStakeLimit` (bits)
          uint256 internal constant PREV_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET = 32;
          /// @dev Storage offset for `prevStakeBlockNumber` (bits)
          uint256 internal constant PREV_STAKE_BLOCK_NUMBER_OFFSET = 0;
          * @dev Read stake limit state from the unstructured storage position
          * @param _position storage offset
          function getStorageStakeLimitStruct(bytes32 _position) internal view returns (StakeLimitState.Data memory stakeLimit) {
              uint256 slotValue = _position.getStorageUint256();
              stakeLimit.prevStakeBlockNumber = uint32(slotValue >> PREV_STAKE_BLOCK_NUMBER_OFFSET);
              stakeLimit.prevStakeLimit = uint96(slotValue >> PREV_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET);
              stakeLimit.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks = uint32(slotValue >> MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_GROWTH_BLOCKS_OFFSET);
              stakeLimit.maxStakeLimit = uint96(slotValue >> MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET);
          * @dev Write stake limit state to the unstructured storage position
          * @param _position storage offset
          * @param _data stake limit state structure instance
          function setStorageStakeLimitStruct(bytes32 _position, StakeLimitState.Data memory _data) internal {
                  uint256(_data.prevStakeBlockNumber) << PREV_STAKE_BLOCK_NUMBER_OFFSET
                      | uint256(_data.prevStakeLimit) << PREV_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET
                      | uint256(_data.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks) << MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_GROWTH_BLOCKS_OFFSET
                      | uint256(_data.maxStakeLimit) << MAX_STAKE_LIMIT_OFFSET
      * @notice Interface library with helper functions to deal with stake limit struct in a more high-level approach.
      library StakeLimitUtils {
          * @notice Calculate stake limit for the current block.
          * @dev using `_constGasMin` to make gas consumption independent of the current block number
          function calculateCurrentStakeLimit(StakeLimitState.Data memory _data) internal view returns(uint256 limit) {
              uint256 stakeLimitIncPerBlock;
              if (_data.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks != 0) {
                  stakeLimitIncPerBlock = _data.maxStakeLimit / _data.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks;
              uint256 blocksPassed = block.number - _data.prevStakeBlockNumber;
              uint256 projectedLimit = _data.prevStakeLimit + blocksPassed * stakeLimitIncPerBlock;
              limit = _constGasMin(
          * @notice check if staking is on pause
          function isStakingPaused(StakeLimitState.Data memory _data) internal pure returns(bool) {
              return _data.prevStakeBlockNumber == 0;
          * @notice check if staking limit is set (otherwise staking is unlimited)
          function isStakingLimitSet(StakeLimitState.Data memory _data) internal pure returns(bool) {
              return _data.maxStakeLimit != 0;
          * @notice update stake limit repr with the desired limits
          * @dev input `_data` param is mutated and the func returns effectively the same pointer
          * @param _data stake limit state struct
          * @param _maxStakeLimit stake limit max value
          * @param _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock stake limit increase (restoration) per block
          function setStakingLimit(
              StakeLimitState.Data memory _data,
              uint256 _maxStakeLimit,
              uint256 _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock
          ) internal view returns (StakeLimitState.Data memory) {
              require(_maxStakeLimit != 0, "ZERO_MAX_STAKE_LIMIT");
              require(_maxStakeLimit <= uint96(-1), "TOO_LARGE_MAX_STAKE_LIMIT");
              require(_maxStakeLimit >= _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock, "TOO_LARGE_LIMIT_INCREASE");
                  (_stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock == 0)
                  || (_maxStakeLimit / _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock <= uint32(-1)),
              // reset prev stake limit to the new max stake limit if
              if (
                  // staking was paused or
                  _data.prevStakeBlockNumber == 0 ||
                  // staking was unlimited or
                  _data.maxStakeLimit == 0 ||
                  // new maximum limit value is lower than the value obtained on the previous stake submit
                  _maxStakeLimit < _data.prevStakeLimit
              ) {
                  _data.prevStakeLimit = uint96(_maxStakeLimit);
              _data.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks =
                  _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock != 0 ? uint32(_maxStakeLimit / _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock) : 0;
              _data.maxStakeLimit = uint96(_maxStakeLimit);
              if (_data.prevStakeBlockNumber != 0) {
                  _data.prevStakeBlockNumber = uint32(block.number);
              return _data;
          * @notice update stake limit repr to remove the limit
          * @dev input `_data` param is mutated and the func returns effectively the same pointer
          * @param _data stake limit state struct
          function removeStakingLimit(
              StakeLimitState.Data memory _data
          ) internal pure returns (StakeLimitState.Data memory) {
              _data.maxStakeLimit = 0;
              return _data;
          * @notice update stake limit repr after submitting user's eth
          * @dev input `_data` param is mutated and the func returns effectively the same pointer
          * @param _data stake limit state struct
          * @param _newPrevStakeLimit new value for the `prevStakeLimit` field
          function updatePrevStakeLimit(
              StakeLimitState.Data memory _data,
              uint256 _newPrevStakeLimit
          ) internal view returns (StakeLimitState.Data memory) {
              assert(_newPrevStakeLimit <= uint96(-1));
              assert(_data.prevStakeBlockNumber != 0);
              _data.prevStakeLimit = uint96(_newPrevStakeLimit);
              _data.prevStakeBlockNumber = uint32(block.number);
              return _data;
          * @notice set stake limit pause state (on or off)
          * @dev input `_data` param is mutated and the func returns effectively the same pointer
          * @param _data stake limit state struct
          * @param _isPaused pause state flag
          function setStakeLimitPauseState(
              StakeLimitState.Data memory _data,
              bool _isPaused
          ) internal view returns (StakeLimitState.Data memory) {
              _data.prevStakeBlockNumber = uint32(_isPaused ? 0 : block.number);
              return _data;
           * @notice find a minimum of two numbers with a constant gas consumption
           * @dev doesn't use branching logic inside
           * @param _lhs left hand side value
           * @param _rhs right hand side value
          function _constGasMin(uint256 _lhs, uint256 _rhs) internal pure returns (uint256 min) {
              uint256 lhsIsLess;
              assembly {
                  lhsIsLess := lt(_lhs, _rhs) // lhsIsLess = (_lhs < _rhs) ? 1 : 0
              min = (_lhs * lhsIsLess) + (_rhs * (1 - lhsIsLess));
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      /* See contracts/ */
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/apps/AragonApp.sol";
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath.sol";
      import "../common/interfaces/ILidoLocator.sol";
      import "../common/interfaces/IBurner.sol";
      import "./lib/StakeLimitUtils.sol";
      import "../common/lib/Math256.sol";
      import "./StETHPermit.sol";
      import "./utils/Versioned.sol";
      interface IPostTokenRebaseReceiver {
          function handlePostTokenRebase(
              uint256 _reportTimestamp,
              uint256 _timeElapsed,
              uint256 _preTotalShares,
              uint256 _preTotalEther,
              uint256 _postTotalShares,
              uint256 _postTotalEther,
              uint256 _sharesMintedAsFees
          ) external;
      interface IOracleReportSanityChecker {
          function checkAccountingOracleReport(
              uint256 _timeElapsed,
              uint256 _preCLBalance,
              uint256 _postCLBalance,
              uint256 _withdrawalVaultBalance,
              uint256 _elRewardsVaultBalance,
              uint256 _sharesRequestedToBurn,
              uint256 _preCLValidators,
              uint256 _postCLValidators
          ) external view;
          function smoothenTokenRebase(
              uint256 _preTotalPooledEther,
              uint256 _preTotalShares,
              uint256 _preCLBalance,
              uint256 _postCLBalance,
              uint256 _withdrawalVaultBalance,
              uint256 _elRewardsVaultBalance,
              uint256 _sharesRequestedToBurn,
              uint256 _etherToLockForWithdrawals,
              uint256 _newSharesToBurnForWithdrawals
          ) external view returns (
              uint256 withdrawals,
              uint256 elRewards,
              uint256 simulatedSharesToBurn,
              uint256 sharesToBurn
          function checkWithdrawalQueueOracleReport(
              uint256 _lastFinalizableRequestId,
              uint256 _reportTimestamp
          ) external view;
          function checkSimulatedShareRate(
              uint256 _postTotalPooledEther,
              uint256 _postTotalShares,
              uint256 _etherLockedOnWithdrawalQueue,
              uint256 _sharesBurntDueToWithdrawals,
              uint256 _simulatedShareRate
          ) external view;
      interface ILidoExecutionLayerRewardsVault {
          function withdrawRewards(uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256 amount);
      interface IWithdrawalVault {
          function withdrawWithdrawals(uint256 _amount) external;
      interface IStakingRouter {
          function deposit(
              uint256 _depositsCount,
              uint256 _stakingModuleId,
              bytes _depositCalldata
          ) external payable;
          function getStakingRewardsDistribution()
              returns (
                  address[] memory recipients,
                  uint256[] memory stakingModuleIds,
                  uint96[] memory stakingModuleFees,
                  uint96 totalFee,
                  uint256 precisionPoints
          function getWithdrawalCredentials() external view returns (bytes32);
          function reportRewardsMinted(uint256[] _stakingModuleIds, uint256[] _totalShares) external;
          function getTotalFeeE4Precision() external view returns (uint16 totalFee);
          function getStakingFeeAggregateDistributionE4Precision() external view returns (
              uint16 modulesFee, uint16 treasuryFee
          function getStakingModuleMaxDepositsCount(uint256 _stakingModuleId, uint256 _maxDepositsValue)
              returns (uint256);
          function TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS() external view returns (uint256);
      interface IWithdrawalQueue {
          function prefinalize(uint256[] _batches, uint256 _maxShareRate)
              returns (uint256 ethToLock, uint256 sharesToBurn);
          function finalize(uint256 _lastIdToFinalize, uint256 _maxShareRate) external payable;
          function isPaused() external view returns (bool);
          function unfinalizedStETH() external view returns (uint256);
          function isBunkerModeActive() external view returns (bool);
      * @title Liquid staking pool implementation
      * Lido is an Ethereum liquid staking protocol solving the problem of frozen staked ether on Consensus Layer
      * being unavailable for transfers and DeFi on Execution Layer.
      * Since balances of all token holders change when the amount of total pooled Ether
      * changes, this token cannot fully implement ERC20 standard: it only emits `Transfer`
      * events upon explicit transfer between holders. In contrast, when Lido oracle reports
      * rewards, no Transfer events are generated: doing so would require emitting an event
      * for each token holder and thus running an unbounded loop.
      * ---
      * NB: Order of inheritance must preserve the structured storage layout of the previous versions.
      * @dev Lido is derived from `StETHPermit` that has a structured storage:
      * SLOT 0: mapping (address => uint256) private shares (`StETH`)
      * SLOT 1: mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private allowances (`StETH`)
      * SLOT 2: mapping(address => uint256) internal noncesByAddress (`StETHPermit`)
      * `Versioned` and `AragonApp` both don't have the pre-allocated structured storage.
      contract Lido is Versioned, StETHPermit, AragonApp {
          using SafeMath for uint256;
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          using StakeLimitUnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          using StakeLimitUtils for StakeLimitState.Data;
          /// ACL
          bytes32 public constant PAUSE_ROLE =
              0x139c2898040ef16910dc9f44dc697df79363da767d8bc92f2e310312b816e46d; // keccak256("PAUSE_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant RESUME_ROLE =
              0x2fc10cc8ae19568712f7a176fb4978616a610650813c9d05326c34abb62749c7; // keccak256("RESUME_ROLE");
          bytes32 public constant STAKING_PAUSE_ROLE =
              0x84ea57490227bc2be925c684e2a367071d69890b629590198f4125a018eb1de8; // keccak256("STAKING_PAUSE_ROLE")
          bytes32 public constant STAKING_CONTROL_ROLE =
              0xa42eee1333c0758ba72be38e728b6dadb32ea767de5b4ddbaea1dae85b1b051f; // keccak256("STAKING_CONTROL_ROLE")
          bytes32 public constant UNSAFE_CHANGE_DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_ROLE =
              0xe6dc5d79630c61871e99d341ad72c5a052bed2fc8c79e5a4480a7cd31117576c; // keccak256("UNSAFE_CHANGE_DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_ROLE")
          uint256 private constant DEPOSIT_SIZE = 32 ether;
          /// @dev storage slot position for the Lido protocol contracts locator
          bytes32 internal constant LIDO_LOCATOR_POSITION =
              0x9ef78dff90f100ea94042bd00ccb978430524befc391d3e510b5f55ff3166df7; // keccak256("lido.Lido.lidoLocator")
          /// @dev storage slot position of the staking rate limit structure
          bytes32 internal constant STAKING_STATE_POSITION =
              0xa3678de4a579be090bed1177e0a24f77cc29d181ac22fd7688aca344d8938015; // keccak256("lido.Lido.stakeLimit");
          /// @dev amount of Ether (on the current Ethereum side) buffered on this smart contract balance
          bytes32 internal constant BUFFERED_ETHER_POSITION =
              0xed310af23f61f96daefbcd140b306c0bdbf8c178398299741687b90e794772b0; // keccak256("lido.Lido.bufferedEther");
          /// @dev number of deposited validators (incrementing counter of deposit operations).
          bytes32 internal constant DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION =
              0xe6e35175eb53fc006520a2a9c3e9711a7c00de6ff2c32dd31df8c5a24cac1b5c; // keccak256("lido.Lido.depositedValidators");
          /// @dev total amount of ether on Consensus Layer (sum of all the balances of Lido validators)
          // "beacon" in the `keccak256()` parameter is staying here for compatibility reason
          bytes32 internal constant CL_BALANCE_POSITION =
              0xa66d35f054e68143c18f32c990ed5cb972bb68a68f500cd2dd3a16bbf3686483; // keccak256("lido.Lido.beaconBalance");
          /// @dev number of Lido's validators available in the Consensus Layer state
          // "beacon" in the `keccak256()` parameter is staying here for compatibility reason
          bytes32 internal constant CL_VALIDATORS_POSITION =
              0x9f70001d82b6ef54e9d3725b46581c3eb9ee3aa02b941b6aa54d678a9ca35b10; // keccak256("lido.Lido.beaconValidators");
          /// @dev Just a counter of total amount of execution layer rewards received by Lido contract. Not used in the logic.
          bytes32 internal constant TOTAL_EL_REWARDS_COLLECTED_POSITION =
              0xafe016039542d12eec0183bb0b1ffc2ca45b027126a494672fba4154ee77facb; // keccak256("lido.Lido.totalELRewardsCollected");
          // Staking was paused (don't accept user's ether submits)
          event StakingPaused();
          // Staking was resumed (accept user's ether submits)
          event StakingResumed();
          // Staking limit was set (rate limits user's submits)
          event StakingLimitSet(uint256 maxStakeLimit, uint256 stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock);
          // Staking limit was removed
          event StakingLimitRemoved();
          // Emits when validators number delivered by the oracle
          event CLValidatorsUpdated(
              uint256 indexed reportTimestamp,
              uint256 preCLValidators,
              uint256 postCLValidators
          // Emits when var at `DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION` changed
          event DepositedValidatorsChanged(
              uint256 depositedValidators
          // Emits when oracle accounting report processed
          event ETHDistributed(
              uint256 indexed reportTimestamp,
              uint256 preCLBalance,
              uint256 postCLBalance,
              uint256 withdrawalsWithdrawn,
              uint256 executionLayerRewardsWithdrawn,
              uint256 postBufferedEther
          // Emits when token rebased (total supply and/or total shares were changed)
          event TokenRebased(
              uint256 indexed reportTimestamp,
              uint256 timeElapsed,
              uint256 preTotalShares,
              uint256 preTotalEther,
              uint256 postTotalShares,
              uint256 postTotalEther,
              uint256 sharesMintedAsFees
          // Lido locator set
          event LidoLocatorSet(address lidoLocator);
          // The amount of ETH withdrawn from LidoExecutionLayerRewardsVault to Lido
          event ELRewardsReceived(uint256 amount);
          // The amount of ETH withdrawn from WithdrawalVault to Lido
          event WithdrawalsReceived(uint256 amount);
          // Records a deposit made by a user
          event Submitted(address indexed sender, uint256 amount, address referral);
          // The `amount` of ether was sent to the deposit_contract.deposit function
          event Unbuffered(uint256 amount);
          * @dev As AragonApp, Lido contract must be initialized with following variables:
          *      NB: by default, staking and the whole Lido pool are in paused state
          * The contract's balance must be non-zero to allow initial holder bootstrap.
          * @param _lidoLocator lido locator contract
          * @param _eip712StETH eip712 helper contract for StETH
          function initialize(address _lidoLocator, address _eip712StETH)
              _initialize_v2(_lidoLocator, _eip712StETH);
           * initializer for the Lido version "2"
          function _initialize_v2(address _lidoLocator, address _eip712StETH) internal {
              // set infinite allowance for burner from withdrawal queue
              // to burn finalized requests' shares
              emit LidoLocatorSet(_lidoLocator);
           * @notice A function to finalize upgrade to v2 (from v1). Can be called only once
           * @dev Value "1" in CONTRACT_VERSION_POSITION is skipped due to change in numbering
           * The initial protocol token holder must exist.
           * For more details see
          function finalizeUpgrade_v2(address _lidoLocator, address _eip712StETH) external {
              require(hasInitialized(), "NOT_INITIALIZED");
              require(_lidoLocator != address(0), "LIDO_LOCATOR_ZERO_ADDRESS");
              require(_eip712StETH != address(0), "EIP712_STETH_ZERO_ADDRESS");
              require(_sharesOf(INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER) != 0, "INITIAL_HOLDER_EXISTS");
              _initialize_v2(_lidoLocator, _eip712StETH);
           * @notice Stops accepting new Ether to the protocol
           * @dev While accepting new Ether is stopped, calls to the `submit` function,
           * as well as to the default payable function, will revert.
           * Emits `StakingPaused` event.
          function pauseStaking() external {
           * @notice Resumes accepting new Ether to the protocol (if `pauseStaking` was called previously)
           * NB: Staking could be rate-limited by imposing a limit on the stake amount
           * at each moment in time, see `setStakingLimit()` and `removeStakingLimit()`
           * @dev Preserves staking limit if it was set previously
           * Emits `StakingResumed` event
          function resumeStaking() external {
              require(hasInitialized(), "NOT_INITIALIZED");
           * @notice Sets the staking rate limit
           * ▲ Stake limit
           * │.....  .....   ........ ...            ....     ... Stake limit = max
           * │      .       .        .   .   .      .    . . .
           * │     .       .              . .  . . .      . .
           * │            .                .  . . .
           * │──────────────────────────────────────────────────> Time
           * │     ^      ^          ^   ^^^  ^ ^ ^     ^^^ ^     Stake events
           * @dev Reverts if:
           * - `_maxStakeLimit` == 0
           * - `_maxStakeLimit` >= 2^96
           * - `_maxStakeLimit` < `_stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock`
           * - `_maxStakeLimit` / `_stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock` >= 2^32 (only if `_stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock` != 0)
           * Emits `StakingLimitSet` event
           * @param _maxStakeLimit max stake limit value
           * @param _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock stake limit increase per single block
          function setStakingLimit(uint256 _maxStakeLimit, uint256 _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock) external {
                  STAKING_STATE_POSITION.getStorageStakeLimitStruct().setStakingLimit(_maxStakeLimit, _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock)
              emit StakingLimitSet(_maxStakeLimit, _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock);
           * @notice Removes the staking rate limit
           * Emits `StakingLimitRemoved` event
          function removeStakingLimit() external {
              emit StakingLimitRemoved();
           * @notice Check staking state: whether it's paused or not
          function isStakingPaused() external view returns (bool) {
              return STAKING_STATE_POSITION.getStorageStakeLimitStruct().isStakingPaused();
           * @notice Returns how much Ether can be staked in the current block
           * @dev Special return values:
           * - 2^256 - 1 if staking is unlimited;
           * - 0 if staking is paused or if limit is exhausted.
          function getCurrentStakeLimit() external view returns (uint256) {
              return _getCurrentStakeLimit(STAKING_STATE_POSITION.getStorageStakeLimitStruct());
           * @notice Returns full info about current stake limit params and state
           * @dev Might be used for the advanced integration requests.
           * @return isStakingPaused staking pause state (equivalent to return of isStakingPaused())
           * @return isStakingLimitSet whether the stake limit is set
           * @return currentStakeLimit current stake limit (equivalent to return of getCurrentStakeLimit())
           * @return maxStakeLimit max stake limit
           * @return maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks blocks needed to restore max stake limit from the fully exhausted state
           * @return prevStakeLimit previously reached stake limit
           * @return prevStakeBlockNumber previously seen block number
          function getStakeLimitFullInfo()
              returns (
                  bool isStakingPaused,
                  bool isStakingLimitSet,
                  uint256 currentStakeLimit,
                  uint256 maxStakeLimit,
                  uint256 maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks,
                  uint256 prevStakeLimit,
                  uint256 prevStakeBlockNumber
              StakeLimitState.Data memory stakeLimitData = STAKING_STATE_POSITION.getStorageStakeLimitStruct();
              isStakingPaused = stakeLimitData.isStakingPaused();
              isStakingLimitSet = stakeLimitData.isStakingLimitSet();
              currentStakeLimit = _getCurrentStakeLimit(stakeLimitData);
              maxStakeLimit = stakeLimitData.maxStakeLimit;
              maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks = stakeLimitData.maxStakeLimitGrowthBlocks;
              prevStakeLimit = stakeLimitData.prevStakeLimit;
              prevStakeBlockNumber = stakeLimitData.prevStakeBlockNumber;
          * @notice Send funds to the pool
          * @dev Users are able to submit their funds by transacting to the fallback function.
          * Unlike vanilla Ethereum Deposit contract, accepting only 32-Ether transactions, Lido
          * accepts payments of any size. Submitted Ethers are stored in Buffer until someone calls
          * deposit() and pushes them to the Ethereum Deposit contract.
          // solhint-disable-next-line no-complex-fallback
          function() external payable {
              // protection against accidental submissions by calling non-existent function
              require( == 0, "NON_EMPTY_DATA");
           * @notice Send funds to the pool with optional _referral parameter
           * @dev This function is alternative way to submit funds. Supports optional referral address.
           * @return Amount of StETH shares generated
          function submit(address _referral) external payable returns (uint256) {
              return _submit(_referral);
           * @notice A payable function for execution layer rewards. Can be called only by `ExecutionLayerRewardsVault`
           * @dev We need a dedicated function because funds received by the default payable function
           * are treated as a user deposit
          function receiveELRewards() external payable {
              require(msg.sender == getLidoLocator().elRewardsVault());
              emit ELRewardsReceived(msg.value);
          * @notice A payable function for withdrawals acquisition. Can be called only by `WithdrawalVault`
          * @dev We need a dedicated function because funds received by the default payable function
          * are treated as a user deposit
          function receiveWithdrawals() external payable {
              require(msg.sender == getLidoLocator().withdrawalVault());
              emit WithdrawalsReceived(msg.value);
           * @notice Stop pool routine operations
          function stop() external {
           * @notice Resume pool routine operations
           * @dev Staking is resumed after this call using the previously set limits (if any)
          function resume() external {
           * The structure is used to aggregate the `handleOracleReport` provided data.
           * @dev Using the in-memory structure addresses `stack too deep` issues.
          struct OracleReportedData {
              // Oracle timings
              uint256 reportTimestamp;
              uint256 timeElapsed;
              // CL values
              uint256 clValidators;
              uint256 postCLBalance;
              // EL values
              uint256 withdrawalVaultBalance;
              uint256 elRewardsVaultBalance;
              uint256 sharesRequestedToBurn;
              // Decision about withdrawals processing
              uint256[] withdrawalFinalizationBatches;
              uint256 simulatedShareRate;
           * The structure is used to preload the contract using `getLidoLocator()` via single call
          struct OracleReportContracts {
              address accountingOracle;
              address elRewardsVault;
              address oracleReportSanityChecker;
              address burner;
              address withdrawalQueue;
              address withdrawalVault;
              address postTokenRebaseReceiver;
          * @notice Updates accounting stats, collects EL rewards and distributes collected rewards
          *         if beacon balance increased, performs withdrawal requests finalization
          * @dev periodically called by the AccountingOracle contract
          * @param _reportTimestamp the moment of the oracle report calculation
          * @param _timeElapsed seconds elapsed since the previous report calculation
          * @param _clValidators number of Lido validators on Consensus Layer
          * @param _clBalance sum of all Lido validators' balances on Consensus Layer
          * @param _withdrawalVaultBalance withdrawal vault balance on Execution Layer at `_reportTimestamp`
          * @param _elRewardsVaultBalance elRewards vault balance on Execution Layer at `_reportTimestamp`
          * @param _sharesRequestedToBurn shares requested to burn through Burner at `_reportTimestamp`
          * @param _withdrawalFinalizationBatches the ascendingly-sorted array of withdrawal request IDs obtained by calling
          * WithdrawalQueue.calculateFinalizationBatches. Empty array means that no withdrawal requests should be finalized
          * @param _simulatedShareRate share rate that was simulated by oracle when the report data created (1e27 precision)
          * NB: `_simulatedShareRate` should be calculated off-chain by calling the method with `eth_call` JSON-RPC API
          * while passing empty `_withdrawalFinalizationBatches` and `_simulatedShareRate` == 0, plugging the returned values
          * to the following formula: `_simulatedShareRate = (postTotalPooledEther * 1e27) / postTotalShares`
          * @return postRebaseAmounts[0]: `postTotalPooledEther` amount of ether in the protocol after report
          * @return postRebaseAmounts[1]: `postTotalShares` amount of shares in the protocol after report
          * @return postRebaseAmounts[2]: `withdrawals` withdrawn from the withdrawals vault
          * @return postRebaseAmounts[3]: `elRewards` withdrawn from the execution layer rewards vault
          function handleOracleReport(
              // Oracle timings
              uint256 _reportTimestamp,
              uint256 _timeElapsed,
              // CL values
              uint256 _clValidators,
              uint256 _clBalance,
              // EL values
              uint256 _withdrawalVaultBalance,
              uint256 _elRewardsVaultBalance,
              uint256 _sharesRequestedToBurn,
              // Decision about withdrawals processing
              uint256[] _withdrawalFinalizationBatches,
              uint256 _simulatedShareRate
          ) external returns (uint256[4] postRebaseAmounts) {
              return _handleOracleReport(
           * @notice Unsafely change deposited validators
           * The method unsafely changes deposited validator counter.
           * Can be required when onboarding external validators to Lido
           * (i.e., had deposited before and rotated their type-0x00 withdrawal credentials to Lido)
           * @param _newDepositedValidators new value
          function unsafeChangeDepositedValidators(uint256 _newDepositedValidators) external {
              emit DepositedValidatorsChanged(_newDepositedValidators);
           * @notice Overrides default AragonApp behaviour to disallow recovery.
          function transferToVault(address /* _token */) external {
          * @notice Get the amount of Ether temporary buffered on this contract balance
          * @dev Buffered balance is kept on the contract from the moment the funds are received from user
          * until the moment they are actually sent to the official Deposit contract.
          * @return amount of buffered funds in wei
          function getBufferedEther() external view returns (uint256) {
              return _getBufferedEther();
           * @notice Get total amount of execution layer rewards collected to Lido contract
           * @dev Ether got through LidoExecutionLayerRewardsVault is kept on this contract's balance the same way
           * as other buffered Ether is kept (until it gets deposited)
           * @return amount of funds received as execution layer rewards in wei
          function getTotalELRewardsCollected() public view returns (uint256) {
              return TOTAL_EL_REWARDS_COLLECTED_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
           * @notice Gets authorized oracle address
           * @return address of oracle contract
          function getLidoLocator() public view returns (ILidoLocator) {
              return ILidoLocator(LIDO_LOCATOR_POSITION.getStorageAddress());
          * @notice Returns the key values related to Consensus Layer side of the contract. It historically contains beacon
          * @return depositedValidators - number of deposited validators from Lido contract side
          * @return beaconValidators - number of Lido validators visible on Consensus Layer, reported by oracle
          * @return beaconBalance - total amount of ether on the Consensus Layer side (sum of all the balances of Lido validators)
          * @dev `beacon` in naming still here for historical reasons
          function getBeaconStat() external view returns (uint256 depositedValidators, uint256 beaconValidators, uint256 beaconBalance) {
              depositedValidators = DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              beaconValidators = CL_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              beaconBalance = CL_BALANCE_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
           * @dev Check that Lido allows depositing buffered ether to the consensus layer
           * Depends on the bunker state and protocol's pause state
          function canDeposit() public view returns (bool) {
              return !_withdrawalQueue().isBunkerModeActive() && !isStopped();
           * @dev Returns depositable ether amount.
           * Takes into account unfinalized stETH required by WithdrawalQueue
          function getDepositableEther() public view returns (uint256) {
              uint256 bufferedEther = _getBufferedEther();
              uint256 withdrawalReserve = _withdrawalQueue().unfinalizedStETH();
              return bufferedEther > withdrawalReserve ? bufferedEther - withdrawalReserve : 0;
           * @dev Invokes a deposit call to the Staking Router contract and updates buffered counters
           * @param _maxDepositsCount max deposits count
           * @param _stakingModuleId id of the staking module to be deposited
           * @param _depositCalldata module calldata
          function deposit(uint256 _maxDepositsCount, uint256 _stakingModuleId, bytes _depositCalldata) external {
              ILidoLocator locator = getLidoLocator();
              require(msg.sender == locator.depositSecurityModule(), "APP_AUTH_DSM_FAILED");
              require(canDeposit(), "CAN_NOT_DEPOSIT");
              IStakingRouter stakingRouter = _stakingRouter();
              uint256 depositsCount = Math256.min(
                  stakingRouter.getStakingModuleMaxDepositsCount(_stakingModuleId, getDepositableEther())
              uint256 depositsValue;
              if (depositsCount > 0) {
                  depositsValue = depositsCount.mul(DEPOSIT_SIZE);
                  /// @dev firstly update the local state of the contract to prevent a reentrancy attack,
                  ///     even if the StakingRouter is a trusted contract.
                  emit Unbuffered(depositsValue);
                  uint256 newDepositedValidators = DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256().add(depositsCount);
                  emit DepositedValidatorsChanged(newDepositedValidators);
              /// @dev transfer ether to StakingRouter and make a deposit at the same time. All the ether
              ///     sent to StakingRouter is counted as deposited. If StakingRouter can't deposit all
              ///     passed ether it MUST revert the whole transaction (never happens in normal circumstances)
              stakingRouter.deposit.value(depositsValue)(depositsCount, _stakingModuleId, _depositCalldata);
           * @notice Returns current withdrawal credentials of deposited validators
           * @dev DEPRECATED: use StakingRouter.getWithdrawalCredentials() instead
          function getWithdrawalCredentials() external view returns (bytes32) {
              return _stakingRouter().getWithdrawalCredentials();
           * @notice Returns legacy oracle
           * @dev DEPRECATED: the `AccountingOracle` superseded the old one
          function getOracle() external view returns (address) {
              return getLidoLocator().legacyOracle();
           * @notice Returns the treasury address
           * @dev DEPRECATED: use LidoLocator.treasury()
          function getTreasury() external view returns (address) {
              return _treasury();
           * @notice Returns current staking rewards fee rate
           * @dev DEPRECATED: Now fees information is stored in StakingRouter and
           * with higher precision. Use StakingRouter.getStakingFeeAggregateDistribution() instead.
           * @return totalFee total rewards fee in 1e4 precision (10000 is 100%). The value might be
           * inaccurate because the actual value is truncated here to 1e4 precision.
          function getFee() external view returns (uint16 totalFee) {
              totalFee = _stakingRouter().getTotalFeeE4Precision();
           * @notice Returns current fee distribution, values relative to the total fee (getFee())
           * @dev DEPRECATED: Now fees information is stored in StakingRouter and
           * with higher precision. Use StakingRouter.getStakingFeeAggregateDistribution() instead.
           * @return treasuryFeeBasisPoints return treasury fee in TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS (10000 is 100% fee) precision
           * @return insuranceFeeBasisPoints always returns 0 because the capability to send fees to
           * insurance from Lido contract is removed.
           * @return operatorsFeeBasisPoints return total fee for all operators of all staking modules in
           * TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS (10000 is 100% fee) precision.
           * Previously returned total fee of all node operators of NodeOperatorsRegistry (Curated staking module now)
           * The value might be inaccurate because the actual value is truncated here to 1e4 precision.
          function getFeeDistribution()
              external view
              returns (
                  uint16 treasuryFeeBasisPoints,
                  uint16 insuranceFeeBasisPoints,
                  uint16 operatorsFeeBasisPoints
              IStakingRouter stakingRouter = _stakingRouter();
              uint256 totalBasisPoints = stakingRouter.TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS();
              uint256 totalFee = stakingRouter.getTotalFeeE4Precision();
              (uint256 treasuryFeeBasisPointsAbs, uint256 operatorsFeeBasisPointsAbs) = stakingRouter
              insuranceFeeBasisPoints = 0;  // explicitly set to zero
              treasuryFeeBasisPoints = uint16((treasuryFeeBasisPointsAbs * totalBasisPoints) / totalFee);
              operatorsFeeBasisPoints = uint16((operatorsFeeBasisPointsAbs * totalBasisPoints) / totalFee);
           * @dev updates Consensus Layer state snapshot according to the current report
           * NB: conventions and assumptions
           * `depositedValidators` are total amount of the **ever** deposited Lido validators
           * `_postClValidators` are total amount of the **ever** appeared on the CL side Lido validators
           * i.e., exited Lido validators persist in the state, just with a different status
          function _processClStateUpdate(
              uint256 _reportTimestamp,
              uint256 _preClValidators,
              uint256 _postClValidators,
              uint256 _postClBalance
          ) internal returns (uint256 preCLBalance) {
              uint256 depositedValidators = DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              require(_postClValidators <= depositedValidators, "REPORTED_MORE_DEPOSITED");
              require(_postClValidators >= _preClValidators, "REPORTED_LESS_VALIDATORS");
              if (_postClValidators > _preClValidators) {
              uint256 appearedValidators = _postClValidators - _preClValidators;
              preCLBalance = CL_BALANCE_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              // Take into account the balance of the newly appeared validators
              preCLBalance = preCLBalance.add(appearedValidators.mul(DEPOSIT_SIZE));
              // Save the current CL balance and validators to
              // calculate rewards on the next push
              emit CLValidatorsUpdated(_reportTimestamp, _preClValidators, _postClValidators);
           * @dev collect ETH from ELRewardsVault and WithdrawalVault, then send to WithdrawalQueue
          function _collectRewardsAndProcessWithdrawals(
              OracleReportContracts memory _contracts,
              uint256 _withdrawalsToWithdraw,
              uint256 _elRewardsToWithdraw,
              uint256[] _withdrawalFinalizationBatches,
              uint256 _simulatedShareRate,
              uint256 _etherToLockOnWithdrawalQueue
          ) internal {
              // withdraw execution layer rewards and put them to the buffer
              if (_elRewardsToWithdraw > 0) {
              // withdraw withdrawals and put them to the buffer
              if (_withdrawalsToWithdraw > 0) {
              // finalize withdrawals (send ether, assign shares for burning)
              if (_etherToLockOnWithdrawalQueue > 0) {
                  IWithdrawalQueue withdrawalQueue = IWithdrawalQueue(_contracts.withdrawalQueue);
                      _withdrawalFinalizationBatches[_withdrawalFinalizationBatches.length - 1],
              uint256 postBufferedEther = _getBufferedEther()
                  .add(_elRewardsToWithdraw) // Collected from ELVault
                  .add(_withdrawalsToWithdraw) // Collected from WithdrawalVault
                  .sub(_etherToLockOnWithdrawalQueue); // Sent to WithdrawalQueue
           * @dev return amount to lock on withdrawal queue and shares to burn
           * depending on the finalization batch parameters
          function _calculateWithdrawals(
              OracleReportContracts memory _contracts,
              OracleReportedData memory _reportedData
          ) internal view returns (
              uint256 etherToLock, uint256 sharesToBurn
          ) {
              IWithdrawalQueue withdrawalQueue = IWithdrawalQueue(_contracts.withdrawalQueue);
              if (!withdrawalQueue.isPaused()) {
                      _reportedData.withdrawalFinalizationBatches[_reportedData.withdrawalFinalizationBatches.length - 1],
                  (etherToLock, sharesToBurn) = withdrawalQueue.prefinalize(
           * @dev calculate the amount of rewards and distribute it
          function _processRewards(
              OracleReportContext memory _reportContext,
              uint256 _postCLBalance,
              uint256 _withdrawnWithdrawals,
              uint256 _withdrawnElRewards
          ) internal returns (uint256 sharesMintedAsFees) {
              uint256 postCLTotalBalance = _postCLBalance.add(_withdrawnWithdrawals);
              // Don’t mint/distribute any protocol fee on the non-profitable Lido oracle report
              // (when consensus layer balance delta is zero or negative).
              // See LIP-12 for details:
              if (postCLTotalBalance > _reportContext.preCLBalance) {
                  uint256 consensusLayerRewards = postCLTotalBalance - _reportContext.preCLBalance;
                  sharesMintedAsFees = _distributeFee(
           * @dev Process user deposit, mints liquid tokens and increase the pool buffer
           * @param _referral address of referral.
           * @return amount of StETH shares generated
          function _submit(address _referral) internal returns (uint256) {
              require(msg.value != 0, "ZERO_DEPOSIT");
              StakeLimitState.Data memory stakeLimitData = STAKING_STATE_POSITION.getStorageStakeLimitStruct();
              // There is an invariant that protocol pause also implies staking pause.
              // Thus, no need to check protocol pause explicitly.
              require(!stakeLimitData.isStakingPaused(), "STAKING_PAUSED");
              if (stakeLimitData.isStakingLimitSet()) {
                  uint256 currentStakeLimit = stakeLimitData.calculateCurrentStakeLimit();
                  require(msg.value <= currentStakeLimit, "STAKE_LIMIT");
                  STAKING_STATE_POSITION.setStorageStakeLimitStruct(stakeLimitData.updatePrevStakeLimit(currentStakeLimit - msg.value));
              uint256 sharesAmount = getSharesByPooledEth(msg.value);
              _mintShares(msg.sender, sharesAmount);
              emit Submitted(msg.sender, msg.value, _referral);
              _emitTransferAfterMintingShares(msg.sender, sharesAmount);
              return sharesAmount;
           * @dev Staking router rewards distribution.
           * Corresponds to the return value of `IStakingRouter.newTotalPooledEtherForRewards()`
           * Prevents `stack too deep` issue.
          struct StakingRewardsDistribution {
              address[] recipients;
              uint256[] moduleIds;
              uint96[] modulesFees;
              uint96 totalFee;
              uint256 precisionPoints;
           * @dev Get staking rewards distribution from staking router.
          function _getStakingRewardsDistribution() internal view returns (
              StakingRewardsDistribution memory ret,
              IStakingRouter router
          ) {
              router = _stakingRouter();
              ) = router.getStakingRewardsDistribution();
              require(ret.recipients.length == ret.modulesFees.length, "WRONG_RECIPIENTS_INPUT");
              require(ret.moduleIds.length == ret.modulesFees.length, "WRONG_MODULE_IDS_INPUT");
           * @dev Distributes fee portion of the rewards by minting and distributing corresponding amount of liquid tokens.
           * @param _preTotalPooledEther Total supply before report-induced changes applied
           * @param _preTotalShares Total shares before report-induced changes applied
           * @param _totalRewards Total rewards accrued both on the Execution Layer and the Consensus Layer sides in wei.
          function _distributeFee(
              uint256 _preTotalPooledEther,
              uint256 _preTotalShares,
              uint256 _totalRewards
          ) internal returns (uint256 sharesMintedAsFees) {
              // We need to take a defined percentage of the reported reward as a fee, and we do
              // this by minting new token shares and assigning them to the fee recipients (see
              // StETH docs for the explanation of the shares mechanics). The staking rewards fee
              // is defined in basis points (1 basis point is equal to 0.01%, 10000 (TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS) is 100%).
              // Since we are increasing totalPooledEther by _totalRewards (totalPooledEtherWithRewards),
              // the combined cost of all holders' shares has became _totalRewards StETH tokens more,
              // effectively splitting the reward between each token holder proportionally to their token share.
              // Now we want to mint new shares to the fee recipient, so that the total cost of the
              // newly-minted shares exactly corresponds to the fee taken:
              // totalPooledEtherWithRewards = _preTotalPooledEther + _totalRewards
              // shares2mint * newShareCost = (_totalRewards * totalFee) / PRECISION_POINTS
              // newShareCost = totalPooledEtherWithRewards / (_preTotalShares + shares2mint)
              // which follows to:
              //                        _totalRewards * totalFee * _preTotalShares
              // shares2mint = --------------------------------------------------------------
              //                 (totalPooledEtherWithRewards * PRECISION_POINTS) - (_totalRewards * totalFee)
              // The effect is that the given percentage of the reward goes to the fee recipient, and
              // the rest of the reward is distributed between token holders proportionally to their
              // token shares.
                  StakingRewardsDistribution memory rewardsDistribution,
                  IStakingRouter router
              ) = _getStakingRewardsDistribution();
              if (rewardsDistribution.totalFee > 0) {
                  uint256 totalPooledEtherWithRewards = _preTotalPooledEther.add(_totalRewards);
                  sharesMintedAsFees =
                  _mintShares(address(this), sharesMintedAsFees);
                  (uint256[] memory moduleRewards, uint256 totalModuleRewards) =
          function _transferModuleRewards(
              address[] memory recipients,
              uint96[] memory modulesFees,
              uint256 totalFee,
              uint256 totalRewards
          ) internal returns (uint256[] memory moduleRewards, uint256 totalModuleRewards) {
              moduleRewards = new uint256[](recipients.length);
              for (uint256 i; i < recipients.length; ++i) {
                  if (modulesFees[i] > 0) {
                      uint256 iModuleRewards = totalRewards.mul(modulesFees[i]).div(totalFee);
                      moduleRewards[i] = iModuleRewards;
                      _transferShares(address(this), recipients[i], iModuleRewards);
                      _emitTransferAfterMintingShares(recipients[i], iModuleRewards);
                      totalModuleRewards = totalModuleRewards.add(iModuleRewards);
          function _transferTreasuryRewards(uint256 treasuryReward) internal {
              address treasury = _treasury();
              _transferShares(address(this), treasury, treasuryReward);
              _emitTransferAfterMintingShares(treasury, treasuryReward);
           * @dev Gets the amount of Ether temporary buffered on this contract balance
          function _getBufferedEther() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return BUFFERED_ETHER_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
          function _setBufferedEther(uint256 _newBufferedEther) internal {
          /// @dev Calculates and returns the total base balance (multiple of 32) of validators in transient state,
          ///     i.e. submitted to the official Deposit contract but not yet visible in the CL state.
          /// @return transient balance in wei (1e-18 Ether)
          function _getTransientBalance() internal view returns (uint256) {
              uint256 depositedValidators = DEPOSITED_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              uint256 clValidators = CL_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              // clValidators can never be less than deposited ones.
              assert(depositedValidators >= clValidators);
              return (depositedValidators - clValidators).mul(DEPOSIT_SIZE);
           * @dev Gets the total amount of Ether controlled by the system
           * @return total balance in wei
          function _getTotalPooledEther() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return _getBufferedEther()
          function _pauseStaking() internal {
              emit StakingPaused();
          function _resumeStaking() internal {
              emit StakingResumed();
          function _getCurrentStakeLimit(StakeLimitState.Data memory _stakeLimitData) internal view returns (uint256) {
              if (_stakeLimitData.isStakingPaused()) {
                  return 0;
              if (!_stakeLimitData.isStakingLimitSet()) {
                  return uint256(-1);
              return _stakeLimitData.calculateCurrentStakeLimit();
           * @dev Size-efficient analog of the `auth(_role)` modifier
           * @param _role Permission name
          function _auth(bytes32 _role) internal view {
              require(canPerform(msg.sender, _role, new uint256[](0)), "APP_AUTH_FAILED");
           * @dev Intermediate data structure for `_handleOracleReport`
           * Helps to overcome `stack too deep` issue.
          struct OracleReportContext {
              uint256 preCLValidators;
              uint256 preCLBalance;
              uint256 preTotalPooledEther;
              uint256 preTotalShares;
              uint256 etherToLockOnWithdrawalQueue;
              uint256 sharesToBurnFromWithdrawalQueue;
              uint256 simulatedSharesToBurn;
              uint256 sharesToBurn;
              uint256 sharesMintedAsFees;
           * @dev Handle oracle report method operating with the data-packed structs
           * Using structs helps to overcome 'stack too deep' issue.
           * The method updates the protocol's accounting state.
           * Key steps:
           * 1. Take a snapshot of the current (pre-) state
           * 2. Pass the report data to sanity checker (reverts if malformed)
           * 3. Pre-calculate the ether to lock for withdrawal queue and shares to be burnt
           * 4. Pass the accounting values to sanity checker to smoothen positive token rebase
           *    (i.e., postpone the extra rewards to be applied during the next rounds)
           * 5. Invoke finalization of the withdrawal requests
           * 6. Burn excess shares within the allowed limit (can postpone some shares to be burnt later)
           * 7. Distribute protocol fee (treasury & node operators)
           * 8. Complete token rebase by informing observers (emit an event and call the external receivers if any)
           * 9. Sanity check for the provided simulated share rate
          function _handleOracleReport(OracleReportedData memory _reportedData) internal returns (uint256[4]) {
              OracleReportContracts memory contracts = _loadOracleReportContracts();
              require(msg.sender == contracts.accountingOracle, "APP_AUTH_FAILED");
              require(_reportedData.reportTimestamp <= block.timestamp, "INVALID_REPORT_TIMESTAMP");
              OracleReportContext memory reportContext;
              // Step 1.
              // Take a snapshot of the current (pre-) state
              reportContext.preTotalPooledEther = _getTotalPooledEther();
              reportContext.preTotalShares = _getTotalShares();
              reportContext.preCLValidators = CL_VALIDATORS_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
              reportContext.preCLBalance = _processClStateUpdate(
              // Step 2.
              // Pass the report data to sanity checker (reverts if malformed)
              _checkAccountingOracleReport(contracts, _reportedData, reportContext);
              // Step 3.
              // Pre-calculate the ether to lock for withdrawal queue and shares to be burnt
              // due to withdrawal requests to finalize
              if (_reportedData.withdrawalFinalizationBatches.length != 0) {
                  ) = _calculateWithdrawals(contracts, _reportedData);
                  if (reportContext.sharesToBurnFromWithdrawalQueue > 0) {
              // Step 4.
              // Pass the accounting values to sanity checker to smoothen positive token rebase
              uint256 withdrawals;
              uint256 elRewards;
                  withdrawals, elRewards, reportContext.simulatedSharesToBurn, reportContext.sharesToBurn
              ) = IOracleReportSanityChecker(contracts.oracleReportSanityChecker).smoothenTokenRebase(
              // Step 5.
              // Invoke finalization of the withdrawal requests (send ether to withdrawal queue, assign shares to be burnt)
              emit ETHDistributed(
              // Step 6.
              // Burn the previously requested shares
              if (reportContext.sharesToBurn > 0) {
                  _burnShares(contracts.burner, reportContext.sharesToBurn);
              // Step 7.
              // Distribute protocol fee (treasury & node operators)
              reportContext.sharesMintedAsFees = _processRewards(
              // Step 8.
              // Complete token rebase by informing observers (emit an event and call the external receivers if any)
                  uint256 postTotalShares,
                  uint256 postTotalPooledEther
              ) = _completeTokenRebase(
              // Step 9. Sanity check for the provided simulated share rate
              if (_reportedData.withdrawalFinalizationBatches.length != 0) {
              return [postTotalPooledEther, postTotalShares, withdrawals, elRewards];
           * @dev Pass the provided oracle data to the sanity checker contract
           * Works with structures to overcome `stack too deep`
          function _checkAccountingOracleReport(
              OracleReportContracts memory _contracts,
              OracleReportedData memory _reportedData,
              OracleReportContext memory _reportContext
          ) internal view {
           * @dev Notify observers about the completed token rebase.
           * Emit events and call external receivers.
          function _completeTokenRebase(
              OracleReportedData memory _reportedData,
              OracleReportContext memory _reportContext,
              IPostTokenRebaseReceiver _postTokenRebaseReceiver
          ) internal returns (uint256 postTotalShares, uint256 postTotalPooledEther) {
              postTotalShares = _getTotalShares();
              postTotalPooledEther = _getTotalPooledEther();
              if (_postTokenRebaseReceiver != address(0)) {
              emit TokenRebased(
           * @dev Load the contracts used for `handleOracleReport` internally.
          function _loadOracleReportContracts() internal view returns (OracleReportContracts memory ret) {
              ) = getLidoLocator().oracleReportComponentsForLido();
          function _stakingRouter() internal view returns (IStakingRouter) {
              return IStakingRouter(getLidoLocator().stakingRouter());
          function _withdrawalQueue() internal view returns (IWithdrawalQueue) {
              return IWithdrawalQueue(getLidoLocator().withdrawalQueue());
          function _treasury() internal view returns (address) {
              return getLidoLocator().treasury();
           * @notice Mints shares on behalf of 0xdead address,
           * the shares amount is equal to the contract's balance.     *
           * Allows to get rid of zero checks for `totalShares` and `totalPooledEther`
           * and overcome corner cases.
           * NB: reverts if the current contract's balance is zero.
           * @dev must be invoked before using the token
          function _bootstrapInitialHolder() internal {
              uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
              assert(balance != 0);
              if (_getTotalShares() == 0) {
                  // if protocol is empty bootstrap it with the contract's balance
                  // address(0xdead) is a holder for initial shares
                  // emitting `Submitted` before Transfer events to preserver events order in tx
                  emit Submitted(INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER, balance, 0);
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      /* See contracts/ */
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath.sol";
      import "./utils/Pausable.sol";
       * @title Interest-bearing ERC20-like token for Lido Liquid Stacking protocol.
       * This contract is abstract. To make the contract deployable override the
       * `_getTotalPooledEther` function. `Lido.sol` contract inherits StETH and defines
       * the `_getTotalPooledEther` function.
       * StETH balances are dynamic and represent the holder's share in the total amount
       * of Ether controlled by the protocol. Account shares aren't normalized, so the
       * contract also stores the sum of all shares to calculate each account's token balance
       * which equals to:
       *   shares[account] * _getTotalPooledEther() / _getTotalShares()
       * For example, assume that we have:
       *   _getTotalPooledEther() -> 10 ETH
       *   sharesOf(user1) -> 100
       *   sharesOf(user2) -> 400
       * Therefore:
       *   balanceOf(user1) -> 2 tokens which corresponds 2 ETH
       *   balanceOf(user2) -> 8 tokens which corresponds 8 ETH
       * Since balances of all token holders change when the amount of total pooled Ether
       * changes, this token cannot fully implement ERC20 standard: it only emits `Transfer`
       * events upon explicit transfer between holders. In contrast, when total amount of
       * pooled Ether increases, no `Transfer` events are generated: doing so would require
       * emitting an event for each token holder and thus running an unbounded loop.
       * The token inherits from `Pausable` and uses `whenNotStopped` modifier for methods
       * which change `shares` or `allowances`. `_stop` and `_resume` functions are overridden
       * in `Lido.sol` and might be called by an account with the `PAUSE_ROLE` assigned by the
       * DAO. This is useful for emergency scenarios, e.g. a protocol bug, where one might want
       * to freeze all token transfers and approvals until the emergency is resolved.
      contract StETH is IERC20, Pausable {
          using SafeMath for uint256;
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          address constant internal INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER = 0xdead;
          uint256 constant internal INFINITE_ALLOWANCE = ~uint256(0);
           * @dev StETH balances are dynamic and are calculated based on the accounts' shares
           * and the total amount of Ether controlled by the protocol. Account shares aren't
           * normalized, so the contract also stores the sum of all shares to calculate
           * each account's token balance which equals to:
           *   shares[account] * _getTotalPooledEther() / _getTotalShares()
          mapping (address => uint256) private shares;
           * @dev Allowances are nominated in tokens, not token shares.
          mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private allowances;
           * @dev Storage position used for holding the total amount of shares in existence.
           * The Lido protocol is built on top of Aragon and uses the Unstructured Storage pattern
           * for value types:
           * For reference types, conventional storage variables are used since it's non-trivial
           * and error-prone to implement reference-type unstructured storage using Solidity v0.4;
           * see
           * keccak256("lido.StETH.totalShares")
          bytes32 internal constant TOTAL_SHARES_POSITION =
            * @notice An executed shares transfer from `sender` to `recipient`.
            * @dev emitted in pair with an ERC20-defined `Transfer` event.
          event TransferShares(
              address indexed from,
              address indexed to,
              uint256 sharesValue
           * @notice An executed `burnShares` request
           * @dev Reports simultaneously burnt shares amount
           * and corresponding stETH amount.
           * The stETH amount is calculated twice: before and after the burning incurred rebase.
           * @param account holder of the burnt shares
           * @param preRebaseTokenAmount amount of stETH the burnt shares corresponded to before the burn
           * @param postRebaseTokenAmount amount of stETH the burnt shares corresponded to after the burn
           * @param sharesAmount amount of burnt shares
          event SharesBurnt(
              address indexed account,
              uint256 preRebaseTokenAmount,
              uint256 postRebaseTokenAmount,
              uint256 sharesAmount
           * @return the name of the token.
          function name() external pure returns (string) {
              return "Liquid staked Ether 2.0";
           * @return the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the
           * name.
          function symbol() external pure returns (string) {
              return "stETH";
           * @return the number of decimals for getting user representation of a token amount.
          function decimals() external pure returns (uint8) {
              return 18;
           * @return the amount of tokens in existence.
           * @dev Always equals to `_getTotalPooledEther()` since token amount
           * is pegged to the total amount of Ether controlled by the protocol.
          function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) {
              return _getTotalPooledEther();
           * @return the entire amount of Ether controlled by the protocol.
           * @dev The sum of all ETH balances in the protocol, equals to the total supply of stETH.
          function getTotalPooledEther() external view returns (uint256) {
              return _getTotalPooledEther();
           * @return the amount of tokens owned by the `_account`.
           * @dev Balances are dynamic and equal the `_account`'s share in the amount of the
           * total Ether controlled by the protocol. See `sharesOf`.
          function balanceOf(address _account) external view returns (uint256) {
              return getPooledEthByShares(_sharesOf(_account));
           * @notice Moves `_amount` tokens from the caller's account to the `_recipient` account.
           * @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
           * Emits a `Transfer` event.
           * Emits a `TransferShares` event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_recipient` cannot be the zero address.
           * - the caller must have a balance of at least `_amount`.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
           * @dev The `_amount` argument is the amount of tokens, not shares.
          function transfer(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
              _transfer(msg.sender, _recipient, _amount);
              return true;
           * @return the remaining number of tokens that `_spender` is allowed to spend
           * on behalf of `_owner` through `transferFrom`. This is zero by default.
           * @dev This value changes when `approve` or `transferFrom` is called.
          function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256) {
              return allowances[_owner][_spender];
           * @notice Sets `_amount` as the allowance of `_spender` over the caller's tokens.
           * @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
           * Emits an `Approval` event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_spender` cannot be the zero address.
           * @dev The `_amount` argument is the amount of tokens, not shares.
          function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
              _approve(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
              return true;
           * @notice Moves `_amount` tokens from `_sender` to `_recipient` using the
           * allowance mechanism. `_amount` is then deducted from the caller's
           * allowance.
           * @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
           * Emits a `Transfer` event.
           * Emits a `TransferShares` event.
           * Emits an `Approval` event indicating the updated allowance.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_sender` and `_recipient` cannot be the zero addresses.
           * - `_sender` must have a balance of at least `_amount`.
           * - the caller must have allowance for `_sender`'s tokens of at least `_amount`.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
           * @dev The `_amount` argument is the amount of tokens, not shares.
          function transferFrom(address _sender, address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
              _spendAllowance(_sender, msg.sender, _amount);
              _transfer(_sender, _recipient, _amount);
              return true;
           * @notice Atomically increases the allowance granted to `_spender` by the caller by `_addedValue`.
           * This is an alternative to `approve` that can be used as a mitigation for
           * problems described in:
           * Emits an `Approval` event indicating the updated allowance.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_spender` cannot be the the zero address.
          function increaseAllowance(address _spender, uint256 _addedValue) external returns (bool) {
              _approve(msg.sender, _spender, allowances[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue));
              return true;
           * @notice Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `_spender` by the caller by `_subtractedValue`.
           * This is an alternative to `approve` that can be used as a mitigation for
           * problems described in:
           * Emits an `Approval` event indicating the updated allowance.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_spender` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `_spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least `_subtractedValue`.
          function decreaseAllowance(address _spender, uint256 _subtractedValue) external returns (bool) {
              uint256 currentAllowance = allowances[msg.sender][_spender];
              require(currentAllowance >= _subtractedValue, "ALLOWANCE_BELOW_ZERO");
              _approve(msg.sender, _spender, currentAllowance.sub(_subtractedValue));
              return true;
           * @return the total amount of shares in existence.
           * @dev The sum of all accounts' shares can be an arbitrary number, therefore
           * it is necessary to store it in order to calculate each account's relative share.
          function getTotalShares() external view returns (uint256) {
              return _getTotalShares();
           * @return the amount of shares owned by `_account`.
          function sharesOf(address _account) external view returns (uint256) {
              return _sharesOf(_account);
           * @return the amount of shares that corresponds to `_ethAmount` protocol-controlled Ether.
          function getSharesByPooledEth(uint256 _ethAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
              return _ethAmount
           * @return the amount of Ether that corresponds to `_sharesAmount` token shares.
          function getPooledEthByShares(uint256 _sharesAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
              return _sharesAmount
           * @notice Moves `_sharesAmount` token shares from the caller's account to the `_recipient` account.
           * @return amount of transferred tokens.
           * Emits a `TransferShares` event.
           * Emits a `Transfer` event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_recipient` cannot be the zero address.
           * - the caller must have at least `_sharesAmount` shares.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
           * @dev The `_sharesAmount` argument is the amount of shares, not tokens.
          function transferShares(address _recipient, uint256 _sharesAmount) external returns (uint256) {
              _transferShares(msg.sender, _recipient, _sharesAmount);
              uint256 tokensAmount = getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount);
              _emitTransferEvents(msg.sender, _recipient, tokensAmount, _sharesAmount);
              return tokensAmount;
           * @notice Moves `_sharesAmount` token shares from the `_sender` account to the `_recipient` account.
           * @return amount of transferred tokens.
           * Emits a `TransferShares` event.
           * Emits a `Transfer` event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_sender` and `_recipient` cannot be the zero addresses.
           * - `_sender` must have at least `_sharesAmount` shares.
           * - the caller must have allowance for `_sender`'s tokens of at least `getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount)`.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
           * @dev The `_sharesAmount` argument is the amount of shares, not tokens.
          function transferSharesFrom(
              address _sender, address _recipient, uint256 _sharesAmount
          ) external returns (uint256) {
              uint256 tokensAmount = getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount);
              _spendAllowance(_sender, msg.sender, tokensAmount);
              _transferShares(_sender, _recipient, _sharesAmount);
              _emitTransferEvents(_sender, _recipient, tokensAmount, _sharesAmount);
              return tokensAmount;
           * @return the total amount (in wei) of Ether controlled by the protocol.
           * @dev This is used for calculating tokens from shares and vice versa.
           * @dev This function is required to be implemented in a derived contract.
          function _getTotalPooledEther() internal view returns (uint256);
           * @notice Moves `_amount` tokens from `_sender` to `_recipient`.
           * Emits a `Transfer` event.
           * Emits a `TransferShares` event.
          function _transfer(address _sender, address _recipient, uint256 _amount) internal {
              uint256 _sharesToTransfer = getSharesByPooledEth(_amount);
              _transferShares(_sender, _recipient, _sharesToTransfer);
              _emitTransferEvents(_sender, _recipient, _amount, _sharesToTransfer);
           * @notice Sets `_amount` as the allowance of `_spender` over the `_owner` s tokens.
           * Emits an `Approval` event.
           * NB: the method can be invoked even if the protocol paused.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_owner` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `_spender` cannot be the zero address.
          function _approve(address _owner, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal {
              require(_owner != address(0), "APPROVE_FROM_ZERO_ADDR");
              require(_spender != address(0), "APPROVE_TO_ZERO_ADDR");
              allowances[_owner][_spender] = _amount;
              emit Approval(_owner, _spender, _amount);
           * @dev Updates `owner` s allowance for `spender` based on spent `amount`.
           * Does not update the allowance amount in case of infinite allowance.
           * Revert if not enough allowance is available.
           * Might emit an {Approval} event.
          function _spendAllowance(address _owner, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal {
              uint256 currentAllowance = allowances[_owner][_spender];
              if (currentAllowance != INFINITE_ALLOWANCE) {
                  require(currentAllowance >= _amount, "ALLOWANCE_EXCEEDED");
                  _approve(_owner, _spender, currentAllowance - _amount);
           * @return the total amount of shares in existence.
          function _getTotalShares() internal view returns (uint256) {
              return TOTAL_SHARES_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
           * @return the amount of shares owned by `_account`.
          function _sharesOf(address _account) internal view returns (uint256) {
              return shares[_account];
           * @notice Moves `_sharesAmount` shares from `_sender` to `_recipient`.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_sender` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `_recipient` cannot be the zero address or the `stETH` token contract itself
           * - `_sender` must hold at least `_sharesAmount` shares.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
          function _transferShares(address _sender, address _recipient, uint256 _sharesAmount) internal {
              require(_sender != address(0), "TRANSFER_FROM_ZERO_ADDR");
              require(_recipient != address(0), "TRANSFER_TO_ZERO_ADDR");
              require(_recipient != address(this), "TRANSFER_TO_STETH_CONTRACT");
              uint256 currentSenderShares = shares[_sender];
              require(_sharesAmount <= currentSenderShares, "BALANCE_EXCEEDED");
              shares[_sender] = currentSenderShares.sub(_sharesAmount);
              shares[_recipient] = shares[_recipient].add(_sharesAmount);
           * @notice Creates `_sharesAmount` shares and assigns them to `_recipient`, increasing the total amount of shares.
           * @dev This doesn't increase the token total supply.
           * NB: The method doesn't check protocol pause relying on the external enforcement.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_recipient` cannot be the zero address.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
          function _mintShares(address _recipient, uint256 _sharesAmount) internal returns (uint256 newTotalShares) {
              require(_recipient != address(0), "MINT_TO_ZERO_ADDR");
              newTotalShares = _getTotalShares().add(_sharesAmount);
              shares[_recipient] = shares[_recipient].add(_sharesAmount);
              // Notice: we're not emitting a Transfer event from the zero address here since shares mint
              // works by taking the amount of tokens corresponding to the minted shares from all other
              // token holders, proportionally to their share. The total supply of the token doesn't change
              // as the result. This is equivalent to performing a send from each other token holder's
              // address to `address`, but we cannot reflect this as it would require sending an unbounded
              // number of events.
           * @notice Destroys `_sharesAmount` shares from `_account`'s holdings, decreasing the total amount of shares.
           * @dev This doesn't decrease the token total supply.
           * Requirements:
           * - `_account` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `_account` must hold at least `_sharesAmount` shares.
           * - the contract must not be paused.
          function _burnShares(address _account, uint256 _sharesAmount) internal returns (uint256 newTotalShares) {
              require(_account != address(0), "BURN_FROM_ZERO_ADDR");
              uint256 accountShares = shares[_account];
              require(_sharesAmount <= accountShares, "BALANCE_EXCEEDED");
              uint256 preRebaseTokenAmount = getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount);
              newTotalShares = _getTotalShares().sub(_sharesAmount);
              shares[_account] = accountShares.sub(_sharesAmount);
              uint256 postRebaseTokenAmount = getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount);
              emit SharesBurnt(_account, preRebaseTokenAmount, postRebaseTokenAmount, _sharesAmount);
              // Notice: we're not emitting a Transfer event to the zero address here since shares burn
              // works by redistributing the amount of tokens corresponding to the burned shares between
              // all other token holders. The total supply of the token doesn't change as the result.
              // This is equivalent to performing a send from `address` to each other token holder address,
              // but we cannot reflect this as it would require sending an unbounded number of events.
              // We're emitting `SharesBurnt` event to provide an explicit rebase log record nonetheless.
           * @dev Emits {Transfer} and {TransferShares} events
          function _emitTransferEvents(address _from, address _to, uint _tokenAmount, uint256 _sharesAmount) internal {
              emit Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenAmount);
              emit TransferShares(_from, _to, _sharesAmount);
           * @dev Emits {Transfer} and {TransferShares} events where `from` is 0 address. Indicates mint events.
          function _emitTransferAfterMintingShares(address _to, uint256 _sharesAmount) internal {
              _emitTransferEvents(address(0), _to, getPooledEthByShares(_sharesAmount), _sharesAmount);
           * @dev Mints shares to INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER
          function _mintInitialShares(uint256 _sharesAmount) internal {
              _mintShares(INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER, _sharesAmount);
              _emitTransferAfterMintingShares(INITIAL_TOKEN_HOLDER, _sharesAmount);
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 OpenZeppelin, Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      /* See contracts/ */
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import {UnstructuredStorage} from "@aragon/os/contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      import {SignatureUtils} from "../common/lib/SignatureUtils.sol";
      import {IEIP712StETH} from "../common/interfaces/IEIP712StETH.sol";
      import {StETH} from "./StETH.sol";
       * @dev Interface of the ERC20 Permit extension allowing approvals to be made via signatures, as defined in
       * Adds the {permit} method, which can be used to change an account's ERC20 allowance (see {IERC20-allowance}) by
       * presenting a message signed by the account. By not relying on {IERC20-approve}, the token holder account doesn't
       * need to send a transaction, and thus is not required to hold Ether at all.
      interface IERC2612 {
           * @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over ``owner``'s tokens,
           * given ``owner``'s signed approval.
           * Emits an {Approval} event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `deadline` must be a timestamp in the future.
           * - `v`, `r` and `s` must be a valid `secp256k1` signature from `owner`
           * over the EIP712-formatted function arguments.
           * - the signature must use ``owner``'s current nonce (see {nonces}).
          function permit(
              address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
          ) external;
           * @dev Returns the current nonce for `owner`. This value must be
           * included whenever a signature is generated for {permit}.
           * Every successful call to {permit} increases ``owner``'s nonce by one. This
           * prevents a signature from being used multiple times.
          function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
           * @dev Returns the domain separator used in the encoding of the signature for {permit}, as defined by {EIP712}.
          // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase
          function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
      contract StETHPermit is IERC2612, StETH {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
           * @dev Service event for initialization
          event EIP712StETHInitialized(address eip712StETH);
           * @dev Nonces for ERC-2612 (Permit)
          mapping(address => uint256) internal noncesByAddress;
           * @dev Storage position used for the EIP712 message utils contract
           * keccak256("lido.StETHPermit.eip712StETH")
          bytes32 internal constant EIP712_STETH_POSITION =
           * @dev Typehash constant for ERC-2612 (Permit)
           * keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)")
          bytes32 internal constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH =
           * @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over ``owner``'s tokens,
           * given ``owner``'s signed approval.
           * Emits an {Approval} event.
           * Requirements:
           * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
           * - `deadline` must be a timestamp in the future.
           * - `v`, `r` and `s` must be a valid `secp256k1` signature from `owner`
           * over the EIP712-formatted function arguments.
           * - the signature must use ``owner``'s current nonce (see {nonces}).
          function permit(
              address _owner, address _spender, uint256 _value, uint256 _deadline, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s
          ) external {
              require(block.timestamp <= _deadline, "DEADLINE_EXPIRED");
              bytes32 structHash = keccak256(
                  abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _owner, _spender, _value, _useNonce(_owner), _deadline)
              bytes32 hash = IEIP712StETH(getEIP712StETH()).hashTypedDataV4(address(this), structHash);
              require(SignatureUtils.isValidSignature(_owner, hash, _v, _r, _s), "INVALID_SIGNATURE");
              _approve(_owner, _spender, _value);
           * @dev Returns the current nonce for `owner`. This value must be
           * included whenever a signature is generated for {permit}.
           * Every successful call to {permit} increases ``owner``'s nonce by one. This
           * prevents a signature from being used multiple times.
          function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256) {
              return noncesByAddress[owner];
           * @dev Returns the domain separator used in the encoding of the signature for {permit}, as defined by {EIP712}.
          // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase
          function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32) {
              return IEIP712StETH(getEIP712StETH()).domainSeparatorV4(address(this));
           * @dev returns the fields and values that describe the domain separator used by this contract for EIP-712
           * signature.
           * NB: compairing to the full-fledged ERC-5267 version:
           * - `salt` and `extensions` are unused
           * - `flags` is hex"0f" or 01111b
           * @dev using shortened returns to reduce a bytecode size
          function eip712Domain() external view returns (
              string memory name,
              string memory version,
              uint256 chainId,
              address verifyingContract
          ) {
              return IEIP712StETH(getEIP712StETH()).eip712Domain(address(this));
           * @dev "Consume a nonce": return the current value and increment.
          function _useNonce(address _owner) internal returns (uint256 current) {
              current = noncesByAddress[_owner];
              noncesByAddress[_owner] = current.add(1);
           * @dev Initialize EIP712 message utils contract for stETH
          function _initializeEIP712StETH(address _eip712StETH) internal {
              require(_eip712StETH != address(0), "ZERO_EIP712STETH");
              require(getEIP712StETH() == address(0), "EIP712STETH_ALREADY_SET");
              emit EIP712StETHInitialized(_eip712StETH);
           * @dev Get EIP712 message utils contract
          function getEIP712StETH() public view returns (address) {
              return EIP712_STETH_POSITION.getStorageAddress();
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
      contract Pausable {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          event Stopped();
          event Resumed();
          // keccak256("lido.Pausable.activeFlag")
          bytes32 internal constant ACTIVE_FLAG_POSITION =
          function _whenNotStopped() internal view {
              require(ACTIVE_FLAG_POSITION.getStorageBool(), "CONTRACT_IS_STOPPED");
          function _whenStopped() internal view {
              require(!ACTIVE_FLAG_POSITION.getStorageBool(), "CONTRACT_IS_ACTIVE");
          function isStopped() public view returns (bool) {
              return !ACTIVE_FLAG_POSITION.getStorageBool();
          function _stop() internal {
              emit Stopped();
          function _resume() internal {
              emit Resumed();
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      pragma solidity 0.4.24;
      import "@aragon/os/contracts/common/UnstructuredStorage.sol";
       * @title Adapted code of /contracts/0.8.9/utils/Versioned.sol
       * This contract contains only core part of original Versioned.sol
       * to reduce contract size
      contract Versioned {
          using UnstructuredStorage for bytes32;
          event ContractVersionSet(uint256 version);
          /// @dev Storage slot: uint256 version
          /// Version of the initialized contract storage.
          /// The version stored in CONTRACT_VERSION_POSITION equals to:
          /// - 0 right after the deployment, before an initializer is invoked (and only at that moment);
          /// - N after calling initialize(), where N is the initially deployed contract version;
          /// - N after upgrading contract by calling finalizeUpgrade_vN().
          bytes32 internal constant CONTRACT_VERSION_POSITION =
              0x4dd0f6662ba1d6b081f08b350f5e9a6a7b15cf586926ba66f753594928fa64a6; // keccak256("lido.Versioned.contractVersion");
          uint256 internal constant PETRIFIED_VERSION_MARK = uint256(-1);
          constructor() public {
              // lock version in the implementation's storage to prevent initialization
          /// @notice Returns the current contract version.
          function getContractVersion() public view returns (uint256) {
              return CONTRACT_VERSION_POSITION.getStorageUint256();
          function _checkContractVersion(uint256 version) internal view {
              require(version == getContractVersion(), "UNEXPECTED_CONTRACT_VERSION");
          function _setContractVersion(uint256 version) internal {
              emit ContractVersionSet(version);
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      // See contracts/
      // solhint-disable-next-line
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
      interface IBurner {
           * Commit cover/non-cover burning requests and logs cover/non-cover shares amount just burnt.
           * NB: The real burn enactment to be invoked after the call (via internal Lido._burnShares())
          function commitSharesToBurn(uint256 _stETHSharesToBurn) external;
           * Request burn shares
          function requestBurnShares(address _from, uint256 _sharesAmount) external;
            * Returns the current amount of shares locked on the contract to be burnt.
          function getSharesRequestedToBurn() external view returns (uint256 coverShares, uint256 nonCoverShares);
            * Returns the total cover shares ever burnt.
          function getCoverSharesBurnt() external view returns (uint256);
            * Returns the total non-cover shares ever burnt.
          function getNonCoverSharesBurnt() external view returns (uint256);
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 OpenZeppelin, Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      // See contracts/
      // solhint-disable-next-line
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
       * @dev Helper interface of EIP712 StETH-dedicated helper.
       * Has an access to the CHAIN_ID opcode and relies on immutables internally
       * Both are unavailable for Solidity 0.4.24.
      interface IEIP712StETH {
           * @dev Returns the domain separator for the current chain.
          function domainSeparatorV4(address _stETH) external view returns (bytes32);
           * @dev Given an already[hashed struct], this
           * function returns the hash of the fully encoded EIP712 message for this domain.
           * This hash can be used together with {ECDSA-recover} to obtain the signer of a message. For example:
           * ```solidity
           * bytes32 digest = hashTypedDataV4(keccak256(abi.encode(
           *     keccak256("Mail(address to,string contents)"),
           *     mailTo,
           *     keccak256(bytes(mailContents))
           * )));
           * address signer = ECDSA.recover(digest, signature);
           * ```
          function hashTypedDataV4(address _stETH, bytes32 _structHash) external view returns (bytes32);
           * @dev returns the fields and values that describe the domain separator
           * used by stETH for EIP-712 signature.
          function eip712Domain(address _stETH) external view returns (
              string memory name,
              string memory version,
              uint256 chainId,
              address verifyingContract
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
      // See contracts/
      // solhint-disable-next-line
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
      interface ILidoLocator {
          function accountingOracle() external view returns(address);
          function depositSecurityModule() external view returns(address);
          function elRewardsVault() external view returns(address);
          function legacyOracle() external view returns(address);
          function lido() external view returns(address);
          function oracleReportSanityChecker() external view returns(address);
          function burner() external view returns(address);
          function stakingRouter() external view returns(address);
          function treasury() external view returns(address);
          function validatorsExitBusOracle() external view returns(address);
          function withdrawalQueue() external view returns(address);
          function withdrawalVault() external view returns(address);
          function postTokenRebaseReceiver() external view returns(address);
          function oracleDaemonConfig() external view returns(address);
          function coreComponents() external view returns(
              address elRewardsVault,
              address oracleReportSanityChecker,
              address stakingRouter,
              address treasury,
              address withdrawalQueue,
              address withdrawalVault
          function oracleReportComponentsForLido() external view returns(
              address accountingOracle,
              address elRewardsVault,
              address oracleReportSanityChecker,
              address burner,
              address withdrawalQueue,
              address withdrawalVault,
              address postTokenRebaseReceiver
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      // Extracted from:
      /* See contracts/ */
      // solhint-disable-next-line
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
      library ECDSA {
           * @dev Returns the address that signed a hashed message (`hash`).
           * This address can then be used for verification purposes.
           * Receives the `v`, `r` and `s` signature fields separately.
           * The `ecrecover` EVM opcode allows for malleable (non-unique) signatures:
           * this function rejects them by requiring the `s` value to be in the lower
           * half order, and the `v` value to be either 27 or 28.
           * IMPORTANT: `hash` _must_ be the result of a hash operation for the
           * verification to be secure: it is possible to craft signatures that
           * recover to arbitrary addresses for non-hashed data.
          function recover(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal pure returns (address)
              // EIP-2 still allows signature malleability for ecrecover(). Remove this possibility and make the signature
              // unique. Appendix F in the Ethereum Yellow paper (, defines
              // the valid range for s in (281): 0 < s < secp256k1n ÷ 2 + 1, and for v in (282): v ∈ {27, 28}. Most
              // signatures from current libraries generate a unique signature with an s-value in the lower half order.
              // If your library generates malleable signatures, such as s-values in the upper range, calculate a new s-value
              // with 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 - s1 and flip v from 27 to 28 or
              // vice versa. If your library also generates signatures with 0/1 for v instead 27/28, add 27 to v to accept
              // these malleable signatures as well.
              require(uint256(s) <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0, "ECDSA: invalid signature 's' value");
              // If the signature is valid (and not malleable), return the signer address
              address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
              require(signer != address(0), "ECDSA: invalid signature");
              return signer;
           * @dev Overload of `recover` that receives the `r` and `vs` short-signature fields separately.
           * See[EIP-2098 short signatures]
          function recover(bytes32 hash, bytes32 r, bytes32 vs) internal pure returns (address) {
              bytes32 s;
              uint8 v;
              assembly {
                  s := and(vs, 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
                  v := add(shr(255, vs), 27)
              return recover(hash, v, r, s);
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      // Copied from:
      // See contracts/
      // solhint-disable-next-line
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
      library Math256 {
          /// @dev Returns the largest of two numbers.
          function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              return a > b ? a : b;
          /// @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers.
          function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              return a < b ? a : b;
          /// @dev Returns the largest of two numbers.
          function max(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
              return a > b ? a : b;
          /// @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers.
          function min(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
              return a < b ? a : b;
          /// @dev Returns the ceiling of the division of two numbers.
          /// This differs from standard division with `/` in that it rounds up instead
          /// of rounding down.
          function ceilDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              // (a + b - 1) / b can overflow on addition, so we distribute.
              return a == 0 ? 0 : (a - 1) / b + 1;
          /// @dev Returns absolute difference of two numbers.
          function absDiff(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
              return a > b ? a - b : b - a;
      // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Lido <[email protected]>
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      /* See contracts/ */
      // solhint-disable-next-line lido/fixed-compiler-version
      pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.9.0;
      import {ECDSA} from "./ECDSA.sol";
      library SignatureUtils {
           * @dev The selector of the ERC1271's `isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes signature)` function,
           * serving at the same time as the magic value that the function should return upon success.
           * See
           * bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")
          bytes4 internal constant ERC1271_IS_VALID_SIGNATURE_SELECTOR = 0x1626ba7e;
           * @dev Checks signature validity.
           * If the signer address doesn't contain any code, assumes that the address is externally owned
           * and the signature is a ECDSA signature generated using its private key. Otherwise, issues a
           * static call to the signer address to check the signature validity using the ERC-1271 standard.
          function isValidSignature(
              address signer,
              bytes32 msgHash,
              uint8 v,
              bytes32 r,
              bytes32 s
          ) internal view returns (bool) {
              if (_hasCode(signer)) {
                  bytes memory sig = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v);
                  // Solidity <0.5 generates a regular CALL instruction even if the function being called
                  // is marked as `view`, and the only way to perform a STATICCALL is to use assembly
                  bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(ERC1271_IS_VALID_SIGNATURE_SELECTOR, msgHash, sig);
                  bytes32 retval;
                  /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                  assembly {
                      // allocate memory for storing the return value
                      let outDataOffset := mload(0x40)
                      mstore(0x40, add(outDataOffset, 32))
                      // issue a static call and load the result if the call succeeded
                      let success := staticcall(gas(), signer, add(data, 32), mload(data), outDataOffset, 32)
                      if and(eq(success, 1), eq(returndatasize(), 32)) {
                          retval := mload(outDataOffset)
                  return retval == bytes32(ERC1271_IS_VALID_SIGNATURE_SELECTOR);
              } else {
                  return ECDSA.recover(msgHash, v, r, s) == signer;
          function _hasCode(address addr) internal view returns (bool) {
              uint256 size;
              /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
              assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) }
              return size > 0;
      pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
       * @title ERC20 interface
       * @dev see
      interface IERC20 {
        function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
        function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256);
        function allowance(address owner, address spender)
          external view returns (uint256);
        function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
        function approve(address spender, uint256 value)
          external returns (bool);
        function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value)
          external returns (bool);
        event Transfer(
          address indexed from,
          address indexed to,
          uint256 value
        event Approval(
          address indexed owner,
          address indexed spender,
          uint256 value