ETH Price: $1,874.15 (-1.91%)
Gas: 0.52 Gwei

Transaction Decoder

4827978 at Dec-31-2017 04:47:28 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00082342 ETH $1.54
Gas Used:
41,171 Gas / 20 Gwei

Emitted Events:

40 EtherTanksCore.EventCashOut( player=[Sender] 0xc96d0f594719ff7b0711a45192722d5616cd4ace, amount=3300000000000000 )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
0x336dB6C1...20640126A 287.4062 Eth287.4029 Eth0.0033
10,096.547781849611210806 Eth10,096.548605269611210806 Eth0.00082342
0.04384241 Eth
Nonce: 3
0.04631899 Eth
Nonce: 4

Execution Trace

EtherTanksCore.cashOutTank( _tankID=3404 )
  • ETH 0.0033 0xc96d0f594719ff7b0711a45192722d5616cd4ace.CALL( )
    pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
    contract EtherTanksCore {
        struct TankHull {
            uint32 armor; // Hull's armor value
            uint32 speed; // Hull's speed value
            uint8 league; // The battle league which allows to play with this hull type
        struct TankWeapon {
            uint32 minDamage; // Weapon minimal damage value
            uint32 maxDamage; // Weapon maximum damage value
            uint32 attackSpeed; // Weapon's attack speed value
            uint8 league; // The battle league which allows to play with this weapon type
        struct TankProduct {
            string name; // Tank's name
            uint32 hull; // Hull's ID
            uint32 weapon; // Weapon's ID
            // Unfortunately, it's impossible to define the variable inside the struct as constant.
            // However, you can read this smart-contract and see that there are no changes at all related to the start prices.
            uint256 startPrice;
            uint256 currentPrice; // The current price. Changes every time someone buys this kind of tank
            uint256 earning; // The amount of earning each owner of this tank gets when someone buys this type of tank
            uint256 releaseTime; // The moment when it will be allowed to buy this type of tank
            uint32 amountOfTanks; // The amount of tanks with this kind of product
        struct TankEntity {
            uint32 productID;
            uint8[4] upgrades;
            address owner; // The address of the owner of this tank
            address earner; // The address of the earner of this tank who get paid
            bool selling; // Is this tank on the auction now?
            uint256 auctionEntity; // If it's on the auction,
            uint256 earned; // Total funds earned with this tank
            uint32 exp; // Tank's experience
            uint32 lastCashoutIndex; // Last amount of tanks existing in the game with the same ProductID
        struct AuctionEntity {
            uint32 tankId;
            uint256 startPrice;
            uint256 finishPrice;
            uint256 startTime;
            uint256 duration;
        event EventCashOut (
           address indexed player,
           uint256 amount
           ); //;-)
        event EventLogin (
            address indexed player,
            string hash
            ); //;-)
        event EventUpgradeTank (
            address indexed player,
            uint32 tankID,
            uint8 upgradeChoice
            ); // ;-)
        event EventTransfer (
            address indexed player,
            address indexed receiver,
            uint32 tankID
            ); // ;-)
        event EventTransferAction (
            address indexed player,
            address indexed receiver,
            uint32 tankID,
            uint8 ActionType
            ); // ;-)
        event EventAuction (
            address indexed player,
            uint32 tankID,
            uint256 startPrice,
            uint256 finishPrice,
            uint256 duration,
            uint256 currentTime
            ); // ;-)
        event EventCancelAuction (
            uint32 tankID
            ); // ;-)
        event EventBid (
            uint32 tankID  
            ); // ;-)
        event EventProduct (
            uint32 productID,
            string name,
            uint32 hull,
            uint32 weapon,
            uint256 price,
            uint256 earning,
            uint256 releaseTime,
            uint256 currentTime
            ); // ;-)
        event EventBuyTank (
            address indexed player,
            uint32 productID,
            uint32 tankID
            ); // ;-)
        address public UpgradeMaster; // Earns fees for upgrading tanks (0.05 Eth)
        address public AuctionMaster; // Earns fees for producing auctions (3%)
        address public TankSellMaster; // Earns fees for selling tanks (start price)
        address public ExportMaster; // Exports tanks from the previous contract.
        bool public canExport = true; // If false -- the exporting is not allowed for this contract forever, so it's safe.
        // No modifiers were needed, because each access is checked no more than one time in the whole code,
        // So calling "require(msg.sender == UpgradeMaster);" is enough.
        function ChangeUpgradeMaster (address _newMaster) public {
            require(msg.sender == UpgradeMaster);
            UpgradeMaster = _newMaster;
        function ChangeTankSellMaster (address _newMaster) public {
            require(msg.sender == TankSellMaster);
            TankSellMaster = _newMaster;
        function ChangeAuctionMaster (address _newMaster) public {
            require(msg.sender == AuctionMaster);
            AuctionMaster = _newMaster;
        function FinishedExporting () public {
            require(msg.sender == ExportMaster);
            canExport = false; // Now, the exporting process has been finished, so we do not need to export anything anymore. Done.
        function EtherTanksCore() public {
            UpgradeMaster = msg.sender;
            AuctionMaster = msg.sender;
            TankSellMaster = msg.sender;
            ExportMaster = msg.sender;
            // Creating 11 hulls
            newTankHull(100, 5, 1);
            newTankHull(60, 6, 2);
            newTankHull(140, 4, 1);
            newTankHull(200, 3, 1);
            newTankHull(240, 3, 1);
            newTankHull(200, 6, 2);
            newTankHull(360, 4, 2);
            newTankHull(180, 9, 3);
            newTankHull(240, 8, 3);
            newTankHull(500, 4, 2);
            newTankHull(440, 6, 3);
            // Creating 11 weapons
            newTankWeapon(6, 14, 5, 1);
            newTankWeapon(18, 26, 3, 2);
            newTankWeapon(44, 66, 2, 1);
            newTankWeapon(21, 49, 3, 1);
            newTankWeapon(60, 90, 2, 2);
            newTankWeapon(21, 49, 2, 2);
            newTankWeapon(48, 72, 3, 2);
            newTankWeapon(13, 29, 9, 3);
            newTankWeapon(36, 84, 4, 3);
            newTankWeapon(120, 180, 2, 3);
            newTankWeapon(72, 108, 4, 3);
            // Creating first 11 tank types
            newTankProduct("LT-1", 1, 1, 10000000000000000, 100000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("LT-2", 2, 2, 50000000000000000, 500000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("MT-1", 3, 3, 100000000000000000, 1000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("HT-1", 4, 4, 500000000000000000, 5000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("SPG-1", 5, 5, 500000000000000000, 5000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("MT-2", 6, 6, 700000000000000000, 7000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("HT-2", 7, 7, 1500000000000000000, 15000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("LT-3", 8, 8, 300000000000000000, 3000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("MT-3", 9, 9, 1500000000000000000, 15000000000000000, now);
            newTankProduct("SPG-2", 10, 10, 2000000000000000000, 20000000000000000, now+(60*60*5));
            newTankProduct("HT-3", 11, 11, 2500000000000000000, 25000000000000000, now+(60*60*5));
        function cashOut (uint256 _amount) public payable {
            require (canExport == false); // Can be called only if the process of exporting has been completed
            require (_amount >= 0); //just in case
            require (_amount == uint256(uint128(_amount))); // Just some magic stuff
            require (this.balance >= _amount); // Checking if this contract has enought money to pay
            require (balances[msg.sender] >= _amount); // Checking if player has enough funds on his balance
            if (_amount == 0){
                _amount = balances[msg.sender];
                // If the requested amount is 0, it means that player wants to cashout the whole amount of balance
            balances[msg.sender] -= _amount; // Changing the amount of funds on the player's in-game balance
            if (!msg.sender.send(_amount)){ // Sending funds and if the transaction is failed
                balances[msg.sender] += _amount; // Returning the amount of funds on the player's in-game balance
            EventCashOut (msg.sender, _amount);
        function cashOutTank (uint32 _tankID) public payable {
            require (canExport == false); // Can be called only if the process of exporting has been completed
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender); // Checking if sender owns this tank
            uint256 _amount = tankProducts[tanks[_tankID].productID].earning*(tankProducts[tanks[_tankID].productID].amountOfTanks-tanks[_tankID].lastCashoutIndex);
            require (this.balance >= _amount); // Checking if this contract has enought money to pay
            require (_amount > 0);
            uint32 lastIndex = tanks[_tankID].lastCashoutIndex;
            tanks[_tankID].lastCashoutIndex = tankProducts[tanks[_tankID].productID].amountOfTanks; // Changing the amount of funds on the tanks's in-game balance
            if (!tanks[_tankID].owner.send(_amount)){ // Sending funds and if the transaction is failed
                tanks[_tankID].lastCashoutIndex = lastIndex; // Changing the amount of funds on the tanks's in-game balance
            EventCashOut (msg.sender, _amount);
        function login (string _hash) public {
            EventLogin (msg.sender, _hash);
        //upgrade tank
        // @_upgradeChoice: 0 is for armor, 1 is for damage, 2 is for speed, 3 is for attack speed
        function upgradeTank (uint32 _tankID, uint8 _upgradeChoice) public payable {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender); // Checking if sender owns this tank
            require (_upgradeChoice >= 0 && _upgradeChoice < 4); // Has to be between 0 and 3
            require (tanks[_tankID].upgrades[_upgradeChoice] < 5); // Only 5 upgrades are allowed for each type of tank's parametres
            require (msg.value >= upgradePrice); // Checking if there is enough amount of money for the upgrade
            tanks[_tankID].upgrades[_upgradeChoice]++; // Upgrading
            balances[msg.sender] += msg.value-upgradePrice; // Returning the rest amount of money back to the tank owner
            balances[UpgradeMaster] += upgradePrice; // Sending the amount of money spent on the upgrade to the contract creator
            EventUpgradeTank (msg.sender, _tankID, _upgradeChoice);
        // Transfer. Using for sending tanks to another players
        function _transfer (uint32 _tankID, address _receiver) public {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender); //Checking if sender owns this tank
            require (msg.sender != _receiver); // Checking that the owner is not sending the tank to himself
            require (tanks[_tankID].selling == false); //Making sure that the tank is not on the auction now
            tanks[_tankID].owner = _receiver; // Changing the tank's owner
            tanks[_tankID].earner = _receiver; // Changing the tank's earner address
            EventTransfer (msg.sender, _receiver, _tankID);
        // Transfer Action. Using for sending tanks to EtherTanks' contracts. For example, the battle-area contract.
        function _transferAction (uint32 _tankID, address _receiver, uint8 _ActionType) public {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender); // Checking if sender owns this tank
            require (msg.sender != _receiver); // Checking that the owner is not sending the tank to himself
            require (tanks[_tankID].selling == false); // Making sure that the tank is not on the auction now
            tanks[_tankID].owner = _receiver; // Changing the tank's owner
            // As you can see, we do not change the earner here.
            // It means that technically speaking, the tank's owner is still getting his earnings.
            // It's logically that this method (transferAction) will be used for sending tanks to the battle area contract or some other contracts which will be interacting with tanks
            // Be careful with this method! Do not call it to transfer tanks to another player!
            // The reason you should not do this is that the method called "transfer" changes the owner and earner, so it is possible to change the earner address to the current owner address any time.
            // However, for our special contracts like battle area, you are able to read this contract and make sure that your tank will not be sent to anyone else, only back to you.
            // So, please, do not use this method to send your tanks to other players. Use it just for interacting with EtherTanks' contracts, which will be listed on
            EventTransferAction (msg.sender, _receiver, _tankID, _ActionType);
        function sellTank (uint32 _tankID, uint256 _startPrice, uint256 _finishPrice, uint256 _duration) public {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank);
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender);
            require (tanks[_tankID].selling == false); // Making sure that the tank is not on the auction already
            require (_startPrice >= _finishPrice);
            require (_startPrice > 0 && _finishPrice >= 0);
            require (_duration > 0);
            require (_startPrice == uint256(uint128(_startPrice))); // Just some magic stuff
            require (_finishPrice == uint256(uint128(_finishPrice))); // Just some magic stuff
            auctions[newIdAuctionEntity] = AuctionEntity(_tankID, _startPrice, _finishPrice, now, _duration);
            tanks[_tankID].selling = true;
            tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity = newIdAuctionEntity++;
            EventAuction (msg.sender, _tankID, _startPrice, _finishPrice, _duration, now);
        //bidding function, people use this to buy tanks
        function bid (uint32 _tankID) public payable {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].selling == true); // Checking if this tanks is on the auction now
            AuctionEntity memory currentAuction = auctions[tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity]; // The auction entity for this tank. Just to make the line below easier to read
            uint256 currentPrice = currentAuction.startPrice-(((currentAuction.startPrice-currentAuction.finishPrice)/(currentAuction.duration))*(now-currentAuction.startTime));
            // The line above calculates the current price using the formula StartPrice-(((StartPrice-FinishPrice)/Duration)*(CurrentTime-StartTime)
            if (currentPrice < currentAuction.finishPrice){ // If the auction duration time has been expired
                currentPrice = currentAuction.finishPrice;  // Setting the current price as finishPrice 
            require (currentPrice >= 0); // Who knows :)
            require (msg.value >= currentPrice); // Checking if the buyer sent the amount of money which is more or equal the current price
            // All is fine, changing balances and changing tank's owner
            uint256 marketFee = (currentPrice/100)*3; // Calculating 3% of the current price as a fee
            balances[tanks[_tankID].owner] += currentPrice-marketFee; // Giving [current price]-[fee] amount to seller
            balances[AuctionMaster] += marketFee; // Sending the fee amount to the contract creator's balance
            balances[msg.sender] += msg.value-currentPrice; //Return the rest amount to buyer
            tanks[_tankID].owner = msg.sender; // Changing the owner of the tank
            tanks[_tankID].selling = false; // Change the tank status to "not selling now"
            delete auctions[tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity]; // Deleting the auction entity from the storage for auctions -- we don't need it anymore
            tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity = 0; // Not necessary, but deleting the ID of auction entity which was deleted in the operation above
            EventBid (_tankID);
        //cancel auction
        function cancelAuction (uint32 _tankID) public {
            require (_tankID > 0 && _tankID < newIdTank); // Checking if the tank exists
            require (tanks[_tankID].selling == true); // Checking if this tanks is on the auction now
            require (tanks[_tankID].owner == msg.sender); // Checking if sender owns this tank
            tanks[_tankID].selling = false; // Change the tank status to "not selling now"
            delete auctions[tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity]; // Deleting the auction entity from the storage for auctions -- we don't need it anymore
            tanks[_tankID].auctionEntity = 0; // Not necessary, but deleting the ID of auction entity which was deleted in the operation above
            EventCancelAuction (_tankID);
        function newTankProduct (string _name, uint32 _hull, uint32 _weapon, uint256 _price, uint256 _earning, uint256 _releaseTime) private {
            tankProducts[newIdTankProduct++] = TankProduct(_name, _hull, _weapon, _price, _price, _earning, _releaseTime, 0);
            EventProduct (newIdTankProduct-1, _name, _hull, _weapon, _price, _earning, _releaseTime, now);
        function newTankHull (uint32 _armor, uint32 _speed, uint8 _league) private {
            tankHulls[newIdTankHull++] = TankHull(_armor, _speed, _league);
        function newTankWeapon (uint32 _minDamage, uint32 _maxDamage, uint32 _attackSpeed, uint8 _league) private {
            tankWeapons[newIdTankWeapon++] = TankWeapon(_minDamage, _maxDamage, _attackSpeed, _league);
        function exportTank (address _owner, uint32 _tankproductID) public {
            require (canExport == true); // Can be called only if the process of exporting is allowed
            require (msg.sender == ExportMaster); // This is what was missed before. All balances were returned.
            tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice += tankProducts[_tankproductID].earning;
            tanks[newIdTank++] = TankEntity (_tankproductID, [0, 0, 0, 0], _owner, _owner, false, 0, 0, 0, ++tankProducts[_tankproductID].amountOfTanks);
            if (tanksBeforeTheNewTankType() == 0 && newIdTankProduct <= 121){
            EventBuyTank (_owner, _tankproductID, newIdTank-1);
        function exportTankResetEarning (uint32 _tankID) public {
            // Because, before the exporting, we already payed all earnings
            require (canExport == true); // Can be called only if the process of exporting is allowed
            require (msg.sender == ExportMaster); // This is what was missed before. All balances were returned.
            tanks[_tankID].lastCashoutIndex = tankProducts[tanks[_tankID].productID].amountOfTanks; // Reseting the tank's earnings
        function buyTank (uint32 _tankproductID) public payable {
            require (canExport == false); // Can be called only if the process of exporting has been completed
            require (tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice > 0 && msg.value > 0); //value is more than 0, price is more than 0
            require (msg.value >= tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice); //value is higher than price
            require (tankProducts[_tankproductID].releaseTime <= now); //checking if this tank was released.
            // Basically, the releaseTime was implemented just to give a chance to get the new tank for as many players as possible.
            // It prevents the using of bots.
            if (msg.value > tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice){
                // If player payed more, put the rest amount of money on his balance
                balances[msg.sender] += msg.value-tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice;
            tankProducts[_tankproductID].currentPrice += tankProducts[_tankproductID].earning;
            /*for (uint32 index = 1; index < newIdTank; index++){
                if (tanks[index].productID == _tankproductID){
                    balances[tanks[index].earner] += tankProducts[_tankproductID].earning;
                    tanks[index].earned += tankProducts[_tankproductID].earning;
            // This is why we decided to create the new contract - to avoid loops. Our suggestion to you: NEVER EVER USE LOOPS IN SMART-CONTRACTS
            if (tanksBeforeTheNewTankType() == 0 && newIdTankProduct <= 121){
            tanks[newIdTank++] = TankEntity (_tankproductID, [0, 0, 0, 0], msg.sender, msg.sender, false, 0, 0, 0, ++tankProducts[_tankproductID].amountOfTanks);
            // After all owners of the same type of tank got their earnings, admins get the amount which remains and no one need it
            // Basically, it is the start price of the tank.
            balances[TankSellMaster] += tankProducts[_tankproductID].startPrice;
            EventBuyTank (msg.sender, _tankproductID, newIdTank-1);
        // This is the tricky method which creates the new type tank.
        function newTankType () private {
            if (newIdTankProduct > 121){
            //creating new tank type!
            if (createNewTankHull < newIdTankHull - 1 && createNewTankWeapon >= newIdTankWeapon - 1) {
                createNewTankWeapon = 1;
            } else {
                if (createNewTankHull == createNewTankWeapon) {
            newTankProduct ("Tank", uint32(createNewTankHull), uint32(createNewTankWeapon), 200000000000000000, 3000000000000000, now+(60*60));
        // Our storage, keys are listed first, then mappings.
        // Of course, instead of some mappings we could use arrays, but why not
        uint32 public newIdTank = 1; // The next ID for the new tank
        uint32 public newIdTankProduct = 1; // The next ID for the new tank type
        uint32 public newIdTankHull = 1; // The next ID for the new hull
        uint32 public newIdTankWeapon = 1; // The new ID for the new weapon
        uint32 public createNewTankHull = 1; // For newTankType()
        uint32 public createNewTankWeapon = 0; // For newTankType()
        uint256 public newIdAuctionEntity = 1; // The next ID for the new auction entity
        mapping (uint32 => TankEntity) tanks; // The storage 
        mapping (uint32 => TankProduct) tankProducts;
        mapping (uint32 => TankHull) tankHulls;
        mapping (address => uint32[]) tankOwners;
        mapping (uint32 => TankWeapon) tankWeapons;
        mapping (uint256 => AuctionEntity) auctions;
        mapping (address => uint) balances;
        uint256 public constant upgradePrice = 50000000000000000; // The fee which the UgradeMaster earns for upgrading tanks
        function getTankName (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (string){
            return tankProducts[_ID].name;
        function getTankProduct (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint32[6]){
            return [tankHulls[tankProducts[_ID].hull].armor, tankHulls[tankProducts[_ID].hull].speed, tankWeapons[tankProducts[_ID].weapon].minDamage, tankWeapons[tankProducts[_ID].weapon].maxDamage, tankWeapons[tankProducts[_ID].weapon].attackSpeed, uint32(tankProducts[_ID].releaseTime)];
        function getTankDetails (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint32[6]){
            return [tanks[_ID].productID, uint32(tanks[_ID].upgrades[0]), uint32(tanks[_ID].upgrades[1]), uint32(tanks[_ID].upgrades[2]), uint32(tanks[_ID].upgrades[3]), uint32(tanks[_ID].exp)];
        function getTankOwner(uint32 _ID) public constant returns (address){
            return tanks[_ID].owner;
        function getTankSell(uint32 _ID) public constant returns (bool){
            return tanks[_ID].selling;
        function getTankTotalEarned(uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            return tanks[_ID].earned;
        function getTankAuctionEntity (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            return tanks[_ID].auctionEntity;
        function getCurrentPrice (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            return tankProducts[_ID].currentPrice;
        function getProductEarning (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            return tankProducts[_ID].earning;
        function getTankEarning (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            return tankProducts[tanks[_ID].productID].earning*(tankProducts[tanks[_ID].productID].amountOfTanks-tanks[_ID].lastCashoutIndex);
        function getCurrentPriceAuction (uint32 _ID) public constant returns (uint256){
            require (getTankSell(_ID));
            AuctionEntity memory currentAuction = auctions[tanks[_ID].auctionEntity]; // The auction entity for this tank. Just to make the line below easier to read
            uint256 currentPrice = currentAuction.startPrice-(((currentAuction.startPrice-currentAuction.finishPrice)/(currentAuction.duration))*(now-currentAuction.startTime));
            if (currentPrice < currentAuction.finishPrice){ // If the auction duration time has been expired
                currentPrice = currentAuction.finishPrice;  // Setting the current price as finishPrice 
            return currentPrice;
        function getPlayerBalance(address _player) public constant returns (uint256){
            return balances[_player];
        function getContractBalance() public constant returns (uint256){
            return this.balance;
        function howManyTanks() public constant returns (uint32){
            return newIdTankProduct;
        function tanksBeforeTheNewTankType() public constant returns (uint256){
            return 1000+(((newIdTankProduct)+10)*((newIdTankProduct)+10)*(newIdTankProduct-11))-newIdTank;
        The previous contract addresses: 
        Second address: 0xef8a560fa19f26982c27c78101545b8fe3018237
        First address: 0xca5088449b96c225801ced8e9efdcae1e0c92a3d
        By the way, we are very thankful that you support us! 