Transaction Hash:
6875260 at Dec-12-2018 09:43:01 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.0007136 ETH
Gas Used:
35,680 Gas / 20 Gwei
Emitted Events:
2 |
0x425372c0ac9d559a186a08a3854e0ddea1a00d5c.0xa3fcf720fbe070dffbd773bdbcefe21b85436602102e3064c71f905dba02c124( 0xa3fcf720fbe070dffbd773bdbcefe21b85436602102e3064c71f905dba02c124, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fc0, 50b5cf8ef484f98ae1d87b9344b86ad6d89e223d239bf8629ed227336478bb49 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x00004242...56b2a6297 |
0.59623944 Eth
Nonce: 29338
0.59552584 Eth
Nonce: 29339
| 0.0007136 | ||
0x425372c0...EA1a00d5C | |||||
| (MiningPoolHub: Old Address) | 15,962.082164149128103381 Eth | 15,962.082877749128103381 Eth | 0.0007136 |
Execution Trace
0x425372c0ac9d559a186a08a3854e0ddea1a00d5c.27dc297e( )
OraclizeAddrResolver.CALL( )
Oraclize.CALL( )
File 1 of 2: OraclizeAddrResolver
File 2 of 2: Oraclize
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Oraclize SRL Copyright (c) 2016 Oraclize LTD */ contract OraclizeAddrResolver { address public addr; address owner; function OraclizeAddrResolver(){ owner = msg.sender; } function changeOwner(address newowner){ if (msg.sender != owner) throw; owner = newowner; } function getAddress() returns (address oaddr){ return addr; } function setAddr(address newaddr){ if (msg.sender != owner) throw; addr = newaddr; } }
File 2 of 2: Oraclize
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Oraclize SRL Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Oraclize LTD */ /* Oraclize Connector v1.2.0 */ // 'compressed' alternative, where all modifiers have been changed to FUNCTIONS // which is cheaper for deployment, potentially cheaper execution pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract Oraclize { mapping (address => uint) reqc; mapping (address => byte) public cbAddresses; mapping (address => bool) public offchainPayment; event Log1(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event Log2(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg1, string arg2, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event LogN(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes args, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event Log1_fnc(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg, function() external callback, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event Log2_fnc(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg1, string arg2, function() external callback, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event LogN_fnc(address sender, bytes32 cid, uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes args, function() external callback, uint gaslimit, byte proofType, uint gasPrice); event Emit_OffchainPaymentFlag(address indexed idx_sender, address sender, bool indexed idx_flag, bool flag); address owner; address paymentFlagger; function changeAdmin(address _newAdmin) external { onlyadmin(); owner = _newAdmin; } function changePaymentFlagger(address _newFlagger) external { onlyadmin(); paymentFlagger = _newFlagger; } function addCbAddress(address newCbAddress, byte addressType) external { onlyadmin(); //bytes memory nil = ''; addCbAddress(newCbAddress, addressType, hex''); } // proof is currently a placeholder for when associated proof for addressType is added function addCbAddress(address newCbAddress, byte addressType, bytes proof) public { onlyadmin(); cbAddresses[newCbAddress] = addressType; } function removeCbAddress(address newCbAddress) external { onlyadmin(); delete cbAddresses[newCbAddress]; } function cbAddress() constant returns (address _cbAddress) { if (cbAddresses[tx.origin] != 0) _cbAddress = tx.origin; } function addDSource(string dsname, uint multiplier) external { addDSource(dsname, 0x00, multiplier); } function addDSource(string dsname, byte proofType, uint multiplier) public { onlyadmin(); bytes32 dsname_hash = sha3(dsname, proofType); dsources[dsources.length++] = dsname_hash; price_multiplier[dsname_hash] = multiplier; } // Utilized by bridge function multiAddDSource(bytes32[] dsHash, uint256[] multiplier) external { onlyadmin(); // dsHash -> sha3(DATASOURCE_NAME, PROOF_TYPE); for (uint i=0; i<dsHash.length; i++) { dsources[dsources.length++] = dsHash[i]; price_multiplier[dsHash[i]] = multiplier[i]; } } function multisetProofType(uint[] _proofType, address[] _addr) external { onlyadmin(); for (uint i=0; i<_addr.length; i++) addr_proofType[_addr[i]] = byte(_proofType[i]); } function multisetCustomGasPrice(uint[] _gasPrice, address[] _addr) external { onlyadmin(); for (uint i=0; i<_addr.length; i++) addr_gasPrice[_addr[i]] = _gasPrice[i]; } uint gasprice = 20000000000; function setGasPrice(uint newgasprice) external { onlyadmin(); gasprice = newgasprice; } function setBasePrice(uint new_baseprice) external { //0.001 usd in ether onlyadmin(); baseprice = new_baseprice; for (uint i=0; i<dsources.length; i++) price[dsources[i]] = new_baseprice*price_multiplier[dsources[i]]; } function setBasePrice(uint new_baseprice, bytes proofID) external { //0.001 usd in ether onlyadmin(); baseprice = new_baseprice; for (uint i=0; i<dsources.length; i++) price[dsources[i]] = new_baseprice*price_multiplier[dsources[i]]; } function setOffchainPayment(address _addr, bool _flag) external { if (msg.sender != paymentFlagger) throw; offchainPayment[_addr] = _flag; Emit_OffchainPaymentFlag(_addr, _addr, _flag, _flag); } function withdrawFunds(address _addr) external { onlyadmin(); _addr.send(this.balance); } // unnecessary? //function() {} function Oraclize() { owner = msg.sender; } // Pesudo-modifiers function onlyadmin() private { if (msg.sender != owner) throw; } function costs(string datasource, uint gaslimit) private returns (uint price) { price = getPrice(datasource, gaslimit, msg.sender); if (msg.value >= price){ uint diff = msg.value - price; if (diff > 0) { // added for correct query cost to be returned if(!msg.sender.send(diff)) { throw; } } } else throw; } mapping (address => byte) addr_proofType; mapping (address => uint) addr_gasPrice; uint public baseprice; mapping (bytes32 => uint) price; mapping (bytes32 => uint) price_multiplier; bytes32[] dsources; bytes32[] public randomDS_sessionPubKeysHash; function randomDS_updateSessionPubKeysHash(bytes32[] _newSessionPubKeysHash) external { onlyadmin(); randomDS_sessionPubKeysHash.length = 0; for (uint i=0; i<_newSessionPubKeysHash.length; i++) randomDS_sessionPubKeysHash.push(_newSessionPubKeysHash[i]); } function randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() external constant returns (bytes32) { uint i = uint(sha3(reqc[msg.sender]))%randomDS_sessionPubKeysHash.length; return randomDS_sessionPubKeysHash[i]; } function setProofType(byte _proofType) external { addr_proofType[msg.sender] = _proofType; } function setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice) external { addr_gasPrice[msg.sender] = _gasPrice; } function getPrice(string _datasource) public returns (uint _dsprice) { return getPrice(_datasource, msg.sender); } function getPrice(string _datasource, uint _gaslimit) public returns (uint _dsprice) { return getPrice(_datasource, _gaslimit, msg.sender); } function getPrice(string _datasource, address _addr) private returns (uint _dsprice) { return getPrice(_datasource, 200000, _addr); } function getPrice(string _datasource, uint _gaslimit, address _addr) private returns (uint _dsprice) { uint gasprice_ = addr_gasPrice[_addr]; if ( (offchainPayment[_addr]) ||( (_gaslimit <= 200000)&& (reqc[_addr] == 0)&& (gasprice_ <= gasprice)&& (tx.origin != cbAddress()) ) ) return 0; if (gasprice_ == 0) gasprice_ = gasprice; _dsprice = price[sha3(_datasource, addr_proofType[_addr])]; _dsprice += _gaslimit*gasprice_; return _dsprice; } function getCodeSize(address _addr) private constant returns(uint _size) { assembly { _size := extcodesize(_addr) } } function query(string _datasource, string _arg) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(0, _datasource, _arg, 200000); } function query1(string _datasource, string _arg) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(0, _datasource, _arg, 200000); } function query2(string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query2(0, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, 200000); } function queryN(string _datasource, bytes _args) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return queryN(0, _datasource, _args, 200000); } function query(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, 200000); } function query1(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, 200000); } function query2(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query2(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, 200000); } function queryN(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _args) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return queryN(_timestamp, _datasource, _args, 200000); } /* Needless? function query(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, uint _gaslimit) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gaslimit); } */ function query_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, uint _gaslimit) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gaslimit); } function query1_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, uint _gaslimit) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query1(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gaslimit); } function query2_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2, uint _gaslimit) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return query2(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gaslimit); } function queryN_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _args, uint _gaslimit) payable external returns (bytes32 _id) { return queryN(_timestamp, _datasource, _args, _gaslimit); } function query1(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; Log1(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } function query2(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; Log2(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } function queryN(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _args, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; LogN(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _args, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } function query1_fnc(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, function() external _fnc, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)||address(_fnc) != msg.sender) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; Log1_fnc(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _fnc, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } function query2_fnc(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2, function() external _fnc, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)||address(_fnc) != msg.sender) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; Log2_fnc(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _fnc, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } function queryN_fnc(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _args, function() external _fnc, uint _gaslimit) payable public returns (bytes32 _id) { costs(_datasource, _gaslimit); if ((_timestamp > now+3600*24*60)||(_gaslimit > block.gaslimit)||address(_fnc) != msg.sender) throw; _id = sha3(this, msg.sender, reqc[msg.sender]); reqc[msg.sender]++; LogN_fnc(msg.sender, _id, _timestamp, _datasource, _args, _fnc, _gaslimit, addr_proofType[msg.sender], addr_gasPrice[msg.sender]); return _id; } }