ETH Price: $1,894.48 (-0.30%)
Gas: 0.62 Gwei

Transaction Decoder

2697068 at Nov-26-2016 09:14:34 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.001028832 ETH $1.95
Gas Used:
48,992 Gas / 21 Gwei

Emitted Events:

4 Matthew.MatthewWon( msg=Matthew won, winner=0xe93b43e81e554de82023eb802f4bcd00aac8130b, value=11320201000000000, blocknumber=2697068 )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
204.3639452946596423 Eth
Nonce: 37
204.2529164626596423 Eth
Nonce: 38
0xa1C1983a...edc57ae4f 0.00320201 Eth0.011320201 Eth0.008118191
0xE93b43E8...0aaC8130B 0.630366989764746577 Eth0.732248798764746577 Eth0.101881809
646.800766856967957161 Eth646.801795688967957161 Eth0.001028832

Execution Trace

ETH 0.11 Matthew.CALL( )
  • ETH 0.101881809 0xe93b43e81e554de82023eb802f4bcd00aac8130b.CALL( )
    pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
    // ## Matthew - a contract for increasing "whaleth"
    // README:
    // MIT LICENSE 2016 Roland Kofler, thanks to Crul for testing
    contract Matthew {
        address owner;
        address whale;
        uint256 blockheight;
        uint256 period = 40; //180 blocks ~ 42 min, 300 blocks ~ 1h 10 min;
        uint constant DELTA = 0.1 ether;
        uint constant WINNERTAX_PRECENT = 10;
        bool mustBeDestroyed = false;
        uint newPeriod = period;
        event MatthewWon(string msg, address winner, uint value,  uint blocknumber);
        event StakeIncreased(string msg, address staker, uint value, uint blocknumber);
        function Matthew(){
            owner = msg.sender;
        function setFacts() private {
            period = newPeriod;
            blockheight = block.number;
            whale = msg.sender;
        /// The rich get richer, the whale get whaler
        function () payable{
            if (block.number - period >= blockheight){ // time is over, Matthew won
                bool isSuccess=false; //mutex against recursion attack
                var nextStake = this.balance * WINNERTAX_PRECENT/100;  // leave some money for the next round
                if (isSuccess == false) //check against recursion attack
                    isSuccess = whale.send(this.balance - nextStake); // pay out the stake
                MatthewWon("Matthew won", whale, this.balance, block.number);
                setFacts();//reset the game
                if (mustBeDestroyed) selfdestruct(whale); 
            }else{ // top the stake
                if (msg.value < this.balance + DELTA) throw; // you must rise the stake by Delta
                bool isOtherSuccess = msg.sender.send(this.balance); // give back the old stake
                setFacts(); //reset the game
                StakeIncreased("stake increased", whale, this.balance, blockheight);
        // better safe than sorry
        function destroyWhenRoundOver() onlyOwner{
            mustBeDestroyed = true;
        // next round we set a new staking perioud
        function setNewPeriod(uint _newPeriod) onlyOwner{
            newPeriod = _newPeriod;
        function getPeriod() constant returns (uint){
            return period;
        function getNewPeriod() constant returns (uint){
            return newPeriod;
        function getDestroyedWhenRoundOver() constant returns (bool){
            return mustBeDestroyed;
        //how long until a Matthew wins?
        function getBlocksTillMatthew() public constant returns(uint){
            if (blockheight + period > block.number)
                return blockheight + period - block.number;
                return 0;
        modifier onlyOwner(){
            if (msg.sender != owner) throw;