Transaction Hash:
7518260 at Apr-07-2019 02:12:53 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000692678 ETH
Gas Used:
346,339 Gas / 2 Gwei
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
| (xnpool) | 1,807.040661688767825552 Eth | 1,807.041354366767825552 Eth | 0.000692678 | |
0xe2367674...39dDA8318 |
0.02128428176 Eth
Nonce: 9
0.02059160376 Eth
Nonce: 10
| 0.000692678 |
Execution Trace
InstantTrade.instantTrade( _tokenGet=0xa1A6f16D26aa53aEC17E4001fD8CB6E6d5B17Ff7, _amountGet=189449540, _tokenGive=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, _amountGive=206499998600000000, _expires=7519415, _nonce=2056504859, _user=0x83FBd8dEE540EF99e5766aaBD0C917a1992Df37C, _v=28, _r=5EE8692C3AFCA19E00C1472E1DDE2519DE3E56D0B1B179CFBF18E832466F0094, _s=58154F8A9A86DE00E53645F39E582313541655625F40A0D3C8DFB554E006B71C, _amount=15000000, _store=0x1cE7AE555139c5EF5A57CC8d814a867ee6Ee33D8 )
MainToken.transferFrom( _from=0xe2367674c62e672a6cb5fc803dB6B3239dDA8318, _to=0xE17dBB844Ba602E189889D941D1297184ce63664, _value=15060000 ) => ( _success=True )
MainToken.approve( _spender=0x1cE7AE555139c5EF5A57CC8d814a867ee6Ee33D8, _value=15060000 ) => ( True )
TokenStore.depositToken( _token=0xa1A6f16D26aa53aEC17E4001fD8CB6E6d5B17Ff7, _amount=15060000 )
MainToken.transferFrom( _from=0xE17dBB844Ba602E189889D941D1297184ce63664, _to=0x1cE7AE555139c5EF5A57CC8d814a867ee6Ee33D8, _value=15060000 ) => ( _success=True )
- _tokenGet=0xa1A6f16D26aa53aEC17E4001fD8CB6E6d5B17Ff7, _amountGet=189449540, _tokenGive=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, _amountGive=206499998600000000, _expires=7519415, _nonce=2056504859, _user=0x83FBd8dEE540EF99e5766aaBD0C917a1992Df37C, _v=28, _r=5EE8692C3AFCA19E00C1472E1DDE2519DE3E56D0B1B179CFBF18E832466F0094, _s=58154F8A9A86DE00E53645F39E582313541655625F40A0D3C8DFB554E006B71C, _amount=15000000 )
Null: 0x000...002.1ce7ae55( )
Null: 0x000...001.c13116ff( )
AccountModifiers.tradeModifiers( _maker=0x83FBd8dEE540EF99e5766aaBD0C917a1992Df37C, _taker=0xE17dBB844Ba602E189889D941D1297184ce63664 ) => ( 0, 0 )
instantTrade[InstantTrade (ln:385)]
safeMul[InstantTrade (ln:389)]
revert[InstantTrade (ln:395)]
value[InstantTrade (ln:397)]
transferFrom[InstantTrade (ln:400)]
revert[InstantTrade (ln:401)]
approve[InstantTrade (ln:404)]
revert[InstantTrade (ln:405)]
depositToken[InstantTrade (ln:407)]
trade[InstantTrade (ln:411)]
balanceOf[InstantTrade (ln:415)]
safeMul[InstantTrade (ln:416)]
withdraw[InstantTrade (ln:420)]
transfer[InstantTrade (ln:421)]
withdrawToken[InstantTrade (ln:423)]
transfer[InstantTrade (ln:424)]
revert[InstantTrade (ln:425)]
File 1 of 4: InstantTrade
File 2 of 4: MainToken
File 3 of 4: TokenStore
File 4 of 4: AccountModifiers
pragma solidity ^0.4.19; // ERC20 token protocol, see more details at // // And also contract Token { string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } // Safe mathematics to make the code more readable contract SafeMath { function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; assert(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c>=a && c>=b); return c; } } // Ownable interface to simplify owner checks contract Ownable { address public owner; function Ownable() { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) onlyOwner { require(_newOwner != address(0)); owner = _newOwner; } } // Interface for trading discounts and rebates for specific accounts contract AccountModifiersInterface { function accountModifiers(address _user) constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage); function tradeModifiers(address _maker, address _taker) constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage); } // Interface for trade tacker contract TradeTrackerInterface { function tradeComplete(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, address _get, address _give, uint _takerFee, uint _makerRebate); } // Exchange contract contract TokenStore is SafeMath, Ownable { // The account that will receive fees address feeAccount; // The account that stores fee discounts/rebates address accountModifiers; // Trade tracker account address tradeTracker; // We charge only the takers and this is the fee, percentage times 1 ether uint public fee; // Mapping of token addresses to mapping of account balances (token 0 means Ether) mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public tokens; // Mapping of user accounts to mapping of order hashes to uints (amount of order that has been filled) mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => uint)) public orderFills; // Address of a next and previous versions of the contract, also status of the contract // can be used for user-triggered fund migrations address public successor; address public predecessor; bool public deprecated; uint16 public version; // Logging events // Note: Order creation is handled off-chain, see explanation further below event Cancel(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s); event Trade(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, address get, address give, uint nonce); event Deposit(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); event Withdraw(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); event FundsMigrated(address user); function TokenStore(uint _fee, address _predecessor) { feeAccount = owner; fee = _fee; predecessor = _predecessor; deprecated = false; if (predecessor != address(0)) { version = TokenStore(predecessor).version() + 1; } else { version = 1; } } // Throw on default handler to prevent direct transactions of Ether function() { revert(); } modifier deprecable() { require(!deprecated); _; } function deprecate(bool _deprecated, address _successor) onlyOwner { deprecated = _deprecated; successor = _successor; } function changeFeeAccount(address _feeAccount) onlyOwner { require(_feeAccount != address(0)); feeAccount = _feeAccount; } function changeAccountModifiers(address _accountModifiers) onlyOwner { accountModifiers = _accountModifiers; } function changeTradeTracker(address _tradeTracker) onlyOwner { tradeTracker = _tradeTracker; } // Fee can only be decreased! function changeFee(uint _fee) onlyOwner { require(_fee <= fee); fee = _fee; } // Allows a user to get her current discount/rebate function getAccountModifiers() constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage) { if (accountModifiers != address(0)) { return AccountModifiersInterface(accountModifiers).accountModifiers(msg.sender); } else { return (0, 0); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deposits, withdrawals, balances //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function deposit() payable deprecable { tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[0][msg.sender], msg.value); Deposit(0, msg.sender, msg.value, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint _amount) { require(tokens[0][msg.sender] >= _amount); tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[0][msg.sender], _amount); if (! { revert(); } Withdraw(0, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function depositToken(address _token, uint _amount) deprecable { // Note that Token(_token).approve(this, _amount) needs to be called // first or this contract will not be able to do the transfer. require(_token != 0); if (!Token(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount)) { revert(); } tokens[_token][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[_token][msg.sender], _amount); Deposit(_token, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[_token][msg.sender]); } function withdrawToken(address _token, uint _amount) { require(_token != 0); require(tokens[_token][msg.sender] >= _amount); tokens[_token][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[_token][msg.sender], _amount); if (!Token(_token).transfer(msg.sender, _amount)) { revert(); } Withdraw(_token, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[_token][msg.sender]); } function balanceOf(address _token, address _user) constant returns (uint) { return tokens[_token][_user]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: Order creation happens off-chain but the orders are signed by creators, // we validate the contents and the creator address in the logic below function trade(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s, uint _amount) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); // Check order signatures and expiration, also check if not fulfilled yet if (ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) != _user || block.number > _expires || safeAdd(orderFills[_user][hash], _amount) > _amountGet) { revert(); } tradeBalances(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _user, msg.sender, _amount); orderFills[_user][hash] = safeAdd(orderFills[_user][hash], _amount); Trade(_tokenGet, _amount, _tokenGive, _amountGive * _amount / _amountGet, _user, msg.sender, _nonce); } function tradeBalances(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, address _user, address _caller, uint _amount) private { uint feeTakeValue = safeMul(_amount, fee) / (1 ether); uint rebateValue = 0; uint tokenGiveValue = safeMul(_amountGive, _amount) / _amountGet; // Proportionate to request ratio // Apply modifiers if (accountModifiers != address(0)) { var (feeTakeDiscount, rebatePercentage) = AccountModifiersInterface(accountModifiers).tradeModifiers(_user, _caller); // Check that the discounts/rebates are never higher then 100% if (feeTakeDiscount > 100) { feeTakeDiscount = 0; } if (rebatePercentage > 100) { rebatePercentage = 0; } feeTakeValue = safeMul(feeTakeValue, 100 - feeTakeDiscount) / 100; // discounted fee rebateValue = safeMul(rebatePercentage, feeTakeValue) / 100; // % of actual taker fee } tokens[_tokenGet][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGet][_user], safeAdd(_amount, rebateValue)); tokens[_tokenGet][_caller] = safeSub(tokens[_tokenGet][_caller], safeAdd(_amount, feeTakeValue)); tokens[_tokenGive][_user] = safeSub(tokens[_tokenGive][_user], tokenGiveValue); tokens[_tokenGive][_caller] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGive][_caller], tokenGiveValue); tokens[_tokenGet][feeAccount] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGet][feeAccount], safeSub(feeTakeValue, rebateValue)); if (tradeTracker != address(0)) { TradeTrackerInterface(tradeTracker).tradeComplete(_tokenGet, _amount, _tokenGive, tokenGiveValue, _user, _caller, feeTakeValue, rebateValue); } } function testTrade(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s, uint _amount, address _sender) constant returns(bool) { if (tokens[_tokenGet][_sender] < _amount || availableVolume(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce, _user, _v, _r, _s) < _amount) { return false; } return true; } function availableVolume(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); if (ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) != _user || block.number > _expires) { return 0; } uint available1 = safeSub(_amountGet, orderFills[_user][hash]); uint available2 = safeMul(tokens[_tokenGive][_user], _amountGet) / _amountGive; if (available1 < available2) return available1; return available2; } function amountFilled(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); return orderFills[_user][hash]; } function cancelOrder(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); if (!(ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) == msg.sender)) { revert(); } orderFills[msg.sender][hash] = _amountGet; Cancel(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce, msg.sender, _v, _r, _s); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Migrations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User-triggered (!) fund migrations in case contract got updated // Similar to withdraw but we use a successor account instead // As we don't store user tokens list on chain, it has to be passed from the outside function migrateFunds(address[] _tokens) { // Get the latest successor in the chain require(successor != address(0)); TokenStore newExchange = TokenStore(successor); for (uint16 n = 0; n < 20; n++) { // We will look past 20 contracts in the future address nextSuccessor = newExchange.successor(); if (nextSuccessor == address(this)) { // Circular succession revert(); } if (nextSuccessor == address(0)) { // We reached the newest, stop break; } newExchange = TokenStore(nextSuccessor); } // Ether uint etherAmount = tokens[0][msg.sender]; if (etherAmount > 0) { tokens[0][msg.sender] = 0; newExchange.depositForUser.value(etherAmount)(msg.sender); } // Tokens for (n = 0; n < _tokens.length; n++) { address token = _tokens[n]; require(token != address(0)); // 0 = Ether, we handle it above uint tokenAmount = tokens[token][msg.sender]; if (tokenAmount == 0) { continue; } if (!Token(token).approve(newExchange, tokenAmount)) { revert(); } tokens[token][msg.sender] = 0; newExchange.depositTokenForUser(token, tokenAmount, msg.sender); } FundsMigrated(msg.sender); } // This is used for migrations only. To be called by previous exchange only, // user-triggered, on behalf of the user called the migrateFunds method. // Note that it does exactly the same as depositToken, but as this is called // by a previous generation of exchange itself, we credit internally not the // previous exchange, but the user it was called for. function depositForUser(address _user) payable deprecable { require(_user != address(0)); require(msg.value > 0); TokenStore caller = TokenStore(msg.sender); require(caller.version() > 0); // Make sure it's an exchange account tokens[0][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[0][_user], msg.value); } function depositTokenForUser(address _token, uint _amount, address _user) deprecable { require(_token != address(0)); require(_user != address(0)); require(_amount > 0); TokenStore caller = TokenStore(msg.sender); require(caller.version() > 0); // Make sure it's an exchange account if (!Token(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount)) { revert(); } tokens[_token][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[_token][_user], _amount); } } contract InstantTrade is SafeMath, Ownable { // This is needed so we can withdraw funds from other smart contracts function() payable { } // End to end trading in a single call function instantTrade(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s, uint _amount, address _store) payable { // Fix max fee (0.4%) and always reserve it uint totalValue = safeMul(_amount, 1004) / 1000; // Paying with Ethereum or token? Deposit to the actual store if (_tokenGet == address(0)) { // Check amount of ether sent to make sure it's correct if (msg.value != totalValue) { revert(); } TokenStore(_store).deposit.value(totalValue)(); } else { // Assuming user already approved transfer, transfer first to this contract if (!Token(_tokenGet).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, totalValue)) { revert(); } // Allow now actual store to deposit if (!Token(_tokenGet).approve(_store, totalValue)) { revert(); } TokenStore(_store).depositToken(_tokenGet, totalValue); } // Trade TokenStore(_store).trade(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce, _user, _v, _r, _s, _amount); // Check how much did we get and how much should we send back totalValue = TokenStore(_store).balanceOf(_tokenGive, this); uint customerValue = safeMul(_amountGive, _amount) / _amountGet; // Now withdraw all the funds into this contract and then pass to the user if (_tokenGive == address(0)) { TokenStore(_store).withdraw(totalValue); msg.sender.transfer(customerValue); } else { TokenStore(_store).withdrawToken(_tokenGive, totalValue); if (!Token(_tokenGive).transfer(msg.sender, customerValue)) { revert(); } } } function withdrawFees(address _token) onlyOwner { if (_token == address(0)) { msg.sender.transfer(this.balance); } else { uint amount = Token(_token).balanceOf(this); if (!Token(_token).transfer(msg.sender, amount)) { revert(); } } } }
File 2 of 4: MainToken
/* * This file was generated by MyWish Platform ( * The complete code could be found at * Copyright (C) 2018 MyWish * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ pragma solidity ^0.4.23; /** * @title ERC20Basic * @dev Simpler version of ERC20 interface * @dev see */ contract ERC20Basic { function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256); function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); } /** * @title SafeMath * @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error */ library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 // uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return a / b; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } } /** * @title Basic token * @dev Basic version of StandardToken, with no allowances. */ contract BasicToken is ERC20Basic { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping(address => uint256) balances; uint256 totalSupply_; /** * @dev total number of tokens in existence */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return totalSupply_; } /** * @dev transfer token for a specified address * @param _to The address to transfer to. * @param _value The amount to be transferred. */ function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) { return balances[_owner]; } } /** * @title ERC20 interface * @dev see */ contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic { function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool); event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } /** * @title Standard ERC20 token * * @dev Implementation of the basic standard token. * @dev * @dev Based on code by FirstBlood: */ contract StandardToken is ERC20, BasicToken { mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal allowed; /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another * @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to * @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred */ function transferFrom( address _from, address _to, uint256 _value ) public returns (bool) { require(_to != address(0)); require(_value <= balances[_from]); require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]); balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value); emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. * * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards: * * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * @param _owner address The address which owns the funds. * @param _spender address The address which will spend the funds. * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance( address _owner, address _spender ) public view returns (uint256) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To increment * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseApproval( address _spender, uint _addedValue ) public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = ( allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To decrement * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseApproval( address _spender, uint _subtractedValue ) public returns (bool) { uint oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender]; if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0; } else { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue); } emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; } } /** * @title Ownable * @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control * functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions". */ contract Ownable { address public owner; event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner); event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipRenounced(owner); owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(_newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal { require(_newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner); owner = _newOwner; } } /** * @title Mintable token * @dev Simple ERC20 Token example, with mintable token creation * @dev Issue: * * Based on code by TokenMarketNet: */ contract MintableToken is StandardToken, Ownable { event Mint(address indexed to, uint256 amount); event MintFinished(); bool public mintingFinished = false; modifier canMint() { require(!mintingFinished); _; } modifier hasMintPermission() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } /** * @dev Function to mint tokens * @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens. * @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint. * @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful. */ function mint( address _to, uint256 _amount ) hasMintPermission canMint public returns (bool) { totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(_amount); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount); emit Mint(_to, _amount); emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _amount); return true; } /** * @dev Function to stop minting new tokens. * @return True if the operation was successful. */ function finishMinting() onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) { mintingFinished = true; emit MintFinished(); return true; } } contract FreezableToken is StandardToken { // freezing chains mapping (bytes32 => uint64) internal chains; // freezing amounts for each chain mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal freezings; // total freezing balance per address mapping (address => uint) internal freezingBalance; event Freezed(address indexed to, uint64 release, uint amount); event Released(address indexed owner, uint amount); /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address include freezing tokens. * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return super.balanceOf(_owner) + freezingBalance[_owner]; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address without freezing tokens. * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function actualBalanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return super.balanceOf(_owner); } function freezingBalanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return freezingBalance[_owner]; } /** * @dev gets freezing count * @param _addr Address of freeze tokens owner. */ function freezingCount(address _addr) public view returns (uint count) { uint64 release = chains[toKey(_addr, 0)]; while (release != 0) { count++; release = chains[toKey(_addr, release)]; } } /** * @dev gets freezing end date and freezing balance for the freezing portion specified by index. * @param _addr Address of freeze tokens owner. * @param _index Freezing portion index. It ordered by release date descending. */ function getFreezing(address _addr, uint _index) public view returns (uint64 _release, uint _balance) { for (uint i = 0; i < _index + 1; i++) { _release = chains[toKey(_addr, _release)]; if (_release == 0) { return; } } _balance = freezings[toKey(_addr, _release)]; } /** * @dev freeze your tokens to the specified address. * Be careful, gas usage is not deterministic, * and depends on how many freezes _to address already has. * @param _to Address to which token will be freeze. * @param _amount Amount of token to freeze. * @param _until Release date, must be in future. */ function freezeTo(address _to, uint _amount, uint64 _until) public { require(_to != address(0)); require(_amount <= balances[msg.sender]); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_amount); bytes32 currentKey = toKey(_to, _until); freezings[currentKey] = freezings[currentKey].add(_amount); freezingBalance[_to] = freezingBalance[_to].add(_amount); freeze(_to, _until); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount); emit Freezed(_to, _until, _amount); } /** * @dev release first available freezing tokens. */ function releaseOnce() public { bytes32 headKey = toKey(msg.sender, 0); uint64 head = chains[headKey]; require(head != 0); require(uint64(block.timestamp) > head); bytes32 currentKey = toKey(msg.sender, head); uint64 next = chains[currentKey]; uint amount = freezings[currentKey]; delete freezings[currentKey]; balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(amount); freezingBalance[msg.sender] = freezingBalance[msg.sender].sub(amount); if (next == 0) { delete chains[headKey]; } else { chains[headKey] = next; delete chains[currentKey]; } emit Released(msg.sender, amount); } /** * @dev release all available for release freezing tokens. Gas usage is not deterministic! * @return how many tokens was released */ function releaseAll() public returns (uint tokens) { uint release; uint balance; (release, balance) = getFreezing(msg.sender, 0); while (release != 0 && block.timestamp > release) { releaseOnce(); tokens += balance; (release, balance) = getFreezing(msg.sender, 0); } } function toKey(address _addr, uint _release) internal pure returns (bytes32 result) { // WISH masc to increase entropy result = 0x5749534800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; assembly { result := or(result, mul(_addr, 0x10000000000000000)) result := or(result, _release) } } function freeze(address _to, uint64 _until) internal { require(_until > block.timestamp); bytes32 key = toKey(_to, _until); bytes32 parentKey = toKey(_to, uint64(0)); uint64 next = chains[parentKey]; if (next == 0) { chains[parentKey] = _until; return; } bytes32 nextKey = toKey(_to, next); uint parent; while (next != 0 && _until > next) { parent = next; parentKey = nextKey; next = chains[nextKey]; nextKey = toKey(_to, next); } if (_until == next) { return; } if (next != 0) { chains[key] = next; } chains[parentKey] = _until; } } /** * @title Burnable Token * @dev Token that can be irreversibly burned (destroyed). */ contract BurnableToken is BasicToken { event Burn(address indexed burner, uint256 value); /** * @dev Burns a specific amount of tokens. * @param _value The amount of token to be burned. */ function burn(uint256 _value) public { _burn(msg.sender, _value); } function _burn(address _who, uint256 _value) internal { require(_value <= balances[_who]); // no need to require value <= totalSupply, since that would imply the // sender's balance is greater than the totalSupply, which *should* be an assertion failure balances[_who] = balances[_who].sub(_value); totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.sub(_value); emit Burn(_who, _value); emit Transfer(_who, address(0), _value); } } /** * @title Pausable * @dev Base contract which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism. */ contract Pausable is Ownable { event Pause(); event Unpause(); bool public paused = false; /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused. */ modifier whenNotPaused() { require(!paused); _; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused. */ modifier whenPaused() { require(paused); _; } /** * @dev called by the owner to pause, triggers stopped state */ function pause() onlyOwner whenNotPaused public { paused = true; emit Pause(); } /** * @dev called by the owner to unpause, returns to normal state */ function unpause() onlyOwner whenPaused public { paused = false; emit Unpause(); } } contract FreezableMintableToken is FreezableToken, MintableToken { /** * @dev Mint the specified amount of token to the specified address and freeze it until the specified date. * Be careful, gas usage is not deterministic, * and depends on how many freezes _to address already has. * @param _to Address to which token will be freeze. * @param _amount Amount of token to mint and freeze. * @param _until Release date, must be in future. * @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful. */ function mintAndFreeze(address _to, uint _amount, uint64 _until) public onlyOwner canMint returns (bool) { totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(_amount); bytes32 currentKey = toKey(_to, _until); freezings[currentKey] = freezings[currentKey].add(_amount); freezingBalance[_to] = freezingBalance[_to].add(_amount); freeze(_to, _until); emit Mint(_to, _amount); emit Freezed(_to, _until, _amount); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount); return true; } } contract Consts { uint public constant TOKEN_DECIMALS = 6; uint8 public constant TOKEN_DECIMALS_UINT8 = 6; uint public constant TOKEN_DECIMAL_MULTIPLIER = 10 ** TOKEN_DECIMALS; string public constant TOKEN_NAME = "1irst"; string public constant TOKEN_SYMBOL = "FST"; bool public constant PAUSED = false; address public constant TARGET_USER = 0x89cc23D79ef2B11E46b9ce72CcCF6839fa6a43C8; bool public constant CONTINUE_MINTING = false; } contract MainToken is Consts, FreezableMintableToken, BurnableToken, Pausable { event Initialized(); bool public initialized = false; constructor() public { init(); transferOwnership(TARGET_USER); } function name() public pure returns (string _name) { return TOKEN_NAME; } function symbol() public pure returns (string _symbol) { return TOKEN_SYMBOL; } function decimals() public pure returns (uint8 _decimals) { return TOKEN_DECIMALS_UINT8; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool _success) { require(!paused); return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value); } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool _success) { require(!paused); return super.transfer(_to, _value); } function init() private { require(!initialized); initialized = true; if (PAUSED) { pause(); } address[1] memory addresses = [address(0x89cc23d79ef2b11e46b9ce72cccf6839fa6a43c8)]; uint[1] memory amounts = [uint(100000000000000)]; uint64[1] memory freezes = [uint64(0)]; for (uint i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { if (freezes[i] == 0) { mint(addresses[i], amounts[i]); } else { mintAndFreeze(addresses[i], amounts[i], freezes[i]); } } if (!CONTINUE_MINTING) { finishMinting(); } emit Initialized(); } }
File 3 of 4: TokenStore
pragma solidity ^0.4.11; // ERC20 token protocol, see more details at // // And also contract Token { function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } // Safe mathematics to make the code more readable contract SafeMath { function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; assert(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; assert(c>=a && c>=b); return c; } } // Ownable interface to simplify owner checks contract Ownable { address public owner; function Ownable() { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) onlyOwner { require(_newOwner != address(0)); owner = _newOwner; } } // Interface for trading discounts and rebates for specific accounts contract AccountModifiersInterface { function accountModifiers(address _user) constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage); function tradeModifiers(address _maker, address _taker) constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage); } // Interface for trade tacker contract TradeTrackerInterface { function tradeComplete(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, address _get, address _give, uint _takerFee, uint _makerRebate); } // Exchange contract contract TokenStore is SafeMath, Ownable { // The account that will receive fees address feeAccount; // The account that stores fee discounts/rebates address accountModifiers; // Trade tracker account address tradeTracker; // We charge only the takers and this is the fee, percentage times 1 ether uint public fee; // Mapping of token addresses to mapping of account balances (token 0 means Ether) mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public tokens; // Mapping of user accounts to mapping of order hashes to uints (amount of order that has been filled) mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => uint)) public orderFills; // Address of a next and previous versions of the contract, also status of the contract // can be used for user-triggered fund migrations address public successor; address public predecessor; bool public deprecated; uint16 public version; // Logging events // Note: Order creation is handled off-chain, see explanation further below event Cancel(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, uint expires, uint nonce, address user, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s); event Trade(address tokenGet, uint amountGet, address tokenGive, uint amountGive, address get, address give, uint nonce); event Deposit(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); event Withdraw(address token, address user, uint amount, uint balance); event FundsMigrated(address user); function TokenStore(uint _fee, address _predecessor) { feeAccount = owner; fee = _fee; predecessor = _predecessor; deprecated = false; if (predecessor != address(0)) { version = TokenStore(predecessor).version() + 1; } else { version = 1; } } // Throw on default handler to prevent direct transactions of Ether function() { revert(); } modifier deprecable() { require(!deprecated); _; } function deprecate(bool _deprecated, address _successor) onlyOwner { deprecated = _deprecated; successor = _successor; } function changeFeeAccount(address _feeAccount) onlyOwner { require(_feeAccount != address(0)); feeAccount = _feeAccount; } function changeAccountModifiers(address _accountModifiers) onlyOwner { accountModifiers = _accountModifiers; } function changeTradeTracker(address _tradeTracker) onlyOwner { tradeTracker = _tradeTracker; } // Fee can only be decreased! function changeFee(uint _fee) onlyOwner { require(_fee <= fee); fee = _fee; } // Allows a user to get her current discount/rebate function getAccountModifiers() constant returns(uint takeFeeDiscount, uint rebatePercentage) { if (accountModifiers != address(0)) { return AccountModifiersInterface(accountModifiers).accountModifiers(msg.sender); } else { return (0, 0); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deposits, withdrawals, balances //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function deposit() payable deprecable { tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[0][msg.sender], msg.value); Deposit(0, msg.sender, msg.value, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint _amount) { require(tokens[0][msg.sender] >= _amount); tokens[0][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[0][msg.sender], _amount); if (! { revert(); } Withdraw(0, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[0][msg.sender]); } function depositToken(address _token, uint _amount) deprecable { // Note that Token(_token).approve(this, _amount) needs to be called // first or this contract will not be able to do the transfer. require(_token != 0); if (!Token(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount)) { revert(); } tokens[_token][msg.sender] = safeAdd(tokens[_token][msg.sender], _amount); Deposit(_token, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[_token][msg.sender]); } function withdrawToken(address _token, uint _amount) { require(_token != 0); require(tokens[_token][msg.sender] >= _amount); tokens[_token][msg.sender] = safeSub(tokens[_token][msg.sender], _amount); if (!Token(_token).transfer(msg.sender, _amount)) { revert(); } Withdraw(_token, msg.sender, _amount, tokens[_token][msg.sender]); } function balanceOf(address _token, address _user) constant returns (uint) { return tokens[_token][_user]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trading //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: Order creation happens off-chain but the orders are signed by creators, // we validate the contents and the creator address in the logic below function trade(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s, uint _amount) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); // Check order signatures and expiration, also check if not fulfilled yet if (ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) != _user || block.number > _expires || safeAdd(orderFills[_user][hash], _amount) > _amountGet) { revert(); } tradeBalances(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _user, msg.sender, _amount); orderFills[_user][hash] = safeAdd(orderFills[_user][hash], _amount); Trade(_tokenGet, _amount, _tokenGive, _amountGive * _amount / _amountGet, _user, msg.sender, _nonce); } function tradeBalances(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, address _user, address _caller, uint _amount) private { uint feeTakeValue = safeMul(_amount, fee) / (1 ether); uint rebateValue = 0; uint tokenGiveValue = safeMul(_amountGive, _amount) / _amountGet; // Proportionate to request ratio // Apply modifiers if (accountModifiers != address(0)) { var (feeTakeDiscount, rebatePercentage) = AccountModifiersInterface(accountModifiers).tradeModifiers(_user, _caller); // Check that the discounts/rebates are never higher then 100% if (feeTakeDiscount > 100) { feeTakeDiscount = 0; } if (rebatePercentage > 100) { rebatePercentage = 0; } feeTakeValue = safeMul(feeTakeValue, 100 - feeTakeDiscount) / 100; // discounted fee rebateValue = safeMul(rebatePercentage, feeTakeValue) / 100; // % of actual taker fee } tokens[_tokenGet][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGet][_user], safeAdd(_amount, rebateValue)); tokens[_tokenGet][_caller] = safeSub(tokens[_tokenGet][_caller], safeAdd(_amount, feeTakeValue)); tokens[_tokenGive][_user] = safeSub(tokens[_tokenGive][_user], tokenGiveValue); tokens[_tokenGive][_caller] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGive][_caller], tokenGiveValue); tokens[_tokenGet][feeAccount] = safeAdd(tokens[_tokenGet][feeAccount], safeSub(feeTakeValue, rebateValue)); if (tradeTracker != address(0)) { TradeTrackerInterface(tradeTracker).tradeComplete(_tokenGet, _amount, _tokenGive, tokenGiveValue, _user, _caller, feeTakeValue, rebateValue); } } function testTrade(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s, uint _amount, address _sender) constant returns(bool) { if (tokens[_tokenGet][_sender] < _amount || availableVolume(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce, _user, _v, _r, _s) < _amount) { return false; } return true; } function availableVolume(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); if (ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) != _user || block.number > _expires) { return 0; } uint available1 = safeSub(_amountGet, orderFills[_user][hash]); uint available2 = safeMul(tokens[_tokenGive][_user], _amountGet) / _amountGive; if (available1 < available2) return available1; return available2; } function amountFilled(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, address _user) constant returns(uint) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); return orderFills[_user][hash]; } function cancelOrder(address _tokenGet, uint _amountGet, address _tokenGive, uint _amountGive, uint _expires, uint _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) { bytes32 hash = sha256(this, _tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce); if (!(ecrecover(sha3("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash), _v, _r, _s) == msg.sender)) { revert(); } orderFills[msg.sender][hash] = _amountGet; Cancel(_tokenGet, _amountGet, _tokenGive, _amountGive, _expires, _nonce, msg.sender, _v, _r, _s); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Migrations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User-triggered (!) fund migrations in case contract got updated // Similar to withdraw but we use a successor account instead // As we don't store user tokens list on chain, it has to be passed from the outside function migrateFunds(address[] _tokens) { // Get the latest successor in the chain require(successor != address(0)); TokenStore newExchange = TokenStore(successor); for (uint16 n = 0; n < 20; n++) { // We will look past 20 contracts in the future address nextSuccessor = newExchange.successor(); if (nextSuccessor == address(this)) { // Circular succession revert(); } if (nextSuccessor == address(0)) { // We reached the newest, stop break; } newExchange = TokenStore(nextSuccessor); } // Ether uint etherAmount = tokens[0][msg.sender]; if (etherAmount > 0) { tokens[0][msg.sender] = 0; newExchange.depositForUser.value(etherAmount)(msg.sender); } // Tokens for (n = 0; n < _tokens.length; n++) { address token = _tokens[n]; require(token != address(0)); // 0 = Ether, we handle it above uint tokenAmount = tokens[token][msg.sender]; if (tokenAmount == 0) { continue; } if (!Token(token).approve(newExchange, tokenAmount)) { revert(); } tokens[token][msg.sender] = 0; newExchange.depositTokenForUser(token, tokenAmount, msg.sender); } FundsMigrated(msg.sender); } // This is used for migrations only. To be called by previous exchange only, // user-triggered, on behalf of the user called the migrateFunds method. // Note that it does exactly the same as depositToken, but as this is called // by a previous generation of exchange itself, we credit internally not the // previous exchange, but the user it was called for. function depositForUser(address _user) payable deprecable { require(_user != address(0)); require(msg.value > 0); TokenStore caller = TokenStore(msg.sender); require(caller.version() > 0); // Make sure it's an exchange account tokens[0][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[0][_user], msg.value); } function depositTokenForUser(address _token, uint _amount, address _user) deprecable { require(_token != address(0)); require(_user != address(0)); require(_amount > 0); TokenStore caller = TokenStore(msg.sender); require(caller.version() > 0); // Make sure it's an exchange account if (!Token(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount)) { revert(); } tokens[_token][_user] = safeAdd(tokens[_token][_user], _amount); } }
File 4 of 4: AccountModifiers
pragma solidity ^0.4.13; contract Ownable { address public owner; function Ownable() { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner { if (newOwner != address(0)) { owner = newOwner; } } } contract AccountModifiers is Ownable { uint defaultTakerFeeDiscount; uint defaultRebatePercentage; mapping (address => uint) takerFeeDiscounts; // in % of taker fee (Eg: 100 for 100%) mapping (address => uint) rebatePercentages; // in % of taker fee charged function setDefaults(uint _defaultTakerFeeDiscount, uint _defaultRebatePercentage) onlyOwner { defaultTakerFeeDiscount = _defaultTakerFeeDiscount; defaultRebatePercentage = _defaultRebatePercentage; } function setModifiers(address _user, uint _takeFeeDiscount, uint _rebatePercentage) onlyOwner { takerFeeDiscounts[_user] = _takeFeeDiscount; rebatePercentages[_user] = _rebatePercentage; } function takerFeeDiscount(address _user) internal constant returns (uint) { return defaultTakerFeeDiscount > takerFeeDiscounts[_user] ? defaultTakerFeeDiscount : takerFeeDiscounts[_user]; } function rebatePercentage(address _user) internal constant returns (uint) { return defaultRebatePercentage > rebatePercentages[_user] ? defaultRebatePercentage : rebatePercentages[_user]; } function accountModifiers(address _user) constant returns(uint, uint) { return (takerFeeDiscount(_user), rebatePercentage(_user)); } function tradeModifiers(address _maker, address _taker) constant returns(uint, uint) { return (takerFeeDiscount(_taker), rebatePercentage(_maker)); } }