Transaction Hash:
4109762 at Aug-02-2017 11:35:17 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000441 ETH
Gas Used:
21,000 Gas / 21 Gwei
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x0262A477...b43F7dFAE |
0.229605635531646 Eth
Nonce: 17
0.229164635531646 Eth
Nonce: 18
| 0.000441 | ||
| (F2Pool Old) | 7,445.567778025352556371 Eth | 7,445.568219025352556371 Eth | 0.000441 |
Execution Trace
ETH 0.21
KICKICOCrowdsale.CALL( )
[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:211)]
processPayment[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:223)]
FundTransfer[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:165)]
mint[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:201)]
mintToken[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:159)]
mintToken[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:160)]
send[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:204)]
FundTransfer[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:205)]
revert[KICKICOCrowdsale (ln:207)]
pragma solidity ^0.4.2; contract owned { address public owner; function owned() { owner = msg.sender; } function changeOwner(address newOwner) onlyOwner { owner = newOwner; } modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } } contract tokenRecipient {function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _token, bytes _extraData);} contract CSToken is owned {uint8 public decimals;function mintToken(address target, uint256 mintedAmount, uint agingTime);function addAgingTimesForPool(address poolAddress, uint agingTime);} contract KICKICOCrowdsale is owned { uint[] public preIcoStagePeriod; uint[] public IcoStagePeriod; bool public PreIcoClosedManually = false; bool public IcoClosedManually = false; uint[] public thresholdsByState; uint public totalCollected = 0; uint public allowedForWithdrawn = 0; uint[] public prices; uint[] public bonuses; address public prPool; address public founders; address public advisory; address public bounties; address public lottery; address public seedInvestors; uint public tokensRaised; uint[] public etherRaisedByState; uint tokenMultiplier = 10; CSToken public tokenReward; mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf; event FundTransfer(address backer, uint amount, bool isContribution); uint[] public agingTimeByStage; bool parametersHaveBeenSet = false; function KICKICOCrowdsale(address _tokenAddress, address _prPool, address _founders, address _advisory, address _bounties, address _lottery, address _seedInvestors) { tokenReward = CSToken(_tokenAddress); tokenMultiplier = tokenMultiplier ** tokenReward.decimals(); // bind pools prPool = _prPool; founders = _founders; advisory = _advisory; bounties = _bounties; lottery = _lottery; seedInvestors = _seedInvestors; } function setParams() onlyOwner { require(!parametersHaveBeenSet); parametersHaveBeenSet = true; tokenReward.addAgingTimesForPool(prPool, 1513242000); tokenReward.addAgingTimesForPool(advisory, 1507366800); tokenReward.addAgingTimesForPool(bounties, 1509526800); tokenReward.addAgingTimesForPool(lottery, 1512118800); tokenReward.addAgingTimesForPool(seedInvestors, 1506762000); // mint to pools tokenReward.mintToken(founders, 100000000 * tokenMultiplier, 1514797200); tokenReward.mintToken(advisory, 10000000 * tokenMultiplier, 0); tokenReward.mintToken(bounties, 25000000 * tokenMultiplier, 0); tokenReward.mintToken(lottery, 2000000 * tokenMultiplier, 0); tokenReward.mintToken(seedInvestors, 20000000 * tokenMultiplier, 0); tokenReward.mintToken(prPool, 23000000 * tokenMultiplier, 0); preIcoStagePeriod.push(1501246800); preIcoStagePeriod.push(1502744400); IcoStagePeriod.push(1504011600); IcoStagePeriod.push(1506718800); // bind maxs thresholds thresholdsByState.push(5000 ether); thresholdsByState.push(200000 ether); etherRaisedByState.push(0); etherRaisedByState.push(0); // bind aging time for each stages agingTimeByStage.push(1507366800); agingTimeByStage.push(1508058000); // bind prices prices.push(1666666); prices.push(3333333); bonuses.push(1990 finney); bonuses.push(2990 finney); bonuses.push(4990 finney); bonuses.push(6990 finney); bonuses.push(9500 finney); bonuses.push(14500 finney); bonuses.push(19500 finney); bonuses.push(29500 finney); bonuses.push(49500 finney); bonuses.push(74500 finney); bonuses.push(99 ether); bonuses.push(149 ether); bonuses.push(199 ether); bonuses.push(299 ether); bonuses.push(499 ether); bonuses.push(749 ether); bonuses.push(999 ether); bonuses.push(1499 ether); bonuses.push(1999 ether); bonuses.push(2999 ether); bonuses.push(4999 ether); bonuses.push(7499 ether); bonuses.push(9999 ether); bonuses.push(14999 ether); bonuses.push(19999 ether); bonuses.push(49999 ether); bonuses.push(99999 ether); } function mint(uint amount, uint tokens, address sender, uint currentStage) internal { balanceOf[sender] += amount; tokensRaised += tokens; etherRaisedByState[currentStage] += amount; totalCollected += amount; allowedForWithdrawn += amount; tokenReward.mintToken(sender, tokens, agingTimeByStage[currentStage]); tokenReward.mintToken(prPool, tokens * 10 / 100, 0); } function processPayment(address from, uint amount) internal { uint originalAmount = amount; FundTransfer(from, amount, true); uint currentStage = 0; if (now >= preIcoStagePeriod[0] && now < preIcoStagePeriod[1]) { currentStage = 0; } if (now >= IcoStagePeriod[0] && now < IcoStagePeriod[1]) { currentStage = 1; } uint price = prices[currentStage]; uint coefficient = 1000; for (uint i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if (amount >= bonuses[i]) coefficient = 1000 + ((i + 1 + (i > 11 ? 1 : 0)) * 5); if (amount < bonuses[i]) break; } if (coefficient == 1000) { for (uint z = 0; z < 12; z++) { if (amount >= bonuses[z + 15]) coefficient = 1000 + ((8 + z) * 10); if (amount < bonuses[z]) break; } } price = price * 1000 / coefficient; uint remain = thresholdsByState[currentStage] - etherRaisedByState[currentStage]; if (remain <= amount) { amount = remain; } uint tokenAmount = amount / price; uint currentAmount = tokenAmount * price; mint(currentAmount, tokenAmount, from, currentStage); uint change = originalAmount - currentAmount; if (change > 0) { if (from.send(change)) { FundTransfer(from, change, false); } else revert(); } } function() payable { require(parametersHaveBeenSet); require(msg.value >= 50 finney); // validate by stage periods require((now >= preIcoStagePeriod[0] && now < preIcoStagePeriod[1]) || (now >= IcoStagePeriod[0] && now < IcoStagePeriod[1])); // validate if closed manually or reached the threshold if(now >= preIcoStagePeriod[0] && now < preIcoStagePeriod[1]) { require(!PreIcoClosedManually && etherRaisedByState[0] < thresholdsByState[0]); } else { require(!IcoClosedManually && etherRaisedByState[1] < thresholdsByState[1]); } processPayment(msg.sender, msg.value); } function closeCurrentStage() onlyOwner { if (now >= preIcoStagePeriod[0] && now < preIcoStagePeriod[1] && !PreIcoClosedManually) { PreIcoClosedManually = true; } else { if (now >= IcoStagePeriod[0] && now < IcoStagePeriod[1] && !IcoClosedManually) { IcoClosedManually = true; } else { revert(); } } } function safeWithdrawal(uint amount) onlyOwner { require(allowedForWithdrawn >= amount); // lock withdraw if stage not closed // require((now >= preIcoStagePeriod[1] && now < IcoStagePeriod[0]) || (now >= IcoStagePeriod[1])); if(now >= preIcoStagePeriod[0] && now < preIcoStagePeriod[1]) require(PreIcoClosedManually || etherRaisedByState[0] >= thresholdsByState[0]); if(now >= IcoStagePeriod[0] && now < IcoStagePeriod[1]) require(IcoClosedManually || etherRaisedByState[1] >= thresholdsByState[1]); allowedForWithdrawn -= amount; if(owner.send(amount)) { FundTransfer(msg.sender, amount, false); } else { allowedForWithdrawn += amount; } } function kill() onlyOwner { require(now > IcoStagePeriod[1]); tokenReward.changeOwner(owner); selfdestruct(owner); } }