Transaction Hash:
6561953 at Oct-22-2018 10:21:39 AM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.001333626 ETH
Gas Used:
190,518 Gas / 7 Gwei
Emitted Events:
58 |
LuckyCoin.onBuy( playerAddress=[Sender] 0xcc035ae477ab394fc698d59990748c59f7f8029b, begin=26, end=26, round=146, playerName=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x2119a331...463688992 | 12.753402748609219315 Eth | 12.764661187380732072 Eth | 0.011258438771512757 | ||
0xCc035ae4...9F7F8029b |
0.028414619927242763 Eth
Nonce: 5
0.015230005746703019 Eth
Nonce: 6
| 0.013184614180539744 | ||
| (Ethermine) | 1,081.98538494994040368 Eth | 1,081.98671857594040368 Eth | 0.001333626 | |
0xfd76dB2A...E8bd8cbbF | 1.393519516092039954 Eth | 1.394112065501066941 Eth | 0.000592549409026987 |
Execution Trace
ETH 0.011850988180539744
LuckyCoin.buyXname( _tickets=1, _affCode=726566657272616C730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )

- ETH 0.000592549409026987
0xfd76db2af819978d43e07737771c8d9e8bd8cbbf.CALL( )
buyXname[LuckyCoin (ln:221)]
determinePID[LuckyCoin (ln:231)]
getPlayerID[LuckyCoin (ln:718)]
getPlayerName[LuckyCoin (ln:719)]
getPlayerLAff[LuckyCoin (ln:720)]
buyTicket[LuckyCoin (ln:255)]
ticket[LuckyCoin (ln:433)]
managePlayer[LuckyCoin (ln:455)]
updateTicketVault[LuckyCoin (ln:618)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:467)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:469)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:474)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:477)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:481)]
calulateXticket[LuckyCoin (ln:483)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:490)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:491)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:494)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:498)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:499)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:500)]
distributeVault[LuckyCoin (ln:504)]
getBuyPrice[LuckyCoin (ln:516)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:518)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:522)]
mul[LuckyCoin (ln:528)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:529)]
mul[LuckyCoin (ln:534)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:535)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:537)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:538)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:540)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:541)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:544)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:546)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:548)]
sub[LuckyCoin (ln:549)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:550)]
onBuy[LuckyCoin (ln:507)]
endRound[LuckyCoin (ln:437)]
randNums[LuckyCoin (ln:564)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:570)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:572)]
onSettle[LuckyCoin (ln:574)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:581)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:586)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:587)]
onSettle[LuckyCoin (ln:588)]
endRound[LuckyCoin (ln:443)]
randNums[LuckyCoin (ln:564)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:570)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:572)]
onSettle[LuckyCoin (ln:574)]
transfer[LuckyCoin (ln:581)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:586)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:587)]
onSettle[LuckyCoin (ln:588)]
add[LuckyCoin (ln:445)]
pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract Coinevents { // fired whenever a player registers a name event onNewName ( uint256 indexed playerID, address indexed playerAddress, bytes32 indexed playerName, bool isNewPlayer, uint256 affiliateID, address affiliateAddress, bytes32 affiliateName, uint256 amountPaid, uint256 timeStamp ); event onBuy ( address playerAddress, uint256 begin, uint256 end, uint256 round, bytes32 playerName ); // fired whenever theres a withdraw event onWithdraw ( uint256 indexed playerID, address playerAddress, bytes32 playerName, uint256 ethOut, uint256 timeStamp ); // settle the contract event onSettle( uint256 rid, uint256 ticketsout, address winner, uint256 luckynum, uint256 jackpot ); // settle the contract event onActivate( uint256 rid ); } contract LuckyCoin is Coinevents{ using SafeMath for *; using NameFilter for string; //**************** game settings **************** string constant public name = "LuckyCoin Super"; string constant public symbol = "LuckyCoin"; uint256 constant private rndGap_ = 2 hours; // round timer starts at this uint256 ticketstotal_ = 1500; // ticket total amonuts uint256 grouptotal_ = 250; // ticketstotal_ divend to six parts //uint ticketprice_ = 0.005 ether; // current ticket init price uint256 jackpot = 10 ether; uint256 public rID_= 0; // current round id number / total rounds that have happened uint256 _headtickets = 500; // head of 500, distributes valuet bool public activated_ = false; //address community_addr = 0x2b5006d3dce09dafec33bfd08ebec9327f1612d8; // community addr //address prize_addr = 0x2b5006d3dce09dafec33bfd08ebec9327f1612d8; // prize addr address community_addr = 0xfd76dB2AF819978d43e07737771c8D9E8bd8cbbF; // community addr address prize_addr = 0xfd76dB2AF819978d43e07737771c8D9E8bd8cbbF; // prize addr address activate_addr1 = 0xfd76dB2AF819978d43e07737771c8D9E8bd8cbbF; // activate addr1 address activate_addr2 = 0x6c7dfe3c255a098ea031f334436dd50345cfc737; // activate addr2 //address activate_addr2 = 0x2b5006d3dce09dafec33bfd08ebec9327f1612d8; // activate addr2 PlayerBookInterface constant private PlayerBook = PlayerBookInterface(0x748286a6a4cead7e8115ed0c503d77202eeeac6b); //**************** ROUND DATA **************** mapping (uint256 => Coindatasets.Round) public round_; // (rID => data) round data //**************** PLAYER DATA **************** event LogbuyNums(address addr, uint begin, uint end); mapping (address => uint256) public pIDxAddr_; // (addr => pID) returns player id by address mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public pIDxName_; // (name => pID) returns player id by name mapping (uint256 => Coindatasets.Player) public plyr_; // (pID => data) player data mapping (uint256 => mapping (uint256 => Coindatasets.PlayerRounds)) public plyrRnds_; // (pID => rID => data) player round data by player id & round id mapping (uint256 => mapping (bytes32 => bool)) public plyrNames_; // (pID => name => bool) list of names a player owns. (used so you can change your display name amongst any name you own) //**************** ORDER DATA **************** mapping (uint256=>mapping(uint=> mapping(uint=>uint))) orders; // (rid=>pid=group=>ticketnum) constructor() public{ //round_[rID_].jackpot = 10 ether; } // callback function function () payable { // fllows addresses only can activate the game if (msg.sender == activate_addr1 || msg.sender == activate_addr2 ){ activate(); }else if(msg.value > 0){ //bet order // fetch player id address _addr = msg.sender; uint256 _codeLength; require(tx.origin == msg.sender, "sorry humans only origin"); assembly {_codeLength := extcodesize(_addr)} require(_codeLength == 0, "sorry humans only================="); determinePID(); uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; uint256 _ticketprice = getBuyPrice(); require(_ticketprice > 0); uint256 _tickets = msg.value / _ticketprice; require(_tickets > 0); // buy tickets require(activated_ == true, "its not ready yet. contact administrators"); require(_tickets <= ticketstotal_ - round_[rID_].tickets); buyTicket(_pID, plyr_[_pID].laff, _tickets); } } // purchase value limit modifier isWithinLimits(uint256 _eth, uint256 _tickets) { uint256 _ticketprice = getBuyPrice(); require(_eth >= _tickets * _ticketprice); require(_eth <= 100000000000000000000000); _; } modifier isTicketsLimits(uint256 _tickets){ require(_tickets <= ticketstotal_ - round_[rID_].tickets); _; } modifier isActivated(){ require(activated_, "not activate"); _; } modifier isHuman() { address _addr = msg.sender; uint256 _codeLength; require(tx.origin == msg.sender, "sorry humans only origin"); assembly {_codeLength := extcodesize(_addr)} require(_codeLength == 0, "sorry humans only================="); _; } function buyXid(uint _tickets, uint256 _affCode) isHuman() isWithinLimits(msg.value, _tickets) isTicketsLimits(_tickets) isActivated public payable { // set up our tx event data and determine if player is new or not //Coindatasets.EventReturns memory _eventData_ = determinePID(_eventData_); determinePID(); // fetch player id uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; // manage affiliate residuals // if no affiliate code was given or player tried to use their own, lolz if (_affCode == 0 || _affCode == _pID) { // use last stored affiliate code _affCode = plyr_[_pID].laff; // if affiliate code was given & its not the same as previously stored } else if (_affCode != plyr_[_pID].laff) { // update last affiliate plyr_[_pID].laff = _affCode; } buyTicket(_pID, _affCode, _tickets); } function buyXaddr(uint _tickets, address _affCode) isHuman() isWithinLimits(msg.value, _tickets) isTicketsLimits(_tickets) isActivated public payable { // set up our tx event data and determine if player is new or not //Coindatasets.EventReturns memory _eventData_ = determinePID(_eventData_); // determine if player is new or not determinePID(); uint256 _affID; // fetch player id uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; if (_affCode == address(0) || _affCode == msg.sender) { // use last stored affiliate code _affID = plyr_[_pID].laff; // if affiliate code was given } else { // get affiliate ID from aff Code _affID = pIDxAddr_[_affCode]; // if affID is not the same as previously stored if (_affID != plyr_[_pID].laff) { // update last affiliate plyr_[_pID].laff = _affID; } } buyTicket(_pID, _affID, _tickets); } function buyXname(uint _tickets, bytes32 _affCode) isHuman() isWithinLimits(msg.value, _tickets) isTicketsLimits(_tickets) isActivated public payable { // set up our tx event data and determine if player is new or not //Coindatasets.EventReturns memory _eventData_ = determinePID(_eventData_); determinePID(); // fetch player id uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; // manage affiliate residuals uint256 _affID; // if no affiliate code was given or player tried to use their own, lolz if (_affCode == '' || _affCode == plyr_[_pID].name) { // use last stored affiliate code _affID = plyr_[_pID].laff; // if affiliate code was given } else { // get affiliate ID from aff Code _affID = pIDxName_[_affCode]; // if affID is not the same as previously stored if (_affID != plyr_[_pID].laff) { // update last affiliate plyr_[_pID].laff = _affID; } } buyTicket(_pID, _affID, _tickets); } function reLoadXaddr(uint256 _tickets, address _affCode) isHuman() isActivated isTicketsLimits(_tickets) public { // fetch player id uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; uint256 _affID; if (_affCode == address(0) || _affCode == msg.sender){ _affID = plyr_[_pID].laff; } else{ // get affiliate ID from aff Code _affID = pIDxAddr_[_affCode]; // if affID is not the same as previously stored if (_affID != plyr_[_pID].laff) { // update last affiliate plyr_[_pID].laff = _affID; } } reloadTickets(_pID, _affID, _tickets); } function reLoadXname(uint256 _tickets, bytes32 _affCode) isHuman() isActivated isTicketsLimits(_tickets) public { // fetch player id uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; uint256 _affID; if (_affCode == '' || _affCode == plyr_[_pID].name){ _affID = plyr_[_pID].laff; } else{ // get affiliate ID from aff Code _affID = pIDxName_[_affCode]; // if affID is not the same as previously stored if (_affID != plyr_[_pID].laff) { // update last affiliate plyr_[_pID].laff = _affID; } } reloadTickets(_pID, _affID, _tickets); } function reloadTickets(uint256 _pID, uint256 _affID, uint256 _tickets) isActivated private { //************** ****************** // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; // grab time uint256 _now = now; // if round is active if (_now > round_[_rID].start && _now < round_[_rID].end && round_[_rID].ended == false){ // call ticket uint256 _eth = getBuyPrice().mul(_tickets); //plyr_[_pID].gen = withdrawEarnings(_pID).sub(_eth); reloadEarnings(_pID, _eth); ticket(_pID, _rID, _tickets, _affID, _eth); if (round_[_rID].tickets == ticketstotal_){ round_[_rID].ended = true; round_[_rID].end = now; endRound(); } }else if (_now > round_[_rID].end && round_[_rID].ended == false){ // end the round (distributes pot) & start new round round_[_rID].ended = true; endRound(); } } function withdraw() isHuman() public { // setup local rID //uint256 _rID = rID_; // grab time uint256 _now = now; // fetch player ID uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; // setup temp var for player eth uint256 _eth; // check to see if round has ended and no one has run round end yet _eth = withdrawEarnings(_pID); if (_eth > 0){ plyr_[_pID].addr.transfer(_eth); emit Coinevents.onWithdraw(_pID, msg.sender, plyr_[_pID].name, _eth, _now); } } function reloadEarnings(uint256 _pID, uint256 _eth) private returns(uint256) { // update gen vault updateTicketVault(_pID, plyr_[_pID].lrnd); uint256 _earnings = (plyr_[_pID].win).add(plyr_[_pID].gen).add(plyr_[_pID].aff); require(_earnings >= _eth, "earnings too lower"); if (plyr_[_pID].gen >= _eth) { plyr_[_pID].gen = plyr_[_pID].gen.sub(_eth); return; }else{ _eth = _eth.sub(plyr_[_pID].gen); plyr_[_pID].gen = 0; } if (plyr_[_pID].aff >= _eth){ plyr_[_pID].aff = plyr_[_pID].aff.sub(_eth); return; }else{ _eth = _eth.sub(plyr_[_pID].aff); plyr_[_pID].aff = 0; } plyr_[_pID].win = plyr_[_pID].win.sub(_eth); } function withdrawEarnings(uint256 _pID) private returns(uint256) { // update gen vault updateTicketVault(_pID, plyr_[_pID].lrnd); uint256 _earnings = (plyr_[_pID].win).add(plyr_[_pID].gen).add(plyr_[_pID].aff); if (_earnings > 0) { plyr_[_pID].win = 0; // winner plyr_[_pID].gen = 0; //ticket valuet plyr_[_pID].aff = 0; // aff player } return(_earnings); } // aquire buy ticket price function getBuyPrice() public view returns(uint256) { return round_[rID_].jackpot.mul(150) / 100 / 1500; } /** * @dev logic runs whenever a buy order is executed. determines how to handle * incoming eth depending on if we are in an active round or not */ function buyTicket( uint256 _pID, uint256 _affID, uint256 _tickets) private { //************** ****************** // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; // grab time uint256 _now = now; // if round is active if (_now > round_[_rID].start && _now < round_[_rID].end){ // call ticket ticket(_pID, _rID, _tickets, _affID, msg.value); if (round_[_rID].tickets == ticketstotal_){ round_[_rID].ended = true; round_[_rID].end = now; endRound(); } }else if (_now > round_[_rID].end && round_[_rID].ended == false){ // end the round (distributes pot) & start new round round_[_rID].ended = true; //_eventData_ = endRound(_eventData_); endRound(); // put eth in players vault plyr_[_pID].gen = plyr_[_pID].gen.add(msg.value); } //ticket(_pID, _rID, _tickets, _affID, msg.value); } function ticket(uint256 _pID, uint256 _rID, uint256 _tickets, uint256 _affID, uint256 _eth) private { // if player is new to round if (plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].tickets == 0){ managePlayer(_pID); round_[rID_].playernums += 1; plyrRnds_[_affID][_rID].affnums += 1; } // ********** buy ticket ************* uint tickets = round_[rID_].tickets; uint groups = (tickets + _tickets - 1) / grouptotal_ - tickets / grouptotal_; uint offset = tickets / grouptotal_; if (groups == 0){ if (((tickets + _tickets) % grouptotal_) == 0){ orders[rID_][_pID][offset] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset], grouptotal_, tickets % grouptotal_); }else{ orders[rID_][_pID][offset] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset], (tickets + _tickets) % grouptotal_, tickets % grouptotal_); } }else{ for(uint256 i = 0; i < groups + 1; i++){ if (i == 0){ orders[rID_][_pID][offset+i] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i], grouptotal_, tickets % grouptotal_); } if (i > 0 && i < groups){ orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i], grouptotal_, 0); } if (i == groups){ if (((tickets + _tickets) % grouptotal_) == 0){ orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i], grouptotal_, 0); }else{ orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i] = calulateXticket(orders[rID_][_pID][offset + i], (tickets + _tickets) % grouptotal_, 0); } } } } if (round_[rID_].tickets < _headtickets){ if (_tickets.add(round_[rID_].tickets) <= _headtickets){ plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].luckytickets = _tickets.add(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].luckytickets); } else{ plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].luckytickets = (_headtickets - round_[rID_].tickets).add(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].luckytickets); } } // set up purchase tickets round_[rID_].tickets = _tickets.add(round_[rID_].tickets); plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].tickets = _tickets.add(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].tickets); plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].eth = _eth.add(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].eth); round_[rID_].blocknum = block.number; // distributes valuet distributeVault(_pID, rID_, _affID, _eth, _tickets); // order event log //emit onBuy(msg.sender, tickets+1, tickets +_tickets,_rID, _eth, plyr_[_pID].name); emit Coinevents.onBuy(msg.sender, tickets+1, tickets +_tickets,_rID, plyr_[_pID].name); } function distributeVault(uint256 _pID, uint256 _rID, uint256 _affID, uint256 _eth, uint256 _tickets) private { // distributes gen uint256 _gen = 0; uint256 _genvault = 0; uint256 ticketprice_ = getBuyPrice(); if (round_[_rID].tickets > _headtickets){ if (round_[_rID].tickets.sub(_tickets) > _headtickets){ _gen = _tickets; //plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].luckytickets = }else{ _gen = round_[_rID].tickets.sub(_headtickets); } } if (_gen > 0){ //_genvault = (((_gen / _tickets).mul(_eth)).mul(20)) / 100; // 20 % to gen tickets _genvault = ((ticketprice_ * _gen).mul(20)) / 100; round_[_rID].mask = _genvault.add(round_[_rID].mask); // update mask } uint256 _aff = _eth / 10; //to================10%(aff) uint256 _com = _eth / 20; //to================5%(community) uint256 _found = _eth.mul(32) / 100; round_[_rID].found = _found.add(round_[_rID].found); //to============prize found if (_affID != 0){ plyr_[_affID].aff = _aff.add(plyr_[_affID].aff); community_addr.transfer(_com); }else{ _com = _com.add(_aff); community_addr.transfer(_com); } // ============to perhaps next round pool uint256 _nextpot = _eth.sub(_genvault); if (_affID != 0){ _nextpot = _nextpot.sub(_aff); } _nextpot = _nextpot.sub(_com); _nextpot = _nextpot.sub(_found); round_[_rID].nextpot = _nextpot.add(round_[_rID].nextpot); // next round pool } function calulateXticket(uint256 _target, uint256 _start, uint256 _end) pure private returns(uint256){ return _target ^ (2 ** _start - 2 ** _end); } function endRound() private { // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; uint256 prize_callback = 0; round_[_rID].lucknum = randNums(); // 1. if win if (round_[_rID].tickets >= round_[_rID].lucknum){ // community_addr.transfer(round_[_rID].income.sub(_com).sub(_gen)); // need administrators take in 10 ETH activate next round prize_callback = round_[_rID].found.add(round_[_rID].nextpot); if (prize_callback > 0) { prize_addr.transfer(prize_callback); activated_ = false; // need administrators to activate emit onSettle(_rID, round_[_rID].tickets, address(0), round_[_rID].lucknum, round_[_rID].jackpot); } }else{ // 2. if nobody win // directly start next round prize_callback = round_[_rID].found; if (prize_callback > 0) { prize_addr.transfer(prize_callback); } rID_ ++; _rID ++; round_[_rID].start = now; round_[_rID].end = now.add(rndGap_); round_[_rID].jackpot = round_[_rID-1].jackpot.add(round_[_rID-1].nextpot); emit onSettle(_rID-1, round_[_rID-1].tickets, address(0), round_[_rID-1].lucknum, round_[_rID-1].jackpot); } } /** * @dev moves any unmasked earnings to ticket vault. updates earnings */ // _pID: player pid _rIDlast: last roundid function updateTicketVault(uint256 _pID, uint256 _rIDlast) private{ uint256 _gen = (plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].luckytickets.mul(round_[_rIDlast].mask / _headtickets)).sub(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask); uint256 _jackpot = 0; if (judgeWin(_rIDlast, _pID) && address(round_[_rIDlast].winner) == 0) { _jackpot = round_[_rIDlast].jackpot; round_[_rIDlast].winner = msg.sender; } plyr_[_pID].gen = _gen.add(plyr_[_pID].gen); // ticket valuet plyr_[_pID].win = _jackpot.add(plyr_[_pID].win); // player win plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask = plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask.add(_gen); } function managePlayer(uint256 _pID) private { // if player has played a previous round, move their unmasked earnings // from that round to gen vault. if (plyr_[_pID].lrnd != 0) updateTicketVault(_pID, plyr_[_pID].lrnd); // update player's last round played plyr_[_pID].lrnd = rID_; } //============================================================================== // _ _ | _ | _ _|_ _ _ _ . // (_(_||(_|_||(_| | (_)| _\ . //============================================================================== /** * @dev calculates unmasked earnings (just calculates, does not update ticket) * @return earnings in wei format */ //计算每轮中pid前500ticket的分红 function calcTicketEarnings(uint256 _pID, uint256 _rIDlast) private view returns(uint256) { // per round ticket valuet return (plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].luckytickets.mul(round_[_rIDlast].mask / _headtickets)).sub(plyrRnds_[_pID][_rIDlast].mask); } //====================/========================================================= /** upon contract deploy, it will be deactivated. this is a one time * use function that will activate the contract. we do this so devs * have time to set things up on the web end **/ function activate() isHuman() public payable { // can only be ran once require(msg.sender == activate_addr1 || msg.sender == activate_addr2); require(activated_ == false, "LuckyCoin already activated"); //uint256 _jackpot = 10 ether; require(msg.value == jackpot, "activate game need 10 ether"); if (rID_ != 0) { require(round_[rID_].tickets >= round_[rID_].lucknum, "nobody win"); } //activate the contract activated_ = true; //lets start first round rID_ ++; round_[rID_].start = now; round_[rID_].end = now + rndGap_; round_[rID_].jackpot = msg.value; emit onActivate(rID_); } /** * @dev receives name/player info from names contract */ function receivePlayerInfo(uint256 _pID, address _addr, bytes32 _name, uint256 _laff) external { require (msg.sender == address(PlayerBook), "your not playerNames contract... hmmm.."); if (pIDxAddr_[_addr] != _pID) pIDxAddr_[_addr] = _pID; if (pIDxName_[_name] != _pID) pIDxName_[_name] = _pID; if (plyr_[_pID].addr != _addr) plyr_[_pID].addr = _addr; if (plyr_[_pID].name != _name) plyr_[_pID].name = _name; if (plyr_[_pID].laff != _laff) plyr_[_pID].laff = _laff; if (plyrNames_[_pID][_name] == false) plyrNames_[_pID][_name] = true; } //==============================PLAYER========================================== /** * @dev receives entire player name list */ function receivePlayerNameList(uint256 _pID, bytes32 _name) external { require (msg.sender == address(PlayerBook), "your not playerNames contract... hmmm.."); if(plyrNames_[_pID][_name] == false) plyrNames_[_pID][_name] = true; } /** * @dev gets existing or registers new pID. use this when a player may be new * @return pID */ function determinePID() private //returns (Coindatasets.EventReturns) { uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; // if player is new to this version of luckycoin if (_pID == 0) { // grab their player ID, name and last aff ID, from player names contract _pID = PlayerBook.getPlayerID(msg.sender); bytes32 _name = PlayerBook.getPlayerName(_pID); uint256 _laff = PlayerBook.getPlayerLAff(_pID); // set up player account pIDxAddr_[msg.sender] = _pID; plyr_[_pID].addr = msg.sender; if (_name != "") { pIDxName_[_name] = _pID; plyr_[_pID].name = _name; plyrNames_[_pID][_name] = true; } if (_laff != 0 && _laff != _pID) plyr_[_pID].laff = _laff; // set the new player bool to true //_eventData_.compressedData = _eventData_.compressedData + 1; } //return (_eventData_); } // only support Name by name function registerNameXname(string _nameString, bytes32 _affCode, bool _all) isHuman() public payable { bytes32 _name = _nameString.nameFilter(); address _addr = msg.sender; uint256 _paid = msg.value; (bool _isNewPlayer, uint256 _affID) = PlayerBook.registerNameXnameFromDapp.value(msg.value)(msg.sender, _name, _affCode, _all); uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[_addr]; // fire event emit Coinevents.onNewName(_pID, _addr, _name, _isNewPlayer, _affID, plyr_[_affID].addr, plyr_[_affID].name, _paid, now); } function registerNameXaddr(string _nameString, address _affCode, bool _all) isHuman() public payable { bytes32 _name = _nameString.nameFilter(); address _addr = msg.sender; uint256 _paid = msg.value; (bool _isNewPlayer, uint256 _affID) = PlayerBook.registerNameXaddrFromDapp.value(msg.value)(msg.sender, _name, _affCode, _all); uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[_addr]; // fire event emit Coinevents.onNewName(_pID, _addr, _name, _isNewPlayer, _affID, plyr_[_affID].addr, plyr_[_affID].name, _paid, now); } /** * @dev returns time left. dont spam this, you'll ddos yourself from your node * provider * -functionhash- 0xc7e284b8 * @return time left in seconds */ function getTimeLeft() public view returns(uint256) { // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; // grab time uint256 _now = now; if (_now < round_[_rID].end){ return( (round_[_rID].end).sub(_now) ); } else return(0); } function getCurrentRoundInfo() public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, address, bool) { // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; return ( rID_, round_[_rID].tickets, round_[_rID].start, round_[_rID].end, round_[_rID].jackpot, round_[_rID].nextpot, round_[_rID].lucknum, round_[_rID].mask, round_[_rID].playernums, round_[_rID].winner, round_[_rID].ended ); } function getPlayerInfoByAddress(address _addr) public view returns(uint256, bytes32, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { // setup local rID uint256 _rID = rID_; if (_addr == address(0)) { _addr == msg.sender; } uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[_addr]; uint256 _lrnd = plyr_[_pID].lrnd; uint256 _jackpot = 0; if (judgeWin(_lrnd, _pID) && address(round_[_lrnd].winner) == 0){ _jackpot = round_[_lrnd].jackpot; } return ( _pID, //0 plyr_[_pID].name, //1 plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].tickets, //2 plyr_[_pID].win.add(_jackpot), //3 plyr_[_pID].gen.add(calcTicketEarnings(_pID, _lrnd)), //4 plyr_[_pID].aff, //5 plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].eth, //6 plyrRnds_[_pID][_rID].affnums // 7 ); } // generate a number between 1-1500 function randNums() public view returns(uint256) { return uint256(keccak256(block.difficulty, now, block.coinbase)) % ticketstotal_ + 1; } // search user if win function judgeWin(uint256 _rid, uint256 _pID)private view returns(bool){ uint256 _group = (round_[_rid].lucknum -1) / grouptotal_; uint256 _temp = round_[_rid].lucknum % grouptotal_; if (_temp == 0){ _temp = grouptotal_; } if (orders[_rid][_pID][_group] & (2 **(_temp-1)) == 2 **(_temp-1)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } // search the tickets owns function searchtickets()public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256,uint256, uint256){ uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[msg.sender]; return ( orders[rID_][_pID][0], orders[rID_][_pID][1], orders[rID_][_pID][2], orders[rID_][_pID][3], orders[rID_][_pID][4], orders[rID_][_pID][5] ); } // search the tickets by address function searchTicketsXaddr(address addr) public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256,uint256, uint256){ uint256 _pID = pIDxAddr_[addr]; return ( orders[rID_][_pID][0], orders[rID_][_pID][1], orders[rID_][_pID][2], orders[rID_][_pID][3], orders[rID_][_pID][4], orders[rID_][_pID][5] ); } } library Coindatasets { struct EventReturns { uint256 compressedData; uint256 compressedIDs; address winnerAddr; // winner address bytes32 winnerName; // winner name uint256 amountWon; // amount won uint256 newPot; // amount in new pot uint256 genAmount; // amount distributed to gen uint256 potAmount; // amount added to pot } struct Round { uint256 tickets; // already purchase ticket bool ended; // has round end function been ran uint256 jackpot; // eth to pot, perhaps next round pot uint256 start; // time round started uint256 end; // time ends/ended address winner; //win address uint256 mask; // global mask uint256 found; // jackpot found uint256 lucknum; // win num uint256 nextpot; // next pot uint256 blocknum; // current blocknum uint256 playernums; // playernums } struct Player { address addr; // player address bytes32 name; // player name uint256 win; // winnings vault uint256 gen; // general vault uint256 aff; // affiliate vault uint256 lrnd; // last round played uint256 laff; // last affiliate id used uint256 luckytickets; // head 500 will acquire distributes vault } struct PotSplit { uint256 community; // % of pot thats paid to key holders of current round uint256 gen; // % of pot thats paid to tickets holders uint256 laff; // last affiliate id used } struct PlayerRounds { uint256 eth; // eth player has added to round uint256 tickets; // tickets uint256 mask; // player mask, uint256 affnums; uint256 luckytickets; // player luckytickets } } interface PlayerBookInterface { function getPlayerID(address _addr) external returns (uint256); function getPlayerName(uint256 _pID) external view returns (bytes32); function getPlayerLAff(uint256 _pID) external view returns (uint256); function getPlayerAddr(uint256 _pID) external view returns (address); function getNameFee() external view returns (uint256); function registerNameXIDFromDapp(address _addr, bytes32 _name, uint256 _affCode, bool _all) external payable returns(bool, uint256); function registerNameXaddrFromDapp(address _addr, bytes32 _name, address _affCode, bool _all) external payable returns(bool, uint256); function registerNameXnameFromDapp(address _addr, bytes32 _name, bytes32 _affCode, bool _all) external payable returns(bool, uint256); } library NameFilter { /** * @dev filters name strings * -converts uppercase to lower case. * -makes sure it does not start/end with a space * -makes sure it does not contain multiple spaces in a row * -cannot be only numbers * -cannot start with 0x * -restricts characters to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and space. * @return reprocessed string in bytes32 format */ function nameFilter(string _input) internal pure returns(bytes32) { bytes memory _temp = bytes(_input); uint256 _length = _temp.length; //sorry limited to 32 characters require (_length <= 32 && _length > 0, "string must be between 1 and 32 characters"); // make sure it doesnt start with or end with space require(_temp[0] != 0x20 && _temp[_length-1] != 0x20, "string cannot start or end with space"); // make sure first two characters are not 0x if (_temp[0] == 0x30) { require(_temp[1] != 0x78, "string cannot start with 0x"); require(_temp[1] != 0x58, "string cannot start with 0X"); } // create a bool to track if we have a non number character bool _hasNonNumber; // convert & check for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { // if its uppercase A-Z if (_temp[i] > 0x40 && _temp[i] < 0x5b) { // convert to lower case a-z _temp[i] = byte(uint(_temp[i]) + 32); // we have a non number if (_hasNonNumber == false) _hasNonNumber = true; } else { require ( // require character is a space _temp[i] == 0x20 || // OR lowercase a-z (_temp[i] > 0x60 && _temp[i] < 0x7b) || // or 0-9 (_temp[i] > 0x2f && _temp[i] < 0x3a), "string contains invalid characters" ); // make sure theres not 2x spaces in a row if (_temp[i] == 0x20) require( _temp[i+1] != 0x20, "string cannot contain consecutive spaces"); // see if we have a character other than a number if (_hasNonNumber == false && (_temp[i] < 0x30 || _temp[i] > 0x39)) _hasNonNumber = true; } } require(_hasNonNumber == true, "string cannot be only numbers"); bytes32 _ret; assembly { _ret := mload(add(_temp, 32)) } return (_ret); } } /** * @title SafeMath v0.1.9 * @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error * change notes: original SafeMath library from OpenZeppelin modified by Inventor * - added sqrt * - added sq * - added pwr * - changed asserts to requires with error log outputs * - removed div, its useless */ library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev gives square root of given x. */ function sqrt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 y) { uint256 z = ((add(x,1)) / 2); y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = ((add((x / z),z)) / 2); } } /** * @dev gives square. multiplies x by x */ function sq(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (mul(x,x)); } /** * @dev x to the power of y */ function pwr(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (x==0) return (0); else if (y==0) return (1); else { uint256 z = x; for (uint256 i=1; i < y; i++) z = mul(z,x); return (z); } } }