ETH Price: $1,875.69 (-0.13%)

Transaction Decoder

18143231 at Sep-15-2023 05:56:47 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.0037644618441036 ETH $7.06
Gas Used:
139,934 Gas / 26.9016954 Gwei

Emitted Events:

145 WETH9.Transfer( src=UniswapV3Pool, dst=[Receiver] UniversalRouter, wad=430168663992751988 )
146 SmurfCat.Transfer( from=[Sender] 0x5430c588f9e223402caf5e549ae541979a960264, to=UniswapV3Pool, value=9475951428837278000564799 )
147 SmurfCat.Approval( owner=[Sender] 0x5430c588f9e223402caf5e549ae541979a960264, spender=Permit2, value=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640533572293505747838396565466 )
148 UniswapV3Pool.Swap( sender=[Receiver] UniversalRouter, recipient=[Receiver] UniversalRouter, amount0=-430168663992751988, amount1=9475951428837278000564799, sqrtPriceX96=371170648382923974575256900653055, liquidity=315090349256904101411588, tick=169050 )
149 WETH9.Withdrawal( src=[Receiver] UniversalRouter, wad=430168663992751988 )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
(Lido: Execution Layer Rewards Vault)
58.945083763174505179 Eth58.945097756574505179 Eth0.0000139934
0.419677500376589568 Eth
Nonce: 221
0.846081702525237956 Eth
Nonce: 222
0xC02aaA39...83C756Cc2 3,130,364.469291381025101673 Eth3,130,364.039122717032349685 Eth0.430168663992751988
(Uniswap V3: шайлушай)

Execution Trace

  • UniswapV3Pool.swap( recipient=0x3fC91A3afd70395Cd496C647d5a6CC9D4B2b7FAD, zeroForOne=False, amountSpecified=9475951428837278000564799, sqrtPriceLimitX96=1461446703485210103287273052203988822378723970341, data=0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000005430C588F9E223402CAF5E549AE541979A960264000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002BFF836A5821E69066C87E268BC51B849FAB94240C002710C02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ) => ( amount0=-430168663992751988, amount1=9475951428837278000564799 )
    • WETH9.transfer( dst=0x3fC91A3afd70395Cd496C647d5a6CC9D4B2b7FAD, wad=430168663992751988 ) => ( True )
    • SmurfCat.balanceOf( account=0xFd79505aA075007ef1f1165C4DE3562Bb48B9bD2 ) => ( 616175402705184925969978043 )
    • UniversalRouter.uniswapV3SwapCallback( amount0Delta=-430168663992751988, amount1Delta=9475951428837278000564799, data=0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000005430C588F9E223402CAF5E549AE541979A960264000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002BFF836A5821E69066C87E268BC51B849FAB94240C002710C02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )
      • Permit2.transferFrom( from=0x5430c588F9e223402cAf5e549AE541979A960264, to=0xFd79505aA075007ef1f1165C4DE3562Bb48B9bD2, amount=9475951428837278000564799, token=0xfF836A5821E69066c87E268bC51b849FaB94240C )
        • SmurfCat.transferFrom( sender=0x5430c588F9e223402cAf5e549AE541979A960264, recipient=0xFd79505aA075007ef1f1165C4DE3562Bb48B9bD2, amount=9475951428837278000564799 ) => ( True )
        • SmurfCat.balanceOf( account=0xFd79505aA075007ef1f1165C4DE3562Bb48B9bD2 ) => ( 625651354134022203970542842 )
        • WETH9.balanceOf( 0x3fC91A3afd70395Cd496C647d5a6CC9D4B2b7FAD ) => ( 430168663992751988 )
        • WETH9.withdraw( wad=430168663992751988 )
          • ETH 0.430168663992751988 UniversalRouter.CALL( )
          • ETH 0.430168663992751988 0x5430c588f9e223402caf5e549ae541979a960264.CALL( )
            File 1 of 5: UniversalRouter
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            // Command implementations
            import {Dispatcher} from './base/Dispatcher.sol';
            import {RewardsCollector} from './base/RewardsCollector.sol';
            import {RouterParameters, RouterImmutables} from './base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {Commands} from './libraries/Commands.sol';
            import {IUniversalRouter} from './interfaces/IUniversalRouter.sol';
            contract UniversalRouter is RouterImmutables, IUniversalRouter, Dispatcher, RewardsCollector {
                modifier checkDeadline(uint256 deadline) {
                    if (block.timestamp > deadline) revert TransactionDeadlinePassed();
                constructor(RouterParameters memory params) RouterImmutables(params) {}
                /// @inheritdoc IUniversalRouter
                function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs, uint256 deadline)
                    execute(commands, inputs);
                /// @inheritdoc Dispatcher
                function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs) public payable override isNotLocked {
                    bool success;
                    bytes memory output;
                    uint256 numCommands = commands.length;
                    if (inputs.length != numCommands) revert LengthMismatch();
                    // loop through all given commands, execute them and pass along outputs as defined
                    for (uint256 commandIndex = 0; commandIndex < numCommands;) {
                        bytes1 command = commands[commandIndex];
                        bytes calldata input = inputs[commandIndex];
                        (success, output) = dispatch(command, input);
                        if (!success && successRequired(command)) {
                            revert ExecutionFailed({commandIndex: commandIndex, message: output});
                        unchecked {
                function successRequired(bytes1 command) internal pure returns (bool) {
                    return command & Commands.FLAG_ALLOW_REVERT == 0;
                /// @notice To receive ETH from WETH and NFT protocols
                receive() external payable {}
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {V2SwapRouter} from '../modules/uniswap/v2/V2SwapRouter.sol';
            import {V3SwapRouter} from '../modules/uniswap/v3/V3SwapRouter.sol';
            import {BytesLib} from '../modules/uniswap/v3/BytesLib.sol';
            import {Payments} from '../modules/Payments.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from '../base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {Callbacks} from '../base/Callbacks.sol';
            import {Commands} from '../libraries/Commands.sol';
            import {LockAndMsgSender} from './LockAndMsgSender.sol';
            import {ERC721} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC721.sol';
            import {ERC1155} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC1155.sol';
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from 'permit2/src/interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol';
            import {ICryptoPunksMarket} from '../interfaces/external/ICryptoPunksMarket.sol';
            /// @title Decodes and Executes Commands
            /// @notice Called by the UniversalRouter contract to efficiently decode and execute a singular command
            abstract contract Dispatcher is Payments, V2SwapRouter, V3SwapRouter, Callbacks, LockAndMsgSender {
                using BytesLib for bytes;
                error InvalidCommandType(uint256 commandType);
                error BuyPunkFailed();
                error InvalidOwnerERC721();
                error InvalidOwnerERC1155();
                error BalanceTooLow();
                /// @notice Decodes and executes the given command with the given inputs
                /// @param commandType The command type to execute
                /// @param inputs The inputs to execute the command with
                /// @dev 2 masks are used to enable use of a nested-if statement in execution for efficiency reasons
                /// @return success True on success of the command, false on failure
                /// @return output The outputs or error messages, if any, from the command
                function dispatch(bytes1 commandType, bytes calldata inputs) internal returns (bool success, bytes memory output) {
                    uint256 command = uint8(commandType & Commands.COMMAND_TYPE_MASK);
                    success = true;
                    if (command < Commands.FOURTH_IF_BOUNDARY) {
                        if (command < Commands.SECOND_IF_BOUNDARY) {
                            // 0x00 <= command < 0x08
                            if (command < Commands.FIRST_IF_BOUNDARY) {
                                if (command == Commands.V3_SWAP_EXACT_IN) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256, uint256, bytes, bool))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountIn;
                                    uint256 amountOutMin;
                                    bool payerIsUser;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountIn := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amountOutMin := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        // 0x60 offset is the path, decoded below
                                        payerIsUser := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                                    bytes calldata path = inputs.toBytes(3);
                                    address payer = payerIsUser ? lockedBy : address(this);
                                    v3SwapExactInput(map(recipient), amountIn, amountOutMin, path, payer);
                                } else if (command == Commands.V3_SWAP_EXACT_OUT) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256, uint256, bytes, bool))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountOut;
                                    uint256 amountInMax;
                                    bool payerIsUser;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountOut := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amountInMax := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        // 0x60 offset is the path, decoded below
                                        payerIsUser := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                                    bytes calldata path = inputs.toBytes(3);
                                    address payer = payerIsUser ? lockedBy : address(this);
                                    v3SwapExactOutput(map(recipient), amountOut, amountInMax, path, payer);
                                } else if (command == Commands.PERMIT2_TRANSFER_FROM) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint160))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint160 amount;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amount := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    permit2TransferFrom(token, lockedBy, map(recipient), amount);
                                } else if (command == Commands.PERMIT2_PERMIT_BATCH) {
                                    (IAllowanceTransfer.PermitBatch memory permitBatch,) =
                                        abi.decode(inputs, (IAllowanceTransfer.PermitBatch, bytes));
                                    bytes calldata data = inputs.toBytes(1);
                                    PERMIT2.permit(lockedBy, permitBatch, data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.SWEEP) {
                                    // equivalent:  abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint160 amountMin;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amountMin := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    Payments.sweep(token, map(recipient), amountMin);
                                } else if (command == Commands.TRANSFER) {
                                    // equivalent:  abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 value;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        value := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                          , map(recipient), value);
                                } else if (command == Commands.PAY_PORTION) {
                                    // equivalent:  abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 bips;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        bips := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    Payments.payPortion(token, map(recipient), bips);
                                } else {
                                    // placeholder area for command 0x07
                                    revert InvalidCommandType(command);
                                // 0x08 <= command < 0x10
                            } else {
                                if (command == Commands.V2_SWAP_EXACT_IN) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256, uint256, bytes, bool))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountIn;
                                    uint256 amountOutMin;
                                    bool payerIsUser;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountIn := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amountOutMin := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        // 0x60 offset is the path, decoded below
                                        payerIsUser := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                                    address[] calldata path = inputs.toAddressArray(3);
                                    address payer = payerIsUser ? lockedBy : address(this);
                                    v2SwapExactInput(map(recipient), amountIn, amountOutMin, path, payer);
                                } else if (command == Commands.V2_SWAP_EXACT_OUT) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256, uint256, bytes, bool))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountOut;
                                    uint256 amountInMax;
                                    bool payerIsUser;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountOut := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        amountInMax := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        // 0x60 offset is the path, decoded below
                                        payerIsUser := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                                    address[] calldata path = inputs.toAddressArray(3);
                                    address payer = payerIsUser ? lockedBy : address(this);
                                    v2SwapExactOutput(map(recipient), amountOut, amountInMax, path, payer);
                                } else if (command == Commands.PERMIT2_PERMIT) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle, bytes))
                                    IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle;
                                    assembly {
                                        permitSingle := inputs.offset
                                    bytes calldata data = inputs.toBytes(6); // PermitSingle takes first 6 slots (0..5)
                                    PERMIT2.permit(lockedBy, permitSingle, data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.WRAP_ETH) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountMin;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountMin := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                    Payments.wrapETH(map(recipient), amountMin);
                                } else if (command == Commands.UNWRAP_WETH) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, uint256))
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 amountMin;
                                    assembly {
                                        recipient := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        amountMin := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                    Payments.unwrapWETH9(map(recipient), amountMin);
                                } else if (command == Commands.PERMIT2_TRANSFER_FROM_BATCH) {
                                    (IAllowanceTransfer.AllowanceTransferDetails[] memory batchDetails) =
                                        abi.decode(inputs, (IAllowanceTransfer.AllowanceTransferDetails[]));
                                    permit2TransferFrom(batchDetails, lockedBy);
                                } else if (command == Commands.BALANCE_CHECK_ERC20) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address owner;
                                    address token;
                                    uint256 minBalance;
                                    assembly {
                                        owner := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        token := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        minBalance := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    success = (ERC20(token).balanceOf(owner) >= minBalance);
                                    if (!success) output = abi.encodePacked(BalanceTooLow.selector);
                                } else {
                                    // placeholder area for command 0x0f
                                    revert InvalidCommandType(command);
                            // 0x10 <= command
                        } else {
                            // 0x10 <= command < 0x18
                            if (command < Commands.THIRD_IF_BOUNDARY) {
                                if (command == Commands.SEAPORT_V1_5) {
                                    /// @dev Seaport 1.4 and 1.5 allow for orders to be created by contracts.
                                    ///     These orders pass control to the contract offerers during fufillment,
                                    ///         allowing them to perform any number of destructive actions as a holder of the NFT.
                                    ///     Integrators should be aware that in some scenarios: e.g. purchasing an NFT that allows the holder
                                    ///         to claim another NFT, the contract offerer can "steal" the claim during order fufillment.
                                    ///     For some such purchases, an OWNER_CHECK command can be prepended to ensure that all tokens have the desired owner at the end of the transaction.
                                    ///     This is also outlined in the Seaport documentation:
                                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.LOOKS_RARE_V2) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes))
                                    uint256 value;
                                    assembly {
                                        value := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                    bytes calldata data = inputs.toBytes(1);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.NFTX) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes))
                                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.CRYPTOPUNKS) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, address, uint256))
                                    uint256 punkId;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 value;
                                    assembly {
                                        punkId := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        value := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(
                                        abi.encodeWithSelector(ICryptoPunksMarket.buyPunk.selector, punkId)
                                    if (success) ICryptoPunksMarket(CRYPTOPUNKS).transferPunk(map(recipient), punkId);
                                    else output = abi.encodePacked(BuyPunkFailed.selector);
                                } else if (command == Commands.OWNER_CHECK_721) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address owner;
                                    address token;
                                    uint256 id;
                                    assembly {
                                        owner := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        token := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    success = (ERC721(token).ownerOf(id) == owner);
                                    if (!success) output = abi.encodePacked(InvalidOwnerERC721.selector);
                                } else if (command == Commands.OWNER_CHECK_1155) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256, uint256))
                                    address owner;
                                    address token;
                                    uint256 id;
                                    uint256 minBalance;
                                    assembly {
                                        owner := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        token := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        minBalance := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x60))
                                    success = (ERC1155(token).balanceOf(owner, id) >= minBalance);
                                    if (!success) output = abi.encodePacked(InvalidOwnerERC1155.selector);
                                } else if (command == Commands.SWEEP_ERC721) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 id;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                    Payments.sweepERC721(token, map(recipient), id);
                                // 0x18 <= command < 0x1f
                            } else {
                                if (command == Commands.X2Y2_721) {
                                    (success, output) = callAndTransfer721(inputs, X2Y2);
                                } else if (command == Commands.SUDOSWAP) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes))
                                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.NFT20) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes))
                                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else if (command == Commands.X2Y2_1155) {
                                    (success, output) = callAndTransfer1155(inputs, X2Y2);
                                } else if (command == Commands.FOUNDATION) {
                                    (success, output) = callAndTransfer721(inputs, FOUNDATION);
                                } else if (command == Commands.SWEEP_ERC1155) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (address, address, uint256, uint256))
                                    address token;
                                    address recipient;
                                    uint256 id;
                                    uint256 amount;
                                    assembly {
                                        token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                                        amount := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x60))
                                    Payments.sweepERC1155(token, map(recipient), id, amount);
                                } else if (command == Commands.ELEMENT_MARKET) {
                                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes))
                                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                                } else {
                                    // placeholder for command 0x1f
                                    revert InvalidCommandType(command);
                        // 0x20 <= command
                    } else {
                        if (command == Commands.SEAPORT_V1_4) {
                            /// @dev Seaport 1.4 and 1.5 allow for orders to be created by contracts.
                            ///     These orders pass control to the contract offerers during fufillment,
                            ///         allowing them to perform any number of destructive actions as a holder of the NFT.
                            ///     Integrators should be aware that in some scenarios: e.g. purchasing an NFT that allows the holder
                            ///         to claim another NFT, the contract offerer can "steal" the claim during order fufillment.
                            ///     For some such purchases, an OWNER_CHECK command can be prepended to ensure that all tokens have the desired owner at the end of the transaction.
                            ///     This is also outlined in the Seaport documentation:
                            (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                            (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                        } else if (command == Commands.EXECUTE_SUB_PLAN) {
                            bytes calldata _commands = inputs.toBytes(0);
                            bytes[] calldata _inputs = inputs.toBytesArray(1);
                            (success, output) =
                                (address(this)).call(abi.encodeWithSelector(Dispatcher.execute.selector, _commands, _inputs));
                        } else if (command == Commands.APPROVE_ERC20) {
                            ERC20 token;
                            RouterImmutables.Spenders spender;
                            assembly {
                                token := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                                spender := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x20))
                            Payments.approveERC20(token, spender);
                        } else {
                            // placeholder area for commands 0x22-0x3f
                            revert InvalidCommandType(command);
                /// @notice Executes encoded commands along with provided inputs.
                /// @param commands A set of concatenated commands, each 1 byte in length
                /// @param inputs An array of byte strings containing abi encoded inputs for each command
                function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs) external payable virtual;
                /// @notice Performs a call to purchase an ERC721, then transfers the ERC721 to a specified recipient
                /// @param inputs The inputs for the protocol and ERC721 transfer, encoded
                /// @param protocol The protocol to pass the calldata to
                /// @return success True on success of the command, false on failure
                /// @return output The outputs or error messages, if any, from the command
                function callAndTransfer721(bytes calldata inputs, address protocol)
                    returns (bool success, bytes memory output)
                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes, address, address, uint256))
                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                    address recipient;
                    address token;
                    uint256 id;
                    assembly {
                        // 0x00 and 0x20 offsets are value and data, above
                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                        token := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x60))
                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                    if (success) ERC721(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), map(recipient), id);
                /// @notice Performs a call to purchase an ERC1155, then transfers the ERC1155 to a specified recipient
                /// @param inputs The inputs for the protocol and ERC1155 transfer, encoded
                /// @param protocol The protocol to pass the calldata to
                /// @return success True on success of the command, false on failure
                /// @return output The outputs or error messages, if any, from the command
                function callAndTransfer1155(bytes calldata inputs, address protocol)
                    returns (bool success, bytes memory output)
                    // equivalent: abi.decode(inputs, (uint256, bytes, address, address, uint256, uint256))
                    (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) = getValueAndData(inputs);
                    address recipient;
                    address token;
                    uint256 id;
                    uint256 amount;
                    assembly {
                        // 0x00 and 0x20 offsets are value and data, above
                        recipient := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x40))
                        token := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x60))
                        id := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0x80))
                        amount := calldataload(add(inputs.offset, 0xa0))
                    (success, output) ={value: value}(data);
                    if (success) ERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), map(recipient), id, amount, new bytes(0));
                /// @notice Helper function to extract `value` and `data` parameters from input bytes string
                /// @dev The helper assumes that `value` is the first parameter, and `data` is the second
                /// @param inputs The bytes string beginning with value and data parameters
                /// @return value The 256 bit integer value
                /// @return data The data bytes string
                function getValueAndData(bytes calldata inputs) internal pure returns (uint256 value, bytes calldata data) {
                    assembly {
                        value := calldataload(inputs.offset)
                    data = inputs.toBytes(1);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            import {SafeTransferLib} from 'solmate/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from './RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {IRewardsCollector} from '../interfaces/IRewardsCollector.sol';
            abstract contract RewardsCollector is IRewardsCollector, RouterImmutables {
                using SafeTransferLib for ERC20;
                event RewardsSent(uint256 amount);
                error UnableToClaim();
                /// @inheritdoc IRewardsCollector
                function collectRewards(bytes calldata looksRareClaim) external {
                    (bool success,) =;
                    if (!success) revert UnableToClaim();
                    uint256 balance = LOOKS_RARE_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this));
                    LOOKS_RARE_TOKEN.transfer(ROUTER_REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR, balance);
                    emit RewardsSent(balance);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from 'permit2/src/interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol';
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            import {IWETH9} from '../interfaces/external/IWETH9.sol';
            struct RouterParameters {
                address permit2;
                address weth9;
                address seaportV1_5;
                address seaportV1_4;
                address openseaConduit;
                address nftxZap;
                address x2y2;
                address foundation;
                address sudoswap;
                address elementMarket;
                address nft20Zap;
                address cryptopunks;
                address looksRareV2;
                address routerRewardsDistributor;
                address looksRareRewardsDistributor;
                address looksRareToken;
                address v2Factory;
                address v3Factory;
                bytes32 pairInitCodeHash;
                bytes32 poolInitCodeHash;
            /// @title Router Immutable Storage contract
            /// @notice Used along with the `RouterParameters` struct for ease of cross-chain deployment
            contract RouterImmutables {
                /// @dev WETH9 address
                IWETH9 internal immutable WETH9;
                /// @dev Permit2 address
                IAllowanceTransfer internal immutable PERMIT2;
                /// @dev Seaport 1.5 address
                address internal immutable SEAPORT_V1_5;
                /// @dev Seaport 1.4 address
                address internal immutable SEAPORT_V1_4;
                /// @dev The address of OpenSea's conduit used in both Seaport 1.4 and Seaport 1.5
                address internal immutable OPENSEA_CONDUIT;
                /// @dev The address of NFTX zap contract for interfacing with vaults
                address internal immutable NFTX_ZAP;
                /// @dev The address of X2Y2
                address internal immutable X2Y2;
                // @dev The address of Foundation
                address internal immutable FOUNDATION;
                // @dev The address of Sudoswap's router
                address internal immutable SUDOSWAP;
                // @dev The address of Element Market
                address internal immutable ELEMENT_MARKET;
                // @dev the address of NFT20's zap contract
                address internal immutable NFT20_ZAP;
                // @dev the address of Larva Lab's cryptopunks marketplace
                address internal immutable CRYPTOPUNKS;
                /// @dev The address of LooksRareV2
                address internal immutable LOOKS_RARE_V2;
                /// @dev The address of LooksRare token
                ERC20 internal immutable LOOKS_RARE_TOKEN;
                /// @dev The address of LooksRare rewards distributor
                address internal immutable LOOKS_RARE_REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR;
                /// @dev The address of router rewards distributor
                address internal immutable ROUTER_REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR;
                /// @dev The address of UniswapV2Factory
                address internal immutable UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY;
                /// @dev The UniswapV2Pair initcodehash
                bytes32 internal immutable UNISWAP_V2_PAIR_INIT_CODE_HASH;
                /// @dev The address of UniswapV3Factory
                address internal immutable UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY;
                /// @dev The UniswapV3Pool initcodehash
                bytes32 internal immutable UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH;
                enum Spenders {
                constructor(RouterParameters memory params) {
                    PERMIT2 = IAllowanceTransfer(params.permit2);
                    WETH9 = IWETH9(params.weth9);
                    SEAPORT_V1_5 = params.seaportV1_5;
                    SEAPORT_V1_4 = params.seaportV1_4;
                    OPENSEA_CONDUIT = params.openseaConduit;
                    NFTX_ZAP = params.nftxZap;
                    X2Y2 = params.x2y2;
                    FOUNDATION =;
                    SUDOSWAP = params.sudoswap;
                    ELEMENT_MARKET = params.elementMarket;
                    NFT20_ZAP = params.nft20Zap;
                    CRYPTOPUNKS = params.cryptopunks;
                    LOOKS_RARE_V2 = params.looksRareV2;
                    LOOKS_RARE_TOKEN = ERC20(params.looksRareToken);
                    LOOKS_RARE_REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR = params.looksRareRewardsDistributor;
                    ROUTER_REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR = params.routerRewardsDistributor;
                    UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY = params.v2Factory;
                    UNISWAP_V2_PAIR_INIT_CODE_HASH = params.pairInitCodeHash;
                    UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY = params.v3Factory;
                    UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH = params.poolInitCodeHash;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            /// @title Commands
            /// @notice Command Flags used to decode commands
            library Commands {
                // Masks to extract certain bits of commands
                bytes1 internal constant FLAG_ALLOW_REVERT = 0x80;
                bytes1 internal constant COMMAND_TYPE_MASK = 0x3f;
                // Command Types. Maximum supported command at this moment is 0x3f.
                // Command Types where value<0x08, executed in the first nested-if block
                uint256 constant V3_SWAP_EXACT_IN = 0x00;
                uint256 constant V3_SWAP_EXACT_OUT = 0x01;
                uint256 constant PERMIT2_TRANSFER_FROM = 0x02;
                uint256 constant PERMIT2_PERMIT_BATCH = 0x03;
                uint256 constant SWEEP = 0x04;
                uint256 constant TRANSFER = 0x05;
                uint256 constant PAY_PORTION = 0x06;
                // COMMAND_PLACEHOLDER = 0x07;
                // The commands are executed in nested if blocks to minimise gas consumption
                // The following constant defines one of the boundaries where the if blocks split commands
                uint256 constant FIRST_IF_BOUNDARY = 0x08;
                // Command Types where 0x08<=value<=0x0f, executed in the second nested-if block
                uint256 constant V2_SWAP_EXACT_IN = 0x08;
                uint256 constant V2_SWAP_EXACT_OUT = 0x09;
                uint256 constant PERMIT2_PERMIT = 0x0a;
                uint256 constant WRAP_ETH = 0x0b;
                uint256 constant UNWRAP_WETH = 0x0c;
                uint256 constant PERMIT2_TRANSFER_FROM_BATCH = 0x0d;
                uint256 constant BALANCE_CHECK_ERC20 = 0x0e;
                // COMMAND_PLACEHOLDER = 0x0f;
                // The commands are executed in nested if blocks to minimise gas consumption
                // The following constant defines one of the boundaries where the if blocks split commands
                uint256 constant SECOND_IF_BOUNDARY = 0x10;
                // Command Types where 0x10<=value<0x18, executed in the third nested-if block
                uint256 constant SEAPORT_V1_5 = 0x10;
                uint256 constant LOOKS_RARE_V2 = 0x11;
                uint256 constant NFTX = 0x12;
                uint256 constant CRYPTOPUNKS = 0x13;
                // 0x14;
                uint256 constant OWNER_CHECK_721 = 0x15;
                uint256 constant OWNER_CHECK_1155 = 0x16;
                uint256 constant SWEEP_ERC721 = 0x17;
                // The commands are executed in nested if blocks to minimise gas consumption
                // The following constant defines one of the boundaries where the if blocks split commands
                uint256 constant THIRD_IF_BOUNDARY = 0x18;
                // Command Types where 0x18<=value<=0x1f, executed in the final nested-if block
                uint256 constant X2Y2_721 = 0x18;
                uint256 constant SUDOSWAP = 0x19;
                uint256 constant NFT20 = 0x1a;
                uint256 constant X2Y2_1155 = 0x1b;
                uint256 constant FOUNDATION = 0x1c;
                uint256 constant SWEEP_ERC1155 = 0x1d;
                uint256 constant ELEMENT_MARKET = 0x1e;
                // COMMAND_PLACEHOLDER = 0x1f;
                // The commands are executed in nested if blocks to minimise gas consumption
                // The following constant defines one of the boundaries where the if blocks split commands
                uint256 constant FOURTH_IF_BOUNDARY = 0x20;
                // Command Types where 0x20<=value
                uint256 constant SEAPORT_V1_4 = 0x20;
                uint256 constant EXECUTE_SUB_PLAN = 0x21;
                uint256 constant APPROVE_ERC20 = 0x22;
                // COMMAND_PLACEHOLDER for 0x23 to 0x3f (all unused)
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IERC721Receiver} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol';
            import {IERC1155Receiver} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol';
            import {IRewardsCollector} from './IRewardsCollector.sol';
            interface IUniversalRouter is IRewardsCollector, IERC721Receiver, IERC1155Receiver {
                /// @notice Thrown when a required command has failed
                error ExecutionFailed(uint256 commandIndex, bytes message);
                /// @notice Thrown when attempting to send ETH directly to the contract
                error ETHNotAccepted();
                /// @notice Thrown when executing commands with an expired deadline
                error TransactionDeadlinePassed();
                /// @notice Thrown when attempting to execute commands and an incorrect number of inputs are provided
                error LengthMismatch();
                /// @notice Executes encoded commands along with provided inputs. Reverts if deadline has expired.
                /// @param commands A set of concatenated commands, each 1 byte in length
                /// @param inputs An array of byte strings containing abi encoded inputs for each command
                /// @param deadline The deadline by which the transaction must be executed
                function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs, uint256 deadline) external payable;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IUniswapV2Pair} from '@uniswap/v2-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV2Pair.sol';
            import {UniswapV2Library} from './UniswapV2Library.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from '../../../base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {Payments} from '../../Payments.sol';
            import {Permit2Payments} from '../../Permit2Payments.sol';
            import {Constants} from '../../../libraries/Constants.sol';
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            /// @title Router for Uniswap v2 Trades
            abstract contract V2SwapRouter is RouterImmutables, Permit2Payments {
                error V2TooLittleReceived();
                error V2TooMuchRequested();
                error V2InvalidPath();
                function _v2Swap(address[] calldata path, address recipient, address pair) private {
                    unchecked {
                        if (path.length < 2) revert V2InvalidPath();
                        // cached to save on duplicate operations
                        (address token0,) = UniswapV2Library.sortTokens(path[0], path[1]);
                        uint256 finalPairIndex = path.length - 1;
                        uint256 penultimatePairIndex = finalPairIndex - 1;
                        for (uint256 i; i < finalPairIndex; i++) {
                            (address input, address output) = (path[i], path[i + 1]);
                            (uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1,) = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).getReserves();
                            (uint256 reserveInput, uint256 reserveOutput) =
                                input == token0 ? (reserve0, reserve1) : (reserve1, reserve0);
                            uint256 amountInput = ERC20(input).balanceOf(pair) - reserveInput;
                            uint256 amountOutput = UniswapV2Library.getAmountOut(amountInput, reserveInput, reserveOutput);
                            (uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out) =
                                input == token0 ? (uint256(0), amountOutput) : (amountOutput, uint256(0));
                            address nextPair;
                            (nextPair, token0) = i < penultimatePairIndex
                                ? UniswapV2Library.pairAndToken0For(
                                    UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY, UNISWAP_V2_PAIR_INIT_CODE_HASH, output, path[i + 2]
                                : (recipient, address(0));
                            IUniswapV2Pair(pair).swap(amount0Out, amount1Out, nextPair, new bytes(0));
                            pair = nextPair;
                /// @notice Performs a Uniswap v2 exact input swap
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the output tokens
                /// @param amountIn The amount of input tokens for the trade
                /// @param amountOutMinimum The minimum desired amount of output tokens
                /// @param path The path of the trade as an array of token addresses
                /// @param payer The address that will be paying the input
                function v2SwapExactInput(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amountIn,
                    uint256 amountOutMinimum,
                    address[] calldata path,
                    address payer
                ) internal {
                    address firstPair =
                        UniswapV2Library.pairFor(UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY, UNISWAP_V2_PAIR_INIT_CODE_HASH, path[0], path[1]);
                    if (
                        amountIn != Constants.ALREADY_PAID // amountIn of 0 to signal that the pair already has the tokens
                    ) {
                        payOrPermit2Transfer(path[0], payer, firstPair, amountIn);
                    ERC20 tokenOut = ERC20(path[path.length - 1]);
                    uint256 balanceBefore = tokenOut.balanceOf(recipient);
                    _v2Swap(path, recipient, firstPair);
                    uint256 amountOut = tokenOut.balanceOf(recipient) - balanceBefore;
                    if (amountOut < amountOutMinimum) revert V2TooLittleReceived();
                /// @notice Performs a Uniswap v2 exact output swap
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the output tokens
                /// @param amountOut The amount of output tokens to receive for the trade
                /// @param amountInMaximum The maximum desired amount of input tokens
                /// @param path The path of the trade as an array of token addresses
                /// @param payer The address that will be paying the input
                function v2SwapExactOutput(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amountOut,
                    uint256 amountInMaximum,
                    address[] calldata path,
                    address payer
                ) internal {
                    (uint256 amountIn, address firstPair) =
                        UniswapV2Library.getAmountInMultihop(UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY, UNISWAP_V2_PAIR_INIT_CODE_HASH, amountOut, path);
                    if (amountIn > amountInMaximum) revert V2TooMuchRequested();
                    payOrPermit2Transfer(path[0], payer, firstPair, amountIn);
                    _v2Swap(path, recipient, firstPair);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {V3Path} from './V3Path.sol';
            import {BytesLib} from './BytesLib.sol';
            import {SafeCast} from '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/libraries/SafeCast.sol';
            import {IUniswapV3Pool} from '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol';
            import {IUniswapV3SwapCallback} from '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/callback/IUniswapV3SwapCallback.sol';
            import {Constants} from '../../../libraries/Constants.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from '../../../base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {Permit2Payments} from '../../Permit2Payments.sol';
            import {Constants} from '../../../libraries/Constants.sol';
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            /// @title Router for Uniswap v3 Trades
            abstract contract V3SwapRouter is RouterImmutables, Permit2Payments, IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
                using V3Path for bytes;
                using BytesLib for bytes;
                using SafeCast for uint256;
                error V3InvalidSwap();
                error V3TooLittleReceived();
                error V3TooMuchRequested();
                error V3InvalidAmountOut();
                error V3InvalidCaller();
                /// @dev Used as the placeholder value for maxAmountIn, because the computed amount in for an exact output swap
                /// can never actually be this value
                uint256 private constant DEFAULT_MAX_AMOUNT_IN = type(uint256).max;
                /// @dev Transient storage variable used for checking slippage
                uint256 private maxAmountInCached = DEFAULT_MAX_AMOUNT_IN;
                /// @dev The minimum value that can be returned from #getSqrtRatioAtTick. Equivalent to getSqrtRatioAtTick(MIN_TICK)
                uint160 internal constant MIN_SQRT_RATIO = 4295128739;
                /// @dev The maximum value that can be returned from #getSqrtRatioAtTick. Equivalent to getSqrtRatioAtTick(MAX_TICK)
                uint160 internal constant MAX_SQRT_RATIO = 1461446703485210103287273052203988822378723970342;
                function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external {
                    if (amount0Delta <= 0 && amount1Delta <= 0) revert V3InvalidSwap(); // swaps entirely within 0-liquidity regions are not supported
                    (, address payer) = abi.decode(data, (bytes, address));
                    bytes calldata path = data.toBytes(0);
                    // because exact output swaps are executed in reverse order, in this case tokenOut is actually tokenIn
                    (address tokenIn, uint24 fee, address tokenOut) = path.decodeFirstPool();
                    if (computePoolAddress(tokenIn, tokenOut, fee) != msg.sender) revert V3InvalidCaller();
                    (bool isExactInput, uint256 amountToPay) =
                        amount0Delta > 0 ? (tokenIn < tokenOut, uint256(amount0Delta)) : (tokenOut < tokenIn, uint256(amount1Delta));
                    if (isExactInput) {
                        // Pay the pool (msg.sender)
                        payOrPermit2Transfer(tokenIn, payer, msg.sender, amountToPay);
                    } else {
                        // either initiate the next swap or pay
                        if (path.hasMultiplePools()) {
                            // this is an intermediate step so the payer is actually this contract
                            path = path.skipToken();
                            _swap(-amountToPay.toInt256(), msg.sender, path, payer, false);
                        } else {
                            if (amountToPay > maxAmountInCached) revert V3TooMuchRequested();
                            // note that because exact output swaps are executed in reverse order, tokenOut is actually tokenIn
                            payOrPermit2Transfer(tokenOut, payer, msg.sender, amountToPay);
                /// @notice Performs a Uniswap v3 exact input swap
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the output tokens
                /// @param amountIn The amount of input tokens for the trade
                /// @param amountOutMinimum The minimum desired amount of output tokens
                /// @param path The path of the trade as a bytes string
                /// @param payer The address that will be paying the input
                function v3SwapExactInput(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amountIn,
                    uint256 amountOutMinimum,
                    bytes calldata path,
                    address payer
                ) internal {
                    // use amountIn == Constants.CONTRACT_BALANCE as a flag to swap the entire balance of the contract
                    if (amountIn == Constants.CONTRACT_BALANCE) {
                        address tokenIn = path.decodeFirstToken();
                        amountIn = ERC20(tokenIn).balanceOf(address(this));
                    uint256 amountOut;
                    while (true) {
                        bool hasMultiplePools = path.hasMultiplePools();
                        // the outputs of prior swaps become the inputs to subsequent ones
                        (int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bool zeroForOne) = _swap(
                            hasMultiplePools ? address(this) : recipient, // for intermediate swaps, this contract custodies
                            path.getFirstPool(), // only the first pool is needed
                            payer, // for intermediate swaps, this contract custodies
                        amountIn = uint256(-(zeroForOne ? amount1Delta : amount0Delta));
                        // decide whether to continue or terminate
                        if (hasMultiplePools) {
                            payer = address(this);
                            path = path.skipToken();
                        } else {
                            amountOut = amountIn;
                    if (amountOut < amountOutMinimum) revert V3TooLittleReceived();
                /// @notice Performs a Uniswap v3 exact output swap
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the output tokens
                /// @param amountOut The amount of output tokens to receive for the trade
                /// @param amountInMaximum The maximum desired amount of input tokens
                /// @param path The path of the trade as a bytes string
                /// @param payer The address that will be paying the input
                function v3SwapExactOutput(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amountOut,
                    uint256 amountInMaximum,
                    bytes calldata path,
                    address payer
                ) internal {
                    maxAmountInCached = amountInMaximum;
                    (int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bool zeroForOne) =
                        _swap(-amountOut.toInt256(), recipient, path, payer, false);
                    uint256 amountOutReceived = zeroForOne ? uint256(-amount1Delta) : uint256(-amount0Delta);
                    if (amountOutReceived != amountOut) revert V3InvalidAmountOut();
                    maxAmountInCached = DEFAULT_MAX_AMOUNT_IN;
                /// @dev Performs a single swap for both exactIn and exactOut
                /// For exactIn, `amount` is `amountIn`. For exactOut, `amount` is `-amountOut`
                function _swap(int256 amount, address recipient, bytes calldata path, address payer, bool isExactIn)
                    returns (int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bool zeroForOne)
                    (address tokenIn, uint24 fee, address tokenOut) = path.decodeFirstPool();
                    zeroForOne = isExactIn ? tokenIn < tokenOut : tokenOut < tokenIn;
                    (amount0Delta, amount1Delta) = IUniswapV3Pool(computePoolAddress(tokenIn, tokenOut, fee)).swap(
                        (zeroForOne ? MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1),
                        abi.encode(path, payer)
                function computePoolAddress(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint24 fee) private view returns (address pool) {
                    if (tokenA > tokenB) (tokenA, tokenB) = (tokenB, tokenA);
                    pool = address(
                                        keccak256(abi.encode(tokenA, tokenB, fee)),
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            /// @title Library for Bytes Manipulation
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
            import {Constants} from '../../../libraries/Constants.sol';
            library BytesLib {
                error SliceOutOfBounds();
                /// @notice Returns the address starting at byte 0
                /// @dev length and overflow checks must be carried out before calling
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to slice
                /// @return _address The address starting at byte 0
                function toAddress(bytes calldata _bytes) internal pure returns (address _address) {
                    if (_bytes.length < Constants.ADDR_SIZE) revert SliceOutOfBounds();
                    assembly {
                        _address := shr(96, calldataload(_bytes.offset))
                /// @notice Returns the pool details starting at byte 0
                /// @dev length and overflow checks must be carried out before calling
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to slice
                /// @return token0 The address at byte 0
                /// @return fee The uint24 starting at byte 20
                /// @return token1 The address at byte 23
                function toPool(bytes calldata _bytes) internal pure returns (address token0, uint24 fee, address token1) {
                    if (_bytes.length < Constants.V3_POP_OFFSET) revert SliceOutOfBounds();
                    assembly {
                        let firstWord := calldataload(_bytes.offset)
                        token0 := shr(96, firstWord)
                        fee := and(shr(72, firstWord), 0xffffff)
                        token1 := shr(96, calldataload(add(_bytes.offset, 23)))
                /// @notice Decode the `_arg`-th element in `_bytes` as a dynamic array
                /// @dev The decoding of `length` and `offset` is universal,
                /// whereas the type declaration of `res` instructs the compiler how to read it.
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to slice
                /// @param _arg The index of the argument to extract
                /// @return length Length of the array
                /// @return offset Pointer to the data part of the array
                function toLengthOffset(bytes calldata _bytes, uint256 _arg)
                    returns (uint256 length, uint256 offset)
                    uint256 relativeOffset;
                    assembly {
                        // The offset of the `_arg`-th element is `32 * arg`, which stores the offset of the length pointer.
                        // shl(5, x) is equivalent to mul(32, x)
                        let lengthPtr := add(_bytes.offset, calldataload(add(_bytes.offset, shl(5, _arg))))
                        length := calldataload(lengthPtr)
                        offset := add(lengthPtr, 0x20)
                        relativeOffset := sub(offset, _bytes.offset)
                    if (_bytes.length < length + relativeOffset) revert SliceOutOfBounds();
                /// @notice Decode the `_arg`-th element in `_bytes` as `bytes`
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to extract a bytes string from
                /// @param _arg The index of the argument to extract
                function toBytes(bytes calldata _bytes, uint256 _arg) internal pure returns (bytes calldata res) {
                    (uint256 length, uint256 offset) = toLengthOffset(_bytes, _arg);
                    assembly {
                        res.length := length
                        res.offset := offset
                /// @notice Decode the `_arg`-th element in `_bytes` as `address[]`
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to extract an address array from
                /// @param _arg The index of the argument to extract
                function toAddressArray(bytes calldata _bytes, uint256 _arg) internal pure returns (address[] calldata res) {
                    (uint256 length, uint256 offset) = toLengthOffset(_bytes, _arg);
                    assembly {
                        res.length := length
                        res.offset := offset
                /// @notice Decode the `_arg`-th element in `_bytes` as `bytes[]`
                /// @param _bytes The input bytes string to extract a bytes array from
                /// @param _arg The index of the argument to extract
                function toBytesArray(bytes calldata _bytes, uint256 _arg) internal pure returns (bytes[] calldata res) {
                    (uint256 length, uint256 offset) = toLengthOffset(_bytes, _arg);
                    assembly {
                        res.length := length
                        res.offset := offset
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {Constants} from '../libraries/Constants.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from '../base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            import {SafeTransferLib} from 'solmate/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol';
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            import {ERC721} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC721.sol';
            import {ERC1155} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC1155.sol';
            /// @title Payments contract
            /// @notice Performs various operations around the payment of ETH and tokens
            abstract contract Payments is RouterImmutables {
                using SafeTransferLib for ERC20;
                using SafeTransferLib for address;
                error InsufficientToken();
                error InsufficientETH();
                error InvalidBips();
                error InvalidSpender();
                uint256 internal constant FEE_BIPS_BASE = 10_000;
                /// @notice Pays an amount of ETH or ERC20 to a recipient
                /// @param token The token to pay (can be ETH using Constants.ETH)
                /// @param recipient The address that will receive the payment
                /// @param value The amount to pay
                function pay(address token, address recipient, uint256 value) internal {
                    if (token == Constants.ETH) {
                    } else {
                        if (value == Constants.CONTRACT_BALANCE) {
                            value = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
                        ERC20(token).safeTransfer(recipient, value);
                /// @notice Approves a protocol to spend ERC20s in the router
                /// @param token The token to approve
                /// @param spender Which protocol to approve
                function approveERC20(ERC20 token, Spenders spender) internal {
                    // check spender is one of our approved spenders
                    address spenderAddress;
                    /// @dev use 0 = Opensea Conduit for both Seaport v1.4 and v1.5
                    if (spender == Spenders.OSConduit) spenderAddress = OPENSEA_CONDUIT;
                    else if (spender == Spenders.Sudoswap) spenderAddress = SUDOSWAP;
                    else revert InvalidSpender();
                    // set approval
                    token.safeApprove(spenderAddress, type(uint256).max);
                /// @notice Pays a proportion of the contract's ETH or ERC20 to a recipient
                /// @param token The token to pay (can be ETH using Constants.ETH)
                /// @param recipient The address that will receive payment
                /// @param bips Portion in bips of whole balance of the contract
                function payPortion(address token, address recipient, uint256 bips) internal {
                    if (bips == 0 || bips > FEE_BIPS_BASE) revert InvalidBips();
                    if (token == Constants.ETH) {
                        uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
                        uint256 amount = (balance * bips) / FEE_BIPS_BASE;
                    } else {
                        uint256 balance = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
                        uint256 amount = (balance * bips) / FEE_BIPS_BASE;
                        ERC20(token).safeTransfer(recipient, amount);
                /// @notice Sweeps all of the contract's ERC20 or ETH to an address
                /// @param token The token to sweep (can be ETH using Constants.ETH)
                /// @param recipient The address that will receive payment
                /// @param amountMinimum The minimum desired amount
                function sweep(address token, address recipient, uint256 amountMinimum) internal {
                    uint256 balance;
                    if (token == Constants.ETH) {
                        balance = address(this).balance;
                        if (balance < amountMinimum) revert InsufficientETH();
                        if (balance > 0) recipient.safeTransferETH(balance);
                    } else {
                        balance = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
                        if (balance < amountMinimum) revert InsufficientToken();
                        if (balance > 0) ERC20(token).safeTransfer(recipient, balance);
                /// @notice Sweeps an ERC721 to a recipient from the contract
                /// @param token The ERC721 token to sweep
                /// @param recipient The address that will receive payment
                /// @param id The ID of the ERC721 to sweep
                function sweepERC721(address token, address recipient, uint256 id) internal {
                    ERC721(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), recipient, id);
                /// @notice Sweeps all of the contract's ERC1155 to an address
                /// @param token The ERC1155 token to sweep
                /// @param recipient The address that will receive payment
                /// @param id The ID of the ERC1155 to sweep
                /// @param amountMinimum The minimum desired amount
                function sweepERC1155(address token, address recipient, uint256 id, uint256 amountMinimum) internal {
                    uint256 balance = ERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id);
                    if (balance < amountMinimum) revert InsufficientToken();
                    ERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), recipient, id, balance, bytes(''));
                /// @notice Wraps an amount of ETH into WETH
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the WETH
                /// @param amount The amount to wrap (can be CONTRACT_BALANCE)
                function wrapETH(address recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
                    if (amount == Constants.CONTRACT_BALANCE) {
                        amount = address(this).balance;
                    } else if (amount > address(this).balance) {
                        revert InsufficientETH();
                    if (amount > 0) {
                        WETH9.deposit{value: amount}();
                        if (recipient != address(this)) {
                            WETH9.transfer(recipient, amount);
                /// @notice Unwraps all of the contract's WETH into ETH
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the ETH
                /// @param amountMinimum The minimum amount of ETH desired
                function unwrapWETH9(address recipient, uint256 amountMinimum) internal {
                    uint256 value = WETH9.balanceOf(address(this));
                    if (value < amountMinimum) {
                        revert InsufficientETH();
                    if (value > 0) {
                        if (recipient != address(this)) {
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IERC721Receiver} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol';
            import {IERC1155Receiver} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol';
            import {IERC165} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol';
            /// @title ERC Callback Support
            /// @notice Implements various functions introduced by a variety of ERCs for security reasons.
            /// All are called by external contracts to ensure that this contract safely supports the ERC in question.
            contract Callbacks is IERC721Receiver, IERC1155Receiver {
                function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256, bytes calldata) external pure returns (bytes4) {
                    return this.onERC721Received.selector;
                function onERC1155Received(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) external pure returns (bytes4) {
                    return this.onERC1155Received.selector;
                function onERC1155BatchReceived(address, address, uint256[] calldata, uint256[] calldata, bytes calldata)
                    returns (bytes4)
                    return this.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector;
                function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external pure returns (bool) {
                    return interfaceId == type(IERC1155Receiver).interfaceId || interfaceId == type(IERC721Receiver).interfaceId
                        || interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {Constants} from '../libraries/Constants.sol';
            contract LockAndMsgSender {
                error ContractLocked();
                address internal constant NOT_LOCKED_FLAG = address(1);
                address internal lockedBy = NOT_LOCKED_FLAG;
                modifier isNotLocked() {
                    if (msg.sender != address(this)) {
                        if (lockedBy != NOT_LOCKED_FLAG) revert ContractLocked();
                        lockedBy = msg.sender;
                        lockedBy = NOT_LOCKED_FLAG;
                    } else {
                /// @notice Calculates the recipient address for a command
                /// @param recipient The recipient or recipient-flag for the command
                /// @return output The resultant recipient for the command
                function map(address recipient) internal view returns (address) {
                    if (recipient == Constants.MSG_SENDER) {
                        return lockedBy;
                    } else if (recipient == Constants.ADDRESS_THIS) {
                        return address(this);
                    } else {
                        return recipient;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            /// @notice Modern, minimalist, and gas efficient ERC-721 implementation.
            /// @author Solmate (
            abstract contract ERC721 {
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed id);
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 indexed id);
                event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);
                                     METADATA STORAGE/LOGIC
                string public name;
                string public symbol;
                function tokenURI(uint256 id) public view virtual returns (string memory);
                                  ERC721 BALANCE/OWNER STORAGE
                mapping(uint256 => address) internal _ownerOf;
                mapping(address => uint256) internal _balanceOf;
                function ownerOf(uint256 id) public view virtual returns (address owner) {
                    require((owner = _ownerOf[id]) != address(0), "NOT_MINTED");
                function balanceOf(address owner) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
                    require(owner != address(0), "ZERO_ADDRESS");
                    return _balanceOf[owner];
                                     ERC721 APPROVAL STORAGE
                mapping(uint256 => address) public getApproved;
                mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public isApprovedForAll;
                constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol) {
                    name = _name;
                    symbol = _symbol;
                                          ERC721 LOGIC
                function approve(address spender, uint256 id) public virtual {
                    address owner = _ownerOf[id];
                    require(msg.sender == owner || isApprovedForAll[owner][msg.sender], "NOT_AUTHORIZED");
                    getApproved[id] = spender;
                    emit Approval(owner, spender, id);
                function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) public virtual {
                    isApprovedForAll[msg.sender][operator] = approved;
                    emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, operator, approved);
                function transferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 id
                ) public virtual {
                    require(from == _ownerOf[id], "WRONG_FROM");
                    require(to != address(0), "INVALID_RECIPIENT");
                        msg.sender == from || isApprovedForAll[from][msg.sender] || msg.sender == getApproved[id],
                    // Underflow of the sender's balance is impossible because we check for
                    // ownership above and the recipient's balance can't realistically overflow.
                    unchecked {
                    _ownerOf[id] = to;
                    delete getApproved[id];
                    emit Transfer(from, to, id);
                function safeTransferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 id
                ) public virtual {
                    transferFrom(from, to, id);
                        to.code.length == 0 ||
                            ERC721TokenReceiver(to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, from, id, "") ==
                function safeTransferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 id,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) public virtual {
                    transferFrom(from, to, id);
                        to.code.length == 0 ||
                            ERC721TokenReceiver(to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, from, id, data) ==
                                          ERC165 LOGIC
                function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool) {
                        interfaceId == 0x01ffc9a7 || // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC165
                        interfaceId == 0x80ac58cd || // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC721
                        interfaceId == 0x5b5e139f; // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC721Metadata
                                    INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC
                function _mint(address to, uint256 id) internal virtual {
                    require(to != address(0), "INVALID_RECIPIENT");
                    require(_ownerOf[id] == address(0), "ALREADY_MINTED");
                    // Counter overflow is incredibly unrealistic.
                    unchecked {
                    _ownerOf[id] = to;
                    emit Transfer(address(0), to, id);
                function _burn(uint256 id) internal virtual {
                    address owner = _ownerOf[id];
                    require(owner != address(0), "NOT_MINTED");
                    // Ownership check above ensures no underflow.
                    unchecked {
                    delete _ownerOf[id];
                    delete getApproved[id];
                    emit Transfer(owner, address(0), id);
                                    INTERNAL SAFE MINT LOGIC
                function _safeMint(address to, uint256 id) internal virtual {
                    _mint(to, id);
                        to.code.length == 0 ||
                            ERC721TokenReceiver(to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, address(0), id, "") ==
                function _safeMint(
                    address to,
                    uint256 id,
                    bytes memory data
                ) internal virtual {
                    _mint(to, id);
                        to.code.length == 0 ||
                            ERC721TokenReceiver(to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, address(0), id, data) ==
            /// @notice A generic interface for a contract which properly accepts ERC721 tokens.
            /// @author Solmate (
            abstract contract ERC721TokenReceiver {
                function onERC721Received(
                    bytes calldata
                ) external virtual returns (bytes4) {
                    return ERC721TokenReceiver.onERC721Received.selector;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            /// @notice Minimalist and gas efficient standard ERC1155 implementation.
            /// @author Solmate (
            abstract contract ERC1155 {
                event TransferSingle(
                    address indexed operator,
                    address indexed from,
                    address indexed to,
                    uint256 id,
                    uint256 amount
                event TransferBatch(
                    address indexed operator,
                    address indexed from,
                    address indexed to,
                    uint256[] ids,
                    uint256[] amounts
                event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);
                event URI(string value, uint256 indexed id);
                                         ERC1155 STORAGE
                mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public balanceOf;
                mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public isApprovedForAll;
                                         METADATA LOGIC
                function uri(uint256 id) public view virtual returns (string memory);
                                          ERC1155 LOGIC
                function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) public virtual {
                    isApprovedForAll[msg.sender][operator] = approved;
                    emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, operator, approved);
                function safeTransferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 id,
                    uint256 amount,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) public virtual {
                    require(msg.sender == from || isApprovedForAll[from][msg.sender], "NOT_AUTHORIZED");
                    balanceOf[from][id] -= amount;
                    balanceOf[to][id] += amount;
                    emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, from, to, id, amount);
                        to.code.length == 0
                            ? to != address(0)
                            : ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155Received(msg.sender, from, id, amount, data) ==
                function safeBatchTransferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256[] calldata ids,
                    uint256[] calldata amounts,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) public virtual {
                    require(ids.length == amounts.length, "LENGTH_MISMATCH");
                    require(msg.sender == from || isApprovedForAll[from][msg.sender], "NOT_AUTHORIZED");
                    // Storing these outside the loop saves ~15 gas per iteration.
                    uint256 id;
                    uint256 amount;
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; ) {
                        id = ids[i];
                        amount = amounts[i];
                        balanceOf[from][id] -= amount;
                        balanceOf[to][id] += amount;
                        // An array can't have a total length
                        // larger than the max uint256 value.
                        unchecked {
                    emit TransferBatch(msg.sender, from, to, ids, amounts);
                        to.code.length == 0
                            ? to != address(0)
                            : ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155BatchReceived(msg.sender, from, ids, amounts, data) ==
                function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata owners, uint256[] calldata ids)
                    returns (uint256[] memory balances)
                    require(owners.length == ids.length, "LENGTH_MISMATCH");
                    balances = new uint256[](owners.length);
                    // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing
                    // the array index counter which cannot possibly overflow.
                    unchecked {
                        for (uint256 i = 0; i < owners.length; ++i) {
                            balances[i] = balanceOf[owners[i]][ids[i]];
                                          ERC165 LOGIC
                function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool) {
                        interfaceId == 0x01ffc9a7 || // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC165
                        interfaceId == 0xd9b67a26 || // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC1155
                        interfaceId == 0x0e89341c; // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC1155MetadataURI
                                    INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC
                function _mint(
                    address to,
                    uint256 id,
                    uint256 amount,
                    bytes memory data
                ) internal virtual {
                    balanceOf[to][id] += amount;
                    emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, address(0), to, id, amount);
                        to.code.length == 0
                            ? to != address(0)
                            : ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155Received(msg.sender, address(0), id, amount, data) ==
                function _batchMint(
                    address to,
                    uint256[] memory ids,
                    uint256[] memory amounts,
                    bytes memory data
                ) internal virtual {
                    uint256 idsLength = ids.length; // Saves MLOADs.
                    require(idsLength == amounts.length, "LENGTH_MISMATCH");
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < idsLength; ) {
                        balanceOf[to][ids[i]] += amounts[i];
                        // An array can't have a total length
                        // larger than the max uint256 value.
                        unchecked {
                    emit TransferBatch(msg.sender, address(0), to, ids, amounts);
                        to.code.length == 0
                            ? to != address(0)
                            : ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155BatchReceived(msg.sender, address(0), ids, amounts, data) ==
                function _batchBurn(
                    address from,
                    uint256[] memory ids,
                    uint256[] memory amounts
                ) internal virtual {
                    uint256 idsLength = ids.length; // Saves MLOADs.
                    require(idsLength == amounts.length, "LENGTH_MISMATCH");
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < idsLength; ) {
                        balanceOf[from][ids[i]] -= amounts[i];
                        // An array can't have a total length
                        // larger than the max uint256 value.
                        unchecked {
                    emit TransferBatch(msg.sender, from, address(0), ids, amounts);
                function _burn(
                    address from,
                    uint256 id,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal virtual {
                    balanceOf[from][id] -= amount;
                    emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, from, address(0), id, amount);
            /// @notice A generic interface for a contract which properly accepts ERC1155 tokens.
            /// @author Solmate (
            abstract contract ERC1155TokenReceiver {
                function onERC1155Received(
                    bytes calldata
                ) external virtual returns (bytes4) {
                    return ERC1155TokenReceiver.onERC1155Received.selector;
                function onERC1155BatchReceived(
                    uint256[] calldata,
                    uint256[] calldata,
                    bytes calldata
                ) external virtual returns (bytes4) {
                    return ERC1155TokenReceiver.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            /// @notice Modern and gas efficient ERC20 + EIP-2612 implementation.
            /// @author Solmate (
            /// @author Modified from Uniswap (
            /// @dev Do not manually set balances without updating totalSupply, as the sum of all user balances must not exceed it.
            abstract contract ERC20 {
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount);
                                        METADATA STORAGE
                string public name;
                string public symbol;
                uint8 public immutable decimals;
                                          ERC20 STORAGE
                uint256 public totalSupply;
                mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
                mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
                                        EIP-2612 STORAGE
                uint256 internal immutable INITIAL_CHAIN_ID;
                bytes32 internal immutable INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;
                mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
                    string memory _name,
                    string memory _symbol,
                    uint8 _decimals
                ) {
                    name = _name;
                    symbol = _symbol;
                    decimals = _decimals;
                    INITIAL_CHAIN_ID = block.chainid;
                    INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = computeDomainSeparator();
                                           ERC20 LOGIC
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;
                    emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
                    return true;
                function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
                    return true;
                function transferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    uint256 allowed = allowance[from][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.
                    if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowed - amount;
                    balanceOf[from] -= amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(from, to, amount);
                    return true;
                                         EIP-2612 LOGIC
                function permit(
                    address owner,
                    address spender,
                    uint256 value,
                    uint256 deadline,
                    uint8 v,
                    bytes32 r,
                    bytes32 s
                ) public virtual {
                    require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "PERMIT_DEADLINE_EXPIRED");
                    // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing
                    // the owner's nonce which cannot realistically overflow.
                    unchecked {
                        address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
                                                "Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"
                        require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, "INVALID_SIGNER");
                        allowance[recoveredAddress][spender] = value;
                    emit Approval(owner, spender, value);
                function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view virtual returns (bytes32) {
                    return block.chainid == INITIAL_CHAIN_ID ? INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR : computeDomainSeparator();
                function computeDomainSeparator() internal view virtual returns (bytes32) {
                                keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"),
                                    INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC
                function _mint(address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    totalSupply += amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(address(0), to, amount);
                function _burn(address from, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    balanceOf[from] -= amount;
                    // Cannot underflow because a user's balance
                    // will never be larger than the total supply.
                    unchecked {
                        totalSupply -= amount;
                    emit Transfer(from, address(0), amount);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            /// @title AllowanceTransfer
            /// @notice Handles ERC20 token permissions through signature based allowance setting and ERC20 token transfers by checking allowed amounts
            /// @dev Requires user's token approval on the Permit2 contract
            interface IAllowanceTransfer {
                /// @notice Thrown when an allowance on a token has expired.
                /// @param deadline The timestamp at which the allowed amount is no longer valid
                error AllowanceExpired(uint256 deadline);
                /// @notice Thrown when an allowance on a token has been depleted.
                /// @param amount The maximum amount allowed
                error InsufficientAllowance(uint256 amount);
                /// @notice Thrown when too many nonces are invalidated.
                error ExcessiveInvalidation();
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully invalidates an ordered nonce.
                event NonceInvalidation(
                    address indexed owner, address indexed token, address indexed spender, uint48 newNonce, uint48 oldNonce
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully sets permissions on a token for the spender.
                event Approval(
                    address indexed owner, address indexed token, address indexed spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully sets permissions using a permit signature on a token for the spender.
                event Permit(
                    address indexed owner,
                    address indexed token,
                    address indexed spender,
                    uint160 amount,
                    uint48 expiration,
                    uint48 nonce
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner sets the allowance back to 0 with the lockdown function.
                event Lockdown(address indexed owner, address token, address spender);
                /// @notice The permit data for a token
                struct PermitDetails {
                    // ERC20 token address
                    address token;
                    // the maximum amount allowed to spend
                    uint160 amount;
                    // timestamp at which a spender's token allowances become invalid
                    uint48 expiration;
                    // an incrementing value indexed per owner,token,and spender for each signature
                    uint48 nonce;
                /// @notice The permit message signed for a single token allownce
                struct PermitSingle {
                    // the permit data for a single token alownce
                    PermitDetails details;
                    // address permissioned on the allowed tokens
                    address spender;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 sigDeadline;
                /// @notice The permit message signed for multiple token allowances
                struct PermitBatch {
                    // the permit data for multiple token allowances
                    PermitDetails[] details;
                    // address permissioned on the allowed tokens
                    address spender;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 sigDeadline;
                /// @notice The saved permissions
                /// @dev This info is saved per owner, per token, per spender and all signed over in the permit message
                /// @dev Setting amount to type(uint160).max sets an unlimited approval
                struct PackedAllowance {
                    // amount allowed
                    uint160 amount;
                    // permission expiry
                    uint48 expiration;
                    // an incrementing value indexed per owner,token,and spender for each signature
                    uint48 nonce;
                /// @notice A token spender pair.
                struct TokenSpenderPair {
                    // the token the spender is approved
                    address token;
                    // the spender address
                    address spender;
                /// @notice Details for a token transfer.
                struct AllowanceTransferDetails {
                    // the owner of the token
                    address from;
                    // the recipient of the token
                    address to;
                    // the amount of the token
                    uint160 amount;
                    // the token to be transferred
                    address token;
                /// @notice A mapping from owner address to token address to spender address to PackedAllowance struct, which contains details and conditions of the approval.
                /// @notice The mapping is indexed in the above order see: allowance[ownerAddress][tokenAddress][spenderAddress]
                /// @dev The packed slot holds the allowed amount, expiration at which the allowed amount is no longer valid, and current nonce thats updated on any signature based approvals.
                function allowance(address, address, address) external view returns (uint160, uint48, uint48);
                /// @notice Approves the spender to use up to amount of the specified token up until the expiration
                /// @param token The token to approve
                /// @param spender The spender address to approve
                /// @param amount The approved amount of the token
                /// @param expiration The timestamp at which the approval is no longer valid
                /// @dev The packed allowance also holds a nonce, which will stay unchanged in approve
                /// @dev Setting amount to type(uint160).max sets an unlimited approval
                function approve(address token, address spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration) external;
                /// @notice Permit a spender to a given amount of the owners token via the owner's EIP-712 signature
                /// @dev May fail if the owner's nonce was invalidated in-flight by invalidateNonce
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens being approved
                /// @param permitSingle Data signed over by the owner specifying the terms of approval
                /// @param signature The owner's signature over the permit data
                function permit(address owner, PermitSingle memory permitSingle, bytes calldata signature) external;
                /// @notice Permit a spender to the signed amounts of the owners tokens via the owner's EIP-712 signature
                /// @dev May fail if the owner's nonce was invalidated in-flight by invalidateNonce
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens being approved
                /// @param permitBatch Data signed over by the owner specifying the terms of approval
                /// @param signature The owner's signature over the permit data
                function permit(address owner, PermitBatch memory permitBatch, bytes calldata signature) external;
                /// @notice Transfer approved tokens from one address to another
                /// @param from The address to transfer from
                /// @param to The address of the recipient
                /// @param amount The amount of the token to transfer
                /// @param token The token address to transfer
                /// @dev Requires the from address to have approved at least the desired amount
                /// of tokens to msg.sender.
                function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint160 amount, address token) external;
                /// @notice Transfer approved tokens in a batch
                /// @param transferDetails Array of owners, recipients, amounts, and tokens for the transfers
                /// @dev Requires the from addresses to have approved at least the desired amount
                /// of tokens to msg.sender.
                function transferFrom(AllowanceTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails) external;
                /// @notice Enables performing a "lockdown" of the sender's Permit2 identity
                /// by batch revoking approvals
                /// @param approvals Array of approvals to revoke.
                function lockdown(TokenSpenderPair[] calldata approvals) external;
                /// @notice Invalidate nonces for a given (token, spender) pair
                /// @param token The token to invalidate nonces for
                /// @param spender The spender to invalidate nonces for
                /// @param newNonce The new nonce to set. Invalidates all nonces less than it.
                /// @dev Can't invalidate more than 2**16 nonces per transaction.
                function invalidateNonces(address token, address spender, uint48 newNonce) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
            /// @title Interface for CryptoPunksMarket
            interface ICryptoPunksMarket {
                /// @notice Buy a cryptopunk
                function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external payable;
                /// @notice Transfer a cryptopunk to another address
                function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            import {ERC20} from "../tokens/ERC20.sol";
            /// @notice Safe ETH and ERC20 transfer library that gracefully handles missing return values.
            /// @author Solmate (
            /// @dev Use with caution! Some functions in this library knowingly create dirty bits at the destination of the free memory pointer.
            /// @dev Note that none of the functions in this library check that a token has code at all! That responsibility is delegated to the caller.
            library SafeTransferLib {
                                         ETH OPERATIONS
                function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Transfer the ETH and store if it succeeded or not.
                        success := call(gas(), to, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                    require(success, "ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED");
                                        ERC20 OPERATIONS
                function safeTransferFrom(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), from) // Append the "from" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 68), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 100 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 3.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 100, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED");
                function safeTransfer(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 68 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 2.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 68, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "TRANSFER_FAILED");
                function safeApprove(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 68 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 2.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 68, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "APPROVE_FAILED");
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
            import {ERC20} from 'solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol';
            /// @title LooksRare Rewards Collector
            /// @notice Implements a permissionless call to fetch LooksRare rewards earned by Universal Router users
            /// and transfers them to an external rewards distributor contract
            interface IRewardsCollector {
                /// @notice Fetches users' LooksRare rewards and sends them to the distributor contract
                /// @param looksRareClaim The data required by LooksRare to claim reward tokens
                function collectRewards(bytes calldata looksRareClaim) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
            import {IERC20} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol';
            /// @title Interface for WETH9
            interface IWETH9 is IERC20 {
                /// @notice Deposit ether to get wrapped ether
                function deposit() external payable;
                /// @notice Withdraw wrapped ether to get ether
                function withdraw(uint256) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @title ERC721 token receiver interface
             * @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
             * from ERC721 asset contracts.
            interface IERC721Receiver {
                 * @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
                 * by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
                 * It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
                 * If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be reverted.
                 * The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector`.
                function onERC721Received(
                    address operator,
                    address from,
                    uint256 tokenId,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (bytes4);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
            import "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";
             * @dev _Available since v3.1._
            interface IERC1155Receiver is IERC165 {
                 * @dev Handles the receipt of a single ERC1155 token type. This function is
                 * called at the end of a `safeTransferFrom` after the balance has been updated.
                 * NOTE: To accept the transfer, this must return
                 * `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))`
                 * (i.e. 0xf23a6e61, or its own function selector).
                 * @param operator The address which initiated the transfer (i.e. msg.sender)
                 * @param from The address which previously owned the token
                 * @param id The ID of the token being transferred
                 * @param value The amount of tokens being transferred
                 * @param data Additional data with no specified format
                 * @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed
                function onERC1155Received(
                    address operator,
                    address from,
                    uint256 id,
                    uint256 value,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (bytes4);
                 * @dev Handles the receipt of a multiple ERC1155 token types. This function
                 * is called at the end of a `safeBatchTransferFrom` after the balances have
                 * been updated.
                 * NOTE: To accept the transfer(s), this must return
                 * `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"))`
                 * (i.e. 0xbc197c81, or its own function selector).
                 * @param operator The address which initiated the batch transfer (i.e. msg.sender)
                 * @param from The address which previously owned the token
                 * @param ids An array containing ids of each token being transferred (order and length must match values array)
                 * @param values An array containing amounts of each token being transferred (order and length must match ids array)
                 * @param data Additional data with no specified format
                 * @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed
                function onERC1155BatchReceived(
                    address operator,
                    address from,
                    uint256[] calldata ids,
                    uint256[] calldata values,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (bytes4);
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            interface IUniswapV2Pair {
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
                function name() external pure returns (string memory);
                function symbol() external pure returns (string memory);
                function decimals() external pure returns (uint8);
                function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);
                function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint);
                function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint);
                function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
                function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
                function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
                function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
                function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32);
                function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint);
                function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external;
                event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1);
                event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to);
                event Swap(
                    address indexed sender,
                    uint amount0In,
                    uint amount1In,
                    uint amount0Out,
                    uint amount1Out,
                    address indexed to
                event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1);
                function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint);
                function factory() external view returns (address);
                function token0() external view returns (address);
                function token1() external view returns (address);
                function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast);
                function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint);
                function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint);
                function kLast() external view returns (uint);
                function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity);
                function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1);
                function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;
                function skim(address to) external;
                function sync() external;
                function initialize(address, address) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            import {IUniswapV2Pair} from '@uniswap/v2-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV2Pair.sol';
            /// @title Uniswap v2 Helper Library
            /// @notice Calculates the recipient address for a command
            library UniswapV2Library {
                error InvalidReserves();
                error InvalidPath();
                /// @notice Calculates the v2 address for a pair without making any external calls
                /// @param factory The address of the v2 factory
                /// @param initCodeHash The hash of the pair initcode
                /// @param tokenA One of the tokens in the pair
                /// @param tokenB The other token in the pair
                /// @return pair The resultant v2 pair address
                function pairFor(address factory, bytes32 initCodeHash, address tokenA, address tokenB)
                    returns (address pair)
                    (address token0, address token1) = sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
                    pair = pairForPreSorted(factory, initCodeHash, token0, token1);
                /// @notice Calculates the v2 address for a pair and the pair's token0
                /// @param factory The address of the v2 factory
                /// @param initCodeHash The hash of the pair initcode
                /// @param tokenA One of the tokens in the pair
                /// @param tokenB The other token in the pair
                /// @return pair The resultant v2 pair address
                /// @return token0 The token considered token0 in this pair
                function pairAndToken0For(address factory, bytes32 initCodeHash, address tokenA, address tokenB)
                    returns (address pair, address token0)
                    address token1;
                    (token0, token1) = sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
                    pair = pairForPreSorted(factory, initCodeHash, token0, token1);
                /// @notice Calculates the v2 address for a pair assuming the input tokens are pre-sorted
                /// @param factory The address of the v2 factory
                /// @param initCodeHash The hash of the pair initcode
                /// @param token0 The pair's token0
                /// @param token1 The pair's token1
                /// @return pair The resultant v2 pair address
                function pairForPreSorted(address factory, bytes32 initCodeHash, address token0, address token1)
                    returns (address pair)
                    pair = address(
                                    abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', factory, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)), initCodeHash)
                /// @notice Calculates the v2 address for a pair and fetches the reserves for each token
                /// @param factory The address of the v2 factory
                /// @param initCodeHash The hash of the pair initcode
                /// @param tokenA One of the tokens in the pair
                /// @param tokenB The other token in the pair
                /// @return pair The resultant v2 pair address
                /// @return reserveA The reserves for tokenA
                /// @return reserveB The reserves for tokenB
                function pairAndReservesFor(address factory, bytes32 initCodeHash, address tokenA, address tokenB)
                    returns (address pair, uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB)
                    address token0;
                    (pair, token0) = pairAndToken0For(factory, initCodeHash, tokenA, tokenB);
                    (uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1,) = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).getReserves();
                    (reserveA, reserveB) = tokenA == token0 ? (reserve0, reserve1) : (reserve1, reserve0);
                /// @notice Given an input asset amount returns the maximum output amount of the other asset
                /// @param amountIn The token input amount
                /// @param reserveIn The reserves available of the input token
                /// @param reserveOut The reserves available of the output token
                /// @return amountOut The output amount of the output token
                function getAmountOut(uint256 amountIn, uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut)
                    returns (uint256 amountOut)
                    if (reserveIn == 0 || reserveOut == 0) revert InvalidReserves();
                    uint256 amountInWithFee = amountIn * 997;
                    uint256 numerator = amountInWithFee * reserveOut;
                    uint256 denominator = reserveIn * 1000 + amountInWithFee;
                    amountOut = numerator / denominator;
                /// @notice Returns the input amount needed for a desired output amount in a single-hop trade
                /// @param amountOut The desired output amount
                /// @param reserveIn The reserves available of the input token
                /// @param reserveOut The reserves available of the output token
                /// @return amountIn The input amount of the input token
                function getAmountIn(uint256 amountOut, uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut)
                    returns (uint256 amountIn)
                    if (reserveIn == 0 || reserveOut == 0) revert InvalidReserves();
                    uint256 numerator = reserveIn * amountOut * 1000;
                    uint256 denominator = (reserveOut - amountOut) * 997;
                    amountIn = (numerator / denominator) + 1;
                /// @notice Returns the input amount needed for a desired output amount in a multi-hop trade
                /// @param factory The address of the v2 factory
                /// @param initCodeHash The hash of the pair initcode
                /// @param amountOut The desired output amount
                /// @param path The path of the multi-hop trade
                /// @return amount The input amount of the input token
                /// @return pair The first pair in the trade
                function getAmountInMultihop(address factory, bytes32 initCodeHash, uint256 amountOut, address[] memory path)
                    returns (uint256 amount, address pair)
                    if (path.length < 2) revert InvalidPath();
                    amount = amountOut;
                    for (uint256 i = path.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                        uint256 reserveIn;
                        uint256 reserveOut;
                        (pair, reserveIn, reserveOut) = pairAndReservesFor(factory, initCodeHash, path[i - 1], path[i]);
                        amount = getAmountIn(amount, reserveIn, reserveOut);
                /// @notice Sorts two tokens to return token0 and token1
                /// @param tokenA The first token to sort
                /// @param tokenB The other token to sort
                /// @return token0 The smaller token by address value
                /// @return token1 The larger token by address value
                function sortTokens(address tokenA, address tokenB) internal pure returns (address token0, address token1) {
                    (token0, token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA);
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from 'permit2/src/interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol';
            import {SafeCast160} from 'permit2/src/libraries/SafeCast160.sol';
            import {Payments} from './Payments.sol';
            import {Constants} from '../libraries/Constants.sol';
            import {RouterImmutables} from '../base/RouterImmutables.sol';
            /// @title Payments through Permit2
            /// @notice Performs interactions with Permit2 to transfer tokens
            abstract contract Permit2Payments is Payments {
                using SafeCast160 for uint256;
                error FromAddressIsNotOwner();
                /// @notice Performs a transferFrom on Permit2
                /// @param token The token to transfer
                /// @param from The address to transfer from
                /// @param to The recipient of the transfer
                /// @param amount The amount to transfer
                function permit2TransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint160 amount) internal {
                    PERMIT2.transferFrom(from, to, amount, token);
                /// @notice Performs a batch transferFrom on Permit2
                /// @param batchDetails An array detailing each of the transfers that should occur
                function permit2TransferFrom(IAllowanceTransfer.AllowanceTransferDetails[] memory batchDetails, address owner)
                    uint256 batchLength = batchDetails.length;
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < batchLength; ++i) {
                        if (batchDetails[i].from != owner) revert FromAddressIsNotOwner();
                /// @notice Either performs a regular payment or transferFrom on Permit2, depending on the payer address
                /// @param token The token to transfer
                /// @param payer The address to pay for the transfer
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the transfer
                /// @param amount The amount to transfer
                function payOrPermit2Transfer(address token, address payer, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
                    if (payer == address(this)) pay(token, recipient, amount);
                    else permit2TransferFrom(token, payer, recipient, amount.toUint160());
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IWETH9} from '../interfaces/external/IWETH9.sol';
            /// @title Constant state
            /// @notice Constant state used by the Universal Router
            library Constants {
                /// @dev Used for identifying cases when this contract's balance of a token is to be used as an input
                /// This value is equivalent to 1<<255, i.e. a singular 1 in the most significant bit.
                uint256 internal constant CONTRACT_BALANCE = 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
                /// @dev Used for identifying cases when a v2 pair has already received input tokens
                uint256 internal constant ALREADY_PAID = 0;
                /// @dev Used as a flag for identifying the transfer of ETH instead of a token
                address internal constant ETH = address(0);
                /// @dev Used as a flag for identifying that msg.sender should be used, saves gas by sending more 0 bytes
                address internal constant MSG_SENDER = address(1);
                /// @dev Used as a flag for identifying address(this) should be used, saves gas by sending more 0 bytes
                address internal constant ADDRESS_THIS = address(2);
                /// @dev The length of the bytes encoded address
                uint256 internal constant ADDR_SIZE = 20;
                /// @dev The length of the bytes encoded fee
                uint256 internal constant V3_FEE_SIZE = 3;
                /// @dev The offset of a single token address (20) and pool fee (3)
                uint256 internal constant NEXT_V3_POOL_OFFSET = ADDR_SIZE + V3_FEE_SIZE;
                /// @dev The offset of an encoded pool key
                /// Token (20) + Fee (3) + Token (20) = 43
                uint256 internal constant V3_POP_OFFSET = NEXT_V3_POOL_OFFSET + ADDR_SIZE;
                /// @dev The minimum length of an encoding that contains 2 or more pools
                uint256 internal constant MULTIPLE_V3_POOLS_MIN_LENGTH = V3_POP_OFFSET + NEXT_V3_POOL_OFFSET;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.6.0;
            import {BytesLib} from './BytesLib.sol';
            import {Constants} from '../../../libraries/Constants.sol';
            /// @title Functions for manipulating path data for multihop swaps
            library V3Path {
                using BytesLib for bytes;
                /// @notice Returns true iff the path contains two or more pools
                /// @param path The encoded swap path
                /// @return True if path contains two or more pools, otherwise false
                function hasMultiplePools(bytes calldata path) internal pure returns (bool) {
                    return path.length >= Constants.MULTIPLE_V3_POOLS_MIN_LENGTH;
                /// @notice Decodes the first pool in path
                /// @param path The bytes encoded swap path
                /// @return tokenA The first token of the given pool
                /// @return fee The fee level of the pool
                /// @return tokenB The second token of the given pool
                function decodeFirstPool(bytes calldata path) internal pure returns (address, uint24, address) {
                    return path.toPool();
                /// @notice Gets the segment corresponding to the first pool in the path
                /// @param path The bytes encoded swap path
                /// @return The segment containing all data necessary to target the first pool in the path
                function getFirstPool(bytes calldata path) internal pure returns (bytes calldata) {
                    return path[:Constants.V3_POP_OFFSET];
                function decodeFirstToken(bytes calldata path) internal pure returns (address tokenA) {
                    tokenA = path.toAddress();
                /// @notice Skips a token + fee element
                /// @param path The swap path
                function skipToken(bytes calldata path) internal pure returns (bytes calldata) {
                    return path[Constants.NEXT_V3_POOL_OFFSET:];
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Safe casting methods
            /// @notice Contains methods for safely casting between types
            library SafeCast {
                /// @notice Cast a uint256 to a uint160, revert on overflow
                /// @param y The uint256 to be downcasted
                /// @return z The downcasted integer, now type uint160
                function toUint160(uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint160 z) {
                    require((z = uint160(y)) == y);
                /// @notice Cast a int256 to a int128, revert on overflow or underflow
                /// @param y The int256 to be downcasted
                /// @return z The downcasted integer, now type int128
                function toInt128(int256 y) internal pure returns (int128 z) {
                    require((z = int128(y)) == y);
                /// @notice Cast a uint256 to a int256, revert on overflow
                /// @param y The uint256 to be casted
                /// @return z The casted integer, now type int256
                function toInt256(uint256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
                    require(y < 2**255);
                    z = int256(y);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolImmutables.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolState.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolActions.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolEvents.sol';
            /// @title The interface for a Uniswap V3 Pool
            /// @notice A Uniswap pool facilitates swapping and automated market making between any two assets that strictly conform
            /// to the ERC20 specification
            /// @dev The pool interface is broken up into many smaller pieces
            interface IUniswapV3Pool is
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap
            /// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap must implement this interface
            interface IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
                /// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after executing a swap via IUniswapV3Pool#swap.
                /// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap.
                /// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
                /// amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped.
                /// @param amount0Delta The amount of token0 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
                /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token0 to the pool.
                /// @param amount1Delta The amount of token1 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
                /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token1 to the pool.
                /// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap call
                function uniswapV3SwapCallback(
                    int256 amount0Delta,
                    int256 amount1Delta,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
             * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
             * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
             * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
            interface IERC165 {
                 * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
                 * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
                 *[EIP section]
                 * to learn more about how these ids are created.
                 * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
                function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
            interface IERC20 {
                 * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
                 * another (`to`).
                 * Note that `value` may be zero.
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
                 * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
                 * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
                 * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
                function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
                function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event.
                function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                 * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
                 * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
                 * zero by default.
                 * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
                function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
                 * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
                 * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
                 * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
                 * desired value afterwards:
                 * Emits an {Approval} event.
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                 * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `from` to `to` using the
                 * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
                 * allowance.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event.
                function transferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) external returns (bool);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            library SafeCast160 {
                /// @notice Thrown when a valude greater than type(uint160).max is cast to uint160
                error UnsafeCast();
                /// @notice Safely casts uint256 to uint160
                /// @param value The uint256 to be cast
                function toUint160(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint160) {
                    if (value > type(uint160).max) revert UnsafeCast();
                    return uint160(value);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that never changes
            /// @notice These parameters are fixed for a pool forever, i.e., the methods will always return the same values
            interface IUniswapV3PoolImmutables {
                /// @notice The contract that deployed the pool, which must adhere to the IUniswapV3Factory interface
                /// @return The contract address
                function factory() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The first of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address
                /// @return The token contract address
                function token0() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The second of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address
                /// @return The token contract address
                function token1() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The pool's fee in hundredths of a bip, i.e. 1e-6
                /// @return The fee
                function fee() external view returns (uint24);
                /// @notice The pool tick spacing
                /// @dev Ticks can only be used at multiples of this value, minimum of 1 and always positive
                /// e.g.: a tickSpacing of 3 means ticks can be initialized every 3rd tick, i.e., ..., -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ...
                /// This value is an int24 to avoid casting even though it is always positive.
                /// @return The tick spacing
                function tickSpacing() external view returns (int24);
                /// @notice The maximum amount of position liquidity that can use any tick in the range
                /// @dev This parameter is enforced per tick to prevent liquidity from overflowing a uint128 at any point, and
                /// also prevents out-of-range liquidity from being used to prevent adding in-range liquidity to a pool
                /// @return The max amount of liquidity per tick
                function maxLiquidityPerTick() external view returns (uint128);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that can change
            /// @notice These methods compose the pool's state, and can change with any frequency including multiple times
            /// per transaction
            interface IUniswapV3PoolState {
                /// @notice The 0th storage slot in the pool stores many values, and is exposed as a single method to save gas
                /// when accessed externally.
                /// @return sqrtPriceX96 The current price of the pool as a sqrt(token1/token0) Q64.96 value
                /// tick The current tick of the pool, i.e. according to the last tick transition that was run.
                /// This value may not always be equal to SqrtTickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96) if the price is on a tick
                /// boundary.
                /// observationIndex The index of the last oracle observation that was written,
                /// observationCardinality The current maximum number of observations stored in the pool,
                /// observationCardinalityNext The next maximum number of observations, to be updated when the observation.
                /// feeProtocol The protocol fee for both tokens of the pool.
                /// Encoded as two 4 bit values, where the protocol fee of token1 is shifted 4 bits and the protocol fee of token0
                /// is the lower 4 bits. Used as the denominator of a fraction of the swap fee, e.g. 4 means 1/4th of the swap fee.
                /// unlocked Whether the pool is currently locked to reentrancy
                function slot0()
                    returns (
                        uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
                        int24 tick,
                        uint16 observationIndex,
                        uint16 observationCardinality,
                        uint16 observationCardinalityNext,
                        uint8 feeProtocol,
                        bool unlocked
                /// @notice The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token0 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool
                /// @dev This value can overflow the uint256
                function feeGrowthGlobal0X128() external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token1 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool
                /// @dev This value can overflow the uint256
                function feeGrowthGlobal1X128() external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice The amounts of token0 and token1 that are owed to the protocol
                /// @dev Protocol fees will never exceed uint128 max in either token
                function protocolFees() external view returns (uint128 token0, uint128 token1);
                /// @notice The currently in range liquidity available to the pool
                /// @dev This value has no relationship to the total liquidity across all ticks
                function liquidity() external view returns (uint128);
                /// @notice Look up information about a specific tick in the pool
                /// @param tick The tick to look up
                /// @return liquidityGross the total amount of position liquidity that uses the pool either as tick lower or
                /// tick upper,
                /// liquidityNet how much liquidity changes when the pool price crosses the tick,
                /// feeGrowthOutside0X128 the fee growth on the other side of the tick from the current tick in token0,
                /// feeGrowthOutside1X128 the fee growth on the other side of the tick from the current tick in token1,
                /// tickCumulativeOutside the cumulative tick value on the other side of the tick from the current tick
                /// secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128 the seconds spent per liquidity on the other side of the tick from the current tick,
                /// secondsOutside the seconds spent on the other side of the tick from the current tick,
                /// initialized Set to true if the tick is initialized, i.e. liquidityGross is greater than 0, otherwise equal to false.
                /// Outside values can only be used if the tick is initialized, i.e. if liquidityGross is greater than 0.
                /// In addition, these values are only relative and must be used only in comparison to previous snapshots for
                /// a specific position.
                function ticks(int24 tick)
                    returns (
                        uint128 liquidityGross,
                        int128 liquidityNet,
                        uint256 feeGrowthOutside0X128,
                        uint256 feeGrowthOutside1X128,
                        int56 tickCumulativeOutside,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128,
                        uint32 secondsOutside,
                        bool initialized
                /// @notice Returns 256 packed tick initialized boolean values. See TickBitmap for more information
                function tickBitmap(int16 wordPosition) external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice Returns the information about a position by the position's key
                /// @param key The position's key is a hash of a preimage composed by the owner, tickLower and tickUpper
                /// @return _liquidity The amount of liquidity in the position,
                /// Returns feeGrowthInside0LastX128 fee growth of token0 inside the tick range as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns feeGrowthInside1LastX128 fee growth of token1 inside the tick range as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns tokensOwed0 the computed amount of token0 owed to the position as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns tokensOwed1 the computed amount of token1 owed to the position as of the last mint/burn/poke
                function positions(bytes32 key)
                    returns (
                        uint128 _liquidity,
                        uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
                        uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128,
                        uint128 tokensOwed0,
                        uint128 tokensOwed1
                /// @notice Returns data about a specific observation index
                /// @param index The element of the observations array to fetch
                /// @dev You most likely want to use #observe() instead of this method to get an observation as of some amount of time
                /// ago, rather than at a specific index in the array.
                /// @return blockTimestamp The timestamp of the observation,
                /// Returns tickCumulative the tick multiplied by seconds elapsed for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp,
                /// Returns secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 the seconds per in range liquidity for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp,
                /// Returns initialized whether the observation has been initialized and the values are safe to use
                function observations(uint256 index)
                    returns (
                        uint32 blockTimestamp,
                        int56 tickCumulative,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128,
                        bool initialized
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that is not stored
            /// @notice Contains view functions to provide information about the pool that is computed rather than stored on the
            /// blockchain. The functions here may have variable gas costs.
            interface IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState {
                /// @notice Returns the cumulative tick and liquidity as of each timestamp `secondsAgo` from the current block timestamp
                /// @dev To get a time weighted average tick or liquidity-in-range, you must call this with two values, one representing
                /// the beginning of the period and another for the end of the period. E.g., to get the last hour time-weighted average tick,
                /// you must call it with secondsAgos = [3600, 0].
                /// @dev The time weighted average tick represents the geometric time weighted average price of the pool, in
                /// log base sqrt(1.0001) of token1 / token0. The TickMath library can be used to go from a tick value to a ratio.
                /// @param secondsAgos From how long ago each cumulative tick and liquidity value should be returned
                /// @return tickCumulatives Cumulative tick values as of each `secondsAgos` from the current block timestamp
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s Cumulative seconds per liquidity-in-range value as of each `secondsAgos` from the current block
                /// timestamp
                function observe(uint32[] calldata secondsAgos)
                    returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s);
                /// @notice Returns a snapshot of the tick cumulative, seconds per liquidity and seconds inside a tick range
                /// @dev Snapshots must only be compared to other snapshots, taken over a period for which a position existed.
                /// I.e., snapshots cannot be compared if a position is not held for the entire period between when the first
                /// snapshot is taken and the second snapshot is taken.
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the range
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the range
                /// @return tickCumulativeInside The snapshot of the tick accumulator for the range
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128 The snapshot of seconds per liquidity for the range
                /// @return secondsInside The snapshot of seconds per liquidity for the range
                function snapshotCumulativesInside(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
                    returns (
                        int56 tickCumulativeInside,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128,
                        uint32 secondsInside
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Permissionless pool actions
            /// @notice Contains pool methods that can be called by anyone
            interface IUniswapV3PoolActions {
                /// @notice Sets the initial price for the pool
                /// @dev Price is represented as a sqrt(amountToken1/amountToken0) Q64.96 value
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 the initial sqrt price of the pool as a Q64.96
                function initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) external;
                /// @notice Adds liquidity for the given recipient/tickLower/tickUpper position
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3MintCallback#uniswapV3MintCallback
                /// in which they must pay any token0 or token1 owed for the liquidity. The amount of token0/token1 due depends
                /// on tickLower, tickUpper, the amount of liquidity, and the current price.
                /// @param recipient The address for which the liquidity will be created
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position in which to add liquidity
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position in which to add liquidity
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity to mint
                /// @param data Any data that should be passed through to the callback
                /// @return amount0 The amount of token0 that was paid to mint the given amount of liquidity. Matches the value in the callback
                /// @return amount1 The amount of token1 that was paid to mint the given amount of liquidity. Matches the value in the callback
                function mint(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
                /// @notice Collects tokens owed to a position
                /// @dev Does not recompute fees earned, which must be done either via mint or burn of any amount of liquidity.
                /// Collect must be called by the position owner. To withdraw only token0 or only token1, amount0Requested or
                /// amount1Requested may be set to zero. To withdraw all tokens owed, caller may pass any value greater than the
                /// actual tokens owed, e.g. type(uint128).max. Tokens owed may be from accumulated swap fees or burned liquidity.
                /// @param recipient The address which should receive the fees collected
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position for which to collect fees
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position for which to collect fees
                /// @param amount0Requested How much token0 should be withdrawn from the fees owed
                /// @param amount1Requested How much token1 should be withdrawn from the fees owed
                /// @return amount0 The amount of fees collected in token0
                /// @return amount1 The amount of fees collected in token1
                function collect(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);
                /// @notice Burn liquidity from the sender and account tokens owed for the liquidity to the position
                /// @dev Can be used to trigger a recalculation of fees owed to a position by calling with an amount of 0
                /// @dev Fees must be collected separately via a call to #collect
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position for which to burn liquidity
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position for which to burn liquidity
                /// @param amount How much liquidity to burn
                /// @return amount0 The amount of token0 sent to the recipient
                /// @return amount1 The amount of token1 sent to the recipient
                function burn(
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount
                ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
                /// @notice Swap token0 for token1, or token1 for token0
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3SwapCallback#uniswapV3SwapCallback
                /// @param recipient The address to receive the output of the swap
                /// @param zeroForOne The direction of the swap, true for token0 to token1, false for token1 to token0
                /// @param amountSpecified The amount of the swap, which implicitly configures the swap as exact input (positive), or exact output (negative)
                /// @param sqrtPriceLimitX96 The Q64.96 sqrt price limit. If zero for one, the price cannot be less than this
                /// value after the swap. If one for zero, the price cannot be greater than this value after the swap
                /// @param data Any data to be passed through to the callback
                /// @return amount0 The delta of the balance of token0 of the pool, exact when negative, minimum when positive
                /// @return amount1 The delta of the balance of token1 of the pool, exact when negative, minimum when positive
                function swap(
                    address recipient,
                    bool zeroForOne,
                    int256 amountSpecified,
                    uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1);
                /// @notice Receive token0 and/or token1 and pay it back, plus a fee, in the callback
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3FlashCallback#uniswapV3FlashCallback
                /// @dev Can be used to donate underlying tokens pro-rata to currently in-range liquidity providers by calling
                /// with 0 amount{0,1} and sending the donation amount(s) from the callback
                /// @param recipient The address which will receive the token0 and token1 amounts
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 to send
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 to send
                /// @param data Any data to be passed through to the callback
                function flash(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
                /// @notice Increase the maximum number of price and liquidity observations that this pool will store
                /// @dev This method is no-op if the pool already has an observationCardinalityNext greater than or equal to
                /// the input observationCardinalityNext.
                /// @param observationCardinalityNext The desired minimum number of observations for the pool to store
                function increaseObservationCardinalityNext(uint16 observationCardinalityNext) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Permissioned pool actions
            /// @notice Contains pool methods that may only be called by the factory owner
            interface IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions {
                /// @notice Set the denominator of the protocol's % share of the fees
                /// @param feeProtocol0 new protocol fee for token0 of the pool
                /// @param feeProtocol1 new protocol fee for token1 of the pool
                function setFeeProtocol(uint8 feeProtocol0, uint8 feeProtocol1) external;
                /// @notice Collect the protocol fee accrued to the pool
                /// @param recipient The address to which collected protocol fees should be sent
                /// @param amount0Requested The maximum amount of token0 to send, can be 0 to collect fees in only token1
                /// @param amount1Requested The maximum amount of token1 to send, can be 0 to collect fees in only token0
                /// @return amount0 The protocol fee collected in token0
                /// @return amount1 The protocol fee collected in token1
                function collectProtocol(
                    address recipient,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Events emitted by a pool
            /// @notice Contains all events emitted by the pool
            interface IUniswapV3PoolEvents {
                /// @notice Emitted exactly once by a pool when #initialize is first called on the pool
                /// @dev Mint/Burn/Swap cannot be emitted by the pool before Initialize
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 The initial sqrt price of the pool, as a Q64.96
                /// @param tick The initial tick of the pool, i.e. log base 1.0001 of the starting price of the pool
                event Initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, int24 tick);
                /// @notice Emitted when liquidity is minted for a given position
                /// @param sender The address that minted the liquidity
                /// @param owner The owner of the position and recipient of any minted liquidity
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity minted to the position range
                /// @param amount0 How much token0 was required for the minted liquidity
                /// @param amount1 How much token1 was required for the minted liquidity
                event Mint(
                    address sender,
                    address indexed owner,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted when fees are collected by the owner of a position
                /// @dev Collect events may be emitted with zero amount0 and amount1 when the caller chooses not to collect fees
                /// @param owner The owner of the position for which fees are collected
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 fees collected
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 fees collected
                event Collect(
                    address indexed owner,
                    address recipient,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount0,
                    uint128 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted when a position's liquidity is removed
                /// @dev Does not withdraw any fees earned by the liquidity position, which must be withdrawn via #collect
                /// @param owner The owner of the position for which liquidity is removed
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity to remove
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 withdrawn
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 withdrawn
                event Burn(
                    address indexed owner,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for any swaps between token0 and token1
                /// @param sender The address that initiated the swap call, and that received the callback
                /// @param recipient The address that received the output of the swap
                /// @param amount0 The delta of the token0 balance of the pool
                /// @param amount1 The delta of the token1 balance of the pool
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 The sqrt(price) of the pool after the swap, as a Q64.96
                /// @param liquidity The liquidity of the pool after the swap
                /// @param tick The log base 1.0001 of price of the pool after the swap
                event Swap(
                    address indexed sender,
                    address indexed recipient,
                    int256 amount0,
                    int256 amount1,
                    uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    int24 tick
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for any flashes of token0/token1
                /// @param sender The address that initiated the swap call, and that received the callback
                /// @param recipient The address that received the tokens from flash
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 that was flashed
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 that was flashed
                /// @param paid0 The amount of token0 paid for the flash, which can exceed the amount0 plus the fee
                /// @param paid1 The amount of token1 paid for the flash, which can exceed the amount1 plus the fee
                event Flash(
                    address indexed sender,
                    address indexed recipient,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1,
                    uint256 paid0,
                    uint256 paid1
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for increases to the number of observations that can be stored
                /// @dev observationCardinalityNext is not the observation cardinality until an observation is written at the index
                /// just before a mint/swap/burn.
                /// @param observationCardinalityNextOld The previous value of the next observation cardinality
                /// @param observationCardinalityNextNew The updated value of the next observation cardinality
                event IncreaseObservationCardinalityNext(
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextOld,
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextNew
                /// @notice Emitted when the protocol fee is changed by the pool
                /// @param feeProtocol0Old The previous value of the token0 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol1Old The previous value of the token1 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol0New The updated value of the token0 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol1New The updated value of the token1 protocol fee
                event SetFeeProtocol(uint8 feeProtocol0Old, uint8 feeProtocol1Old, uint8 feeProtocol0New, uint8 feeProtocol1New);
                /// @notice Emitted when the collected protocol fees are withdrawn by the factory owner
                /// @param sender The address that collects the protocol fees
                /// @param recipient The address that receives the collected protocol fees
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 protocol fees that is withdrawn
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token1 protocol fees that is withdrawn
                event CollectProtocol(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);

            File 2 of 5: UniswapV3Pool
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity =0.7.6;
            import './interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol';
            import './NoDelegateCall.sol';
            import './libraries/LowGasSafeMath.sol';
            import './libraries/SafeCast.sol';
            import './libraries/Tick.sol';
            import './libraries/TickBitmap.sol';
            import './libraries/Position.sol';
            import './libraries/Oracle.sol';
            import './libraries/FullMath.sol';
            import './libraries/FixedPoint128.sol';
            import './libraries/TransferHelper.sol';
            import './libraries/TickMath.sol';
            import './libraries/LiquidityMath.sol';
            import './libraries/SqrtPriceMath.sol';
            import './libraries/SwapMath.sol';
            import './interfaces/IUniswapV3PoolDeployer.sol';
            import './interfaces/IUniswapV3Factory.sol';
            import './interfaces/IERC20Minimal.sol';
            import './interfaces/callback/IUniswapV3MintCallback.sol';
            import './interfaces/callback/IUniswapV3SwapCallback.sol';
            import './interfaces/callback/IUniswapV3FlashCallback.sol';
            contract UniswapV3Pool is IUniswapV3Pool, NoDelegateCall {
                using LowGasSafeMath for uint256;
                using LowGasSafeMath for int256;
                using SafeCast for uint256;
                using SafeCast for int256;
                using Tick for mapping(int24 => Tick.Info);
                using TickBitmap for mapping(int16 => uint256);
                using Position for mapping(bytes32 => Position.Info);
                using Position for Position.Info;
                using Oracle for Oracle.Observation[65535];
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                address public immutable override factory;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                address public immutable override token0;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                address public immutable override token1;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                uint24 public immutable override fee;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                int24 public immutable override tickSpacing;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolImmutables
                uint128 public immutable override maxLiquidityPerTick;
                struct Slot0 {
                    // the current price
                    uint160 sqrtPriceX96;
                    // the current tick
                    int24 tick;
                    // the most-recently updated index of the observations array
                    uint16 observationIndex;
                    // the current maximum number of observations that are being stored
                    uint16 observationCardinality;
                    // the next maximum number of observations to store, triggered in observations.write
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNext;
                    // the current protocol fee as a percentage of the swap fee taken on withdrawal
                    // represented as an integer denominator (1/x)%
                    uint8 feeProtocol;
                    // whether the pool is locked
                    bool unlocked;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                Slot0 public override slot0;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                uint256 public override feeGrowthGlobal0X128;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                uint256 public override feeGrowthGlobal1X128;
                // accumulated protocol fees in token0/token1 units
                struct ProtocolFees {
                    uint128 token0;
                    uint128 token1;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                ProtocolFees public override protocolFees;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                uint128 public override liquidity;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                mapping(int24 => Tick.Info) public override ticks;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                mapping(int16 => uint256) public override tickBitmap;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                mapping(bytes32 => Position.Info) public override positions;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolState
                Oracle.Observation[65535] public override observations;
                /// @dev Mutually exclusive reentrancy protection into the pool to/from a method. This method also prevents entrance
                /// to a function before the pool is initialized. The reentrancy guard is required throughout the contract because
                /// we use balance checks to determine the payment status of interactions such as mint, swap and flash.
                modifier lock() {
                    require(slot0.unlocked, 'LOK');
                    slot0.unlocked = false;
                    slot0.unlocked = true;
                /// @dev Prevents calling a function from anyone except the address returned by IUniswapV3Factory#owner()
                modifier onlyFactoryOwner() {
                    require(msg.sender == IUniswapV3Factory(factory).owner());
                constructor() {
                    int24 _tickSpacing;
                    (factory, token0, token1, fee, _tickSpacing) = IUniswapV3PoolDeployer(msg.sender).parameters();
                    tickSpacing = _tickSpacing;
                    maxLiquidityPerTick = Tick.tickSpacingToMaxLiquidityPerTick(_tickSpacing);
                /// @dev Common checks for valid tick inputs.
                function checkTicks(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper) private pure {
                    require(tickLower < tickUpper, 'TLU');
                    require(tickLower >= TickMath.MIN_TICK, 'TLM');
                    require(tickUpper <= TickMath.MAX_TICK, 'TUM');
                /// @dev Returns the block timestamp truncated to 32 bits, i.e. mod 2**32. This method is overridden in tests.
                function _blockTimestamp() internal view virtual returns (uint32) {
                    return uint32(block.timestamp); // truncation is desired
                /// @dev Get the pool's balance of token0
                /// @dev This function is gas optimized to avoid a redundant extcodesize check in addition to the returndatasize
                /// check
                function balance0() private view returns (uint256) {
                    (bool success, bytes memory data) =
                        token0.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20Minimal.balanceOf.selector, address(this)));
                    require(success && data.length >= 32);
                    return abi.decode(data, (uint256));
                /// @dev Get the pool's balance of token1
                /// @dev This function is gas optimized to avoid a redundant extcodesize check in addition to the returndatasize
                /// check
                function balance1() private view returns (uint256) {
                    (bool success, bytes memory data) =
                        token1.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20Minimal.balanceOf.selector, address(this)));
                    require(success && data.length >= 32);
                    return abi.decode(data, (uint256));
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState
                function snapshotCumulativesInside(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
                    returns (
                        int56 tickCumulativeInside,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128,
                        uint32 secondsInside
                    checkTicks(tickLower, tickUpper);
                    int56 tickCumulativeLower;
                    int56 tickCumulativeUpper;
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityOutsideLowerX128;
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityOutsideUpperX128;
                    uint32 secondsOutsideLower;
                    uint32 secondsOutsideUpper;
                        Tick.Info storage lower = ticks[tickLower];
                        Tick.Info storage upper = ticks[tickUpper];
                        bool initializedLower;
                        (tickCumulativeLower, secondsPerLiquidityOutsideLowerX128, secondsOutsideLower, initializedLower) = (
                        bool initializedUpper;
                        (tickCumulativeUpper, secondsPerLiquidityOutsideUpperX128, secondsOutsideUpper, initializedUpper) = (
                    Slot0 memory _slot0 = slot0;
                    if (_slot0.tick < tickLower) {
                        return (
                            tickCumulativeLower - tickCumulativeUpper,
                            secondsPerLiquidityOutsideLowerX128 - secondsPerLiquidityOutsideUpperX128,
                            secondsOutsideLower - secondsOutsideUpper
                    } else if (_slot0.tick < tickUpper) {
                        uint32 time = _blockTimestamp();
                        (int56 tickCumulative, uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128) =
                        return (
                            tickCumulative - tickCumulativeLower - tickCumulativeUpper,
                            secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 -
                                secondsPerLiquidityOutsideLowerX128 -
                            time - secondsOutsideLower - secondsOutsideUpper
                    } else {
                        return (
                            tickCumulativeUpper - tickCumulativeLower,
                            secondsPerLiquidityOutsideUpperX128 - secondsPerLiquidityOutsideLowerX128,
                            secondsOutsideUpper - secondsOutsideLower
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState
                function observe(uint32[] calldata secondsAgos)
                    returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s)
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                function increaseObservationCardinalityNext(uint16 observationCardinalityNext)
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextOld = slot0.observationCardinalityNext; // for the event
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextNew =
                        observations.grow(observationCardinalityNextOld, observationCardinalityNext);
                    slot0.observationCardinalityNext = observationCardinalityNextNew;
                    if (observationCardinalityNextOld != observationCardinalityNextNew)
                        emit IncreaseObservationCardinalityNext(observationCardinalityNextOld, observationCardinalityNextNew);
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                /// @dev not locked because it initializes unlocked
                function initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) external override {
                    require(slot0.sqrtPriceX96 == 0, 'AI');
                    int24 tick = TickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96);
                    (uint16 cardinality, uint16 cardinalityNext) = observations.initialize(_blockTimestamp());
                    slot0 = Slot0({
                        sqrtPriceX96: sqrtPriceX96,
                        tick: tick,
                        observationIndex: 0,
                        observationCardinality: cardinality,
                        observationCardinalityNext: cardinalityNext,
                        feeProtocol: 0,
                        unlocked: true
                    emit Initialize(sqrtPriceX96, tick);
                struct ModifyPositionParams {
                    // the address that owns the position
                    address owner;
                    // the lower and upper tick of the position
                    int24 tickLower;
                    int24 tickUpper;
                    // any change in liquidity
                    int128 liquidityDelta;
                /// @dev Effect some changes to a position
                /// @param params the position details and the change to the position's liquidity to effect
                /// @return position a storage pointer referencing the position with the given owner and tick range
                /// @return amount0 the amount of token0 owed to the pool, negative if the pool should pay the recipient
                /// @return amount1 the amount of token1 owed to the pool, negative if the pool should pay the recipient
                function _modifyPosition(ModifyPositionParams memory params)
                    returns (
                        Position.Info storage position,
                        int256 amount0,
                        int256 amount1
                    checkTicks(params.tickLower, params.tickUpper);
                    Slot0 memory _slot0 = slot0; // SLOAD for gas optimization
                    position = _updatePosition(
                    if (params.liquidityDelta != 0) {
                        if (_slot0.tick < params.tickLower) {
                            // current tick is below the passed range; liquidity can only become in range by crossing from left to
                            // right, when we'll need _more_ token0 (it's becoming more valuable) so user must provide it
                            amount0 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(
                        } else if (_slot0.tick < params.tickUpper) {
                            // current tick is inside the passed range
                            uint128 liquidityBefore = liquidity; // SLOAD for gas optimization
                            // write an oracle entry
                            (slot0.observationIndex, slot0.observationCardinality) = observations.write(
                            amount0 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(
                            amount1 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(
                            liquidity = LiquidityMath.addDelta(liquidityBefore, params.liquidityDelta);
                        } else {
                            // current tick is above the passed range; liquidity can only become in range by crossing from right to
                            // left, when we'll need _more_ token1 (it's becoming more valuable) so user must provide it
                            amount1 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(
                /// @dev Gets and updates a position with the given liquidity delta
                /// @param owner the owner of the position
                /// @param tickLower the lower tick of the position's tick range
                /// @param tickUpper the upper tick of the position's tick range
                /// @param tick the current tick, passed to avoid sloads
                function _updatePosition(
                    address owner,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    int128 liquidityDelta,
                    int24 tick
                ) private returns (Position.Info storage position) {
                    position = positions.get(owner, tickLower, tickUpper);
                    uint256 _feeGrowthGlobal0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128; // SLOAD for gas optimization
                    uint256 _feeGrowthGlobal1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128; // SLOAD for gas optimization
                    // if we need to update the ticks, do it
                    bool flippedLower;
                    bool flippedUpper;
                    if (liquidityDelta != 0) {
                        uint32 time = _blockTimestamp();
                        (int56 tickCumulative, uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128) =
                        flippedLower = ticks.update(
                        flippedUpper = ticks.update(
                        if (flippedLower) {
                            tickBitmap.flipTick(tickLower, tickSpacing);
                        if (flippedUpper) {
                            tickBitmap.flipTick(tickUpper, tickSpacing);
                    (uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128, uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128) =
                        ticks.getFeeGrowthInside(tickLower, tickUpper, tick, _feeGrowthGlobal0X128, _feeGrowthGlobal1X128);
                    position.update(liquidityDelta, feeGrowthInside0X128, feeGrowthInside1X128);
                    // clear any tick data that is no longer needed
                    if (liquidityDelta < 0) {
                        if (flippedLower) {
                        if (flippedUpper) {
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                /// @dev noDelegateCall is applied indirectly via _modifyPosition
                function mint(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external override lock returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {
                    require(amount > 0);
                    (, int256 amount0Int, int256 amount1Int) =
                                owner: recipient,
                                tickLower: tickLower,
                                tickUpper: tickUpper,
                                liquidityDelta: int256(amount).toInt128()
                    amount0 = uint256(amount0Int);
                    amount1 = uint256(amount1Int);
                    uint256 balance0Before;
                    uint256 balance1Before;
                    if (amount0 > 0) balance0Before = balance0();
                    if (amount1 > 0) balance1Before = balance1();
                    IUniswapV3MintCallback(msg.sender).uniswapV3MintCallback(amount0, amount1, data);
                    if (amount0 > 0) require(balance0Before.add(amount0) <= balance0(), 'M0');
                    if (amount1 > 0) require(balance1Before.add(amount1) <= balance1(), 'M1');
                    emit Mint(msg.sender, recipient, tickLower, tickUpper, amount, amount0, amount1);
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                function collect(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external override lock returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1) {
                    // we don't need to checkTicks here, because invalid positions will never have non-zero tokensOwed{0,1}
                    Position.Info storage position = positions.get(msg.sender, tickLower, tickUpper);
                    amount0 = amount0Requested > position.tokensOwed0 ? position.tokensOwed0 : amount0Requested;
                    amount1 = amount1Requested > position.tokensOwed1 ? position.tokensOwed1 : amount1Requested;
                    if (amount0 > 0) {
                        position.tokensOwed0 -= amount0;
                        TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token0, recipient, amount0);
                    if (amount1 > 0) {
                        position.tokensOwed1 -= amount1;
                        TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token1, recipient, amount1);
                    emit Collect(msg.sender, recipient, tickLower, tickUpper, amount0, amount1);
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                /// @dev noDelegateCall is applied indirectly via _modifyPosition
                function burn(
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount
                ) external override lock returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {
                    (Position.Info storage position, int256 amount0Int, int256 amount1Int) =
                                owner: msg.sender,
                                tickLower: tickLower,
                                tickUpper: tickUpper,
                                liquidityDelta: -int256(amount).toInt128()
                    amount0 = uint256(-amount0Int);
                    amount1 = uint256(-amount1Int);
                    if (amount0 > 0 || amount1 > 0) {
                        (position.tokensOwed0, position.tokensOwed1) = (
                            position.tokensOwed0 + uint128(amount0),
                            position.tokensOwed1 + uint128(amount1)
                    emit Burn(msg.sender, tickLower, tickUpper, amount, amount0, amount1);
                struct SwapCache {
                    // the protocol fee for the input token
                    uint8 feeProtocol;
                    // liquidity at the beginning of the swap
                    uint128 liquidityStart;
                    // the timestamp of the current block
                    uint32 blockTimestamp;
                    // the current value of the tick accumulator, computed only if we cross an initialized tick
                    int56 tickCumulative;
                    // the current value of seconds per liquidity accumulator, computed only if we cross an initialized tick
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128;
                    // whether we've computed and cached the above two accumulators
                    bool computedLatestObservation;
                // the top level state of the swap, the results of which are recorded in storage at the end
                struct SwapState {
                    // the amount remaining to be swapped in/out of the input/output asset
                    int256 amountSpecifiedRemaining;
                    // the amount already swapped out/in of the output/input asset
                    int256 amountCalculated;
                    // current sqrt(price)
                    uint160 sqrtPriceX96;
                    // the tick associated with the current price
                    int24 tick;
                    // the global fee growth of the input token
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobalX128;
                    // amount of input token paid as protocol fee
                    uint128 protocolFee;
                    // the current liquidity in range
                    uint128 liquidity;
                struct StepComputations {
                    // the price at the beginning of the step
                    uint160 sqrtPriceStartX96;
                    // the next tick to swap to from the current tick in the swap direction
                    int24 tickNext;
                    // whether tickNext is initialized or not
                    bool initialized;
                    // sqrt(price) for the next tick (1/0)
                    uint160 sqrtPriceNextX96;
                    // how much is being swapped in in this step
                    uint256 amountIn;
                    // how much is being swapped out
                    uint256 amountOut;
                    // how much fee is being paid in
                    uint256 feeAmount;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                function swap(
                    address recipient,
                    bool zeroForOne,
                    int256 amountSpecified,
                    uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external override noDelegateCall returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) {
                    require(amountSpecified != 0, 'AS');
                    Slot0 memory slot0Start = slot0;
                    require(slot0Start.unlocked, 'LOK');
                            ? sqrtPriceLimitX96 < slot0Start.sqrtPriceX96 && sqrtPriceLimitX96 > TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO
                            : sqrtPriceLimitX96 > slot0Start.sqrtPriceX96 && sqrtPriceLimitX96 < TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO,
                    slot0.unlocked = false;
                    SwapCache memory cache =
                            liquidityStart: liquidity,
                            blockTimestamp: _blockTimestamp(),
                            feeProtocol: zeroForOne ? (slot0Start.feeProtocol % 16) : (slot0Start.feeProtocol >> 4),
                            secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128: 0,
                            tickCumulative: 0,
                            computedLatestObservation: false
                    bool exactInput = amountSpecified > 0;
                    SwapState memory state =
                            amountSpecifiedRemaining: amountSpecified,
                            amountCalculated: 0,
                            sqrtPriceX96: slot0Start.sqrtPriceX96,
                            tick: slot0Start.tick,
                            feeGrowthGlobalX128: zeroForOne ? feeGrowthGlobal0X128 : feeGrowthGlobal1X128,
                            protocolFee: 0,
                            liquidity: cache.liquidityStart
                    // continue swapping as long as we haven't used the entire input/output and haven't reached the price limit
                    while (state.amountSpecifiedRemaining != 0 && state.sqrtPriceX96 != sqrtPriceLimitX96) {
                        StepComputations memory step;
                        step.sqrtPriceStartX96 = state.sqrtPriceX96;
                        (step.tickNext, step.initialized) = tickBitmap.nextInitializedTickWithinOneWord(
                        // ensure that we do not overshoot the min/max tick, as the tick bitmap is not aware of these bounds
                        if (step.tickNext < TickMath.MIN_TICK) {
                            step.tickNext = TickMath.MIN_TICK;
                        } else if (step.tickNext > TickMath.MAX_TICK) {
                            step.tickNext = TickMath.MAX_TICK;
                        // get the price for the next tick
                        step.sqrtPriceNextX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(step.tickNext);
                        // compute values to swap to the target tick, price limit, or point where input/output amount is exhausted
                        (state.sqrtPriceX96, step.amountIn, step.amountOut, step.feeAmount) = SwapMath.computeSwapStep(
                            (zeroForOne ? step.sqrtPriceNextX96 < sqrtPriceLimitX96 : step.sqrtPriceNextX96 > sqrtPriceLimitX96)
                                ? sqrtPriceLimitX96
                                : step.sqrtPriceNextX96,
                        if (exactInput) {
                            state.amountSpecifiedRemaining -= (step.amountIn + step.feeAmount).toInt256();
                            state.amountCalculated = state.amountCalculated.sub(step.amountOut.toInt256());
                        } else {
                            state.amountSpecifiedRemaining += step.amountOut.toInt256();
                            state.amountCalculated = state.amountCalculated.add((step.amountIn + step.feeAmount).toInt256());
                        // if the protocol fee is on, calculate how much is owed, decrement feeAmount, and increment protocolFee
                        if (cache.feeProtocol > 0) {
                            uint256 delta = step.feeAmount / cache.feeProtocol;
                            step.feeAmount -= delta;
                            state.protocolFee += uint128(delta);
                        // update global fee tracker
                        if (state.liquidity > 0)
                            state.feeGrowthGlobalX128 += FullMath.mulDiv(step.feeAmount, FixedPoint128.Q128, state.liquidity);
                        // shift tick if we reached the next price
                        if (state.sqrtPriceX96 == step.sqrtPriceNextX96) {
                            // if the tick is initialized, run the tick transition
                            if (step.initialized) {
                                // check for the placeholder value, which we replace with the actual value the first time the swap
                                // crosses an initialized tick
                                if (!cache.computedLatestObservation) {
                                    (cache.tickCumulative, cache.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128) = observations.observeSingle(
                                    cache.computedLatestObservation = true;
                                int128 liquidityNet =
                                        (zeroForOne ? state.feeGrowthGlobalX128 : feeGrowthGlobal0X128),
                                        (zeroForOne ? feeGrowthGlobal1X128 : state.feeGrowthGlobalX128),
                                // if we're moving leftward, we interpret liquidityNet as the opposite sign
                                // safe because liquidityNet cannot be type(int128).min
                                if (zeroForOne) liquidityNet = -liquidityNet;
                                state.liquidity = LiquidityMath.addDelta(state.liquidity, liquidityNet);
                            state.tick = zeroForOne ? step.tickNext - 1 : step.tickNext;
                        } else if (state.sqrtPriceX96 != step.sqrtPriceStartX96) {
                            // recompute unless we're on a lower tick boundary (i.e. already transitioned ticks), and haven't moved
                            state.tick = TickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(state.sqrtPriceX96);
                    // update tick and write an oracle entry if the tick change
                    if (state.tick != slot0Start.tick) {
                        (uint16 observationIndex, uint16 observationCardinality) =
                        (slot0.sqrtPriceX96, slot0.tick, slot0.observationIndex, slot0.observationCardinality) = (
                    } else {
                        // otherwise just update the price
                        slot0.sqrtPriceX96 = state.sqrtPriceX96;
                    // update liquidity if it changed
                    if (cache.liquidityStart != state.liquidity) liquidity = state.liquidity;
                    // update fee growth global and, if necessary, protocol fees
                    // overflow is acceptable, protocol has to withdraw before it hits type(uint128).max fees
                    if (zeroForOne) {
                        feeGrowthGlobal0X128 = state.feeGrowthGlobalX128;
                        if (state.protocolFee > 0) protocolFees.token0 += state.protocolFee;
                    } else {
                        feeGrowthGlobal1X128 = state.feeGrowthGlobalX128;
                        if (state.protocolFee > 0) protocolFees.token1 += state.protocolFee;
                    (amount0, amount1) = zeroForOne == exactInput
                        ? (amountSpecified - state.amountSpecifiedRemaining, state.amountCalculated)
                        : (state.amountCalculated, amountSpecified - state.amountSpecifiedRemaining);
                    // do the transfers and collect payment
                    if (zeroForOne) {
                        if (amount1 < 0) TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token1, recipient, uint256(-amount1));
                        uint256 balance0Before = balance0();
                        IUniswapV3SwapCallback(msg.sender).uniswapV3SwapCallback(amount0, amount1, data);
                        require(balance0Before.add(uint256(amount0)) <= balance0(), 'IIA');
                    } else {
                        if (amount0 < 0) TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token0, recipient, uint256(-amount0));
                        uint256 balance1Before = balance1();
                        IUniswapV3SwapCallback(msg.sender).uniswapV3SwapCallback(amount0, amount1, data);
                        require(balance1Before.add(uint256(amount1)) <= balance1(), 'IIA');
                    emit Swap(msg.sender, recipient, amount0, amount1, state.sqrtPriceX96, state.liquidity, state.tick);
                    slot0.unlocked = true;
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
                function flash(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external override lock noDelegateCall {
                    uint128 _liquidity = liquidity;
                    require(_liquidity > 0, 'L');
                    uint256 fee0 = FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(amount0, fee, 1e6);
                    uint256 fee1 = FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(amount1, fee, 1e6);
                    uint256 balance0Before = balance0();
                    uint256 balance1Before = balance1();
                    if (amount0 > 0) TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token0, recipient, amount0);
                    if (amount1 > 0) TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token1, recipient, amount1);
                    IUniswapV3FlashCallback(msg.sender).uniswapV3FlashCallback(fee0, fee1, data);
                    uint256 balance0After = balance0();
                    uint256 balance1After = balance1();
                    require(balance0Before.add(fee0) <= balance0After, 'F0');
                    require(balance1Before.add(fee1) <= balance1After, 'F1');
                    // sub is safe because we know balanceAfter is gt balanceBefore by at least fee
                    uint256 paid0 = balance0After - balance0Before;
                    uint256 paid1 = balance1After - balance1Before;
                    if (paid0 > 0) {
                        uint8 feeProtocol0 = slot0.feeProtocol % 16;
                        uint256 fees0 = feeProtocol0 == 0 ? 0 : paid0 / feeProtocol0;
                        if (uint128(fees0) > 0) protocolFees.token0 += uint128(fees0);
                        feeGrowthGlobal0X128 += FullMath.mulDiv(paid0 - fees0, FixedPoint128.Q128, _liquidity);
                    if (paid1 > 0) {
                        uint8 feeProtocol1 = slot0.feeProtocol >> 4;
                        uint256 fees1 = feeProtocol1 == 0 ? 0 : paid1 / feeProtocol1;
                        if (uint128(fees1) > 0) protocolFees.token1 += uint128(fees1);
                        feeGrowthGlobal1X128 += FullMath.mulDiv(paid1 - fees1, FixedPoint128.Q128, _liquidity);
                    emit Flash(msg.sender, recipient, amount0, amount1, paid0, paid1);
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions
                function setFeeProtocol(uint8 feeProtocol0, uint8 feeProtocol1) external override lock onlyFactoryOwner {
                        (feeProtocol0 == 0 || (feeProtocol0 >= 4 && feeProtocol0 <= 10)) &&
                            (feeProtocol1 == 0 || (feeProtocol1 >= 4 && feeProtocol1 <= 10))
                    uint8 feeProtocolOld = slot0.feeProtocol;
                    slot0.feeProtocol = feeProtocol0 + (feeProtocol1 << 4);
                    emit SetFeeProtocol(feeProtocolOld % 16, feeProtocolOld >> 4, feeProtocol0, feeProtocol1);
                /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions
                function collectProtocol(
                    address recipient,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external override lock onlyFactoryOwner returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1) {
                    amount0 = amount0Requested > protocolFees.token0 ? protocolFees.token0 : amount0Requested;
                    amount1 = amount1Requested > protocolFees.token1 ? protocolFees.token1 : amount1Requested;
                    if (amount0 > 0) {
                        if (amount0 == protocolFees.token0) amount0--; // ensure that the slot is not cleared, for gas savings
                        protocolFees.token0 -= amount0;
                        TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token0, recipient, amount0);
                    if (amount1 > 0) {
                        if (amount1 == protocolFees.token1) amount1--; // ensure that the slot is not cleared, for gas savings
                        protocolFees.token1 -= amount1;
                        TransferHelper.safeTransfer(token1, recipient, amount1);
                    emit CollectProtocol(msg.sender, recipient, amount0, amount1);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolImmutables.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolState.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolActions.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions.sol';
            import './pool/IUniswapV3PoolEvents.sol';
            /// @title The interface for a Uniswap V3 Pool
            /// @notice A Uniswap pool facilitates swapping and automated market making between any two assets that strictly conform
            /// to the ERC20 specification
            /// @dev The pool interface is broken up into many smaller pieces
            interface IUniswapV3Pool is
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity =0.7.6;
            /// @title Prevents delegatecall to a contract
            /// @notice Base contract that provides a modifier for preventing delegatecall to methods in a child contract
            abstract contract NoDelegateCall {
                /// @dev The original address of this contract
                address private immutable original;
                constructor() {
                    // Immutables are computed in the init code of the contract, and then inlined into the deployed bytecode.
                    // In other words, this variable won't change when it's checked at runtime.
                    original = address(this);
                /// @dev Private method is used instead of inlining into modifier because modifiers are copied into each method,
                ///     and the use of immutable means the address bytes are copied in every place the modifier is used.
                function checkNotDelegateCall() private view {
                    require(address(this) == original);
                /// @notice Prevents delegatecall into the modified method
                modifier noDelegateCall() {
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.7.0;
            /// @title Optimized overflow and underflow safe math operations
            /// @notice Contains methods for doing math operations that revert on overflow or underflow for minimal gas cost
            library LowGasSafeMath {
                /// @notice Returns x + y, reverts if sum overflows uint256
                /// @param x The augend
                /// @param y The addend
                /// @return z The sum of x and y
                function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
                    require((z = x + y) >= x);
                /// @notice Returns x - y, reverts if underflows
                /// @param x The minuend
                /// @param y The subtrahend
                /// @return z The difference of x and y
                function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
                    require((z = x - y) <= x);
                /// @notice Returns x * y, reverts if overflows
                /// @param x The multiplicand
                /// @param y The multiplier
                /// @return z The product of x and y
                function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
                    require(x == 0 || (z = x * y) / x == y);
                /// @notice Returns x + y, reverts if overflows or underflows
                /// @param x The augend
                /// @param y The addend
                /// @return z The sum of x and y
                function add(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
                    require((z = x + y) >= x == (y >= 0));
                /// @notice Returns x - y, reverts if overflows or underflows
                /// @param x The minuend
                /// @param y The subtrahend
                /// @return z The difference of x and y
                function sub(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
                    require((z = x - y) <= x == (y >= 0));
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Safe casting methods
            /// @notice Contains methods for safely casting between types
            library SafeCast {
                /// @notice Cast a uint256 to a uint160, revert on overflow
                /// @param y The uint256 to be downcasted
                /// @return z The downcasted integer, now type uint160
                function toUint160(uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint160 z) {
                    require((z = uint160(y)) == y);
                /// @notice Cast a int256 to a int128, revert on overflow or underflow
                /// @param y The int256 to be downcasted
                /// @return z The downcasted integer, now type int128
                function toInt128(int256 y) internal pure returns (int128 z) {
                    require((z = int128(y)) == y);
                /// @notice Cast a uint256 to a int256, revert on overflow
                /// @param y The uint256 to be casted
                /// @return z The casted integer, now type int256
                function toInt256(uint256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
                    require(y < 2**255);
                    z = int256(y);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './LowGasSafeMath.sol';
            import './SafeCast.sol';
            import './TickMath.sol';
            import './LiquidityMath.sol';
            /// @title Tick
            /// @notice Contains functions for managing tick processes and relevant calculations
            library Tick {
                using LowGasSafeMath for int256;
                using SafeCast for int256;
                // info stored for each initialized individual tick
                struct Info {
                    // the total position liquidity that references this tick
                    uint128 liquidityGross;
                    // amount of net liquidity added (subtracted) when tick is crossed from left to right (right to left),
                    int128 liquidityNet;
                    // fee growth per unit of liquidity on the _other_ side of this tick (relative to the current tick)
                    // only has relative meaning, not absolute — the value depends on when the tick is initialized
                    uint256 feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                    uint256 feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    // the cumulative tick value on the other side of the tick
                    int56 tickCumulativeOutside;
                    // the seconds per unit of liquidity on the _other_ side of this tick (relative to the current tick)
                    // only has relative meaning, not absolute — the value depends on when the tick is initialized
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128;
                    // the seconds spent on the other side of the tick (relative to the current tick)
                    // only has relative meaning, not absolute — the value depends on when the tick is initialized
                    uint32 secondsOutside;
                    // true iff the tick is initialized, i.e. the value is exactly equivalent to the expression liquidityGross != 0
                    // these 8 bits are set to prevent fresh sstores when crossing newly initialized ticks
                    bool initialized;
                /// @notice Derives max liquidity per tick from given tick spacing
                /// @dev Executed within the pool constructor
                /// @param tickSpacing The amount of required tick separation, realized in multiples of `tickSpacing`
                ///     e.g., a tickSpacing of 3 requires ticks to be initialized every 3rd tick i.e., ..., -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ...
                /// @return The max liquidity per tick
                function tickSpacingToMaxLiquidityPerTick(int24 tickSpacing) internal pure returns (uint128) {
                    int24 minTick = (TickMath.MIN_TICK / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing;
                    int24 maxTick = (TickMath.MAX_TICK / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing;
                    uint24 numTicks = uint24((maxTick - minTick) / tickSpacing) + 1;
                    return type(uint128).max / numTicks;
                /// @notice Retrieves fee growth data
                /// @param self The mapping containing all tick information for initialized ticks
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick boundary of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick boundary of the position
                /// @param tickCurrent The current tick
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal0X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token0
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal1X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token1
                /// @return feeGrowthInside0X128 The all-time fee growth in token0, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
                /// @return feeGrowthInside1X128 The all-time fee growth in token1, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
                function getFeeGrowthInside(
                    mapping(int24 => Tick.Info) storage self,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    int24 tickCurrent,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal0X128,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal1X128
                ) internal view returns (uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128, uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128) {
                    Info storage lower = self[tickLower];
                    Info storage upper = self[tickUpper];
                    // calculate fee growth below
                    uint256 feeGrowthBelow0X128;
                    uint256 feeGrowthBelow1X128;
                    if (tickCurrent >= tickLower) {
                        feeGrowthBelow0X128 = lower.feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                        feeGrowthBelow1X128 = lower.feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    } else {
                        feeGrowthBelow0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128 - lower.feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                        feeGrowthBelow1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128 - lower.feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    // calculate fee growth above
                    uint256 feeGrowthAbove0X128;
                    uint256 feeGrowthAbove1X128;
                    if (tickCurrent < tickUpper) {
                        feeGrowthAbove0X128 = upper.feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                        feeGrowthAbove1X128 = upper.feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    } else {
                        feeGrowthAbove0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128 - upper.feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                        feeGrowthAbove1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128 - upper.feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    feeGrowthInside0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128 - feeGrowthBelow0X128 - feeGrowthAbove0X128;
                    feeGrowthInside1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128 - feeGrowthBelow1X128 - feeGrowthAbove1X128;
                /// @notice Updates a tick and returns true if the tick was flipped from initialized to uninitialized, or vice versa
                /// @param self The mapping containing all tick information for initialized ticks
                /// @param tick The tick that will be updated
                /// @param tickCurrent The current tick
                /// @param liquidityDelta A new amount of liquidity to be added (subtracted) when tick is crossed from left to right (right to left)
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal0X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token0
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal1X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token1
                /// @param secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 The all-time seconds per max(1, liquidity) of the pool
                /// @param time The current block timestamp cast to a uint32
                /// @param upper true for updating a position's upper tick, or false for updating a position's lower tick
                /// @param maxLiquidity The maximum liquidity allocation for a single tick
                /// @return flipped Whether the tick was flipped from initialized to uninitialized, or vice versa
                function update(
                    mapping(int24 => Tick.Info) storage self,
                    int24 tick,
                    int24 tickCurrent,
                    int128 liquidityDelta,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal0X128,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal1X128,
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128,
                    int56 tickCumulative,
                    uint32 time,
                    bool upper,
                    uint128 maxLiquidity
                ) internal returns (bool flipped) {
                    Tick.Info storage info = self[tick];
                    uint128 liquidityGrossBefore = info.liquidityGross;
                    uint128 liquidityGrossAfter = LiquidityMath.addDelta(liquidityGrossBefore, liquidityDelta);
                    require(liquidityGrossAfter <= maxLiquidity, 'LO');
                    flipped = (liquidityGrossAfter == 0) != (liquidityGrossBefore == 0);
                    if (liquidityGrossBefore == 0) {
                        // by convention, we assume that all growth before a tick was initialized happened _below_ the tick
                        if (tick <= tickCurrent) {
                            info.feeGrowthOutside0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128;
                            info.feeGrowthOutside1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128;
                            info.secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128 = secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128;
                            info.tickCumulativeOutside = tickCumulative;
                            info.secondsOutside = time;
                        info.initialized = true;
                    info.liquidityGross = liquidityGrossAfter;
                    // when the lower (upper) tick is crossed left to right (right to left), liquidity must be added (removed)
                    info.liquidityNet = upper
                        ? int256(info.liquidityNet).sub(liquidityDelta).toInt128()
                        : int256(info.liquidityNet).add(liquidityDelta).toInt128();
                /// @notice Clears tick data
                /// @param self The mapping containing all initialized tick information for initialized ticks
                /// @param tick The tick that will be cleared
                function clear(mapping(int24 => Tick.Info) storage self, int24 tick) internal {
                    delete self[tick];
                /// @notice Transitions to next tick as needed by price movement
                /// @param self The mapping containing all tick information for initialized ticks
                /// @param tick The destination tick of the transition
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal0X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token0
                /// @param feeGrowthGlobal1X128 The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token1
                /// @param secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 The current seconds per liquidity
                /// @param time The current block.timestamp
                /// @return liquidityNet The amount of liquidity added (subtracted) when tick is crossed from left to right (right to left)
                function cross(
                    mapping(int24 => Tick.Info) storage self,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal0X128,
                    uint256 feeGrowthGlobal1X128,
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128,
                    int56 tickCumulative,
                    uint32 time
                ) internal returns (int128 liquidityNet) {
                    Tick.Info storage info = self[tick];
                    info.feeGrowthOutside0X128 = feeGrowthGlobal0X128 - info.feeGrowthOutside0X128;
                    info.feeGrowthOutside1X128 = feeGrowthGlobal1X128 - info.feeGrowthOutside1X128;
                    info.secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128 = secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 - info.secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128;
                    info.tickCumulativeOutside = tickCumulative - info.tickCumulativeOutside;
                    info.secondsOutside = time - info.secondsOutside;
                    liquidityNet = info.liquidityNet;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './BitMath.sol';
            /// @title Packed tick initialized state library
            /// @notice Stores a packed mapping of tick index to its initialized state
            /// @dev The mapping uses int16 for keys since ticks are represented as int24 and there are 256 (2^8) values per word.
            library TickBitmap {
                /// @notice Computes the position in the mapping where the initialized bit for a tick lives
                /// @param tick The tick for which to compute the position
                /// @return wordPos The key in the mapping containing the word in which the bit is stored
                /// @return bitPos The bit position in the word where the flag is stored
                function position(int24 tick) private pure returns (int16 wordPos, uint8 bitPos) {
                    wordPos = int16(tick >> 8);
                    bitPos = uint8(tick % 256);
                /// @notice Flips the initialized state for a given tick from false to true, or vice versa
                /// @param self The mapping in which to flip the tick
                /// @param tick The tick to flip
                /// @param tickSpacing The spacing between usable ticks
                function flipTick(
                    mapping(int16 => uint256) storage self,
                    int24 tick,
                    int24 tickSpacing
                ) internal {
                    require(tick % tickSpacing == 0); // ensure that the tick is spaced
                    (int16 wordPos, uint8 bitPos) = position(tick / tickSpacing);
                    uint256 mask = 1 << bitPos;
                    self[wordPos] ^= mask;
                /// @notice Returns the next initialized tick contained in the same word (or adjacent word) as the tick that is either
                /// to the left (less than or equal to) or right (greater than) of the given tick
                /// @param self The mapping in which to compute the next initialized tick
                /// @param tick The starting tick
                /// @param tickSpacing The spacing between usable ticks
                /// @param lte Whether to search for the next initialized tick to the left (less than or equal to the starting tick)
                /// @return next The next initialized or uninitialized tick up to 256 ticks away from the current tick
                /// @return initialized Whether the next tick is initialized, as the function only searches within up to 256 ticks
                function nextInitializedTickWithinOneWord(
                    mapping(int16 => uint256) storage self,
                    int24 tick,
                    int24 tickSpacing,
                    bool lte
                ) internal view returns (int24 next, bool initialized) {
                    int24 compressed = tick / tickSpacing;
                    if (tick < 0 && tick % tickSpacing != 0) compressed--; // round towards negative infinity
                    if (lte) {
                        (int16 wordPos, uint8 bitPos) = position(compressed);
                        // all the 1s at or to the right of the current bitPos
                        uint256 mask = (1 << bitPos) - 1 + (1 << bitPos);
                        uint256 masked = self[wordPos] & mask;
                        // if there are no initialized ticks to the right of or at the current tick, return rightmost in the word
                        initialized = masked != 0;
                        // overflow/underflow is possible, but prevented externally by limiting both tickSpacing and tick
                        next = initialized
                            ? (compressed - int24(bitPos - BitMath.mostSignificantBit(masked))) * tickSpacing
                            : (compressed - int24(bitPos)) * tickSpacing;
                    } else {
                        // start from the word of the next tick, since the current tick state doesn't matter
                        (int16 wordPos, uint8 bitPos) = position(compressed + 1);
                        // all the 1s at or to the left of the bitPos
                        uint256 mask = ~((1 << bitPos) - 1);
                        uint256 masked = self[wordPos] & mask;
                        // if there are no initialized ticks to the left of the current tick, return leftmost in the word
                        initialized = masked != 0;
                        // overflow/underflow is possible, but prevented externally by limiting both tickSpacing and tick
                        next = initialized
                            ? (compressed + 1 + int24(BitMath.leastSignificantBit(masked) - bitPos)) * tickSpacing
                            : (compressed + 1 + int24(type(uint8).max - bitPos)) * tickSpacing;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './FullMath.sol';
            import './FixedPoint128.sol';
            import './LiquidityMath.sol';
            /// @title Position
            /// @notice Positions represent an owner address' liquidity between a lower and upper tick boundary
            /// @dev Positions store additional state for tracking fees owed to the position
            library Position {
                // info stored for each user's position
                struct Info {
                    // the amount of liquidity owned by this position
                    uint128 liquidity;
                    // fee growth per unit of liquidity as of the last update to liquidity or fees owed
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128;
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128;
                    // the fees owed to the position owner in token0/token1
                    uint128 tokensOwed0;
                    uint128 tokensOwed1;
                /// @notice Returns the Info struct of a position, given an owner and position boundaries
                /// @param self The mapping containing all user positions
                /// @param owner The address of the position owner
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick boundary of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick boundary of the position
                /// @return position The position info struct of the given owners' position
                function get(
                    mapping(bytes32 => Info) storage self,
                    address owner,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper
                ) internal view returns (Position.Info storage position) {
                    position = self[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(owner, tickLower, tickUpper))];
                /// @notice Credits accumulated fees to a user's position
                /// @param self The individual position to update
                /// @param liquidityDelta The change in pool liquidity as a result of the position update
                /// @param feeGrowthInside0X128 The all-time fee growth in token0, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
                /// @param feeGrowthInside1X128 The all-time fee growth in token1, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
                function update(
                    Info storage self,
                    int128 liquidityDelta,
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128,
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128
                ) internal {
                    Info memory _self = self;
                    uint128 liquidityNext;
                    if (liquidityDelta == 0) {
                        require(_self.liquidity > 0, 'NP'); // disallow pokes for 0 liquidity positions
                        liquidityNext = _self.liquidity;
                    } else {
                        liquidityNext = LiquidityMath.addDelta(_self.liquidity, liquidityDelta);
                    // calculate accumulated fees
                    uint128 tokensOwed0 =
                                feeGrowthInside0X128 - _self.feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
                    uint128 tokensOwed1 =
                                feeGrowthInside1X128 - _self.feeGrowthInside1LastX128,
                    // update the position
                    if (liquidityDelta != 0) self.liquidity = liquidityNext;
                    self.feeGrowthInside0LastX128 = feeGrowthInside0X128;
                    self.feeGrowthInside1LastX128 = feeGrowthInside1X128;
                    if (tokensOwed0 > 0 || tokensOwed1 > 0) {
                        // overflow is acceptable, have to withdraw before you hit type(uint128).max fees
                        self.tokensOwed0 += tokensOwed0;
                        self.tokensOwed1 += tokensOwed1;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Oracle
            /// @notice Provides price and liquidity data useful for a wide variety of system designs
            /// @dev Instances of stored oracle data, "observations", are collected in the oracle array
            /// Every pool is initialized with an oracle array length of 1. Anyone can pay the SSTOREs to increase the
            /// maximum length of the oracle array. New slots will be added when the array is fully populated.
            /// Observations are overwritten when the full length of the oracle array is populated.
            /// The most recent observation is available, independent of the length of the oracle array, by passing 0 to observe()
            library Oracle {
                struct Observation {
                    // the block timestamp of the observation
                    uint32 blockTimestamp;
                    // the tick accumulator, i.e. tick * time elapsed since the pool was first initialized
                    int56 tickCumulative;
                    // the seconds per liquidity, i.e. seconds elapsed / max(1, liquidity) since the pool was first initialized
                    uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128;
                    // whether or not the observation is initialized
                    bool initialized;
                /// @notice Transforms a previous observation into a new observation, given the passage of time and the current tick and liquidity values
                /// @dev blockTimestamp _must_ be chronologically equal to or greater than last.blockTimestamp, safe for 0 or 1 overflows
                /// @param last The specified observation to be transformed
                /// @param blockTimestamp The timestamp of the new observation
                /// @param tick The active tick at the time of the new observation
                /// @param liquidity The total in-range liquidity at the time of the new observation
                /// @return Observation The newly populated observation
                function transform(
                    Observation memory last,
                    uint32 blockTimestamp,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint128 liquidity
                ) private pure returns (Observation memory) {
                    uint32 delta = blockTimestamp - last.blockTimestamp;
                            blockTimestamp: blockTimestamp,
                            tickCumulative: last.tickCumulative + int56(tick) * delta,
                            secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128: last.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 +
                                ((uint160(delta) << 128) / (liquidity > 0 ? liquidity : 1)),
                            initialized: true
                /// @notice Initialize the oracle array by writing the first slot. Called once for the lifecycle of the observations array
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param time The time of the oracle initialization, via block.timestamp truncated to uint32
                /// @return cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @return cardinalityNext The new length of the oracle array, independent of population
                function initialize(Observation[65535] storage self, uint32 time)
                    returns (uint16 cardinality, uint16 cardinalityNext)
                    self[0] = Observation({
                        blockTimestamp: time,
                        tickCumulative: 0,
                        secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128: 0,
                        initialized: true
                    return (1, 1);
                /// @notice Writes an oracle observation to the array
                /// @dev Writable at most once per block. Index represents the most recently written element. cardinality and index must be tracked externally.
                /// If the index is at the end of the allowable array length (according to cardinality), and the next cardinality
                /// is greater than the current one, cardinality may be increased. This restriction is created to preserve ordering.
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param index The index of the observation that was most recently written to the observations array
                /// @param blockTimestamp The timestamp of the new observation
                /// @param tick The active tick at the time of the new observation
                /// @param liquidity The total in-range liquidity at the time of the new observation
                /// @param cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @param cardinalityNext The new length of the oracle array, independent of population
                /// @return indexUpdated The new index of the most recently written element in the oracle array
                /// @return cardinalityUpdated The new cardinality of the oracle array
                function write(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint16 index,
                    uint32 blockTimestamp,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint16 cardinality,
                    uint16 cardinalityNext
                ) internal returns (uint16 indexUpdated, uint16 cardinalityUpdated) {
                    Observation memory last = self[index];
                    // early return if we've already written an observation this block
                    if (last.blockTimestamp == blockTimestamp) return (index, cardinality);
                    // if the conditions are right, we can bump the cardinality
                    if (cardinalityNext > cardinality && index == (cardinality - 1)) {
                        cardinalityUpdated = cardinalityNext;
                    } else {
                        cardinalityUpdated = cardinality;
                    indexUpdated = (index + 1) % cardinalityUpdated;
                    self[indexUpdated] = transform(last, blockTimestamp, tick, liquidity);
                /// @notice Prepares the oracle array to store up to `next` observations
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param current The current next cardinality of the oracle array
                /// @param next The proposed next cardinality which will be populated in the oracle array
                /// @return next The next cardinality which will be populated in the oracle array
                function grow(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint16 current,
                    uint16 next
                ) internal returns (uint16) {
                    require(current > 0, 'I');
                    // no-op if the passed next value isn't greater than the current next value
                    if (next <= current) return current;
                    // store in each slot to prevent fresh SSTOREs in swaps
                    // this data will not be used because the initialized boolean is still false
                    for (uint16 i = current; i < next; i++) self[i].blockTimestamp = 1;
                    return next;
                /// @notice comparator for 32-bit timestamps
                /// @dev safe for 0 or 1 overflows, a and b _must_ be chronologically before or equal to time
                /// @param time A timestamp truncated to 32 bits
                /// @param a A comparison timestamp from which to determine the relative position of `time`
                /// @param b From which to determine the relative position of `time`
                /// @return bool Whether `a` is chronologically <= `b`
                function lte(
                    uint32 time,
                    uint32 a,
                    uint32 b
                ) private pure returns (bool) {
                    // if there hasn't been overflow, no need to adjust
                    if (a <= time && b <= time) return a <= b;
                    uint256 aAdjusted = a > time ? a : a + 2**32;
                    uint256 bAdjusted = b > time ? b : b + 2**32;
                    return aAdjusted <= bAdjusted;
                /// @notice Fetches the observations beforeOrAt and atOrAfter a target, i.e. where [beforeOrAt, atOrAfter] is satisfied.
                /// The result may be the same observation, or adjacent observations.
                /// @dev The answer must be contained in the array, used when the target is located within the stored observation
                /// boundaries: older than the most recent observation and younger, or the same age as, the oldest observation
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param time The current block.timestamp
                /// @param target The timestamp at which the reserved observation should be for
                /// @param index The index of the observation that was most recently written to the observations array
                /// @param cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @return beforeOrAt The observation recorded before, or at, the target
                /// @return atOrAfter The observation recorded at, or after, the target
                function binarySearch(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint32 time,
                    uint32 target,
                    uint16 index,
                    uint16 cardinality
                ) private view returns (Observation memory beforeOrAt, Observation memory atOrAfter) {
                    uint256 l = (index + 1) % cardinality; // oldest observation
                    uint256 r = l + cardinality - 1; // newest observation
                    uint256 i;
                    while (true) {
                        i = (l + r) / 2;
                        beforeOrAt = self[i % cardinality];
                        // we've landed on an uninitialized tick, keep searching higher (more recently)
                        if (!beforeOrAt.initialized) {
                            l = i + 1;
                        atOrAfter = self[(i + 1) % cardinality];
                        bool targetAtOrAfter = lte(time, beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp, target);
                        // check if we've found the answer!
                        if (targetAtOrAfter && lte(time, target, atOrAfter.blockTimestamp)) break;
                        if (!targetAtOrAfter) r = i - 1;
                        else l = i + 1;
                /// @notice Fetches the observations beforeOrAt and atOrAfter a given target, i.e. where [beforeOrAt, atOrAfter] is satisfied
                /// @dev Assumes there is at least 1 initialized observation.
                /// Used by observeSingle() to compute the counterfactual accumulator values as of a given block timestamp.
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param time The current block.timestamp
                /// @param target The timestamp at which the reserved observation should be for
                /// @param tick The active tick at the time of the returned or simulated observation
                /// @param index The index of the observation that was most recently written to the observations array
                /// @param liquidity The total pool liquidity at the time of the call
                /// @param cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @return beforeOrAt The observation which occurred at, or before, the given timestamp
                /// @return atOrAfter The observation which occurred at, or after, the given timestamp
                function getSurroundingObservations(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint32 time,
                    uint32 target,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint16 index,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint16 cardinality
                ) private view returns (Observation memory beforeOrAt, Observation memory atOrAfter) {
                    // optimistically set before to the newest observation
                    beforeOrAt = self[index];
                    // if the target is chronologically at or after the newest observation, we can early return
                    if (lte(time, beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp, target)) {
                        if (beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp == target) {
                            // if newest observation equals target, we're in the same block, so we can ignore atOrAfter
                            return (beforeOrAt, atOrAfter);
                        } else {
                            // otherwise, we need to transform
                            return (beforeOrAt, transform(beforeOrAt, target, tick, liquidity));
                    // now, set before to the oldest observation
                    beforeOrAt = self[(index + 1) % cardinality];
                    if (!beforeOrAt.initialized) beforeOrAt = self[0];
                    // ensure that the target is chronologically at or after the oldest observation
                    require(lte(time, beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp, target), 'OLD');
                    // if we've reached this point, we have to binary search
                    return binarySearch(self, time, target, index, cardinality);
                /// @dev Reverts if an observation at or before the desired observation timestamp does not exist.
                /// 0 may be passed as `secondsAgo' to return the current cumulative values.
                /// If called with a timestamp falling between two observations, returns the counterfactual accumulator values
                /// at exactly the timestamp between the two observations.
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param time The current block timestamp
                /// @param secondsAgo The amount of time to look back, in seconds, at which point to return an observation
                /// @param tick The current tick
                /// @param index The index of the observation that was most recently written to the observations array
                /// @param liquidity The current in-range pool liquidity
                /// @param cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @return tickCumulative The tick * time elapsed since the pool was first initialized, as of `secondsAgo`
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 The time elapsed / max(1, liquidity) since the pool was first initialized, as of `secondsAgo`
                function observeSingle(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint32 time,
                    uint32 secondsAgo,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint16 index,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint16 cardinality
                ) internal view returns (int56 tickCumulative, uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128) {
                    if (secondsAgo == 0) {
                        Observation memory last = self[index];
                        if (last.blockTimestamp != time) last = transform(last, time, tick, liquidity);
                        return (last.tickCumulative, last.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128);
                    uint32 target = time - secondsAgo;
                    (Observation memory beforeOrAt, Observation memory atOrAfter) =
                        getSurroundingObservations(self, time, target, tick, index, liquidity, cardinality);
                    if (target == beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp) {
                        // we're at the left boundary
                        return (beforeOrAt.tickCumulative, beforeOrAt.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128);
                    } else if (target == atOrAfter.blockTimestamp) {
                        // we're at the right boundary
                        return (atOrAfter.tickCumulative, atOrAfter.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128);
                    } else {
                        // we're in the middle
                        uint32 observationTimeDelta = atOrAfter.blockTimestamp - beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp;
                        uint32 targetDelta = target - beforeOrAt.blockTimestamp;
                        return (
                            beforeOrAt.tickCumulative +
                                ((atOrAfter.tickCumulative - beforeOrAt.tickCumulative) / observationTimeDelta) *
                            beforeOrAt.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 +
                                        atOrAfter.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 - beforeOrAt.secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128
                                    ) * targetDelta) / observationTimeDelta
                /// @notice Returns the accumulator values as of each time seconds ago from the given time in the array of `secondsAgos`
                /// @dev Reverts if `secondsAgos` > oldest observation
                /// @param self The stored oracle array
                /// @param time The current block.timestamp
                /// @param secondsAgos Each amount of time to look back, in seconds, at which point to return an observation
                /// @param tick The current tick
                /// @param index The index of the observation that was most recently written to the observations array
                /// @param liquidity The current in-range pool liquidity
                /// @param cardinality The number of populated elements in the oracle array
                /// @return tickCumulatives The tick * time elapsed since the pool was first initialized, as of each `secondsAgo`
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s The cumulative seconds / max(1, liquidity) since the pool was first initialized, as of each `secondsAgo`
                function observe(
                    Observation[65535] storage self,
                    uint32 time,
                    uint32[] memory secondsAgos,
                    int24 tick,
                    uint16 index,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint16 cardinality
                ) internal view returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s) {
                    require(cardinality > 0, 'I');
                    tickCumulatives = new int56[](secondsAgos.length);
                    secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s = new uint160[](secondsAgos.length);
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < secondsAgos.length; i++) {
                        (tickCumulatives[i], secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s[i]) = observeSingle(
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity >=0.4.0;
            /// @title Contains 512-bit math functions
            /// @notice Facilitates multiplication and division that can have overflow of an intermediate value without any loss of precision
            /// @dev Handles "phantom overflow" i.e., allows multiplication and division where an intermediate value overflows 256 bits
            library FullMath {
                /// @notice Calculates floor(a×b÷denominator) with full precision. Throws if result overflows a uint256 or denominator == 0
                /// @param a The multiplicand
                /// @param b The multiplier
                /// @param denominator The divisor
                /// @return result The 256-bit result
                /// @dev Credit to Remco Bloemen under MIT license
                function mulDiv(
                    uint256 a,
                    uint256 b,
                    uint256 denominator
                ) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
                    // 512-bit multiply [prod1 prod0] = a * b
                    // Compute the product mod 2**256 and mod 2**256 - 1
                    // then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to reconstruct
                    // the 512 bit result. The result is stored in two 256
                    // variables such that product = prod1 * 2**256 + prod0
                    uint256 prod0; // Least significant 256 bits of the product
                    uint256 prod1; // Most significant 256 bits of the product
                    assembly {
                        let mm := mulmod(a, b, not(0))
                        prod0 := mul(a, b)
                        prod1 := sub(sub(mm, prod0), lt(mm, prod0))
                    // Handle non-overflow cases, 256 by 256 division
                    if (prod1 == 0) {
                        require(denominator > 0);
                        assembly {
                            result := div(prod0, denominator)
                        return result;
                    // Make sure the result is less than 2**256.
                    // Also prevents denominator == 0
                    require(denominator > prod1);
                    // 512 by 256 division.
                    // Make division exact by subtracting the remainder from [prod1 prod0]
                    // Compute remainder using mulmod
                    uint256 remainder;
                    assembly {
                        remainder := mulmod(a, b, denominator)
                    // Subtract 256 bit number from 512 bit number
                    assembly {
                        prod1 := sub(prod1, gt(remainder, prod0))
                        prod0 := sub(prod0, remainder)
                    // Factor powers of two out of denominator
                    // Compute largest power of two divisor of denominator.
                    // Always >= 1.
                    uint256 twos = -denominator & denominator;
                    // Divide denominator by power of two
                    assembly {
                        denominator := div(denominator, twos)
                    // Divide [prod1 prod0] by the factors of two
                    assembly {
                        prod0 := div(prod0, twos)
                    // Shift in bits from prod1 into prod0. For this we need
                    // to flip `twos` such that it is 2**256 / twos.
                    // If twos is zero, then it becomes one
                    assembly {
                        twos := add(div(sub(0, twos), twos), 1)
                    prod0 |= prod1 * twos;
                    // Invert denominator mod 2**256
                    // Now that denominator is an odd number, it has an inverse
                    // modulo 2**256 such that denominator * inv = 1 mod 2**256.
                    // Compute the inverse by starting with a seed that is correct
                    // correct for four bits. That is, denominator * inv = 1 mod 2**4
                    uint256 inv = (3 * denominator) ^ 2;
                    // Now use Newton-Raphson iteration to improve the precision.
                    // Thanks to Hensel's lifting lemma, this also works in modular
                    // arithmetic, doubling the correct bits in each step.
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**8
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**16
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**32
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**64
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**128
                    inv *= 2 - denominator * inv; // inverse mod 2**256
                    // Because the division is now exact we can divide by multiplying
                    // with the modular inverse of denominator. This will give us the
                    // correct result modulo 2**256. Since the precoditions guarantee
                    // that the outcome is less than 2**256, this is the final result.
                    // We don't need to compute the high bits of the result and prod1
                    // is no longer required.
                    result = prod0 * inv;
                    return result;
                /// @notice Calculates ceil(a×b÷denominator) with full precision. Throws if result overflows a uint256 or denominator == 0
                /// @param a The multiplicand
                /// @param b The multiplier
                /// @param denominator The divisor
                /// @return result The 256-bit result
                function mulDivRoundingUp(
                    uint256 a,
                    uint256 b,
                    uint256 denominator
                ) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
                    result = mulDiv(a, b, denominator);
                    if (mulmod(a, b, denominator) > 0) {
                        require(result < type(uint256).max);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.4.0;
            /// @title FixedPoint128
            /// @notice A library for handling binary fixed point numbers, see
            library FixedPoint128 {
                uint256 internal constant Q128 = 0x100000000000000000000000000000000;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.6.0;
            import '../interfaces/IERC20Minimal.sol';
            /// @title TransferHelper
            /// @notice Contains helper methods for interacting with ERC20 tokens that do not consistently return true/false
            library TransferHelper {
                /// @notice Transfers tokens from msg.sender to a recipient
                /// @dev Calls transfer on token contract, errors with TF if transfer fails
                /// @param token The contract address of the token which will be transferred
                /// @param to The recipient of the transfer
                /// @param value The value of the transfer
                function safeTransfer(
                    address token,
                    address to,
                    uint256 value
                ) internal {
                    (bool success, bytes memory data) =
              , to, value));
                    require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TF');
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Math library for computing sqrt prices from ticks and vice versa
            /// @notice Computes sqrt price for ticks of size 1.0001, i.e. sqrt(1.0001^tick) as fixed point Q64.96 numbers. Supports
            /// prices between 2**-128 and 2**128
            library TickMath {
                /// @dev The minimum tick that may be passed to #getSqrtRatioAtTick computed from log base 1.0001 of 2**-128
                int24 internal constant MIN_TICK = -887272;
                /// @dev The maximum tick that may be passed to #getSqrtRatioAtTick computed from log base 1.0001 of 2**128
                int24 internal constant MAX_TICK = -MIN_TICK;
                /// @dev The minimum value that can be returned from #getSqrtRatioAtTick. Equivalent to getSqrtRatioAtTick(MIN_TICK)
                uint160 internal constant MIN_SQRT_RATIO = 4295128739;
                /// @dev The maximum value that can be returned from #getSqrtRatioAtTick. Equivalent to getSqrtRatioAtTick(MAX_TICK)
                uint160 internal constant MAX_SQRT_RATIO = 1461446703485210103287273052203988822378723970342;
                /// @notice Calculates sqrt(1.0001^tick) * 2^96
                /// @dev Throws if |tick| > max tick
                /// @param tick The input tick for the above formula
                /// @return sqrtPriceX96 A Fixed point Q64.96 number representing the sqrt of the ratio of the two assets (token1/token0)
                /// at the given tick
                function getSqrtRatioAtTick(int24 tick) internal pure returns (uint160 sqrtPriceX96) {
                    uint256 absTick = tick < 0 ? uint256(-int256(tick)) : uint256(int256(tick));
                    require(absTick <= uint256(MAX_TICK), 'T');
                    uint256 ratio = absTick & 0x1 != 0 ? 0xfffcb933bd6fad37aa2d162d1a594001 : 0x100000000000000000000000000000000;
                    if (absTick & 0x2 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xfff97272373d413259a46990580e213a) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x4 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xfff2e50f5f656932ef12357cf3c7fdcc) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x8 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xffe5caca7e10e4e61c3624eaa0941cd0) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x10 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xffcb9843d60f6159c9db58835c926644) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x20 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xff973b41fa98c081472e6896dfb254c0) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x40 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xff2ea16466c96a3843ec78b326b52861) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x80 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xfe5dee046a99a2a811c461f1969c3053) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x100 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xfcbe86c7900a88aedcffc83b479aa3a4) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x200 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xf987a7253ac413176f2b074cf7815e54) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x400 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xf3392b0822b70005940c7a398e4b70f3) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x800 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xe7159475a2c29b7443b29c7fa6e889d9) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x1000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xd097f3bdfd2022b8845ad8f792aa5825) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x2000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0xa9f746462d870fdf8a65dc1f90e061e5) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x4000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x70d869a156d2a1b890bb3df62baf32f7) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x8000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x31be135f97d08fd981231505542fcfa6) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x10000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x9aa508b5b7a84e1c677de54f3e99bc9) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x20000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x5d6af8dedb81196699c329225ee604) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x40000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x2216e584f5fa1ea926041bedfe98) >> 128;
                    if (absTick & 0x80000 != 0) ratio = (ratio * 0x48a170391f7dc42444e8fa2) >> 128;
                    if (tick > 0) ratio = type(uint256).max / ratio;
                    // this divides by 1<<32 rounding up to go from a Q128.128 to a Q128.96.
                    // we then downcast because we know the result always fits within 160 bits due to our tick input constraint
                    // we round up in the division so getTickAtSqrtRatio of the output price is always consistent
                    sqrtPriceX96 = uint160((ratio >> 32) + (ratio % (1 << 32) == 0 ? 0 : 1));
                /// @notice Calculates the greatest tick value such that getRatioAtTick(tick) <= ratio
                /// @dev Throws in case sqrtPriceX96 < MIN_SQRT_RATIO, as MIN_SQRT_RATIO is the lowest value getRatioAtTick may
                /// ever return.
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 The sqrt ratio for which to compute the tick as a Q64.96
                /// @return tick The greatest tick for which the ratio is less than or equal to the input ratio
                function getTickAtSqrtRatio(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) internal pure returns (int24 tick) {
                    // second inequality must be < because the price can never reach the price at the max tick
                    require(sqrtPriceX96 >= MIN_SQRT_RATIO && sqrtPriceX96 < MAX_SQRT_RATIO, 'R');
                    uint256 ratio = uint256(sqrtPriceX96) << 32;
                    uint256 r = ratio;
                    uint256 msb = 0;
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(7, gt(r, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(6, gt(r, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(5, gt(r, 0xFFFFFFFF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(4, gt(r, 0xFFFF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(3, gt(r, 0xFF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(2, gt(r, 0xF))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := shl(1, gt(r, 0x3))
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        let f := gt(r, 0x1)
                        msb := or(msb, f)
                    if (msb >= 128) r = ratio >> (msb - 127);
                    else r = ratio << (127 - msb);
                    int256 log_2 = (int256(msb) - 128) << 64;
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(63, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(62, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(61, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(60, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(59, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(58, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(57, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(56, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(55, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(54, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(53, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(52, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(51, f))
                        r := shr(f, r)
                    assembly {
                        r := shr(127, mul(r, r))
                        let f := shr(128, r)
                        log_2 := or(log_2, shl(50, f))
                    int256 log_sqrt10001 = log_2 * 255738958999603826347141; // 128.128 number
                    int24 tickLow = int24((log_sqrt10001 - 3402992956809132418596140100660247210) >> 128);
                    int24 tickHi = int24((log_sqrt10001 + 291339464771989622907027621153398088495) >> 128);
                    tick = tickLow == tickHi ? tickLow : getSqrtRatioAtTick(tickHi) <= sqrtPriceX96 ? tickHi : tickLow;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Math library for liquidity
            library LiquidityMath {
                /// @notice Add a signed liquidity delta to liquidity and revert if it overflows or underflows
                /// @param x The liquidity before change
                /// @param y The delta by which liquidity should be changed
                /// @return z The liquidity delta
                function addDelta(uint128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (uint128 z) {
                    if (y < 0) {
                        require((z = x - uint128(-y)) < x, 'LS');
                    } else {
                        require((z = x + uint128(y)) >= x, 'LA');
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './LowGasSafeMath.sol';
            import './SafeCast.sol';
            import './FullMath.sol';
            import './UnsafeMath.sol';
            import './FixedPoint96.sol';
            /// @title Functions based on Q64.96 sqrt price and liquidity
            /// @notice Contains the math that uses square root of price as a Q64.96 and liquidity to compute deltas
            library SqrtPriceMath {
                using LowGasSafeMath for uint256;
                using SafeCast for uint256;
                /// @notice Gets the next sqrt price given a delta of token0
                /// @dev Always rounds up, because in the exact output case (increasing price) we need to move the price at least
                /// far enough to get the desired output amount, and in the exact input case (decreasing price) we need to move the
                /// price less in order to not send too much output.
                /// The most precise formula for this is liquidity * sqrtPX96 / (liquidity +- amount * sqrtPX96),
                /// if this is impossible because of overflow, we calculate liquidity / (liquidity / sqrtPX96 +- amount).
                /// @param sqrtPX96 The starting price, i.e. before accounting for the token0 delta
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param amount How much of token0 to add or remove from virtual reserves
                /// @param add Whether to add or remove the amount of token0
                /// @return The price after adding or removing amount, depending on add
                function getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(
                    uint160 sqrtPX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint256 amount,
                    bool add
                ) internal pure returns (uint160) {
                    // we short circuit amount == 0 because the result is otherwise not guaranteed to equal the input price
                    if (amount == 0) return sqrtPX96;
                    uint256 numerator1 = uint256(liquidity) << FixedPoint96.RESOLUTION;
                    if (add) {
                        uint256 product;
                        if ((product = amount * sqrtPX96) / amount == sqrtPX96) {
                            uint256 denominator = numerator1 + product;
                            if (denominator >= numerator1)
                                // always fits in 160 bits
                                return uint160(FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(numerator1, sqrtPX96, denominator));
                        return uint160(UnsafeMath.divRoundingUp(numerator1, (numerator1 / sqrtPX96).add(amount)));
                    } else {
                        uint256 product;
                        // if the product overflows, we know the denominator underflows
                        // in addition, we must check that the denominator does not underflow
                        require((product = amount * sqrtPX96) / amount == sqrtPX96 && numerator1 > product);
                        uint256 denominator = numerator1 - product;
                        return FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(numerator1, sqrtPX96, denominator).toUint160();
                /// @notice Gets the next sqrt price given a delta of token1
                /// @dev Always rounds down, because in the exact output case (decreasing price) we need to move the price at least
                /// far enough to get the desired output amount, and in the exact input case (increasing price) we need to move the
                /// price less in order to not send too much output.
                /// The formula we compute is within <1 wei of the lossless version: sqrtPX96 +- amount / liquidity
                /// @param sqrtPX96 The starting price, i.e., before accounting for the token1 delta
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param amount How much of token1 to add, or remove, from virtual reserves
                /// @param add Whether to add, or remove, the amount of token1
                /// @return The price after adding or removing `amount`
                function getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(
                    uint160 sqrtPX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint256 amount,
                    bool add
                ) internal pure returns (uint160) {
                    // if we're adding (subtracting), rounding down requires rounding the quotient down (up)
                    // in both cases, avoid a mulDiv for most inputs
                    if (add) {
                        uint256 quotient =
                                amount <= type(uint160).max
                                    ? (amount << FixedPoint96.RESOLUTION) / liquidity
                                    : FullMath.mulDiv(amount, FixedPoint96.Q96, liquidity)
                        return uint256(sqrtPX96).add(quotient).toUint160();
                    } else {
                        uint256 quotient =
                                amount <= type(uint160).max
                                    ? UnsafeMath.divRoundingUp(amount << FixedPoint96.RESOLUTION, liquidity)
                                    : FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(amount, FixedPoint96.Q96, liquidity)
                        require(sqrtPX96 > quotient);
                        // always fits 160 bits
                        return uint160(sqrtPX96 - quotient);
                /// @notice Gets the next sqrt price given an input amount of token0 or token1
                /// @dev Throws if price or liquidity are 0, or if the next price is out of bounds
                /// @param sqrtPX96 The starting price, i.e., before accounting for the input amount
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param amountIn How much of token0, or token1, is being swapped in
                /// @param zeroForOne Whether the amount in is token0 or token1
                /// @return sqrtQX96 The price after adding the input amount to token0 or token1
                function getNextSqrtPriceFromInput(
                    uint160 sqrtPX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint256 amountIn,
                    bool zeroForOne
                ) internal pure returns (uint160 sqrtQX96) {
                    require(sqrtPX96 > 0);
                    require(liquidity > 0);
                    // round to make sure that we don't pass the target price
                            ? getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(sqrtPX96, liquidity, amountIn, true)
                            : getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(sqrtPX96, liquidity, amountIn, true);
                /// @notice Gets the next sqrt price given an output amount of token0 or token1
                /// @dev Throws if price or liquidity are 0 or the next price is out of bounds
                /// @param sqrtPX96 The starting price before accounting for the output amount
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param amountOut How much of token0, or token1, is being swapped out
                /// @param zeroForOne Whether the amount out is token0 or token1
                /// @return sqrtQX96 The price after removing the output amount of token0 or token1
                function getNextSqrtPriceFromOutput(
                    uint160 sqrtPX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    uint256 amountOut,
                    bool zeroForOne
                ) internal pure returns (uint160 sqrtQX96) {
                    require(sqrtPX96 > 0);
                    require(liquidity > 0);
                    // round to make sure that we pass the target price
                            ? getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(sqrtPX96, liquidity, amountOut, false)
                            : getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(sqrtPX96, liquidity, amountOut, false);
                /// @notice Gets the amount0 delta between two prices
                /// @dev Calculates liquidity / sqrt(lower) - liquidity / sqrt(upper),
                /// i.e. liquidity * (sqrt(upper) - sqrt(lower)) / (sqrt(upper) * sqrt(lower))
                /// @param sqrtRatioAX96 A sqrt price
                /// @param sqrtRatioBX96 Another sqrt price
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param roundUp Whether to round the amount up or down
                /// @return amount0 Amount of token0 required to cover a position of size liquidity between the two passed prices
                function getAmount0Delta(
                    uint160 sqrtRatioAX96,
                    uint160 sqrtRatioBX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    bool roundUp
                ) internal pure returns (uint256 amount0) {
                    if (sqrtRatioAX96 > sqrtRatioBX96) (sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96) = (sqrtRatioBX96, sqrtRatioAX96);
                    uint256 numerator1 = uint256(liquidity) << FixedPoint96.RESOLUTION;
                    uint256 numerator2 = sqrtRatioBX96 - sqrtRatioAX96;
                    require(sqrtRatioAX96 > 0);
                            ? UnsafeMath.divRoundingUp(
                                FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(numerator1, numerator2, sqrtRatioBX96),
                            : FullMath.mulDiv(numerator1, numerator2, sqrtRatioBX96) / sqrtRatioAX96;
                /// @notice Gets the amount1 delta between two prices
                /// @dev Calculates liquidity * (sqrt(upper) - sqrt(lower))
                /// @param sqrtRatioAX96 A sqrt price
                /// @param sqrtRatioBX96 Another sqrt price
                /// @param liquidity The amount of usable liquidity
                /// @param roundUp Whether to round the amount up, or down
                /// @return amount1 Amount of token1 required to cover a position of size liquidity between the two passed prices
                function getAmount1Delta(
                    uint160 sqrtRatioAX96,
                    uint160 sqrtRatioBX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    bool roundUp
                ) internal pure returns (uint256 amount1) {
                    if (sqrtRatioAX96 > sqrtRatioBX96) (sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96) = (sqrtRatioBX96, sqrtRatioAX96);
                            ? FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(liquidity, sqrtRatioBX96 - sqrtRatioAX96, FixedPoint96.Q96)
                            : FullMath.mulDiv(liquidity, sqrtRatioBX96 - sqrtRatioAX96, FixedPoint96.Q96);
                /// @notice Helper that gets signed token0 delta
                /// @param sqrtRatioAX96 A sqrt price
                /// @param sqrtRatioBX96 Another sqrt price
                /// @param liquidity The change in liquidity for which to compute the amount0 delta
                /// @return amount0 Amount of token0 corresponding to the passed liquidityDelta between the two prices
                function getAmount0Delta(
                    uint160 sqrtRatioAX96,
                    uint160 sqrtRatioBX96,
                    int128 liquidity
                ) internal pure returns (int256 amount0) {
                        liquidity < 0
                            ? -getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, uint128(-liquidity), false).toInt256()
                            : getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, uint128(liquidity), true).toInt256();
                /// @notice Helper that gets signed token1 delta
                /// @param sqrtRatioAX96 A sqrt price
                /// @param sqrtRatioBX96 Another sqrt price
                /// @param liquidity The change in liquidity for which to compute the amount1 delta
                /// @return amount1 Amount of token1 corresponding to the passed liquidityDelta between the two prices
                function getAmount1Delta(
                    uint160 sqrtRatioAX96,
                    uint160 sqrtRatioBX96,
                    int128 liquidity
                ) internal pure returns (int256 amount1) {
                        liquidity < 0
                            ? -getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, uint128(-liquidity), false).toInt256()
                            : getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, uint128(liquidity), true).toInt256();
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            import './FullMath.sol';
            import './SqrtPriceMath.sol';
            /// @title Computes the result of a swap within ticks
            /// @notice Contains methods for computing the result of a swap within a single tick price range, i.e., a single tick.
            library SwapMath {
                /// @notice Computes the result of swapping some amount in, or amount out, given the parameters of the swap
                /// @dev The fee, plus the amount in, will never exceed the amount remaining if the swap's `amountSpecified` is positive
                /// @param sqrtRatioCurrentX96 The current sqrt price of the pool
                /// @param sqrtRatioTargetX96 The price that cannot be exceeded, from which the direction of the swap is inferred
                /// @param liquidity The usable liquidity
                /// @param amountRemaining How much input or output amount is remaining to be swapped in/out
                /// @param feePips The fee taken from the input amount, expressed in hundredths of a bip
                /// @return sqrtRatioNextX96 The price after swapping the amount in/out, not to exceed the price target
                /// @return amountIn The amount to be swapped in, of either token0 or token1, based on the direction of the swap
                /// @return amountOut The amount to be received, of either token0 or token1, based on the direction of the swap
                /// @return feeAmount The amount of input that will be taken as a fee
                function computeSwapStep(
                    uint160 sqrtRatioCurrentX96,
                    uint160 sqrtRatioTargetX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    int256 amountRemaining,
                    uint24 feePips
                    returns (
                        uint160 sqrtRatioNextX96,
                        uint256 amountIn,
                        uint256 amountOut,
                        uint256 feeAmount
                    bool zeroForOne = sqrtRatioCurrentX96 >= sqrtRatioTargetX96;
                    bool exactIn = amountRemaining >= 0;
                    if (exactIn) {
                        uint256 amountRemainingLessFee = FullMath.mulDiv(uint256(amountRemaining), 1e6 - feePips, 1e6);
                        amountIn = zeroForOne
                            ? SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioTargetX96, sqrtRatioCurrentX96, liquidity, true)
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioCurrentX96, sqrtRatioTargetX96, liquidity, true);
                        if (amountRemainingLessFee >= amountIn) sqrtRatioNextX96 = sqrtRatioTargetX96;
                            sqrtRatioNextX96 = SqrtPriceMath.getNextSqrtPriceFromInput(
                    } else {
                        amountOut = zeroForOne
                            ? SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioTargetX96, sqrtRatioCurrentX96, liquidity, false)
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioCurrentX96, sqrtRatioTargetX96, liquidity, false);
                        if (uint256(-amountRemaining) >= amountOut) sqrtRatioNextX96 = sqrtRatioTargetX96;
                            sqrtRatioNextX96 = SqrtPriceMath.getNextSqrtPriceFromOutput(
                    bool max = sqrtRatioTargetX96 == sqrtRatioNextX96;
                    // get the input/output amounts
                    if (zeroForOne) {
                        amountIn = max && exactIn
                            ? amountIn
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioNextX96, sqrtRatioCurrentX96, liquidity, true);
                        amountOut = max && !exactIn
                            ? amountOut
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioNextX96, sqrtRatioCurrentX96, liquidity, false);
                    } else {
                        amountIn = max && exactIn
                            ? amountIn
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(sqrtRatioCurrentX96, sqrtRatioNextX96, liquidity, true);
                        amountOut = max && !exactIn
                            ? amountOut
                            : SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(sqrtRatioCurrentX96, sqrtRatioNextX96, liquidity, false);
                    // cap the output amount to not exceed the remaining output amount
                    if (!exactIn && amountOut > uint256(-amountRemaining)) {
                        amountOut = uint256(-amountRemaining);
                    if (exactIn && sqrtRatioNextX96 != sqrtRatioTargetX96) {
                        // we didn't reach the target, so take the remainder of the maximum input as fee
                        feeAmount = uint256(amountRemaining) - amountIn;
                    } else {
                        feeAmount = FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(amountIn, feePips, 1e6 - feePips);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title An interface for a contract that is capable of deploying Uniswap V3 Pools
            /// @notice A contract that constructs a pool must implement this to pass arguments to the pool
            /// @dev This is used to avoid having constructor arguments in the pool contract, which results in the init code hash
            /// of the pool being constant allowing the CREATE2 address of the pool to be cheaply computed on-chain
            interface IUniswapV3PoolDeployer {
                /// @notice Get the parameters to be used in constructing the pool, set transiently during pool creation.
                /// @dev Called by the pool constructor to fetch the parameters of the pool
                /// Returns factory The factory address
                /// Returns token0 The first token of the pool by address sort order
                /// Returns token1 The second token of the pool by address sort order
                /// Returns fee The fee collected upon every swap in the pool, denominated in hundredths of a bip
                /// Returns tickSpacing The minimum number of ticks between initialized ticks
                function parameters()
                    returns (
                        address factory,
                        address token0,
                        address token1,
                        uint24 fee,
                        int24 tickSpacing
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title The interface for the Uniswap V3 Factory
            /// @notice The Uniswap V3 Factory facilitates creation of Uniswap V3 pools and control over the protocol fees
            interface IUniswapV3Factory {
                /// @notice Emitted when the owner of the factory is changed
                /// @param oldOwner The owner before the owner was changed
                /// @param newOwner The owner after the owner was changed
                event OwnerChanged(address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner);
                /// @notice Emitted when a pool is created
                /// @param token0 The first token of the pool by address sort order
                /// @param token1 The second token of the pool by address sort order
                /// @param fee The fee collected upon every swap in the pool, denominated in hundredths of a bip
                /// @param tickSpacing The minimum number of ticks between initialized ticks
                /// @param pool The address of the created pool
                event PoolCreated(
                    address indexed token0,
                    address indexed token1,
                    uint24 indexed fee,
                    int24 tickSpacing,
                    address pool
                /// @notice Emitted when a new fee amount is enabled for pool creation via the factory
                /// @param fee The enabled fee, denominated in hundredths of a bip
                /// @param tickSpacing The minimum number of ticks between initialized ticks for pools created with the given fee
                event FeeAmountEnabled(uint24 indexed fee, int24 indexed tickSpacing);
                /// @notice Returns the current owner of the factory
                /// @dev Can be changed by the current owner via setOwner
                /// @return The address of the factory owner
                function owner() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice Returns the tick spacing for a given fee amount, if enabled, or 0 if not enabled
                /// @dev A fee amount can never be removed, so this value should be hard coded or cached in the calling context
                /// @param fee The enabled fee, denominated in hundredths of a bip. Returns 0 in case of unenabled fee
                /// @return The tick spacing
                function feeAmountTickSpacing(uint24 fee) external view returns (int24);
                /// @notice Returns the pool address for a given pair of tokens and a fee, or address 0 if it does not exist
                /// @dev tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either token0/token1 or token1/token0 order
                /// @param tokenA The contract address of either token0 or token1
                /// @param tokenB The contract address of the other token
                /// @param fee The fee collected upon every swap in the pool, denominated in hundredths of a bip
                /// @return pool The pool address
                function getPool(
                    address tokenA,
                    address tokenB,
                    uint24 fee
                ) external view returns (address pool);
                /// @notice Creates a pool for the given two tokens and fee
                /// @param tokenA One of the two tokens in the desired pool
                /// @param tokenB The other of the two tokens in the desired pool
                /// @param fee The desired fee for the pool
                /// @dev tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either order: token0/token1 or token1/token0. tickSpacing is retrieved
                /// from the fee. The call will revert if the pool already exists, the fee is invalid, or the token arguments
                /// are invalid.
                /// @return pool The address of the newly created pool
                function createPool(
                    address tokenA,
                    address tokenB,
                    uint24 fee
                ) external returns (address pool);
                /// @notice Updates the owner of the factory
                /// @dev Must be called by the current owner
                /// @param _owner The new owner of the factory
                function setOwner(address _owner) external;
                /// @notice Enables a fee amount with the given tickSpacing
                /// @dev Fee amounts may never be removed once enabled
                /// @param fee The fee amount to enable, denominated in hundredths of a bip (i.e. 1e-6)
                /// @param tickSpacing The spacing between ticks to be enforced for all pools created with the given fee amount
                function enableFeeAmount(uint24 fee, int24 tickSpacing) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Minimal ERC20 interface for Uniswap
            /// @notice Contains a subset of the full ERC20 interface that is used in Uniswap V3
            interface IERC20Minimal {
                /// @notice Returns the balance of a token
                /// @param account The account for which to look up the number of tokens it has, i.e. its balance
                /// @return The number of tokens held by the account
                function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice Transfers the amount of token from the `msg.sender` to the recipient
                /// @param recipient The account that will receive the amount transferred
                /// @param amount The number of tokens to send from the sender to the recipient
                /// @return Returns true for a successful transfer, false for an unsuccessful transfer
                function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                /// @notice Returns the current allowance given to a spender by an owner
                /// @param owner The account of the token owner
                /// @param spender The account of the token spender
                /// @return The current allowance granted by `owner` to `spender`
                function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice Sets the allowance of a spender from the `msg.sender` to the value `amount`
                /// @param spender The account which will be allowed to spend a given amount of the owners tokens
                /// @param amount The amount of tokens allowed to be used by `spender`
                /// @return Returns true for a successful approval, false for unsuccessful
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                /// @notice Transfers `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` up to the allowance given to the `msg.sender`
                /// @param sender The account from which the transfer will be initiated
                /// @param recipient The recipient of the transfer
                /// @param amount The amount of the transfer
                /// @return Returns true for a successful transfer, false for unsuccessful
                function transferFrom(
                    address sender,
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount
                ) external returns (bool);
                /// @notice Event emitted when tokens are transferred from one address to another, either via `#transfer` or `#transferFrom`.
                /// @param from The account from which the tokens were sent, i.e. the balance decreased
                /// @param to The account to which the tokens were sent, i.e. the balance increased
                /// @param value The amount of tokens that were transferred
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
                /// @notice Event emitted when the approval amount for the spender of a given owner's tokens changes.
                /// @param owner The account that approved spending of its tokens
                /// @param spender The account for which the spending allowance was modified
                /// @param value The new allowance from the owner to the spender
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#mint
            /// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#mint must implement this interface
            interface IUniswapV3MintCallback {
                /// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after minting liquidity to a position from IUniswapV3Pool#mint.
                /// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the minted liquidity.
                /// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
                /// @param amount0Owed The amount of token0 due to the pool for the minted liquidity
                /// @param amount1Owed The amount of token1 due to the pool for the minted liquidity
                /// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#mint call
                function uniswapV3MintCallback(
                    uint256 amount0Owed,
                    uint256 amount1Owed,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap
            /// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap must implement this interface
            interface IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
                /// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after executing a swap via IUniswapV3Pool#swap.
                /// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap.
                /// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
                /// amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped.
                /// @param amount0Delta The amount of token0 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
                /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token0 to the pool.
                /// @param amount1Delta The amount of token1 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
                /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token1 to the pool.
                /// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap call
                function uniswapV3SwapCallback(
                    int256 amount0Delta,
                    int256 amount1Delta,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#flash
            /// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#flash must implement this interface
            interface IUniswapV3FlashCallback {
                /// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after transferring to the recipient from IUniswapV3Pool#flash.
                /// @dev In the implementation you must repay the pool the tokens sent by flash plus the computed fee amounts.
                /// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
                /// @param fee0 The fee amount in token0 due to the pool by the end of the flash
                /// @param fee1 The fee amount in token1 due to the pool by the end of the flash
                /// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#flash call
                function uniswapV3FlashCallback(
                    uint256 fee0,
                    uint256 fee1,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that never changes
            /// @notice These parameters are fixed for a pool forever, i.e., the methods will always return the same values
            interface IUniswapV3PoolImmutables {
                /// @notice The contract that deployed the pool, which must adhere to the IUniswapV3Factory interface
                /// @return The contract address
                function factory() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The first of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address
                /// @return The token contract address
                function token0() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The second of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address
                /// @return The token contract address
                function token1() external view returns (address);
                /// @notice The pool's fee in hundredths of a bip, i.e. 1e-6
                /// @return The fee
                function fee() external view returns (uint24);
                /// @notice The pool tick spacing
                /// @dev Ticks can only be used at multiples of this value, minimum of 1 and always positive
                /// e.g.: a tickSpacing of 3 means ticks can be initialized every 3rd tick, i.e., ..., -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ...
                /// This value is an int24 to avoid casting even though it is always positive.
                /// @return The tick spacing
                function tickSpacing() external view returns (int24);
                /// @notice The maximum amount of position liquidity that can use any tick in the range
                /// @dev This parameter is enforced per tick to prevent liquidity from overflowing a uint128 at any point, and
                /// also prevents out-of-range liquidity from being used to prevent adding in-range liquidity to a pool
                /// @return The max amount of liquidity per tick
                function maxLiquidityPerTick() external view returns (uint128);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that can change
            /// @notice These methods compose the pool's state, and can change with any frequency including multiple times
            /// per transaction
            interface IUniswapV3PoolState {
                /// @notice The 0th storage slot in the pool stores many values, and is exposed as a single method to save gas
                /// when accessed externally.
                /// @return sqrtPriceX96 The current price of the pool as a sqrt(token1/token0) Q64.96 value
                /// tick The current tick of the pool, i.e. according to the last tick transition that was run.
                /// This value may not always be equal to SqrtTickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96) if the price is on a tick
                /// boundary.
                /// observationIndex The index of the last oracle observation that was written,
                /// observationCardinality The current maximum number of observations stored in the pool,
                /// observationCardinalityNext The next maximum number of observations, to be updated when the observation.
                /// feeProtocol The protocol fee for both tokens of the pool.
                /// Encoded as two 4 bit values, where the protocol fee of token1 is shifted 4 bits and the protocol fee of token0
                /// is the lower 4 bits. Used as the denominator of a fraction of the swap fee, e.g. 4 means 1/4th of the swap fee.
                /// unlocked Whether the pool is currently locked to reentrancy
                function slot0()
                    returns (
                        uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
                        int24 tick,
                        uint16 observationIndex,
                        uint16 observationCardinality,
                        uint16 observationCardinalityNext,
                        uint8 feeProtocol,
                        bool unlocked
                /// @notice The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token0 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool
                /// @dev This value can overflow the uint256
                function feeGrowthGlobal0X128() external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token1 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool
                /// @dev This value can overflow the uint256
                function feeGrowthGlobal1X128() external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice The amounts of token0 and token1 that are owed to the protocol
                /// @dev Protocol fees will never exceed uint128 max in either token
                function protocolFees() external view returns (uint128 token0, uint128 token1);
                /// @notice The currently in range liquidity available to the pool
                /// @dev This value has no relationship to the total liquidity across all ticks
                function liquidity() external view returns (uint128);
                /// @notice Look up information about a specific tick in the pool
                /// @param tick The tick to look up
                /// @return liquidityGross the total amount of position liquidity that uses the pool either as tick lower or
                /// tick upper,
                /// liquidityNet how much liquidity changes when the pool price crosses the tick,
                /// feeGrowthOutside0X128 the fee growth on the other side of the tick from the current tick in token0,
                /// feeGrowthOutside1X128 the fee growth on the other side of the tick from the current tick in token1,
                /// tickCumulativeOutside the cumulative tick value on the other side of the tick from the current tick
                /// secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128 the seconds spent per liquidity on the other side of the tick from the current tick,
                /// secondsOutside the seconds spent on the other side of the tick from the current tick,
                /// initialized Set to true if the tick is initialized, i.e. liquidityGross is greater than 0, otherwise equal to false.
                /// Outside values can only be used if the tick is initialized, i.e. if liquidityGross is greater than 0.
                /// In addition, these values are only relative and must be used only in comparison to previous snapshots for
                /// a specific position.
                function ticks(int24 tick)
                    returns (
                        uint128 liquidityGross,
                        int128 liquidityNet,
                        uint256 feeGrowthOutside0X128,
                        uint256 feeGrowthOutside1X128,
                        int56 tickCumulativeOutside,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityOutsideX128,
                        uint32 secondsOutside,
                        bool initialized
                /// @notice Returns 256 packed tick initialized boolean values. See TickBitmap for more information
                function tickBitmap(int16 wordPosition) external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice Returns the information about a position by the position's key
                /// @param key The position's key is a hash of a preimage composed by the owner, tickLower and tickUpper
                /// @return _liquidity The amount of liquidity in the position,
                /// Returns feeGrowthInside0LastX128 fee growth of token0 inside the tick range as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns feeGrowthInside1LastX128 fee growth of token1 inside the tick range as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns tokensOwed0 the computed amount of token0 owed to the position as of the last mint/burn/poke,
                /// Returns tokensOwed1 the computed amount of token1 owed to the position as of the last mint/burn/poke
                function positions(bytes32 key)
                    returns (
                        uint128 _liquidity,
                        uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
                        uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128,
                        uint128 tokensOwed0,
                        uint128 tokensOwed1
                /// @notice Returns data about a specific observation index
                /// @param index The element of the observations array to fetch
                /// @dev You most likely want to use #observe() instead of this method to get an observation as of some amount of time
                /// ago, rather than at a specific index in the array.
                /// @return blockTimestamp The timestamp of the observation,
                /// Returns tickCumulative the tick multiplied by seconds elapsed for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp,
                /// Returns secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 the seconds per in range liquidity for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp,
                /// Returns initialized whether the observation has been initialized and the values are safe to use
                function observations(uint256 index)
                    returns (
                        uint32 blockTimestamp,
                        int56 tickCumulative,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128,
                        bool initialized
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Pool state that is not stored
            /// @notice Contains view functions to provide information about the pool that is computed rather than stored on the
            /// blockchain. The functions here may have variable gas costs.
            interface IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState {
                /// @notice Returns the cumulative tick and liquidity as of each timestamp `secondsAgo` from the current block timestamp
                /// @dev To get a time weighted average tick or liquidity-in-range, you must call this with two values, one representing
                /// the beginning of the period and another for the end of the period. E.g., to get the last hour time-weighted average tick,
                /// you must call it with secondsAgos = [3600, 0].
                /// @dev The time weighted average tick represents the geometric time weighted average price of the pool, in
                /// log base sqrt(1.0001) of token1 / token0. The TickMath library can be used to go from a tick value to a ratio.
                /// @param secondsAgos From how long ago each cumulative tick and liquidity value should be returned
                /// @return tickCumulatives Cumulative tick values as of each `secondsAgos` from the current block timestamp
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s Cumulative seconds per liquidity-in-range value as of each `secondsAgos` from the current block
                /// timestamp
                function observe(uint32[] calldata secondsAgos)
                    returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s);
                /// @notice Returns a snapshot of the tick cumulative, seconds per liquidity and seconds inside a tick range
                /// @dev Snapshots must only be compared to other snapshots, taken over a period for which a position existed.
                /// I.e., snapshots cannot be compared if a position is not held for the entire period between when the first
                /// snapshot is taken and the second snapshot is taken.
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the range
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the range
                /// @return tickCumulativeInside The snapshot of the tick accumulator for the range
                /// @return secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128 The snapshot of seconds per liquidity for the range
                /// @return secondsInside The snapshot of seconds per liquidity for the range
                function snapshotCumulativesInside(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
                    returns (
                        int56 tickCumulativeInside,
                        uint160 secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128,
                        uint32 secondsInside
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Permissionless pool actions
            /// @notice Contains pool methods that can be called by anyone
            interface IUniswapV3PoolActions {
                /// @notice Sets the initial price for the pool
                /// @dev Price is represented as a sqrt(amountToken1/amountToken0) Q64.96 value
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 the initial sqrt price of the pool as a Q64.96
                function initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) external;
                /// @notice Adds liquidity for the given recipient/tickLower/tickUpper position
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3MintCallback#uniswapV3MintCallback
                /// in which they must pay any token0 or token1 owed for the liquidity. The amount of token0/token1 due depends
                /// on tickLower, tickUpper, the amount of liquidity, and the current price.
                /// @param recipient The address for which the liquidity will be created
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position in which to add liquidity
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position in which to add liquidity
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity to mint
                /// @param data Any data that should be passed through to the callback
                /// @return amount0 The amount of token0 that was paid to mint the given amount of liquidity. Matches the value in the callback
                /// @return amount1 The amount of token1 that was paid to mint the given amount of liquidity. Matches the value in the callback
                function mint(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
                /// @notice Collects tokens owed to a position
                /// @dev Does not recompute fees earned, which must be done either via mint or burn of any amount of liquidity.
                /// Collect must be called by the position owner. To withdraw only token0 or only token1, amount0Requested or
                /// amount1Requested may be set to zero. To withdraw all tokens owed, caller may pass any value greater than the
                /// actual tokens owed, e.g. type(uint128).max. Tokens owed may be from accumulated swap fees or burned liquidity.
                /// @param recipient The address which should receive the fees collected
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position for which to collect fees
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position for which to collect fees
                /// @param amount0Requested How much token0 should be withdrawn from the fees owed
                /// @param amount1Requested How much token1 should be withdrawn from the fees owed
                /// @return amount0 The amount of fees collected in token0
                /// @return amount1 The amount of fees collected in token1
                function collect(
                    address recipient,
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);
                /// @notice Burn liquidity from the sender and account tokens owed for the liquidity to the position
                /// @dev Can be used to trigger a recalculation of fees owed to a position by calling with an amount of 0
                /// @dev Fees must be collected separately via a call to #collect
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position for which to burn liquidity
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position for which to burn liquidity
                /// @param amount How much liquidity to burn
                /// @return amount0 The amount of token0 sent to the recipient
                /// @return amount1 The amount of token1 sent to the recipient
                function burn(
                    int24 tickLower,
                    int24 tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount
                ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
                /// @notice Swap token0 for token1, or token1 for token0
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3SwapCallback#uniswapV3SwapCallback
                /// @param recipient The address to receive the output of the swap
                /// @param zeroForOne The direction of the swap, true for token0 to token1, false for token1 to token0
                /// @param amountSpecified The amount of the swap, which implicitly configures the swap as exact input (positive), or exact output (negative)
                /// @param sqrtPriceLimitX96 The Q64.96 sqrt price limit. If zero for one, the price cannot be less than this
                /// value after the swap. If one for zero, the price cannot be greater than this value after the swap
                /// @param data Any data to be passed through to the callback
                /// @return amount0 The delta of the balance of token0 of the pool, exact when negative, minimum when positive
                /// @return amount1 The delta of the balance of token1 of the pool, exact when negative, minimum when positive
                function swap(
                    address recipient,
                    bool zeroForOne,
                    int256 amountSpecified,
                    uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1);
                /// @notice Receive token0 and/or token1 and pay it back, plus a fee, in the callback
                /// @dev The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IUniswapV3FlashCallback#uniswapV3FlashCallback
                /// @dev Can be used to donate underlying tokens pro-rata to currently in-range liquidity providers by calling
                /// with 0 amount{0,1} and sending the donation amount(s) from the callback
                /// @param recipient The address which will receive the token0 and token1 amounts
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 to send
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 to send
                /// @param data Any data to be passed through to the callback
                function flash(
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1,
                    bytes calldata data
                ) external;
                /// @notice Increase the maximum number of price and liquidity observations that this pool will store
                /// @dev This method is no-op if the pool already has an observationCardinalityNext greater than or equal to
                /// the input observationCardinalityNext.
                /// @param observationCardinalityNext The desired minimum number of observations for the pool to store
                function increaseObservationCardinalityNext(uint16 observationCardinalityNext) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Permissioned pool actions
            /// @notice Contains pool methods that may only be called by the factory owner
            interface IUniswapV3PoolOwnerActions {
                /// @notice Set the denominator of the protocol's % share of the fees
                /// @param feeProtocol0 new protocol fee for token0 of the pool
                /// @param feeProtocol1 new protocol fee for token1 of the pool
                function setFeeProtocol(uint8 feeProtocol0, uint8 feeProtocol1) external;
                /// @notice Collect the protocol fee accrued to the pool
                /// @param recipient The address to which collected protocol fees should be sent
                /// @param amount0Requested The maximum amount of token0 to send, can be 0 to collect fees in only token1
                /// @param amount1Requested The maximum amount of token1 to send, can be 0 to collect fees in only token0
                /// @return amount0 The protocol fee collected in token0
                /// @return amount1 The protocol fee collected in token1
                function collectProtocol(
                    address recipient,
                    uint128 amount0Requested,
                    uint128 amount1Requested
                ) external returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Events emitted by a pool
            /// @notice Contains all events emitted by the pool
            interface IUniswapV3PoolEvents {
                /// @notice Emitted exactly once by a pool when #initialize is first called on the pool
                /// @dev Mint/Burn/Swap cannot be emitted by the pool before Initialize
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 The initial sqrt price of the pool, as a Q64.96
                /// @param tick The initial tick of the pool, i.e. log base 1.0001 of the starting price of the pool
                event Initialize(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, int24 tick);
                /// @notice Emitted when liquidity is minted for a given position
                /// @param sender The address that minted the liquidity
                /// @param owner The owner of the position and recipient of any minted liquidity
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity minted to the position range
                /// @param amount0 How much token0 was required for the minted liquidity
                /// @param amount1 How much token1 was required for the minted liquidity
                event Mint(
                    address sender,
                    address indexed owner,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted when fees are collected by the owner of a position
                /// @dev Collect events may be emitted with zero amount0 and amount1 when the caller chooses not to collect fees
                /// @param owner The owner of the position for which fees are collected
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 fees collected
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 fees collected
                event Collect(
                    address indexed owner,
                    address recipient,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount0,
                    uint128 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted when a position's liquidity is removed
                /// @dev Does not withdraw any fees earned by the liquidity position, which must be withdrawn via #collect
                /// @param owner The owner of the position for which liquidity is removed
                /// @param tickLower The lower tick of the position
                /// @param tickUpper The upper tick of the position
                /// @param amount The amount of liquidity to remove
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 withdrawn
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 withdrawn
                event Burn(
                    address indexed owner,
                    int24 indexed tickLower,
                    int24 indexed tickUpper,
                    uint128 amount,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for any swaps between token0 and token1
                /// @param sender The address that initiated the swap call, and that received the callback
                /// @param recipient The address that received the output of the swap
                /// @param amount0 The delta of the token0 balance of the pool
                /// @param amount1 The delta of the token1 balance of the pool
                /// @param sqrtPriceX96 The sqrt(price) of the pool after the swap, as a Q64.96
                /// @param liquidity The liquidity of the pool after the swap
                /// @param tick The log base 1.0001 of price of the pool after the swap
                event Swap(
                    address indexed sender,
                    address indexed recipient,
                    int256 amount0,
                    int256 amount1,
                    uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
                    uint128 liquidity,
                    int24 tick
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for any flashes of token0/token1
                /// @param sender The address that initiated the swap call, and that received the callback
                /// @param recipient The address that received the tokens from flash
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 that was flashed
                /// @param amount1 The amount of token1 that was flashed
                /// @param paid0 The amount of token0 paid for the flash, which can exceed the amount0 plus the fee
                /// @param paid1 The amount of token1 paid for the flash, which can exceed the amount1 plus the fee
                event Flash(
                    address indexed sender,
                    address indexed recipient,
                    uint256 amount0,
                    uint256 amount1,
                    uint256 paid0,
                    uint256 paid1
                /// @notice Emitted by the pool for increases to the number of observations that can be stored
                /// @dev observationCardinalityNext is not the observation cardinality until an observation is written at the index
                /// just before a mint/swap/burn.
                /// @param observationCardinalityNextOld The previous value of the next observation cardinality
                /// @param observationCardinalityNextNew The updated value of the next observation cardinality
                event IncreaseObservationCardinalityNext(
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextOld,
                    uint16 observationCardinalityNextNew
                /// @notice Emitted when the protocol fee is changed by the pool
                /// @param feeProtocol0Old The previous value of the token0 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol1Old The previous value of the token1 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol0New The updated value of the token0 protocol fee
                /// @param feeProtocol1New The updated value of the token1 protocol fee
                event SetFeeProtocol(uint8 feeProtocol0Old, uint8 feeProtocol1Old, uint8 feeProtocol0New, uint8 feeProtocol1New);
                /// @notice Emitted when the collected protocol fees are withdrawn by the factory owner
                /// @param sender The address that collects the protocol fees
                /// @param recipient The address that receives the collected protocol fees
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token0 protocol fees that is withdrawn
                /// @param amount0 The amount of token1 protocol fees that is withdrawn
                event CollectProtocol(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title BitMath
            /// @dev This library provides functionality for computing bit properties of an unsigned integer
            library BitMath {
                /// @notice Returns the index of the most significant bit of the number,
                ///     where the least significant bit is at index 0 and the most significant bit is at index 255
                /// @dev The function satisfies the property:
                ///     x >= 2**mostSignificantBit(x) and x < 2**(mostSignificantBit(x)+1)
                /// @param x the value for which to compute the most significant bit, must be greater than 0
                /// @return r the index of the most significant bit
                function mostSignificantBit(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint8 r) {
                    require(x > 0);
                    if (x >= 0x100000000000000000000000000000000) {
                        x >>= 128;
                        r += 128;
                    if (x >= 0x10000000000000000) {
                        x >>= 64;
                        r += 64;
                    if (x >= 0x100000000) {
                        x >>= 32;
                        r += 32;
                    if (x >= 0x10000) {
                        x >>= 16;
                        r += 16;
                    if (x >= 0x100) {
                        x >>= 8;
                        r += 8;
                    if (x >= 0x10) {
                        x >>= 4;
                        r += 4;
                    if (x >= 0x4) {
                        x >>= 2;
                        r += 2;
                    if (x >= 0x2) r += 1;
                /// @notice Returns the index of the least significant bit of the number,
                ///     where the least significant bit is at index 0 and the most significant bit is at index 255
                /// @dev The function satisfies the property:
                ///     (x & 2**leastSignificantBit(x)) != 0 and (x & (2**(leastSignificantBit(x)) - 1)) == 0)
                /// @param x the value for which to compute the least significant bit, must be greater than 0
                /// @return r the index of the least significant bit
                function leastSignificantBit(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint8 r) {
                    require(x > 0);
                    r = 255;
                    if (x & type(uint128).max > 0) {
                        r -= 128;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 128;
                    if (x & type(uint64).max > 0) {
                        r -= 64;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 64;
                    if (x & type(uint32).max > 0) {
                        r -= 32;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 32;
                    if (x & type(uint16).max > 0) {
                        r -= 16;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 16;
                    if (x & type(uint8).max > 0) {
                        r -= 8;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 8;
                    if (x & 0xf > 0) {
                        r -= 4;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 4;
                    if (x & 0x3 > 0) {
                        r -= 2;
                    } else {
                        x >>= 2;
                    if (x & 0x1 > 0) r -= 1;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
            /// @title Math functions that do not check inputs or outputs
            /// @notice Contains methods that perform common math functions but do not do any overflow or underflow checks
            library UnsafeMath {
                /// @notice Returns ceil(x / y)
                /// @dev division by 0 has unspecified behavior, and must be checked externally
                /// @param x The dividend
                /// @param y The divisor
                /// @return z The quotient, ceil(x / y)
                function divRoundingUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
                    assembly {
                        z := add(div(x, y), gt(mod(x, y), 0))
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
            pragma solidity >=0.4.0;
            /// @title FixedPoint96
            /// @notice A library for handling binary fixed point numbers, see
            /// @dev Used in SqrtPriceMath.sol
            library FixedPoint96 {
                uint8 internal constant RESOLUTION = 96;
                uint256 internal constant Q96 = 0x1000000000000000000000000;

            File 3 of 5: WETH9
            // Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Dapphub
            // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
            // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
            // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
            // (at your option) any later version.
            // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
            // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            // GNU General Public License for more details.
            // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
            // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
            pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
            contract WETH9 {
                string public name     = "Wrapped Ether";
                string public symbol   = "WETH";
                uint8  public decimals = 18;
                event  Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint wad);
                event  Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint wad);
                event  Deposit(address indexed dst, uint wad);
                event  Withdrawal(address indexed src, uint wad);
                mapping (address => uint)                       public  balanceOf;
                mapping (address => mapping (address => uint))  public  allowance;
                function() public payable {
                function deposit() public payable {
                    balanceOf[msg.sender] += msg.value;
                    Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
                function withdraw(uint wad) public {
                    require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= wad);
                    balanceOf[msg.sender] -= wad;
                    Withdrawal(msg.sender, wad);
                function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {
                    return this.balance;
                function approve(address guy, uint wad) public returns (bool) {
                    allowance[msg.sender][guy] = wad;
                    Approval(msg.sender, guy, wad);
                    return true;
                function transfer(address dst, uint wad) public returns (bool) {
                    return transferFrom(msg.sender, dst, wad);
                function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint wad)
                    returns (bool)
                    require(balanceOf[src] >= wad);
                    if (src != msg.sender && allowance[src][msg.sender] != uint(-1)) {
                        require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= wad);
                        allowance[src][msg.sender] -= wad;
                    balanceOf[src] -= wad;
                    balanceOf[dst] += wad;
                    Transfer(src, dst, wad);
                    return true;
                                GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                                   Version 3, 29 June 2007
             Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
             Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
             of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
              The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
            software and other kinds of works.
              The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
            to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
            the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
            share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
            software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
            GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
            any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
            your programs, too.
              When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
            price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
            have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
            them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
            want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
            free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
              To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
            these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
            certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
            you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
              For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
            gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
            freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
            or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
            know their rights.
              Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
            (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
            giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
              For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
            that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
            authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
            changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
            authors of previous versions.
              Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
            modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
            can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
            protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
            pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
            use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
            have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
            products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
            stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
            of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
              Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
            States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
            software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
            avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
            make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
            patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
              The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
            modification follow.
                                   TERMS AND CONDITIONS
              0. Definitions.
              "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
              "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
            works, such as semiconductor masks.
              "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
            License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
            "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
              To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
            in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
            exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
            earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
              A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
            on the Program.
              To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
            permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
            infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
            computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
            distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
            public, and in some countries other activities as well.
              To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
            parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
            a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
              An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
            to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
            feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
            tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
            extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
            work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
            the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
            menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
              1. Source Code.
              The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
            for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
            form of a work.
              A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
            standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
            interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
            is widely used among developers working in that language.
              The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
            than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
            packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
            Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
            Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
            implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
            "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
            (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
            (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
            produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
              The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
            the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
            work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
            control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
            System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
            programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
            which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
            includes interface definition files associated with source files for
            the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
            linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
            such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
            subprograms and other parts of the work.
              The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
            can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
              The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
            same work.
              2. Basic Permissions.
              All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
            copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
            conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
            permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
            covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
            content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
            rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
              You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
            convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
            in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
            of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
            with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
            the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
            not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
            for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
            and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
            your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
              Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
            the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
            makes it unnecessary.
              3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
              No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
            measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
            11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
            similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
              When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
            circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
            is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
            the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
            modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
            users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
            technological measures.
              4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
              You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
            receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
            appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
            keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
            non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
            keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
            recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
              You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
            and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
              5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
              You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
            produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
            terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
                a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
                it, and giving a relevant date.
                b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
                released under this License and any conditions added under section
                7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
                "keep intact all notices".
                c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
                License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
                License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
                additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
                regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
                permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
                invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
                d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
                Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
                interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
                work need not make them do so.
              A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
            works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
            and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
            in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
            "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
            used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
            beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
            in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
            parts of the aggregate.
              6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
              You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
            of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
            machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
            in one of these ways:
                a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
                (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
                Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
                customarily used for software interchange.
                b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
                (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
                written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
                long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
                model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
                copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
                product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
                medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
                more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
                conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
                Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
                c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
                written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
                alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
                only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
                with subsection 6b.
                d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
                place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
                Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
                further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
                Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
                copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
                may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
                that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
                clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
                Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
                Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
                available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
                e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
                you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
                Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
                charge under subsection 6d.
              A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
            from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
            included in conveying the object code work.
              A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
            tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
            or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
            into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
            doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
            product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
            typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
            of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
            actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
            is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
            commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
            the only significant mode of use of the product.
              "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
            procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
            and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
            a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
            suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
            code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
            modification has been made.
              If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
            specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
            part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
            User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
            fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
            Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
            by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
            if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
            modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
            been installed in ROM).
              The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
            requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
            for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
            the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
            network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
            adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
            protocols for communication across the network.
              Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
            in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
            documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
            source code form), and must require no special password or key for
            unpacking, reading or copying.
              7. Additional Terms.
              "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
            License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
            Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
            be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
            that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
            apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
            under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
            this License without regard to the additional permissions.
              When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
            remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
            it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
            removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
            additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
            for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
              Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
            add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
            that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
                a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
                terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
                b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
                author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
                Notices displayed by works containing it; or
                c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
                requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
                reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
                d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
                authors of the material; or
                e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
                trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
                f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
                material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
                it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
                any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
                those licensors and authors.
              All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
            restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
            received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
            governed by this License along with a term that is a further
            restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
            a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
            License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
            of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
            not survive such relicensing or conveying.
              If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
            must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
            additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
            where to find the applicable terms.
              Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
            form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
            the above requirements apply either way.
              8. Termination.
              You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
            provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
            modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
            this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
            paragraph of section 11).
              However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
            license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
            provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
            finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
            holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
            prior to 60 days after the cessation.
              Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
            reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
            violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
            received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
            copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
            your receipt of the notice.
              Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
            licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
            this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
            reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
            material under section 10.
              9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
              You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
            run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
            occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
            to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
            nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
            modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
            not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
            covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
              10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
              Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
            receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
            propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
            for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
              An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
            organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
            organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
            work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
            transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
            licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
            give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
            Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
            the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
              You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
            rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
            not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
            rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
            (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
            any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
            sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
              11. Patents.
              A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
            License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
            work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
              A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
            owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
            hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
            by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
            but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
            consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
            purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
            patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
            this License.
              Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
            patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
            make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
            propagate the contents of its contributor version.
              In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
            agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
            (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
            sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
            party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
            patent against the party.
              If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
            and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
            to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
            publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
            then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
            available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
            patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
            consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
            license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
            actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
            covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
            in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
            country that you have reason to believe are valid.
              If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
            arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
            covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
            receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
            or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
            you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
            work and works based on it.
              A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
            the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
            conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
            specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
            work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
            in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
            to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
            the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
            parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
            patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
            conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
            for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
            contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
            or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
              Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
            any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
            otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
              12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
              If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
            otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
            excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
            covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
            License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
            not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
            to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
            the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
            License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
              13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
              Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
            permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
            under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
            combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
            License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
            but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
            section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
            combination as such.
              14. Revised Versions of this License.
              The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
            the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
            be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
            address new problems or concerns.
              Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
            Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
            Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
            option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
            version or of any later version published by the Free Software
            Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
            GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
            by the Free Software Foundation.
              If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
            versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
            public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
            to choose that version for the Program.
              Later license versions may give you additional or different
            permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
            author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
            later version.
              15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
              16. Limitation of Liability.
            SUCH DAMAGES.
              17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
              If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
            above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
            reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
            an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
            Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
            copy of the Program in return for a fee.
                                 END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
                        How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
              If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
            possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
            free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
              To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
            to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
            state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
            the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
                <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
                Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
                This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
                it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
                (at your option) any later version.
                This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                GNU General Public License for more details.
                You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                along with this program.  If not, see <>.
            Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
              If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
            notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
                <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
                This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
                This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
                under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
            The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
            parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
            might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
              You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
            if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
            For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
              The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
            into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
            may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
            the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
            Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read

            File 4 of 5: SmurfCat
             *Submitted for verification at on 2023-04-14
            // Sources flattened with hardhat v2.7.0
            // File @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/[email protected]
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.0 (utils/Context.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
             * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
             * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
             * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
             * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
             * is concerned).
             * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
            abstract contract Context {
                function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
                    return msg.sender;
                function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
            // File @openzeppelin/contracts/access/[email protected]
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.0 (access/Ownable.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
             * there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to
             * specific functions.
             * By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This
             * can later be changed with {transferOwnership}.
             * This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier
             * `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to
             * the owner.
            abstract contract Ownable is Context {
                address private _owner;
                event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
                 * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.
                constructor() {
                 * @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
                function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {
                    return _owner;
                 * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
                modifier onlyOwner() {
                    require(owner() == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
                 * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
                 * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.
                 * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
                 * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
                function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
                 * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
                 * Can only be called by the current owner.
                function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
                    require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");
                 * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
                 * Internal function without access restriction.
                function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {
                    address oldOwner = _owner;
                    _owner = newOwner;
                    emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);
            // File @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/[email protected]
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.0 (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
            interface IERC20 {
                 * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
                function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
                function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event.
                function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                 * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
                 * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
                 * zero by default.
                 * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
                function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
                 * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
                 * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
                 * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
                 * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
                 * desired value afterwards:
                 * Emits an {Approval} event.
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
                 * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the
                 * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
                 * allowance.
                 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event.
                function transferFrom(
                    address sender,
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount
                ) external returns (bool);
                 * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
                 * another (`to`).
                 * Note that `value` may be zero.
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
                 * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
                 * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
            // File @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/[email protected]
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.0 (token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Interface for the optional metadata functions from the ERC20 standard.
             * _Available since v4.1._
            interface IERC20Metadata is IERC20 {
                 * @dev Returns the name of the token.
                function name() external view returns (string memory);
                 * @dev Returns the symbol of the token.
                function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
                 * @dev Returns the decimals places of the token.
                function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
            // File @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/[email protected]
            // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.0 (token/ERC20/ERC20.sol)
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
             * @dev Implementation of the {IERC20} interface.
             * This implementation is agnostic to the way tokens are created. This means
             * that a supply mechanism has to be added in a derived contract using {_mint}.
             * For a generic mechanism see {ERC20PresetMinterPauser}.
             * TIP: For a detailed writeup see our guide
             * to implement supply mechanisms].
             * We have followed general OpenZeppelin Contracts guidelines: functions revert
             * instead returning `false` on failure. This behavior is nonetheless
             * conventional and does not conflict with the expectations of ERC20
             * applications.
             * Additionally, an {Approval} event is emitted on calls to {transferFrom}.
             * This allows applications to reconstruct the allowance for all accounts just
             * by listening to said events. Other implementations of the EIP may not emit
             * these events, as it isn't required by the specification.
             * Finally, the non-standard {decreaseAllowance} and {increaseAllowance}
             * functions have been added to mitigate the well-known issues around setting
             * allowances. See {IERC20-approve}.
            contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20, IERC20Metadata {
                mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;
                mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances;
                uint256 private _totalSupply;
                string private _name;
                string private _symbol;
                 * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}.
                 * The default value of {decimals} is 18. To select a different value for
                 * {decimals} you should overload it.
                 * All two of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during
                 * construction.
                constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) {
                    _name = name_;
                    _symbol = symbol_;
                 * @dev Returns the name of the token.
                function name() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
                    return _name;
                 * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the
                 * name.
                function symbol() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
                    return _symbol;
                 * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation.
                 * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should
                 * be displayed to a user as `5.05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`).
                 * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between
                 * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless this function is
                 * overridden;
                 * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in
                 * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including
                 * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}.
                function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
                    return 18;
                 * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}.
                function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
                    return _totalSupply;
                 * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}.
                function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
                    return _balances[account];
                 * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`.
                function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
                    _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount);
                    return true;
                 * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}.
                function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
                    return _allowances[owner][spender];
                 * @dev See {IERC20-approve}.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
                    _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
                    return true;
                 * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}.
                 * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not
                 * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`.
                 * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least
                 * `amount`.
                function transferFrom(
                    address sender,
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount
                ) public virtual override returns (bool) {
                    _transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
                    uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[sender][_msgSender()];
                    require(currentAllowance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");
                    unchecked {
                        _approve(sender, _msgSender(), currentAllowance - amount);
                    return true;
                 * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
                 * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
                 * problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
                 * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
                function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender] + addedValue);
                    return true;
                 * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
                 * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
                 * problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
                 * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least
                 * `subtractedValue`.
                function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[_msgSender()][spender];
                    require(currentAllowance >= subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero");
                    unchecked {
                        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, currentAllowance - subtractedValue);
                    return true;
                 * @dev Moves `amount` of tokens from `sender` to `recipient`.
                 * This internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to
                 * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `sender` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`.
                function _transfer(
                    address sender,
                    address recipient,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal virtual {
                    require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
                    require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
                    _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount);
                    uint256 senderBalance = _balances[sender];
                    require(senderBalance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");
                    unchecked {
                        _balances[sender] = senderBalance - amount;
                    _balances[recipient] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
                    _afterTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount);
                /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing
                 * the total supply.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `account` cannot be the zero address.
                function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address");
                    _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount);
                    _totalSupply += amount;
                    _balances[account] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount);
                    _afterTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount);
                 * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the
                 * total supply.
                 * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `account` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens.
                function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address");
                    _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount);
                    uint256 accountBalance = _balances[account];
                    require(accountBalance >= amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance");
                    unchecked {
                        _balances[account] = accountBalance - amount;
                    _totalSupply -= amount;
                    emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount);
                    _afterTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount);
                 * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens.
                 * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to
                 * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc.
                 * Emits an {Approval} event.
                 * Requirements:
                 * - `owner` cannot be the zero address.
                 * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
                function _approve(
                    address owner,
                    address spender,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal virtual {
                    require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address");
                    require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address");
                    _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
                    emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);
                 * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes
                 * minting and burning.
                 * Calling conditions:
                 * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens
                 * will be transferred to `to`.
                 * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`.
                 * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned.
                 * - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
                 * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
                function _beforeTokenTransfer(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal virtual {}
                 * @dev Hook that is called after any transfer of tokens. This includes
                 * minting and burning.
                 * Calling conditions:
                 * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens
                 * has been transferred to `to`.
                 * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens have been minted for `to`.
                 * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens have been burned.
                 * - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
                 * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
                function _afterTokenTransfer(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal virtual {}
            // File contracts/SmurfCat.sol
            pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
            contract SmurfCat is Ownable, ERC20 {
                bool public limited;
                uint256 public maxHoldingAmount;
                uint256 public minHoldingAmount;
                address public uniswapV2Pair;
                mapping(address => bool) public blacklists;
                constructor(uint256 _totalSupply) ERC20("Real Smurf Cat", "\u0448\u0430\u0439\u043b\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0439") {
                    _mint(msg.sender, _totalSupply);
                function blacklist(address _address, bool _isBlacklisting) external onlyOwner {
                    blacklists[_address] = _isBlacklisting;
                function setRule(bool _limited, address _uniswapV2Pair, uint256 _maxHoldingAmount, uint256 _minHoldingAmount) external onlyOwner {
                    limited = _limited;
                    uniswapV2Pair = _uniswapV2Pair;
                    maxHoldingAmount = _maxHoldingAmount;
                    minHoldingAmount = _minHoldingAmount;
                function _beforeTokenTransfer(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) override internal virtual {
                    require(!blacklists[to] && !blacklists[from], "Blacklisted");
                    if (uniswapV2Pair == address(0)) {
                        require(from == owner() || to == owner(), "trading is not started");
                    if (limited && from == uniswapV2Pair) {
                        require(super.balanceOf(to) + amount <= maxHoldingAmount && super.balanceOf(to) + amount >= minHoldingAmount, "Forbid");
                function burn(uint256 value) external {
                    _burn(msg.sender, value);

            File 5 of 5: Permit2
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            /// @notice Modern and gas efficient ERC20 + EIP-2612 implementation.
            /// @author Solmate (
            /// @author Modified from Uniswap (
            /// @dev Do not manually set balances without updating totalSupply, as the sum of all user balances must not exceed it.
            abstract contract ERC20 {
                event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
                event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount);
                                        METADATA STORAGE
                string public name;
                string public symbol;
                uint8 public immutable decimals;
                                          ERC20 STORAGE
                uint256 public totalSupply;
                mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
                mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
                                        EIP-2612 STORAGE
                uint256 internal immutable INITIAL_CHAIN_ID;
                bytes32 internal immutable INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;
                mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
                    string memory _name,
                    string memory _symbol,
                    uint8 _decimals
                ) {
                    name = _name;
                    symbol = _symbol;
                    decimals = _decimals;
                    INITIAL_CHAIN_ID = block.chainid;
                    INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = computeDomainSeparator();
                                           ERC20 LOGIC
                function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;
                    emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
                    return true;
                function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
                    return true;
                function transferFrom(
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) public virtual returns (bool) {
                    uint256 allowed = allowance[from][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.
                    if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowed - amount;
                    balanceOf[from] -= amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(from, to, amount);
                    return true;
                                         EIP-2612 LOGIC
                function permit(
                    address owner,
                    address spender,
                    uint256 value,
                    uint256 deadline,
                    uint8 v,
                    bytes32 r,
                    bytes32 s
                ) public virtual {
                    require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "PERMIT_DEADLINE_EXPIRED");
                    // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing
                    // the owner's nonce which cannot realistically overflow.
                    unchecked {
                        address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
                                                "Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"
                        require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, "INVALID_SIGNER");
                        allowance[recoveredAddress][spender] = value;
                    emit Approval(owner, spender, value);
                function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view virtual returns (bytes32) {
                    return block.chainid == INITIAL_CHAIN_ID ? INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR : computeDomainSeparator();
                function computeDomainSeparator() internal view virtual returns (bytes32) {
                                keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"),
                                    INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC
                function _mint(address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    totalSupply += amount;
                    // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
                    // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
                    unchecked {
                        balanceOf[to] += amount;
                    emit Transfer(address(0), to, amount);
                function _burn(address from, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
                    balanceOf[from] -= amount;
                    // Cannot underflow because a user's balance
                    // will never be larger than the total supply.
                    unchecked {
                        totalSupply -= amount;
                    emit Transfer(from, address(0), amount);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
            pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
            import {ERC20} from "../tokens/ERC20.sol";
            /// @notice Safe ETH and ERC20 transfer library that gracefully handles missing return values.
            /// @author Solmate (
            /// @dev Use with caution! Some functions in this library knowingly create dirty bits at the destination of the free memory pointer.
            /// @dev Note that none of the functions in this library check that a token has code at all! That responsibility is delegated to the caller.
            library SafeTransferLib {
                                         ETH OPERATIONS
                function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Transfer the ETH and store if it succeeded or not.
                        success := call(gas(), to, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                    require(success, "ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED");
                                        ERC20 OPERATIONS
                function safeTransferFrom(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address from,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), from) // Append the "from" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 68), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 100 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 3.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 100, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED");
                function safeTransfer(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 68 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 2.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 68, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "TRANSFER_FAILED");
                function safeApprove(
                    ERC20 token,
                    address to,
                    uint256 amount
                ) internal {
                    bool success;
                    /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
                    assembly {
                        // Get a pointer to some free memory.
                        let freeMemoryPointer := mload(0x40)
                        // Write the abi-encoded calldata into memory, beginning with the function selector.
                        mstore(freeMemoryPointer, 0x095ea7b300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 4), to) // Append the "to" argument.
                        mstore(add(freeMemoryPointer, 36), amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
                        success := and(
                            // Set success to whether the call reverted, if not we check it either
                            // returned exactly 1 (can't just be non-zero data), or had no return data.
                            or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
                            // We use 68 because the length of our calldata totals up like so: 4 + 32 * 2.
                            // We use 0 and 32 to copy up to 32 bytes of return data into the scratch space.
                            // Counterintuitively, this call must be positioned second to the or() call in the
                            // surrounding and() call or else returndatasize() will be zero during the computation.
                            call(gas(), token, 0, freeMemoryPointer, 68, 0, 32)
                    require(success, "APPROVE_FAILED");
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity 0.8.17;
            import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";
            import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
            import {PermitHash} from "./libraries/PermitHash.sol";
            import {SignatureVerification} from "./libraries/SignatureVerification.sol";
            import {EIP712} from "./EIP712.sol";
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from "../src/interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol";
            import {SignatureExpired, InvalidNonce} from "./PermitErrors.sol";
            import {Allowance} from "./libraries/Allowance.sol";
            contract AllowanceTransfer is IAllowanceTransfer, EIP712 {
                using SignatureVerification for bytes;
                using SafeTransferLib for ERC20;
                using PermitHash for PermitSingle;
                using PermitHash for PermitBatch;
                using Allowance for PackedAllowance;
                /// @notice Maps users to tokens to spender addresses and information about the approval on the token
                /// @dev Indexed in the order of token owner address, token address, spender address
                /// @dev The stored word saves the allowed amount, expiration on the allowance, and nonce
                mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(address => PackedAllowance))) public allowance;
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function approve(address token, address spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration) external {
                    PackedAllowance storage allowed = allowance[msg.sender][token][spender];
                    allowed.updateAmountAndExpiration(amount, expiration);
                    emit Approval(msg.sender, token, spender, amount, expiration);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function permit(address owner, PermitSingle memory permitSingle, bytes calldata signature) external {
                    if (block.timestamp > permitSingle.sigDeadline) revert SignatureExpired(permitSingle.sigDeadline);
                    // Verify the signer address from the signature.
                    signature.verify(_hashTypedData(permitSingle.hash()), owner);
                    _updateApproval(permitSingle.details, owner, permitSingle.spender);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function permit(address owner, PermitBatch memory permitBatch, bytes calldata signature) external {
                    if (block.timestamp > permitBatch.sigDeadline) revert SignatureExpired(permitBatch.sigDeadline);
                    // Verify the signer address from the signature.
                    signature.verify(_hashTypedData(permitBatch.hash()), owner);
                    address spender = permitBatch.spender;
                    unchecked {
                        uint256 length = permitBatch.details.length;
                        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                            _updateApproval(permitBatch.details[i], owner, spender);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint160 amount, address token) external {
                    _transfer(from, to, amount, token);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function transferFrom(AllowanceTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails) external {
                    unchecked {
                        uint256 length = transferDetails.length;
                        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                            AllowanceTransferDetails memory transferDetail = transferDetails[i];
                            _transfer(transferDetail.from,, transferDetail.amount, transferDetail.token);
                /// @notice Internal function for transferring tokens using stored allowances
                /// @dev Will fail if the allowed timeframe has passed
                function _transfer(address from, address to, uint160 amount, address token) private {
                    PackedAllowance storage allowed = allowance[from][token][msg.sender];
                    if (block.timestamp > allowed.expiration) revert AllowanceExpired(allowed.expiration);
                    uint256 maxAmount = allowed.amount;
                    if (maxAmount != type(uint160).max) {
                        if (amount > maxAmount) {
                            revert InsufficientAllowance(maxAmount);
                        } else {
                            unchecked {
                                allowed.amount = uint160(maxAmount) - amount;
                    // Transfer the tokens from the from address to the recipient.
                    ERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function lockdown(TokenSpenderPair[] calldata approvals) external {
                    address owner = msg.sender;
                    // Revoke allowances for each pair of spenders and tokens.
                    unchecked {
                        uint256 length = approvals.length;
                        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                            address token = approvals[i].token;
                            address spender = approvals[i].spender;
                            allowance[owner][token][spender].amount = 0;
                            emit Lockdown(owner, token, spender);
                /// @inheritdoc IAllowanceTransfer
                function invalidateNonces(address token, address spender, uint48 newNonce) external {
                    uint48 oldNonce = allowance[msg.sender][token][spender].nonce;
                    if (newNonce <= oldNonce) revert InvalidNonce();
                    // Limit the amount of nonces that can be invalidated in one transaction.
                    unchecked {
                        uint48 delta = newNonce - oldNonce;
                        if (delta > type(uint16).max) revert ExcessiveInvalidation();
                    allowance[msg.sender][token][spender].nonce = newNonce;
                    emit NonceInvalidation(msg.sender, token, spender, newNonce, oldNonce);
                /// @notice Sets the new values for amount, expiration, and nonce.
                /// @dev Will check that the signed nonce is equal to the current nonce and then incrememnt the nonce value by 1.
                /// @dev Emits a Permit event.
                function _updateApproval(PermitDetails memory details, address owner, address spender) private {
                    uint48 nonce = details.nonce;
                    address token = details.token;
                    uint160 amount = details.amount;
                    uint48 expiration = details.expiration;
                    PackedAllowance storage allowed = allowance[owner][token][spender];
                    if (allowed.nonce != nonce) revert InvalidNonce();
                    allowed.updateAll(amount, expiration, nonce);
                    emit Permit(owner, token, spender, amount, expiration, nonce);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity 0.8.17;
            /// @notice EIP712 helpers for permit2
            /// @dev Maintains cross-chain replay protection in the event of a fork
            /// @dev Reference:
            contract EIP712 {
                // Cache the domain separator as an immutable value, but also store the chain id that it
                // corresponds to, in order to invalidate the cached domain separator if the chain id changes.
                bytes32 private immutable _CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;
                uint256 private immutable _CACHED_CHAIN_ID;
                bytes32 private constant _HASHED_NAME = keccak256("Permit2");
                bytes32 private constant _TYPE_HASH =
                    keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");
                constructor() {
                    _CACHED_CHAIN_ID = block.chainid;
                    _CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = _buildDomainSeparator(_TYPE_HASH, _HASHED_NAME);
                /// @notice Returns the domain separator for the current chain.
                /// @dev Uses cached version if chainid and address are unchanged from construction.
                function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view returns (bytes32) {
                    return block.chainid == _CACHED_CHAIN_ID
                        ? _CACHED_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR
                        : _buildDomainSeparator(_TYPE_HASH, _HASHED_NAME);
                /// @notice Builds a domain separator using the current chainId and contract address.
                function _buildDomainSeparator(bytes32 typeHash, bytes32 nameHash) private view returns (bytes32) {
                    return keccak256(abi.encode(typeHash, nameHash, block.chainid, address(this)));
                /// @notice Creates an EIP-712 typed data hash
                function _hashTypedData(bytes32 dataHash) internal view returns (bytes32) {
                    return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\\x19\\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(), dataHash));
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity 0.8.17;
            import {SignatureTransfer} from "./SignatureTransfer.sol";
            import {AllowanceTransfer} from "./AllowanceTransfer.sol";
            /// @notice Permit2 handles signature-based transfers in SignatureTransfer and allowance-based transfers in AllowanceTransfer.
            /// @dev Users must approve Permit2 before calling any of the transfer functions.
            contract Permit2 is SignatureTransfer, AllowanceTransfer {
            // Permit2 unifies the two contracts so users have maximal flexibility with their approval.
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity 0.8.17;
            /// @notice Shared errors between signature based transfers and allowance based transfers.
            /// @notice Thrown when validating an inputted signature that is stale
            /// @param signatureDeadline The timestamp at which a signature is no longer valid
            error SignatureExpired(uint256 signatureDeadline);
            /// @notice Thrown when validating that the inputted nonce has not been used
            error InvalidNonce();
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity 0.8.17;
            import {ISignatureTransfer} from "./interfaces/ISignatureTransfer.sol";
            import {SignatureExpired, InvalidNonce} from "./PermitErrors.sol";
            import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";
            import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
            import {SignatureVerification} from "./libraries/SignatureVerification.sol";
            import {PermitHash} from "./libraries/PermitHash.sol";
            import {EIP712} from "./EIP712.sol";
            contract SignatureTransfer is ISignatureTransfer, EIP712 {
                using SignatureVerification for bytes;
                using SafeTransferLib for ERC20;
                using PermitHash for PermitTransferFrom;
                using PermitHash for PermitBatchTransferFrom;
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public nonceBitmap;
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                function permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external {
                    _permitTransferFrom(permit, transferDetails, owner, permit.hash(), signature);
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                function permitWitnessTransferFrom(
                    PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external {
                        permit, transferDetails, owner, permit.hashWithWitness(witness, witnessTypeString), signature
                /// @notice Transfers a token using a signed permit message.
                /// @dev If to is the zero address, the tokens are sent to the spender.
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param dataHash The EIP-712 hash of permit data to include when checking signature
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param transferDetails The spender's requested transfer details for the permitted token
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function _permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 dataHash,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) private {
                    uint256 requestedAmount = transferDetails.requestedAmount;
                    if (block.timestamp > permit.deadline) revert SignatureExpired(permit.deadline);
                    if (requestedAmount > permit.permitted.amount) revert InvalidAmount(permit.permitted.amount);
                    _useUnorderedNonce(owner, permit.nonce);
                    signature.verify(_hashTypedData(dataHash), owner);
                    ERC20(permit.permitted.token).safeTransferFrom(owner,, requestedAmount);
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                function permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external {
                    _permitTransferFrom(permit, transferDetails, owner, permit.hash(), signature);
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                function permitWitnessTransferFrom(
                    PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external {
                        permit, transferDetails, owner, permit.hashWithWitness(witness, witnessTypeString), signature
                /// @notice Transfers tokens using a signed permit messages
                /// @dev If to is the zero address, the tokens are sent to the spender
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param dataHash The EIP-712 hash of permit data to include when checking signature
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function _permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 dataHash,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) private {
                    uint256 numPermitted = permit.permitted.length;
                    if (block.timestamp > permit.deadline) revert SignatureExpired(permit.deadline);
                    if (numPermitted != transferDetails.length) revert LengthMismatch();
                    _useUnorderedNonce(owner, permit.nonce);
                    signature.verify(_hashTypedData(dataHash), owner);
                    unchecked {
                        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numPermitted; ++i) {
                            TokenPermissions memory permitted = permit.permitted[i];
                            uint256 requestedAmount = transferDetails[i].requestedAmount;
                            if (requestedAmount > permitted.amount) revert InvalidAmount(permitted.amount);
                            if (requestedAmount != 0) {
                                // allow spender to specify which of the permitted tokens should be transferred
                                ERC20(permitted.token).safeTransferFrom(owner, transferDetails[i].to, requestedAmount);
                /// @inheritdoc ISignatureTransfer
                function invalidateUnorderedNonces(uint256 wordPos, uint256 mask) external {
                    nonceBitmap[msg.sender][wordPos] |= mask;
                    emit UnorderedNonceInvalidation(msg.sender, wordPos, mask);
                /// @notice Returns the index of the bitmap and the bit position within the bitmap. Used for unordered nonces
                /// @param nonce The nonce to get the associated word and bit positions
                /// @return wordPos The word position or index into the nonceBitmap
                /// @return bitPos The bit position
                /// @dev The first 248 bits of the nonce value is the index of the desired bitmap
                /// @dev The last 8 bits of the nonce value is the position of the bit in the bitmap
                function bitmapPositions(uint256 nonce) private pure returns (uint256 wordPos, uint256 bitPos) {
                    wordPos = uint248(nonce >> 8);
                    bitPos = uint8(nonce);
                /// @notice Checks whether a nonce is taken and sets the bit at the bit position in the bitmap at the word position
                /// @param from The address to use the nonce at
                /// @param nonce The nonce to spend
                function _useUnorderedNonce(address from, uint256 nonce) internal {
                    (uint256 wordPos, uint256 bitPos) = bitmapPositions(nonce);
                    uint256 bit = 1 << bitPos;
                    uint256 flipped = nonceBitmap[from][wordPos] ^= bit;
                    if (flipped & bit == 0) revert InvalidNonce();
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            /// @title AllowanceTransfer
            /// @notice Handles ERC20 token permissions through signature based allowance setting and ERC20 token transfers by checking allowed amounts
            /// @dev Requires user's token approval on the Permit2 contract
            interface IAllowanceTransfer {
                /// @notice Thrown when an allowance on a token has expired.
                /// @param deadline The timestamp at which the allowed amount is no longer valid
                error AllowanceExpired(uint256 deadline);
                /// @notice Thrown when an allowance on a token has been depleted.
                /// @param amount The maximum amount allowed
                error InsufficientAllowance(uint256 amount);
                /// @notice Thrown when too many nonces are invalidated.
                error ExcessiveInvalidation();
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully invalidates an ordered nonce.
                event NonceInvalidation(
                    address indexed owner, address indexed token, address indexed spender, uint48 newNonce, uint48 oldNonce
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully sets permissions on a token for the spender.
                event Approval(
                    address indexed owner, address indexed token, address indexed spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully sets permissions using a permit signature on a token for the spender.
                event Permit(
                    address indexed owner,
                    address indexed token,
                    address indexed spender,
                    uint160 amount,
                    uint48 expiration,
                    uint48 nonce
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner sets the allowance back to 0 with the lockdown function.
                event Lockdown(address indexed owner, address token, address spender);
                /// @notice The permit data for a token
                struct PermitDetails {
                    // ERC20 token address
                    address token;
                    // the maximum amount allowed to spend
                    uint160 amount;
                    // timestamp at which a spender's token allowances become invalid
                    uint48 expiration;
                    // an incrementing value indexed per owner,token,and spender for each signature
                    uint48 nonce;
                /// @notice The permit message signed for a single token allownce
                struct PermitSingle {
                    // the permit data for a single token alownce
                    PermitDetails details;
                    // address permissioned on the allowed tokens
                    address spender;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 sigDeadline;
                /// @notice The permit message signed for multiple token allowances
                struct PermitBatch {
                    // the permit data for multiple token allowances
                    PermitDetails[] details;
                    // address permissioned on the allowed tokens
                    address spender;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 sigDeadline;
                /// @notice The saved permissions
                /// @dev This info is saved per owner, per token, per spender and all signed over in the permit message
                /// @dev Setting amount to type(uint160).max sets an unlimited approval
                struct PackedAllowance {
                    // amount allowed
                    uint160 amount;
                    // permission expiry
                    uint48 expiration;
                    // an incrementing value indexed per owner,token,and spender for each signature
                    uint48 nonce;
                /// @notice A token spender pair.
                struct TokenSpenderPair {
                    // the token the spender is approved
                    address token;
                    // the spender address
                    address spender;
                /// @notice Details for a token transfer.
                struct AllowanceTransferDetails {
                    // the owner of the token
                    address from;
                    // the recipient of the token
                    address to;
                    // the amount of the token
                    uint160 amount;
                    // the token to be transferred
                    address token;
                /// @notice A mapping from owner address to token address to spender address to PackedAllowance struct, which contains details and conditions of the approval.
                /// @notice The mapping is indexed in the above order see: allowance[ownerAddress][tokenAddress][spenderAddress]
                /// @dev The packed slot holds the allowed amount, expiration at which the allowed amount is no longer valid, and current nonce thats updated on any signature based approvals.
                function allowance(address, address, address) external view returns (uint160, uint48, uint48);
                /// @notice Approves the spender to use up to amount of the specified token up until the expiration
                /// @param token The token to approve
                /// @param spender The spender address to approve
                /// @param amount The approved amount of the token
                /// @param expiration The timestamp at which the approval is no longer valid
                /// @dev The packed allowance also holds a nonce, which will stay unchanged in approve
                /// @dev Setting amount to type(uint160).max sets an unlimited approval
                function approve(address token, address spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration) external;
                /// @notice Permit a spender to a given amount of the owners token via the owner's EIP-712 signature
                /// @dev May fail if the owner's nonce was invalidated in-flight by invalidateNonce
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens being approved
                /// @param permitSingle Data signed over by the owner specifying the terms of approval
                /// @param signature The owner's signature over the permit data
                function permit(address owner, PermitSingle memory permitSingle, bytes calldata signature) external;
                /// @notice Permit a spender to the signed amounts of the owners tokens via the owner's EIP-712 signature
                /// @dev May fail if the owner's nonce was invalidated in-flight by invalidateNonce
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens being approved
                /// @param permitBatch Data signed over by the owner specifying the terms of approval
                /// @param signature The owner's signature over the permit data
                function permit(address owner, PermitBatch memory permitBatch, bytes calldata signature) external;
                /// @notice Transfer approved tokens from one address to another
                /// @param from The address to transfer from
                /// @param to The address of the recipient
                /// @param amount The amount of the token to transfer
                /// @param token The token address to transfer
                /// @dev Requires the from address to have approved at least the desired amount
                /// of tokens to msg.sender.
                function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint160 amount, address token) external;
                /// @notice Transfer approved tokens in a batch
                /// @param transferDetails Array of owners, recipients, amounts, and tokens for the transfers
                /// @dev Requires the from addresses to have approved at least the desired amount
                /// of tokens to msg.sender.
                function transferFrom(AllowanceTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails) external;
                /// @notice Enables performing a "lockdown" of the sender's Permit2 identity
                /// by batch revoking approvals
                /// @param approvals Array of approvals to revoke.
                function lockdown(TokenSpenderPair[] calldata approvals) external;
                /// @notice Invalidate nonces for a given (token, spender) pair
                /// @param token The token to invalidate nonces for
                /// @param spender The spender to invalidate nonces for
                /// @param newNonce The new nonce to set. Invalidates all nonces less than it.
                /// @dev Can't invalidate more than 2**16 nonces per transaction.
                function invalidateNonces(address token, address spender, uint48 newNonce) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            interface IERC1271 {
                /// @dev Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
                /// @param hash      Hash of the data to be signed
                /// @param signature Signature byte array associated with _data
                /// @return magicValue The bytes4 magic value 0x1626ba7e
                function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature) external view returns (bytes4 magicValue);
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            /// @title SignatureTransfer
            /// @notice Handles ERC20 token transfers through signature based actions
            /// @dev Requires user's token approval on the Permit2 contract
            interface ISignatureTransfer {
                /// @notice Thrown when the requested amount for a transfer is larger than the permissioned amount
                /// @param maxAmount The maximum amount a spender can request to transfer
                error InvalidAmount(uint256 maxAmount);
                /// @notice Thrown when the number of tokens permissioned to a spender does not match the number of tokens being transferred
                /// @dev If the spender does not need to transfer the number of tokens permitted, the spender can request amount 0 to be transferred
                error LengthMismatch();
                /// @notice Emits an event when the owner successfully invalidates an unordered nonce.
                event UnorderedNonceInvalidation(address indexed owner, uint256 word, uint256 mask);
                /// @notice The token and amount details for a transfer signed in the permit transfer signature
                struct TokenPermissions {
                    // ERC20 token address
                    address token;
                    // the maximum amount that can be spent
                    uint256 amount;
                /// @notice The signed permit message for a single token transfer
                struct PermitTransferFrom {
                    TokenPermissions permitted;
                    // a unique value for every token owner's signature to prevent signature replays
                    uint256 nonce;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 deadline;
                /// @notice Specifies the recipient address and amount for batched transfers.
                /// @dev Recipients and amounts correspond to the index of the signed token permissions array.
                /// @dev Reverts if the requested amount is greater than the permitted signed amount.
                struct SignatureTransferDetails {
                    // recipient address
                    address to;
                    // spender requested amount
                    uint256 requestedAmount;
                /// @notice Used to reconstruct the signed permit message for multiple token transfers
                /// @dev Do not need to pass in spender address as it is required that it is msg.sender
                /// @dev Note that a user still signs over a spender address
                struct PermitBatchTransferFrom {
                    // the tokens and corresponding amounts permitted for a transfer
                    TokenPermissions[] permitted;
                    // a unique value for every token owner's signature to prevent signature replays
                    uint256 nonce;
                    // deadline on the permit signature
                    uint256 deadline;
                /// @notice A map from token owner address and a caller specified word index to a bitmap. Used to set bits in the bitmap to prevent against signature replay protection
                /// @dev Uses unordered nonces so that permit messages do not need to be spent in a certain order
                /// @dev The mapping is indexed first by the token owner, then by an index specified in the nonce
                /// @dev It returns a uint256 bitmap
                /// @dev The index, or wordPosition is capped at type(uint248).max
                function nonceBitmap(address, uint256) external view returns (uint256);
                /// @notice Transfers a token using a signed permit message
                /// @dev Reverts if the requested amount is greater than the permitted signed amount
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param transferDetails The spender's requested transfer details for the permitted token
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external;
                /// @notice Transfers a token using a signed permit message
                /// @notice Includes extra data provided by the caller to verify signature over
                /// @dev The witness type string must follow EIP712 ordering of nested structs and must include the TokenPermissions type definition
                /// @dev Reverts if the requested amount is greater than the permitted signed amount
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param transferDetails The spender's requested transfer details for the permitted token
                /// @param witness Extra data to include when checking the user signature
                /// @param witnessTypeString The EIP-712 type definition for remaining string stub of the typehash
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function permitWitnessTransferFrom(
                    PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external;
                /// @notice Transfers multiple tokens using a signed permit message
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param transferDetails Specifies the recipient and requested amount for the token transfer
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function permitTransferFrom(
                    PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external;
                /// @notice Transfers multiple tokens using a signed permit message
                /// @dev The witness type string must follow EIP712 ordering of nested structs and must include the TokenPermissions type definition
                /// @notice Includes extra data provided by the caller to verify signature over
                /// @param permit The permit data signed over by the owner
                /// @param owner The owner of the tokens to transfer
                /// @param transferDetails Specifies the recipient and requested amount for the token transfer
                /// @param witness Extra data to include when checking the user signature
                /// @param witnessTypeString The EIP-712 type definition for remaining string stub of the typehash
                /// @param signature The signature to verify
                function permitWitnessTransferFrom(
                    PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    SignatureTransferDetails[] calldata transferDetails,
                    address owner,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString,
                    bytes calldata signature
                ) external;
                /// @notice Invalidates the bits specified in mask for the bitmap at the word position
                /// @dev The wordPos is maxed at type(uint248).max
                /// @param wordPos A number to index the nonceBitmap at
                /// @param mask A bitmap masked against msg.sender's current bitmap at the word position
                function invalidateUnorderedNonces(uint256 wordPos, uint256 mask) external;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from "../interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol";
            library Allowance {
                // note if the expiration passed is 0, then it the approval set to the block.timestamp
                uint256 private constant BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_EXPIRATION = 0;
                /// @notice Sets the allowed amount, expiry, and nonce of the spender's permissions on owner's token.
                /// @dev Nonce is incremented.
                /// @dev If the inputted expiration is 0, the stored expiration is set to block.timestamp
                function updateAll(
                    IAllowanceTransfer.PackedAllowance storage allowed,
                    uint160 amount,
                    uint48 expiration,
                    uint48 nonce
                ) internal {
                    uint48 storedNonce;
                    unchecked {
                        storedNonce = nonce + 1;
                    uint48 storedExpiration = expiration == BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_EXPIRATION ? uint48(block.timestamp) : expiration;
                    uint256 word = pack(amount, storedExpiration, storedNonce);
                    assembly {
                        sstore(allowed.slot, word)
                /// @notice Sets the allowed amount and expiry of the spender's permissions on owner's token.
                /// @dev Nonce does not need to be incremented.
                function updateAmountAndExpiration(
                    IAllowanceTransfer.PackedAllowance storage allowed,
                    uint160 amount,
                    uint48 expiration
                ) internal {
                    // If the inputted expiration is 0, the allowance only lasts the duration of the block.
                    allowed.expiration = expiration == 0 ? uint48(block.timestamp) : expiration;
                    allowed.amount = amount;
                /// @notice Computes the packed slot of the amount, expiration, and nonce that make up PackedAllowance
                function pack(uint160 amount, uint48 expiration, uint48 nonce) internal pure returns (uint256 word) {
                    word = (uint256(nonce) << 208) | uint256(expiration) << 160 | amount;
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IAllowanceTransfer} from "../interfaces/IAllowanceTransfer.sol";
            import {ISignatureTransfer} from "../interfaces/ISignatureTransfer.sol";
            library PermitHash {
                bytes32 public constant _PERMIT_DETAILS_TYPEHASH =
                    keccak256("PermitDetails(address token,uint160 amount,uint48 expiration,uint48 nonce)");
                bytes32 public constant _PERMIT_SINGLE_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
                    "PermitSingle(PermitDetails details,address spender,uint256 sigDeadline)PermitDetails(address token,uint160 amount,uint48 expiration,uint48 nonce)"
                bytes32 public constant _PERMIT_BATCH_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
                    "PermitBatch(PermitDetails[] details,address spender,uint256 sigDeadline)PermitDetails(address token,uint160 amount,uint48 expiration,uint48 nonce)"
                bytes32 public constant _TOKEN_PERMISSIONS_TYPEHASH = keccak256("TokenPermissions(address token,uint256 amount)");
                bytes32 public constant _PERMIT_TRANSFER_FROM_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
                    "PermitTransferFrom(TokenPermissions permitted,address spender,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)TokenPermissions(address token,uint256 amount)"
                bytes32 public constant _PERMIT_BATCH_TRANSFER_FROM_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
                    "PermitBatchTransferFrom(TokenPermissions[] permitted,address spender,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)TokenPermissions(address token,uint256 amount)"
                string public constant _TOKEN_PERMISSIONS_TYPESTRING = "TokenPermissions(address token,uint256 amount)";
                string public constant _PERMIT_TRANSFER_FROM_WITNESS_TYPEHASH_STUB =
                    "PermitWitnessTransferFrom(TokenPermissions permitted,address spender,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline,";
                string public constant _PERMIT_BATCH_WITNESS_TRANSFER_FROM_TYPEHASH_STUB =
                    "PermitBatchWitnessTransferFrom(TokenPermissions[] permitted,address spender,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline,";
                function hash(IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle memory permitSingle) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
                    bytes32 permitHash = _hashPermitDetails(permitSingle.details);
                        keccak256(abi.encode(_PERMIT_SINGLE_TYPEHASH, permitHash, permitSingle.spender, permitSingle.sigDeadline));
                function hash(IAllowanceTransfer.PermitBatch memory permitBatch) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
                    uint256 numPermits = permitBatch.details.length;
                    bytes32[] memory permitHashes = new bytes32[](numPermits);
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numPermits; ++i) {
                        permitHashes[i] = _hashPermitDetails(permitBatch.details[i]);
                    return keccak256(
                function hash(ISignatureTransfer.PermitTransferFrom memory permit) internal view returns (bytes32) {
                    bytes32 tokenPermissionsHash = _hashTokenPermissions(permit.permitted);
                    return keccak256(
                        abi.encode(_PERMIT_TRANSFER_FROM_TYPEHASH, tokenPermissionsHash, msg.sender, permit.nonce, permit.deadline)
                function hash(ISignatureTransfer.PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit) internal view returns (bytes32) {
                    uint256 numPermitted = permit.permitted.length;
                    bytes32[] memory tokenPermissionHashes = new bytes32[](numPermitted);
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numPermitted; ++i) {
                        tokenPermissionHashes[i] = _hashTokenPermissions(permit.permitted[i]);
                    return keccak256(
                function hashWithWitness(
                    ISignatureTransfer.PermitTransferFrom memory permit,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString
                ) internal view returns (bytes32) {
                    bytes32 typeHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_PERMIT_TRANSFER_FROM_WITNESS_TYPEHASH_STUB, witnessTypeString));
                    bytes32 tokenPermissionsHash = _hashTokenPermissions(permit.permitted);
                    return keccak256(abi.encode(typeHash, tokenPermissionsHash, msg.sender, permit.nonce, permit.deadline, witness));
                function hashWithWitness(
                    ISignatureTransfer.PermitBatchTransferFrom memory permit,
                    bytes32 witness,
                    string calldata witnessTypeString
                ) internal view returns (bytes32) {
                    bytes32 typeHash =
                        keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_PERMIT_BATCH_WITNESS_TRANSFER_FROM_TYPEHASH_STUB, witnessTypeString));
                    uint256 numPermitted = permit.permitted.length;
                    bytes32[] memory tokenPermissionHashes = new bytes32[](numPermitted);
                    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numPermitted; ++i) {
                        tokenPermissionHashes[i] = _hashTokenPermissions(permit.permitted[i]);
                    return keccak256(
                function _hashPermitDetails(IAllowanceTransfer.PermitDetails memory details) private pure returns (bytes32) {
                    return keccak256(abi.encode(_PERMIT_DETAILS_TYPEHASH, details));
                function _hashTokenPermissions(ISignatureTransfer.TokenPermissions memory permitted)
                    returns (bytes32)
                    return keccak256(abi.encode(_TOKEN_PERMISSIONS_TYPEHASH, permitted));
            // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
            pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
            import {IERC1271} from "../interfaces/IERC1271.sol";
            library SignatureVerification {
                /// @notice Thrown when the passed in signature is not a valid length
                error InvalidSignatureLength();
                /// @notice Thrown when the recovered signer is equal to the zero address
                error InvalidSignature();
                /// @notice Thrown when the recovered signer does not equal the claimedSigner
                error InvalidSigner();
                /// @notice Thrown when the recovered contract signature is incorrect
                error InvalidContractSignature();
                bytes32 constant UPPER_BIT_MASK = (0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff);
                function verify(bytes calldata signature, bytes32 hash, address claimedSigner) internal view {
                    bytes32 r;
                    bytes32 s;
                    uint8 v;
                    if (claimedSigner.code.length == 0) {
                        if (signature.length == 65) {
                            (r, s) = abi.decode(signature, (bytes32, bytes32));
                            v = uint8(signature[64]);
                        } else if (signature.length == 64) {
                            // EIP-2098
                            bytes32 vs;
                            (r, vs) = abi.decode(signature, (bytes32, bytes32));
                            s = vs & UPPER_BIT_MASK;
                            v = uint8(uint256(vs >> 255)) + 27;
                        } else {
                            revert InvalidSignatureLength();
                        address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
                        if (signer == address(0)) revert InvalidSignature();
                        if (signer != claimedSigner) revert InvalidSigner();
                    } else {
                        bytes4 magicValue = IERC1271(claimedSigner).isValidSignature(hash, signature);
                        if (magicValue != IERC1271.isValidSignature.selector) revert InvalidContractSignature();