ETH Price: $1,844.71 (-1.21%)

Transaction Decoder

7105504 at Jan-21-2019 08:56:20 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.00014872 ETH $0.27
Gas Used:
37,180 Gas / 4 Gwei

Emitted Events:

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
9.417151136496217972 Eth
Nonce: 285848
9.417002416496217972 Eth
Nonce: 285849
(MiningPoolHub: Old Address)
5,436.479332568903303304 Eth5,436.479481288903303304 Eth0.00014872

Execution Trace

CpcToken.transfer( _to=0xd0Ce23a6882df6e5C303a9DE208a0611Cae326ED, _value=72352800000000000000 ) => ( success=True )
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract CpcToken{
	mapping (address => uint256) balances;
	address public owner;
    string public name;
    string public symbol;
    uint8 public decimals;
	// total amount of tokens
    uint256 public totalSupply;
	// `allowed` tracks any extra transfer rights as in all ERC20 tokens
    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
    constructor () public { 
        owner = msg.sender;                                       // Set owner of contract 
        name = "CpcToken";                                        // Set the name for display purposes
        symbol = "CPCT";                                          // Set the symbol for display purposes
        decimals = 18;                                            // Amount of decimals for display purposes
		totalSupply = 2000000000000000000000000000;               // Total supply
		balances[owner] = totalSupply;                            // Set owner balance equal totalsupply 
    /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved
    /// @return The balance
    function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns (uint256 balance) {
		 return balances[_owner];

    /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`
    /// @param _to The address of the recipient
    /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
    /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
	    require(_value > 0 );                                      // Check send token value > 0;
		require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);                   // Check if the sender has enough
        require(balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]);           // Check for overflows											
		balances[msg.sender] -= _value;                            // Subtract from the sender
		balances[_to] += _value;                                   // Add the same to the recipient                       
		emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); 			       // Notify anyone listening that this transfer took place
		return true;      

    /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from`
    /// @param _from The address of the sender
    /// @param _to The address of the recipient
    /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
    /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
	    require(balances[_from] >= _value);                 // Check if the sender has enough
        require(balances[_to] + _value >= balances[_to]);   // Check for overflows
        require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]);      // Check allowance
        balances[_from] -= _value;                         // Subtract from the sender
        balances[_to] += _value;                           // Add the same to the recipient
        allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
        emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
        return true;

    /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens
    /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
    /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer
    /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
		require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);
		allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
		return true;
    /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens
    /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
    /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
        return allowed[_owner][_spender];
	/* This unnamed function is called whenever someone tries to send ether to it */
    function () private {
        revert();     // Prevents accidental sending of ether

    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);