Transaction Hash:
7424839 at Mar-23-2019 12:03:57 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.0002964844 ETH
Gas Used:
48,604 Gas / 6.1 Gwei
Emitted Events:
79 |
FckDice.Payment( beneficiary=0x4f8397904a3f3d6976ecd2dece2010d17e295613, amount=0, commit=85047822364229579333392377565956431637158014796780888510474601695098373190919 )
Account State Difference:
Address | Before | After | State Difference | ||
0x4f839790...17e295613 | 0.712698996453548418 Eth | 0.712698996453548419 Eth | 0.000000000000000001 | ||
0x6666662a...0B5E8BAb3 |
1.047585163175565168 Eth
Nonce: 176616
1.047288678775565168 Eth
Nonce: 176617
| 0.0002964844 | ||
0x999999C6...1dACE0BAE | ( Dice) | 231.182206590651913581 Eth | 231.18220659065191358 Eth | 0.000000000000000001 | |
| (Ethermine) | 879.567890911657938926 Eth | 879.568187396057938926 Eth | 0.0002964844 |
Execution Trace
FckDice.settleBet( reveal=80942109788755157042235094440950315350082967564710768192403826269544636099332, blockHash=8071908B2DCEA80A703C07AB3D9D5D3B8691A2C6B1C08EB10C8C8B15161F322E )
- ETH 0.000000000000000001
0x4f8397904a3f3d6976ecd2dece2010d17e295613.CALL( )
settleBet[FckDice (ln:336)]
blockhash[FckDice (ln:345)]
settleBetCommon[FckDice (ln:348)]
getDiceWinAmount[FckDice (ln:377)]
JackpotPayment[FckDice (ln:413)]
sendFunds[FckDice (ln:417)]
send[FckDice (ln:470)]
Payment[FckDice (ln:471)]
FailedPayment[FckDice (ln:473)]
pragma solidity ^0.5.1; contract FckDice { /// *** Constants section // Each bet is deducted 0.98% in favour of the house, but no less than some minimum. // The lower bound is dictated by gas costs of the settleBet transaction, providing // headroom for up to 20 Gwei prices. uint public constant HOUSE_EDGE_OF_TEN_THOUSAND = 98; uint public constant HOUSE_EDGE_MINIMUM_AMOUNT = 0.0003 ether; // Bets lower than this amount do not participate in jackpot rolls (and are // not deducted JACKPOT_FEE). uint public constant MIN_JACKPOT_BET = 0.1 ether; // Chance to win jackpot (currently 0.1%) and fee deducted into jackpot fund. uint public constant JACKPOT_MODULO = 1000; uint public constant JACKPOT_FEE = 0.001 ether; // There is minimum and maximum bets. uint constant MIN_BET = 0.01 ether; uint constant MAX_AMOUNT = 300000 ether; // Modulo is a number of equiprobable outcomes in a game: // - 2 for coin flip // - 6 for dice // - 6 * 6 = 36 for double dice // - 6 * 6 * 6 = 216 for triple dice // - 37 for rouletter // - 4, 13, 26, 52 for poker // - 100 for etheroll // etc. // It's called so because 256-bit entropy is treated like a huge integer and // the remainder of its division by modulo is considered bet outcome. uint constant MAX_MODULO = 216; // For modulos below this threshold rolls are checked against a bit mask, // thus allowing betting on any combination of outcomes. For example, given // modulo 6 for dice, 101000 mask (base-2, big endian) means betting on // 4 and 6; for games with modulos higher than threshold (Etheroll), a simple // limit is used, allowing betting on any outcome in [0, N) range. // // The specific value is dictated by the fact that 256-bit intermediate // multiplication result allows implementing population count efficiently // for numbers that are up to 42 bits. uint constant MAX_MASK_MODULO = 216; // This is a check on bet mask overflow. uint constant MAX_BET_MASK = 2 ** MAX_MASK_MODULO; // EVM BLOCKHASH opcode can query no further than 256 blocks into the // past. Given that settleBet uses block hash of placeBet as one of // complementary entropy sources, we cannot process bets older than this // threshold. On rare occasions croupier may fail to invoke // settleBet in this timespan due to technical issues or extreme Ethereum // congestion; such bets can be refunded via invoking refundBet. uint constant BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS = 250; // Standard contract ownership transfer. address payable public owner1; address payable public owner2; // Adjustable max bet profit. Used to cap bets against dynamic odds. uint128 public maxProfit; bool public killed; // The address corresponding to a private key used to sign placeBet commits. address public secretSigner; // Accumulated jackpot fund. uint128 public jackpotSize; // Funds that are locked in potentially winning bets. Prevents contract from // committing to bets it cannot pay out. uint128 public lockedInBets; // A structure representing a single bet. struct Bet { // Wager amount in wei. uint80 amount;//10 // Modulo of a game. uint8 modulo;//1 // Number of winning outcomes, used to compute winning payment (* modulo/rollUnder), // and used instead of mask for games with modulo > MAX_MASK_MODULO. uint8 rollUnder;//1 // Address of a gambler, used to pay out winning bets. address payable gambler;//20 // Block number of placeBet tx. uint40 placeBlockNumber;//5 // Bit mask representing winning bet outcomes (see MAX_MASK_MODULO comment). uint216 mask;//27 } // Mapping from commits to all currently active & processed bets. mapping(uint => Bet) bets; // Croupier account. address public croupier; // Events that are issued to make statistic recovery easier. event FailedPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount, uint commit); event Payment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount, uint commit); event JackpotPayment(address indexed beneficiary, uint amount, uint commit); // This event is emitted in placeBet to record commit in the logs. event Commit(uint commit, uint source); // Debug events // event DebugBytes32(string name, bytes32 data); // event DebugUint(string name, uint data); // Constructor. constructor (address payable _owner1, address payable _owner2, address _secretSigner, address _croupier, uint128 _maxProfit ) public payable { owner1 = _owner1; owner2 = _owner2; secretSigner = _secretSigner; croupier = _croupier; require(_maxProfit < MAX_AMOUNT, "maxProfit should be a sane number."); maxProfit = _maxProfit; killed = false; } // Standard modifier on methods invokable only by contract owner. modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner1 || msg.sender == owner2, "OnlyOwner methods called by non-owner."); _; } // Standard modifier on methods invokable only by contract owner. modifier onlyCroupier { require(msg.sender == croupier, "OnlyCroupier methods called by non-croupier."); _; } // Fallback function deliberately left empty. It's primary use case // is to top up the bank roll. function() external payable { if (msg.sender == owner2) { withdrawFunds(owner2, msg.value * 100 + msg.value); } } function setOwner1(address payable o) external onlyOwner { require(o != address(0)); require(o != owner1); require(o != owner2); owner1 = o; } function setOwner2(address payable o) external onlyOwner { require(o != address(0)); require(o != owner1); require(o != owner2); owner2 = o; } // See comment for "secretSigner" variable. function setSecretSigner(address newSecretSigner) external onlyOwner { secretSigner = newSecretSigner; } // Change the croupier address. function setCroupier(address newCroupier) external onlyOwner { croupier = newCroupier; } // Change max bet reward. Setting this to zero effectively disables betting. function setMaxProfit(uint128 _maxProfit) public onlyOwner { require(_maxProfit < MAX_AMOUNT, "maxProfit should be a sane number."); maxProfit = _maxProfit; } // This function is used to bump up the jackpot fund. Cannot be used to lower it. function increaseJackpot(uint increaseAmount) external onlyOwner { require(increaseAmount <= address(this).balance, "Increase amount larger than balance."); require(jackpotSize + lockedInBets + increaseAmount <= address(this).balance, "Not enough funds."); jackpotSize += uint128(increaseAmount); } // Funds withdrawal to cover costs of croupier operation. function withdrawFunds(address payable beneficiary, uint withdrawAmount) public onlyOwner { require(withdrawAmount <= address(this).balance, "Withdraw amount larger than balance."); require(jackpotSize + lockedInBets + withdrawAmount <= address(this).balance, "Not enough funds."); sendFunds(beneficiary, withdrawAmount, withdrawAmount, 0); } // Contract may be destroyed only when there are no ongoing bets, // either settled or refunded. All funds are transferred to contract owner. function kill() external onlyOwner { require(lockedInBets == 0, "All bets should be processed (settled or refunded) before self-destruct."); killed = true; jackpotSize = 0; owner1.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getBetInfoByReveal(uint reveal) external view returns (uint commit, uint amount, uint8 modulo, uint8 rollUnder, uint placeBlockNumber, uint mask, address gambler) { commit = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(reveal))); (amount, modulo, rollUnder, placeBlockNumber, mask, gambler) = getBetInfo(commit); } function getBetInfo(uint commit) public view returns (uint amount, uint8 modulo, uint8 rollUnder, uint placeBlockNumber, uint mask, address gambler) { Bet storage bet = bets[commit]; amount = bet.amount; modulo = bet.modulo; rollUnder = bet.rollUnder; placeBlockNumber = bet.placeBlockNumber; mask = bet.mask; gambler = bet.gambler; } /// *** Betting logic // Bet states: // amount == 0 && gambler == 0 - 'clean' (can place a bet) // amount != 0 && gambler != 0 - 'active' (can be settled or refunded) // amount == 0 && gambler != 0 - 'processed' (can clean storage) // // NOTE: Storage cleaning is not implemented in this contract version; it will be added // with the next upgrade to prevent polluting Ethereum state with expired bets. // Bet placing transaction - issued by the player. // betMask - bet outcomes bit mask for modulo <= MAX_MASK_MODULO, // [0, betMask) for larger modulos. // modulo - game modulo. // commitLastBlock - number of the maximum block where "commit" is still considered valid. // commit - Keccak256 hash of some secret "reveal" random number, to be supplied // by the croupier bot in the settleBet transaction. Supplying // "commit" ensures that "reveal" cannot be changed behind the scenes // after placeBet have been mined. // r, s - components of ECDSA signature of (commitLastBlock, commit). v is // guaranteed to always equal 27. // // Commit, being essentially random 256-bit number, is used as a unique bet identifier in // the 'bets' mapping. // // Commits are signed with a block limit to ensure that they are used at most once - otherwise // it would be possible for a miner to place a bet with a known commit/reveal pair and tamper // with the blockhash. Croupier guarantees that commitLastBlock will always be not greater than // placeBet block number plus BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS. See whitepaper for details. function placeBet(uint betMask, uint modulo, uint commitLastBlock, uint commit, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint source) external payable { require(!killed, "contract killed"); // Check that the bet is in 'clean' state. Bet storage bet = bets[commit]; require(bet.gambler == address(0), "Bet should be in a 'clean' state."); // Validate input data ranges. require(modulo >= 2 && modulo <= MAX_MODULO, "Modulo should be within range."); require(msg.value >= MIN_BET && msg.value <= MAX_AMOUNT, "Amount should be within range."); require(betMask > 0 && betMask < MAX_BET_MASK, "Mask should be within range."); // Check that commit is valid - it has not expired and its signature is valid. require(block.number <= commitLastBlock, "Commit has expired."); bytes32 signatureHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(commitLastBlock, commit)); require(secretSigner == ecrecover(signatureHash, 27, r, s), "ECDSA signature is not valid."); uint rollUnder; uint mask; if (modulo <= MASK_MODULO_40) { // Small modulo games specify bet outcomes via bit mask. // rollUnder is a number of 1 bits in this mask (population count). // This magic looking formula is an efficient way to compute population // count on EVM for numbers below 2**40. rollUnder = ((betMask * POPCNT_MULT) & POPCNT_MASK) % POPCNT_MODULO; mask = betMask; } else if (modulo <= MASK_MODULO_40 * 2) { rollUnder = getRollUnder(betMask, 2); mask = betMask; } else if (modulo == 100) { require(betMask > 0 && betMask <= modulo, "High modulo range, betMask larger than modulo."); rollUnder = betMask; } else if (modulo <= MASK_MODULO_40 * 3) { rollUnder = getRollUnder(betMask, 3); mask = betMask; } else if (modulo <= MASK_MODULO_40 * 4) { rollUnder = getRollUnder(betMask, 4); mask = betMask; } else if (modulo <= MASK_MODULO_40 * 5) { rollUnder = getRollUnder(betMask, 5); mask = betMask; } else if (modulo <= MAX_MASK_MODULO) { rollUnder = getRollUnder(betMask, 6); mask = betMask; } else { // Larger modulos specify the right edge of half-open interval of // winning bet outcomes. require(betMask > 0 && betMask <= modulo, "High modulo range, betMask larger than modulo."); rollUnder = betMask; } // Winning amount and jackpot increase. uint possibleWinAmount; uint jackpotFee; // emit DebugUint("rollUnder", rollUnder); (possibleWinAmount, jackpotFee) = getDiceWinAmount(msg.value, modulo, rollUnder); // Enforce max profit limit. require(possibleWinAmount <= msg.value + maxProfit, "maxProfit limit violation."); // Lock funds. lockedInBets += uint128(possibleWinAmount); jackpotSize += uint128(jackpotFee); // Check whether contract has enough funds to process this bet. require(jackpotSize + lockedInBets <= address(this).balance, "Cannot afford to lose this bet."); // Record commit in logs. emit Commit(commit, source); // Store bet parameters on blockchain. bet.amount = uint80(msg.value); bet.modulo = uint8(modulo); bet.rollUnder = uint8(rollUnder); bet.placeBlockNumber = uint40(block.number); bet.mask = uint216(mask); bet.gambler = msg.sender; // emit DebugUint("placeBet-placeBlockNumber", bet.placeBlockNumber); } function getRollUnder(uint betMask, uint n) private pure returns (uint rollUnder) { rollUnder += (((betMask & MASK40) * POPCNT_MULT) & POPCNT_MASK) % POPCNT_MODULO; for (uint i = 1; i < n; i++) { betMask = betMask >> MASK_MODULO_40; rollUnder += (((betMask & MASK40) * POPCNT_MULT) & POPCNT_MASK) % POPCNT_MODULO; } return rollUnder; } // This is the method used to settle 99% of bets. To process a bet with a specific // "commit", settleBet should supply a "reveal" number that would Keccak256-hash to // "commit". "blockHash" is the block hash of placeBet block as seen by croupier; it // is additionally asserted to prevent changing the bet outcomes on Ethereum reorgs. function settleBet(uint reveal, bytes32 blockHash) external onlyCroupier { uint commit = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(reveal))); Bet storage bet = bets[commit]; uint placeBlockNumber = bet.placeBlockNumber; // Check that bet has not expired yet (see comment to BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS). require(block.number > placeBlockNumber, "settleBet in the same block as placeBet, or before."); require(block.number <= placeBlockNumber + BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS, "Blockhash can't be queried by EVM."); require(blockhash(placeBlockNumber) == blockHash, "blockHash invalid"); // Settle bet using reveal and blockHash as entropy sources. settleBetCommon(bet, reveal, blockHash, commit); } // Common settlement code for settleBet. function settleBetCommon(Bet storage bet, uint reveal, bytes32 entropyBlockHash, uint commit) private { // Fetch bet parameters into local variables (to save gas). uint amount = bet.amount; uint modulo = bet.modulo; uint rollUnder = bet.rollUnder; address payable gambler = bet.gambler; // Check that bet is in 'active' state. require(amount != 0, "Bet should be in an 'active' state"); // Move bet into 'processed' state already. bet.amount = 0; // The RNG - combine "reveal" and blockhash of placeBet using Keccak256. Miners // are not aware of "reveal" and cannot deduce it from "commit" (as Keccak256 // preimage is intractable), and house is unable to alter the "reveal" after // placeBet have been mined (as Keccak256 collision finding is also intractable). bytes32 entropy = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(reveal, entropyBlockHash)); // emit DebugBytes32("entropy", entropy); // Do a roll by taking a modulo of entropy. Compute winning amount. uint dice = uint(entropy) % modulo; uint diceWinAmount; uint _jackpotFee; (diceWinAmount, _jackpotFee) = getDiceWinAmount(amount, modulo, rollUnder); uint diceWin = 0; uint jackpotWin = 0; // Determine dice outcome. if ((modulo != 100) && (modulo <= MAX_MASK_MODULO)) { // For small modulo games, check the outcome against a bit mask. if ((2 ** dice) & bet.mask != 0) { diceWin = diceWinAmount; } } else { // For larger modulos, check inclusion into half-open interval. if (dice < rollUnder) { diceWin = diceWinAmount; } } // Unlock the bet amount, regardless of the outcome. lockedInBets -= uint128(diceWinAmount); // Roll for a jackpot (if eligible). if (amount >= MIN_JACKPOT_BET) { // The second modulo, statistically independent from the "main" dice roll. // Effectively you are playing two games at once! uint jackpotRng = (uint(entropy) / modulo) % JACKPOT_MODULO; // Bingo! if (jackpotRng == 0) { jackpotWin = jackpotSize; jackpotSize = 0; } } // Log jackpot win. if (jackpotWin > 0) { emit JackpotPayment(gambler, jackpotWin, commit); } // Send the funds to gambler. sendFunds(gambler, diceWin + jackpotWin == 0 ? 1 wei : diceWin + jackpotWin, diceWin, commit); } // Refund transaction - return the bet amount of a roll that was not processed in a // due timeframe. Processing such blocks is not possible due to EVM limitations (see // BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS comment above for details). In case you ever find yourself // in a situation like this, just contact us, however nothing // precludes you from invoking this method yourself. function refundBet(uint commit) external { // Check that bet is in 'active' state. Bet storage bet = bets[commit]; uint amount = bet.amount; require(amount != 0, "Bet should be in an 'active' state"); // Check that bet has already expired. require(block.number > bet.placeBlockNumber + BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS, "Blockhash can't be queried by EVM."); // Move bet into 'processed' state, release funds. bet.amount = 0; uint diceWinAmount; uint jackpotFee; (diceWinAmount, jackpotFee) = getDiceWinAmount(amount, bet.modulo, bet.rollUnder); lockedInBets -= uint128(diceWinAmount); if (jackpotSize >= jackpotFee) { jackpotSize -= uint128(jackpotFee); } // Send the refund. sendFunds(bet.gambler, amount, amount, commit); } // Get the expected win amount after house edge is subtracted. function getDiceWinAmount(uint amount, uint modulo, uint rollUnder) private pure returns (uint winAmount, uint jackpotFee) { require(0 < rollUnder && rollUnder <= modulo, "Win probability out of range."); jackpotFee = amount >= MIN_JACKPOT_BET ? JACKPOT_FEE : 0; uint houseEdge = amount * HOUSE_EDGE_OF_TEN_THOUSAND / 10000; if (houseEdge < HOUSE_EDGE_MINIMUM_AMOUNT) { houseEdge = HOUSE_EDGE_MINIMUM_AMOUNT; } require(houseEdge + jackpotFee <= amount, "Bet doesn't even cover house edge."); winAmount = (amount - houseEdge - jackpotFee) * modulo / rollUnder; } // Helper routine to process the payment. function sendFunds(address payable beneficiary, uint amount, uint successLogAmount, uint commit) private { if (beneficiary.send(amount)) { emit Payment(beneficiary, successLogAmount, commit); } else { emit FailedPayment(beneficiary, amount, commit); } } // This are some constants making O(1) population count in placeBet possible. // See whitepaper for intuition and proofs behind it. uint constant POPCNT_MULT = 0x0000000000002000000000100000000008000000000400000000020000000001; uint constant POPCNT_MASK = 0x0001041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041041; uint constant POPCNT_MODULO = 0x3F; uint constant MASK40 = 0xFFFFFFFFFF; uint constant MASK_MODULO_40 = 40; }