ETH Price: $1,909.06 (-0.12%)

Transaction Decoder

21453745 at Dec-21-2024 10:05:11 PM +UTC
Transaction Fee:
0.000833322861799744 ETH $1.59
Gas Used:
103,186 Gas / 8.075929504 Gwei

Emitted Events:

291 WalletSimple.Transacted( msgSender=[Sender] 0x5acaf7c064f609c1ac40648f200d1160cb3b054f, otherSigner=0x640Ee714...daa960F3c, operation=A1315D9051DEC41FD8F5DBA87E32E426EDDC84CABE9F896E32E8EFC72D10CFFB, toAddress=0xe7027bd24787be91a833b7c502637b1fb30c702d, value=19013650000000000, data=0x )

Account State Difference:

  Address   Before After State Difference Code
0x3db76cc3...3147826f8 76.773218919436259937 Eth76.754205269436259937 Eth0.01901365
(Titan Builder)
12.029417228790041673 Eth12.029535892690041673 Eth0.0001186639
0.273144359421150566 Eth
Nonce: 88770
0.272311036559350822 Eth
Nonce: 88771
0 Eth
Nonce: 0
0.01901365 Eth
Nonce: 0
0.01901365From: 0 To: 0

Execution Trace

WalletSimple.sendMultiSig( toAddress=0xe7027BD24787bE91a833b7C502637b1FB30c702D, value=19013650000000000, data=0x, expireTime=1735423347, sequenceId=72972, signature=0x71A3FAFD0C96B99C181D9D00081108CC40B6A04ABDA0C58A0822065CBBAC160C20095492A31C6B9F038BD8A1526FC1FB59A91AB73663573EBA8274BA9E8F69C71C )
  • WalletSimple.sendMultiSig( toAddress=0xe7027BD24787bE91a833b7C502637b1FB30c702D, value=19013650000000000, data=0x, expireTime=1735423347, sequenceId=72972, signature=0x71A3FAFD0C96B99C181D9D00081108CC40B6A04ABDA0C58A0822065CBBAC160C20095492A31C6B9F038BD8A1526FC1FB59A91AB73663573EBA8274BA9E8F69C71C )
    • Null: 0x000...001.a1315d90( )
    • ETH 0.01901365 0xe7027bd24787be91a833b7c502637b1fb30c702d.CALL( )
      File 1 of 2: WalletSimple
      {"ERC20Interface.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\n\n/**\n * Contract that exposes the needed erc20 token functions\n */\n\nabstract contract ERC20Interface {\n  // Send _value amount of tokens to address _to\n  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)\n    public\n    virtual\n    returns (bool success);\n\n  // Get the account balance of another account with address _owner\n  function balanceOf(address _owner)\n    public\n    virtual\n    view\n    returns (uint256 balance);\n}\n"},"Forwarder.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\nimport \u0027./TransferHelper.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./ERC20Interface.sol\u0027;\n\n/**\n * Contract that will forward any incoming Ether to the creator of the contract\n *\n */\ncontract Forwarder {\n  // Address to which any funds sent to this contract will be forwarded\n  address public parentAddress;\n  event ForwarderDeposited(address from, uint256 value, bytes data);\n\n  /**\n   * Initialize the contract, and sets the destination address to that of the creator\n   */\n  function init(address _parentAddress) external onlyUninitialized {\n    parentAddress = _parentAddress;\n    uint256 value = address(this).balance;\n\n    if (value == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(\u0027\u0027);\n    require(success, \u0027Flush failed\u0027);\n    // NOTE: since we are forwarding on initialization,\n    // we don\u0027t have the context of the original sender.\n    // We still emit an event about the forwarding but set\n    // the sender to the forwarder itself\n    emit ForwarderDeposited(address(this), value,;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the sender is the parent address\n   */\n  modifier onlyParent {\n    require(msg.sender == parentAddress, \u0027Only Parent\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the contract has not been initialized yet\n   */\n  modifier onlyUninitialized {\n    require(parentAddress == address(0x0), \u0027Already initialized\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Default function; Gets called when data is sent but does not match any other function\n   */\n  fallback() external payable {\n    flush();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Default function; Gets called when Ether is deposited with no data, and forwards it to the parent address\n   */\n  receive() external payable {\n    flush();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a token transfer of the full balance from the forwarder token to the parent address\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   */\n  function flushTokens(address tokenContractAddress) external onlyParent {\n    ERC20Interface instance = ERC20Interface(tokenContractAddress);\n    address forwarderAddress = address(this);\n    uint256 forwarderBalance = instance.balanceOf(forwarderAddress);\n    if (forwarderBalance == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    TransferHelper.safeTransfer(\n      tokenContractAddress,\n      parentAddress,\n      forwarderBalance\n    );\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Flush the entire balance of the contract to the parent address.\n   */\n  function flush() public {\n    uint256 value = address(this).balance;\n\n    if (value == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(\u0027\u0027);\n    require(success, \u0027Flush failed\u0027);\n    emit ForwarderDeposited(msg.sender, value,;\n  }\n}\n"},"TransferHelper.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n\npragma solidity \u003e=0.7.5;\n\n// helper methods for interacting with ERC20 tokens and sending ETH that do not consistently return true/false\nlibrary TransferHelper {\n    function safeApprove(\n        address token,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027approve(address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::safeApprove: approve failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransfer(\n        address token,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027transfer(address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::safeTransfer: transfer failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransferFrom(\n        address token,\n        address from,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027transferFrom(address,address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::transferFrom: transferFrom failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 value) internal {\n        (bool success, ) ={value: value}(new bytes(0));\n        require(success, \u0027TransferHelper::safeTransferETH: ETH transfer failed\u0027);\n    }\n}\n"},"WalletSimple.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\nimport \u0027./TransferHelper.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./Forwarder.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./ERC20Interface.sol\u0027;\n\n/**\n *\n * WalletSimple\n * ============\n *\n * Basic multi-signer wallet designed for use in a co-signing environment where 2 signatures are required to move funds.\n * Typically used in a 2-of-3 signing configuration. Uses ecrecover to allow for 2 signatures in a single transaction.\n *\n * The first signature is created on the operation hash (see Data Formats) and passed to sendMultiSig/sendMultiSigToken\n * The signer is determined by verifyMultiSig().\n *\n * The second signature is created by the submitter of the transaction and determined by msg.signer.\n *\n * Data Formats\n * ============\n *\n * The signature is created with ethereumjs-util.ecsign(operationHash).\n * Like the eth_sign RPC call, it packs the values as a 65-byte array of [r, s, v].\n * Unlike eth_sign, the message is not prefixed.\n *\n * The operationHash the result of keccak256(prefix, toAddress, value, data, expireTime).\n * For ether transactions, `prefix` is \"ETHER\".\n * For token transaction, `prefix` is \"ERC20\" and `data` is the tokenContractAddress.\n *\n *\n */\ncontract WalletSimple {\n  // Events\n  event Deposited(address from, uint256 value, bytes data);\n  event SafeModeActivated(address msgSender);\n  event Transacted(\n    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction\n    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction\n    bytes32 operation, // Operation hash (see Data Formats)\n    address toAddress, // The address the transaction was sent to\n    uint256 value, // Amount of Wei sent to the address\n    bytes data // Data sent when invoking the transaction\n  );\n\n  event BatchTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 value);\n  // this event shows the other signer and the operation hash that they signed\n  // specific batch transfer events are emitted in Batcher\n  event BatchTransacted(\n    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction\n    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction\n    bytes32 operation // Operation hash (see Data Formats)\n  );\n\n  // Public fields\n  mapping(address =\u003e bool) public signers; // The addresses that can co-sign transactions on the wallet\n  bool public safeMode = false; // When active, wallet may only send to signer addresses\n  bool public initialized = false; // True if the contract has been initialized\n\n  // Internal fields\n  uint256 private constant MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE = 10000;\n  uint256 constant SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE = 10;\n  uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] recentSequenceIds;\n\n  /**\n   * Set up a simple multi-sig wallet by specifying the signers allowed to be used on this wallet.\n   * 2 signers will be required to send a transaction from this wallet.\n   * Note: The sender is NOT automatically added to the list of signers.\n   * Signers CANNOT be changed once they are set\n   *\n   * @param allowedSigners An array of signers on the wallet\n   */\n  function init(address[] calldata allowedSigners) external onlyUninitialized {\n    require(allowedSigners.length == 3, \u0027Invalid number of signers\u0027);\n\n    for (uint8 i = 0; i \u003c allowedSigners.length; i++) {\n      require(allowedSigners[i] != address(0), \u0027Invalid signer\u0027);\n      signers[allowedSigners[i]] = true;\n    }\n    initialized = true;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ETHER\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for token transfers\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getTokenNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ERC20\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for batch transfers\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getBatchNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ETHER-Batch\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Determine if an address is a signer on this wallet\n   * @param signer address to check\n   * returns boolean indicating whether address is signer or not\n   */\n  function isSigner(address signer) public view returns (bool) {\n    return signers[signer];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the sender is an authorized signer on this wallet\n   */\n  modifier onlySigner {\n    require(isSigner(msg.sender), \u0027Non-signer in onlySigner method\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the contract has not been initialized yet\n   */\n  modifier onlyUninitialized {\n    require(!initialized, \u0027Contract already initialized\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets called when a transaction is received with data that does not match any other method\n   */\n  fallback() external payable {\n    if (msg.value \u003e 0) {\n      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds\n      Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value,;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets called when a transaction is received with ether and no data\n   */\n  receive() external payable {\n    if (msg.value \u003e 0) {\n      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds\n      Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value,;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param value the amount in Wei to be sent\n   * @param data the data to send to the toAddress when invoking the transaction\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSig(\n    address toAddress,\n    uint256 value,\n    bytes calldata data,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getNetworkId(),\n        toAddress,\n        value,\n        data,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(\n      toAddress,\n      operationHash,\n      signature,\n      expireTime,\n      sequenceId\n    );\n\n    // Success, send the transaction\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(data);\n    require(success, \u0027Call execution failed\u0027);\n\n    emit Transacted(\n      msg.sender,\n      otherSigner,\n      operationHash,\n      toAddress,\n      value,\n      data\n    );\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a batched multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   * The recipients and values to send are encoded in two arrays, where for index i, recipients[i] will be sent values[i].\n   *\n   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to\n   * @param values The list of values to send to\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSigBatch(\n    address[] calldata recipients,\n    uint256[] calldata values,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    require(recipients.length != 0, \u0027Not enough recipients\u0027);\n    require(\n      recipients.length == values.length,\n      \u0027Unequal recipients and values\u0027\n    );\n    require(recipients.length \u003c 256, \u0027Too many recipients, max 255\u0027);\n\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getBatchNetworkId(),\n        recipients,\n        values,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    // the first parameter (toAddress) is used to ensure transactions in safe mode only go to a signer\n    // if in safe mode, we should use normal sendMultiSig to recover, so this check will always fail if in safe mode\n    require(!safeMode, \u0027Batch in safe mode\u0027);\n    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(\n      address(0x0),\n      operationHash,\n      signature,\n      expireTime,\n      sequenceId\n    );\n\n    batchTransfer(recipients, values);\n    emit BatchTransacted(msg.sender, otherSigner, operationHash);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Transfer funds in a batch to each of recipients\n   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to\n   * @param values The list of values to send to recipients.\n   *  The recipient with index i in recipients array will be sent values[i].\n   *  Thus, recipients and values must be the same length\n   */\n  function batchTransfer(\n    address[] calldata recipients,\n    uint256[] calldata values\n  ) internal {\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c recipients.length; i++) {\n      require(address(this).balance \u003e= values[i], \u0027Insufficient funds\u0027);\n\n      (bool success, ) = recipients[i].call{ value: values[i] }(\u0027\u0027);\n      require(success, \u0027Call failed\u0027);\n\n      emit BatchTransfer(msg.sender, recipients[i], values[i]);\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a multi-signature token transfer from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param value the amount in tokens to be sent\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSigToken(\n    address toAddress,\n    uint256 value,\n    address tokenContractAddress,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getTokenNetworkId(),\n        toAddress,\n        value,\n        tokenContractAddress,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    verifyMultiSig(toAddress, operationHash, signature, expireTime, sequenceId);\n\n    TransferHelper.safeTransfer(tokenContractAddress, toAddress, value);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a token flush from one of the forwarder addresses. This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer\n   *\n   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   */\n  function flushForwarderTokens(\n    address payable forwarderAddress,\n    address tokenContractAddress\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    Forwarder forwarder = Forwarder(forwarderAddress);\n    forwarder.flushTokens(tokenContractAddress);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Do common multisig verification for both eth sends and erc20token transfers\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param operationHash see Data Formats\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * returns address that has created the signature\n   */\n  function verifyMultiSig(\n    address toAddress,\n    bytes32 operationHash,\n    bytes calldata signature,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId\n  ) private returns (address) {\n    address otherSigner = recoverAddressFromSignature(operationHash, signature);\n\n    // Verify if we are in safe mode. In safe mode, the wallet can only send to signers\n    require(!safeMode || isSigner(toAddress), \u0027External transfer in safe mode\u0027);\n\n    // Verify that the transaction has not expired\n    require(expireTime \u003e= block.timestamp, \u0027Transaction expired\u0027);\n\n    // Try to insert the sequence ID. Will revert if the sequence id was invalid\n    tryInsertSequenceId(sequenceId);\n\n    require(isSigner(otherSigner), \u0027Invalid signer\u0027);\n\n    require(otherSigner != msg.sender, \u0027Signers cannot be equal\u0027);\n\n    return otherSigner;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Irrevocably puts contract into safe mode. When in this mode, transactions may only be sent to signing addresses.\n   */\n  function activateSafeMode() external onlySigner {\n    safeMode = true;\n    SafeModeActivated(msg.sender);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets signer\u0027s address using ecrecover\n   * @param operationHash see Data Formats\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   * returns address recovered from the signature\n   */\n  function recoverAddressFromSignature(\n    bytes32 operationHash,\n    bytes memory signature\n  ) private pure returns (address) {\n    require(signature.length == 65, \u0027Invalid signature - wrong length\u0027);\n\n    // We need to unpack the signature, which is given as an array of 65 bytes (like eth.sign)\n    bytes32 r;\n    bytes32 s;\n    uint8 v;\n\n    // solhint-disable-next-line\n    assembly {\n      r := mload(add(signature, 32))\n      s := mload(add(signature, 64))\n      v := and(mload(add(signature, 65)), 255)\n    }\n    if (v \u003c 27) {\n      v += 27; // Ethereum versions are 27 or 28 as opposed to 0 or 1 which is submitted by some signing libs\n    }\n\n    // protect against signature malleability\n    // S value must be in the lower half orader\n    // reference:\n    require(\n      uint256(s) \u003c=\n        0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0,\n      \"ECDSA: invalid signature \u0027s\u0027 value\"\n    );\n\n    // note that this returns 0 if the signature is invalid\n    // Since 0x0 can never be a signer, when the recovered signer address\n    // is checked against our signer list, that 0x0 will cause an invalid signer failure\n    return ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Verify that the sequence id has not been used before and inserts it. Throws if the sequence ID was not accepted.\n   * We collect a window of up to 10 recent sequence ids, and allow any sequence id that is not in the window and\n   * greater than the minimum element in the window.\n   * @param sequenceId to insert into array of stored ids\n   */\n  function tryInsertSequenceId(uint256 sequenceId) private onlySigner {\n    // Keep a pointer to the lowest value element in the window\n    uint256 lowestValueIndex = 0;\n    // fetch recentSequenceIds into memory for function context to avoid unnecessary sloads\n    uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] memory _recentSequenceIds = recentSequenceIds;\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {\n      require(_recentSequenceIds[i] != sequenceId, \u0027Sequence ID already used\u0027);\n\n      if (_recentSequenceIds[i] \u003c _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex]) {\n        lowestValueIndex = i;\n      }\n    }\n\n    // The sequence ID being used is lower than the lowest value in the window\n    // so we cannot accept it as it may have been used before\n    require(\n      sequenceId \u003e _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex],\n      \u0027Sequence ID below window\u0027\n    );\n\n    // Block sequence IDs which are much higher than the lowest value\n    // This prevents people blocking the contract by using very large sequence IDs quickly\n    require(\n      sequenceId \u003c=\n        (_recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] + MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE),\n      \u0027Sequence ID above maximum\u0027\n    );\n\n    recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] = sequenceId;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the next available sequence ID for signing when using executeAndConfirm\n   * returns the sequenceId one higher than the highest currently stored\n   */\n  function getNextSequenceId() public view returns (uint256) {\n    uint256 highestSequenceId = 0;\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {\n      if (recentSequenceIds[i] \u003e highestSequenceId) {\n        highestSequenceId = recentSequenceIds[i];\n      }\n    }\n    return highestSequenceId + 1;\n  }\n}\n"}}

      File 2 of 2: WalletSimple
      {"ERC20Interface.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\n\n/**\n * Contract that exposes the needed erc20 token functions\n */\n\nabstract contract ERC20Interface {\n  // Send _value amount of tokens to address _to\n  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)\n    public\n    virtual\n    returns (bool success);\n\n  // Get the account balance of another account with address _owner\n  function balanceOf(address _owner)\n    public\n    virtual\n    view\n    returns (uint256 balance);\n}\n"},"Forwarder.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\nimport \u0027./TransferHelper.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./ERC20Interface.sol\u0027;\n\n/**\n * Contract that will forward any incoming Ether to the creator of the contract\n *\n */\ncontract Forwarder {\n  // Address to which any funds sent to this contract will be forwarded\n  address public parentAddress;\n  event ForwarderDeposited(address from, uint256 value, bytes data);\n\n  /**\n   * Initialize the contract, and sets the destination address to that of the creator\n   */\n  function init(address _parentAddress) external onlyUninitialized {\n    parentAddress = _parentAddress;\n    uint256 value = address(this).balance;\n\n    if (value == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(\u0027\u0027);\n    require(success, \u0027Flush failed\u0027);\n    // NOTE: since we are forwarding on initialization,\n    // we don\u0027t have the context of the original sender.\n    // We still emit an event about the forwarding but set\n    // the sender to the forwarder itself\n    emit ForwarderDeposited(address(this), value,;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the sender is the parent address\n   */\n  modifier onlyParent {\n    require(msg.sender == parentAddress, \u0027Only Parent\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the contract has not been initialized yet\n   */\n  modifier onlyUninitialized {\n    require(parentAddress == address(0x0), \u0027Already initialized\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Default function; Gets called when data is sent but does not match any other function\n   */\n  fallback() external payable {\n    flush();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Default function; Gets called when Ether is deposited with no data, and forwards it to the parent address\n   */\n  receive() external payable {\n    flush();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a token transfer of the full balance from the forwarder token to the parent address\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   */\n  function flushTokens(address tokenContractAddress) external onlyParent {\n    ERC20Interface instance = ERC20Interface(tokenContractAddress);\n    address forwarderAddress = address(this);\n    uint256 forwarderBalance = instance.balanceOf(forwarderAddress);\n    if (forwarderBalance == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    TransferHelper.safeTransfer(\n      tokenContractAddress,\n      parentAddress,\n      forwarderBalance\n    );\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Flush the entire balance of the contract to the parent address.\n   */\n  function flush() public {\n    uint256 value = address(this).balance;\n\n    if (value == 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(\u0027\u0027);\n    require(success, \u0027Flush failed\u0027);\n    emit ForwarderDeposited(msg.sender, value,;\n  }\n}\n"},"TransferHelper.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n\npragma solidity \u003e=0.7.5;\n\n// helper methods for interacting with ERC20 tokens and sending ETH that do not consistently return true/false\nlibrary TransferHelper {\n    function safeApprove(\n        address token,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027approve(address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::safeApprove: approve failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransfer(\n        address token,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027transfer(address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::safeTransfer: transfer failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransferFrom(\n        address token,\n        address from,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal {\n        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes(\u0027transferFrom(address,address,uint256)\u0027)));\n        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value));\n        require(\n            success \u0026\u0026 (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),\n            \u0027TransferHelper::transferFrom: transferFrom failed\u0027\n        );\n    }\n\n    function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 value) internal {\n        (bool success, ) ={value: value}(new bytes(0));\n        require(success, \u0027TransferHelper::safeTransferETH: ETH transfer failed\u0027);\n    }\n}\n"},"WalletSimple.sol":{"content":"// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\npragma solidity 0.7.5;\nimport \u0027./TransferHelper.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./Forwarder.sol\u0027;\nimport \u0027./ERC20Interface.sol\u0027;\n\n/**\n *\n * WalletSimple\n * ============\n *\n * Basic multi-signer wallet designed for use in a co-signing environment where 2 signatures are required to move funds.\n * Typically used in a 2-of-3 signing configuration. Uses ecrecover to allow for 2 signatures in a single transaction.\n *\n * The first signature is created on the operation hash (see Data Formats) and passed to sendMultiSig/sendMultiSigToken\n * The signer is determined by verifyMultiSig().\n *\n * The second signature is created by the submitter of the transaction and determined by msg.signer.\n *\n * Data Formats\n * ============\n *\n * The signature is created with ethereumjs-util.ecsign(operationHash).\n * Like the eth_sign RPC call, it packs the values as a 65-byte array of [r, s, v].\n * Unlike eth_sign, the message is not prefixed.\n *\n * The operationHash the result of keccak256(prefix, toAddress, value, data, expireTime).\n * For ether transactions, `prefix` is \"ETHER\".\n * For token transaction, `prefix` is \"ERC20\" and `data` is the tokenContractAddress.\n *\n *\n */\ncontract WalletSimple {\n  // Events\n  event Deposited(address from, uint256 value, bytes data);\n  event SafeModeActivated(address msgSender);\n  event Transacted(\n    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction\n    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction\n    bytes32 operation, // Operation hash (see Data Formats)\n    address toAddress, // The address the transaction was sent to\n    uint256 value, // Amount of Wei sent to the address\n    bytes data // Data sent when invoking the transaction\n  );\n\n  event BatchTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 value);\n  // this event shows the other signer and the operation hash that they signed\n  // specific batch transfer events are emitted in Batcher\n  event BatchTransacted(\n    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction\n    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction\n    bytes32 operation // Operation hash (see Data Formats)\n  );\n\n  // Public fields\n  mapping(address =\u003e bool) public signers; // The addresses that can co-sign transactions on the wallet\n  bool public safeMode = false; // When active, wallet may only send to signer addresses\n  bool public initialized = false; // True if the contract has been initialized\n\n  // Internal fields\n  uint256 private constant MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE = 10000;\n  uint256 constant SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE = 10;\n  uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] recentSequenceIds;\n\n  /**\n   * Set up a simple multi-sig wallet by specifying the signers allowed to be used on this wallet.\n   * 2 signers will be required to send a transaction from this wallet.\n   * Note: The sender is NOT automatically added to the list of signers.\n   * Signers CANNOT be changed once they are set\n   *\n   * @param allowedSigners An array of signers on the wallet\n   */\n  function init(address[] calldata allowedSigners) external onlyUninitialized {\n    require(allowedSigners.length == 3, \u0027Invalid number of signers\u0027);\n\n    for (uint8 i = 0; i \u003c allowedSigners.length; i++) {\n      require(allowedSigners[i] != address(0), \u0027Invalid signer\u0027);\n      signers[allowedSigners[i]] = true;\n    }\n    initialized = true;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ETHER\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for token transfers\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getTokenNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ERC20\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for batch transfers\n   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains\n   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need\n   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can\u0027t be a field\n   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will\n   *    not pick up on state variables\n   */\n  function getBatchNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {\n    return \u0027ETHER-Batch\u0027;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Determine if an address is a signer on this wallet\n   * @param signer address to check\n   * returns boolean indicating whether address is signer or not\n   */\n  function isSigner(address signer) public view returns (bool) {\n    return signers[signer];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the sender is an authorized signer on this wallet\n   */\n  modifier onlySigner {\n    require(isSigner(msg.sender), \u0027Non-signer in onlySigner method\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the contract has not been initialized yet\n   */\n  modifier onlyUninitialized {\n    require(!initialized, \u0027Contract already initialized\u0027);\n    _;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets called when a transaction is received with data that does not match any other method\n   */\n  fallback() external payable {\n    if (msg.value \u003e 0) {\n      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds\n      Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value,;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets called when a transaction is received with ether and no data\n   */\n  receive() external payable {\n    if (msg.value \u003e 0) {\n      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds\n      Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value,;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param value the amount in Wei to be sent\n   * @param data the data to send to the toAddress when invoking the transaction\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSig(\n    address toAddress,\n    uint256 value,\n    bytes calldata data,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getNetworkId(),\n        toAddress,\n        value,\n        data,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(\n      toAddress,\n      operationHash,\n      signature,\n      expireTime,\n      sequenceId\n    );\n\n    // Success, send the transaction\n    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(data);\n    require(success, \u0027Call execution failed\u0027);\n\n    emit Transacted(\n      msg.sender,\n      otherSigner,\n      operationHash,\n      toAddress,\n      value,\n      data\n    );\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a batched multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   * The recipients and values to send are encoded in two arrays, where for index i, recipients[i] will be sent values[i].\n   *\n   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to\n   * @param values The list of values to send to\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSigBatch(\n    address[] calldata recipients,\n    uint256[] calldata values,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    require(recipients.length != 0, \u0027Not enough recipients\u0027);\n    require(\n      recipients.length == values.length,\n      \u0027Unequal recipients and values\u0027\n    );\n    require(recipients.length \u003c 256, \u0027Too many recipients, max 255\u0027);\n\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getBatchNetworkId(),\n        recipients,\n        values,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    // the first parameter (toAddress) is used to ensure transactions in safe mode only go to a signer\n    // if in safe mode, we should use normal sendMultiSig to recover, so this check will always fail if in safe mode\n    require(!safeMode, \u0027Batch in safe mode\u0027);\n    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(\n      address(0x0),\n      operationHash,\n      signature,\n      expireTime,\n      sequenceId\n    );\n\n    batchTransfer(recipients, values);\n    emit BatchTransacted(msg.sender, otherSigner, operationHash);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Transfer funds in a batch to each of recipients\n   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to\n   * @param values The list of values to send to recipients.\n   *  The recipient with index i in recipients array will be sent values[i].\n   *  Thus, recipients and values must be the same length\n   */\n  function batchTransfer(\n    address[] calldata recipients,\n    uint256[] calldata values\n  ) internal {\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c recipients.length; i++) {\n      require(address(this).balance \u003e= values[i], \u0027Insufficient funds\u0027);\n\n      (bool success, ) = recipients[i].call{ value: values[i] }(\u0027\u0027);\n      require(success, \u0027Call failed\u0027);\n\n      emit BatchTransfer(msg.sender, recipients[i], values[i]);\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a multi-signature token transfer from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.\n   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param value the amount in tokens to be sent\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   */\n  function sendMultiSigToken(\n    address toAddress,\n    uint256 value,\n    address tokenContractAddress,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId,\n    bytes calldata signature\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    // Verify the other signer\n    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(\n      abi.encodePacked(\n        getTokenNetworkId(),\n        toAddress,\n        value,\n        tokenContractAddress,\n        expireTime,\n        sequenceId\n      )\n    );\n\n    verifyMultiSig(toAddress, operationHash, signature, expireTime, sequenceId);\n\n    TransferHelper.safeTransfer(tokenContractAddress, toAddress, value);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Execute a token flush from one of the forwarder addresses. This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer\n   *\n   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from\n   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract\n   */\n  function flushForwarderTokens(\n    address payable forwarderAddress,\n    address tokenContractAddress\n  ) external onlySigner {\n    Forwarder forwarder = Forwarder(forwarderAddress);\n    forwarder.flushTokens(tokenContractAddress);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Do common multisig verification for both eth sends and erc20token transfers\n   *\n   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction\n   * @param operationHash see Data Formats\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid\n   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId\n   * returns address that has created the signature\n   */\n  function verifyMultiSig(\n    address toAddress,\n    bytes32 operationHash,\n    bytes calldata signature,\n    uint256 expireTime,\n    uint256 sequenceId\n  ) private returns (address) {\n    address otherSigner = recoverAddressFromSignature(operationHash, signature);\n\n    // Verify if we are in safe mode. In safe mode, the wallet can only send to signers\n    require(!safeMode || isSigner(toAddress), \u0027External transfer in safe mode\u0027);\n\n    // Verify that the transaction has not expired\n    require(expireTime \u003e= block.timestamp, \u0027Transaction expired\u0027);\n\n    // Try to insert the sequence ID. Will revert if the sequence id was invalid\n    tryInsertSequenceId(sequenceId);\n\n    require(isSigner(otherSigner), \u0027Invalid signer\u0027);\n\n    require(otherSigner != msg.sender, \u0027Signers cannot be equal\u0027);\n\n    return otherSigner;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Irrevocably puts contract into safe mode. When in this mode, transactions may only be sent to signing addresses.\n   */\n  function activateSafeMode() external onlySigner {\n    safeMode = true;\n    SafeModeActivated(msg.sender);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets signer\u0027s address using ecrecover\n   * @param operationHash see Data Formats\n   * @param signature see Data Formats\n   * returns address recovered from the signature\n   */\n  function recoverAddressFromSignature(\n    bytes32 operationHash,\n    bytes memory signature\n  ) private pure returns (address) {\n    require(signature.length == 65, \u0027Invalid signature - wrong length\u0027);\n\n    // We need to unpack the signature, which is given as an array of 65 bytes (like eth.sign)\n    bytes32 r;\n    bytes32 s;\n    uint8 v;\n\n    // solhint-disable-next-line\n    assembly {\n      r := mload(add(signature, 32))\n      s := mload(add(signature, 64))\n      v := and(mload(add(signature, 65)), 255)\n    }\n    if (v \u003c 27) {\n      v += 27; // Ethereum versions are 27 or 28 as opposed to 0 or 1 which is submitted by some signing libs\n    }\n\n    // protect against signature malleability\n    // S value must be in the lower half orader\n    // reference:\n    require(\n      uint256(s) \u003c=\n        0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0,\n      \"ECDSA: invalid signature \u0027s\u0027 value\"\n    );\n\n    // note that this returns 0 if the signature is invalid\n    // Since 0x0 can never be a signer, when the recovered signer address\n    // is checked against our signer list, that 0x0 will cause an invalid signer failure\n    return ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Verify that the sequence id has not been used before and inserts it. Throws if the sequence ID was not accepted.\n   * We collect a window of up to 10 recent sequence ids, and allow any sequence id that is not in the window and\n   * greater than the minimum element in the window.\n   * @param sequenceId to insert into array of stored ids\n   */\n  function tryInsertSequenceId(uint256 sequenceId) private onlySigner {\n    // Keep a pointer to the lowest value element in the window\n    uint256 lowestValueIndex = 0;\n    // fetch recentSequenceIds into memory for function context to avoid unnecessary sloads\n    uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] memory _recentSequenceIds = recentSequenceIds;\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {\n      require(_recentSequenceIds[i] != sequenceId, \u0027Sequence ID already used\u0027);\n\n      if (_recentSequenceIds[i] \u003c _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex]) {\n        lowestValueIndex = i;\n      }\n    }\n\n    // The sequence ID being used is lower than the lowest value in the window\n    // so we cannot accept it as it may have been used before\n    require(\n      sequenceId \u003e _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex],\n      \u0027Sequence ID below window\u0027\n    );\n\n    // Block sequence IDs which are much higher than the lowest value\n    // This prevents people blocking the contract by using very large sequence IDs quickly\n    require(\n      sequenceId \u003c=\n        (_recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] + MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE),\n      \u0027Sequence ID above maximum\u0027\n    );\n\n    recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] = sequenceId;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the next available sequence ID for signing when using executeAndConfirm\n   * returns the sequenceId one higher than the highest currently stored\n   */\n  function getNextSequenceId() public view returns (uint256) {\n    uint256 highestSequenceId = 0;\n    for (uint256 i = 0; i \u003c SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {\n      if (recentSequenceIds[i] \u003e highestSequenceId) {\n        highestSequenceId = recentSequenceIds[i];\n      }\n    }\n    return highestSequenceId + 1;\n  }\n}\n"}}