ETH Price: $2,292.43 (-5.40%)

Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
Fail with error 'relay filled'
168917143869867 Block Confirmations
542 days ago (Mar-23-2023 05:27:35 PM UTC)

Transaction Action:


0x428AB2BA90Eba0a4Be7aF34C9Ac451ab061AC010 (Across Protocol: Relayer)
0x4D9079Bb4165aeb4084c526a32695dCfd2F77381 (Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 )
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted]

0 ETH ($0.00)
Transaction Fee:
0.030748505374696384 ETH $70.49
Gas Price:
41.341083034 Gwei (0.000000041341083034 ETH)
Ether Price:
$1,817.28 / ETH
Gas Limit & Usage by Txn:
1,453,055 | 743,776 (51.19%)
Gas Fees:
Base: 40.141083034 Gwei |Max: 198.448389705 Gwei |Max Priority: 1.2 Gwei
Burnt & Txn Savings Fees:
🔥 Burnt: 0.029855974174696384 ETH ($68.44)💸 Txn Savings: 0.116852644126529696 ETH ($267.88)

Other Attributes:
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559) Nonce: 116437 Position In Block: 64
Input Data:

Private Note:
To access the Private Note feature, you must be Logged In

The contract call From 0x428AB2BA...b061AC010 To 0x4D9079Bb...fd2F77381 produced 24 Internal Transactions

Type Trace Address From   To Value Gas Limit
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0x9E92fBd9...E43D52E271 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0x5852451c...C4a2f9E951 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Namepancakephd.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Nameyasincet.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0x6140F00e...885464cbB1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Nametradermitch.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0xFb90a65C...87ca251661 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0xF237ebc4...aE1eF20891 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Namekudah.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Namethunderbuddy007.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 ENS Nameethel290.eth1 wei2,300
call_0_1_1_1Wrapped Ether0x4D9079Bb...fd2F773811 wei2,300
call_0_1_1Across Protocol: Old Ethereum Spoke Pool V2 0x28b72eD5...0706E1FC21 wei2,300
Transaction Receipt Event Logs


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