This transaction involves a token without updated info. Verify its legitimacy before interacting with the token. Read more in our Knowledge Base .
Transaction Hash:
735 days ago (Feb-09-2023 04:14:35 AM UTC )
ERC-20 Tokens Transferred: 3
ERC-1155 Tokens Transferred: 21
Gas Price:
29. 672724461 Gwei (0. 000000029672724461 ETH)
Ether Price:
$1,545.78 / ETH
Gas Limit & Usage by Txn:
2,594,264 (62.39%)
Gas Fees:
Base: 24. 672724461 Gwei | Max: 49. 53 Gwei | Max Priority: 5 Gwei
Burnt & Txn Savings Fees:
🔥 Burnt: 0. 064007560851091704 ETH ($171.88) 💸 Txn Savings: 0. 051515015068908296 ETH ($138.34)
Other Attributes:
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 3104
Position In Block: 25
Input Data:
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The contract call From 0x7772881A...2963074b7 To 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf produced 96 Internal Transactions
Type Trace Address
Gas Limit
call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 3,822,852 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 3,744,987 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x697e3ea9...0386C3f72 0. 009999999999999999 ETH 3,631,973 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 AlphaSharks: Deployer 1 wei 3,621,836 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 011 ETH 3,686,108 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 011 ETH 3,616,778 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 hatrung.eth 0. 010999999999999999 ETH 3,507,736 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 AlphaSharks: Deployer 1 wei 3,500,060 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 011 ETH 3,582,108 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 011 ETH 3,514,366 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x96c8bed8...D8514Cb38 0. 01045 ETH 3,402,608 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 000275 ETH 3,392,471 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 000275 ETH 3,382,250 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 3,459,524 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 3,393,698 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x9d8A31Bb...2b3F0E4d1 0. 0095 ETH 3,286,287 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 3,278,611 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 3,270,851 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 3,344,323 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 3,280,297 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x44105cbe...9672094BA 0. 0095 ETH 3,174,658 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 3,166,981 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 3,159,222 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 0105 ETH 3,229,195 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf LooksRare: Exchange 0. 0105 ETH 3,162,619 call_0_1_1_1LooksRare: Exchange Wrapped Ether 0. 0105 ETH 3,097,762 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 2,974,717 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 2,916,466 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x89a5d5D2...30F63AE3a 0. 0095 ETH 2,816,511 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 2,808,835 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 2,801,075 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 2,859,516 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 2,803,065 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x48ACCb7E...55d53a4F0 0. 0095 ETH 2,704,882 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 2,697,206 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 2,689,446 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 0111 ETH 2,744,314 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 0111 ETH 2,689,663 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0xa3b11D1f...cE9b474eC 0. 010545 ETH 2,593,252 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 0002775 ETH 2,585,576 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 0002775 ETH 2,577,816 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 2,629,113 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 2,576,262 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0xD6A2799f...668Da9311 0. 0095 ETH 2,481,623 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 2,473,947 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 2,466,187 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 0114 ETH 2,513,912 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 0114 ETH 2,462,861 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 goenz.eth 0. 01083 ETH 2,369,994 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 000285 ETH 2,362,318 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 000285 ETH 2,354,558 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 011 ETH 2,398,710 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 011 ETH 2,349,459 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x0584DF7E...dff47F1D5 0. 01045 ETH 2,258,364 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 000275 ETH 2,250,688 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 000275 ETH 2,242,928 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 2,283,509 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 2,236,058 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 coumarin.eth 0. 0095 ETH 2,146,735 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 2,139,059 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 2,131,299 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 2,168,307 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 2,122,656 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0xCf4b59ED...b6dA20b17 0. 0095 ETH 2,035,105 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 2,027,429 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 2,019,669 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 0115 ETH 2,053,106 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 0115 ETH 2,009,255 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 nfape.eth 0. 010925 ETH 1,923,476 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 0002875 ETH 1,915,799 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 0002875 ETH 1,908,040 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 0109 ETH 1,937,905 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 0109 ETH 1,895,854 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0x32a6258A...eD4aec4b7 0. 010355 ETH 1,811,847 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 0002725 ETH 1,804,170 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 0002725 ETH 1,796,411 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 011 ETH 1,822,703 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 011 ETH 1,782,452 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 teos.eth 0. 01045 ETH 1,700,216 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 000275 ETH 1,692,540 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 000275 ETH 1,684,780 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 1,707,502 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 1,669,051 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 revrock.eth 0. 0095 ETH 1,588,587 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 1,580,911 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 1,573,151 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 01 ETH 1,592,300 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 01 ETH 1,555,649 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Naxeesi: Deployer 0. 0095 ETH 1,476,957 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 00025 ETH 1,469,281 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 00025 ETH 1,461,521 call_0_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf 0. 011 ETH 1,477,099 call_0_1_10x114E54a1...DBCc59aBf Seaport 1.1 0. 011 ETH 1,442,248 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 0xkns.eth 0. 01045 ETH 1,365,328 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 OpenSea: Fees 3 0. 000275 ETH 1,357,652 call_0_1_1_1Seaport 1.1 Project Z: Deployer 0. 000275 ETH 1,349,892
AA Txn Hash
Internal Txns
Token Txns
NFT Txns
Txn Fee (ETH)
Gas Limit
Transaction Receipt Event Logs
(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
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(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
Topics {
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(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
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(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
Topics {
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(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
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(LooksRare: Exchange)
Name TakerBid (bytes32 orderHash , uint256 orderNonce , index_topic_1 address taker , index_topic_2 address maker , index_topic_3 address strategy , address currency , address collection , uint256 tokenId , uint256 amount , uint256 price )View Source
Topics Data
(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
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(Seaport 1.1)
Name OrderFulfilled (bytes32 orderHash , index_topic_1 address offerer , index_topic_2 address zone , address recipient , tuple[] offer , tuple[] consideration )View Source
Topics {
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"internalType": "enumItemType",
"name": "itemType",
"type": "uint8"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "token",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "identifier",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "amount",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "addresspayable",
"name": "recipient",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "structReceivedItem[]",
"name": "consideration",
"type": "tuple[]"
"name": "OrderFulfilled",
"type": "event"
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A transaction is a cryptographically signed instruction that changes the blockchain state. Block explorers track the details of all transactions in the network. Learn more about transactions in our Knowledge Base .