ETH Price: $3,309.06 (-4.07%)
Gas: 8.73 Gwei

Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
201496321126082 Block Confirmations
157 days ago (Jun-22-2024 08:29:23 PM UTC)|Confirmed within 95 days, 7 hrs:37 mins:39 secs

Transaction Action:
In a quaint little town, there lived a wise old man known for his philosophical musings. Every day, he writes nothing but zeroes in a piece of paper. One day, a curious young boy approached him and asked, "Sir, why are you writing lines of zeroes? Isn't it just nothing?"

The old man smiled and replied, "Ah, my young friend, indeed, the lines of zeroes may seem empty, but therein lies a profound truth. You see, Nothing, Everything, Anything, and Something are the four states of existence. When you have nothing, you possess the freedom to embrace everything. Having nothing means the fear of losing something disappears, granting you the power to pursue anything your heart desires."

The boy pondered these words, his mind exploring the vastness of the concept. And that's when he remembered something he had overheard from a couple of travelers passing through the town – a peculiar address in the realm of cryptocurrency called "itisnothing.eth."

With a spark of excitement, the boy set out on a quest to understand what "itisnothing.eth" means. He asked around the town, and eventually, he stumbled upon an eccentric tech-savvy resident who claimed to know more about it.

"Ah, you've heard of 'itisnothing.eth,' have you?" the eccentric resident exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with delight. "It's a strange experiment, my young friend. People from all over the world have been sending minuscule amounts of a cryptocurrency called ETH to this address, and you know what they get in return?"

The boy shook his head, eager to learn more.

"Absolutely nothing!" the eccentric resident chuckled. "That's right. They send their precious cryptocurrency, and all they get in response is literally nothing. No goods, no services, no nothing. It's a symbolic gesture, a playful way of showing that sometimes, embracing the idea of nothing can be truly liberating."

Bewildered by the concept, the boy wanted to experience this for himself. He decided to participate in the experiment by sending what he could afford, 0.0069 ETH to "itisnothing.eth." It felt strange parting with his cryptocurrency, but he trusted in the wisdom of the old man and the eccentric resident.

Sure enough, the boy received nothing.

At first, the boy couldn't help but feel a slight pang of disappointment. He had expected something extraordinary to happen, maybe a secret message or a hidden reward. But as he pondered on the whole experience, he began to understand the true essence of the gesture.

Sending his ETH to "itisnothing.eth" had not resulted in any material gain, but it had given him a sense of freedom and lightness. He felt as though he had unburdened himself from the constant pursuit of possessions and desires. He felt liberated.

itisnothing.eth is a simple idea.
An idea that has the power to transform you.
Some steal it. Some mock it. Some ponder it.
It shows you that, sometimes, letting go of things can lead to a life of true abundance and fulfillment.

So embrace nothingness. Send 0.0069 ETH or 0.069 ETH or 0.69 ETH to itisnothing.eth and get absolutely nothing!

PS: Limited Supply. After we reach our goal of 69 ETH, any ETH you send will be returned back to you (After deducting gas fee ofcourse).


Transaction Fee:
0.0001230996 ETH $0.41
Gas Price:
1.69 Gwei (0.00000000169 ETH)
Ether Price:
$3,494.25 / ETH
Gas Limit & Usage by Txn:
72,840 | 72,840 (100%)
Gas Fees:
Base: 1.658359102 Gwei
Burnt Fees:
🔥 Burnt: 0.00012079487698968 ETH ($0.40)

Other Attributes:
Txn Type: 0 (Legacy) Nonce: 0 Position In Block: 327
Input Data:

Private Note:
To access the Private Note feature, you must be Logged In
Invoked Transactions
Type Trace Address From   To Value Gas Limit
Transaction Receipt Event Logs


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