ETH Price: $3,438.95 (-0.45%)
Gas: 7 Gwei

Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
19727605642884 Block Confirmations
89 days ago (Apr-24-2024 08:26:47 PM UTC)|Confirmed within 1 sec

Transaction Action:
Call Propose Function by ENS Namevengist.eth on 0x2BbEbFEC...AB2095862



0 ETH ($0.00)
Transaction Fee:
0.004654812149291476 ETH $16.01
Gas Price:
8.600305502 Gwei (0.000000008600305502 ETH)
Ether Price:
$3,139.10 / ETH
Gas Limit & Usage by Txn:
552,165 | 541,238 (98.02%)
Gas Fees:
Base: 8.599335502 Gwei |Max: 11.933479328 Gwei |Max Priority: 0.00097 Gwei
Burnt & Txn Savings Fees:
🔥 Burnt: 0.004654287148431476 ETH ($16.01)💸 Txn Savings: 0.001804040335236588 ETH ($6.20)

Other Attributes:
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559) Nonce: 1830 Position In Block: 152
Input Data:

Private Note:
To access the Private Note feature, you must be Logged In
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Transaction Receipt Event Logs

ProposalCreated (uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, string description)View Source

  • 0 0x7d84a6263ae0d98d3329bd7b46bb4e8d6f98cd35a7adb45c274c8b7fd5ebd5e0
  • id :40
  • proposer :0xd26a3F686D43f2A62BA9eaE2ff77e9f516d945B9
  • targets :0x025f9B5801C94615380500C91Fa99Ea8Da4BbE91
  • values :5000000000000000000
  • signatures :
  • calldatas :
  • startBlock :19747543
  • endBlock :19774128
  • description :# HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine ## Overview: Hyperactive Public Goods Funding (HPGF) is a fusion of some of the most innovative elements of the public goods space. The flow finds synergy between prospective crowdfunding, impact tracking and evaluation, and the participatory retroactive public goods funding mechanisms developed by the Optimism community, fusing them by way of rigorous impact validation strategies and other open peer review processes. The goal of HPGF is to generate a virtuous cycle that, over time, will cohere enough to attract large pools of capital into the markets whose terminus is not profit extraction, but rather the judgment of impact by open process and participatory bodies interested in the flourishing of prosocial enterprises. As it stands, this flow is only recently coming into shape. Because it's born from a concert of already complex and ambitious initiatives, the flow has a high risk of remaining inaccessible or even incoherent to the communities most in need of its innovation - indeed, at this point in development the acccessiblity and coherence of the flow is a question even for the builders shaping it. The HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine (ESM) is a workgroup dedicated to solving this problem by locating friction points where focused efforts in one domain (e.g., user onboarding) generate reciprocal clarity and coherence across the entire HPGF project ecosystem. Our work focuses on mending some of the natural fragmentation in the current public goods space, generating bridges not just between siloed web3 teams but between the public goods community and those communities outside of the web3 space that would benefit from their mechanisms immediately. Our first community of concentration in this effort is what we call the global investigative commons - that is, the journalists, researchers and data scientists that navigate the uncertain terrain of finding truth outside of the sanction of nation-states and private enterprise. The parallel interests as well as the incidental convergence represented by this community's funding crisis make it an excellent first choice to stage our efforts, but the onboarding, concierging and explanatory work it will demand is sure to generate positive externalities that will extend far beyond journalism. Our workgroup is thus most concerned with finding the interventions that are most animated by mutual alignment and a shared problem space in order to develop HPGF Ecosystem Support output that has multidimensional benefit. --- ### Impact and Deliverables - HPGF Meta Flow - Bespoke Reciprocal Concierge Services - Technical and User Experience Documentation: - Protocol Experience and Editorial Content - Collaboration with JournoDAO - Community Engagement with Global Investigative Commons: Our aspiration extends beyond the immediate project outcomes, encompassing a desire to share our learnings and successes with a diverse audience that spans both Web3 enthusiasts and real-world communities. This endeavor is geared towards maximizing the societal impact of all our efforts, ensuring that the benefits of hyperactive public goods funding are accessible, relevant, and responsive to a wide demographic. More detail here: ## Ask From discussion in the forum, we're splitting our 10 eth ask into two tranches. This proposal requests the first 5 eth to begin accelerating our efforts. At an approximate 2 month checkin point, we will submit a proposal requesting the remaining 5 eth. Below are some milestones we aim to meet by then, on our way to full completion of our first HPGF cycle. - educational website of the HPGF ecosystem, with clear paths to action for those inside the ecosystem as well as impact creators on the outside. At this point it would still mostly be legible to insiders, the first step before taking it the outside and refining along with their direct needs. - progress on setting up an rpgf round for impact journalism. - progress on helping journoDAO bootstrap a long term org/foundation to steward future funding rounds and support for journalists onboarding into the ecosystem - likely a few other outputs could be shared as well that emerge along the way, such as hypercerts minted, reviews, editorial content, etc


ProposalCreatedWithRequirements (uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, uint256 proposalThreshold, uint256 quorumVotes, string description)View Source

  • 0 0x6af0134faa0f9290c1d686d55012aca80302d31d5c856e4bc7954f7613dc7f87
  • id :40
  • proposer :0xd26a3F686D43f2A62BA9eaE2ff77e9f516d945B9
  • targets :0x025f9B5801C94615380500C91Fa99Ea8Da4BbE91
  • values :5000000000000000000
  • signatures :
  • calldatas :
  • startBlock :19747543
  • endBlock :19774128
  • proposalThreshold :2
  • quorumVotes :24
  • description :# HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine ## Overview: Hyperactive Public Goods Funding (HPGF) is a fusion of some of the most innovative elements of the public goods space. The flow finds synergy between prospective crowdfunding, impact tracking and evaluation, and the participatory retroactive public goods funding mechanisms developed by the Optimism community, fusing them by way of rigorous impact validation strategies and other open peer review processes. The goal of HPGF is to generate a virtuous cycle that, over time, will cohere enough to attract large pools of capital into the markets whose terminus is not profit extraction, but rather the judgment of impact by open process and participatory bodies interested in the flourishing of prosocial enterprises. As it stands, this flow is only recently coming into shape. Because it's born from a concert of already complex and ambitious initiatives, the flow has a high risk of remaining inaccessible or even incoherent to the communities most in need of its innovation - indeed, at this point in development the acccessiblity and coherence of the flow is a question even for the builders shaping it. The HPGF Ecosystem Support Machine (ESM) is a workgroup dedicated to solving this problem by locating friction points where focused efforts in one domain (e.g., user onboarding) generate reciprocal clarity and coherence across the entire HPGF project ecosystem. Our work focuses on mending some of the natural fragmentation in the current public goods space, generating bridges not just between siloed web3 teams but between the public goods community and those communities outside of the web3 space that would benefit from their mechanisms immediately. Our first community of concentration in this effort is what we call the global investigative commons - that is, the journalists, researchers and data scientists that navigate the uncertain terrain of finding truth outside of the sanction of nation-states and private enterprise. The parallel interests as well as the incidental convergence represented by this community's funding crisis make it an excellent first choice to stage our efforts, but the onboarding, concierging and explanatory work it will demand is sure to generate positive externalities that will extend far beyond journalism. Our workgroup is thus most concerned with finding the interventions that are most animated by mutual alignment and a shared problem space in order to develop HPGF Ecosystem Support output that has multidimensional benefit. --- ### Impact and Deliverables - HPGF Meta Flow - Bespoke Reciprocal Concierge Services - Technical and User Experience Documentation: - Protocol Experience and Editorial Content - Collaboration with JournoDAO - Community Engagement with Global Investigative Commons: Our aspiration extends beyond the immediate project outcomes, encompassing a desire to share our learnings and successes with a diverse audience that spans both Web3 enthusiasts and real-world communities. This endeavor is geared towards maximizing the societal impact of all our efforts, ensuring that the benefits of hyperactive public goods funding are accessible, relevant, and responsive to a wide demographic. More detail here: ## Ask From discussion in the forum, we're splitting our 10 eth ask into two tranches. This proposal requests the first 5 eth to begin accelerating our efforts. At an approximate 2 month checkin point, we will submit a proposal requesting the remaining 5 eth. Below are some milestones we aim to meet by then, on our way to full completion of our first HPGF cycle. - educational website of the HPGF ecosystem, with clear paths to action for those inside the ecosystem as well as impact creators on the outside. At this point it would still mostly be legible to insiders, the first step before taking it the outside and refining along with their direct needs. - progress on setting up an rpgf round for impact journalism. - progress on helping journoDAO bootstrap a long term org/foundation to steward future funding rounds and support for journalists onboarding into the ecosystem - likely a few other outputs could be shared as well that emerge along the way, such as hypercerts minted, reviews, editorial content, etc


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