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- ERC-20 Tokens (78)12,000 DIVADiva Token (DIVA)1,765,374.23681348 GASGas DAO (GAS)$1.05@0.001 MKT2MakersTokenV... (MKT2)71.48674092 veCRVVote-escrowe... (veCRV)3.7285864 BADGERBadger (BADGER)$13.94@3.7443,255.22885003 BAOBaoToken (BAO)$0.03@0.000.0000006 CREAMCream (CREAM)$0.00@15.518,697 RADARDappRadar (RADAR)$43.39@0.00533.33 DGMVDigiMetavers... (DGMV)$0.27@0.0080 eETHether.fi ETH (eETH)$0.00@3,519.57200 FOXFOX (FOX)$13.85@0.0692116.81359205 BLANKGoBlank Toke... (BLANK)$1.54@0.013110 HOPHop (HOP)$0.16@0.01570.00608894 IMXImpermax (IMX)6,048.8279592 MARS4MARS4 (MARS4)$3.15@0.0005142.96538508 MEMEMemecoin (MEME)$1.62@0.011310 SDLSaddle DAO (SDL)610.265 DVTSafeStake Ne... (DVT)$23.15@0.03792,463.97546 SHFTShyft [ Wrap... (SHFT)$2.58@0.00195.60920549 xSUSHISushiBar (xSUSHI)$235.20@2.463.22165978 SUSHISushiToken (SUSHI)$5.41@1.68137 THALESThales DAO T... (THALES)$27.52@0.200916.47540615 UNIUniswap (UNI)$242.02@14.6933,388,515 XENXEN Crypto (XEN)$6.17@0.00250.45418848 XTKxToken (XTK)$0.02@0.00010.0220699 yvYFIYFI yVault (yvYFI)5 ACXAcross Proto... (ACX)$2.94@0.58710.1 BLURBlur (BLUR)$2.88@0.28560.08350086 COMPCompound (COMP)$7.52@90.031.95465894 DAIDai Stableco... (DAI)$1.95@0.9999301.55869076 PENDLE-LPTPendle Marke... (PENDLE...)1.00673206 stkAAVEStaked Aave (stkAAV...)$340.02@337.751.000842 USDCUSDC (USDC)$1.00@1.00216.60738018 YT-USD0++-31OCT2024YT USD0++ 31... (YT-USD...)20,620 ATIMEAdventure Time12,650 AMRAutoMinter93.75175894 XFOLDERC-20: DOMO... (XFOLD)0.10049431 LQIDETHFIV1Ether.fi-Liquid1304.16666667 FXYERC-20: FXY (FXY)0.00002444 IBYERC-20: I Be... (IBY)20 xICHIIchiStake0.37745702 iCOMP-27ERC-20: Impe... (iCOMP-...)0.01274231ERC20 ***0.00275268 iIMX-9ERC-20: Impe... (iIMX-9)0.00900284 iMATIC-28ERC-20: Impe... (iMATIC...)0.00006878 iUNI-8ERC-20: Impe... (iUNI-8)0ERC20 ***0ERC20 ***0.00000487 iWETH-7ERC-20: Impe... (iWETH-...)0.00000001 OBIRDERC-20: Olim... (OBIRD)395,900 Claim on: orderly-airdrop.comERC-20: Orde... (Claim ...)1.72347546 ORDEROrderly Network$0.37@0.21491 Otherside Raffle Token OTHRVERSE.xyzERC-20: Othe... (Others...)264.71366805 PALPaladin Token$31.99@0.120839,361.54296653 DDDDERC-20: Peop... (DDDD)2,155 vPYMEERC-20: Pyme... (vPYME)3,000 ROCKSERC-20: Rock... (ROCKS)2,463.97536 SHFTShyft [ Byfrost ]11,192.30808703 sTKNFYERC-20: sTok... (sTKNFY)137 THALESThales Token2,334.5124905 Staked IMXERC-20: xIMX (Staked...)10,000 XONEERC-20: XONE (XONE)10 RAZERaze Network$0.01@0.001603.30611752 SunderSunder Goverance Token1.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]800 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]4,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]920.8164 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,238,240 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,750 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]9,813 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]350 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]300,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]250,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]1,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]9,283 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]100 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]298,131 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (178)ALAbstractLootx2ERC-721LOOTLootERC-721MLOOTMore Lootx2ERC-721TMPLTTemplateERC-721TCLHTimeCatsLoveEmHateEmERC-721WOCWavesOnChainERC-721BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721BFBlankFacex2ERC-721CAPSULECapsuleERC-721CHFChubbiverse FrensERC-721CMMINTCryptoMorphMintx3ERC-721FL0fl00rsx2ERC-721FOXYFoxyFamx2ERC-721HLOOTHyperLootERC-721Nightmare Imp TricksERC-1155Noox Badgex2ERC-1155OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx7ERC-1155RARIRaribleERC-1155SLGStreetlab GenesisERC-721MERGETheMergeERC-721WANDERERWanderersx2ERC-721ZPR_NFTZapper NFTx5ERC-1155ZPR NFTZapper NFT V2ERC-1155ENSEthereum Name ServiceERC-721ERC-1155ERC-1155!fundrop StickersERC-11551337skulls1337 skullsx3ERC-721LAX3am in LAx10ERC-721claim rewards on aavetoken.netaavetoken.netERC-1155SCOREAbility Scorex12ERC-721ADRAlpha Dog Runx10ERC-721APE Uniswap V3 Positions LimitedAPE Uniswap V3 Positions LimitedERC-1155KEYCARDApplied Primate EngineeringERC-721EQUIPMENTAppliedPrimate EquipmentERC-721ATPArctic Tools PassERC-721B-BRNBaby Burn: OpenSea Redeemable Examplex20ERC-721BOBABY OBEYx15ERC-721BALAPARTY THIRTEEN THIRTY SEVEN TWENTY TWENTY THREBALAPARTY THIRTEEN THIRTY SEVEN TWENTY TWENTY 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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToTransfer 21359395 2024-12-08 17:54:11 12 days ago 1733680451 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00067999 10.09069943 Claim 21290728 2024-11-29 3:39:35 22 days ago 1732851575 OUT 0.0001205 ETH$0.42 0.00246327 5.01206759 Approve 21256571 2024-11-24 9:00:11 26 days ago 1732438811 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00041454 9 Transfer 21255802 2024-11-24 6:25:47 27 days ago 1732429547 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00036773 7.85589176 Claim And Lock 21255783 2024-11-24 6:21:59 27 days ago 1732429319 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00083227 8.5 Transfer From 21241044 2024-11-22 5:00:23 29 days ago 1732251623 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00030737 8.87611571 Approve 21241040 2024-11-22 4:59:35 29 days ago 1732251575 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00040027 8.6469969 Migrate Batch 21040590 2024-10-25 5:38:59 57 days ago 1729834739 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00027559 3.98261497 Transfer 21017848 2024-10-22 1:30:23 60 days ago 1729560623 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00036287 6 Claim 21017750 2024-10-22 1:10:23 60 days ago 1729559423 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00040369 5.46032161 0x8132b321 21017748 2024-10-22 1:09:59 60 days ago 1729559399 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00065137 5.35975496 Claim And Lock 21017742 2024-10-22 1:08:47 60 days ago 1729559327 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00053344 5.73990276 Complete Queued ... 21017724 2024-10-22 1:05:11 60 days ago 1729559111 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00113096 5.70474181 Queue Withdrawal... 20905762 2024-10-06 9:57:59 75 days ago 1728208679 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00065486 5.77993601 Claim 20905762 2024-10-06 9:57:59 75 days ago 1728208679 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00066244 5.77993601 Add Liquidity Si... 20618620 2024-08-27 8:07:11 115 days ago 1724746031 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000304 0.7178289 Approve 20618543 2024-08-27 7:51:47 115 days ago 1724745107 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00004089 0.79541557 Mint With Permit 20618511 2024-08-27 7:45:23 115 days ago 1724744723 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00010996 0.81 Swap Exact Amoun... 20618493 2024-08-27 7:41:47 115 days ago 1724744507 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0001688 0.79517776 Approve 20618488 2024-08-27 7:40:47 115 days ago 1724744447 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00004497 0.81 Transfer 20616089 2024-08-26 23:37:23 116 days ago 1724715443 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00003838 0.74368671 Claim Rewards 20616057 2024-08-26 23:30:47 116 days ago 1724715047 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00010419 0.87689618 Deposit Tokens 20545568 2024-08-17 3:09:47 126 days ago 1723864187 OUT 0.00032 ETH$1.12 0.00075094 0.91 Set Approval For... 20545564 2024-08-17 3:08:59 126 days ago 1723864139 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0000438 0.94688364 Exit Ship 20543264 2024-08-16 19:24:59 126 days ago 1723836299 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00069495 1 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo20351963 2024-07-21 2:35:59 153 days ago 1721529359 1 wei$0.00 20304772 2024-07-14 12:34:11 159 days ago 1720960451 0.04013384 ETH$140.87 19703231 2024-04-21 10:37:59 243 days ago 1713695879 0.101 ETH$354.50 19482594 2024-03-21 10:57:59 274 days ago 1711018679 0.197 ETH$691.45 19095609 2024-01-27 4:42:59 329 days ago 1706330579 0.0000168 ETH$0.06 18797741 2023-12-16 9:29:47 370 days ago 1702718987 0.1041712 ETH$365.63 18543805 2023-11-10 20:03:23 406 days ago 1699646603 0.162184 ETH$569.25 18348123 2023-10-14 10:47:47 433 days ago 1697280467 0.1308 ETH$459.10 18238036 2023-09-29 1:14:47 449 days ago 1695950087 0.06 ETH$210.59 18182191 2023-09-21 5:31:47 457 days ago 1695274307 0.05 ETH$175.50 17876947 2023-08-09 11:07:59 499 days ago 1691579279 0.052185 ETH$183.16 17809462 2023-07-31 0:38:23 509 days ago 1690763903 0.105 ETH$368.54 17571594 2023-06-27 15:32:23 542 days ago 1687879943 0.0396606 ETH$139.21 17476626 2023-06-14 7:12:47 555 days ago 1686726767 0.06 ETH$210.59 17419605 2023-06-06 6:22:11 564 days ago 1686032531 0.15204186 ETH$533.65 17387270 2023-06-01 16:53:23 568 days ago 1685638403 0.015288 ETH$53.66 17196281 2023-05-05 18:41:35 595 days ago 1683312095 0.026 ETH$91.26 17032655 2023-04-12 14:56:35 618 days ago 1681311395 0.0197806 ETH$69.43 17004430 2023-04-08 15:01:23 622 days ago 1680966083 0.0539 ETH$189.18 17004267 2023-04-08 14:27:59 622 days ago 1680964079 0.0496006 ETH$174.09 16999808 2023-04-07 23:19:11 623 days ago 1680909551 0.247506 ETH$868.72 16760804 2023-03-05 7:45:59 656 days ago 1678002359 0.019 ETH$66.69 16747383 2023-03-03 10:26:11 658 days ago 1677839171 0.0235305 ETH$82.59 16736806 2023-03-01 22:42:35 660 days ago 1677710555 0.097412 ETH$341.91 16723218 2023-02-28 0:52:11 662 days ago 1677545531 0.053676 ETH$188.40 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value BASE 21.80% $0.295158 4,677.4 $1,380.57 BASE 3.56% $3,507.7 0.0642 $225.31 BASE 3.31% $0.083713 2,501.581 $209.41 BASE 0.96% $6.06 10.0647 $60.99 BASE 0.56% $2.23 15.8124 $35.26 BASE 0.37% <$0.000001 602,661,182 $23.14 BASE 0.12% $0.00419 1,812.631 $7.6 BASE 0.06% $0.037918 100 $3.79 BASE 0.05% $0.000045 74,867.5573 $3.38 BASE 0.02% $0.011666 100 $1.17 BASE 0.01% $0.000204 4,000 $0.8145 BASE 0.01% $0.035174 19.9 $0.6999 BASE <0.01% $0.200343 2.8192 $0.5647 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 44,404,440 $0.4573 BASE <0.01% $0.02896 5 $0.1448 ZKSYNC 18.68% $0.195607 6,045.0075 $1,182.45 ZKSYNC 1.02% $3,509.91 0.0184 $64.44 ZKSYNC 0.09% $0.999221 5.8756 $5.87 OP 12.96% $1.97 416.5674 $820.43 OP 4.65% $2.19 134.3879 $294.31 OP 0.99% $3,507.69 0.0179 $62.74 OP 0.94% $0.981577 60.9374 $59.81 OP 0.04% $0.001973 1,422 $2.81 OP 0.03% $0.015666 104.4663 $1.64 OP <0.01% $0.481855 1.2647 $0.6093 ETH 5.37% $337.75 1.0067 $340.02 ETH 3.82% $14.69 16.4754 $242.02 ETH 3.71% $2.46 95.6092 $235.2 ETH Ether (ETH)2.31% $3,509.91 0.0418 $146.54 ETH 0.69% $0.004989 8,697 $43.39 ETH 0.51% $0.120839 264.7137 $31.99 ETH 0.43% $0.200891 137 $27.52 ETH 0.37% $0.03793 610.265 $23.15 ETH 0.22% $3.74 3.7286 $13.94 ETH 0.22% $0.069248 200 $13.85 ETH 0.12% $90.03 0.0835 $7.52 ETH 0.10% <$0.000001 33,388,515 $6.17 ETH 0.09% $1.68 3.2217 $5.41 ETH 0.05% $0.000521 6,048.828 $3.15 ETH 0.05% $0.587047 5 $2.94 ETH 0.05% $0.28558 10.1 $2.88 ETH 0.04% $0.001047 2,463.9755 $2.58 ETH 0.03% $0.999852 1.9547 $1.95 ETH 0.03% $0.011322 142.9654 $1.62 ETH 0.02% $0.013141 116.8136 $1.54 ETH 0.02% $0.000001 1,765,374.2368 $1.05 ETH 0.02% $1 1.0008 $1 ETH <0.01% $0.214943 1.7235 $0.3704 ETH <0.01% $0.007992 33.33 $0.2663 ETH <0.01% $0.01572 10 $0.1571 ARB 1.40% $3,509.09 0.0253 $88.84 ARB 1.32% $0.827818 101.1473 $83.73 ARB 0.01% $0.998967 0.8001 $0.7993 ARB 0.01% $0.46208 1.5029 $0.6944 ARB <0.01% $0.998869 0.3021 $0.3017 ARB <0.01% $24.12 0.0107 $0.2588 ARB <0.01% $0.028885 5 $0.1444 FTM 1.35% $0.637152 134.5289 $85.72 FTM 0.39% $1.08 23.1064 $24.97 TAIKO 1.37% $1.83 47.57 $87.05 TAIKO 0.31% $3,509.91 0.00565997 $19.87 TAIKO 0.03% $3,550.69 0.000509 $1.81 SCROLL 1.11% $3,509.91 0.02 $70.03 SCROLL 0.19% $1.16 10.5803 $12.27 SCROLL <0.01% $0.096137 4.8456 $0.4658 BSC 0.74% $0.194771 239.6846 $46.68 BSC 0.18% $689.68 0.0162 $11.2 BSC 0.11% <$0.000001 39,388,220 $7.27 BSC 0.06% $0.001047 3,636.36 $3.81 BSC 0.05% $0.007332 452 $3.31 BSC 0.05% $0.011267 292 $3.29 BSC 0.03% $0.000011 156,250 $1.79 BSC 0.02% $0.004151 341 $1.42 BSC 0.01% $0.01288 51.3125 $0.6608 BSC <0.01% $0.670749 0.625 $0.4191 BSC <0.01% $0.993855 0.3966 $0.3941 BSC <0.01% $9.67 0.0185 $0.1792 LINEA 0.80% $3,509.91 0.0145 $50.91 LINEA 0.02% $0.000277 3,763.753 $1.04 ARBNOVA 0.49% $3,509.33 0.0089014 $31.24 AVAX 0.33% $41.55 0.5096 $21.17 MANTLE 0.14% $1.18 7.2717 $8.58 MANTLE 0.09% $0.02783 213.4952 $5.94 MANTLE 0.06% $1.32 2.7598 $3.64 BLAST 0.28% $3,508.96 0.0050553 $17.74 FRAXTAL 0.28% $3,512.5 0.004999 $17.56 OPBNB 0.09% $689.8 0.0079719 $5.5 POL 0.05% $0.515521 6.6643 $3.44 POL 0.02% $0.999351 1 $0.9993 POL <0.01% $0.00124 250 $0.3099 ZKEVM 0.02% $0.997923 1.2321 $1.23 GNO <0.01% $1 0.2553 $0.255271 WEMIX <0.01% $0.926749 0.0644 $0.059667 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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