ETH Price: $3,389.27 (-1.55%)
Gas: 2 Gwei


For 0x0b07f4bb645d8244e31c6545634116efcc077c40
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
Transaction Hash
Buy Authorised 16019912 2022-11-21 17:34:23585 days ago1669052063
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.2 ETH 0.0015463423.18288182
Fulfill Basic Or... 15686571 2022-10-06 4:06:59632 days ago1665029219
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.0109 ETH 0.000366017
Fulfill Basic Or... 15684075 2022-10-05 19:45:35632 days ago1664999135
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.0183 ETH 0.001255113.75784877
Withdraw 15650906 2022-10-01 4:24:59637 days ago1664598299
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0 ETH 0.000159566.72383345
Fulfill Basic Or... 15229101 2022-07-28 5:29:50702 days ago1658986190
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0 ETH 0.000466728.89200127
Fulfill Basic Or... 15174967 2022-07-19 19:28:18710 days ago1658258898
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.648 ETH 0.0008416416.10125678
Atomic Match_ 14182056 2022-02-11 2:26:58869 days ago1644546418
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.01 ETH 0.02447597.9
Atomic Match_ 13465366 2021-10-22 4:35:16981 days ago1634877316
ENS Namebourne2invest.eth
OUT 0.089 ETH 0.0037633949
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